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GENETITECH/BIOENG. confidential file
A.U. No.: --NC 654 55 D
S.C.I.D. No: --7474HHD

ITEM: --Transcript of recorded testimony regarding subject's current condition. File for ASSESSMENT/INFO


You know, it's not like Carolyn was some kind of evil super genius or something. So, how did she manage to get away with what she did? How did she manage to stay under GenetiTech's radar for so long?

That was the first question I asked Tim Ware when we were brought here, but I never could get a straight answer from him. He told me that GenetiTech's security was overextended due to a large operation in Stasheff, and that the department was undergoing some massive restructuring because the former head of security had been in a car wreck that left her in a coma. Tim assured me that, under normal conditions, Carolyn's scheme would have been uncovered much sooner.

But you know what? I don't believe him. I know you guys would like to lay all of the blame on internal turmoil or a lack of resources, but the simple fact is, GenetiTech [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up. You guys made the same mistake we all made.

You underestimated Carolyn.


Carolyn was busy the next day, working frantically to cover her tracks. It was Wednesday, July 3, and she had four days before anybody at GenetiTech would miss Julie or Eddie. The three of us spent the entire morning in the dollhouse, but it wasn't too hard to figure out what was going on.

Eddie, I should add, was a blubbering mess at the time. He wouldn't even speak to me or Julie... he just sat there on the oversized plastic divan, rocking back and forth and muttering about how this was all his fault. If Julie or I had been feeling particularly noble, we might have made an effort to comfort him and ease his guilt. But as far as I was concerned, he was to blame almost as much as Carolyn.

Carolyn had called Linda first thing that morning, and now the two of them were bumping around downstairs, moving Eddie's machine out to the garage. Eventually, the lights flickered and we knew they'd just shrunk something.

I walked to the open side of the dollhouse and peered past the edge of the plastic floor. We were sitting on top of my old dresser, and the floor was several stories below me. I felt a wave of vertigo as I considered the long, sharp drop. I sat down, letting my legs dangle. Julie walked up behind me and, without a word, placed her hand on my shoulder.

"God, I was so [EXPLETIVE DELETED] stupid," Eddie moaned from behind us, his fists clenched and pressed to the sides of his head. "It's my fault. It's all my fault."

"I swear, he's driving me nuts," Julie said. "I wasn't this annoying, was I?"

I chuckled. "At least now we both have somebody to blame. Kind of takes the pressure off, doesn't it?"

"Why did I do it?" Eddie wailed. "Why? Why didn't I see what she was..."

Julie sighed. "Eddie, shut the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up, or Dave and I will throw you over the edge."

Eddie's diatribe became an indistinct whimper, lost amidst his sobbing. I glanced back over my shoulder at him, amazed that I actually felt sorry for the bastard.

"So, how was..." Julie trailed off, obviously looking for a better way to phrase her question. "What happened with Carolyn last night?"

I shuddered, remembering the evening spent in bed with Carolyn. Endless hours of being poked and petted, of stroking her nipples or squirming between her toes. And the worst part was, I hadn't offered any resistance. I'd let her have her way with me and, God help me, part of me had even enjoyed it a little. It was only now, speaking with Julie in the light of day, that I began to feel ashamed.

"It sucked," I told her simply. "I'd rather not talk about it."

I was spared further conversation by the sound of approaching footsteps. The slap of sandals as Carolyn and Linda trudged up the stairs to us. I felt Julie's hand tighten on my shoulder when Linda rounded the corner and stepped through the doorway. She was sweaty and winded, dressed in white shorts and a tight Harley Davidson t-shirt. She was carrying something in her cupped hands, holding it gingerly as if she were afraid it might break. I was relieved to see it was only Eddie's green pickup truck.

"Ooh! Hi there, little people," Linda squealed, crossing the room to us. She set the pickup on the dresser next to my car, then knelt to bring her face level with us. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and her cheeks were red and blotchy from exertion. Her blonde hair was tucked up under a baseball cap, hanging out in wisps in the front and around her ears.

I jumped to my feet and stood back, terrified as always by the sheer closeness of her. Julie clung to my arm helplessly as we waited to see what Linda wanted with us.

It was Eddie's first time to see one of them since he'd been shrunk, and he reacted as reasonably as could be expected. He screamed and fled to the far side of the dollhouse, huddling in the corner and hiding from Linda's monstrous face. Linda's grin widened. Her massive hand reached in slowly, past Julie and me. She effortlessly knocked our furniture aside with her fingers as she trapped Eddie in the corner and caught him between her finger and thumb.

Eddie screamed and kicked frantically as Linda lifted him out of the dollhouse and held him to her face. "What's the matter, Eddie?" she asked in a babytalk voice. "No kiss for your sister?" She pressed her squirming brother-in-law to her gigantic lips, making a horrible "mmmwah" smacking sound.

Carolyn came into the bedroom right then, looking quite annoyed. "For God's sake, Linda. What the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] are you doing?"

Linda jerked Eddie away and dumped him roughly back in the dollhouse. He lay in a crumpled heap on the plastic floor, shivering and crying as he buried his face in his hands.

"I was just playing with them," Linda said.

"We don't have time to play," Carolyn said. "We've still got things to do."

Linda heaved a martyred sigh. "Like what?"

Carolyn looked at us without a trace of humor on her face. The scowl on her face was enough to make my stomach lurched, and my mind struggled to reconcile the angry woman before us with the playful giantess who had spent most of the night playing with me.

"Just come on," she told Linda. "We can play with them later, okay?"

"Fine," Linda said. She stood and followed Carolyn out the door, leaving me and Julie to comfort a very shaken Eddie.


I told you Carolyn was insane, right? I mean, I figured that out fairly early on, but I don't think I realized just how unbalanced she really was. I don't know which prospect was more terrifying, Carolyn feeling cranky or Carolyn feeling amorous. But that was the great thing about being her prisoners... her mood could change five times before breakfast. Teasing could quickly turn into torment in a matter of seconds, leaving you wondering what you had said or done to bring about such a startling transformation.

It wasn't so bad when she took her medication. The valium left her a little spacey, but that was infinitely preferable to volatile and unpredictable.

As for Linda, I don't think she was bipolar or depressed or anything clinical like that. I think Linda's problem can be boiled down to the fact that she was a big [EXPLETIVE DELETED] bitch.


Eddie's Irish setter, Sire, was barking frantically downstairs. This was enough to startle Eddie from his daze. He looked up eagerly, as if clinging to some pathetic hope that Sire might bound up the stairs and rescue us. When the lights flickered a minute later, his face fell and he let out a wail of pure anguish. Julie and I looked at each other helplessly, neither of us sure of how to handle him. At the rate things were going, poor Eddie was going to be certifiable by lunchtime.

We heard the approach of footsteps again, this time just one set. Carolyn came into the bedroom in an even fouler mood than before. She tromped over to the dollhouse and thrust her massive hand inside, knocking all three of us out of the way. She opened her fingers and dropped the unconscious dog in the center of our living room.

Poor Sire was curled up and still, knocked out by the shrink ray. He still had a leather leash attached to his collar. Eddie called his name as he ran over to his dog's side and cradled his head in his lap. Eddie stroked the red fur with trembling hands, sobbing all the while and offering up incoherent apologies to the dog.

"That little [EXPLETIVE DELETED] snapped at me," Carolyn said angrily, extending her index finger to show us. There was a ghastly puncture on the side of her finger, although I imagine it simply looked a lot worse at our scale. A large drop of blood escaped the wound and slowly ran down her finger. She rubbed at it with her thumb, smearing it. "You're lucky I didn't flush it down the toilet."

Eddie looked at her, but said nothing as he continued to pet his dog. Carolyn poked him in the chest with her finger, knocking him down. He tried to sit up, but Carolyn held him in place with her fingertip. "Don't you have something to say to me?"

There was no anger, no defiance. Eddie's voice was weary with defeat when he said softly, "I'm sorry, Carolyn. It won't happen again."

We heard Linda's approach up the stairs. She came bouncing into the room and looked over Carolyn's shoulder, peering at us eagerly.

"Okay, it's all loaded up," she told Carolyn. "Anything else?"

Her attention still on Eddie, Carolyn said, "No, I think we're just about done here. Nothing left to do but call the police on Monday and tell them my husband is gone." She gave Eddie a cold, evil smile as she said, "Imagine, Linda. Eddie, Dave, and Julie running off with GenetiTech's property like that. God only knows how long they've been planning it."

Linda giggled. "I know. Do you think Randy was in on it with them?"

Carolyn yanked her hand out of the dollhouse and stood up to confront her sister. "Listen to me, Linda. You're just keeping the machine until GenetiTech comes and cleans out Eddie's lab. I don't want you using it."

Linda let out an exasperated gasp. "But that's not fair! You got to shrink your husband!"

"We're already pushing it with these three," Carolyn said. "Any more people vanish, and GenetiTech may figure out what's going on." She took her sister by the wrist. "Do not use that machine, Linda. Understand?"

"Fine," Linda said venomously. Her scowl vanished in an instant, and she grinned as she pointed at us. "Hey, do you want me to take them home with me too?" she said brightly. "Might be safer that way..."

Carolyn shook her head. "You live around too many people. Can't have Randy or any of your neighbors finding them."

"God!" Linda said, angry again. "You won't let me do anything!"

Carolyn sighed. "Linda, please. Just do this for me, okay? I'll let you come over and play with them any time you want."

Linda pursed her lips, mulling over Carolyn's offer. Then, she finally smiled sweetly. "Okay, sis. You can count on me."

"Good." Carolyn nodded, then looked over towards us. That wicked, predatory smile slowly crept onto her face. "Now what do you say we take these little [EXPLETIVE DELETED] downstairs and let them get a little exercise?"


Later that evening, after Linda had finally left, Carolyn treated us to a dinner of shredded bread and torn bits of bologna. Without the shrink ray -- I mean, "matter proportioning matrix" -- we were basically stuck eating scraps. I've never been a huge fan of bologna to begin with, but seeing it in chunks the size of my head was enough to kill my appetite.

Poor Eddie was still trembling and crying from the afternoon's events. Linda and Carolyn had both taken great delight in tormenting him mercilessly, pinning him beneath their feet and grasping at him with their toes. After about fifteen minutes of running from them, Eddie had finally collapsed on the floor in a fetal position, begging to be left alone.

So now it was getting close to eight, and we were all exhausted. I kept praying that Carolyn would let me be tonight, that she would let me sleep in the dollhouse. And if she had to have one of us to play with, I hoped she'd select Eddie. Petty? Sure. Hateful? Probably. But of the three of us, he was the only one that even remotely deserved this.

Sire was up and barking ferociously as Carolyn carried the three of us to the dollhouse. She bent down and peered in, giggling at the sight of the tiny dog baring his teeth.

"Who's a stupid [EXPLETIVE DELETED] dog?" she asked in a playful, baby-talk voice as she reached into the dollhouse. "Huh? Is it you? Are you a stupid little [EXPLETIVE DELETED] doggie?"

"Stop it!" Eddie screamed, pounding on Carolyn's thumb with both of his fists. "Leave him alone!"

With a giggle, Carolyn withdrew her hand from the dollhouse. "Sounds like somebody just volunteered to have a bath with me," she said, smiling down at us. She plucked me and Julie between her fingers and lifted us from her palm. She dropped us roughly onto the second floor of the dollhouse, right next to the oversized toy bed. We could still hear Sire downstairs, growling and running about, his claws clicking and scraping against the plastic floor.

"Sleep tight, my little darlings," she cooed. She kissed the tip of her index finger and reached in, touching it to both me and Julie. Too tired to offer any resistance, we simply endured it.

Then, she closed her fingers around her sobbing husband and carried him out of the room, stopping only to snap off the light.

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