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Nanashi pushed her deep inside and trapped her there with her hand as she rode out a well-deserved orgasm. Skylar had faith in her even as her juices threatened to drown her. Then came fresh air as she lie on her palm. Nanashi was quiet as she cleaned the girl up in a wash basin in her bathroom. "You're very quiet" Skylar said as she finished rinsing her. "What will I do when you are gone?" she asked softly. It was not a question Skylar had an answer to. "Want to come with me? God knows we have the room" Skylar finally said. "I am oathbound to serve here. It cannot be broken. Only in death" she said. Skylar grew to her size. "Nanashi..."


"It is late. Good night Skylar" she said turning in. Skylar laid next to her in the futon wondering if she made a terrible mistake.


The next morning...


"It's better off you stay here" Faith said. "Normally, with something this serious I'd disagree but this village has come under attack already. However, an observer should accompany you in case negotiations are required" Hikari said before clapping. "Eiko, go with them" she said. The young woman nodded. Faith sized her up. She was a warrior no doubt. More muscular, wore simple yet elegant armor, and held a naginata. "With all due respect, sending a battle dressed woman may give the wrong idea. I propose bringing Nanashi with us. She a koonago, somewhat skilled in diplomacy, and comes off as meek and mild" Faith said. Skylar gave her a look. Faith shrugged seeing it. "A maid servant? The mongrel?" someone muttered. Himeko snapped her fan for them to be silent. "Send her in" she commanded. Moments later, Nanashi entered. "You summoned me majesty?" she asked nervous. "The foreigners are leaving for Biwako Valley and have requested you to join them. You are to assist their needs and represent our people to the fullest. Do not bring dishonor to us child" Himeko said coldly. Nanashi was dumbfounded. "By...by your command" she stammered. "Prepare yourself and be ready when called again" Himeko commanded motioning for her to leave.


"A private plane will be ready for you at the JSDF airfield not far from here. It will take you to Osaka" she said. "Why didn't we take that before?" Skylar asked. "Because it wouldn't have given Nanashi enough time to size us up" Faith whispered. "Indeed. I wish you well Faith and the one called Skylar" Himeko said leaving the room. The guards followed except one staying behind with Hikari. "Faith, I'm going to change" Skylar said. Faith nodded. Faith was left alone with Hikari. "Interesting. You seemed completely calm about possibly marching into the den of the enemy but tense being in the room alone with me" Hikari said. "Personal reasons" Faith muttered. "More secrets. A foreigner with incredible magics. The knowledge of a Japanese goddess only few in the world know about. And reasons for finding her still hidden. Have we not earned your trust?" Hikari asked. "A hundred times over but the truth you're seeking would be a hard burden to bear. It is not for my sake but yours" Faith replied. That only heightened Hikari's curiosity.


"I am over 160 years old. I have watched loved ones grow old and die before me. Fellow koonago, raped, crushed, and eaten to preserve my life. I have even witnessed a child slowly die of radiation sickness. I am no stranger to burden" she said. "This is different. I wish in my heart of hearts I could tell you just to ease my own loneliness but..." Faith muttered. "Tcch. Very well then. Keep your secrets. I have a son that needs feeding" Hikari said with a chill that made Faith wince. "If you go to the kitchen, you will find a bottle of my milk to feed him. I should change clothes" Faith said softly. On hearing that, Hikari regretted her tone.


"Bet your happy Nanashi is coming with us" Faith said. "Not entirely" Skylar said putting her shirt on. "Something happen between you two last night?" she asked. "It went fine until she brought up she goes back to her shitty life after we leave" she replied. "She could come with us?" Faith shrugged. "Don't you think I tried that?!" Skylar yelled. "No go?" Faith asked. Skylar looked at her. They got dressed and carried their shoes in their hands Nanashi stood at the entrance with Hikari. "I wish you the best of luck. As unlikely as it sounds, we do get cell phone coverage out here so don't hesitate to call" she said. Faith bowed her head. A half hour later, they were on the plane to Osaka. The pilots were exceptionally curious about their passengers taking glances at them now and then. Faith sat in the far front on her phone reading. Skylar in the back with Nanashi. "You regret last night?" Skylar asked. "...it shouldn't have happened" she replied. Skylar looked away from her and buried her head into her chest. The koonago glanced at her hearing her cry. "You do not understand. I am bound by oath..."


"I understand because I was too bound by oath to serve. I killed innocent people because of an oath. Let myself get raped for an oath. I once had an abortion because of an oath. But even I know when enough is enough. It took someone from the outside to show me what kind of bastard I served. Someone who gave a fuck about my happiness. You koonago supposed to live for centuries. You really want to keep serving people who can't even give you a proper fucking name for the next 500 years?" Skylar spat. A question that cut the koonago to the core. A question Nanashi would answer in her own way in time.


They landed in Osaka airport and was driven to Biwako Valley by car. "This place is magnificent!" Skylar said. "It is a ski and hot spring resort. At this time of year, there is no snow" Nanashi said. "And we are not here for vacation" Faith said looking at the northern mountain slope. They trekked from the base of the mountain and up the slope taking their time. "Are we even going the right way?" Skylar asked. Faith paused to touch a tree. She closed her eyes. "Yes. There's some kind of...void another kilometer up" she replied. "A void?" Nanashi asked worried sitting on Skylar's shoulder. "One of my powers is to commune with plant life. By feeding a bit of magic into the forest, I can in a way create a radar pulse. There's an odd void or dead zone up there" she replied. They kept walking, Faith carefully using her senses, Skylar checking her rear and guarding her koonago with her hand, and Nanashi trying to stay calm through it. Faith took a step and paused. "The air, it feels off" she said. "We should go back" Skylar said. "No, lets press on" Faith said. They took a few more steps and Skylar froze. "Faith. We really should go back" she said trembling. Nanashi looked at the giantess worried. "No" Faith said grabbing her hand pulling her. "No! NO WE CAN'T GO FORWARD!" she shrieked. "A barrier! We're caught in a koonago barrier!" Nanashi yelled. "Dispel" Faith muttered touching the struggling Skylar. She calmed down instantly. "What...what the fuck happened? I was terrified of going forward" she said. "A perception spell made by koonago. It keeps people out and if they kept going...would drive them to suicide. We used if for a very long time" Nanashi replied.


"This means we're close. Can you continue?" Faith asked her. "Just give me a minute" Skylar said walking off. "Is she really okay?" Nanashi asked. "She pissed her panties, so the answer is no. But she'll keep walking anyways" Faith replied. Skylar returned a few minutes later. She nodded for them to continue. They kept walking slower this time until they came to a clearing. Before them stood a temple surrounded by channels of water. "A Shinto temple way up here?" Nanashi asked. "This place is imbued with magics and we are not alone" Faith warned. As if appearing out of thin air, tiny Shinto shrine maidens surrounded them. Arrows of pure flame aimed at the two giantesses. "Hold your arrows!. We are here on behalf of the koonago nation! I am Nanashi and I request an audience with your leader!" Nanashi yelled as loud as she could. The maidens looked at one another. "You, the one named nobody speaks for the nation? Our race has grown weaker than I thought" a voice said before them. Slowly, emerging from the temple was a young human sized woman dressed in white and red. On her sash was a butterfly. Accompanying her were five men dressed in odd clothing.


The woman slipped on her sandals to step onto the ground. Faith grew very wary. This woman was hiding her magical power. She was far stronger than she seemed. "And these foreigners who dare trespass onto sacred ground?" she asked. "Allies" Nanashi replied. The woman motioned for the five men to take positions. "I am Orube. Leader of the Taira koonago. Why have you come?" the woman asked. "There has been attacks on a water goddess and our homeland. Evidence points back to a koonago from your clan. Shall we discuss the matter?" Nanashi asked trying to hide her fear. Orube motioned with her hand. Faith sensed a spike in magic energy and began to summon her sword. "...no" Orube replied quickly gathering water from the channel, compressing it, and shipping it at Faith at high speed. Faith's borrower reflexes saved her life and she dodged back with an eight of a second to spare. Orube didn't stop as she summoned ice to skewer Faith. Faith batted them all away shocking the koonago. "She motioned for the Shinto maidens to fire. With a cone of compressed air, Faith shielded them. But it was all a delay tactic on Orube's part as a five-pointed star lit up the ground underneath them. "Jump!" Faith yelled as she did, but it was too late for Skylar. She was struck by a shrinking spell. Oddly, it had no effect on Nanashi as she cradled the dazed girl.


Orube rushed to where Skylar and Nanashi were with the grace only a koonago could have even though she was human sized. "As much as I would like to battle you, I am pressed for time. Surrender or they will be stains" she warned fading her sandaled foot over them. Faith thought about striking the woman down with Odin level lightning but there was no guarantee she wouldn't cause their deaths as well. "I surrender" Faith said. "No... I can still fight" Skylar said summoning her white uniform and sword. She tried growing but found a resistance she could not overcome.


"Genbu of the north" one onmyoji said invoking a yellow chain ensnaring Faith's left arm. "Seiryu of the east" another said ensnaring her right arm in a blue chain. "Suzaku of the south" another said chaining her left ankle in a flaming red chain. "Byakko of the west" the last one said chaining her right ankle in a ghostly white chain. Faith sensed the magical chains were of an elemental nature. They were astoundingly strong. The fifth onmyoji approached her and struck her point black with a bolt of lightning to her head. "...still alive? Very impressive. Bring them into the lower chambers. I must make preparations for the final part of the plan if that goddess told us the truth" Orube said just before Faith blacked out.


"How long do you think it's been?" Nanashi asked as she stared out of their cage. "6 hours. Maybe 8 seeing how hungry I am. They must be busy if they haven't come to torture us yet" Skylar replied shivering from the cold damp air on her naked body. "Torture?!" Nanashi yelled. "Listen. You have to stay strong. You talk and they'll have no reason to keep us alive. Goddamn wooden bars.  Must be some kind of magic on them" she muttered. "You're really calm" Nanashi said moving closer to her. "I've seen this kind of shit before. First time for me being on the receiving end though" she replied softly. The door opened to their chamber and a giant man, an onmyoji entered. "Don't give them anything" Skylar whispered. The man popped the cage open grabbing Skylar out. He sat down on a stool. "What do you know?" he asked. "Many things. The cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. New York was once called New Amsterdam. And Trump is an asshole" she smirked. The man took his thumb and pressed hard into her ribs cracking them. Skylar held a scream. "Sorry. Didn't take you for a Republican" she coughed. "This is not a game little one. You will tell me what you and your filthy foreign friend knew to bring you here" he said. "...you must be my lucky star. Cause you shine on me wherever you are. I just think of you..."




Skylar whimpered as the man used his fingers to break her left leg. "Not a Madonna fan?" she asked. "I see you wish to use bravery and honor as your defense. Maybe you hope that the other foreigner will save you. She will not. She was out to death hours ago when she would not talk" he said. "Liar. I'd know if she were dead and if it weren't for your shitty magic barrier in here you would end up dead" Skylar spat. The man growled and placed his pinky at her pussy. He began pushing it into her. Skylar let out a shriek. "STOP! Just stop. I'll tell you what you want to know just let her go" Nanashi begged. The man threw Skylar back in the cage. Blood dripping down her thighs she looked at Nanashi and shook her head. "I have too" Nanashi said smiling crying.




Faith felt Skylar's distress. Steel chains kept her from escaping. An onmyoji sitting at her feet stared at her naked body. "You are a troublesome creature. Your pain threshold is higher than most. Even needles in your feet would not encourage you to talk" he said looking at her. He stood up holding needles in his hands. He looked at her breasts. He grabbed her left one squeezing roughly. Faith stifled a groan in pain. The man jerked back as his face was sprayed with milk. "A mother I see. Do you not wish to see your child again? If you tell me what you know I can arrange it" he said kneading her breast. Faith didn't need any tricks to know it was a lie. Her body ached from being stuck with needles all over. He was a sadist as well as a liar. He sucked her nipple into her mouth and began suckling her milk. It disgusted her. He wiped his face and took off his clothes. She needed him to get closer. Faith held her breath as he rammed his cock into her. "Fuck you're tight!" he yelled looking down. "Can't even look a girl in the face when you rape her?" Faith asked. He did and began thrusting hard into her. Her power of Ishtar's hypnosis began to take effect and he finally paused. "Release the chains" she said. "Yeah...the chains" he muttered unlocking them one by one. Free, Faith embraced him. He had a grin on his face until Faith spun around him and quickly snapped his neck.


She focused her senses. She could feel the circuit of magic energy running through an array on the floors of the lower chambers. It was unfamiliar to her. No doubt an onmyodo spell but it was an array nonetheless with the same flaw. Faith got on her knees and began punching the lower right spell line as hard as she could. Over and over as her knuckles broke. She would pause, heal, and punch again. 15 minutes passed until the stone floor finally cracked. With all her might, she yanked the stone slab from the ground interrupting the sealing barrier. Faith felt her powers return immediately. She left the room.


A shine maiden saw her in the hallway and Faith crushed her flat before she could scream. Another snagged by her wind magic and eaten alive as Faith was famished and needed calories for her magics. The maiden digested within minutes. She followed the traces of Skylar as their connection was like a beacon to her. Faith kicked the door in right as a man was squeezing Nanashi. With uncanny speed, Faith summoned her sword and ran him through the heart. She caught Nanashi. "Skylar!" Nanashi yelled at her giantess savior. Faith saw the horrible state she was in and took her out of the cage. "Knew you'd come" Skylar weakly said. Her bleeding had not stopped and look to cost her her life. Faith broke off a cage bar and used her fingernail to pry a splinter off. "Bite down on this" she said to Skylar. Skylar did and let out a stifling screech as Faith quickly healed her.


"Bear with it Sky" Faith said petting her tiny head. Nanashi held her small hand shaking with fear. "There. That should do for now" Faith said finishing. "Good" Skylar said focusing on growing. "Wait! It's dangerous to do that right now!" Faith yelled. "Ask me if I care" she groaned as she grew. Skylar leaned against the table as her bones popped and groaned. "Me too" Nanashi said. "I've never grown a koonago before. I could kill you" Faith warned. "As the honorable Skylar said. Ask me if I care" she said. Fifth sighed and used the spell to grow her. Nanashi wanted to cry out in pain as her body mass grew in ways it was not meant to. Borrowers and humans had similar muscle mass but koonago were different. They were leaner and built for magics. A more delicate process it entailed. Nanashi nearly doubled over once it was done but was caught by Skylar who was grinning. "Now we kick some ass?" Nanashi asked. "Not yet. Now that the barrier is down. I can sense a strong magic here. A goddess magic" Faith said. "Then she is here?!" Skylar asked. Faith pointed up. They left their room and proceeded to head up the stairs.


It was not a quiet trek to their target. Nearly a dozen servants and maidens blocked their path. All ended up dead before they could raise an alert. Nanashi crushed one under her foot and was stunned by it. "She just popped" she muttered. "Come on" Skylar said pulling her. "In there" Faith said pointing to lacquered doors. She opened them and there sat chained a young woman. "Who...are you?" she asked. Each one gasped as she was beautiful beyond normal. Her hair glistened like fresh seaweed. Her eyes as dark as a night ocean. Her skin as white and pink as coral. Her finger and toenails like peach seashells. "The sea goddess I presume? A lot of people are worried about you?" Faith said tugging on the chains. "Foreigners too?" she asked smiling. "Yeah for other reasons. Can you tell me why they went to all the trouble to kidnap you? How exactly did they pull that off anyhow?" Faith asked.


"They were able to kidnap me because it was the new moon that night. My power wanes and waxes based on the moon. I fought back as best as I could but an onmyoji sealed most of my powers after he called my true name" she said. "He broke your authority like a Campioné" Faith said. "Campione? Yes, that's right" she replied. "But why your grace would they do such a thing? Why did the Taira betray us again?!" Nanashi asked.


"They are not what you would call the Taira koonago. They are but a pale shadow of them. Less than a quarter of then carry the original bloodline. No, what you see there is the Aleph koonago" she said. "Aleph?" Faith asked. "They are what humans knew as the terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo. The same people responsible for the sarin gas attack in 1995. Ever since then, they have splinted off and come under leadership of Orube and her clan" Umiko replied. "So, what were they needing you for?" Skylar asked. "Orube needed me to find an atomic bomb" she replied. "An atom bomb?! Why?!" Faith yelled snapping the chains. "Why she needed me for it or why she needed the bomb?" Umiko asked. "Both" Faith replied. "Somehow, Orube came into the knowledge of an atomic bomb lost off the coast of Yokohama. Apparently, the Americans had planned to drop two atomic bombs on August 9, 1945. One never reached its target of Yokohama. The plane crashed into the sea taking its payload with it" she said. "And your power over the sea helped her retrieve it" Faith said. Umiko nodded. "Why? Why would she.... no. She wouldn't..." Faith said.


"She's insane. She plans to detonate the bomb over the heads of the Japanese Parliament. It will plunge the country into chaos and Aleph would take over. She despises what Japan has become since the end of the war and wishes to restore it to the way it was nearly a century ago" Umiko said. "Bullshit! Even I know the Americans have bases here. No way in hell they're going to stand by and let her take over" Skylar said. "Actually, she plans for them to be blamed for it. It is their bomb after all" Umiko said. "Every nuclear weapon has a kind of radioactive fingerprint depending on the nuclear fuel used. Scientists will link the fallout to uranium mined in the United States. When did you tell her where to find it?" Faith asked. "Shames me to say I found it for her 12 hours ago" she replied. "More than enough time for a high level koonago to tear it from the sea floor. We need to get out of here and radio Hikari" Faith said. Faith and Skylar helped Umiko onto her feet. "Nanashi. I need you to carry her. Me and Skylar are about to have our hands full" Faith said. Nanashi shyly held the sea goddess in her arms. They ran downstairs. "Strange. You'd think we'd be...oh" Skylar said seeing the temple surrounded by no less than 200 shrine maiden koonago, men, and three onmyoji.


"Guard them" Faith whispered to Skylar as she took point. "Faith. This is way more than before" Skylar said looking around. "No kidding. Was wondering where the male koonago were" she said stepping forward slowly. The koonago were uneasy. Even they could sense unnatural magics coming from the naked foreign giantess before them and as far they knew, only the clan mother Orube could be as big as they so seeing Nanashi put that in doubt. "Let us pass. Fight me and it will only end badly" Faith warned. Storm clouds grew overhead. The wind picked up. "Seiryu. Byakko. Genbu" the three onmyoji chanted ensnaring Faith in chains on her wrists and neck. The chains brought her to the ground. "FAITH!" Skylar yelled. "Sucks to be you. I command those elements too. Faith said coldly. Odin's power over wind snapped Byakko's chain. Odin's power over rain snapped Seiryu's chain. Umiko raised her hand and using her command over water snapped Genbu's chain. Faith stood up. "Cover your ears" she muttered. Skylar, Nanashi, and Umiko clapped their hands over their ears as massive thunderbolts came down from the sky striking the three men where they stood. The thunder itself brought the koonago to their knees. Any fool could see that it was no mere run of the mill lighting that struck them. It was lightning from a fucking God.


The koonago looked in horror as the onmyoji were brunt to a crisp. Their clothes brunt and tattered. The skin sizzling. "Anyone else want to be a fool?" Faith asked. The koonago were faced with a terrible choice. Fight and be slaughtered or surrender and face dishonor. They raised their bows with flaming arrows. The male koonago readied their tiny swords. "This is madness! Can you not see that?! Where is the honor in defending a woman who would murder thousands of people?!" Nanashi screamed.


"200,000 at least" Faith said. They hesitated. "She will literally poison our lands. Our very springs! That which makes us koonago will be destroyed in a day! Don't...don't do this" Nanashi begged crying. Umiko stood out from Nanashi's arms and stepped forward undefended. It was a bold move as she was very mortal right then. "Have you fallen so low that even a child can see the insanity before you?" Umiko asked walking up to a random koonago. Her bare feet leaving wet footprints behind her. She picked a young man up in her hands. None truly dared to attack her as she was a goddess. A goddess koonago worshiped since time immemorial. "I did not gift you power, but I do love you as my own. Your blood, your very semen carries my salt" she said touching his tiny loincloth covered balls. "I can forgive my mistreatment, but I cannot forgive wanton murder. Choose wisely little koonago. I am of the sea and the sea is VAST. The last 1000 years of what you considered hardship will seem as if a bad dream compared what I can do" she warned with a devilish grin. She placed him back on the ground. The young man tossed his sword on the ground. All around them they threw their weapons down and bowed. "Shall we go?" Umiko asked. "Gladly. Hang on tight. We're going to fly" Faith said summoning winds underneath their feet.


Faith used the storm clouds to conceal their flight. Nobody saw them fly overhead and bank fully the low rumble of thunder covered up the squealing of a frightened goddess. They landed on the private airstrip where their plane sat. "For a tough as hell goddess, you sure do scream a lot" Skylar said. "Cannot be helped. I'm a sea goddess not a sky one" Umiko huffed. "Not now you two!" Faith said running to the plane. The pilots were left speechless seeing a naked Faith, a human sized koonago and when they saw Umiko, they nearly fainted. "Food. Now" Faith growled grabbing the copilot. He gave her a bento box which Faith began wolfing down as she had Skylar call Hikari.  "I'm here. I was getting worried" Hikari said gently. "I don't have time for pleasantries. I need you to contact air traffic control at Yokohama and ground EVERY plane. Nothing, not even a goddamn paper airplane is to take off!" Faith yelled. "Why?! What has happened?!" Hikari asked. "A bomb. A fucking nuclear bomb is what they were using your goddess to find. Their plan is to detonate an old salvaged American bomb from August 1945 right over the heads of your government. She wants Japan to be imperialist again" Faith replied. "Oh my god. I can't even begin to think what the casualties could be..." Hikari muttered.


"81,000 dead in the first five minutes. Another 125,000 dead within a week from radiation sickness and injuries. 30,000 dead from cancer within a year. I did the math" Faith said. The pilots sat there terrified of the news. "Hikari? You still there?" Faith asked. "...I am here. You confirmed this?" Hikari asked is disbelief. "Yeah. Your goddess is alive and told me everything. Listen, she may have found the bomb and even recovered it from the sea floor by now but I'm guessing it will take time to check, arm, and then load the damn thing. That's our window. Pilot. Get this thing in the air and head to Yokohama" Faith said. The quickly nodded and spun up the engines. "Could such a bomb still work after 75 years of being submerged in cold seawater?" Skylar asked. "The casing was made of composite steel. The same shit used in tanks. The plutonium has a half-life of 24,000 years. Change out the explosive primer and detonator altimeter and you got a 75-year-old working nuke" Faith replied grimly. The plane took to the air and roared to Yokohama.


"I heard what you said. Faith, even with prep, what is to say she has not loaded it already?" Hikari asked hopelessly. "She traveled by car from here. She doesn't have her own jet and she's not stupid enough to risk blowing her plan over fake ID's at the airport. Google maps says that's a 5-hour 45-minute drive. Factor in drive time and getting the bomb, that's probably 6 hours minimum. Preparing the bomb maybe an hour and a half if they don't give a shit about radiation poisoning. That leaves a half hour were behind and we haven't factored in transportation and loading. We can do it Hikari. We have to stay positive" Faith replied. "...you are right. I will send the word. May the kami smile upon you" Hikari said ending the call. Faith touched the shoulder of the pilot. "Not over yet" she told him. The pilot looked at the naked woman and then his friend. He tore a strip off his sleeve and tied it around his forehead. His friend did the same. "Yes" he said grinning as he pushed the throttle a half inch further.


Faith opened here suitcase and likely out a very small uniform. She enlarged it and began putting it on. "Whoa. That puts mine to shame" Skylar said. "Modeled it after a friend of the family. I'm just using it as an underlay." Faith said adjusting the boots. "Faith. How do you know so much about nukes and shit?" Skylar asked sitting next to her. "In my old life, Markus showed me the ugliest side of humanity which included the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At first I thought it to be a lie. Humans using such a horrific weapon. The more I read on it, the bomb, how it was made, what from, I saw it was no lie" she replied. "At least the koonago surrendered" Nanashi said trying to lighten the mood. "I ate one. Crushed a few more" Faith muttered. "So did we" Skylar said shrugging. "But I remember their faces. This goddamn borrower memory won't let me forget. Excuse me" Faith said picking up her phone and dialing.


"Mom? What's up? Having fun in Tokyo?" Selah said after answering. "Not exactly. It's a business trip remember?" Faith asked. "You okay? You sound funny" Selah said. "Just missing you is all. I wanted to hear your voice" Faith said. "Oh. Okay. Mom I have to go. The pizza is done. Love ya!" Selah said hanging up. "Yeah...bye" Faith said softly lowering her head into her lap and crying softly. "Someone so powerful, so glorious and she seems so..."


"Fragile?" Umiko finished. Nanashi nodded. "Even the most powerful of us is not immune to the withering pain of life. The more powerful we are, the more life tends to throw at us. Especially that one" Umiko said standing up and walking to Faith. She sat down across from her. "I'm sorry. Did you need anything? Food, water?" Faith asked wiping her tears away. "I thought you could use someone to talk to" Umiko replied. "As old and wise are you probably are, I doubt you can help me" Faith said. "Oh, I disagree. I know who you are and what you have done. Our kind transcends timelines not to mention a sea goddess doesn't forget the largest tsunami this world has seen in eons. I know about your suffering and now that we are this close, I know why you sought me out" Umiko said. Faith looked at her frightened. "Long ago, I used my power to destroy a Mongol invasion fleet. And 75 years ago, I used my power to hasten the doom of hundreds of thousands of people. I granted the Americans clear skies those two days" Umiko said softly. "Why?" Faith asked dumbfounded. "Because it was the only way to save them. A twisted honor would've destroyed Japan utterly and cost the lives of millions upon millions. Some would question if I even had the right to make such a decision goddess or not. So I did something you might not think our kind does".


"Have you ever wondered if a god or goddess prays?" Umiko asked. "Yeah actually" Faith replied. "Well we do but not to a higher power. We pray to you. We pray to you mortals with your quirky flaws, your prejudices, your brutality. Your love, compassion, devotion, your power to shape your own lives. In so many ways you are far better than we ever will be. I suspect that those that threaten your family fears that above all. Not your innate power but your ability to shape your own destinies without our aid. It's not your magics they fear Faith. They fear being obsolete" Umiko said. Her words left Faith speechless. "Look. There's a new player in this game named Lilith..."


"She isn't new. She's hated mankind since the beginning and I do mean beginning" Umiko finished. "Wait. You mean she's the genuine article? I thought she popped into being after people believed in her" Faith said. "No. While her history is wrapped in mystery, what I can tell you is she predates us all. Even the old ones worshipped when your kind still hunted mammoths is not as old as she. We ask the same question your mortals do eventually. "Where did it all begin? Who was there?" The answer told was..."in a place long lost with a man and a woman. And this woman rebelled and was cast out. From henceforth she swore revenge on his sons and that which made her. Now, who does that sound like?" Umiko asked. "But what does that have to do with me?" Faith asked. "No idea" Umiko said before coughing. She coughed so hard her toes curled. "You're worse than I thought. If I tried borrowing your power now it would kill you" Faith told her. "I need to return to the sea. I've been gone too long. Faith...be a dear and rub my feet for me. It will lessen the discomfort" Umiko said placing her feet in her lap. Faith cocked an eyebrow. "Please?" Umiko asked batting her eyes. "You're a very odd goddess" Faith smirked as she began rubbing her feet.


"Now that's crazy. She's rubbing a goddess' feet" Skylar quipped. "She is very beautiful" Nanashi said softly. "So are you. You were so brave earlier. You deserve a treat" Skylar said kissing her. "Oh Nanashi. Sorry but I need to conserve energy" Faith said snapping her fingers shrinking Nanashi back to normal. "No problem. No problem at all" Skylar said licking her lips at the little koonago.


1 hour 5 minutes later...


"We're starting out descent now. Did you have any luck locking the airport down?" Faith asked Hikari. "It was done and all ground traffic entering the leaving has been halted. Faith, I got a report on a semi-truck entering just before the lockdown. They cannot find it" Hikari said. "No doubt being used to transport the bomb" Faith said. "Precisely. It probably was heading to a hangar with a plane large enough to carry it. We are checking them one by one but there are dozens" Hikari said. "Keep at it. I'll join the search when we touch down" Faith said ending the call. "Nanashi. When we are down, take Umiko somewhere safe after I grow you again. Make it fast because the spell won't hold if I move too far away this time. Skylar you're with me" Faith said. They nodded. The plane touched down and they immediately got out. She called Hikari again. "Seven so far cleared but that leaves another 27" Hikari said. "Understood" she said hanging up. Faith used clairvoyance to glance at the ones in her line of sight. "This isn't working. They could have the damn thing loaded by now" she hissed. Faith looked around and close by was a maintenance truck. "Drive" she told Skylar as she climbed into the truck bed. Skylar raced down the far-left side of the runway glancing at each hangar as it passed. Most were empty of planes, but some were not. Then she narrowed down planes too small and weak to carry a bomb weighing 9,000 lbs. and four feet wide. Passenger jets didn't have the cargo doors to accommodate that which left actual cargo planes. Her eyes narrowed on one hangar.


Her vision caught a very large jet, a few crews around it but glaringly its engines were spooled. "Why would they have their engines on if they're all grounded?" she wondered. Faith told Skylar to creep up on it slowly. "Hikari. Have you searched hangar 31?" Faith asked. "No, we have not. It's registered to FedEx shipping" she replied. "They got a plane in there. Check the flight plan" Faith said. Hikari came back minutes later. Flight plan for Tokyo leaving tomorrow morning at 8:00" she replied. "Tomorrow morning? We got ourselves a winner. No reason at all now for their engines to be cranked that high. We're going in. Nobody is to enter. I don't want her detonating the bomb in our faces" Faith said. "Faith, we don't have that kind of time" Skylar said pointing out the plane was moving. The Boeing 777 crept out of the hangar onto the runway. "Got to hand to the crazy bitch. Using that to carry the bomb is genius. Blends in, powerful enough to carry it, fast enough to escape the blast. Fucking floor it Skylar!" Faith yelled. Skylar slammed her booted foot on the gas pedal and the truck sped for the plane now turning onto Runway 2. Hikari called her phone. "I know dammit! I'm chasing it! Keep everyone back! I don't need anyone getting in my way!" Faith yelled before hanging up. "Faith! Please tell me you got a plan!" Skylar yelled as the jet lurched forward moving faster and faster. "Yeah but you won't like it! Drive right up to the landing gear!" Faith yelled.


The tuck engine screamed as it began to redline. They were getting closer to the gear, but the plane began to widen the distance. "Fucking hell!" Skylar said as the speedometer pegged at 200 kph. "Whatever you do don't swallow your tongue!" Faith yelled as she grabbed Skylar by the collar. "FAITH YOU CRAZY BIIIiiitch...!" Skylar screamed as Faith yanked her out of the truck, shrank them both, and used wind magic to throw them onto the gear strut. "Hold on!" Faith yelled holding her close as the plane took to the air. The gear retracted with them into the fuselage and they were onboard.


"Your grace?" Nanashi asked as she sat waiting patiently outside a bathroom door in a hangar. She had been in there for some time. Nanashi knocked on the door and got no response. "She's gone..." she muttered after opening door and not finding her inside.


Like mice, Faith and Skylar climbed through the innards of the plane making sure not to fuck up the avionics. They squeezed through a maintenance hatch and stood in the cargo hold. There before them stood two giants and a Giantess. Orube, two male koonago. "We will approach maximum cruising speed in a few minutes. Time to target is 12 minutes" the pilot said from the cockpit. "Good. I'll set the altimeter to detonate it at 800 ft" she said checking the open hatch on the bomb. Faith and Skylar grew. "You won't succeed" Faith said coldly. "Impossible. Over 200 koonago and the best onmyoji in Japan were guarding you" Orube said reaching into her pocket. "Killed a few. The others realized what a fucking nutcase you are and surrendered" Faith said. The plane suddenly rocked. There was a sound of running water. A puddle of water formed onto the deck and Umiko formed from it. "I was fortunate to find a pipe leading to a saltwater runoff. Sorry it took me awhile you two" she said. "You honestly think you have the upper hand here? Kneel before me Umi no Kami" Orube commanded. Using her true name, Umiko began to kneel. "You will not win this child" Umiko said. Orube formed a katana made of bottled water. It oddly hummed as it flattened. "Aw shit" Faith said realizing how Orube could make such fine precise cuts. She put the water under extreme pressure. Enough pressure and vibration, water could cut solid steel.


"You served your purpose long enough" Orube said slashing. There was a high-pitched ping as it parried against Faith's sword. "Try again. Adet" Faith said summoning her Cancer armor. All were taken aback by it. "Don't just stand there fools! Kill them!" Orube yelled at the koonago. They rushed Faith and Skylar together attacking at once. Faith fortified herself and Skylar, but it was clear these koonago were picked because they were the best she had. Even with heightened defense and strength, they were little match for them. Umiko began to stand once again. Orube growled and slashed at her throat. Umiko caught the water blade with her bare hand. Normally it would've sliced clean through but all it did was draw blood. "I am weakened still. Your control over me still present but you are far removed from being my master. I am power little koonago. And you are but a single fish trying to subjugate a tidal wave" Umiko said pushing her hand back.


Faith studied her attacker. He moved with precision, but his stamina was lacking. "Hard isn't it? When you grow a person that is naturally three inches tall, it takes some time for the body to adjust. The need for more oxygen. The heart has to pump harder. Strain on the muscles" Faith said wiping her sweat. Drops of sweat fell to the floor and trickled towards Umiko. "You're no better. You're getting slower. You have no chance in defeating someone with 500 years of combat experience" her koonago opponent said taking a new stance with his katana. Faith glanced at Skylar who was no better if not worse. Her arms had cuts all over them. Her uniform was slashed in the front exposing her cleavage. She looked at Faith and as brave as she was, Faith could see fear. "I'll slice open that neck of yours very soon" he said. Faith dismissed her armor. "Oh? Trying to lighten your burden? It won't work!" he said slashing right. Faith deflected it but he used his momentum to turn and strike downwards.


Faith pivoted at the very last second as he drew his wakizashi sword stabbing her in the side. "Faith!" Skylar said as she staggered backwards. Her blood dripped on the floor and trickled towards Umiko. Faith caught a glimpse of it. "Please tell me you have enough now" Faith groaned. "More than enough child" Umiko said manipulating the sweat and blood into a shard and throwing it at incredible speed at Faith's attacker. The shard skewered his heart killing him. The other stunned, was attacked by Skylar. Not seeing Faith, she snuck up behind him and ran him through. "You're next" Faith said looking over the dead koonago's shoulder. "Now entering Tokyo airspace! 6 minutes to target! We have a JSDF F-15 on our tail!" the pilot yelled. "Let them come. Even if they shoot us down they'll spread radioactivity like fucking snow over the city" Orube said. Faith held her side as she quickly and very painfully healed herself. "Not if I shrink your fucking bomb" Faith hissed staggering to it. "You won't get the chance!" Orube yelled attacking Faith. Faith parried her blow. The vibration of Orube's water blade nearly rattled the sword from Faith's hand. "Impossible! No metal has fewer withstood my attack!" she yelled. "This blade was forged from my soul. It will not yield! Umiko! Explode the blood shard!" Faith yelled pushing her back. Umiko commanded it to pull from the dead koonago and explode into a fine dust.


"What...have you done?!" Orube said losing all control over her water blade. "Contaminated it with salt. I may not attack you, but I can disarm you" Umiko said. Orube suddenly punched the inner workings of the bomb and pulled back a bloody hand. "I just destroyed the failsafe. It cannot be stopped now! YOU LOSE!" Orube yelled laughing. Faith yelled and beheaded the woman on the spot. "Faith..." Skylar said. "You know how to fly a plane yeah?" Faith asked. "Yeah. Odin had us fly his personal jet, but this is way beyond that" Skylar replied. "Then just steer the goddamned thing over the ocean" Faith muttered looking at exposed broken panel on the bomb. Skylar entered the cockpit and punched the pilot as hard as she could in his face. He slumped forward. "Kobe asshole" she said yanking him out of the chair. She sat down looking at the controls. "Fuck me" she whispered.


"She's right. We can't disarm it. She even has it on a deadman timer" Faith muttered. She touched the bomb and concentrated. "Shrink it?" Umiko asked. "...I can't. There's cold iron in the casing. I don't have time to keep trying. New plan" Faith muttered. Faith concentrated again forming a portal underneath it. The plane shook as the portal intersected with the floor. "Faith?!" Skylar yelled. "Keep turning! I'm going to translocate the damn thing out!" Faith yelled. "But didn't you say you can only go where you've been before or seen?!" Skylar yelled. "Yeah...yeah I did" Faith replied feeling dizzy. "Your wound" Umiko said looking at the fresh blood coming from Faith's side. "I know. I didn't have time to heal it completely" she said as the portal expanded. "I have to ride it through! Skylar, if I don't make it. Look after Selah for me" Faith said. "FAITH!" Skylar screamed as Faith fell through the portal with the atomic bomb.


The portal opened right where she planned it to, but it was not enough. She looked up at the sky as far as she could see. "Bingo. It's going to be close" Faith muttered as she formed another portal 4,000 feet below her. Already falling past 5,000 feet, she only had 4,200 feet to play with before the altimeter trigger detonated it. She hooked her legs around the slimmer back part of the bomb and literally steered it with her body. She used wind magic to keep on her targeted portal. She timed it as even if the altimeter didn't explode it, the timer would in 30 seconds. They fell through the portal and out they came in the same location...100,000 ft. above. Just at the edge of her visual range. Faith let go and her vision blurred. Her shrinking body cold as ice as she formed her portal to escape. She fell through just seconds before the atomic weapon exploded.


24 hours later...


"She had to survive. She just had to" Skylar muttered sitting on the floor of Hikari's tiny little shrine in her office. "Reports are coming in of a powerful EMP burst in the middle of the Indian Ocean at 100,000 ft. Sounds like she did her job" Hikari said entering the room. "She wouldn't want you to be saddened" Nanashi said hugging her. "In the beginning I hated her. Now I can't picture my life without that meddling woman" Skylar said. "The doctors cleared you of any possible radiation poisoning. What will you do now?" Hikari asked. "Go back to that island I guess. Someone has to tell Selah she lost another mom" Skylar replied. "Who was she?" Hikari asked. "I don't know. Someone with a lot of sadness in her life but she made sure everyone around her was happy" Skylar replied. There was a knock on the main door. Hikari got up to answer. She returned with a smile on her face. "She lives" she said. Skylar stood up. "Where the hell is she?!" she asked. "At a military hospital not far from here. She just staggered right in off the street" Hikari grinned. Skylar ran outside and jumped down as she grew herself. Hikari summoned a car to take them to the hospital.


"That ass. I know that ass" Skylar hissed as she spied Faith being scrubbed down. "What the hell Faith?!" Skylar yelled running into the decontamination shower. "Whoa! Kinda radioactive here!" Faith yelled as the nurses stepped back. Skylar didn't let go of her and cried into her bare breasts. "I'm sorry. When I fell through my escape portal, I crashed landed into an old woman 's mochii bucket near the Tachibana warehouse. It's what saved my life. I almost became a traditional Japanese snack" Faith chuckled. "None of that is funny!" Skylar yelled. "Sorry. I was really out of it for hours, but the old woman cared for me until I could move on my own. I came here just in case I was contaminated. I did ride a fucking nuke cowgirl style" Faith said. The nurses finished scrubbing her and used a Giger counter to give her a clean bill of health. She was given some robes as her other clothes were incinerated. Faith was taken to an empty hospital room to rest. "Don't go anywhere. I mean it" Skylar said leaving her room to get coffee.


Faith was left alone with Hikari. "You did a tremendous service to us. How could we possibly repay you?" Hikari asked. Faith looked down at the koonago princess quietly before turning away sharply. "There is something you want" Hikari said. "I have no right to ask you" Faith said. "You saved thousands up thousands of lives Faith. Whatever it is, you earned it" Hikari said. Faith shrank down and walked on the bedspread over to Hikari. She looked deep into her eyes. "Please let me hug you" Faith begged. "That's it? That is all you want?" Hikari asked dumbfounded. Hikari nodded and was hugged tightly by the young woman. Faith broke down into deep sobs as she held her. "Faith, what has wounded your soul this badly?" Hikari asked deeply worried. "I've lost so much. When I saw you..." Faith said before catching herself. "What about me? How do you know so much about us?" Hikari asked. Faith looked at her and sighed. "Your secret. I will not ask again" she muttered. Faith shook her head. "No, I want you to know" Faith said canceling her glamor.


"HOPE!" Hikari yelled seeing her true form. Faith held her finger to her lips motioning for her to be quiet. "Does your dad know you came here?" Hikari asked. "I am not the Hope you think I am. I come from another world, another time. A time and place where I did terrible things and paid the price for it. I came here to literally start over. I am Faith, not Hope" she said softly. "I will not pretend to know what that means but it is clear you wish none of your family to know you're here. You cannot tell me what you did?" Hikari asked. "I am too much of a coward to" Faith replied. "Maybe one day you can tell her" Umiko said entering the room. "One day" Faith said. "Astonishing to know there are two of you. If your father knew..." Hikari said. "He did briefly before I erased his memory of me" Faith said. "...will you do that to me?" Hikari asked. "No. Like I said I want you to know. If I cannot trust an honorable koonago, then who can I trust?" Faith asked. "...you do me honor" Hikari said wiping a tear away. "Faith. You sought me out for a reason. I'm ready if you are" Umiko said. "Ready for what?" Skylar asked retuning with coffee. "Close the door behind you" Faith said. Skylar did. "Yes. What is it you are asking the goddess?" Hikari asked. "To enter the contract of a Campioné" Faith replied.


"A what?" Hikari asked. "A hunter of gods and goddesses. They slay them" Umiko replied. "Faith no!" Hikari yelled. "It's okay Hikari. There is more to a Campioné then godslaying. They can also become partners. And in my case I can inherit their power" Faith said. "She speaks truth" Umiko said. "Impossible. No mortal can house the power of the divine" Hikari said. "I have" Faith said powering up and growing. She extended her hand. A magic circle formed around Umiko and ethereal chains bound her. "By the rite of the Campioné, I break your Authority by calling your true name! Umi no Kami!" Faith yelled. Umiko gasped as she felt mortality take hold once more. Faith casually walked up to her as she drew her sword. "FAITH!" Hikari yelled. Umiko motioned for her to be quiet. Umiko extended her hand. Faith cut it as gently as she could. Umiko knelt before her. "I submit" she said softly. "Now I bind you by giving you a name. It shall be...Umiko" Faith said grinning. Faith gasped a second later as Umiko's water divinity filled her soul. Faith fell to the floor weakened. "It's done" Faith said dismissing the magics.


"That was weird. A lot cleaner than last time though" Skylar said. "What happened last time?" Hikari asked. "Faith turned into this monstrous wolf and..."


"Skylar...be quiet" Faith said cutting her off. Skylar shrugged and sat on the bed. Faith sat down moments later to rest. "I don't know about you being enslaved" Hikari said. "It's not enslavement" Faith said. "But the chains. The magic circle. The bloodshedding" Hikari said. "All part of the ritual. Orube used a bastardized version of it to bind Umiko but after I killed her, she was freed. My way is more like gaining a member of the family" Faith said. "Quite true" Umiko said. "What's going on?" Nanashi asked waking up. "You slept through Faith gaining the powers of a goddess" Skylar chuckled poking the tiny girl laying on Faith's pillow. "Wha?!" Nanashi yelled. Everyone laughed at her innocence. A little time passed, and a man spoke to Hikari. "If you please, come to the outer garden" she said. Hikari pointed out where to go and they were all outside. The nighttime garden was lit with paper lanterns. "It's pretty" Faith said. "Look out there" Hikari said. Seconds later fireworks began exploding.


"Something my mother ordered. We have to stay silent whole affair, but we decided somehow they should know what you have done" she explained. They stared for a few minutes watching the spectacle. Faith stood next to Skylar. "What're you thinking about?" Faith asked. "Happy I didn't crash the plane when I landed" Skylar replied. "No. Really" Faith said. Skylar looked down at Nanashi in her hand. "Hikari. There is one final thing I wish to ask of you" Faith said. "Go ahead" he said. "Release Nanashi from her oath of service" she said. Hikari glanced at Nanashi who was shocked by the request. "Done. You are released from your vow Nanashi by order of the imperial family" Hikari said before a loud (for her size) clap. "That's it?" Faith asked. "Not as elegant as your ritual but yes" she replied. "You can come home with me!" Skylar giggled. Nanashi was too astounded to say anything. "You have nothing to say Nanashi?" Hikari asked. "That is no longer my name" Nanashi said flatly. "Then what are you to be called?" Hikari asked. Nanashi looked around for a moment, saw something, and smiled. "Hana" she replied. Hikari looked at the beautiful flower she had saw. "A fitting name. Bring honor to yourself and conduct your life fitting for a koonago" Hikari commanded. "By your leave" Hana said bowing in Skylar's palm.

The next morning...


"Your luggage has arrived. I guess you are leaving now?" Hikari asked in Faith's hand. "Yeah. Got a girl at home that probably misses me even if she won't admit it. You ever find out who told Orube about the bomb?" Faith asked. "A woman named Lilith. That much we confirmed when we interrogated the Taira koonago" Hikari replied. Faith stiffened her posture. "You know this woman?" Hikari asked. "Only of her. Umiko said she is the most dangerous woman on the planet with the power of an elder goddess. She has her sights set on me for some reason" Faith replied. "She needs you Faith. You have something...or possibly you will have something" Hikari said. Faith paused as another piece of the puzzle fit. "Whatever she wants, her ass ain't getting it" Faith said coldly. "Be careful Faith. There may come a time you won't have a choice in the matter. Hikari told her. She motioned for her to bring her close to her face. "Be safe little one. I will pray to the kami that they keep you from harm. And one last thing...I love you" Hikari said before kissing her.


Faith summoned the Cancer artifact. "Take this. Forge it into a weapon" Faith said handing it her. By her permission, the artifact shrunk to fit in Hikari's hand. "I would not know how" Hikari said. "Find an onmyoji named Hiro Fujikawa. He will know what to do" Faith said. "Very well but why? This is better in your hands" Hikari asked. "Insurance policy" Faith said softly. Faith handed her to her guard. "Come back when you need to. Just...don't forget about me" Hikari said sniffling. She bad them farewell and left. "She loves you very much" Skylar said. "In my old world, she died because of my stupidity. Nana...ahem. Hana, anything before we go?" Faith asked. Hana looked out the window at the city. "...no" she replied. On that, they gathered their things, checked out of the hotel, and translocated home.


"Jesus!" Selah yelled as they popped out in the middle of the living room. "I'm home" Faith sighed as she went to the kitchen. "Any leftover pizza?" Faith asked. "Bottom shelf" Selah replied looked at the fridge. "Holding the fort down squirt?" Skylar asked. "All in hand!" Selah replied. "I bet" Skylar chuckled seeing her in the middle of a Fortnite match. "Sky. You have a tiny Asian girl on your shoulder" Selah said pointing to Hana. "Selah, Hana. Hana this is my daughter Selah" Faith said pulling out cold slices of pizza. "I'm honored to meet you" Hana said bowing to the teen giantess sitting before her. Selah for very close. "You're very pretty" Selah said. "Easy kiddo. No leering at my girlfriend" Skylar said. "GIRLFRIEND?! You were only gone three days!" Selah yelled. "One thing led to another..." Skylar shrugged. "I knew I should've gone" Selah said. "Nope. Nasty shit went down. Kidnapping, interrogation, a nuclear bomb" Skylar said nonchalantly. "Stop teasing her Sky. Why don't you two get settled in?" Faith said. Skylar went to walk out of the mansion. "Nuh uh. There's a vacant room down the hall there you two can use" Faith said. "...you sure?" Skylar asked. Faith gave her a look. "Okay. Gift horse and all that" Skylar said. Faith sat next to Selah. "Controller 2" Faith mumbled as she ate pizza. Selah smiled handing her the second controller.


That evening...


"I still can't get the images out if my mind. An entire shrunken city! Shrunken small enough even I'm a giantess" Hana said looking out of the window of their bedroom. "Believe it. It's pretty isn't it? All those lights like the stars fell out of the sky and landed there" Skylar said. "It felt...weird to have so many stare at me. They even tried to clean my feet" Hana said blushing. "They've been accustomed to a kind of treatment. You get used to it and why not stare? You're breathtaking" Skylar told her. "Flattery" Hana smiled. Skylar grabbed her from the windowsill and pulled her panties down. "Hmmm...breathtaking alright" she said taking a long lick of her tiny ass. Hana squealed and wriggled in her grip. Skylar slipped off her nightclothes and began sucking her into her mouth. The giantess masturbated as she sucked the koonago to orgasm. "Holy shit you're delicious" Skylar huffed coming down. She kissed the koonago on her little lips. "Tomorrow it can be your turn" she winked. Hana suddenly began crying. "Crap! I wasn't too rough in you was I?" Skylar asked scared. "No. I'm just so happy. Before....before I was planning to commit seppuku when you left but..."


Skylar felt a chill in her soul. She didn't know Japanese, but she knew the word for ritual suicide. Skylar shrunk down and held her close. Hana could feel her shaking. "I've said smithing I shouldn't have. Please forgive me" Hana muttered. "No! Don't you ever feel you have to hide things from me!  Not ever! Talk to me. I don't give damn if it's something as trivial as messy hair. Just talk to me" Skylar said sniffling. Hana knew when someone had a hard life. She hadn't asked out of respect but now she felt compelled to know. "Who has hurt you?" Hana asked. The irony of Hana asking the same question she had been asked just two days ago was not lost on her. Skylar looked into those soft almond eyes. "A lot of people" she replied. "Tell me everything" Hana said. It was almost till dawn before Skylar finished telling her everything. Skylar grew back to human size exhausted and fell asleep. Hana stayed awake for a few minutes longer coming to terms what had been told to her.


It came as a shock to the girl that the person she loved had done such terrible things. Hana paced around at the foot of the bed as to not disturb her. She wasn't expecting Skylar to be perfect but a killer of innocents? Hana looked at her giant sleeping form from the sole of her left foot. "She doesn't look at all capable of that. Then again, no one would think a koonago capable of trying to nuke people either. Even I have surprised myself by demanding the princess to called by a different name" Hana thought. Hana thought back to her old life. How many times had the young master of the home she served demanded sexual favors? Enough to know not to bend down for anything in his presence. Enough to wear socks as he took liberties with her feet. Hana was as much as sex slave as a servant back then. Skylar said her master, Odin, had been demanding and cruel at times. She had told her that he made her have an abortion but there was something else she had not shared with anyone, not even Faith. Odin performed the abortion himself in the cruelest way imaginable. He tore the month-old fetus from her womb leaving the girl barren for life.


Hana was left speechless. She had seen cruelty but that...that was insane. It was why Skylar wasn't worried about getting pregnant when the onmyoji was raping her. It was also why Skylar had not inserted the koonago into her pussy. She was ashamed of the internal scarring. She thought it made her...broken. When she replayed the conversation in her mind, she saw how foolish her worries were. She was the slave of a fucking God. As if she had a choice in any matter. Hana rubbed her giant arch feeling so sorry of the giantess she had fallen in love with. "Nanashi don't cry. I can get more ice cream" Skylar muttered in her sleep. "My name is Hana dummy" Hana chuckled punching her warm arch. Skylar's toes twitched slightly. Hana kissed her foot and went back to her pillow to get some rest. She fell asleep more content than she had for a very long time as she knew her life was her own from now on.




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