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Chapter Two: Arrival of Vertragus

All around the shuttle cruiser, there were small buildings and homes built to the scale of the centimeter tall Lillitopians. There were hillsides in the distance, and small aqueducts stretched from the hillsides to the lower elevations, and into the distance.

"We need to assess the situation," said Penn, "and weigh our options."

"Maybe there are some Lillitopians who have skills that can help us," said Felicity.

"They're all criminals," said Sapphire, "I doubt any of them have an I.Q. over 85!"

"From what I've read about this place," said Penn, "every ten years or so there is big news about a scientist getting banished here. If we could find one, they could help us repair the shuttle cruiser!"

Just then, from among the tiny structures littering the landscape, emerged a Lillitopian.

"Hi up there!" he said, waving. "I'm Vertragus, a scientist sent here for treason! I tried to start a revolution against the monarchy."

"Should we have heard of you before?" Mace asked, as all the cadets exited the shuttle cruiser.

"I got sentenced about fifteen years ago!" said Vertragus, "so you probably weren't even born yet!"

"You would dare to speak to the gods?" said Sapphire, as she reached down and grabbed Vertragus. "For your insolence, I banish you to my belly, where you will feel eternal torment and chaos!" Sapphire stuck Vertragus into her mouth, and Mace pulled out his cell phone, and began filming.

"I'll record you swallowing him, Sapphire!" said Mace.

Penn reached into Sapphire's mouth and grabbed Vertragus before she could swallow.

"We need him!" said Penn. "He's a scientist, you don't want to stay stuck here forever, do you?"

"Actually, that wouldn't be too bad," Sapphire replied. "Who wouldn't want to rule as a deity?"

"I wouldn't," said Penn. "I just want to get us home as soon as possible!"

"I wouldn't either," said Felicity. "Vertragus, what is your area of knowledge?"

Penn held Vertagus at shoulder level so the other cadets could easily see him.

"I have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, and a masters in quantum physics."

"Can you repair our shuttle?" Penn asked.

"I'll have to take a look," said Vertagus.

"I noticed some aqueducts," said Penn. "With that biogenic field rendering you immortal, you don't need food or water, so why were they built?"

"When I first arrived here," said Vertragus, "the Lillitopians were primitive. They were at a Bronze Age level of existence. I got them to build aqueducts to channel water into generators so we could harness electricity."

Penn took Vertragus inside the shuttle cruiser, and placed him on the control console. For about an hour, Penn did as Vertragus instructed, and found out what was wrong with the shuttle cruiser.

"It's your navigation computer," said Vertragus. "It's completely fried, likely by some kind of a computer virus. Somebody didn't want you to complete your original mission!"

"What can we do?" Penn asked.

"If we construct an artificial wormhole generator," said Vertragus, "and siphoned some power and computer functions from the shuttle cruiser, we should be able to send you home, only moments after you left. Some of your onboard computers are still functioning."

"How long will that take?" Penn asked.

"It depends on how many Lillitopians help us," said Vertragus. "We have some copper mines, and we have some surplus copper, but we also need platinum and gold for the circuitry of the wormhole generator."

"How can we acquire the elements we need?" Penn asked.

"This shuttle cruiser is equipped with advanced sensors that can locate mineral deposits anywhere on Lillitopia." said Vertragus. "It's just a matter of sending people there and digging it up, and returning with those minerals."

"If we had all the help you needed, how long would it take?" Penn asked.

"If I reverse engineer your shuttle cruiser," said Vertragus, "and we worked around the clock, I could have a functioning artificial wormhole generator up and running in less than a week!"

The other cadets were paying attention to what Vertragus had said to Penn. Everyone seemed happy except Mace and Sapphire.

To Be Continued!

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