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Author's Chapter Notes:

Having issues posting this one so combined the two chapters together.

Rushing to my computer I logged onto the old macro and microphillia sites I had saved back when I was looking for tips on how to make money off of my invention. Going onto the forum board I started new thread. "Giantess Tours. Explore the body of a Giantess at a minuscule size. See the female body like never before through a once in a lifetime experience! Backers get to choose which part of their goddess they wish to explore. Visit the wet caves of her mouth. Explore the narrow tunnels of her nose. Climb the supple mountains of her breasts, explore the thick forests of her pubic region. Go where you want to go!" I continued to play it up and placed a rather exorbitant, yet necessary price upon the package. As a final move, I attached a picture of Sam in her sports bra to the post which she didn't realize I had taken.

I hesitated for a moment before pressing post. The post looked ridiculously sketchy, and vastly overpriced... but I just needed a small handful of people desperate enough to believe me. Saying a silent apology to Sam, I hit post and waited to see the results.

Within a few hours, to my surprise a dozen people had signed up. Questioning their spending habits, but also not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, I added all my clients to a private forum post in order to get their suggestions.

I tried to think of how I would explain this to Sam later. Maybe she wouldn't be mad. Maybe she might even find it entertaining if I posted a picture of us having scaled the peak of her breast or something. When I thought about it logically it wasn't even all THAT that bad.

I received a message seeing that the group had reached a consensus as to their destination. "That was fast" I thought as I logged back in. Checking the post I nearly fell out of my chair. The votes were unanimously in favor of being led on a tour through Sam's vagina.

"Maybe.... she never has to know about this...." I thought to myself.


Sam walked into the living room in her usual revealing workout gear. The girl felt she was so unattractive that she had almost zero caution around me.

"Are you going to be okay tomorrow?" she asked nervously. Tomorrow was the day I was supposed to give Chad the money. I had been so distracted by what I was about to do that I had completely forgotten to be scared about it.

"Ya, don't worry." I replied. "I managed to get the money together, though it wasn't easy."

"Well look at you!" Sam replied vigorously rubbing my hair with her hand. "You managed to pull it off after all!"

Sam stopped for a second to notice a warm cup of milk sitting on the table.

"Is that for me?" she asked. We both knew it was her favourite.

"Ya," I replied. "It's as thanks for your help in getting the funds."

"Oh?" Sam replied picking up the mug. "Well you are very welcome. Just be sure to tell me what on earth I did some day okay?"

I watched nervously as Sam drank the entire mug.

"I'm going to bed now." she announced. "Try not to stay up too late!"

Sam walked back upstairs to her room. The moment I heard the door slam, I grabbed a box from behind my chair and ran outside.

I made my way down the dark alleyways to the meeting point we had all agreed upon. It was too late to second guess myself, but I suddenly realized I had never met these people before and knew nothing about them. What if they were a bunch of perverts? I mean, at the size we were going to shrink down to, there was no danger of them being able to do anything to hurt Sam. But I was still a little worried.

Turning down the agreed alley way, I found myself the last to arrive. The crowd assembled in the alleyway was nothing like I expected. There were two guys who looked like high school jocks, three teen girls, a pregnant lady, a young couple who seemed to be recently engaged, and four tall cloaked men.

Other than the four men in cloaks (which I couldn't exactly blame them for. I wouldn't want the world to know I signed up for such an event), the crowd seemed surprisingly normal for what I expected.

I took attendance and made sure everyone was over 18, signed the waver, and had their payments with them, and then we were ready to begin.

Lifting up the box from beside me with one hand, and my shrink device in the other, I began my orientation speech.

"In a minute I am going to shrink you all down to less than a millimeter in size." I explained. "When I do, you are all going to walk into this box here and strap yourself into the seats you will find inside. It is VITALLY important that you do NOT get out of your seats until I open the large door on the opposite side. The shrinking device will make your body more durable than you normally are, but you will NOT be invincible. As I need to carry you a short distance, I don't want you all bouncing around and getting injured inside!"

The crowd all nodded obediently. Perhaps they were nervous, or perhaps they were still in disbelief that the event was the real thing, but either way they were all being a lot more accepting than I had expected.

Placing the box on the ground, I asked them to line up in an orderly line in front of it. The pregnant woman somehow found her way at the front of the line and as such, she was the first I shrunk. The rest of the group gasped in amazement as she immediately dwindled down in size until the small doorway I had cut into the side of the small box was like a stadium entrance to her. I watched carefully as she gained her bearings, and quickly walked inside before asking the next person to walk up to where she had been standing.

One by one they all entered the box until the tallest of the cloaked men was all that was left.

"I want to thank you for arranging this." the cloaked man exclaimed. "I cannot begin to describe what a dream it is to take part in such a journey!"

"Oh no! I should be thanking you!" I blushed. "I know my advertisement seemed insane. I don't know what I would have done if no one had signed up for it!"

"Well what is life without a few risks here and there?" the man replied with a smile. With that, I shrunk him down as well before picking up the box and heading back towards the apartment.


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