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Author's Chapter Notes:

I wanted to continue from the Main Character's perspective. I had to stop myself from telling it from other's in this chapter. Hopefully it made it a good read. Please let me know what you all think. A few more chapters to go for this story. 

“My goodness, you’re so pathetic. Just do us all a favor and die already…” Rachel said to Caleb as she watched him try and pleasure her pussy with his stubs that now made up his hands.


Caleb was an emotionless and almost dead human being at this point. Anything she did to him, or made him do, didn’t even register. She used to get a thrill when she made him eat her ass out. She’d drop him in the toilet or squeeze him out of her ass into it, then relieve herself on him. She used to get supreme satisfaction when he was holding back the need to hurl. Now, he was just doing what she said. The only thing she couldn’t get him to do was admit to his crime and beg for death.


“I’m sorry…” He responded to her order as he continued to pleasure her.


It wasn’t that he wasn’t doing a good job. He was doing the same as he usually did. Sure, without hands it was harder, but he still knew how to get the right response from any sexual organ, male or female. This was not hard. It was the lack of emotion that got to Rachel. If he didn’t care about doing something, it took the fun out of it for her. He needed to suffer, and he wasn’t suffering anymore. He was dead by every definition that mattered except one, him still breathing.


“Whatever…” She said, the just grabbed him and thrust him into her. She got off like she usually did with him, then threw him aside on the bed. “Clean yourself off and clean the edges of the place today.”


“Yes Ma’am…” He answered, got up and went to do as he was told.


She watched him go over to a basin full of the soap she put for him to clean off. It was designed for giantesses, not humans. She had the chemical guy at work alter it so it cleaned him, didn’t kill him, but made it as painful as possible. She watched him get in without hesitation, wash himself off, then get out and get to work. No pain, no pleasure, just nothing but blind obedience.


“I so have to kill you soon.” She muttered, but was waiting for one thing in particular. She was preparing for doing what she wanted, what she knew would get him to give in finally. She just needed to be patient about it. She then got up and started getting ready. When she was, she left and went to work, leaving him to the task she gave him.


He worked hard and completed the task early. He than sat down, looked around, then went under the couch. He then when out, when under a few areas and did some work, then back to that area with a bag to collect crumbs and trash. Once he put them aside, he went to where he hid the tablet, and started to work on it.


In the two weeks since losing his hands. He had only one thing that was keeping him going, other than his parents’ voices in his head… which now included Rachel and Audrey. That one thing was this project he had going. It was a tiring process with his hands the way they were. But he was able to make do with his feet and toes. Some other things he used his mouth and teeth for. It took longer, but he was making progress. He didn’t take any joy in it like before though. It was just something to focus on. He had a task, something he could put his mind to, and he did. He had a working model now, just working on the programing and light tweaks.


He knew when Rachel usually got back from her day, and started working as she came back. Every once in a while he would walk around with his bag and collect trash and things from the room to throw away. Rachel then would come home and have him pamper her. She would then use him to get off, as an ass wipe, general amusement, then give him something else to do as she slept, then repeat.


One thing he noticed was that she had stopped brushing her teeth. It was weird, as she usually was a freak about that. He noticed a few times that her teeth were turning a certain kind of yellow and her breath was becoming rank when she would breath over him when talking. She’d lick him every once in a while to get him slick for his nightly and morning journey inside her. He saliva was almost worse smelling that her ass that she shoved him in. A vast contrast to what she used to prize herself in. The only thing he thought of as a reason, was it was just one more thing that she was doing to make him suffer.


Finally, he had what he needed on the tablet, and so he waited for her to leave for work that day. However, he mistakenly let loose some of his pent up hope for the situation. He wasn’t hopeful about being free if he could arrange it. Wasn’t hopeful that they would believe him finally, or reconcile with him. No, the only hope he had was that his work would mean something, then he would be perfectly fine with dying. But he had been very careful about showing that to Rachel. She was just looking for something to crush, and this was it.


“Why aren’t you in a good mood this morning…?” Rachel said as she was heading out the door.


Caleb froze, readjusted and looked at her with his normal blank look. He had let himself slip, damn. This was his big day too. ‘Just leave, please leave. All I need is today. Kill me later, but give me today.’ He said to himself, wishing for her to leave him.


He thought about how the tables had turned. He remembered when he used to beg for her to take him with her to work. Since he worked with her, it was easily accommodated, but all day was not. Being around her used to bring him so much happiness. Now, if he had one wish, it would be to never see another giantess again. He stood up straight for her, as he was now required to do that when she was talking to him. Something about making sure he was paying attention or something like that.


“Stay that way, all day. I have something special planned for you tonight. I’ll even give you the day off, not that you’ll do anything with it, but be as happy as you can. Because I will be crushing it out of you once and for all tonight.” She instructed with an evil like smirk, full with intent. Caleb had no doubt that she had something planned that could deliver on her statement. “I can’t wait. Tonight is the night you beg for death.”


“Yes Ma’am…” he responded, looking blankly at her. She smiled at herself as she thought about something, then headed out the door. It had been a while, but he got chills as she did so. He’d been so turned off after losing his hands that nothing she did registered with him anymore. Good or bad, he was now emotionless with her. No matter what she did, he didn’t react to it other than what she ordered him to do. But her statement and attitude had made him shiver for the first time in weeks.


As soon as he heard the automatic lock engage, he ran over to his spot under the couch. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but he knew that she wasn’t opposed to coming home early to punish or play with him. With the whole world against him, her work would allow it if she was this excited about doing it. He needed to do what he was planning as quickly as possible.


He got to the space where the tablet was, and turned it on. He had to be careful. He had wrote a macro, that would turn it off every few minutes to time lag the time he needed. Instead of 17 minutes, he would be getting a few hours. With the loss of his hands, he would need the extra time. He then worked on his plan.


He was easily able to blow through his old firewalls. The giantesses had modified it, but it was still the same as what he created, and he knew every way to break into it. He search for digital footprints of the hacker from before. It took a while, but he found them. He had to give this hacker credit,  they were good. But something about this just didn’t seem right. It was deceptively easy.


It wasn’t easy enough for anyone else but him to find, but compared to what he was expecting, it was easy to find the evidence he was looking for. He had assumed that it would be VERY hard to find after months of covering their tracks. But this was all just there for him to find, after a certain point. After another shutdown, he found what he needed, then got to the last file. It was a video file, addressed to him. Weirder than that, was that it wasn’t encrypted or anything. He could forward it as an e-mail if he so wanted. He didn’t have time to just look at it, so he opened it and let it play.


“Attention people of this world…” Started an undisguised voice with a plain human face that looked like the typical hacker profile.


As he thought, it didn’t have to be a man, and this was definitely a woman. She was pale, as if she never got any sun hitting her skin. He looked at his own skin, and minus the bruising and redness from the chemicals he worked with now, he was just as white. The woman on the video feed coughed violently, bringing up blood then wiped her mouth, leaving some there by accident. She was not well kept, but just enough to allow her concentration on what she was doing. Her body was skinny, as if she did nothing but computer work, and as such her eyes were sunk in, as if she hadn’t slept for days.


“My name is Alison Rudy Drapner. Feel free to look me up, I’ve put my record and all my activities into your files for your research pleasure. You will also probably want to prove the information, so I’ve added locations of every operation to date I’ve helped with, bad or good. Everything should be there, and I will be turning myself in 12 hours after this video is watched for the first time.” She introduced, answering many questions about herself. She obviously was at the end of whatever she had planned, and whatever disease she was riddled with.


“I want to address 4 groups of people; the world, the GPF, the humans, and Caleb who I used for this mission. So, to the world…” she started, then sat up as if getting ready to say something official. “We are all under the assumption that the giantess race is this benevolent race that only has all our best interests at heart. The unity of their race and the advancement of their technology makes us all, even them, think they are never wrong. They are the supreme justice of this world and any action against them is the darkest form of taboo. However, that is not the case. I have been fooling them for a better part of a year now. Moving them around like puppets. They will do and believe whatever their technology tells them, even if it is that someone innocent they love is guilty of the most heinous crimes we have.”


Caleb was now under rapt attention at what this woman was saying. Whoever this woman is, was basically doing all his work for him. He noticed as the video was running, it was also broadcasting and sending files to the GPF. All the proof he’d ever wished to get, was now being sent to them and the world. Only thing was that there was the same 12 gap that would make the video play for the rest of the world. He didn’t really care, as long as the information was being communicated, he would now just sit there and listen.


“I fell in love, with a man that didn’t even know I existed. The accused, Caleb Wesler, was an artist and musician on a computer. A true genious and it was love at first glance. As soon as I saw his melody dancing over the net, I was captured by him. Only thing was, he was already taken by another. A Giantess had his heart, and he was under the same delusion most are, that the Giantesses loved him. I was so angry at this, that I decided that I would solve this problem once and for all. The whole world what they did to him, and what they are capable of.” She revealed, then went into a fit of coughing and gagging. Blood came out of her mouth again, and she wiped it away. Caleb was half wishing this was a joke of a lie, but could see that she wasn’t lying about anything. It was all true, every word. So he would listen to every bit of it, even if it killed him too.


“I staged a series of events to frame him of every heinous crime I could think of, against everyone I could think of. I was determined to get the whole world, but specifically his new “Family” to turn against him. I had him framed for murder in every degree, including giantess and attempted murder of his family. I gave him a secret affair with another woman, I had him even rape children and sell them to others as a sex trafficker. When I was done, it was the perfect set up, and all I had to do was watch. If they reacted lovingly, came by him, and even one person was to question why he would do something this bad, I would’ve cleared him and turned myself in. But I wanted to see if the giantess that had captured his heart, and the ones that said they loved him, were worthy of him. Would they be on his side, or would they assume what they are told and turn against him. This would be a lesson to the world, one way or another. Let’s watch what happened, shall we?” Alison stated, then the screen switched to the station where they were gathering their planted evidence.


The video continued the entire time, pausing and pointing out things she put there to make the audience aware of what was false and what was true. It then turned to the apartment he was in and all the troubles he went through. It fast forwarded for him, as he saw that the other video footage was there, but now was focused on him, right where he was, looking at the computer. Caleb looked around, and realized that she had been using the emergency tracking system. This was why it would be impossible for him to escape. This mode was only there for emergencies and needed clearance for anyone to operate. But, if necessary, someone could see everything in a 360 degree view of what was happening, anywhere within a reasonable distance of an electrical circuit… which was almost everywhere in this age.


“My point, to those that will listen, is if that is what happens to someone they proclaim to love, than what chance do the rest of us have?” She asked, coughed again, more blood, then when on. “Next is to the GPF. I actually don’t mind the concept. A global police force that can cut through the red tape, not that bad. However, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is fallible. As evidence to this situation, you all need to realize that. As for this video and the evidence, I put a contingency on it. It will stay in cyber space for 2 weeks before being transmitted to every screen in the world. At this point, you know I can. The only person capable of stopping it is Caleb. If his ID activated and he puts in his password, it will cancel the upload and you can do with it as you wish. I made this rule before you all took his hands, yet he still hacked into your servers… go figure.”


Caleb thought about this. He was unsure what he actually wanted to do. He had no doubt that whatever Rachel had planned tonight would break the rest of him. Even with this video proving it, giantesses were rarely if ever wrong. If she said it would end tonight, then it was a good guess it would. So, if he was dead before they could stop this, then this video and evidence could undermine the entire society they all had worked so hard to build. Even if he was not even close to ready to forgive them, or trust them, he didn’t really want open war between the humans and the giantess race. Then again, he might be dead before he can do anything about it. He would deal with that later.


“Next, to the humans. I am a human, just like you. I am not part of some extremist group. I am not part of anything malicious other than being a highly skilled hacker. Not as good as Caleb, but pretty good regardless. So, no, I am not doing this to demonize the giantess race and start a war. However, giving up out freedom to them is little better than slavery. WAKE UP!!! They are bigger, more advanced, and more appealing than we are by many counts. However, this is OUR world, and they are the guests. Perhaps it is time to change things around here. If they turn around and start acting right, you all won’t even see this. But if you do, that means that they tortured, killed, and broke someone that they said they had love for. So, if you think they are not capable, I suggest you readjust your expectations and act accordingly from now on. Riots in the streets will just make you stains on their feet, however maybe some well times attacks and checks will get them to rethink what and how they think and we can move on from there.” She ranted to her absent audience. Caleb saw her emotions as she spoke. Specifically when she talked about stains under their feet. This made Caleb think that she’d lost someone special to her in a like situation.


“Lastly, to my beloved, Caleb Wesler.” She said, smiling as she said this. “I hope that you find it in your very large and burdened heart to forgive me. I meant the best for you, but I also wanted to open your eyes. You have been through so much, both at the hands of humans and giantesses. I do not pretend that I we will be together. I will probably be dead before this message even gets to you. However, I just wanted to let you know, I will always love you. Even if you came up here and killed me where I sit, I will still love you. Your music, now taken from the world forever, was the most beautiful melody I’ve ever seen. I will not tell you how to act from here, but you will forever have my heart. Many thoughts might be running in your head. ‘This crazy bitch is serious?’ or ‘Doesn’t make any of this right!’ and I agree with all of it. I don’t deserve your love in return. Now, with your mind free, I hope you will find freedom yourself. Goodbye, my beloved” She said, then reached forward, he heard a click of a key as she hit the power button, and the screen went blank.


Caleb just stared at the screen and didn’t even care that he had gone past the time it takes for the GPF to track his usage. Shortly after a message went over the screen that said, “Your access has been revoked. Your system will now shut down. Stay where you are, an officer will be there to collect you shortly.” Then the screen when black. He didn’t really know what to do. He was just staring at the black screen. He didn’t have much time, but he put a smile on his face.


As weird as it was, he felt like he had someone out there that actually loved him for who he was and is. Someone that, no matter their mental state, believed in him and thought of him as someone, even at the end of all this. She essentially gave him the keys to start or end a world war against the giantesses. All he had to do was give in, to die, and they would be finished. This fragile peace they had would be shattered. Every bit of his pain would be fuel for the world to rise up and kick the giantess race off earth or die trying. But he still didn’t want the amount of lives to be lost in that event. Again, he might not have a choice, but he went back to the point he was now clinging to, someone out there loved him… and her name was Alison.


He walked out, holding the tablet he’d made in his arms as best he could. He went to the top of the coffee table and put it out there for Rachel to see when she got there. She would know about it after all, and in a few hours the whole GPF would know what he just saw. He put the tablet off to the side, and just laid down with a smile. He couldn’t help it, Alison had given him something that he didn’t expect, peace. He didn’t really care if he died now, but a shiver did run up his spine at what Rachel had in store for him.


After a few hours, he heard the lock open at the door. By this time the smile on his face had vanished, but he stayed where he was. No doubt this constituted as an emergency and she knew exactly where he was. They had been watching him ever since he got on the coffee table, no doubt about it. The door opened, and a very furious giantess came in. She put her loose items on the counter, then went into her room. Caleb could tell she was pissed. Odds were that she got yelled at for allowing him access to any device like he had made. He heard her undress, throwing her clothes and shoes around. He was pretty sure one of the shoes hit the wall so hard it probably impeded in it. She then made some noise as she went to the bathroom. After a bit, she came into the living room where the coffee table was with a single pill in her hand.


“You just had to do something before you died. Something to get me in trouble. As if all the rest wasn’t enough, you just had to mess with me one last time. Well, I have a special surprise for you then.” She seethed out, then popped the pill in her mouth and swallowed it. “Sit up.”


“Yes Ma’am.” He answered and did as she ordered. He didn’t know what that pill was. This was new, that she would do something to herself to get back at him. Not brushing her teeth was one thing, but altering her body in anyway was something new.


“I want you to know what you are about to go through. I want you to understand just how much you will suffer, then I will break you in a way Mother could never do. She got close, but I will take home the prize. You will beg for death tonight.” She seethed out with pride. Caleb shivered as she was very sure of herself. This would NOT be pleasant for him. “Do you know what I just swallowed?’


“No Ma’am…” he said, not making eye contact with her.


“It was a form of antiacid and adrenaline pill.” She said, letting it sink in.


“What???” Caleb asked, not fully understanding. He knew what she said, but this hit something he didn’t think she would do.


When they had started their relationship, he had opened up to her one night. He had let her know of many of his fetishes and fantasies. Most of that was to assure her that he really did want to be with her. But this one was a personal one that he was actually ashamed of. He had the deep desire to be eaten, or vore as it was known to some communities.


Why was this so bad? Because when Giantesses first came, they had used humans as an abundant food source, some of them anyway. It was what started some of the first conflicts between Giantess and human. After a while, guilt and sorrow hit the Giantess race and they started working together. It had happened when a human had saved a Giantess’s life and proved that humans were more than to be ruled and consumed. Over the centuries it was taught that eating another was not something to even joke about. It could be considered a deep insult to a giantess to say they were a ‘Man Eater’. So, when he came out to her about it, there was some tension, but she said she loved him anyway.


They had talked about it, and decided that they would approach that when it was safe and when both were comfortable about it. Comfort was easily explained, but safe was another thing. Like previously said, giantesses were different than humans in more than just size. Their inside were more catered to their unique situation. Their way of breeding for example, or in this case their stomachs. Their digestive tract could break down just about anything, very quickly. They could eat normal food, raw food, the boxes they were kept in, and even metal containers within reason. They couldn’t just have a diet of only carbon steel, but they could ingest just about anything and break it down. In contrast, their saliva had healing properties, slightly. It all came together to be a very hazardous concept, them eating anything or anyone.


“I had our Chem girl work it out. After I told everyone your little secret, they agreed that the best thing I could do to render justice on you, was turn your biggest fantasy into a nightmare, and have that the thing that takes your life.” She said with a grinned, then continued, “that pill will slow down my digestive system in my stomach to a slow crawl. It will also intensify my senses in there, as well as anything that touches my acids inside. So, I will be able to feel your every move, and your nerves will be opened so much that a simple breeze would be excruciating. Don’t worry though… you won’t go into shock. The adrenaline I spoke of will keep you aptly alert while my stomach slowly works on you. What usually would take a few minutes to break you down, will take hours. Hours of me getting off on your pain. But, before all that… we have some fun to get to. I have to get you to beg to be put there. I see your already half there… So let’s get you all the way there shall we…?”


“How could you? You promised never to tell anyone, or use this against me. You promised.” Caleb begged, hoping she would change her mind. Most giantess were very loyal and true to their word. For multiple giantesses to collaborate on this was unthinkable. She knew this was a sore spot for him and in general. This was not a joking matter… She smirked as she picked him up roughly and brought him up to her face. She let her stinky tongue come out, with as much drool as she could push out, then just dragged it up his naked body. He almost hurled at the smell. She had been obviously been preparing for this for a while.


“I don’t make promises to bugs. Now, you will be in my mouth until you give in and beg me to send you down. You will be my little candy, that I will suck on and molest until you give in. Make no mistake though, the only way you are getting out of my mouth, is going down my throat… where a very long and painful digestion awaits you. So, let’s get started, shall we?” She asked as she gave him a knowingly and wicked smile.


“So, you too hun…?” He asked, beside himself. He didn’t think someone could make him even lower than losing his hands, but now he was proven wrong.


It wasn’t optimal, looking at the completed tablet proved that. He could still make music, maybe not the flawless type he used to make, but still music none the less. But this was his soul, in a sense. She was taking from him the one desire that was never supposed to be taken. She knew he had given a great deal of thought and desire to this act. Just like sex, they wanted to wait and make it perfect for them to experience together, when they did. Turning this against him would be taking the last thing he had to look forward to away. The last and greatest attraction he had for the giantess race, and throwing it in his face. Not to mention, she couldn’t be trusted anymore. She had promised him this kind of thing would never happen. She’d promised she wouldn’t even sexually tease him about this, and here she was about to make it a nightmare. She was wounding him deeper than her Mother had.


“What’s that?” She asked.


“Just like your Mother… I will never trust you again.” He said, looking at his stumps of arms, then at her mouth, and back to her eyes.


“Yes, I heard about that. And will tell you the same thing she told you. Stupid bug, why would I want you to trust me?” she said, then licked her lips and started to open them for him.


He watched in horror, knowing what awaited him inside this cavern and beyond. Strings of excess saliva that were as yellow as the teeth she now had were guarding the gateway into her body. She then started bringing him forward and her breath almost made him vomit right there. It was now worse that her asshole, inside or out. He even could see some food particles that she’d gotten stuck in her teeth. Obviously, since she didn’t brush for a while, they were still there and rotting, adding to the smell. A sewage dump would be preferable that what he was looking at, and he wasn’t even on the inside yet.


“Indeed…” he answered her back as his head made contact with the first saliva strand and he was pushed into her mouth.


She didn’t stop until he past her teeth and on her tongue. She rubbed him into it a bit, then let him go and retracted her fingers. The slimy appendage started moving below him and started moving him around with her lips still open. He was now surrounded by the foul looking and smelling environment. The only good bit was the relatively fresh air coming in when she breathed in. But that too was taken from him as she slowly closed her mouth, locking him in as her teeth came together and closed like prison bars.


“MMMmmm…” she moaned out as she started to taste him in earnest. Her audible noises resonated with his body and he had to keep himself from puking. The only thing that would make this worse, would be her starting to chew. Vomiting in her mouth would definitely get her to do that.


The living muscle underneath him began moving him around and constricting him. He could feel the slime of her saliva get deeper into his raw skin. The chemicals from earlier had made his skin very sensitive and open. The tongue would also push him up to her palate, and roughly scrape him against it. He cringed as his skin was beginning to peel off him. However, the slightly healing properties of the saliva made it come back, just for him to lose some more with another round of tasting.


“Goodness, you taste so good. I should’ve done this sooner!” She said around him, not caring how her words jostled him around or the few times his head or other bone of his body made contact with her teeth. In the case of his leg, he felt it break and he held in a scream of pain as it did so.


This went on for a good hour. Caleb was determined to last until the video and evidence was sent to the GPF headquarters… where Audrey worked. Very soon after that they would watch the video and confirm, then would call and get him out of this hell. He had to just focus on one thing, not throwing up. Her stomach would kill him slowly, her teeth would kill him quickly, so he just had to stay in her mouth and not vomit or do anything to cause her to chew. That was it, just concentrate on that.


However, just like so much in his life, things didn’t go as planned. He had noticed that she had started heavily sucking on him. The pressure when she did this was enough that it quickly shattered his eardrums. He realized on the first shot that he needed to keep his eyes shut, or they might be damaged too. Well, focusing on not vomiting got him to lose focus on keeping his eyes closed. In an instant where she pushed his broken leg against her teeth again, and licked another layer of skin off of him, his eyes opened just as she started to suck. With very little effort, he felt intense pain and then what little he was able to see was now completely black. It took him a few minutes to realize what happened as whatever was sucked from him, skin or blood, was sent down her throat. He realized, she had sucked his eyes right out of his head. The pressure was simply too much and pulled them out when he opened them in the sudden pain he had been in.


This was it. He was in so much constant pain and suffering he couldn’t do it anymore. He knew this would be a promise she’d keep. He would be in this hellish place until he begged for him to end it. At least down there the stomach was just digesting him, not moving and sucking parts out of his body. So, he finally gave in. It took a few tried to get his voice, and the fact he couldn’t hear himself because of his shattered eardrums, he had to guess what he was saying and how loud he was yelling it. But he did so the best he could.


“Kill me, please… PLEASE, MA’AM, KILL ME! Digest me alive, do anything but this! Please, END MY PATHETIC EXISTANCE!!! SWALLOW ME, EAT ME, KILL ME!!!” He begged, doing so until he couldn’t anymore. Again, he didn’t know how loud he was being, but he now hoped she heard him over her own moans she was doing at his flavor and movements.


“Oh yeah…!” She said back to him. Not that he heard it, but he felt it… kind of. He also knew that if he still had his eyes, he would’ve seen the last bits of the world as she spoke, but he couldn’t and didn’t. He felt himself relieved as the tongue tipped back and sent him roughly into the throat. It then slammed back uncaringly, sending him down her throat with a very audible “GULP”


He was squeezed strangely pleasant like by the esophagus as it was sending to his final resting place. He didn’t care anymore. He had been trying to hold on to prevent the lives that would be lost in a war, but he just couldn’t anymore. With the muscles around him working him toward the stomach he felt a ring of muscle open at his feet and slide over him until he was dropped into a free space and into a shallow basin of liquid that made it just above his stomach in this seated position.


A few things changed when he got to this stage. First, his smell. If her mouth was bad, this was much worse. There was also an acidic smell that stung his lungs as he breathed it in. He couldn’t help it at this point, and vomited the poop and urine that had been in his system out into hers. The second thing was an instant tingle of his skin. He had been dropped into the stomach, so he had splashed the acid all over him. Well, now it was beginning to tingle, then sting… then sting really bad.


It didn’t take him long to realize what was happening. Whatever pill that was had plenty of time to work. Now her digestive system had changed to what she’d said. He felt that every time he even touched his own skin, it hurt like nothing he’d ever felt before. He then felt a few impacts on the wall that his back was on, sending him into the puddle of bile and acid that he was in. It didn’t take a genius to figure out it was Rachel, patting her stomach from the outside.


She then started moving, just swaying at first… which mean walking, then a plop and direction change… which meant she was lying down. She was already naked, so when his environment started to erratically shake, he knew she was getting off on the feeling of him being in there. He started feeling pain like he’d never felt before, and knew this was the end. He should’ve just vomited in her mouth and got her to bite him in half. He realized in his pain that she had done just what she said she was going to do. She made him beg for death, and she administered it for him. He was now begging for death to come. If he had hands, he would try to break his own neck, but he couldn’t. His leg was broken and he couldn’t do anything even to end his own life. He was stuck, in unimaginable pain, with no hope left. He tried to think about Alison and the love she had for him, but that only stemmed the tide. The adrenaline made him move around, but that only made Rachel do so as well, causing him even more pain as the acids sloshed around him.


After about an hour of this, she settled down and he felt the thumps of her heartbeat get quieter and finally it was relatively still. Every once in a while the stomach would move him around, but he was able to stay still in in less pain than before. He still was in a high amount of it, but the lack of movement was helping. He then felt something push against his chest as he just lay there. He was confused but finally figured out what it was. She hadn’t eaten anything but him. So some part of his body must’ve came off. Maybe his eyes from earlier, or something like that. But no, he felt down and felt there was nothing between his legs anymore. Well, they had finally done it, they removed his penis, just like they said they would… balls too… he steeled himself for a long and painful digestion, but at least in a few hours it would all be over and he would be free.


He couldn’t sleep because of the pain, but could feel different parts of his body give way when the digestion would reach a certain level. He was very happy that she wasn’t moving. She was always a deep sleeper, and he hoped that meant less pain for the rest of his time. Then everything changed. There was a bunch of movement…


‘Great, she’s up. Can’t be morning already. Bathroom break maybe???’ he asked himself, sending a silent scream as her movements made him writhe in pain. Then there was a short motionless time, then a bunch of movement, like she was running or something.


‘What is she doing? She never runs in the morning.’ He thought to himself.


He felt the stomach he was in lurch violently, as if trying to squeeze him out of it. Maybe the pill thing made her sick. Couldn’t move now, his muscles being ridden with pain and acids, but he did feel himself being force back up the esophagus. He felt another thing that he didn’t have to be told what it was. He felt a sudden pain then lack of pain in his broken leg. He had been feeling acid getting into the wound when it got to a certain point. The leg at that point was useless and had acid inside as well as outside. So, when the he was forced back up the tight tube, the muscular ring that guarded the entrance and exit of the organ got at it, the leg gave and separated from his body.


He felt light headed, blood must be flowing pretty freely out the open wound of his leg. His arms, when they were taken from him, were cauterized, his leg was not. If anything, the acid was acting as blood thinners and making him bleed out rather quickly. Even if he could see, he was almost out of it by the time he was at the mouth again. Good, he didn’t want to experience any further torture they had planned for him. He was ready, ready to die. At least his blood hadn’t betrayed him. He held onto his internal voices. First it was his parents and family… all of them. Then it settled on Alison’s. It was warm and caused him comfort as pain started to go away and his body began to shut down. He could feel nothing but her voice now, and just settled.



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