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GENETITECH/BIOENG. confidential file
A.U. No.: --NC 654 55 D
S.C.I.D. No: --7474HHD

ITEM: --Transcript of recorded testimony regarding subject's current condition. File for ASSESSMENT/INFO


After spending several days in that [EXPLETIVE DELETED] jewelry box, the dollhouse was like a damned luxury hotel. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave...

I was lying on the green plastic bed in the master bedroom, atop a layer of folded tissue. Julie was in my arms, snoring gently as I stroked her hair. As usual, she'd had no problem shutting off and going to sleep. But as exhausted as I was, I couldn't seem to drop off.

I couldn't stop thinking about Randy's horrible death. Carolyn had made me complicit by forcing me to choose someone to die, and rather than risk losing Julie, I had willingly given up Randy.

But the most shameful piece of the whole ordeal was that some small part of me was glad to see him go. Randy had been causing problems with the rest of us ever since Carolyn had shrunk him. I'm honestly ashamed to admit it, but I felt a slight sense of relief that we'd no longer have to contend with him.

Horrible, right?

I wondered if the others had felt anything similar. Had Julie been relieved as well? Or would she think I was a monster for even suggesting it?


Eventually sleep overtook me, but my dreams were a jumble of random images and scenes punctuated by the thud of approaching footsteps and a sense of overwhelming dread.

I awoke to find the bed empty. Carolyn's footsteps were coming down the hall, approaching the guestroom. I could hear everybody else scrambling around in the dollhouse, preparing for her arrival.

I was still wearing the sweat pants and t-shirt I had slept in. I jumped out of bed, my bare feet thudding on the plastic floor as I raced down the stairs to join the others.

She was wearing her thin pink bathrobe that barely came down to the middle of her thighs. I caught a glimpse of blue panties, and nothing else, underneath as she approached us.

In her cupped palm, she held the quivering form of her father Raymond. He sat huddled in his tiny blanket, terrified in her grasp. Carolyn walked up to the dollhouse and bent down slightly to peer in at us. She smiled prettily.

"Good morning," she said, her voice hoarse with the morning. She slipped her hand into the dollhouse and tipped it slightly, gently dumping her father on the plastic floor. He was trembling, not with rage, but with utter fear. He was still shaken by his night with her, and I didn't even want to think about what she had put him through.

"There you go, Dad," she said. Her hand lingered over him, and she extended her finger to help him up. Raymond climbed slowly to his feet and gently kissed his daughter's finger.

"Thank you, Pookie," he said with a smile. It may have convinced Carolyn, but his smile didn't fool the rest of us. It was a grimace. The poor man was scared out of his wits.

"Tubby, I want you to help my dad find something decent to wear," Carolyn said. "I need to wash all those nasty little blankets."

"All right," Mr. Nichols said. He waddled up the plastic stairs, and Raymond followed after him.

Carolyn leaned in even closer, until her face filled the vacant wall of the living room. Her eyes fell directly on me and she grinned.

"And why don't you go ahead and get out of those clothes, Davey. I feel like having a nice, long bath this morning."

I shot Julie an annoyed look, careful to keep it from Carolyn. She gave me a sympathetic smile in return.

"Sure," I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. "Do you want me to put on the cuffs?"

Carolyn pondered it for a second, then said, "Nah, that's okay. I'm not gonna let you wander off."


"I had a really good talk with Dad last night," Carolyn told me. "I think he understands the situation a lot better now."

Carolyn was reclining in the bubble bath, the white suds just up over her breasts. One long leg extended from the bubbles, resting on the rim of the tub. And of course, I was between her soapy toes, squirming as she wiggled them.

In a moment of weakness the day before, I had once again confessed to loving her toes. And I had been so completely sincere, planting my tiny little kisses on her feet and worshipping her like a goddess.

But her confrontation with her parents had snapped me out of my reverie and made me realize how far I had fallen. And now that I felt grounded once again, I was determined not to relinquish control of myself. I would play along with Carolyn as necessary, but never again would I surrender and submit unconditionally.

I nuzzled her big toe with my cheek and smiled at her, playing the good little pet.

Carolyn giggled and rewarded me with a playful squeeze. I gasped at the sudden ferocity of my erection and I had to remind myself that I wasn't enjoying this. Not really. All an act...

"Remember how you were at first?" Carolyn said. "How you kept after me to call GenetiTech and tell them what happened? Dad was of the same mind. He can be so stubborn sometimes."

My heart pounded in my ears as she kneaded me between her toes.

"I finally had to get stern," Carolyn said. "I didn't want to, but I knew he wouldn't listen to me unless I made him understand I was in charge. So I put him in my mouth."

I saw a flash of that familiar predatory smile as Carolyn recounted the incident with her father. "Not all the way. That would have been too creepy. I just put him in headfirst, with his little legs sticking out. He was kicking up a storm and you should have heard him yelling."

Carolyn giggled and gave me another squeeze. I let out a moan that was only partially involuntary.

"It was still pretty weird. I could feel his little fists in there, banging on my tongue. Then I spit him out into my hand and told him to shut the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up. And then..."

By this point, I was no longer paying attention to Carolyn's horrible story. I was gasping as I thrashed helplessly between her toes, no longer able to contain myself. I climaxed violently, and I screamed something incoherent that might have been her name. I convulsed in a mad spasm as I kept coming and coming. I couldn't stop. It just kept rushing out of me.

"Mercy," Carolyn said with a chuckle. "You all right there, Davey?"

She gave me another squeeze with her toes and I fell limp. I was exhausted and utterly spent.

"Oops, you got it on the bottom of my foot," Carolyn said, shaking her head. "Take a breath."

I barely had time to take in a lungful of air before she lifted her foot and plunged it into the soapy water. I kept my eyes closed and held my breath as she swished her foot around underwater. Finally she lifted it up and rested it once more on the edge of the tub.

I wiped at my face with trembling hands and shook my head to expel the bubbles that were clinging to me. I snorted a couple of times, then opened my eyes. Carolyn was watching me with some amusement.

"You love those pretty toes, don't you?"

I nodded weakly and smiled. Carolyn slipped her hand beneath the bubbles and began fingering herself.

"Well, don't worry," she said, wiggling her toes again. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing this to you."


Still naked and damp from the bath, I stood on the dresser and watch Carolyn get dressed.

"Here's what I was thinking," Carolyn said as she pulled on a pair of red shorts. Her legs were freshly shaved and smooth, and she was looking forward to showing them off.

"I know things got out of hand, what with my parents showing up and... you know... what happened to Randy. All that on top of Linda and Eddie, and I don't blame you little guys for being afraid of me."

Carolyn rummaged through the middle drawer until she found a red and white striped tank top with spaghetti straps. She slipped it on and tugged it down to adjust it. It fit snuggly, hugging her body in a way that was flattering. She turned one way and then the next, showing off her cleavage.

"How do I look?" she asked me.

She looked like Mr. Peppermint, but I sure as hell wasn't going to ruin her mood by saying so. So I whistled and said, "Beautiful."

"Flatterer," she said, obviously pleased. "Anyway, I've been promising you guys a picnic outside for the past few weeks, but it seems like something always happens to [EXPLETIVE DELETED] it up. So I was thinking we could do it tomorrow, for lunch. A picnic on the patio."

"That sounds wonderful, Carolyn."

"I was thinking about doing fried chicken and potato salad," Carolyn said. "I mean, making up a big batch of it and shrinking it down for you guys. And maybe some Cokes or beer or something."

"I can't wait," I said.

She walked over to the edge of the bed and slipped her feet into her red flip flops. Then she turned back towards me, placed her foot slightly forward, and wiggled her toes.

"What do you think? Too much?"

"No, they look great," I told her. "They match your toenails."

Yeah, I know. I was really laying it on thick. But she was in a good mood, and I desperately needed to keep her there.

She smiled. Not her usual cruel, predatory grin, but a sweet smile. If there was one thing Carolyn loved, it was being adored.

"Could use a little touch up," she said, looking down at her pedicure. "Maybe I'll get you little guys to paint them for me again. Would you like that?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I would."

She set her open hand on the dresser at an angle and motioned with her fingers for me to approach. I climbed into her palm and laid down as her massive fingers enveloped me. She held me in her closed fist, with my arms pinned to my side.

"You are so [EXPLETIVE DELETED] adorable," she said. "I swear, I could just eat you up."

She lifted me to her cheek and nuzzled me, then pressed me to her lips. Then, with a mischievous wink, she tucked me into her cleavage. Her index finger lingered to gently tousle my hair.

"You be good," she told me, "and I'll let you play on my foot on the way to the grocery store."


Having settled on the red motif, Carolyn completed the ensemble with red lipstick and a red headband decorated with a white butterfly.

While she primped in the mirror, I looked at myself tucked between her breasts and was a little startled by what I saw. I'd never been all that heavy, but the last couple of weeks had left me gaunt, with dark shadows beneath my eyes. My hair was long, still damp from the bath. A week's worth of stubble adorned my cheeks and chin. I looked like one of those POW photos that Dr. Lavallee had once shown us in World History.

I realized we had all suffered to the same degree, although the changes had come so gradually as to be almost unnoticeable. Poor Julie had lines on her face that had never been there before, and had a habit of fidgeting nervously with her hands that had only recently appeared. Chad and Denny both seemed to have aged ten years since their imprisonment, and even Mr. Nichols had lost a little weight. And a little hair.

Even at her kindest, Carolyn was still killing us.


It felt amazing to be outdoors again. The sun was shining bright and the temperature was somewhere in the 90s.

Carolyn was speeding down Highway 349, singing along with Dolly Parton on the radio. She had her sunglasses on and the windows down, with the air conditioner on full blast. The furnace-baked air inside the car was gradually becoming more tolerable.

True to her word, she had set me on her sandaled foot as soon as we had gotten in the car. I was clinging to her second toe, embracing it like a lover as her foot mashed down on the accelerator.

I was a little nervous about falling off. Carolyn had cautioned me about hanging on, gleefully warning me that I might get squished. But my real concern was the filthy floorboard beneath me. I was still naked, and the idea of being down there with all that dirt and grime was just offputting.

"You doing all right down there?" Carolyn asked. I responded by planting a kiss on the wrinkled flesh at the bend of her toe.

"Good boy," she giggled, flexing her toes playfully beneath me. "Carry on."


I spent the afternoon in Carolyn's purse. The air was a stale miasma of cigarettes, spearmint gum, and hairspray.

I was buffeted around at first, tossed about and tumbling over Carolyn's sunglasses and cigarettes to land painfully on the brush at the bottom of her purse. Clumps of Carolyn's hair, stiff and black, were tangled around the base of the bristles.

But Carolyn finally set her purse in the seat of the shopping cart, and things settled down considerably. I climbed atop a package of tissue and made myself as comfortable as I could. She left the top of her purse open just a little, so she could look down at me occasionally and smile. I was her little secret, an idea that seemed to excite her considerably.

From within the purse, I could hear the rhythmic slap of her sandals on the linoleum floor and the squeak of the wheels on the cart. The Muzak version of some Dionne Warwick song was playing over the sound system, occasionally interrupted by a cryptic announcement like, "Bakery, one zero one."

Apart from that, I could hear the murmur of passing conversations. A child was screaming and her father was threatening to take her outside and give her "something to cry about." A couple of older women were discussing the questionable state of the fruit salad. A man was explaining to someone the proper method for thumping a melon, and a teenage girl was reading aloud the nutritional information from a box of Pop Tarts.

Just hearing all of these people going about their normal lives filled me with a sense of loss at what had been taken from me. I had felt it before--when Carolyn had taken me to the mall a few weeks back, and when Linda had taken me to the video store before that. Just this gnawing sadness and longing for a banal, ordinary life.

I felt my eyes brimming with tears, and I wiped them away. Had to keep my happy face on for Carolyn, let her go on believing that everything was sunshine and rainbows and baskets of adorable puppies.

If we were going to have any hope of escape, we had to keep Carolyn in a good mood.

She looked down and winked. I grinned back to let her know everything was fine.


Carolyn's hand came down into the purse to fish out the keys, and I heard her open up the car. It was only after the car was started that she finally pulled me out, holding me between her thumb and finger.

"I like having you with me in public," she said, grinning. "It makes me feel kind of naughty."

"Me too," I said. I smiled back, hoping I looked more enthusiastic than I felt.

She lifted me to her mouth and gently pressed me against her sticky red lips. With her mouth still uncomfortably close, she whispered, "I'm feeling really naughty right now, Dave. How about you?"

Her breath was hot and smelled overpoweringly of spearmint and cigarettes. Her enormous lips were covered with greasy red lipstick. I thought of poor Raymond, thrust into that gigantic mouth, and I shivered.

"What's the matter, little guy?" Carolyn asked with a giggle.

"Nothing," I said, remembering to smile. "Just a chill."

"Poor little Davey," she said. "I better put you someplace warm."

Her hand slid down her belly and, with her fingers, she slowly unfastened the bright red buttons on her shorts. She hooked her thumb into the waistband of her pink panties and pulled it out.

I bit my lip to keep from crying out as she lowered me into the darkness and let me fall. The smell was a musky mixture of sex and sweat, not entirely unpleasant, but overwhelming all the same. I landed in the coarse nest of her damp pubic hair, pressed against her by the fabric of her panties. As I squirmed to free myself, Carolyn let out a soft moan. I felt her fingers mashing me through her panties, shoving me against her [EXPLETIVE DELETED].

"Oh God," she said breathlessly. "Just like that."

A month ago, just the thought of something like this would have horrified and repulsed me. But now, it was just another in the long line of ignominies I had suffered at the hands (and feet) of Carolyn.

"One for the team," I muttered to myself as I reached inside her. I felt for the telltale crease in the skin, and the tiny bud that rested atop it. Of course, it was the size of my fist. I stroked it gently with my fingers, and Carolyn shivered with pleasure. When I gave it a squeeze, I heard the squeal of tires as Carolyn shuddered violently.

"Jesus," she gasped. "Dave! You almost made me run off the road!"

I continued to stroke her with my fingers, feeling her tense up. Her thighs pressed together, and she moaned again. I felt her writhing, shifting in her seat as I massaged her relentlessly.

"Oh God," she said breathlessly. "It's so... it's..."

A spasm rocked her, and I was drenched in her fluids. She let out a long, incoherent moan. I was still held in place between her thighs as she quivered and squirmed. Then she went limp and I felt myself slipping down.

Bright light poured in as her fingers pushed their way into her panties. She fished me out, her hand trembling as she held me up. Her cheeks were flushed and she was smiling.

She had pulled onto the shoulder of the highway, and now cars were zipping by us. An eighteen wheeler happened by, honking its horn twice as it passed.

"Jesus, Dave," she said. She leaned her head back and giggled. "That was [EXPLETIVE DELETED] amazing. I didn't know..." She laughed again as she looked at me. "I guess it's a good thing I didn't do that in the store, you naughty little boy."

I was wet and sticky, but I managed a smile. "So," I said cheerfully, "was it good for you?"

Still grinning, she fished a tissue out of her purse. "We better save that one for the bedroom. Now, let's get you cleaned up."


When we got home, Carolyn set the groceries on the kitchen table and carried me over to the sink. She dabbed some soap on me and rinsed me off under the faucet, then dried me with a dish towel.

She glanced at the clock on the stove and shook her head. "Almost three, and I haven't fed you little guys yet. You must be starving!"

After she put the groceries away, Carolyn took a package of sliced turkey from the refrigerator. She peeled a couple of slices away from the rest, folded them over, and set them on a paper plate. Next, she tore a slice of bread into rough chunks and scattered them on top of the turkey.

Still naked, I was tucked between her breasts as she carried the plate upstairs to the guestroom. She plucked me out with her finger and thumb and set me in bedroom of the dollhouse.

"Go ahead and get some clothes on, Dave," she told me. "The rest of you come and get it."

As I slipped on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, Carolyn gathered the others and set them gently on the floor next to the paper plate. I was just about done lacing up my sneakers when she turned back to the dollhouse and placed her hand, palm up, against the open edge.

"Come on, Davey," she said, as if calling a dog. "Chop chop."

I stepped into her open palm and let her lower me to the floor. The others stood about nervously, ever mindful of her sandaled feet to either side of them.

Carolyn stepped over us and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Y'all get to eating," she said. "I got things to do."

We approached the plate and began tearing off pieces of turkey as Carolyn watched. Denny, Julie and I exchanged nervous glances as we ate, wondering if today would be the day.

Carolyn glanced towards the open door of the guestroom and sighed. "I better get that board nailed back in place. Can't have you little things wandering off, now can we?"

As we ate, Carolyn informed everybody of her magnanimous plans for the following day. The news of the picnic was met with considerable enthusiasm, which seemed to please Carolyn. She slipped her foot out of her sandal and gave Mr. Nichols a playful nudge with her big toe. "Better fry up a little extra chicken for you, right Tubby?"

Ten minutes passed, and our escape was beginning to look unlikely. Denny cut his eyes towards Carolyn, then rolled them with exasperation. I gave him a slight nod and picked up another piece of bread.

And then, miraculously, Carolyn said six of the most beautiful words I'd ever heard her say. "I think I need a drink."

She slipped her shoe back on and stood up. She glanced at the door again, then down at us. "Better take one of you with me, just in case the rest of you get any ideas." She said it playfully, but the threat was implicit. If she came back and found any of us gone, the "hostage" would pay. And now, more than ever, we knew she wasn't bluffing.

"How about you, Tubby?" she said, placing her foot next to Mr. Nichols. "Want to come downstairs with me?"

Mr. Nichols was obviously uncomfortable as he looked towards us, but he gave us a conspiratorial smile. Then he grabbed the strap of Carolyn's sandal and, grunting with effort, hoisted himself onto the top of her foot. He clung to her strap as she wiggled her toes playfully.

"Hang on tight," Carolyn said. "Hate to see another one of you little guys get squished."

Carolyn walked to the door, stepping gingerly to avoid shaking Mr. Nichols loose. She cast one last glance in our direction, an admonishment to behave ourselves. Then she stepped into the hall, closing the door behind her. We waited until we heard her footsteps on the stairs. And then we went to work.

"Julie, you bring Raymond up to speed," I called as Denny and I rushed towards the bed. We darted under, past all the parked cars, and made our way to the bedpost. There, tucked between the oak post and the wall, were our last two Valrelease capsules.

Each was slightly larger than a football and weighed just under a pound. Denny scooped up one, and I grabbed the other. Together, we ran back out to the paper plate. We broke open the capsules carefully to avoid spilling the powder, and sprinkled the contents on a piece of the turkey.

We had tried this twice before, and both times had failed. I didn't know if or when we'd be able to snag some more of Carolyn's valium, so this was our last chance. If this didn't work, we were screwed.

Once the capsules were empty, Denny and I ran with the empty shells and hid them behind the bedpost along with the others. We heard Carolyn's footsteps coming up the stairs, so we rushed back to the plate and struggled to catch our breath before she came in.

"Remember," Julie whispered to Raymond as she pointed at the turkey. "Don’t eat anything from that end. In fact, you might want to just stick to the bread."

Raymond nodded nervously. He looked like he was about to say something, but he didn't get the chance. The door opened and Carolyn stepped in, carrying a glass of wine.

Mr. Nichols was still riding atop her foot, holding on to her sandal strap as she stepped over us. She placed her foot near the plate and gave it a gentle shake, sending Mr. Nichols tumbling to the floor. He climbed awkwardly to his feet.

"You like that, Tubby?" Carolyn asked, flexing her toes. "You like playing on my pretty feet?"

Mr. Nichols was blushing furiously, but he knew what was at stake. So he nodded enthusiastically and planted a kiss on Carolyn's big toe. Ordinarily, Carolyn would have taken delight in further humiliating him, but her mood was light and playful.

"I was telling Davey boy I could use another pedicure," Carolyn said. "Maybe I should just put the two of you to work on my toes. You can take my right foot and Davey can have my left. Sound good?"

Carolyn took her seat on the edge of the bed and sipped her wine as she watched us eat. I was so nervous my hands were trembling. This was it. Our last chance. Any hope of escape hinged on the next minute.

We stepped away from the plate and looked up at Carolyn expectantly. She shook her head with mock disapproval and made a clicking sound with her tongue.

"That's all you little guys are going to eat? I thought you'd be hungrier than that."

I smiled at her. "Just saving room for the picnic tomorrow."

"Yeah, all right," Carolyn said. She slid off the edge of the bed and knelt on the floor. "You guys better eat up tomorrow," she told us. "If I shrink down all that chicken and wind up throwing it away, I'm gonna be pissed."

She reached over us and picked up the uneaten slice of turkey. She held it up, letting it flop back and forth in her grip as she considered eating it. We watched nervously, holding our breath, wondering if our moment had come...

"Oh, well," Carolyn said with a wink. "Waste not, want not." She shoved the turkey into her mouth and washed it down with a sip of wine. She made a distasteful face and took another gulp of wine, polishing off the glass.

"Turkey tastes kind of funny," she said. "Wonder if it's starting to go off or something."

She touched her fingers to her forehead and shook her head. "God, what..." She was still kneeling when her knee buckled beneath her. She teetered to the side. The wineglass slipped from her fingers and shattered as it hit the floor.

Carolyn gasped and put her hands to the side of her head. She glared down at us, her eyes unfocused. "What..." she slurred, "what did you..."

Her eyes rolled up into her head, and Carolyn fell over. Her head hit the wooden floor with a heavy thud.

We had done it. The Great Escape was underway.

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