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Chapter 23: The Surgery

Jeff awoke in a panic as he gasped hot stuffy gulps of air. Where was he? And why did it feel like his entire world was moving, rotating? And what was that sickening metallic sound? Like chains…he lurched his body up and about, desperately trying to grasp onto something in the pitch darkness. His body seemed to be incased in something soft — he uttered a short cry of pain as his flailing arm smacked into something hard that rattled. A soft hissing sound met his ears. He tried to stand up but immediately hit his head and fell back down face-first into the pillowy softness…pillowy. Pillows…they smelled like Sarah. That unmistakable sandalwood scent. 

And then he remembered — he was in a cage. Under her bed. And…that hissing sound was coming from her mouth. He couldn’t see her in the dark, but he heard her. 

“Shhhh, easy…easy…I’m going to pull you out now, ok?” 

He suddenly felt one of her fingers brush against his leg. He shuddered into her touch, the rest of his body sidling over reflexively to try and receive the same caress. He heard her chuckle from somewhere behind the bedsheets that went all the way down to the floor on all sides of the bed. 

“Wow, the little puppy’s happy to see me this morning, huh?” He felt her finger deliberately pet his leg a few times, over and over slowly. It felt huge against his shrunken little leg — even though he was still very much in the process of waking up, Jeff’s mind suddenly flared up in a mental image of Sarah literally wrapping her finger…just her finger…all the way around his ankle. As he felt her finger pet him in the dark, he wondered if that were actually possible. It certainly felt like it…

But his internal organs suddenly squished together, because with what seemed like one mighty whoosh (but to Sarah was just a simple tug), she pulled his cage out from under her bed. It was dark in her bedroom, almost as dark as it had been under the bed. Jeff instantly became aware of how much cooler it was, and his skin came to attention in goosebumps as he clutched himself, starting to shiver. 

“There’s my brand new little puppy,” came Sarah’s warm voice from somewhere above the cage. Jeff crawled a bit over and clasped the bars with his hands, trying desperately to catch a glimpse of Sarah. He could make out a huge shape in from of him, like a great pillar…as his eyes adjusted to the dim light a bit he gradually could make out that it was an ankle…Sarah’s ankle…that was attached to the dark, curvy swerve of her developed calf muscle. He couldn’t quite see all the way up to her thigh…but where was her other leg? 

“Mmmmmmrrrgghhh…” he heard Sarah sigh over him. What was she doing? He turned around in the cage to try and see if he could get a better view, and then he saw…her other ankle…on the opposite side of the cage. She was literally just standing there in her bedroom, with his cage in between her legs. He pivoted again amongst his pillows, trying again to see if he could see her any better. By this point, his cock was fairly hard, although he did not even notice it. He was much too busy trying to get a look at Sarah. 

As he crawled around and around in the cage on all fours, plastering himself against these bars, then those, trying to see her, a sudden glimmer caught his eye. The sun was coming up behind her bedroom blinds, and one of its early rays happened to shine through…it caught Jeff in the eye. He was blinded for a moment, until his eyes adjusted once more and he saw that it was reflecting off Sarah’s big bedroom mirror. And there she was. From this vantage point he could see her, from about mid-chest up. She was standing in front of the mirror with her eyes closed, her arms extended high over her head in a glorious cat-like stretch. She didn’t move from this position for about half a minute, and Jeff watched her mesmerized the entire time. 

She broke her stretch and then shook her arms out at her sides. Jeff could see her strong muscles through the plush yet firm womanly exterior. 

‘Her arms are almost as big as my legs,’ his mind thought helplessly. Yet a deep and persistent arousal preceded his helplessness, and he pressed himself more firmly against the cage. Unknowingly, his erect cock stuck between the bars and raised upwards towards her, as if in a pleading appeal. 

Jeff saw her eyes glance down suddenly though the reflection in the mirror, finding him. For a few agonizing seconds she just looked at him, expressionless, and Jeff had the urge to cower back in his cage and hide himself in his pillows. But her eyes seemed to have a paralytic effect on him, and he didn’t move or blink. 

After a few seconds he could see Sarah squinting her eyes at him in the mirror as an affectionate smile crept across her full lips. 

“Aww there it is,” she said heartily. “I can see the reflection of its little eyes!” She craned her neck a bit, not moving her legs, to get a better glimpse of him. “And there’s its little face,” she said happily. “It looks like it needs to be let out to go pee.” 

Jeff became suddenly aware that Sarah was right. He did have to pee…really badly, actually. 

“Am I right?” asked Sarah, still standing high above him and addressing his reflection. “Does it need to go pee?” 

Jeff nodded his head vigorously as he clutched at the cage bars, and then something came out of his mouth that surprised him, even as it scared him. He whimpered. Audibly. Enough so that Sarah could hear him. He saw her eyes roll back into her head as he saw her right shoulder and upper arm move back and forth in a rhythmic motion. He didn’t know what was going on for several moments until he heard what sounded like raindrops on the roof of his cage. He startled back a moment, lying himself flat amongst the pillows in fear. He heard Sarah moaning above him, and he cautiously crept back to the bars to look at her reflection again. She had her head thrown back with her eyes still closed…and he understood. She was touching herself…masturbating above him…and the raindrops on his cage were her cum. He couldn’t believe how heavy they sounded…like big, fat raindrops. For almost a minute, they continued, almost without stopping. Jeff crouched there, becoming painfully aware of his own massive erection that was thrust through the cage doors up towards her. He longed for her to stroke him…but if she wasn’t going to, then he had to. He backed himself into his cage a little and reached for his swollen dick. 

He didn’t have much time to get started, however, because almost as soon as the sound of Sarah’s precipitation of cum had ceased, Jeff felt his organs all go amok again. Sarah’s bedroom was moving past him, and he felt like he was floating through the air. And he was…in a sense. He looked to his left and saw Sarah’s huge naked thigh comprising his entire view from that side of the cage. He saw her muscles steadily working…she had picked up his cage with one hand and was carrying it…with him inside…toward her bathroom. His mind boggled at this effortless show of strength. He didn’t even hear her utter a breath as she picked him up, cage and all. 

She put the cage down in front of her bathroom door and opened it up, stepping behind to stand and wait. Jeff turned and crawled to the back of the cage, looking up at the huge twin pillars of Sarah’s legs. 

“Go on,” she cooed encouragingly, getting down on her knees and peering down at him through the graceful waviness of her long blond hair. “Go on inside, little thing. Do your business.” Jeff looked up at her through the cage bars, not quite comprehending for a moment what she was asking. 

“Go on,” she repeated with an exaggerated voice, “go on, go on in there little pet.” 

He did have to go pee pretty badly, so with some reluctance he turned away from her and crawled slowly out of the cage. Sarah had stood up again behind him, and as she did she saw, from far above, his little head emerge, followed by his pale scrawny back and his tiny, bony little wriggle of a butt. She very nearly had her second orgasm of the morning right then and there as she saw his minute form crawling out. He moved to stand. 

“Oh no, little thing…I want you to crawl,” she breathed down at him. “No walking on that hip of yours.” Without even thinking Jeff obligingly crawled on his hands and knees into her bathroom, and saw that she had been kind enough to put the step stool next to the toilet. Jeff crawled up to it and managed to barely lug himself up onto the seat where he gratefully relieved himself. He heard Sarah bustling around in her bedroom. He became aware of the hot moistness in the bathroom air…she must have already taken a shower…but her hair was so dry…she must have used a blowdryer…why hadn’t that woken him up…? As he sat there on the edge of the toilet (to keep from falling in), his head started to whirl and spin in on itself. He began to remember the events from the previous night. His body tensed up as he remembered Steve…and Sarah…and…and…all the stuff that Sarah had said…it all came flooding back. His body tightened up even more, as if preparing for an emotional meltdown. 

But even as his body did, his emotions remained paralyzed. It wasn’t that he was happy or sad…and it wasn’t even that he didn’t know what to think. His emotions, his mind, his spirit felt frozen in place, like they had been subjected to a sudden and vicious onslaught of brutal cold. He had not even begun to thaw. 

He finished with the toilet, reached behind him to flush with difficulty, and then climbed down gingerly and crawled back into his cage. He lay back in the pillows, almost in a trance. After a minute or so Sarah walked by the cage to check the bathroom. She turned back around and put her hands on her knees as she peered down at him. She was dressed in a professional top, and wore a necklace of pearls. She was still in her underwear, though. 

“Oh very good,” she intoned down at him in a deep voice as she nodded her head. “Very good. Right where it belongs.” 

She bustled around a bit more and came back into Jeff’s view holding a long pair of jeans. 

“Crawl back out here,” she said mildly. “I wanna see something.” Jeff did and beheld Sarah holding her jeans up to her legs. “I’m pretty sure these fit me perfectly,” she said, “but just for fun I wanna see how they measure up to you. Here, come one over here….yeah…that’s right. Now take my hand…yes, that’s it…use two of yours…you’re so tiny. Now just relax your body and let me pull you up…that’s it.” 

Jeff found himself standing on his own two feet, but barely. He wasn’t putting any weight on his feet at all, and his toes were barely touching Sarah’s carpeted floor. She was holding his entire body up with one hand. With her other hand she produced one of the legs of her jeans and pried it open with her free hand. 

“Now then, seeing as how I got a bit of an early start this morning,” he heard Sarah say above him, “I have the time to just run this little experiment. Step your little legs in there.” 

Jeff extended his bony left leg and inserted it into the opening of the jeans. It was almost comical. His leg hardly even came into contact with the jeans as it went down. He then put up his right leg, but stopped as Sarah said, 

“No no, not that one. That’s your bad leg. Let me do it.” She lifted him up even further with her hand and literally placed his other leg down into the same pant-leg. They both went down, down, and then the rest of his body kept going. Jeff didn’t know what to make of all this…his mind felt like mush. But he knew enough to stay hard…his cock felt painful now. 

He suddenly felt his toes begin to brush the ground again, and he became aware that Sarah’s jeans were level with his nipples. She had fed him into her pant-leg, and it had swallowed up his body, all the way past his waist, to the middle of his chest. 

“Oh wooowwww,” he heard Sarah say in amazement. “Just look at that. One leg of my jeans…and your body. And these are skinny jeans.” She shifted, and Jeff nearly lost hold of her hand. “Wait, let me just get a hold of you here…there,” she said, securing both of his wrists in a newly firm one-handed grip. “And then let me just…” and she shifted her weight again, and Jeff saw what she was doing — she was stepping into the other leg. Jeff heard the soft sound of her big thigh brushing against the fabric, and then heard the unmistakable stretching as Sarah pulled the jeans up. Her leg completely filled the pants out, and then some…she was having to exert some effort to pull and maneuver her leg in. 

After a few seconds, she said, “Aww hell, I gotta sit down to do this properly…here, you’re my other leg now…walk with me…” and Sarah put her right leg forward, and then moved Jeff forward to match, manipulating his body like a marionette. Her naked left leg did the real work of walking, but from the front it looked like Jeff’s body was acting as Sarah’s other leg. 

Walking in this ridiculous get-out, Sarah went over to her bed and sat down, wriggling her huge hips and ass into the rest of her side of the jeans, and then stood, holding Jeff up as they looked at the spectacle in the mirror. Jeff couldn’t believe it…and yet…he knew this already…it was clear from this picture that one of Sarah’s legs was indeed bigger than Jeff’s entire body. Her thigh filled out her jeans completely, stretching them to their limit…to say nothing of her ass and hips. A good bit of her curves actually hung out over the waistband of the jeans, thick and firm. But Jeff…well, his body fit into the pant-leg perfectly, with a fair amount of room to spare. The jeans weren’t even really stretched tightly. They just looked lumpy, as if they were hiding something deformed. 

“Mmmmm,” purred Sarah at the mirror, raising her hand up and down, up and down, without any apparent effort, showing just how easy it was. If Jeff looked at their reflection in a certain way, it looked like Sarah was raising one of her legs up and down…except of course it was his body that she was manipulating.

After a minute or so of this, Sarah walked with Jeff in this same way into the kitchen. Jeff thought he could hear a deep, calm rumble from behind and above his head. Was Sarah…was she actually purring?! He didn’t know…all he knew was that, for better or worse, he was operating as Sarah’s pretend left-leg right now, and that he could do nothing about it. With her free hand, Sarah opened the fridge, got out a whole host of fruits and vegetables she had sliced up previously, and tossed them into a blender, slopping in some peanut butter, honey, and some kind of powdery substance for good measure, before blending it all up with a press of her finger. 

Jeff glanced up at the fridge at the bottle of whiskey. It seemed like ages ago that he and Sarah had shared that drink…was it…was it really possible that it was only two days before?? So much seemed to have happened since then…so much seemed to have changed. A bubble of something unpleasant came up in his consciousness — he wanted that time back. He wanted things to be like they had been before. He opened his mouth to ask Sarah if it was ok if they shared another drink that night, but almost as soon as he inhaled to begin his question, he felt her huge warm palm softly but firmly cover his mouth. 

“No talking, my pet,” she said quietly. “Nothing — not a word.” Her voice was not dangerous; it wasn’t mean or angry; it was just simple, calm…quiet…matter-of-fact. Almost as soon as she had spoken, she took her palm away and continued moving around about her tasks. She was pouring the blended mixture into glasses…two glasses. Still pretending to use Jeff as one of her legs, she covered one glass with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. She then reached into a drawer and brought out a straw, which she placed in the other glass. Jeff felt his body used as a pawn, as a meaningless and literal stand-in, as Sarah walked them both to the living room, bending down as she placed the glass on the floor. 

“Ok, all right, enough play, “she chuckled softly as she lifted Jeff out of the pant-leg. It wasn’t a hard task, since there was already plenty of empty space where his body was. He was now out on the floor, naked, and once again (and without thinking) made to stand. 

“Down,” said Sarah, pointing with her finger, and Jeff stayed down. She kept her finger pointed and moved it to the glass on the floor. “Drink.” Her words carried no emotional weight whatsoever. They were simple commands…nothing more. Jeff crawled over to the glass and put the straw to his lips and did as he was told. He made a face as he tasted the mixture. To anyone accustomed to eating healthy food, it was actually quite good. Hearty, full, and a little sweet. But to Jeff it tasted awful, like dirt…and he nearly spat it out. But he knew better than to react in such a way, and he forced his mouth to stay closed as he swallowed with great effort. He turned around on the floor and saw that Sarah had gone back into her bedroom. He figured she would want him to drink a little more, so he did, with great effort. 

“That’s it — very good!” said Sarah in that same exaggerated voice as she came back into the room, totally dressed and ready for work. Her voice’s embellished inflection made Jeff get even harder. It was the tone of voice people usually reserved for their pets; to him, though, it just sounded like she was pleased with him and might do something nice for him sometime in the near future. 

He was crestfallen, however, to see her carrying the cage. She placed it down next to him. 

“Go on,” she said, “go on now — get inside, go inside…there you go…all the way in now…perfect.” She closed the cage and put a padlock on it, which she had unlocked with a key, only to then click it shut around the cage door. She waved the key at him through the bars, her eyebrows going up and down as she smiled, sliding the key onto her keyring that she jingled before depositing it in her briefcase. Jeff started to panic again; she was going to leave him like this!? 

“Now you have everything you need,” said Sarah happily to him through the bars. “You have all the nutrition and more that you need in this drink here,” and she pushed the glass up to him next to the cage so that the straw stuck through the bars. “If you spill it, I won’t be here to help you, so be careful drinking it, ok?” She was squatting down on her thighs as she addressed Jeff and she looked up at the ceiling as she thought out loud. 

“Ok, let’s see…I put bottles of water in the cage for you to drink…There’s a sealable bottle for you to pee in…yep, that’s just about everything!” she said brightly. She looked down at him and Jeff was startled to see something like a shadow pass over her face. “Just understand — I’m doing this because I need to know you’re going to be ok here without me. And after last night, I can’t trust you to follow the rules.” She looked straight down into his eyes with an intensity that terrified him and he would have shrunk from her if he had not felt so stunned by her calm severity. She glanced over at the glass of smoothie. 

“I want that to be all gone when I come home this afternoon,” she said quietly. Jeff nodded his head. 

“I don’t want there to be any messes or spills or slip-ups,” she said with the same softness in her voice. Jeff nodded again. She looked at him for a few silent moments more, until her eyes brightened suddenly. 

“Oh my god I can’t believe I forgot,” she said, grinning down at him. She jumped up and waltzed away into the kitchen and came back moments later holding…what was she holding? She bent down and then placed them down in a row in front of the cage. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven shot glasses. Jeff’s heart leapt for joy. She was going to let him drink!? 

“I can see that cock of yours has been hard since the moment you laid eyes on me this morning,” she said merrily. “That’s good. I want to encourage that. And even though you’re in the cage today, my rules still hold.” Jeff’s heart sank…he wasn’t going to be drinking, then. 

“God knows you’ll be jacking off as soon as I leave,” said Sarah, "and so, remember, I want you to save it all…all your cum…for me.” She indicated to the shot glasses with a sweep of her large manicured hand. “So whenever you cum, I want it to be in one of these. See, I put them close to the cage. You can reach them. And I know you can fit those bony little arms of yours through these bars.” She laughed as she stood up, holding her briefcase and smiling down at him, enjoying his bamboozled expression. 

“Well I’m off to a presentation…Casual day at work, you know,” she said, flaunting her skinny jeans, which were now utterly filled by the meaty columns of her legs. She posed for a moment and then stopped, staring down at him one last time. 

“See what you can give me,” she said, a little bit of a dare in her voice as she nodded to the empty shot glasses. “See what your body can make for me, little thing. To be honest, from this vantage point, it doesn’t look like you’ll be capable of that much…you’re just such a small little thing. Not like Steve…” she put her finger to her mouth. “Not like Steve gave me last night…” She trailed off as she continued to look down at Jeff. He felt the temperature start to increase in his face and neck as his cock rose up further. 

“How many times did he cum…?” asked Sarah to herself out loud. “Well…no, that’s inside me…three times? Yeah, he came inside me three times…and in my mouth…uhhh…gosh I kind of forget.” She giggled down at Jeff through the bars. “All I know is that last one…where I took him all the way…yeah, I found a umm, a…uh, secret wellspring, if you will.” She made wide eyes down at him as her tongue flickered in a blur between her teeth. “God, if only you could have seen me take him. I’ve never swallowed so much cum in my life.” She basked in that memory for a few more moments until she seemed to come out of her trance, blinking as she smiled down at Jeff and flung her hand nonchalantly at the shot glasses. 

“Oh well,” she said as she turned to leave, “just show me what you can do, alright?” And in a few paces more, she was gone, leaving Jeff on the edge of an orgasm as he watched her go with a hot face and gritted teeth. He didn’t understanding why his hands felt numb until he realized that he was clenching the bars of his cage so hard that his hands had gone completely white. 

All day as he languished in his cage, Jeff didn’t feel like he was alone. It was different than previous days…very different. Everything had changed. Everything had become so…so totally…horribly…simple. And Jeff wished that he could feel something about it, but he couldn’t — he was incapable of any serious thought or feeling. His entire essence was still frozen…and awaiting that deep thaw…if it was ever to come. He no longer felt like Sarah was gone. As he lay in the cage, sucking down his smoothie with a tightened face through his straw, he felt like Sarah was there…everywhere…all around him…watching him. He didn’t feel the dearth of her presence like he had in days passed. If anything, he felt almost suffocated by her, even though she wasn’t there. He shook his head, trying to think, trying to latch onto some kind of narrative that would whisk him away to safety, to some comfortable cozy haven. But there were no narratives — his old track had been completely torn up from the ground, and laid there in front of him, mangled and twisted beyond repair. He couldn’t even realize this simple fact as he lay there trying to find some way out of this strange grey fog that seemed to encompass him. For hours he lay there, paralyzed not having anything close to a clue of what to do. Then in the right moment his eyes fell on the shot glasses…the empty shot glasses. A fierce desire rose up in him — he would give her what she wanted. He wasn’t even thinking of Steve, or of jealousy. He wasn’t thinking of anything other than imagining the look on Sarah’s face when she came home from work and saw that all the glasses were full. He was going to give it to her. 

Hours later he was shaken from a lolling and detached doze. He tried to will his arms to obey him as he flailed about his face to wipe the drool from his mouth. Afternoon sunlight…Sarah was walking in. He mustered up all the energy he could and sat up among his pillows. She was walking this way…his smoothie glass was dutifully empty. Five of the seven shot glasses contained his cum. Two were half full, two more were a quarter full, and one held the final remnants that he had desperately wrung from his purpling cock an hour before. 

“Hmmm!” he heard her say. Heat rose in his chest as he plastered himself up against the bars. She was impressed! 

She passed by and deposited her briefcase at her desk and then came back, dropping down onto her thighs in front of the cage. Without a word she examined the empty smoothie glass, nodding at him and giving him a smile of encouragement. She looked at the shot glasses. Silently she extended a finger and counted them…one, two, three, four, five…and then she brought her finger to the empty sixth and seventh and raised up her palm inquiringly, as if asking where the rest of his cum was. Jeff opened his mouth to explain but stopped as he saw her eyes harden. He was not to speak. 

She took the first shot glass and threw it back, downing its contents. She put down and picked up the second, drinking it in one gulp. Then the third, then the fourth, and then the fifth. She extended out her long tongue, wriggling it in his direction as she thrust it down into the fifth glass, swirling it around with eye-popping speed, trying to get every last bit. She smacked her lips as she put the tiny glass down. 

“No more?” she asked. “I brought out seven glasses…you barely gave me five. Maybe three in total if I’m being generous. Are you suuurrree that’s all you got in those little balls?” 

Jeff hung his head, defeated, nodding weakly. 

“I don’t think so,” said Sarah decisively, and with a swift jangling she had produced the key and unlocked the padlock, tossing it aside as she opened the cage door. She reached in, wrapped her hand completely around Jeff’s ankle, and tugged his good leg, not seeming to expend any energy at all as she whisked his tiny body out. In a flash she had him facing away from her on all fours as she held his body in a crouched position. 

“Unfortunately I don’t really feel the trust,” said Sarah calmly. “So I’m just gonna have to make sure you’re milked dry.” With that she thrust two of her long fingers roughly into his ass, taking no time to penetrate him deeply. Jeff would have screamed, but he remembered Sarah’s order: “nothing.” He was to make no noise whatsoever. So he grit his teeth and shut his eyes as Sarah mercilessly dug her fingers into him. 

“Jerk off,” she grunted, her voice thick with arousal. He did, but even though his cock hardened within seconds and stayed hard, he was not able to coax anything else from his exhausted member. 

“Oh please, you call that jerking?” asked Sarah roughly from behind him. “Here!” He felt her other hand wrap around his, enclosing his dick in his own hand. “This is jerking.” And without warning Sarah began to jerk him off with his own hand faster than he could have ever believed possible. The strength and speed of Sarah’s fist was mind-searing, and within half a minute Jeff was oozing more cum into the sixth shot glass. 

“That’s more like it!” said Sarah triumphantly from behind him. “That’s what I’m talking about — this is how you milk a dick.” And somehow she went even faster. Jeff’s rolled back as his head and neck slumped to one side; he was fast approaching unconsciousness…the stimulation was too much. Sarah took her fingers out of his ass for a moment and smacked him roughly on both sides of his face, waking him up. 

“No passing out,” she growled behind him. “Not until you give me more.” And he did. He gave her more. Minutes stacked on top of minutes, and Sarah knelt there, ruthlessly thrusting her fingers into his ass as she milked him cruelly with his own hand. However much time passed, and four dribbling orgasms later Sarah seemed to be satisfied. She pushed Jeff back into his cage, shut it, locked it, and went to wash her hands. When she came back he was passed out on his back — she shook the cage until he woke up. She held up the last two shot glasses, one in either hand as she smiled at him. With two throwbacks of her head they were gone. 

“Aaaaaahhhhh,” she said contentedly, showing Jeff her long tongue and open, empty mouth. “Now I’m happy. See, I knew you had more. You just needed some extra strength to find it.” She smiled genially at him and stood up, picking up Jeff and the cage with her as she rose. She brought the cage back into her bedroom, put it on the floor, and pushed it halfway under her bed. 

“Tomorrow,” she said, “I want them all filled.” With that, he was shrouded in darkness as she pushed the cage completely under her bed. Jeff promptly passed out, covered in sweat, overcome. 

The next day went almost exactly as the previous one had. A full glass of nutritious smoothie, peeing in a bottle, one proscribed morning defecation, a cage full of pillows. Except this time, Sarah got her wish when she came home in the afternoon. She squealed with excitement as she saw the full shot glasses, and took great pleasure in drinking them quickly, all the while as Jeff watched her with glassy eyes. There is nothing more to tell of his state of mind at that point…he was blank. She pushed him under the bed again, and again he was asleep in an instant. 

The next morning was different, however. Sarah woke him earlier than usual. She bathed him in the tub. He was aware of her big arms around him, and her hands as they lovingly scrubbed down his entire body. With slow, gentle ease, she took the sound out of his cock. His face strained as the inside of his dick burned. She cooed to him softly, dangling the sound before his eyes briefly, as if willing him to remember it. She washed it and put it in a special case, which she then deposited in her nightstand drawer. She dressed him in a hospital gown….she laid his body down on the big red sofa. Red…sofa…somewhere in his boggled, broken mind, Jeff had a flash of a vision. Him approaching this same sofa, with low candle lights flickering all around…Sarah laying stretched out there in the shadows. He was holding flowers and…and something else…a box…but it was just a haze and his mind stumbled back through the fog. There was a noise catching his attention. Sarah was in her pantry moving about. She came out pushing something. A wheelchair. She lifted him up and put him in it. They were moving…she was pushing him. 

Suddenly they were outside. Jeff hadn’t been outside in so long…he had forgotten about outside. The sun wasn’t up yet, and the cool air bit at his face as the harsh moisture of the morning tore at his lungs. He started to squirm in the wheelchair but Sarah held him down with a soft, warm, encouraging squeeze of her big hand on his shoulder. 

“Shhhh,” she whispered, her voice blending with the chatter of the birds. “You’re ok, Jeff — I’ve got you.” It was the first time that she had mentioned his name in days. He was seized by a fit of sobbing as Sarah unloaded him into the car. She didn’t even try to stop him — she just let him have it out as she buckled him in, got in the driver’s seat, and dove them away. 

In a few minutes they arrived at the hospital. Jeff had cried himself dry. Sarah parked the car, turned it off, and then sat there silently at the wheel, looking straight ahead. She didn’t move for minutes; she just kept looking straight forward. Jeff finally turned to look at her. He had no idea what was going on, what had happened to him, why he had broken down and cried, what all of the previous few days had meant. It had distorted everything in his world: his perception of time, of Sarah, of himself. He was a hopeless ruin. And yet he looked to Sarah. Through it all, he was left feeling nothing…and yet he looked to her. 

She turned and looked down at him, without expression. For the first time, he was able to meet her stare without looking away. He was not facing her down; he was living in her stare. After a few seconds she smiled warmly, and, he thought, a little sadly. He could feel the heat from her smiling face light up inside him. 

“I’m going to be there during the surgery, Jeff,” she said quietly. “I’m gonna be there the whole time.” 

“I’m — I’m gonna make it!” he croaked out into the car. 

Sarah laughed emotionally as tears sparkled in her eyes. She blinked them away as they streamed down her cheeks. 

“I know!” she gasped through her smile, her mouth quivering. “I know you are, baby.”

They looked at each other for a moment longer, and then Sarah wiped away her tears and got out, bringing the wheelchair around for Jeff to sit in. A few minutes later they were in the hospital. Sarah checked him in. He was fitted with a medical bracelet. And then she was gone, leaving him there in the waiting room with her assurances that he’d see her soon. 

He sat there comatose in the waiting room. The same one he had sat in weeks before before Sarah came back into his life. Just weeks before….? It didn’t seem possible. Had he possessed the brain energy and capacity in that moment, he would have marveled at the incredible, horrid, and dizzying reality of time. He briefly wondered what Sarah was doing. But just like that some friendly nurses arrived and wheeled him away. 

He was taken to a bright white operating room, where the doctors talked at him, explaining what was going to happen. Jeff didn’t really listen to them…he couldn’t. He just nodded his head whenever he felt like he should. He was mildly aware of a slight prick in his arm as they injected him with some calming medication, but he was already calm. He just needed to see Sarah…before…before he passed out. His head started to swim as the warmth from the drugs went down to his toes. 

“Sarah!?” he said out loud. “Sarah!? Where…where are you?!” The doctors looked at each other, seemingly puzzled. 

“Sarah? Who’s Sarah?” they asked him. 

“S-Sarah H-helleger” said Jeff, his head lolling to one side as he desperately tried to get out the words. The doctors once again looked at each other, puzzled. “Well…ok,” said one of the doctors, “we’re gonna give you the sedative now, alright, Jeff?” 

“N-not…not before…Sarah,” gasped Jeff, trying to push the doctor’s needle away. 

“What is he talking about — ” began the other doctor, but at that moment the doors opened and a huge tall figure strode in, clothed in white, with a white face mask across the face…her face. There was no mistaking Sarah. The other doctors looked up and for a moment were transfixed. 

“There…” breathed Jeff, lowering his hand. He relaxed back into the bed.

“I’m here Jeff,” she whispered down at him through her mask, winking at him. “I’m here — it’s gonna be alright.” She looked to the attending doctor, widening her eyes at him as she mocked his gaping expression. 

“Well? Are you gonna sedate him or not?” 

“Oh…yeah…sorry…I just…didn’t expect to see you here, Helleger.” 

“He’s a special case of mine,” she said warmly, looking down at Jeff. He could tell by the squint of her eyes that she was smiling through her face mask as he went under. 

He was coming back up just as soon as he went down…or at least that’s what it felt like. He was in a different bed. There were different smells around him. His room was full of bright sunlight. He was in a hospital room. His eyes felt crusty. 

“He’s coming to,” said his mother’s voice. 

“Right on time,” said his father. They were both there, sitting by his bedside, looking at their son with big smiles on their faces, relieved. 

“M-mom…d-dad,” said Jeff thickly. 

“We’re here, son,” said his father. “We’re here for you.” 

“They say the surgery went well,” said his mother. “Went off without a hitch.” 

“Wh-what about Sarah?” 

“Sarah? Oh! We didn’t get to see her, unfortunately,” said his mother, “she had to leave as soon as your surgery was done for a conference. But she left us a very kind message saying that she’d drop by and pay you a visit next week to see how you were doing.” 


“Yes, Jeff,” said his father warmly. “You’re going to stay with us now. We’ll take care of you — we’ll help you through everything.” 

Jeff looked at his parents blankly and then slid back down in his bed. 

Next week?

Chapter End Notes:

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