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GENETITECH/BIOENG. confidential file
A.U. No.: --NC 654 55 D
S.C.I.D. No: --7474HHD

ITEM: --Transcript of recorded testimony regarding subject's current condition. File for ASSESSMENT/INFO


Linda and Randy's house turned out to be a single-wide mobile home set in a lumpy and unkempt yard. Some attempt had been made to camouflage the house's temporary foundation with shrubs and bushes, but most of these had either long since died or grown wild and unruly.

A single street lamp buzzed and flickered, bathing the overgrown lawn in eerie orange light. Tall grass and dandelions grew in patches, while other spots were nothing but bare dirt.

Linda got out of her car, gently holding us in one hand. The two shoeboxes were tucked under her other arm. I could occasionally hear Sire's faint barks from inside one of the boxes, but it sounded distant and muffled.

She bumped her hip against the car door to close it, then carried us up the driveway. The garage door was still opening with a loud, grinding sound as we approached. The filthy 40-watt bulb popped on, revealing something large and covered with a tarp. I could see oil stains and engine parts scattered all over the concrete floor of the garage.

"That's Randy's Z," Linda explained, glaring at the covered car. "He keeps swearing he's going to get it running, but it's been sitting there for a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] year."

She slipped past the car, stepping gingerly over the spare parts to make her way to the door. Without turning the knob, she simply kicked the door with her sandaled foot. It swung open with a creak.

"Home again, home again," she muttered, carrying us into the house. "Jiggity jig."


"Christ, what a mess," Julie grumbled as she surveyed our shoebox. The box was sitting on the dresser in Linda's bedroom. She had placed us inside, then gone off to the kitchen to rummage up something for our dinner. All of our belongings--clothes, books, toiletries, and several pieces of gaudy plastic doll furniture--lay scattered along the bottom of the box.

Eddie was sitting in the corner of the box, scratching Sire behind the ears and murmuring to himself. When he heard her approaching footsteps, he just began muttering louder, as if he might drown her out.

"Sorry I don't have anything better for you to eat," Linda said, peering down at us. "Or a nicer place for you to live. Carolyn didn't give me much warning."

Her closed fist descended into the box. She opened her fingers and shook her hand, dropping a small, crumbled pile of tortilla chip bits in with us. I smiled my thanks at Linda and picked up a fist-sized chunk of corn chip to gnaw on.

Sire barked a couple of times, only stopping once Linda's hand was clear of the box. He pulled loose from Eddie and walked over to the pile of lunch meat, sniffing it tentatively.

Julie kept her back to Linda, trying valiantly to ignore her. She was angry, no doubt still fuming about the drive from Carolyn's. I suppose I should have been indignant as well. But the truth is, I'd suffered much worse at the hands (and feet) of Carolyn. I actually felt like we'd gotten off pretty light.

I mean, Linda was a little too playful and she seemed to take great delight in teasing us mercilessly. But at least she didn't share her sister's dark mood swings.

I figured that had to be something. Right?

"Aww, what's the matter, Julie?" Linda asked, kneeling down so that her face hovered just over the open box. "Aren't you hungry?"

Julie had gathered an armful of clothes and was making an effort to straighten up the shoebox. There was something resolute in her face as she set to organizing the clutter. Maybe it was just a determination to be in control of something for once, or maybe she just wanted to busy herself and forget, if only for a blissful second or two, just how powerless we were.

"Julie!" Linda snapped. Her voice wasn't loud, but it was sharp. Julie stiffened and dropped the clothes. Reluctantly, she turned and looked up into Linda's face.

Linda smiled gently. "There'll be plenty of time for that later," she said. "Why don't you get something to eat?"

Julie shook her head. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh, okay," Linda said, shrugging. "I was about to go have a bath. Would you like to join me?"

Julie's eyes widened and her face grew pale. "Um, no. I mean, that's okay..."

"Oh, don't be silly," Linda said, standing up. She reached in and gently grasped Julie between her thumb and finger. Julie let out a barely audible whimper as Linda lifted her from the box.

"It'll be fun," Linda told her, setting Julie in her palm. "Just us girls." Using her nails, she began fumbling with Julie's clothing.

"Linda, wait!" I shouted. "I'll go!"

Linda shook her head, even as she turned her attention back to Julie. "Not this time, Davey boy. We'll have a chance to play later."

She opened her hand, letting Julie's clothing fall into the box. Her white sneakers hit the cardboard with a light thud, as the rest of her clothes fluttered down behind them.

"Poor little thing. You're just shivering!" She closed her fingers around Julie, completely enclosing her in her fist. "Don't you worry. I'll have you warmed up in no time."

Her gaze fell on me, then wandered over to Eddie, who was rocking in the corner. "You'll be sleeping with me tonight, Eddie darling," she said, a slight edge to her voice. "We got a lot to talk about, you and me."

With that, she turned and left. I heard the bathroom door close, and tried not to think about what poor Julie was about to go through.

Eddie, meanwhile, clung to his dog and kept whimpering. With Linda out of the room, his mutterings became just a little more coherent. "Oh God, I [EXPLETIVE DELETED] up so bad. I shouldn't have done it, Sire. I never should've [EXPLETIVE DELETED] done it."

I let out an annoyed sigh. "Shouldn't have done what, Eddie? What are you on about now?"

Eddie just shook his head. "This is all my fault. Stupid! Stupid!"

"Eddie, were you and Linda having an affair?"

Eddie stared at me, his face frozen in an uncomfortable state of surprise. Then, suddenly, he just crumbled and began bawling. His cries were loud wails, like the bray of an animal.

"God," he gasped between sobs. "Why did I have to [EXPLETIVE DELETED] things up so bad?"


As it turns out, Eddie and Linda had been having an on-again/off-again affair for the past decade. Linda's husband Randy had been too busy with his own indiscretions to even suspect them. But Carolyn had known something was up.

She'd somehow known Eddie was carrying on with someone, but she'd never figured out it was with her own sister. She'd been convinced that Eddie was cuckolding her with one of the women at SPECTRUM, and over the past ten years her list of suspects had grown considerably. Julie was only the latest target of Carolyn's suspicions.

Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, it all seems so obvious. When Eddie first introduced me to Linda last June, I could see there was a lot of tension between them. I didn't know Eddie very well at the time, and I just assumed he found Linda to be vapid and abrasive. God knows I did.

But now, I suspect the truth was a bit more melodramatic. I really think Eddie wanted to break things off with Linda, but kept recanting when Linda threatened to spill the beans to Carolyn.

That last bit is just conjecture on my part, but it's all I've got. After all, it's not like we can get the full story from Eddie or Linda...


It must have been an hour or so later when I heard the bathroom door open. By this point, Eddie's crazed ramblings had become incoherent once again. Sire had broken loose and was nosing around the large pile of broken chips. He raised his head and barked twice as Linda's face suddenly loomed over us.

Her wet hair was bound up in a towel, and her face was freshly scrubbed. She lowered her hand into the box and gently set Julie, damp and shivering, next to me.

Julie sat huddled and naked, hugging her knees to her chest. Her long hair was damp and plastered to her back and shoulders. She looked up at me pleadingly, her eyes red and swollen with tears.

"You better get some clothes on before you catch cold," Linda said, gently stroking Julie with her index finger. Julie scuttled like a crab to get away from Linda's touch.

"Besides, we don't need to be giving Eddie here any ideas, do we?" Linda winked at Julie, as if the two of them had shared a joke. "God knows, he has a hard enough time keeping it in his pants as it is."

Sire bristled and barked again, but quickly retreated when Linda made as if to grab him. He bolted behind the overturned plastic couch, then barked again.

Linda simply shook her head, then smiled as her eyes fell on me. I offered no resistance when she picked me up by my waist and lifted me up to her face. Her breath, hot and cloying with Peppermint Scope, washed over me and blew my hair from my face.

"Okay, Davey," she said, carrying me into the living room. "I'm sure I can find something to keep you entertained."


Linda sat on the couch in the dark, eerily illuminated by the glow of the huge TV. She wore a pair of blue panties and a white tank top with the faded words EAGER BEAVER emblazoned across the front. Her long legs were stretched out, her bare feet resting on the edge of the coffee table.

She had set me on her left foot, and now I was scratching near her toes. Her skin was still warm and slick with lotion, and it smelled faintly of strawberries.

"Oh, that's good," she sighed. I glanced up at her huge toes, twitching pleasurably in the flickering light of the TV. I swallowed and tried to ignore the familiar, shameful longing that was creeping over me. Not just a physical urge, but the temptation to simply surrender and become Linda's pet.

It was so exhausting, clinging to what shreds of my dignity remained, and it would be so easy to just submit to her. She wasn't the monster that Carolyn was. She might even protect us from her sister, if she felt we were hers.

My heart was pounding as I climbed up her foot, towards her beautiful toes. The pink polish on her nails glistened oddly in the TV's blue light. I could feel the tendons in her foot flexing beneath me as her toes wiggled, and for some reason even that excited me.

"Whatcha doing, Davey?" Linda asked playfully. She lifted her other foot and nuzzled me with her big toe, gently rubbing it along my back. Caught up in the moment, I pressed my face to her foot and kissed the warm, soft flesh. It tasted of lotion, but I didn't care. My heart raced and my breathing grew harder and she toyed with me mercilessly.

"You like that?" Linda became less gentle, mashing me against one foot with the toes of her other, but I didn't care. I was caught up in the rhythm of it, grinding my erection against her foot. I was reveling in my helplessness, basking in the glee of her sheer power.

She could have crushed me right then, and I would have died worshipping her.

But suddenly, it stopped. "What the hell?" Linda muttered, startled. She shook me loose and put her feet on the floor. I landed with a thud on the wooden coffee table, dazed and bruised, but otherwise unharmed.

Linda was pawing frantically for the remote control. At last she found it and cranked up the volume on the TV.

The TV, I should mention, was a huge flat screen model, a luxury horribly out of place amidst the rest of the squalor. The local news was on, but the image was distorted and stretched to fit the wide screen.

An attractive Hispanic woman, made short and stumpy, was sitting at the anchor desk. On the screen to her right was an odd graphic. It showed the silhouette of a tiny man standing in a giant hand, along with a couple of corporate logos--the stylized DNA helix of GenetiTech and the prismatic rainbow of SPECTRUM.

"...statement today," the news anchor reported, "categorically denied all allegations of an illicit affair between GenetiTech security liaison Rachel Foster and Paul Dalton, the biological father of Raymond Miller. This new scandal has arrived on the heels of last week's tragic car wreck, which left Dalton dead and Foster in a coma..."

"Jesus, that scared me," Linda said with a giggle as she turned the volume back down. "I thought that was going to be about you guys."

She noticed me lying in a crumpled heap on the table. She tossed the remote to the side and leaned forward, gently scooping me up with her fingers. "Poor Davey," she said, stroking me gently. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm okay," I told her. "Just a little tired, that's all." The frantic, desperate mood had departed. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, but I hoped she wouldn't notice in the dim light.

"Poor little thing," she said. She leaned back, sinking down into the sagging cushions of the couch. She set me down on her stomach, her hand cupped protectively over me.

"Eddie's sleeping with me tonight," she told me. "He and I have a lot of things to discuss, you know. Baggage."

She stretched out her legs again, propping her feet on the coffee table. "But maybe tomorrow night you can spend the night with me," she said. I looked up into her vast face, and she gave me a playful wink.

"I've got things in mind that'll make you forget all about my [EXPLETIVE DELETED] feet."


Around midnight, Linda carried me into the bedroom. Sire barked at her approach, but took cover behind the plastic couch when she lowered her hand and set me inside the box.

Without a word, she wrapped her fingers around Eddie and lifted him away from us. He offered no resistance, but I could hear his soft whimpers as Linda carried him into the bathroom and shut the door.

The mess inside the box had been straightened somewhat. Most of the furniture was turned upright, a lot of the clothes had been folded and stacked neatly against the side of the box. Most of the rest had been organized into neat piles. Julie was still going through them, almost manically.

I grabbed a piece of corn chip from the pile and nibbled on it as I approached her. She had slipped into a pair of sweats that were slightly baggy on her.

"Looks like you've been busy."

There was a look of genuine concern on her face when she saw me. "Are you okay, Dave?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Your lip is split, and your eye is a little swollen." She came over and gingerly touched my cheek. "What happened? Did you challenge Linda to a fist fight?"

I laughed, and so did she. Damn, it felt good.

"No, she got startled by something on the news and she dropped me. I sorta hit the table hard."

"She's a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] klutz, isn't she?" Julie said, shaking her head. "She dropped me too, when we were in the tub. Then she spent about ten minutes trying to fish me out of the water with her toes."

She shuddered. "I swear, Dave. I'll never understand what your fixation is with feet."

"Well, to be fair, I prefer them when they're not the size of a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] bus."

"Right," she said, grinning. "I remember when you used to try and sneak peeks at mine, when I was tutoring you."

I felt my cheeks redden. "Um... you knew?"

"Well, you weren't exactly subtle. Besides, I thought it was kind of cute. I used to wear sandals just so you'd have something to look at."

"You tease."

She giggled. "I don't know why everything seems so funny right now. I think I'm losing my mind."

"You and me both. We're probably just two steps behind Eddie."

She shook her head. "He's starting to scare me, Dave. I swear, he's not making any sense any more."

"I know. I think Carolyn really did a number on him, and I'm pretty sure Linda's going to put him through the wringer tonight. I think you and I may have gotten off lightly."

"Yeah," she said bitterly. "We're the lucky ones."

"Well, maybe not lucky, but..." I suddenly remembered the news broadcast I'd seen. "Oh, crap! I have to tell you something."

"What. You and Linda get engaged or something?"

"I'm serious."

The smirk left her face immediately. "What is it, Dave?"

"We were watching the news, and there was a story about your friend Rachel."

"What about her?"

"Um... look, I'm sorry I'm telling you this, okay? You've got enough to deal with without..."

"What about her, Dave," Julie asked me again.

"She was in a car wreck last week," I said.

"This was on the news?" Julie grabbed my hand. "What did they say? Was she killed?"

"No, but she's in a coma."

"Oh, God." Julie's composure shattered and she simply crumpled. She wept bitterly. I knelt down next to her awkwardly and put my arm around her.

"I'm sorry," I told her. "I thought you should know."

She buried her face in my shoulder, her sobs muffled against my t-shirt. I put my other arm around her and hugged her, and she hugged me back.

For about five minutes, she cried and I did my best to comfort her. I stoked her hair and whispered stupid things like, "Shhhh," and "It's okay."

Then she looked up at me. Her eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks flushed and wet with tears. "I'm a horrible person, Dave," she whispered.

"Why would you think that?" I asked.

She took a wavering breath. "Because a good friend of mine is in the hospital and could die, and all I can think is, who the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] is going to rescue us now?"


The toilet flushed and the bathroom door opened. Linda walked out, snapping off the light behind her. She walked past the dresser and smiled down at us in the box. Eddie sat precariously on her shoulder, clinging to the strap of her tank top to steady himself.

"What's wrong, Julie," she asked, reaching down towards us. I hugged Julie closer to me as Linda's massive finger stroked us both.

"I was just telling her about Rachel Foster," I said.


"The woman on the news. The one that was in a wreck." I looked up straight into Linda's eyes. "She and Julie are good friends."

Linda shrugged, almost knocking Eddie loose. "That's too bad," she said without a hint of sincerity.

"We have friends, Linda," I told her. "Can you understand that? We have friends and families and lives that were taken away from us by your sister..."

"Hush," Linda said, flicking me with her finger and knocking me away from Julie. I tried to get to my feet, but Linda's fingertip pressed down on my chest, pinning to the bottom of the box.

"It's not fair, Linda," I continued weakly. "We're people. You're not supposed to treat people like..."

"You both better get some rest," Linda told us. "You're going to be busy little people tomorrow."

Then, her hand was gone. She puckered her lips and kissed the air, then smiled sweetly. "Nighty night," she said as she carried Eddie over to the waterbed.


Once Linda switched off her bedside lamp and left us in darkness, Julie and I huddled together against the side of the box. For about an hour, Linda carried on a whispered conversation with Eddie. We couldn't hear much, but I did catch her saying, "Oh, I just bet you're sorry about that now."

Eventually, the conversation tapered off to be replaced by the sounds of Linda moaning and giggling. We heard her gasp once, loudly, and then collapse with a happy sigh. I tried not to think about poor Eddie, or what she had just put him through.

Not out of sympathy, but because I was terrified by the thought that I might soon go through the same ordeal.


I woke up to the sound of Linda's singsong voice. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey." She peered down into the box, smirking at the sight of me and Julie in each other's arms.

She held up Eddie, dangling him between her finger and thumb so he could look inside the box. He was naked and shivering in her grasp.

"Look at that, Eddie," Linda said. "Looks like we weren't the only lovebirds last night."

Eddie whimpered softly as Linda set him down in the box. He was hugging his knees to his chest, still shivering. Linda's hand lingered inside the box, her finger gently stroking Eddie's back.

Sire barked ferociously, startling me and Julie. He came bounding out from behind the plastic couch and actually charged towards Linda's hand.

"Mercy," Linda giggled. "Somebody's getting brave, aren't they?" She flicked at the dog with her finger, gently knocking him back. Sire retreated a couple of steps, but kept barking.

"Better control that dog, Eddie, or I'll swat him like a fly." She gave Eddie one more gentle caress with her finger, then lifted her hand from the box.

"Get dressed," Linda ordered us. "I'll go make us some breakfast."


Julie had created a private toilet of sorts last night by turning the toy dining table on its side and moving it into a corner of the box. The bedpan was behind the table, along with several rolls of toilet paper.

There were two small plastic cups in the box with us as well, placed there by Linda at our request. Each was clear and stood about chest high, the sides marked with lines designating medicine dosage. One contained our supply of drinking water. The other, tucked in the far corner, was used for waste. The contents were already ripe, since that was where we dumped the bedpan when it was full.

Of course, it was more of a symbolic gesture than a practical system. Sire had been marking his territory inside the box ever since Carolyn had dropped him in the day before.

While I waited my turn for the "bathroom," I glanced over and saw Eddie was still huddled against the wall, naked and trembling. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants from one of the stacks and hurried over to him.

"Here, Eddie," I said, handing him the pants. He stared at them for a few seconds, his brow wrinkled. Then suddenly, his face lit up in a grin. He climbed to his feet and slipped into the sweats.

"You okay?" I asked him.

Eddie giggled, an unsettling sound. "Long night," he said. Then with a wink, he added, "Help me find my keys, and we can drive out." He laughed obnoxiously at this, falling onto his back and rolling.

He was still guffawing merrily when Julie came out. She walked over slowly, standing beside me and watching Eddie's spastic laughter.

"I told you," she said softly. "He's out of his [EXPLETIVE DELETED] mind."

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