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Inside the drawer, Ava's mind raced almost as fast as her heart.

She made it only a few crawling steps away from her own bile before she slumped down on her back. The world was practically spinning around her while she tried to make sense of what she had just learned.

Her entire life was a lie and the worst part is she wasn't even sure that her parents had meant it to be one. It was entirely possible that they simply hadn't understood the doctor's explanation of the test results years ago and thought they were telling her the truth. The other possibility, that they did know she wasn't Immune but simply let her go through life thinking she was, made her stomach churn.

Memories rushed through her head alongside the fear that her parents and her siblings could shrink at any moment just like she had. She thought about the shrinkees she had crushed and toyed with over the years from when she was a child who didn't really understand what shrinkees were to just a few months ago when she and Ethan had toyed with some little fucker they found in a park one afternoon before it ended up a smear on Ethan's flip flop. The countless times she had teased classmates, telling them to get used to the view from her feet or asking who among their Immune friends they'd want to go home with as a slave. All the commands she had given to a shrinkee, whether a friend's or Ethan's, echoed in her own head.

She suddenly found herself thinking about the person yanking on her arms, trying to get her to safety.

Had Ethan's slave really tried to save her?

A pang of regret filled her chest. After all the things she had done, Ethan's shrinkee had still been willing to save her. She had been literally carrying him home to make him lick her shoes clean and give her a mani-pedi and the tiny man tried to save her from Grace and Rachel. All she wanted in that moment was to remember at least one nice thing that she had done for the tiny man.

The only thing Ava could come up with was getting Ethan to buy those nail clippers.

Which she had told him about solely because she knew she'd be able to borrow them and the slave at some point. Ethan had never cared how much time and effort it took the tiny man to clip his nails but Ava did because if he wore himself out trimming her toenails how would he have the energy to paint them?

A keyboard clacked above and Ava's head slowly craned back.

Through the small sliver open in the drawer, she could only make out the distant ceiling of Grace's bedroom. Occasionally the gigantic girl would shift and Ava would catch sight of her pastel hoodie but that was it. The dull roar of music from her headphones was the only indication the newly shrunken girl had that Grace was still busy and unable to hear her.

She could practically still feel the giant girl's fingers wrapped around her. Just thinking about the pressure and strength Grace's dainty hand held made her shudder in fright. Grace could kill her without even trying, which made Ava realize that if she had known she was Immune for most of her life then she had probably done similar things to shrinkees throughout it.

All of Ava's memories played back in her head again, only this time she was the one staring up from the ground. Her body started to shake violently and she found herself unable to take a deep breath, as if Grace's fingers were still wrapped around her. She clutched her chest, suddenly fearing that she was about to shrink away again, shrink down to nothing but a little mite that Grace could crush beneath her pinkie finger.

When she opened her mouth to scream, nothing came out.

Then the whole world shook.

Her head snapped back and her eyes searched for any sign of what was happening while she gasped for breath. The dull roar of Grace's music stopped and Ava's world darkened slightly as her hoodie sleeve stretched overhead.

Light returned as Grace's voice boomed out, “Hey Mom.”

Ava couldn't make out the voice on the other end but she knew a woman was talking.

“I'm upstairs in my room,” Grace said, the barest hint of a whine in her voice, “I had headphones on, I didn't know... I'm sorry. I'll come down right now.”

Her thumb smacked against the screen and a sigh echoed out.

Ava rose to her feet and braced herself against the wall as she tried to catch a glimpse of her captor. Her heart still hammered in her chest but Ava was able to suck in enough air to shout, “Grace! Graaaaace!”

The drawer rattled around Ava and for a moment it seemed like the wall she was standing on had been pulled away from her. The sensation threw her off-balance, her arms spun about to try to latch on to something but instead Ava simply fell backwards. She crashed onto her buttocks and stared up as Grace's face dominated the sky.


Grace's eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. That simple flash of displeasure was enough to silence Ava in an instant. The tiny girl trembled as the giantess growled, “I'll deal with you later.”

The drawer crashed shut and this time it didn't bounce back, leaving Ava sealed in total darkness. Terror surged through the little girl and she jumped up to her feet then raced to the wall. Smacking her fists against it, Ava shouted, “I'm sorry! I wanted to say I'm sorry! I was wrong! I'm...”

Outside the girl's chair groaned and her footfalls thundered as she walked out of the room.

Ava slumped onto her knees while tears trickled down her cheeks. “I'm a bad person and I'm sorry...” she sniffled. Unable to stop imagining herself as the terrifying tyrant other shrunken people had seen her as for years, Ava's sniffles quickly turned into sobs.

She couldn't help but question if this was some kind of divine punishment.

That thought only made her sobs louder and the tears flow freely before she collapsed onto the floor. She writhed and howled, her own pleas and apologies simply echoing back at her from the darkness.

Ava didn't know how much time passed before she noticed the smell of food wafting into her prison. Her stomach rumbled and she sniffed again to realize that the only scent she really recognized was cooking beef. The other scents might have been new to her but they still made her mouth water all the same. The whole cavernous house was filled with the smell of whatever Grace's family was having for dinner and the tiny girl found herself slowly becoming excited.

Certainly Grace would give her some of it, she reasoned since Ethan had given his slave plenty of scraps.

That thought made her cringe. More than once she and Ethan had taunted the little man with the promise of food. She had once made him dance for a french fry over the summer and the little man had done the most pathetic little shuffle in front of her feet. Feet that she had then made him lick with the simple proclamation, “My toes are kinda sweaty.”

Grace could make any sort of demand of her in exchange for food and Ava realized she'd have no choice but to go through with it. She suddenly imagined a video of her begging the titanic girl for a scrap spreading on Tiktok then being shared on Twitter and Instagram. Her own terrified little face, her make up now ruined by tears, pleading up at the viewer while some little piece of beef dangled over her head.

How many times had Ava laughed at videos like that?

“Oh God,” she sobbed, “I'm so sorry...”

She lay there sobbing, pleading, and eventually praying for forgiveness for what felt like an eternity before she heard footsteps. The world shook once again from Grace's approach and Ava found herself scrambling up onto her knees, her head already craning back toward the front of drawer.

She was ready to beg for her dinner, even though the very thought made her cheeks flush with embarrassment. The gaming chair groaned, fingers clacked against a keyboard, and then came the dull roar of music as Grace put her headphones back on.

Ava's whole body slumped back down to the floor and the faintest whimper came from her lips.

The little girl stared up into the darkness and tried to comprehend how Grace could simply sit there while she was trapped inside her desk drawer. A terrifying question went through Ava's mind: had she forgotten about her?

Ava shuddered and shook her head furiously, telling herself that it was impossible.

Something that she told herself again and again as time continued to stretch.

Her stomach eventually stopped rumbling and Ava found herself curling up into a ball as her eyes drooped slightly. She continued telling herself that Grace hadn't forgotten about her but it became harder to believe as she sat there simply listening to the girl spend her Friday night at her computer.

“Hey, Rachel,” Grace's voice thundered above.

Ava blinked, wondering if Grace had called her friend since she didn't hear the giantess's phone shake from a call.

“Yeah, I'm almost there, do you know why Chloe isn't on yet?”

Ava struggled as she tried to imagine Chloe and found herself cycling through all the nerdy girls that Grace and Rachel hung out with. She had no idea if Chloe was the bushy redhead with braces or the quiet girl with greasy hair or the judgey looking one with hipster glasses.

At first, they were all normal sized in her head but her imagination quickly started to correct itself. Each one stretched higher and higher in her mind, looming over her like terrifying monsters. Then their big feet rose into the air, dominating the sky as they taunted her. Ava strangled her own scream in her throat, letting it turn into a stressed out sob as her body shook.

Outside Grace's bored voice continued to thunder, “I just don't know how much time I have tonight, I'm kinda tired....” A laugh boomed out, “No, but that's a good idea. I think maybe tom- Oh, hey Chloe.”

Ava blinked as she listened to Grace, struggling to understand what was going on while the giantess started talking about 'Strikes' and 'Raids.' It was only when she heard the clacking of the keyboard and the clicking of a mouse accompanied by the girl's increasingly frustrated grunts that she finally realized what was going on; Grace and her friends were playing a video game.

Grace was completely focused on whatever they were playing, her only comments clearly related to whatever was happening on the screen that Ava couldn't see. Meanwhile, she was once again forced to wonder whether or not Grace really had forgotten about her. The tiny girl simply pushed out of her mind by her day-to-day routine; homework, helping her mom with dinner, playing video games.

It was probably for the best, Ava reasoned, since if Grace hadn't forgotten about her she would probably be at the girl's feet getting kicked around every time they lost or whatever.

The clacking died down and Grace chuckled about something, “Oh before I go, Chloe did Rachel tell you what we found today?” A giggle echoed out and Ava's blood ran cold, “Yeah, I guess it is more of a who...”

Uncurling from the fetal position, Ava stared at the front of the drawer and the sound of her breathing seemed to echo around her.

“Ava fucking Mendoza,” Grace boomed, enunciating every syllable of the girl's name, “Right on the sidewalk, small enough to get crushed under my size 6s.” There was another burst of cannon-like giggles, “I know, right? Guess she wasn't though cause she's sure tiny now.” Another pause followed by a sigh, “I won't bring her on Sunday, Danielle and Olivia would just freak out... No, don't tell them. I mean, they'll find out eventually, yeah... yeah, no, we've all talked about this before. We're Immune, they're not. There's no reason to flaunt it or anything... I haven't decided on that yet. Ok, talk to you guys later.”

The giantess sighed and Ava heard the faint clatter of plastic against the desk as she no doubt took her headphones off. A yawn echoed out and the chair creaked before Grace's thumping footfalls echoed across the room.

Anxiety began to fill Ava's tiny frame and her eyes remained locked on the front of the drawer. She had never asked Ethan directly about it but she knew there was a reason that he called his shrinkee 'faggot' and she knew that it had nothing to do with the shrunken man's sexual orientation.

Soft plops and thumps echoed in the distance alongside contented sighs.

Ava knew those sounds, even if she had never heard them amplified before. It was the sound of clothes falling to the floor. Her body shook and her stomach twisted as she tried not to imagine how Grace could use her in exactly the same way that Ethan used his slave.

Grace plodded about her room, the faint sound of her lips sleepily smacking accompanying the rustling noise of her putting on pajamas. The tiny girl didn't breath a sigh of relief until she heard the giant girl's mattress groan.

Ava sat there, listening to Grace toss and turn until her own tiny body slumped down once more. She didn't fight the exhaustion as it washed over her, instead letting it simply carry her off to sleep.

It seemed like she had just closed her eyes when she opened them again, her mind spinning as she tried to figure out where she was and why everything was shaking. Everything about the previous day flooded back into her mind at the same time her stomach growled.

The drawer was yanked back a second later and the force of it being opened sent her sprawling against the floor. Bright light drifted in around the enormous figure towering over her and Grace's yawn seemed to echo across the world itself, “Good morning, Ava.”

The giantess came into focus a second later. Fluffy flannel pajama bottoms stretched out from beneath a baggy white t-shirt while her long hair fell down across her chest in messy waves. Far above, Grace's full lips were stretched into a superior smirk.

“G-good morning, Gr-” Ava started to say the girl's name before she remembered the way the giantess had squeezed her for it the day before. Stammering she just said, “Good morning!”

Grace's hand blotted out the sky and then those powerful fingers were again wrapping around Ava's body. She yelped as the world turned into a blur and in the blink of an eye she was dangling before Grace's chin. Warm unpleasant breath rolled over the world, making her cringe, “Have you had time to think about what you want to say to me?”

The faintest whimper escaped Ava's lips and she nodded her head.

Grace's brow furrowed slightly and a single word rang in Ava's ears, “Speak.”

“I did! I wanted to say I was sorry! I'm so sorry!” Tears welled up in the little girl's eyes, “I've done so many terrible things and I'm so sorry...”

Grace simply watched as Ava tried and failed to choke back a sob.

Air whistled in Ava's ears and she suddenly felt like she was plummeting down on a rollercoaster. Her cries turned into screams before her tiny feet touched down upon hard and slightly cold wood. The fingers released her and she stumbled then danced slightly before her bare feet adjusted to the hardwood beneath her feet.

The creaking of the giantess's desk chair drew Ava's eyes upward.

Grace sat down with her legs spread like she was some sort of immense queen. On either side of Ava, cotton stretched as the gigantic girl wiggled her toes, which were encased in bright blue socks with purple polka dots on them.

“You're not really sorry,” Grace boomed as her right foot tapped against the floor

It wasn't the tremor her foot made but the giantess's words that brought Ava to her knees.

“You're just scared of what I'm going to do to you,” the giantess thundered before Ava could protest, “And that's understandable, I mean...”

Cotton scraped against the floor as her left foot closed in while rising into the sky.

Ava screeched in terror as the ball of Grace's left foot loomed over her, its heel still resting on the floor. She fell onto her back and tried to scramble out from under the enormous ped, more apologies and pleas pouring out of her tiny mouth.

The foot crashed down just as Ava pulled her own feet from out beneath the shadow of Grace's toes. Her heart hammered in her chest while she stared at the immense sock in front of her, the cotton outlining each of the giant girl's powerful toes. They wiggled and Ava inched backwards.

“You're a shrinkee, I'm not,” Grace boomed above and her right foot suddenly rushed forward, forming an immense wall of cotton and flesh behind Ava, “But you should be sorry and the reason you're not is because somewhere in your tiny little brain, you're still thinking that I'm just some geeky little nobody you can brush off or make fun of or spread rumors about because you're Ava Mendoza. You're cool and fun and dating one of the hottest guys in school.”

The tiny girl trembled in place, her eyes darting from the massive foot behind her to the massive foot in front of her. She couldn't comprehend how they had closed in on her so quickly. Something that big just shouldn't be able to move that fast. Ava looked toward the door in the distance but with a glance back at Grace's powerful peds, she knew there was no way she could make it.

The foot behind her flinched and knocked her onto her hands and knees in front of Grace's left foot.

“But you're just a shrinkee,” Grace thundered, “And if you want to stay alive in this world, my world, then you need to accept that fact now.” The chair creaked as Grace leaned forward, casting Ava's entire world in shadow, “The best way to show me you know your place is by showing me you're sorry.”

Ava's neck craned back but the moment she met Grace's terrifying gaze she immediately averted her eyes. Her whole body shook as she tried to think of something she could do to prove to Grace that she understood.

Then the massive toes wiggled again and Ava's heart sank.

She whimpered but she still crawled forward. Her lips hovered over the cotton for what felt like an eternity before she finally pressed her face against Grace's sock. The powerful stench of footsweat was barely cut by a whiff of the girl's sage lotion and the detergent her family used.

The foot lifted up, pushing her back before it hung roughly level with her eyes.

Ava knew what Grace wanted and she found herself leaning beneath the toes to kiss the bottom of the sock, the very act momentarily unreal in her tiny mind. Then dust, sweat, and grime coated her lips as she pressed them into the worn toe section over and over again.

“That's right,” Grace cooed from on high, “You're my shrinkee and that means that you're beneath me now.”

The foot pulled away and was immediately replaced by Grace's powerful hand.

In another terrifying blink, Ava was stumbling across Grace's desk. She glanced at the immense monitor and powerful speaker system that flanked it, then down to a keyboard that seemed to be glowing with purple light. The massive structure rumbled as Grace opened up a different drawer than the one Ava had been kept in.

A wrapper crinkled high above and a crumbly piece of a granola bar was set before her before a loud crunch echoed above. “Good shrinkees get fed,” Grace announced as she munched on the immense bar and rose from her seat, “I'm going to shower because I have places to be today.”

Hunger sent Ava diving for the hunk of granola. She heaved the unwieldy chunk up to her mouth and bit into it, the sharp oats and honey wreaking havoc on her dry mouth. Still, she continued eating even after Grace had left and the sound of a shower kicked on in the distance.

It took her several more bites before she finally was able to set the hunk of granola back down on the desk. Her heart still thumped hard in her chest from when she had been cowering beneath Grace's foot but she knew she needed to act quickly if she was going to find a way out.

Searching about the desk, she spotted Grace's phone on the far side of the keyboard and immediately ran toward it. She only knew a few numbers by heart and while she doubted her parents would be able to do anything, she knew that Ethan would be able to save her. He could sweet talk this dumb little nerd at school on Monday and get her to safety.

Ava would just need to survive a weekend with Grace.

A strange fear wound its way through her body as she thought about Ethan's number. Ava was thinking about Ethan as her boyfriend; handsome, funny, dependable... and Immune. She had never given much thought to the way he crushed shrunken people beneath his tread. She had honestly found it hot. But that was when she thought this could never happen to her. Now, Ava was forced to wonder would Ethan actually save her or would he just... squish her?

Ava's heart beat faster before it hit her and she shouted, “Grace's friends! She said some of them weren't immune... uh, two of them... uh...” She snapped her fingers as she struggled to remember their names, her mind racing through the nerdy juniors she always saw Grace hanging around with. The redhead suddenly flashed into her mind with a name, “Danielle!”

Her hands smacked down on the lock screen and nothing happened.

She blinked then smacked her hands down again, at least expecting a number pad to come up.

Instead, the screen remained inert.

Ava rose to her feet and stepped onto the phone, running her right foot across it like a swiping finger. The lock screen didn't flinch even as she pressed down hard with both feet and then started to jump up and down.

“No! No! No!” She screeched, each 'no' punctuated with another jump.

She dropped to her knees as she screamed in frustration.

In the distance, a blow dryer roared and she knew that Grace would be back soon.

“God, please,” she murmured, clutching her hands to her chest before she bent down and tried the phone one last time.

And the screen remained the same.

The blow dryer shut off and she crawled away from the phone, not even fighting the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She slumped down beside the hunk of granola and watched as Grace strolled back into her room with nothing but a towel wrapped around her body.

She kicked her door shut and hung the towel from a hook on the back of her door.

Ava was stunned to see Grace's naked form stretch before her.

The giantess wasn't muscular but she was fairly lean, with only the barest hint of flab on her belly. Watching muscles flex beneath her golden skin made Ava look down at her own curvy body and she suddenly realized just how naked she was. Embarrassment flooded into her and she curled up around the small hunk of granola bar, desperate to preserve some modesty.

Still, her eyes flickered to the gigantic nude body that moved through the world in front of her. Grace quickly put on a panties and a bra before she tugged on a tight pair of black jeans and pulled an over sized fuzzy bronze sweater over her chest, its sleeves falling almost to her fingers. The world shook as she walked forward with a ball of socks in one hand and a pair of white and red Nike Cortez in the other.

Again the chair creaked as Grace settled into it before she pulled on her red-and-pink socks followed by her sneakers. Ava simply stared while the giantess tied the laces up and tucked them behind the tongue. Her fingers brushed against the surface of the slightly scuffed white sneakers before her voice boomed out, “Don't worry, you'll be cleaning these later.” The giantess's lips curled in a smirk as she glanced from Ava to her fingernails, “And giving me a manicure...”

A giggle boomed across the heavens as Grace said, “I have so much for you to do.”

Ava stared up at the girl, her eyes wide as fear drove her to nod along with whatever Grace said.

Fingers wrapped around her little body and she was again deposited into the drawer.

“For now though, you'll just have to wait,” Grace smirked down at Ava before her fingers pushed against the drawer.

“No, please!” Ava shouted, jumping to her feet just as the drawer smashed shut.

Outside, the chair creaked and Grace's sneakers smacked against the hardwood floor as she walked out.



Chapter End Notes:

Happy Friday, everybody! As always thanks to those who read and review! I hope everyone's staying safe out there and don't forget to wash your hands!

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