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GENETITECH/BIOENG. confidential file
A.U. No.: --NC 654 55 D
S.C.I.D. No: --7474HHD

ITEM: --Transcript of recorded testimony regarding subject's current condition. File for ASSESSMENT/INFO


I didn't realize how far gone I was until Carolyn dropped me, naked and trembling, onto the plastic floor of the dollhouse. I squinted in the bright light. Carolyn's enormous hand still hovered above me. I wanted her to pick me back up, to hold me. I longed for the warmth and safety of her grasp.

Sire was barking as usual, straining to pull away from Julie and Eddie. They both crouched in the relative safety of the dining room, next to the orange plastic table. They both looked at me as they clung to the struggling Irish Setter. Eddie's face was hard, but Julie just looked angry.

"Poor Dave's too worn out to help me in the garden today," Carolyn chirped, stroking my bare back with the tip of her finger. "I figured I'd give him the day off."

Sire growled and snapped angrily at Carolyn, and she giggled. "Poor little doggie, all cooped up in this house. You wanna go outside?"

Her hand was already reaching past me, her finger and thumb spreading to grasp the dog. She effortlessly brushed Julie and Eddie aside and picked up Sire. He squirmed frantically and his barking grew more ferocious as she lifted him from the house. She flicked at him playfully with her fingernail, then tucked him into her breast pocket. His snarls became muffled whines.

"Leave him alone!" Eddie wailed, charging towards the edge of the dollhouse.

Carolyn offered Eddie a cruel smile as she stroked Sire through the fabric of her shirt. "Oh, stop being so melodramatic," she admonished him. "I'll try not to step on him or anything, okay?"

Eddie reached the edge of the dollhouse's plastic floor and fell to his knees. "Please, Carolyn! Take me, okay? Just leave my dog alone!"

Carolyn chewed her lip, as if mulling over the offer. "Tell you what," she said, reaching down. "How about if I take you both?" She snatched up Eddie and dropped him in her pocket along with Sire.

"Better be good to my special little guy," Carolyn said to Julie. She was still crouching on the floor next to the plastic dining table, glaring angrily at Carolyn. "If you aren't, I promise you, I'll hear about it."

Carolyn gave me one more affectionate stroke, then turned to leave me and Julie alone.


Remember what I said, about Carolyn's [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up games? You see, she was still convinced that Julie and Eddie had been having an affair. In fact, she was occasionally convinced that they were still carrying on in the dollhouse.

But Carolyn knew better than to confront them, because they'd simply deny it. So her solution was to lavish all of her affections on me, in the hopes of making Eddie jealous.

It was a sick game, one they'd been playing for years before I even showed up. Unfortunately, now that we were Carolyn's prisoners, it had become a game with consequences.

For the past five days, things had passed into a horrible but tolerable routine. Carolyn had kept me with her most of the time, obviously pleased with how well-trained I had become. She'd kept me naked, refusing to let me wear even a pair of boxers. When she wasn't petting me and playing with me, I spent my time riding on her shoulder or tucked in between her breasts.

A couple of times, she took me out to the garden with her. On these days, she kept me tucked in the breast pocket of her gingham shirt. It was uncomfortably warm, especially once her sweat soaked through the fabric and drenched me.

Nights were an arduous but manageable routine. I'd stroke her nipple while she slipped a hand beneath the sheets and brought herself to climax. Afterwards, she'd rub me along her foot and let me squirm between her toes until she had returned the favor. Then, I would fall asleep on her warm, bare stomach, her hand cupped protectively over me.

I had honestly come to see her as my goddess and protector. Or protectrix. Whatever. That's how [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up I was. When she rewarded my good behavior, I basked in her pleasure. And when she punished me for some transgression, I truly felt wretched for having disappointed her.

The only time I ever saw Julie and Eddie was at meal times, or when Linda came over for a visit. Sometimes, Carolyn would let Linda have a turn with me, but usually she kept me to herself. She often referred to me as her "special little guy." This epithet would usually earn withering stares from Julie and Eddie as they dangled helplessly from Linda's clothing or writhed between her fingers.

I vaguely remembered the bold talk of escape that I had shared with Julie, but all hope of that had withered and died. I saw no light at the end of my tunnel. Just day after day of being Carolyn's pet. The enormity of our sentence was so daunting that just considering it numbed my soul. My only "escape" was to put those thoughts out of my mind and bury myself in the task at hand. Which, in this case, was appeasing Carolyn.


"So, I guess you can get too much of a good thing," Julie said nastily as she approached me. "I was starting to wonder."

I climbed unsteadily to my feet and started towards the brown plastic stairs sculpted to look like wood. My clothes were upstairs in the bedroom, and I was really looking forward to being dressed once again.

"So what's it like, being Carolyn's 'special little guy?'"

I stopped and whirled towards her, more hurt than angry. "Why are you taking this out on me?" I asked her. "How is any of this my fault?"

"Because you let it happen," Julie said. "Because you let her do those things to you, and you don't even try to stop her."

"Stop her? What the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] am I supposed to do?"

She sighed, still angry. "I can't believe she's got you trained like she does. I swear, the way you run to her when she calls you makes me want to vomit."

Suddenly, I was angry. "What the hell do you know about anything? If you and Eddie didn't keep pissing her off, maybe things would be better for us here!"

She just glared at me, and I felt my cheeks burn. My mind raced to think of something else to add, but I had nothing. "Just forget it," I said lamely.

"No, please," Julie said, her hands on her hips. "Tell me. How are Eddie and I making things worse?"

Suddenly, I was trembling. A week's worth of anger and humiliation welled up within me and were threatening to erupt.

"Poor Eddie's just about lost his mind, and you've turned into Carolyn's favorite pet. I swear to God, Dave! I feel like I'm all by myself in this!"

And suddenly, I was weeping. It wasn't an angry, righteous outburst. It was the petulant outpouring of a broken man. "She only does that stuff to me because she thinks you and Eddie are [EXPLETIVE DELETED] each other," I told her in a sobbed-choked voice.

"Well, that's ridiculous," Julie snapped, shaking her head. "You know that's not true. Why don't you just tell her?"

"I did," I said, my voice truly pathetic.


I took a wavering breath and wiped the tears from my eyes. "She told me she'd take a lit cigarette to me if I didn't stop trying to defend you."

Julie's eyes widened, the anger gradually melting from her face.

"You think you feel all alone? Christ! Do you have any idea what I've been through this past week? The things she does to me, that she makes me do..."

"You didn't seem to be protesting too much," Julie told me.

"I did at first," I told her, "but it only made things worse. So I finally just decided to go along with her to get it over with. And then, somewhere along the way..."

I felt the anguish overcoming me again, as I struggled for some way to explain my actions, to rationalize how I had willingly submitted myself to Carolyn's whims. Why even now, I longed to be held and petted by her.

"I think she broke me," I said softly, then burst into tears again. After a few minutes, Julie came over and put her arms around me. She whispered softly, soothingly as she squeezed me.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm so sorry." I didn't know if she was talking about her earlier outburst or about getting me into this mess in the first place. But I didn't care. I was just glad to have her back on my side.


The dollhouse was equipped with running water, so long as Carolyn kept the tank filled. It required quite a bit of effort to mash the plastic button on the counter by the sink, but eventually cold water spurted from the oversized faucet and filled the plastic basin.

The bathroom (and for that matter, the whole house) had been built for a set of three-inch dolls. I stood about an inch shorter than that, so of course everything was rather out of scale. It was almost like being eight years old again. Even so, just the close confines of the garish plastic bathroom were a welcome relief from the vast open spaces outside.

Once I washed my face, I used Eddie's razor and some soap to scrape off the whiskers that had grown over the past week. I nicked myself a couple of times, but was relieved to be rid of the itchy stubble. I went into the bedroom and rummaged through the clothes in the closet until I found a pair of sweat pants and WWF t-shirt. Once I was dressed, I climbed onto the bed and laid back on the folded tissue paper that served as a mattress.

I was asleep within seconds.


It was mid-afternoon when Julie woke me up. I sat up and yawned, feeling almost human for the first time in weeks.

"She's coming," was all Julie said.

I could hear Carolyn heavy footsteps on the stairs. She was talking in a high, playful voice, but I couldn't make out the words. Even so, I was relieved. At least she was in a good mood.

She rounded the corner and stood in the doorway, holding Eddie and Sire in her cupped palm. She was flushed and grimy, but grinning as she approached the dollhouse.

"Here we go," she said in a squeaky voice, as if talking to a child. She picked up Sire and set him gently in the house. The poor dog offered no fight, but cringed and slowly backed away from her hand.

"My husband and I are going to go have a shower," she told us, wiping her hand across her sweaty forehead. "Then I'll take you guys downstairs for some lunch."


Lunch once again consisted of torn bread and small shreds of bologna. Unappetizing as hell, but slightly better than nothing. Julie and I managed to overcome our revulsion and choke down what she'd given us.

Eddie was naked and shivering, still damp from their shower together. He seemed unbothered by his nudity, either unashamed or just totally oblivious. It was hard to tell just what was going through Eddie's head those days.

Carolyn's face was freshly scrubbed, and her hair was still damp. She bit into her own sandwich with gusto and chewed noisily.

"Poor Eddie," she said, her mouth full. Eddie started at the sound of his own name. His head snapped up to look at Carolyn.

"I don't think he enjoys showering with me as much as you do," she said, winking at me. "I think he'd rather shower with little Miss Julie here."

As she said this, she reached down and gave Julie a playful poke with her index finger. Julie let out a yelp as she fell over backwards. She tried to sit up, but Carolyn held her down with her finger. She gently massaged Julie's breasts through her t-shirt.

Julie squirmed and protested, and I felt myself growing annoyed with her. Didn't she know she was only going to make things worse? But she looked at me helplessly, pleading for my help.

"Carolyn," I said, climbing to my feet. I approached her monstrous hand calmly, smiling up at her. "Please stop..."

Carolyn looked at me, her predatory smile in place. Without a word, she reached down and grabbed me. She crossed her leg as she slipped me under the table, then set me on her sandaled foot. I felt myself slipping between her bare sole and her flip flop, and I grabbed onto the leather strap to catch myself.

She left me dangling there, too weak to pull myself up. I felt her foot buck playfully as she slowly wiggled her enormous toes. The rubber insole of her sandal slapped up against my back.

"Now, where were we?" she said, returning her attention to Julie and Eddie. "Oh yeah! We were talking about Julie's adorable little titties."

I could hear Julie's scream from the table top. I kicked feebly against the bottom of her foot and shouted impotently for her to stop. I doubt she even heard me.

Suddenly, Carolyn's palm slapped the table top. The thunderous slam startled me so badly that I almost slipped and fell. "Don't you dare run away from me!" Carolyn snarled, drowning out Julie's sobs and screams. "You try that again, and I'll cut off your little legs with a pair of nail clippers. Then you won't have anything to spread for my husband."

"Stop it!" I screamed, still kicking at her foot.

"If you two are going to [EXPLETIVE DELETED] each other, you might as well quit doing it behind my back," Carolyn said to Eddie and Julie. "You can do it right now, while I watch."

"We're not doing anything!" Julie screamed.

Carolyn slapped the table again in response. "I'm not an idiot, you little whore! Now..."

There was a knock at the door. Carolyn jumped, and I was almost thrown to the carpet far below. I clung for dear life to her sandal strap until she finally plucked me loose and lifted me above the table.

"God, that's probably GenetiTech again," she said, exasperated.

Glancing down at Julie, I saw she was lying on her back, with her shorts pulled down around her ankles. She was sobbing, her hands covering her face.

Carolyn looked panicked, no doubt running through a mental checklist of anything incriminating she might have lying around. She roughly snatched up Julie and Eddie and ran with the three of us towards the stairs.

Another knock, and Carolyn cursed. "Just a minute!" she shouted as she bolted upstairs with us.

She ran into the guest bedroom knelt before the dollhouse. Sire stood in the living room, watching her warily. She reached in and snatched him up so roughly that he let out a pained whine. Then she ran with all of us into her bedroom.

"Okay, stay here and stay out of sight," she told us, dropping us into the top drawer in her dresser. I landed on a wad of nylon stockings.

"Don't even try to escape, or I'll..."

The knock came again from downstairs, and Carolyn looked absolutely stricken. She reached down and grabbed me, yanking me out of the drawer. Holding me up, she looked down at Eddie and Julie, who were lying on a folded pair of her panties. Sire had backed into a dark corner, hoping to avoid Carolyn altogether.

"If I come up here and find any of you gone, Dave goes down the garbage disposal. Understand?"

Julie nodded and Eddie shrugged, which didn't exactly fill me with confidence. It was basically the same threat she'd used last time, and once again I found myself hoping that they would value my health over their own freedom. Or if not, that Carolyn was only bluffing about killing me.

Neither of them seemed like a sure bet anymore.

Another knock. Carolyn bumped the drawer shut with her hip and ran out into the hall, holding me in her clenched fist. She carried me down the stairs and into the front foyer.

"Okay, you be good," was all she said before she tucked me into her breast pocket. Then she took a deep breath and answered the door.

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