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Mark held the door open for Ellie and she walked into her home first. Her own hands were occupied holding what appeared to be a very old, large book. He would have held it for her anyway; the two had been friends most of their lives and Mark had always been a gentleman. Ellie was frequently asked if there was more than friendship between them, and she could honestly say no.

Except in her dreams. Mark was an incredible friend, but she knew where she stood in his eyes.

So the two spent their days off from school hanging out and wandering downtown, walking malls, and generally giving off the impression that they were several steps beyond casual friendship.

Which had led them to today’s find.

“What is that dusty old thing?” Ellie’s older sister Megan asked as they walked through the kitchen.

Mark gave her his best smile, which she ignored. Megan had been his crush for years though he’d done his best to hide it. She was several years older, had modest B-cup breasts and incredibly bright red hair with the perfect amount of accompanying freckles. The teenage boy was far from the first person to fall for her.

Ellie, as usual, didn’t notice Mark’s reaction to her sister. She frequently joked that she ‘didn’t do subtle,’ so it would have been a genuine surprise to her that Mark was in puppy-love with her sister. Ellie herself had little in common visually with Megan; she was shorter, had dark hair, and preferred video games to her sister’s ballet hobby. It would have surprised her as well to learn that Megan was jealous of her backside.

“We found it in that weird antique shop next to the arcade downtown,” Ellie said, clinging the book tight to her chest.

Megan gave her an odd look and raised an eyebrow as the two younger teenagers continued walking back toward Ellie’s room.

“Uh, the abandoned place that no one’s been in for years?”

Ellie ignored Megan and kept walking, but Mark turned and shrugged his shoulders.

“It was pretty full when we were in there,” he told her, carefully keeping his eyes from flickering to her chest.

“Mark, come on!” Ellie called to him, and he turned to follow his best friend back to her room.

“You didn’t buy some weird book from a homeless person, did you?” Megan called after them. The only response was the sound of Ellie’s door shutting and music starting behind it.

“Morons,” she muttered to herself as she continued thumbing through her magazine.

Twenty minutes later, Mark and Ellie found themselves sitting cross-legged on opposite sides of a big chalk circle they’d made on a flipped-over rug. Ellie was re-reading a passage in the book they’d purchased, an ancient tome that had no name they could find. For a measly five dollars they’d bought the book from an individual whose appearance now escaped them both. The teens had simply guessed that it would be worth five bucks to thumb through something that was obviously very old.

The fact that the proprietor didn’t seem to walk, so much as ‘glide’ behind the countertop when they made their transaction had been completely ignored.

“Be careful with what you find within,” he’d told them, handing them the book. It had shocked Ellie’s hand as she grabbed it, but it had been easy to ignore. Nor had they noticed the moment they had closed the door behind them to leave the store that they had walked out of an essentially abandoned building.

“Are you sure about this?” Mark asked her, not liking how the room had seemingly gotten colder when the book had opened.

He rubbed his arms, not used to being cold. He’d lifted weights religiously for most of his life and his arms and thighs pushed against his pants, and the muscle mass usually kept him a little too heated. His short black hair did nothing to keep him warm either.

“It’s gonna be fine,” Ellie replied, ignoring how high her skirt was riding. She knew Mark wouldn’t be looking, though she wanted him to. And in a testament to how interesting she thought this tome was, she wasn’t trying to sneak glances at his bulge, which was often prominent alongside his thigh muscles when he sat down.

“Hold your hand into the circle,” she said with a smile, and Mark obeyed instantly.

Ellie loved his smile and almost sighed as she looked into his hazel eyes.

“You know this isn’t gonna do anything actually, right?” she asked him, which made him laugh a little. Ellie realized he was actually a little tense if that was what made him laugh. After years of friendship she knew his moods.

“Well yeah,” he replied, making strong eye contact with his best friend’s blue eyes. “But I’d hate to be in the opening scene of a horror movie too.”

“Ready to be sent to the place you truly desire?” she asked him.

She’d chosen this ‘spell’ from the book as a last-ditch effort to get Mark to notice her as something more than a friend. Roughly halfway through the tome, which was very clearly intended to be a very well-done prop spellbook (probably from a movie), they’d found a spell which would send a person ‘To the place you truly desire.’

And since magic wasn’t a real thing, when nothing happened Ellie was going to pretend it had worked, and that Mark was already where he most wanted to be. In her mind she could already see herself leaning across the chalk circle, finally feeling his lips on hers. Her nipples hardened through her shirt.

Mark, holding out his hand, simply said, “Sure, let’s do this.”

Ellie held up her hand as the book indicated and started chanting. She was fairly sure her pronunciation was terrible, but with each round of strange words she felt something grow within her. The anticipation of finally kissing Mark, she assumed.

Mark, on the other hand, was simply enjoying his friend being so interested in this magic business. He knew nothing would happen, even though the hair on his arms was starting to stand on end.

Neither teen noticed the light from the sun dim slightly, as though heavy clouds had passed by.

“So mote it be!” Ellie said silently, and reached forward to tap on Mark’s hand.

This is it! she thought to herself, fully intending on grasping his hand and leaning forward for a kiss that would hopefully turn into far more.

Ellie leaned forward and Mark suddenly felt cold shoot through his entire body. Her hand approached at a glacial pace, yet despite all of his senses screaming at him, he could not withdraw his own hand. Then there was a surprisingly strong static shock when her palm touched his, and the two teens blinked as their hands jerked back and away.

“Ow!” Ellie said, shaking her hand and giving it a quick looked to make sure it wasn’t burned. “What the hell?”

So much for my—she looked upward at Mark to see if he’d felt it too, ­plan….

“Uh. Mark?” she asked the empty room.

The dark-haired teen looked around quickly, but somehow it seemed obvious what had happened. She knew she should have been worried. Upset, even. But she knew in her soul the spell had worked. The room suddenly seemed colder and she shivered, quickly scuffing the circle she’d drawn with chalk with one foot.

Her heart fell as she looked at the spot where Mark had been sitting. Now there wasn’t even a trace of him.

“And there goes my chance,” she said with a sigh, shaking her head. Frustrated, she tossed the ancient tome onto her desk. “Can’t believe that damn thing actually worked.”

“I hope you’re happy,” Ellie said aloud as she sat on the edge of her bed. “Wherever that sent you.”


Mark shook his hand and swore silently. Despite the shock it was obvious he wasn’t burned, but Mark had never felt anything quite like that before.

“Ellie, what the hell-?” he started to ask as he looked at his friend. Instead of Ellie sitting across from him he was in a massive room the size of a gymnasium. The walls were the color of untreated wood and the roof had been removed. Instantly he was disoriented; something in his body was sounding alarms he didn’t know he had.

“What is-?” Mark asked as he stood. Far above him he realized the light wasn’t coming from the sun, but a massive lightbulb in a flowery fixture. The sky looked strange, but he realized it was simply a textured ceiling impossibly far away. His bare feet were on some kind of hardwood floor and all around him were massive objects that resisted description. He was sure that he was dreaming.

Distantly something boomed and he looked upward again. As Mark did so he realized the objects around him weren’t unidentifiable, he was just seeing them from a strange angle. His eyes were getting used to the new, strange light, and everything around him was a vibrant color that almost hurt his eyes. But he knew the ridges and shape of one of the objects and a quick glance around helped him several of the building-sized objects that surrounded him.

“I’m in a desk drawer,” he said aloud, trying not to panic. The booming grew louder.

In a disbelieving voice he added, “And that’s a train-sized dildo.”

The sky above darkened and Mark screamed as he looked upward.

“Megan!” he called out, jumping and waving his arms.

He wasn’t sure how, but his crush was far overhead. She was naked but he could only see her shoulder and face as she looked through another drawer, not paying attention. Despite the situation his manhood leapt to attention; he’d only ever seen her naked in his dreams.

“Hey!” he yelled as she straightened, and he was stunned into silence when he finally saw one of her perfect breasts. The objects he’d been lusting after for years.

Then her eyes caught his movement and tracked to Mark.

“What the hell?” Megan said as she turned and looked at him like he was a cockroach. The surprise on her face was evident, and she sat down the bottle of lubricant in her other hand before she could drop it.

“Mark?” she asked, leaning forward. She was too stunned to bother covering up, and she was thoroughly annoyed. The redhead had just taken a shower and was ready for her nightly masturbation marathon, and now somehow her little sister’s crush was two inches tall and stuck in her toy drawer.

“What the fuck?” Megan said, and Mark ducked as her massive hand wrapped around him. He resisted the urge to scream as his stomach leapt and he was yanked upward. Before he knew it he was eye level with her and dropped to all fours on her palm to avoid being dropped.

“Megan!” he yelled, but she spoke over him.

“What. Are. You. Doing?” she asked, clearly angry.

Mark tried to stammer out an answer but realized he didn’t have one. The thought of the magic book briefly flashed through his mind but he could tell that Megan wouldn’t be happy with a long explanation.

“Uh, it was where I really wanted to be!” he called out instead, instantly recognizing that he had said the very wrong answer.

“Is that so?” she asked rhetorically. Her eyes narrowed.

“Well, you’re blind to Ellie loving you, but I’m not blind to you being into me,” Megan said, giving Mark a smile that he misinterpreted as excited. His spirits lifted. “Get naked.”

In a flash he had thrown his clothes over the side of her hand and stood naked on her palm. He wasn’t sure if he should cover himself or not, so he gambled and kept his hands behind his back.

Megan shrugged at the sight. “Not bad, but I’m gonna go ahead and skip the awkward love triangle garbage.”

Mark tried to ask her what she meant, but his stomach leapt again as her hand shifted. He was dumped onto the table unceremoniously and even through his confusion he suddenly realized this wasn’t going to go how he’d briefly hoped.

His crush was as beautiful as he could have ever hoped fully naked, but the table he was on was just a little too high to see her vagina. Mark was harder than he’d ever been, but he nervously watched Megan root through the drawer he’d just been pulled from, muttering to herself all the while. His survival instincts won out and he resisted the urge to run to the edge of the desk to see what her outer lips looked like.

“Here!” she said in a frustrated voice, slamming something down onto the table next to him. Mark fell from the shockwave and was stunned to see a small, metallic butt plug with a very narrow neck at the bottom.

“I’ve never been into these, this only got used once” Megan told him as he stood back up, producing a bottle of glue as though by magic. “But I think Ellie’s more a backdoor gal.”

Mark’s heart fell as Megan gave him a cruel smile.

“I’m really glad you’re finally gonna make my sister happy.”

“Wait!” he tried to yell as two fingers encircled him.

His giantess crush didn’t wait, and immediately something cold and viscous was against his back. Mark squirmed for all he was worth but cold metal soon followed and he felt the glue start to set instantly. Before he knew it Megan was able to remove her hold on him and he was stuck on his back, staring at the ceiling.

Mark’s back was completely stuck to the metal plug, and his head was just below the toy’s tip. He had the horrifying realization that he was basically now a turtle on its back; limbs swinging but completely stuck.

“Megan!” he cried out, suddenly terrified, “This isn’t what I wanted! Let me go!”

She just smiled at him, a smile he’d wished he’d been able to receive at full size. Then she put a finger on her lips, pretending to think hard.

“Uh, no,” she said after a moment. “Enjoy my sister’s asshole.”


That evening, Ellie sat at the edge of her bed, completely naked. She gave herself a once-over in the mirror and thought about Mark. Her phone had stayed silent since he’d vanished, and she’d spent the rest of the day poring over the ancient tome to see if there was a reversal spell, all for naught.

“I guess I might as well move on,” she said with a sigh. Then Ellie smiled and looked at her underwear drawer. The thought of the toys inside it made her smile, as always. They weren’t Mark, but they still knew all her favorite places.

“And I know just how to do it,” the dark-haired teen told herself.

Ellie’s drawer slid open silently and without looking she reached inward. She knew each of her toys by feel, and tonight she needed something large in her backdoor. Initially she’d started playing with her brown hole as a backup to get Mark more interested in her, but she’d been stunned how good it truly felt. Today, the day that she accidentally sent him to points unknown, seemed like a good day to really stretch herself out while imagining it was actually him.

But then her fingers brushed against something cold and metallic. Automatically she grabbed it, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

“I don’t have a metal-“ she started to say, until she saw what she truly held.

“Mark!” she squealed with delight. This new butt plug looked amazing, from its wide base to its narrow neck which made it perfect for all-day wear. But seeing the love of her life secured on the end of it made her heart soar. Especially when she made the mental connection of why he was there.

He tried to say something but she was simply too excited to let him get a word in. Her voice was shaking and Mark realized she was almost in tears from joy, but he struggled all the same.

“No!” he tried to yell, but he’d been stuck in this position for so long it was difficult to catch his breath.           “This isn’t what I-“

“I can’t believe that this is where it sent you!” Ellie exclaimed, almost too happy to speak.

“Why did you tell me you wanted to be with me more than anything?”

While she spoke she couldn’t help but swing the butt plug around gently, and Mark felt his stomach heave in concert with the movement. He wanted more than anything to yell and scream and to tell her what had actually happened; but he was terrified if he opened his mouth he’d lose his breakfast. The swinging stopped and he opened his mouth to try and explain but she was still talking.

“Ellie please wait you don’t—”

“I never told you I loved you,” she spoke over him without even realizing he was trying to speak, and Mark realized she was letting loose emotions that must have built up over years. As she confessed he suddenly felt terrible for not even noticing her emotions toward him, but he realized her feelings for him weren’t nearly as important as whatever she seemed to think was happening.

“No, that’s-“ he tried to break in as she spoke, but her words rolled right over him.

“And honestly,” Ellie finished, “I’m really really thrilled that you picked this toy to come on.”

She turned and walked to the bed, letting her hands swing by her sides. Mark was stunned to see she wasn’t wearing any pants or panties. Had it been almost any other woman he would have been excited; but he’d known Ellie for so long the very idea of thinking of her sexually was completely alien. He’d seen her in various states of undress multiple times and never once had he imagined her instead of her sister.

Then he screamed as she threw herself onto the bed, something he’d seen her do a thousand times before, but never with him swinging wildly as though he were on a violent roller-coaster.

“I’ve wanted you in my ass for so long,” Ellie said in a tone that Mark didn’t recognize. A tone that terrified him.

He drew in breath to scream but before he could let it out her lips were surrounding the toy, her tongue bathing him in her saliva. Mark sputtered as her spit filled his mouth and she moaned. Ellie would never admit it, but she’d fantasized about what he would taste like for years. Now she knew and it excited her beyond all reason.

Ellie pulled the plug from her mouth with a ‘pop!’ that made Mark scream as his eardrums rang. The giant girl giggled, thinking he was yelling from excitement.

“I’m glad you agree!” she said excitedly, rolling onto all fours.

As she had a thousand times before, she leaned forward and reached backward.

“No! No!” Mark tried to yell as his metallic ride was moved toward her backside. But it was moving too fast and Ellie was moaning with anticipation; his cries for help went unheard.

“This isn’t what I wanted!” he screamed as he saw her puckered brown hole.

His thoughts flashed to his excitement when Megan had first seen him, when he’d first realized where he was. There had been some blissful moments where he imagined the giant redhead plunging his body in and out of her sex in the ultimate fulfillment of a hormone driven fantasy. Mark had even gotten a look at her magnificent breasts and had seen the bevy of toys that she liked to fill herself with.

He’d been moments from bliss with the girl of his dreams.

And instead his best friend’s asshole was fast approaching.

“Oh, Mark!” Ellie said as she relaxed her backdoor.

“No! Ellie!” he screamed, lifting his hands to shield his face. Fast approaching was her brown hole, and he watched it twitch and seemingly relax, hungry to devour him.

Ellie moaned as the cool metal contacted her sensitive skin. Her anus spread easily to accommodate the toy; she’d been searching for a much larger one before she’d found Mark on this wonderful new toy. It didn’t even occur to her to think of where the smooth plug had come from. If the magic book had shrunk him, why couldn’t it also have attached him like this to a wonderful new plug?

She tried to push it in slowly to feel Mark finally entering her body and she wasn’t disappointed. The smooth metal had a distinct bump on it, and as her ass swallowed more and more of it she could feel Mark gently stroking her sphincter as he slid inside. The knowledge that he was finally going where he most desired almost drove her to orgasm before she’d even started fingering herself.

Mark fought for all he was worth but his arms were too slick and her anus easily overwhelmed him. His arms and legs kicked and slipped over her wrinkled flesh as the round muscle engulfed him so tightly that in moments his arms were easily held overhead.

“Please, nooo!” he tried to yell as her anus slipped over his face. Before he closed his mouth her darker skin pushed hard through his own lips and he tasted his friend in a way he’d never, ever wanted. Mark turned his head but only found more of her hot, pulsing flesh everywhere as it continued to slide down his body.

Soon her sphincter had engulfed him completely and he could only feel the wet insides of her colon moving slowly as the rest of the plug was pushed into her rectum. With every attempted scream he got a mouthful of nightmarish fluids. Every breath filled his lungs with air he couldn’t even start to think about. The heat was overwhelming.

And then there was a sudden forward jerk as the last of the plug entered Ellie’s backdoor. Her sphincter greedily closed around the narrow neck of the plug and only the jeweled heart base kept it from sliding completely inside of her.

There was a moment where all Mark could hear was Ellie’s distant heartbeat and the horrifying sounds of her insides moving gently, uncaring that they had swallowed a living, unwilling being. Then Mark lost his mind.

Ellie paused with the toy completely buried in her backside. It was surprisingly comfortable, though not as large as one that she enjoyed more often. One finger almost touched her clit, then she withdrew it. She had to know.

The plug vibrated gently. Something inside her rectum moved as though tiny hands and feet were pushing on her soft walls. The vibrating grew and grew until Ellie knew, without a doubt, that Mark was doing everything he could to make this wonderful for her.

“I love you Mark,” she moaned as her finger flew to her clit.

“No!” Mark screamed, pushing with all four limbs to keep the wall of her rectum away from his face. He couldn’t tell that every movement shook the entire plug, though an amused observer could have watched the heart shaped base slowly spin between Ellie’s cheeks.

“Please!” he cried out, knowing that Ellie had completely the wrong idea. That Megan had engineered all of this. That he’d been moments from living his greatest dream, if only he’d caught the redheaded goddess in a better mood.

“Let me out!” he screamed.

Ellie came with a scream, pushing her face into her pillow. It wasn’t how she’d wanted Mark inside of her, but it would do.

She panted heavily as she came down from her orgasm. The plug was still vibrating and she loved the sensation more than she’d ever thought she could love anything. The girl was intoxicated with the knowledge that the love of her life was now her forever toy, by his own choice.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned, “This will do!”

The dark-haired teen forced herself to pull her hand away from her sopping pussy, and she rolled onto her back. The motion pushed the plug just a little further into herself and caused the vibrating to hit in just a slightly different way. Before she could tempt herself to masturbate again she pushed herself off the bed and stood.

With shaking legs she walked to her dresser, fulling intending on grabbing her vibrating egg and slipping it into her pussy for hours of fun. Then her phone buzzed twice.

Reflexively she checked her messages and saw that her friends were already on their way to pick her up for the movies.

“Oh shit!” she exclaimed, having completely forgotten in the confusion of the day.

Quickly she turned back toward her bed, intending on slipping the plug out of her ass. Then she paused, enjoying the pleasant vibrations. Infatuated with the idea of having Mark inside of her.

Maybe forever? she questioned as she bit her lip. It’s what he wanted.

With a confident smile she started getting dressed instead. Each shake of the plug drove pleasure through the very core of her being and she knew her love of anal was only going to increase with such a willing, permanent, loving toy.

I hope he comes off from that plug halfway easy, she thought as she grabbed her purse. A quick step almost gave her another orgasm from bouncing the plug inside her ass when she jogged to the front door. I’ve got so many other toys to try with him!

Mark cried out, horrified at what he was coming to realize. His arms, his legs, his body weren’t getting tired. The air, which he was sure would kill him, he was only getting used to. And the rhythmic movements he could feel as low rumbles through his body meant she was walking.

“Ellie!” he called out, braving a mouthful of her soft flesh for a call he knew she would never hear. “This is wrong! It was supposed to be your sister!”

“Hey girls!” Ellie called out, jogging to her friend’s car with a smile on her face. “Ready for a great night?”

“Hell yeah,” said Becca, looking around exaggeratedly, “Kinda surprised Mark’s not around, does this mean your plan to confess….” she trailed off, letting Ellie finish her question for her.

“Well,” Ellie said with an impish smile, “I think we both got what we wanted.”

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