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Pain… why was he feeling pain again? Caleb couldn’t understand. He had done everything they wanted except lie. He’d begged for death, and was as close to dying as one could get. He had felt the end, the peace, the love, the painless journey of whatever was beyond life… beyond life… was this hell??? No, he was not feeling heat, just pain.


“Caleb? Are you there?” Asked a voice. It was so familiar, so recent, so personal, so painful.


He couldn’t place the voice, but he knew that this voice meant death. His heart started pumping faster and his breath was more labored as he started hyperventilating, he could feel that painlessness come again, he yearned for it. Why couldn’t he just stay in the place where nothing hurt. He felt something go through him, then he was in less pain, but still able to think. At least the demon voice was gone.


“How long will he be like this?” Asked another voice, it sounded concerned. Caleb knew this voice too, and again it invoked the same response. Was he so pathetic now that voices alone could hurt him.


He tried to cry out, but he couldn’t hear himself speak, or maybe he wasn’t speaking at all. But he cried out anyway. He begged whomever these demon voices were to just let him go already. To let him be at peace. Let him die and be rid of this pain. But then he felt a warmth and consciousness, or whatever semi-consciousness he was in, was pulled away and his thought’s went black.


He floated in a see of black, and this is where he wanted to be. His mind could wander, wander through his thoughts without a single thing to get in his way. It was like floating on a sea of clouds, weightless and care free. He saw Alison there, in her relative glory, or maybe he was making a glorified version of her… either way, she was there, telling him everything he ever wanted to hear.


“You are my beloved…” She would say to him, “Your Music was voice of the heavens!” She would continue. Sometimes she would hug him, somehow he knew what it would be like… or what he thought it would be like. She would sometimes be his partner in creating his own form of music, like a Hacker duo concert, just blending together flawlessly. She seemed enamored with everything he did, and would look at him like he was all that mattered in the world. It broke his heart when she started to fade. He reached out for her, calling her name, but she still faded away, then the pain came back. It seemed that only there, in his dreams, would he ever feel her love.


As his awareness came back he remembered certain things, chief among them was that this wonderful angel of his dreams was actually a mentally interesting, cyber terrorist that framed him, which ended up costing him everything in his life. Yet, he couldn’t help feel like she also freed him as well. As he remembered his blind state, he thought that he could see more now than he could ever see before. More and more memory came back to him the more awake he was. As this happened, he also was reminded why the pain was still there and who caused it.


“Caleb? Can you hear me ok?” Asked a voice, a different voice from before. This one was still not as pleasant as Allison’s but it was not one of the demon voices he’d heard before. It didn’t take much imagination to understand that those two voices were Rachel and Audrey.


“Yes Sir.” He answered in a scratchy voice, as if he’d drunk 6 gallons of orange juice and the citric acid had made his throat raw. He tasted blood in his mouth, the coppery taste was not appeasing at all. He swallowed it past his painfully raw throat, then turned his blind vision toward the speaker in the room.


“Good, then the healing treatment has worked. I don’t detect any rejection from your body. You’re lucky, most don’t take this well to the treatments.” He said, a certain amount of pride in his voice that overtook his fake happiness on Caleb’s behalf.


“Yes Sir… Lucky…” Caleb answered, sitting there he didn’t really know what else to say. He so much wanted to ask the doctor what part of this situation was lucky for him? But he refrained, he just defaulted to the way he had answered everything for the last few months, as a slave of sorts. Let the man think what he wants, he couldn’t care less.


“You must be very confused.” He stated in a kind of questioning tone, but had an undertone of self-importance to it.


“Yes Sir.” Caleb Replied simply. Truthfully, yes, he could do with some answers. He obviously was NOT dead, do to the constant light pain in parts of his body that he could feel more there than the last time he was conscious, he must be going through some advanced healing procedure. Usually those cost a very high price, high enough that millionaires couldn’t do it.


“My name is Doctor Paul Lemon, Chief Medical officer over Humans at the Global Police Force medical division. I’ve been watching over you for the past week, doing everything possible to keep you alive and get you awake, with as many lost functions as possible… as quickly as possible. Considering the shape you were in when you were brought here… I think I did rather well. Replacing eardrums and eye balls is harder than it sounds you know?” he introduce and asked, trying to tell a self-promoting joke in his own achievement.


“Thank you Sir.” Caleb replied, placating the man’s ego.


He now knew where he was, what was being done to him, and possibly why. He knew, if he had been in the best hospital in the world for a week, then he had less than a week to put his password in to stop the video upload that Alison had threatened to the GPF. Thus, he needed as many body functions as he could to assist in that goal. They probably were also going to use it as a, ‘we did all this for you, the least you can do is prevent a world war…’ or something like that.


“What happened to you, young man, that got you to such a poor state?” He asked, a genuinely curious tone of voice.


Caleb thought this doctor knew what he was doing and why. He definitely knew how to heal as much as him as possible, as quickly as possible, but was NOT read into the situation. But if the whole world knew what Caleb did before, than this man must know a little bit, or at least expect something. So, he was looking for either verification into his own theories, or facts to start a gossip chain somewhere. Judging on his arrogant attitude, it was the latter of those two options. He wanted other people to know how right he was, and that included what Caleb went through.


“I’m Sorry… I don’t…” Caleb started, then stopped.


“You’ve had a traumatic experience, and there is an army of people, large and small, that are waiting to see you for various reasons. Odds of you remembering much is very slim, judging on the amount of trauma you came in with, as well as the obvious brain damage. I’ll give you a little bit to adjust, then send the more important ones in.” He said, very sure of himself, again thinking very highly of himself. Caleb knew a way he wanted to use that for the moment.


“Can I… ask a favor?” Caleb asked, voice still raspy.


“I don’t see why not. I am your doctor for this endeavor… at least until all the impossible stuff is done.” He agreed, again with that arrogance about him.


“Please, with the visitors…” Caleb started, then swallowed again before continuing with, “No large lady guests please.”


“Well, not sure I can stop them all. You do have some VERY high profile vistors… some of them are of that persuasion. However, being your doctor has its privileges. I can hold the large lady visitors back for at least until your respiratory, brain, and internal injuries are more stable. You almost died the last time one came in. Must be some serious trama to cause that kind of reaction. As much as I’d like to look good, I can’t have their visit kill my highest profile patient can I?” He answered with pride. Again, his arrogance made sure he was in control of who saw him and made no promises. But Caleb did think that he wouldn’t do anything to endanger his life, if his status depended on him living that is.


“Thank you, Sir.” Caleb responded.


“Anytime Caleb. Get some rest, you have a busy couple days ahead of you from the look of the line outside the door.” Doctor Lemon said, then walked away, a door opened, then closed behind him with a light ‘whir…’ and a soft ‘Click’.


Caleb was there to dwell on things, and collect himself. He knew Doctor Lemon was right. He had a busy day and week ahead of him. But he knew all too well what would get a good amount of this ass kissing to stop. As much as he thought he might want it, he just wanted to be left alone. Every time he thought of someone entering the room, he felt a little anxiety. As if he should be doing something for them, something that they would command at any second. He needed time away from all that, from all the noise, from all the people. He really didn’t care if he was dropped off in the woods somewhere, and he got mauled by a bear. As long as the bear was the only thing he saw, and it wasn’t a human or giantess. He shivered at the thought of a giantess.


He calmed down from thinking of what they could possibly want him to do, which was a pretty short list when it came down to it, and started trying to figure out what capacity he was in now. He felt a heated pain on his eyes. But considering that he could feel his eyes at all, meant that the pain and warmth meant that they were healing and he would most likely be able to see in the future. That was a plus. He felt that his arms were stretched in front of him and held up by straps. More restraints were holding a painful extension to his arm. Weirdly he could feel these extensions, as if they were part of him but not at the same time… same went for his leg. His crotch felt like someone put an icy hot patch on it and turned up the heat, plus a little itchy. His skin was on fire, but not as bad as when he was in Rachel’s stomach, still not that comfortable. He was in the middle of contemplating how extensive his recovery would have to be when he heard the door open again. His hearing wasn’t that great, it wasn’t like he had super hearing, but it was one of the only senses that were halfway working… minus the sense of touch obviously.


He turned his head to the visitor, who he thought of more like an unwanted intruder. Didn’t matter who it was, he just wanted to be alone. He knew he would be robbed of that in every fashion for a considerable amount of time. He waited for the person to start, he had no intension of initiating any conversation with anyone, at the moment.


“Good morning Caleb, how are you feeling?” Asked a feminine voice. The very tone caused a shiver to go up his spine. He knew she wasn’t a giantess, do in no small part to the lack of volume in the voice, however that wasn’t that much of a high ground. He had a feeling that any female visitor would have the same reaction from him for the next little bit. After all, giantess were only female, and he had been tortured and broken by two women over the last few months. Not surprising that he had mixed feelings about another female from the same company as the last two, human or not.


“Ma’am???” Caleb asked, not sure how to answer the question. Anyone with half a brain and eyes to see could tell he was NOT doing ok. Plus, if this woman knew anything, she knew he would be far from ok for a considerable amount of time.


“I know you are in pain, and I am sorry for that.” She expressed, sounding strangely genuine. She wasn’t arrogant like Doctor Lemon, and wasn’t manipulative like Rachel or Audrey had been. She seemed very concerned about him. “What I would like to know, is how are you doing mentally. How much do you remember?”


“I…” Caleb hesitated, not used to saying anything more substantial to a woman’s voice for a while. He was half expecting to get flicked and break a rib. Another shiver run through his body as he waited for one.


“It’s ok, you can speak openly.” She said, giving him permission. Caleb still didn’t like that thought of it. The only time Rachel and Audrey had done that was to use his words to hurt him. However, they didn’t flick him when he spoke during these times. So, as long as he didn’t lie and he kept it short, he should be ok.


“I… I remember everything until I was brought back up and then I was in… I think I was dead… it was warm, peaceful, and loving there. Then back here, waking up to Doctor Lemon.” He answered, his throat hurting from the exertion, but he had to obey what she said. At least that was what his mind was telling him to do.


“I see… so your trauma didn’t rob you of your memories?” She asked, a concerned tone in her voice, as if she was wishing that he had forgotten.


“That… is correct Ma’am.” Caleb responded wearily as he was trying to figure out what was going on with this woman. Was she trying to gauge his cooperative level, or was she sent in here to see how compliant he would be? He didn’t really have any faith in the GPF that they actually cared about how he felt, minus what he could do for them.


“I’m sorry to hear that. I could barely watch what happened to you. To go through it yourself, I can’t imagine the toll it took on you.” She responded in a sorrowful voice.


“Yes Ma’am.” Caleb said simply after a brief pause. He was uncomfortable with this situation. He didn’t know what she wanted. Couldn’t she just demand what she wanted and leave him already? She SOUNDED nice, but that was an assumption that got him in trouble before.


“Please, it’s Miranda.” She requested, introducing herself.


“Yes Ms. Miranda Ma’am.” Caleb responded, indicating he understood. But he wouldn’t fall into that trap again. Using her first name, that would be a mistake if his life taught him anything… definitely the last few months. Familiarity only allowed for a deeper pain when they eventually turned against him or used him for something.


“No I… I suppose ‘Ma’am’ is fine…” She said in a stuttered speech that indicated she wanted him to use her first name, but was ok with him using whatever was comfortable for him. Still, her tone displayed a form of disappointment for the situation none the less.


“Can I do something for you?” He asked, trying not to talk so much, but also wanting her to leave as soon as possible.


“I suppose, if you remember, you know that most will be wanting something… well one main thing… from you. No point trying to hide it.” She sighed out, her tone betraying that she didn’t like the position she was in. “I am one of the recovery agents in the GPF for emotional trauma. I have been asked to evaluate you to see how we can… well how helpful you want to be. I also tinker around with computers… so I think they hoped I would be able to connect with you on some level.”


“Computer?” Caleb asked simply.


“Yes, the device you use to interface with…” She started, as if going into detail on what a computer was, then stopped. “…Wait, are you asking for a computer?”


“Yes Ma’am.” He answered her, knowing exactly what they wanted.


“Of course, I brought one with me… just in case.” She said, shuffling around with a few things, then he heard the sound of metal and plastic sliding on a flat surface, close to his only working foot. “We’ll need your foot to touch for it to unlock your ID. Is it ok if I type for you?”


“Yes Ma’am.” He answered, knowing just how this would go.


It wasn’t that he was rolling over for them. He knew all too well what they wanted and would do to get it. As much as a part of him wanted to see them grovel for what they wanted, more of him just wanted them to go away. Hopefully by giving them what they wanted, it would appease them and he would be able to recover in more peace than they would give him otherwise. He only needed to give this woman what they wanted, and he would be left alone for a while. As an added bonus, hopefully Alison would’ve left him another message when he disabled the upload for them. That in itself would be worth all of it.


He felt pain as she picked up his only free appendage and placed it on what felt like a portable biometric scanner. Computers and access to them worked differently than one would expect. There was no need for passwords and usernames. Now, thanks to the Technology that the giantesses brought with them, one merely had to start interacting with a computer or device to unlock it. It was very complicated, but put simply it read a person’s body and living DNA in a sort of biometric screening that accessed brain waves, cells, blood, and host of other things to be sure it was the person that was intended, then unlock what was available. What was unlocked was determined by the GPF, who had usage and access logs for everyone in the world, including themselves. So, one person of 12 years old might have access to children and tame social media sites, but no adult content, when another of 18 would have access to explicit sites but not alcohol purchasing sites. A person couldn’t even look at the GPF network unless they gave them access, and even then only what they allowed.


A password was only necessary if someone had enough computer knowhow to have secured files on the system that not even the GPF could access… well without a warrant at least. Mostly, the people capable of that were limited to some giantess computer access granting agents, licensed hackers and programmers, and hackers that did so illegally. Even those though had their ID logged when they used the open web or any computer connected to the system… which was almost every one of them. What she put his foot onto felt like a portable version of this sensor so she could type and he would be connected at the same time.


“Ok, tell me what to do. I know you can’t see, but I will be your eyes for this. Is that ok?” She instructed than asked, as if he had a choice in the matter. Her tone was sincere, but Caleb still had his doubts… lots of them.


“Yes Ma’am…” He replied, earning a whimpered sigh from her. He wasn’t sure if he’d just offended her, but she seemed overly emotional for an agent. Maybe that was why she was a ‘recovery agent’. Empathy as a weapon, or feeling what they feel… something like that.


“Ok, tell me what to do. We can do anything. I know that you probably already know what we want you to do, but I won’t push it. I will pull up whatever you tell me to. They gave me top access while working with you. Anything is open.” She told him, clicking a few times on the computer as she accessed the computer and probably closed unnecessary programs not needed for this exchange.


“Please, hit function/control/alt/access at the same time.” He started, she did so and he was then started in the process to get where they were looking for. He knew where to go, and if he was doing it by himself, it would take him less than 5 minutes, even without his hands. But with a novice clicking away, it took the better part of 2 hours to navigate through the system and to where he knew Alison’s instructions led him to. As soon as she was at the right spot, he could hear the only voice he actually wanted to hear, Alison’s.


“Welcome, my beloved. So, you made it all the way here. I truly hope this is your choice and not one being made for you. I also hope you are doing well. As you can imagine, I am not live while communicating to you, but hopefully this avatar brings you joy in your life. Anytime you want to hear my voice, I will be hear for you. I established quite the AI to take over my thoughts and mind when I am gone. She will not be as passionate as I am, but she will still care for you and be your aid whenever you need. Now, please enter your password to continue.” Alison’s voice said. Caleb could tell the love that was being portrayed over the soft and warm voice. He wanted to bask in the sweet melodies of it for a while. But he knew he didn’t have the time. This woman was probably told to hate everything about Alison, so he didn’t want her ruining any experience he had in the future.


“Caleb? Your password?” Miranda asked after about 5 minutes of waiting idle.


“Rachel and Mother, Family party of 3” he recited, hating his own password at the moment. He had made it that when he had first got the job at the GPF. Now, he couldn’t stand it, but had no means of changing it. Maybe when he recovered more, he could change it. But for the moment it would do. He heard a stop in typing halfway through the input of the password, then what sounded like a sorrow filled whimper, then it continued.


“Access granted, welcome Caleb.” Said a mechanical voice of the AI in charge of his systems while he accessed them. The AI was not fully self aware, but the type a hacker like him could create with the giantess system was very helpful. It was like having a person there, fully devoted to the user, helping and learning from their Master. Kind of like a virtual assistant… but way more helpful.


“My beloved, now that you are here. You can choose what to do. You may not have the time for us to talk, and if the GPF is there with you I wouldn’t want them listening in anyway. So, I will ask simply so we can be done with it and they can leave you alone. Do you want to execute my last order, or withdrawal and discard?” Alison’s voice asked. Caleb understood this right away, but the agent wouldn’t. The way Alison asked was a hackers rope a dope. It basically was telling him that the options were switched. Someone had coerced him to get to this point and took over from here, hitting their desired option, it would execute and upload the content to the rest of the world. If they hit execute, then it would cancel the upload and withdrawal the orders of aggression that they were all afraid of.


“Type execute.” Caleb instructed to Miranda.


“I… Understood.” She said, a sad tone of voice taking over. She obviously thought he was wanting them to all suffer, starting a war was a bit much, but she was sad he had what she assumed to be malice in his heart for them. He heard her hesitate, then type in what he asked. He couldn’t see, but he could hear the correct amount of keys typed that followed his instruction. She had obviously thought about doing the opposite, so she gained points by doing what he said. Then again, that is why they sent her in there to begin with, to get this kind of information out of him. Just because he gave it so she would go away, didn’t mean he trusted her.


“Very good…” Came across Alison’s voice. “…All aggressive actions on my part will now cease. Upload is canceled and all files are stored for future use. As I don’t want them messing with your profile any more than this, I will log you out now. Remember, my beloved, I will be here in the form of this AI from now on, just in case you would like to make music with me some time. I love you.”


With that, the computer ticked, then he heard it shut off by itself. He heard Miranda sigh a sigh of relief. He could understand. If she had betrayed him like so many others in that moment, life for her would’ve ended, as the upload would’ve commenced and they would all be at war. She probably internalized his some of what she saw him go through enough to know how bad a war with the Giantesses would be.


“I… I thought you were going to upload anyway. You knew that she switched the choices? Some kind of secret message or something that she said?” Miranda asked curiously, some sniffle in her tone indicating is or was crying.


“Yes Ma’am.” He answered.


He didn’t hear anything but some more sniffling for a few minutes, then heard the computer close and felt her move his foot back onto the bed. It was still painful, but at least she wasn’t touching it after that. He might’ve been healing, but every nerve was still under the residual effects of the modified acid, not to mention the acid had also made his skin raw by its natural function.


“Would you like some privacy now?” Miranda asked, as if she really didn’t want to go, but would do so if he wanted. The tone made him think that she was asking out of convenience to her… when it was probably more out of concern to him. However, Caleb wasn’t used to this type of action and assumed she wanted to stay and was humoring him in his desires for some reason.


“I’m sorry Ma’am.” He answered, making sure he didn’t anger her. As if she was some evil mistress that any false word would get him in more trouble or punishment of some kind. The assumption was clearly communicated, wither Caleb wanted it to or not. She must’ve had some kind of degree to be in the position she was in. One that told her what he was actually saying, rather than what he verbally said.


She got up, gathered her things then headed for the door. She then hesitated and he felt her just standing there by the door, sniffling again. He didn’t believe she was crying for him or anything like that. At most she might’ve been crying that there wouldn’t be a war now and she was happy about that. Or maybe she gets to go tell someone she succeeded in getting him to stop the download on the first try. Some kind of incentive would be given and she would be set up for the rest of her life. Heck, she was human, maybe the giantesses were threatening her as well and this was freeing her. Any of those would work for Caleb’s assumptions and current mind set, but not one that had to do with this woman crying for him in any capacity.


“You have absolutely NOTHING to apologize for.” She finally said, a bit of anger and pity in her voice. She sniffled loudly, then opened the door, exited, and left him in silence.


He understood what she said, but didn’t understand why she said it. He was this insignificant person that they now needed anything from. He had been the focus of a great conflict that effected both human and giantess alike. A crazy woman, loving to him or not, had basically initiated war on his behalf. There was this and so much more, as he had been told the last few months that he had to apologize for.


He also felt sort of unfulfilled by just giving in like that. He almost wanted them to come in and try to force him to give the password. He wouldn’t last long in any capacity of torture. He could handle the pain, but he so much wanted to die. There was nothing for him here. Even with the Alison AI there, there was no LIVING person that wanted him alive… including himself. He wasn’t about to commit suicide, but he wouldn’t have cared if a giantess walked in right now and just smashed him to a blood stained pulp on the floor. It would be over and he would be free. But he was stuck with what he had. He was just a useless, almost limbless, blind, almost deaf, pain ridden person with the only skills he ever had to contribute to the world taken from him. He had given them the key to peace and now had nothing for them but his own death.


He found himself asking himself why they were keeping him alive, and in the best hospital in the world. He assumed, that with the upload canceled, that he would be sent somewhere else, with any luck he would be sent to the ground and made a blood stain under some giantess’ boot/foot. A quick and relatively painless death would suite him just fine. With his body itchy, raw, and pain ridden from everything and the healing procedures, he so much desired for an end… to it all. But, since he was unwilling to end his own life, and they seemed hell bent on making him suffer as much as possible, he would probably be around for a considerable amount of time. He sighed and just let the momentary silence get to him to as peaceful a state as his pain ridden and tired body would allow. This would be the closest to nothing as he would be able to feel.


“Good enough…” he said to himself.


In another part of the GPF complex, the executive branch where all the highest ranked personnel were, Miranda knocked on a door her size. She had discarded the laptop she had carried and the biometric gear before coming to report. She waited to be accepted and didn’t have to wait long.


“Come in.” Said a well known voice from the other side of the door.


Miranda took a breath and did as instructed. She looked once to the name and title on the door before stepping all the way in and closing the door behind her. The name tag said, “Executive Manager of Operations: Special Agent Audrey” Most giantess didn’t have last names, as they were used to the biometric security system to tell others who they were related to and how. There was simply no need for one and before they came to earth they never knew that to be something people desired. Some started to, in order to be closer to a human or something, but it was a foreign concept for them.


“Oh, Miranda. Yes, please come in!” She replied, gesturing to a seated area on her desk. Just like so much now days, the space was built to accommodate for both Giantess and human. The human sized door opened onto Audrey’s desk, to which there was a few areas for Humans to utilize such as a conference table and a seating area for both official and unofficial meeting. Miranda came and sat in the unofficial area as directed. “I understand you are going to be seeing Caleb today?”


“Yes Ms. Audrey, I just came from there in fact. I thought you’d want to know the conclusion as soon as possible.” Miranda stated as she got relatively comfortable. It was difficult to be completely comfortable when talking to someone 100 times her size, but she was used to it by now, as was the giantess she was talking to.


“I thought you were scheduled for the rest of the day with him? Was he ok?” She asked, very high concern in her voice.


It was obvious to those around, but Audrey had taken this situation hard. She still had a job to do, and did it well like any giantess would, but she would use her control access all the time to check in on Caleb. She would have hour by hour updates on his condition as well as possible treatments for him. No cost was too high for him and she even made the arrogant Doctor Lemon back down when he came in with anything but solutions to get him better. Those that understood, knew she was battling heavy guilt for her part in Caleb’s pain… and so much more.


“He doesn’t look good, and still in a great deal of pain. Although he covers it rather well and doesn’t say hardly anything about it, I could tell he is still in a great deal of physical pain. Mentally however… I don’t know how to explain this…” Miranda reported, tears starting to run down her cheeks again. She had cleaned herself off after meeting with Caleb. She’d put fresh makeup on, and worked to be presentable to one of the most important and highest ranking giantesses in the world. But now her efforts were being washed away with her tears yet again, black marks streaming down her face from her eyes.


“I understand… just enough to know that none of us understand…” Audrey recited, as if she had told herself this many times.


“He didn’t waste any time though. He asked for the computer, like we hoped and put in his password. It took me 2 hours to follow his instructions. Even blind and having no hands, he is still a better hacker than I can ever hope to be. Ms. Alison had a few more messages for him, same basically as before and one hidden one. It was a message, apparently telling him that the options had switched. He picked the right one, and the upload has been canceled and ‘saved for later use’. She apparently also made an AI for his personal and other uses if he wishes in the future. After completed, the computer fried and is now with IT so they can try to recover anything from it. I doubt they will. Just spending that amount of time with him, I now understand why people in that circle idolize him for his computer skills.” She recounted, trying to change subjects to prevent crying more.


“That he is. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so uniquely gifted in that area before. He is truly a one of a kind.” Audrey agreed, looking down at her hands as if she wanted nothing more than to rend them from her body. The same hands that had taken so much happiness and pride from taking his from him. A tear ran down her face as well. “Do you think he will recover? Mentally I mean?”


“It’s hard to say. I’ve never met someone as smart as he is before. His mind seems to be processing things rather well and at a remarkable speed. I don’t think he will be a danger to himself or others by the time his body is taken care of. But…” She started, then thought about how to say what she needed to.


“Go ahead Miranda, speak freely.” Audrey instructed, looking down at her as if what she was about to say was the most important thing she’d hear all day.


“He is cut off. He would not address me in any informal fashion. Other than instructing me on the computer, he only said ‘Yes Ma’am’ or ‘I’m sorry’. I don’t think he has any faith in anyone anymore. I was trying to be as supportive and soft as possible. But it was obvious that he just wanted me out of the room. I think…” She said, then looked up to Audrey, then received a nod for her to continue and did so. “I think he assumes that every person in his life will treat him like you and Agent Rachel did, or in other ways in his past. I believe he has lost hope in everyone except one.”


“And that is…?” Audrey asked, knowing the answer but needing to hear it.


“The only time I felt him relax, was when Ms. Alison’s voice was talking to him.” She reported, wiped some tears away, then added, “I’ve never seen someone so detached and… broken before. My honest opinion, I don’t think he will ever completely recover, and I don’t think he will ever trust another like before. Too much pain to override.”


“I… I agree, it’s what I expected.” Audrey replied, then stayed quiet for a moment, then looked at Miranda. When she did this, she didn’t see what she knew she would. Miranda was not scared of Audrey, as Audrey was known to be a rather Maternal and protective executive. Miranda wasn’t scared, no matter what she saw on the tape that she’d done to Caleb. But when Audrey looked at her, a flash of Caleb’s face and his reaction to her was in her eyes. “Please, do what you can for him. It might be a long road, but even if it is by the slightest amount, we need to make this right. I need to make this right. Can you do that for me?”


“I will do my best. Even if he doesn’t take it, he should feel as much comfort and love as we can give him. He deserves at least that much.” Miranda said. “I feel so awful for the things I said about him after he was convicted. I don’t see how I would forgive someone for half the things I said.”


“I understand, just do you best. As you said, he deserves that much.” She said, then let Miranda cry it out for a little bit, then let her take her leave from her office and for the rest of the day as well.


After she was done, she just sat there in her office, looking out into nothing as she thought. She then bolted under her desk and found the trash can and barely made it as she threw up her meager stomach contents into the bin. She barely had anything in it, but anything left was expelled into the trash bin. She grabbed a towel and wiped her mouth with it and added it to the trash. When she put it down again, the automatic trash system emptied and washed the bin as if nothing ever happened. She put her head down and cried herself for a while. She’d been like this for about a week now, ever since she stopped Rachel from killing Caleb completely. She hadn’t been able to hold anything down. Every time she thought about what she and Rachel had done, she would vomit… no matter how little was in her stomach, it would come up.


“I will NEVER trust you again.” Came a voice to her mind, Caleb’s voice, after she took his hands from him.


“Stupid bug, why would I want you to trust me?” She heard herself say back.


“Indeed…” Came his reply, broken by her hand.


She grabbed the trash bin again and threw up again. Nothing but saliva and trace bile came up, but it didn’t stop it from happening anyway. She put it back and the cycling continued.


“What have I done?” She asked herself as she turned her office to private mode, and balled in the silence of her office.


“Indeed” Caleb’s voice repeated in her mind and she threw up again.


“What have I done?” She repeated, and a fresh batch of tears came out. Then she said it yet again, she had said it to herself hundreds of times in the last week, and this would not be the last, “What have I done?”



Chapter End Notes:

More to come. If you've read any or my other stories, you know I don't like to end series if I can help it. So, you can expect more chapters in the future. Just not sure when.

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