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GENETITECH/BIOENG. confidential file
A.U. No.: --NC 654 55 D
S.C.I.D. No: --7474HHD

ITEM: --Transcript of recorded testimony regarding subject's current condition. File for ASSESSMENT/INFO


As soon as she opened the door, a shrill woman's voice cried "Carolyn, baby! You look terrible!"

The next thing I knew, Carolyn was being hugged. I was mashed between the two of them as they embraced.

"Hey there, Pookie," said a man's voice. No sooner had one embrace ended when another began. The smell of Brut seemed to soak through the fabric of Carolyn's shirt, making my eyes water.

"Mom! Dad!" Carolyn pulled away. I could feel her heart pounding through her shirt. She was terrified. "What are you doing here?"

"What are we doing here?" her mom answered, pushing her way past Carolyn to come inside. "That lowlife Eddie runs off with another woman, and we have to hear about it from some detective?"

"Never did like that jackass, pardon my French," her father said. "Told you at your wedding that you were too good for him."

"Um, what's with all the luggage?" Carolyn asked nervously. "Are you guys on your way to..."

"On our way, nothing! We're here!" I heard the front door shut, and the sound of heavy suitcases being dropped. "You can't go through this by yourself," her mom said, "and Lord knows your sister is useless when it comes to men."

"She sure married a sorry son of a bitch too, didn't she?" Carolyn's father said. I heard a muffled slap, probably his wife hitting him in the arm. "Well, she did," he mumbled defiantly.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Carolyn," her mom said. "We're going to stay with you for as long as it takes, to get you through this."

I felt Carolyn's hand touch me through the shirt fabric. "Great," she said without much enthusiasm.


I never did get a good look at Carolyn's parents, but I learned that their names were Raymond and Cecile White, and they were from Sweetwater, Texas. They bickered constantly, with a practiced ease that only comes from almost 40 years of marriage.

I knew absolutely nothing about them, but I harbored the hope that they would be more kindly disposed towards us than Carolyn or Linda had proven to be. So as I crouched there in Carolyn's pocket, I started concocting plans to escape, to somehow attract the attention of Carolyn's parents without endangering Eddie or Julie.

It was a bold plan. A brilliant plan, I daresay. Unfortunately, it was a very obvious plan, and Carolyn was already several steps ahead of me.


We made our way upstairs, Carolyn's mother following behind us. Her father brought up the rear, lugging the luggage up with him.

"Are you guys sure you wouldn't rather stay with Linda?" Carolyn was asking as she led them to the guest room. Which, as it happened, had once been my bedroom. "I mean, with Randy gone on that fishing trip and everything..."

"Don't be silly," her mom replied in a weary voice. "We came to see after you. We'll visit Linda when..." Her voice trailed off. "Oh, will we be staying in this room?"

"What's wrong, Mom?" Carolyn asked with little patience.

"It's just, you know... when we visit, you and Eddie usually take this room and let us have yours. It's not me, you understand. It's just that your father's back is bad, and this mattress..."

"This room will be fine, Cecile," her father said, shoving his way past the women. "Leave Pookie alone." He dropped the luggage on the floor with a heavy thud.

(Incidentally, "Pookie" was Raymond's pet name for Carolyn. He called Linda "Lulu." Cecile, who had no time for such nonsense, called them by their proper names. Or "baby.")

"I'm not trying to make any trouble," Cecile said, sounding offended. "You don't have to scold me, Raymond."

Raymond let out a loud sigh. "Fine. What say you give Lulu a call and let me take my two girls out to dinner?"

"Oh, not tonight, Raymond," Cecile whined. "We just drove two hours from Sweetwater, and you know how tired you get."

"Why don't I call Linda and have her come over for dinner?" Carolyn suggested. I felt her turn and start to leave.

"What's this dollhouse doing in here?" Cecile asked. Carolyn stopped suddenly. I could feel her heart racing.

She took a deep breath and said, "Oh, Eddie bought that a couple of weeks ago, for his niece Amber. Said he wanted her to have something to play with next time she..."

Carolyn let out a theatrical sigh, her voice quavering with emotion. For all of her faults, she was one hell of an actress. "Anyway, he left it here when he... when he left me."

"Oh, baby!" I heard Cecile take two steps, and suddenly I was smashed against Carolyn's breast in another embrace. "You're better off without him, believe me."

"What are these?" Raymond asked from across the room. "These little cars?"

"Don't be stupid, Raymond," Cecile said, stepping away from Carolyn. "They obviously go with the dollhouse."

"This one looks just like that truck Eddie drives." Raymond's voice trailed off in the sudden, awkward silence. "I mean..."

"God, Raymond! Can't you go five minutes without mentioning him? You're upsetting your daughter!"

"I was just..." Raymond stammered. "I didn't mean... Pookie, you know..."

"It's okay, Dad," Carolyn said. "I'm going to go call Linda. You guys get settled."

"This dollhouse stinks," Cecile announced as Carolyn was leaving the guest room. "Smells like something peed in it."

"Oh, for Christ's sake," Carolyn mumbled as she marched out of the room.


"What the hell are they doing here?" Carolyn moaned under her breath as she ran down the stairs. "I swear, this is the last thing I need right now."

I bounced about in her pocket, listening to the slap of her sandals as she trotted into the living room. She was really shaken up, and I was still hoping she would do something stupid, make some stupid error that I could capitalize on.

She plopped down on the couch, and I heard her dial the phone. While she was waiting for an answer, she reached into her pocket and grabbed me between her finger and thumb.

Her face was red and flushed, but she offered me a nervous smile. "Parents, huh? Always have to come along and [EXPLETIVE DELETED] everything up."

Before I could answer, the smile faded from her face. "Linda?" she said sharply into the phone. "You'll never guess who just showed up on my doorstep!"


Dinner was spaghetti and Ragu, at least for the big folks. I spent the entire meal tucked in Carolyn's pocket, my stomach rumbling angrily at the smell of the food.

Cecile and Raymond decided to diplomatically avoid the topic of Eddie, so they all engaged in awkward small talk as they ate.

At one point, Linda mentioned that Randy had left on a deep-sea fishing trip the day before, and wouldn't be back for two weeks. "Yep, just me, all alone in that house for the next two weeks." There was something pointed in her voice when she said it, as if she were hinting at something.

"Well, I'm afraid your sister needs us more than you do," Cecile said, assuming the hint was directed at her. "But if you get too lonely, you can sleep here with us."

"That's okay," Linda said, giggling. "I don't like sleeping with Carolyn. She snores."

"Oh, don't let me forget," Carolyn said. "I've got those... shoes for you upstairs, Linda. You know, the ones you wanted to borrow?"

"Oh, right," Linda said, a little too slyly. "The shoes. Can't forget them."


"[EXPLETIVE DELETED]," Carolyn mumbled as she set me down on the dresser in her bedroom. She yanked open the top drawer and snatched Julie and Eddie in her fist, dumping them next to me. She grabbed Sire with her other hand and dropped him on the dresser as well. He bristled and whined, but fortunately didn't bark. Which was a good thing, because in her current state, Carolyn might have very well swatted him.

"What's happening?" Julie asked me. Carolyn was already across the room, rummaging through the closet. Linda watched us from the door, her grin growing wider. Slowly, tentatively she approached us.

"Carolyn's parents showed up," I told her, my eyes on Linda. "So I think Carolyn's packing us off to her sister's for a while."

"Raymond and Cecile are here?" Eddie asked in a surprisingly rational tone. Of course, he was still naked which made his lucidity a bit surreal.

"We're going to have so much fun," Linda squealed, clapping her hands. She knelt to bring her face down to our level. "Isn't that right, Eddie?"

Eddie suddenly became self-conscious about his nakedness. He blushed as he tried to cover himself with his hands. Linda poked at him playfully, brushing his hands away with the tip of her finger.

"Oh, come now," she whispered, cutting her eyes towards the closet. "Why are you so shy? It's not like I haven't seen it before."

I glanced at Julie. She wrinkled her brow and gave an almost imperceptible shrug of her shoulders. Which meant it was just as much news to her as it was to me.

That was our first clue that there was something going on between Eddie and Linda. Or had been at one time.

Linda reached for him with her thumb and finger, giggling as he backed away from her. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked as she snatched him around the waist.

"Linda!" Carolyn snapped. Linda dropped Eddie and stood up quickly. Carolyn came over carrying a couple of shoeboxes. She upended each of them, dumping the shoes onto the floor. Then she thrust the empty boxes into her sister's arms.

"Go in the other room, and dump everything that's in the dollhouse into one of those boxes," Carolyn told her. "There's a bedpan in the upstairs bathroom, so make sure you don't spill [EXPLETIVE DELETED] and piss all over the place."

Linda took the box and hurried off to the guest room. When she was gone, Carolyn turned back to us. She grabbed Eddie's clothes from where they lay in the Kleenex box and dropped them on her husband, letting them flutter down from her open hand.

"Get dressed, you little [EXPLETIVE DELETED]," she said. As Eddie scrambled to get his clothes on, Carolyn scowled down at us. She was high-strung and in such a foul mood, and just knowing that we were going to be away from her for a while was something of a relief.

"I want you three to behave yourselves while you're with my sister," Carolyn told us. Her hand was resting on the dresser near us, and her fingers were drumming as she spoke. "Do what she says, and don't make any trouble. If any of you tries anything cute, I will find out about it."

She raised her hand and slapped it down hard on the dresser. All of us jumped at the force of the blow and the loud crack of her palm striking the wood. Eddie let out an involuntary yelp, and Sire started barking.

"Keep that [EXPLETIVE DELETED] dog quiet," Carolyn said. Julie immediately ran over and began stroking the Irish Setter, whispering soothingly in his ear to calm him down.

Linda came hurrying back into the room, carrying the shoe box. It rattled with each step as all of our belongings slid around inside. "Okay, now what?"

Cecile's voice called from the bottom of the stairs, startling both Linda and Carolyn. "You girls about done up there? Wheel of Fortune's about to come on!"

Linda giggled and Carolyn rolled her eyes. "We'll be right down, Mom!" Carolyn yelled back.

She took the shoebox from Linda and handed her the other, empty one. "Okay, go get Eddie's truck and Dave's car off of the dresser in there. Wrap them up nice and tight and toilet paper, and put them in that box."

Linda ran off to do that, and Carolyn once again gave us her undivided attention. She leaned over us once again, her face looming menacingly over Eddie.

"And you keep it in your pants," she said to him, her voice little more than a whisper. "If I find out you've been [EXPLETIVE DELETED] little Miss Julie again, I swear to God I'll get a pair of nail clippers and castrate you. Got it?"

Eddie knew better than to argue, or even protest his innocence. Not that he was all that innocent. I found myself wondering just how he had left things with Linda, and hoping fervently that they had ended their affair on good terms.

Finally satisfied that we weren't going to betray her, Carolyn's face softened. She reached down and gently picked us up in her cupped hands, ignoring Sire's barking for once.

"Just be good. Okay?" She leaned in and kissed us, or rather smacked her lips near us. Then, smiling, she set us in the shoebox with all of our belongings and placed the lid on top.


For several minutes, we sat in the darkness and listened to the muffled voices as Linda said goodnight to her family. The box bounced with each step she took, and our furniture, clothes, books, toiletries, and other various sundries slid along the bottom of the cardboard box.

Sire barked twice, despite Julie and Eddie's frantic attempts to keep him silent. We all held our breath, wondering if rescue or punishment would follow. But there were no repercussions. Sire's barks had been muffled and gone unheard by the giants.

After a bit more bouncing, we felt the box come to rest. We heard the slamming of the car door, and the distant hum of the engine as it started. The radio snapped on in the middle of a Cheap Trick song.

"This is all my fault," Eddie wailed in the darkness.

Julie let out an impatient sigh. "Yeah, we know, Eddie. You've only said so about a million times."

"So Eddie," I said in a conversational tone. "Just what's up between you and Linda, anyway?"

Eddie moaned. "God. What have I done?"

"Just think," Julie said, perhaps a tad cruelly. I couldn't see her face in the dark, but I could picture her vindictive smile. "All of this happened because Carolyn thought Eddie was [EXPLETIVE DELETED] me. When all along, he was really [EXPLETIVE DELETED] her sister."

"It's all my fault," Eddie repeated.

"Not entirely," I said. I was starting to feel sorry for the guy. I was also starting to worry about his state of mind, because Eddie hadn't been terribly rational since Carolyn had shrunk him.

"Carolyn shrunk me all on her own," I told him. "You had nothing to do with that. Okay, Eddie?"

"Well, he married her, didn't he?" Julie said. "Plus, he invented the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] machine that she used, right? So how is it not his fault again?"

"Oh, Christ!" Eddie began sobbing. I stared daggers at Julie in the darkness.

"Stop it, Julie," I said. "You're not helping things."

She snorted and was about to retort, but we felt the car stop. We all fell silent, wondering what was about to happen.

"She's just waiting to turn onto the highway," Julie said softly. "That's all. We're at the end of the dirt road, and she's waiting for the cars to go by."

The lid came off of the box, and Linda peered down at us, her face illuminated by the light from her dashboard. She was grinning excitedly, like a child on Christmas morning.

"Sorry, guys," she said. "I just couldn't wait until I got you home. I'm sure you understand."

She reached down into the box and scooped me, Julie, and Eddie into her hand. Sire retreated to the corner of the box, growling helplessly as we were lifted away from him.

"Okay, Julie. Let's put those cute little hands to work, shall we?" With her finger and thumb, she plucked Julie from her palm and dropped her down the neck of her shirt. Manipulating Julie through the fabric, she slid her along her breast until she was against her nipple. Linda stiffened and took a sharp breath, then relaxed. Her smile crept back into place.

"Good girl," she cooed, stroking Julie through her shirt. "Just like that."

Eddie was next. She set him down gently in the seat, between her bare thighs. Without a word to him, she hooked the leg of her cutoffs with her finger and pulled it open.

Eddie craned his neck, looking up at her with an inscrutable expression. Then, hanging his head, he trudged forward into her shorts.

Linda shuddered, then giggled with delight. "God, you guys wouldn't believe how good that feels." Finally, it was my turn.

"Don't worry, Davey boy," she said, her fingers wrapping around me. "Eddie may get in my pants, but I've saved a special job for you." She leaned forward, her hand lowering me into the darkness beneath the dashboard. In the dim light, I could see her sandaled foot resting on the rubber mat.

She raised her foot slightly, slipping me between her toes and the sole of her shoe. And as her toes pressed down lightly, holding me in place, she lifted her foot and placed it on the gas pedal.

"Don't fall off," she told me, giving me a gentle squeeze with her toes. "You might get squished."

She shuddered again, and let out an excited giggle. Then she mashed down on the accelerator and drove us home.

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