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Author's Chapter Notes:


"You can still go back to your normal life. A normal girl could be waiting for you. None of the hang ups. Well, if you survive" she said. "You mean we. Stop saying if I. And I don't want any other girl. I want you" he said seriously. "Elliot, you've known me for like 6 hours" she said. "And I want to know you for a lot longer" he said. "This is crazy. This is stark raving mad. If I had chosen anyone else..." Selah muttered. "But you didn't. Sometimes God places us where we need to be" he said. "If you were me and seen the things I've seen, you'd be questioning your faith. Is there a God? The way we picture him? Or is it like the others an invention of our collective beliefs" she asked. "Shrink me down" he said suddenly. "Why?" she asked. "I want to prove a point" he replied. Selah shrunk him back down to his normal ant size. "Right now. This very moment you can kill me, right?" he asked. "Yeah but..."


"You have the power of life and death over me. You can spare my life or crush me flat under your big toe. True?" he asked. "True" she replied. "And you existed before we met right? Walked this city before where you could've ended my life without us meeting. Now, that doesn't mean you're not real, does it? Just because we hadn't met didn't mean you didn't exist or what you could do or not do. From my perspective you're an all-powerful goddess whether we met each other or not" he said. Selah remained quiet. "Just because we cannot see something, doesn't mean it's not real. And what does it matter the origin? It is not where we come from that matters, it's what we do that does" he said. "...you sure you're 15?" she asked smirking.


Later that evening...


"We got a guest" Selah said entering the mansion. "Just in time for...a guest?" Alicia asked. "His name is Elliot. Be nice" Selah said. Alicia looked at the shrunken boy sitting on her shoulder. "Ni...nice to meet you" he stammered at the giantess he halfway still considered a goddess. "Likewise. How did you two meet?" Alicia asked. Elliot didn't answer. "At a restaurant" Selah replied. "I see. Well dinner is ready so sit at the table" she said. Selah sat down and placed Elliot on the table. Lucy joined them moments later sitting next to Selah. "Where's everyone else?" Selah asked. "Skylar is still with the Valkyries, Theo is packing bags, and Hana is doing a dead count of the amount of people we need to move into the house" Alicia said. "More people are coming to this blessed place?" Elliot asked. "Yeah" Alicia said softly. "So, this is the first time Selah brought someone home with her" Lucy said. "They met at a restaurant" Alicia said. "Is that so?" Lucy asked. "Yes, and then we went walking and sightseeing" Selah said. "Is that so?" Lucy asked grinning. "Yes that's so!" Selah yelled slamming her fork into her chicken breast. "Well, as long as you both are responsible" Lucy said. 


"What's that supposed to mean?" Selah asked. "I mean under the same circumstances I'd have done the same" Lucy said. "What are you saying Lucy?" Alicia asked. "Forget it" Lucy said taking a drink. "No, you put it out there" Selah said angrily. "Just that his scent is all over you and your own scent has changed" she replied. "You two...had sex?" Alicia asked. "And if we did?" Selah asked. Alicia dropped her fork and massaged her forehead. "I do care about her" Elliot said. "You don't know a goddamn thing after one day with her. Really Selah?" Alicia asked.  "Yeah really because if I'm dying tomorrow, my ass ain't dying a virgin. We had sex and if felt fucking awesome when he came inside me. Pass the goddamn pepper" Selah spat. Lucy scooted the pepper to her. "I just wanted your first time to be...under better circumstances" Alicia sighed. "Well, we don't always get what we want, and Elliot is a nice guy. I don't need you clucking your tongue" she said. "Please...can we not argue on the last possible night we have together?" Alicia asked. Selah was about to say something smart until she saw Alicia's hand shaking.


Selah sat on her bed and took a deep breath. Dinner was nerve wracking. Saying goodbye to Hana, Theo, and the kids was worse. Lucy refused to leave and put herself in charge of guarding the people. By Hana's count, there was an overflow of nearly 4,000 people. Lucy would have her hands full moving that many even if they were insect size. "Come with me" she said suddenly to Elliot who was sitting beside her. She carried him to the bathroom and ran water in the tub. He let himself be stripped by her and carried into the water. He was a giant among his people but still the tub was bigger than an Olympic swimming pool. He had to rest on her tummy. "Comfortable?" she asked grinning as she poked his stomach. "It's soft" he replied. "She had a point. I was reckless today. I even let you cum inside me" she muttered. Elliot stood up and walked up her chest right to her tits. "Because I wanted too. It was mutual" he said to her. "And if I survive? If I get pregnant?" she asked. "I'm not seeing the downside here" he said sitting roughly on top of her left breast. His small hands began massaging her nipple. 


"It... it's a lot to take in Elliot" she said raising her foot out of the water to look at her toes. "No kidding. I fucked a goddess, came inside her, and was invited to spend a night in paradise" he chuckled. "I told you I'm not a goddess" she said. "Oh yes you are" he said seriously. Selah got out of the tub and fried both of them off before heading to her bed. She sat naked cross legged before him. Elliot walked up to her and rubbed his hand across her big toenail. "Funny how life goes. I used to be just like you. A tiny ant sized human living in a shrunken city. I grew up worshipping the giantesses. Seen people I know eaten, drowned in pussy, or crushed underfoot. I survived that attack a few months ago. Was taken in by women I considered goddesses. And here I am now full circle worshiped as a goddess" she said softly. Elliot's hand rubbed the space between her toes. "If you survive, if you win this whatever this thing is, will I have a place in your life?" he asked. Selah uncrossed her legs revealing her pussy.


"I'm pretty sure you will. But for now..." she replied gripping him and pushing him feet first inside her. Selah pushed and pulled him inside and our faster and faster and as she did, the emotions she bottled up came pouring out. With a pitiful whimper she came sucking him in deep. Elliot felt the heat of her insides till the point he was sweating. Dark, wet, sticky, and pulsing. Then suddenly nothing. Her orgasm came and went and yet she was still quivering. Elliot pulled himself out of her to find her face buried in her hands sobbing. "Selah?" he asked wiping her juices out of his eyes. "I don't want to kill my mommy" she sobbed. "Selah, I saw people turned into monsters when that pale giant thing attacked. If your mom is a slave like they were, death is a kindness" he said. "You don't understand. I already lost a mom" she sniffled. "You told me. What would she want you to do?" he asked. "Kill her but..."


"And if you don't?" he asked. "We die" she replied. "Then you have to ask yourself which burden is lighter" he said. "That's too simplistic!" she yelled. "Do what your name means. Pause and reflect" he said. "You know Hebrew?" she asked. "My mother was Jewish. I grew up speaking Hebrew, English, and Farsi" he replied smiling. "I'm not saying it's an easy choice. What I'm saying is you have to make one and whatever choice you make will decide if there will be people left to help you grieve" he said softly. The quietness in the room so profound one could hear a pin drop except there was one sound. "You hear that?" Selah asked. Selah got off the bed and walked to her door. She opened it and on the floor was Lucy sitting crying. "Lucy?" Selah asked picking her up. "I heard you crying and came to check on you and I overheard" she sniffled. Selah carried her into her room.


"I was thinking about it too. Faith has been a sister to me. I don't want her to die" Lucy said. Selah placed her on the bed. "Neither do I but Elliot has a point. You told me how Ishtar controlled you. Remember how that felt?" Selah asked. Lucy nodded. "Death is better than that isn't it?" Selah asked. "Absolutely" Lucy replied. "...if such a thing happened again. I'd want someone to kill me before I hurt someone I loved" Lucy muttered. "I would too" Selah said. "Hmm. I'm in the way apparently" Lucy said seeing them both naked. "We were uhh...just finishing up. Since Theo and the kids are gone, you want to sleep in here?" Selah asked. "Can I?" Lucy asked. Selah laid down on the bed and placed Lucy between her breasts. "I know borrowers can be a little clingy when stressed" Selah chuckled. Lucy blushed but didn't object. Selah cut the light off and they bedded down for the night. Quietly, Selah petted the small borrower girl from the top of her head to the soles of her little feet. Lucy felt the giantess heart beat slowly. She was afraid of losing her, losing everyone and prayed that this night wouldn't be the last she'd see of them.


When Selah awoke, Lucy was no longer wedged between her tits. She looked at the clock. "7:45. Time to get this day started" she muttered. Elliot was still asleep as she showered and dressed. "Hey little guy. Time to wake up" she said nudging him. Elliot yawned and stretched. "Morning sunshine" she smiled. "Go take a piss and wash up smooth talker" she said. Elliot freshened up and found her quietly waiting. With little word, she carried him downstairs to the kitchen. "So, they're ready?" Alicia asked. "I wouldn't call it ready, but they're psyched up" Skylar said. "Lucy?" Alicia asked turning to her. The last box of humans is sitting in that vault of yours. A few were injured during moving but no fatalities" Lucy replied. "Morning" Selah said. "Morning kiddo. Ready to kick some ass?" Skylar said ruffling her hair. "Ready and willing" Selah replied grinning. "Okay you two. Eat up. Can't win a battle on an empty stomach. Speaking of which..." she muttered heading to the basement steps. "Times up" Skylar muttered. "Yeah. Times up" Alicia said to her.


Alicia walked down the steps and into the room that held Greta. Alicia had given her a full 24 hours to decide her fate. Greta was startled awake as Alicia sat down in a chair in front of the table she was on. "Eat me! Just fucking eat me!" she spat at the giantess. "You think this gives me pleasure? That I consider this justice? This is nearly as bad for me as it is you. I'm going to relapse today. A year of sobriety gone. Killing a shrunken human sobriety. I see so much of me in you Greta. Trying to fill that void with sadism, cruelty, and sheer lust of power. My first kill that I did for my own pleasures was in Mexico City. A 13-year-old girl came to my dressing room to meet her idol. Once my handlers were far enough away from my door, I shrank her and then ate her alive. I can still remember her pleading to me, then to God to save her. How she tasted, how she wriggled down my throat. How long she took to die is forever burned into my memory. And when I did it, it felt like a shot of heroin. And then came another, and another, and another to get that high. That's how you felt when you did it didn't you?" she asked. Greta looked down at her feet.


"You don't have to say yes. Our kind knows one another. We all tried to help you Greta, especially me, Faith, and Skylar, but some people just can't be saved. So don't get the wrong idea that I get off on this. You're heroin to me now. Time to shoot up" Alicia said softly as she plucked Greta off the table. Alicia placed the whimpering girl into her mouth headfirst and slowly slurped her in. Alicia clinched her fist as her Alux blood afforded her the ability to literally taste her fear. Sweet and spicy would be how she would describe such a thing. She didn't molest her with her tongue even though she was sorely tempted as she felt her crotch rub her tongue. Greta couldn't help but moan slightly as giant taste buds stimulated her clit. "Don't get wet!" both pleaded. Alicia drew her in more until just the soles of her tiny feet were visible from between her lips. Then she was all the way in. Salty from sweat. Sweet from youth. Spicy from fear. Supple from years of training and exercise. Alicia could feel her heart pounding as she worked up enough saliva to gulp her down. Greta let out a pitiful cry as she felt her body beginning to side down her throat. Alicia felt her slip down and the crying bulge disappeared past her collarbone. Greta landed in a pool of gastric juice. She wanted to scream as she felt her skin itching but the last vestige of her pride put a stop to that.


Alicia had not eaten since last night and her stomach welcomed nourishment even if it was the shrunken human girl variety. In pitch darkness, Greta could hear a giant heartbeat racing, the shlorp sound of stomach walls churning out stomach acids. Within moments, the itching turned to burning. Greta lost her footing and feel face first into the acids. Then she screamed but the sound was a hideous gurgle and rasp as her mouth and lungs were singed. The pain became unbearable, and her final thought was how many she sentenced to die the same way she would. One would be curious to know if she felt any remorse or guilt in those last moments. Maybe she did or maybe her anguish as she was digested alive clouded such feelings. Nobody would ever know but one thing was certain, Alicia did give her death purpose. Alicia let a single tear fall from her eyes feeling her body absorb Greta's soul. She had returned to what she swore she would never become again. Something she dreaded so much she kept a loaded gun in her nightstand to use on herself if she ever fell back into darkness. Alicia embraced her Alux blood fully so her loved ones would have a fighting chance, but the rationalization gave her no peace. She returned upstairs.


"Saved you some breakfast" Selah asked. "Thanks, but I lost my appetite. Skylar, where you're done assemble the Valkyries on the northeast beach. Selah you bring the mages. Lucy, take Mary and I guess his name is Kyle, and stand by in the vault" she said. "Should I do anything?" Elliot asked softly. Alicia had not even noticed him there. "Elliot was it? Why don't you help Lucy" she said. He solemnly nodded. Alicia walked out of the mansion. "Did something happen down there?" Selah asked. "Yeah. Our Greta problem was just solved" Skylar replied getting up.


20 minutes later...


"I see you" Alicia muttered as her clairvoyance locked on to the fleet sailing her way and especially Lilith. "Any change?" Skylar asked. "She's leading the attack as we suspected. Hell, she's a 100 ft. tall and sunning herself naked on top of a goddamn aircraft carrier" Alicia replied. "That's bold. She must know we can see her at this range" Selah said. " She knows. Don't let her psych you out. Valkyries at attention!" Alicia yelled. The shrunken Valkyries stood at attention before the giantesses. "You've been told what's coming. You've been told what they're capable of. I'm not going to tell you not to be afraid. Shit I'm afraid myself. Bravery doesn't mean not to be afraid. Bravery is being afraid and still doing what must be done. When you came here you were all sycophants to an uncaring God. Now, you're your own person. I have seen you rebuild this place from those who did it harm. I have seen compassion when not demanded of you. I've seen restraint, and I have seen in some of you take lovers of the people here. This island is just as much your home as it is mine! Will you let some jealous bitch take that from you?!" Alicia shouted. "NO MA'AM!" they yelled in unison. "Then join hands each one of you and accept your chance to defend the place you call home" Alicia told them. One by one they did, and Alicia held out her hand. An arcane array danced around her hand before magical energy touched each one. They began to grow slowly until each one was human sized. "The punishment shrinking curse has now been lifted. You've earned it" Alicia said softly. 


"Adet" she muttered summoning her artifact. "I've never seen it before" Skylar muttered. "It's an ancient artifact called the Siren's Bangle. It's linked by blood and birthright to me" Alicia said. "What can it do?" Skylar asked. "It's an amplifier of magics. As you know, I am an Alux and my magics are cast by song...at a price" she said. "Price?" Skylar asked. "Normally I don't have to pay it due to my Lemurian blood but for sustained wide effect spells in need a lot more. I don't have Hope to help me this time, so I have to go the old school route. Eat a human and absorb their soul" Alicia said softly. She looked down at the sand. "How effective is it?" Skylar asked. "My spells can literally move at the speed of sound and the power boost can effect hundreds at a time. So very effective" Alicia said. "Sounds worth it especially for the right reasons" Selah said touching her shoulder. "...thank you" she muttered. "Time to get this show on the road" Selah said summoning her driver. "HERO DRIVER ON"


"Be As Gods" Selah said squeezing the driver. "Like a Valkyrie deciding the fate of battle. Brynhildr takes the field. Presented by Sony" it said as she transformed. Selah surprised them as she walked right into the ocean up to her neck. Then summoning the titan powers gifted to her, she grew to an enormous 300 ft. tall. "Holy shit kid" Skylar said. "This isn't hurting you or anything?!" Alicia yelled up. "Not at all. Now let's take a better look at our enemy. Huninn, Muninn. Come forth" she said summoning her ravens but due to her size, they were far, far larger than normal. She held out her hand and they flew off quickly. "Don't you think she's going to notice two 30 ft. long ravens?" Alicia asked. "Let her" Selah said coldly. 


Lilith was sunning herself on the deck of the USS Ronald Reagan as a throng of zealot worshippers rubbed her naked giant body. The elevator operators rubbing her toes. Damage control officers rubbing her arms and legs. A petty officer with the dubious luck of rubbing his naked body on her right nipple. With little ceremony, she pushed him into her mouth and chewed. Nobody stopped their duties as one of their own was crushed and mulched by her teeth onto pulp and swallowed. He wasn't the first as she had dined on sailors the entire trip. From the time they left port in Hawaii to the time they were nearing striking range, she had consumed 47 sailors and fucked another 19 to death. She was barely sated from him and as she looked to find another, general quarters went off. Lilith stood up; the still deck groaned as it was not designed to withstand the weight of her the way it was. She shrank down and put her clothes on before making her way to the bridge. "Are we in attack range yet?" she asked. "Nearly. Radar has picked up two airborne hits coming our way. Officer?" the admiral asked. "Confirmed. Two reflections. Both 30 ft. long with a wingspan of 60 ft. Closing in at 450 knots" he replied. "Indonesian?" the admiral asked. "Unlikely sir. Their MIG's don't look like this" he replied. "Scramble two Hornets" he ordered.


Within minutes, two Super Hornets catapulted off the deck and went full afterburn to their targets. "Alpha 1 here. Targets have veered off into a loitering pattern. Closing in" the lead pilot said. Selah cocked her head as through her ravens, she could see the jets incoming. Normally, she would hesitate, but they were all considered enemy combatants. With a thought, she willed them to attack. "A BIRD! TWO GIANT BIRDS!" Alpha 1 yelled. "Alpha 2 here! I can't get an infrared lock! It has no heat. Break break!" Alpha 2 yelled. The jets broke formation and circled to get a firing solution. Huninn and Muninn broke away flapping its wings as an air brake and then flapped hard accelerating. They easily caught up to the jets as they weren't encumbered by G forces or ungiving metal. Huninn grabbed the Hornet and with its beak tore the canopy wide open. With no ceremony, the bird tore the pilot clean out and devoured him. Then it let go letting the jet tumble out of the sky. "ALPHA 1! It just tore Alpha 1 out and ate him!" Alpha 2 yelled. It turned hard and opened fire with its 30 mm cannons. The rounds did absolutely nothing. "Radar lock! Fox 2!" he yelled firing a missile. To his horror, just before the missile hit Huninn, Muninn caught it with its beak and flung it aside. The pilot dove for the sea gaining speed and turned hard left. His suit inflated as G forces pushed past 8. He struggled for another line of fire until there was a blur of black feathers. Muninn's talons tore through him like paper. The jet exploded instantly.


"What just happened?" Skylar asked as they saw an explosion in the far distance. "Two jets tried to take on my ravens. It's didn't end well for them" Selah said coldly. "First shot has been fired" Alicia said softly. Lilith peered ahead using clairvoyance not letting her arrogance make her look a fool a second time. "Fool. You can't sustain that size for long. Admiral. Don't you carry nuclear weapons in this fleet?" she asked. "Two nuclear tipped cruise missiles" he replied. "Launch one now" she commanded. They all looked at her. "I SAID NOW!" she barked. "This the Ronald Reagan to the Antietam. Launch nuclear cruise missile at the primary target" he ordered. Minutes later. A nuclear cruise missile launched from the cruiser. It zipped right by Selah's ravens. "Incoming missile" Selah said. "Just one? Oh my god.... SHOOT IT DOWN NOW!" Alicia yelled. Selah raised her sword above her head and fired off a bolt of lightning. It struck the missile and its motor burned out. It glided into the ocean barely a mile from them. "Only one reason they would fire only one missile. It was a nuke. She's trying to end this early" Alicia hissed.


"Telemetry failed! A bolt of lightning fused the guidance. Safeties kicked in" the fire control officer said. "Then fire the other one! Without your blasted safeties!" Lilith yelled. "If it happens again at that range, we'll be caught in the blast too!" the admiral said. Lilith wanted to kill him and fire it herself for his objection, but she was wary enough to heed his warning. It was iffy her body could withstand a nuclear blast and if not, she would lose a very valuable vessel. Bodies like Faith weren't very common after all. "Proceed on target. I want that island flattened" she ordered. "By your command. Order up attack wings! I want them on the deck for launch. As soon as the ships are in range, have them bombard the target with cannon!" he ordered. Within 10 minutes, 24 Super Hornets were screaming towards the island. Huninn and Muninn were blown out of the sky but managed to down four jets. "Alicia, we got a lot of jets coming our way. Whatever you got planned, time to do it" Selah said as her magics darkened the skies. Thunder rumbled overhead. "So you sing right? Got a good song?" Skylar asked. "One my dad used to sing when he washed the car. On oldie but a goodie" she said smiling. Alicia took a breath; a beat filled the air...


"Your love is lifting me higher. Your love, lifted me higher. Than I've ever been lifted before. So keep it up! Quench my desire and I'll be at your side forever more"


As her tribute to Jackie Wilson's Higher and Higher filled their ears, her magics took hold. The Valkyries felt a warmth in their hearts as their bodies grew and fortified. "Oh yeah!" Skylar said as her own body grew. The mages smiled smugly as their magics supercharged. Within moments, Alicia's army stood 50 ft. tall, 10 times physically stronger and more durable, and five times more magically gifted. The beat grew stronger. Percussion and bass intensified their tempo. Lightning began to rain down on the jets. "Dammit. It's not enough" Selah hissed finding out a Super Hornet's avionics were far more durable than a cruise missile's. "If lightning won't cut it..." she muttered as the air grew cold. "Crap it got cold!" Skylar yelled as the wind whipped around them. "Prepare to fire!" Beta 1 ordered holding the lead. A bolt of lightning struck his fighter shaking it. Confident, he forested the button switching ordinance. Suddenly, his plane was pelted with hail. Golf ball and then baseball sized hail stones battered the jet. Warnings blared as his engines cut out. His canopy shattered and killed as a hail stone hit him with the force of 600 mph. "Beta 2 taking lead!" one shouted throttling up. Four more fighters were knocked out of the sky. More damaged but they kept coming. "GIANTESSES! A whole row of giantesses!" someone yelled. "Cut the chatter and lock up them up! Fire Mavericks! FIRE!" Beta 2 ordered.


The first line fired air to ground missiles right at Skylar and the others. The second line targeting Selah. Selah swung her sword unleashing a torrent of lighting obliterating the first volley of missiles and Bravo flight. The second volley went past her. "Valkyries!" Skylar ordered. The Valkyries fired off lighting destroying the second volley. The explosions shaking their bodies. Charlie flight cut through the smoke and opened fire with their 30 mm cannons strafing those below.


"You know your love (your love keeps lifting me). Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me). Higher. Higher and higher! I said your love (your love keeps lifting me). Keep on. Lifting me. Higher and Higher! "


Alicia pushed herself harder as their barrier wilted under the cannon fire. Charlie flight pulled up and turned right. The mages relaxed their defenses as the Valkyries took over firing their lightning on individual targets. Concentrated extended strikes detonated their munitions obliterating them. Their debris rained down on the city barrier.  "Charlie fight is down!" the radar operator said. "Launch more" Lilith growled. "We can't in this shit" the admiral said as hail still continued to fall.  "Can your ships fire their guns yet?" Lilith asked. The admiral looked at the GPS. "In another 7 minutes" he replied. "Your ships have regular missiles, right? Fire those. All of them" she said coldly. The admiral relayed the orders to all ships. Moments later, 42 hypersonic cruise missiles were screaming towards the island. Selah could see the cones of burning air around the missiles as they tore through the sky. One, and then another exploded hitting a hailstone at Mach 5. Selah readied herself boosting her reflexes, speed, and strength with lightning magics. Then she swung. A cluster of explosions but she had only gotten 15 of them. "SHIELDMAIDEN!" she yelled a half second before the remaining 20 bore down on her. The blast was deafening throwing Selah clean into the air and crashing hard into the sea. A small tidal wave swept the beachhead. "SELAH!" Alicia yelled pausing her song. "GET DOWN!" Skylar said cupping the small woman on closed hands as three missiles that missed Selah zipped by exploding against the barrier.


The shockwave was extremely powerful causing the barrier to violently flicker. They had been thrown off their feet, but some were less fortunate. Skylar stumbled to her feet to see three Valkyries and 7 mages dead from shrapnel. Skylar felt the pain in her back shoulder and reached around. She felt a piece of metal sticking in it and yanked it out. "Skylar?" Alicia asked dazed. "We took our first casualties boss" Skylar said looking at the metal with the word NAVY stained by her blood on it. "Selah..." Alicia said. Selah staggered to her feet. "That hurt..." she growled. "She's a tough cookie" Skylar told her. Selah shrugged off the ringing in her ears and focused her eyes forward. She knew they had taken casualties. She could smell the smoke and blood. She could feel death had touched the island as was her power. But she knew the enemy would not let them regroup. And sure enough she was right as her eyes saw a human shaped figure dressed in red wading right towards her.


Lilith saw that her attack had finally drawn blood and knocked Selah on her ass. Thinking it was the best time to press on, she leaped overboard, grew to 300 ft. tall to match Selah, and marched forward. She didn't run. No, she wanted a psychological impact. Let her enemy see what was coming for them and rue on it. Lilith summoned her sword, and the tip touched the ocean making it boil around her. Selah saw her hail meant goddamn nothing now and called it off. Better to save her focus on other matters. As the wind and lightning raged overhead, Lilith gained ground until she was close enough to address Selah. "Well if it isn't the bothersome Jew. Seems like you got a nice upgrade, but it's still linked to Odin. I can fix that" Lilith said holding out her hand. Selah stood there quietly as Lilith struggled to sever her power. "My connection is far too deep for the likes of you to break usurper" Selah said coldly. "You think you can win this?! Faith barely beat me and now I have her body, her power, and the adulation of the world to feed off of!" Lilith yelled laughing. "And yet you posture and crow like a common bird fighting for breadcrumbs" Selah sneered. Lilith fired off a massive fire blast causing an explosion of steam. "LIGHTNING BREAKER" a voice said. The steam cleared revealing Selah unharmed grinning. "You may have my mother's powers, but I have gathered some of my own. If you think this will be an easy victory for you...you will sorely be disappointed this day" Selah said to her readying her sword. "I will make a coral reef out of your bones" Lilith hissed readying her own sword.


Selah knew offhand this fight would be different than the last. Just the fact Lilith restored the sword of Samael was testament that those that did still worship her has strengthen her considerably. Everyone ashore watched with bated breath as they began their battle. Their sword parries shook the island and rattled windows on the ships almost within cannon range. Lilith firing off magics as Selah's Lightning Breaker dispelled them. Alicia began singing once more focusing fortification magics on Selah.


"Listen. Now once I was downhearted. Disappointment was my closest friend. But then you came, and it soon departed. And you know, he never showed his face again!  That's why your love keeps on lifting me. Higher and higher. I said you love, keep on lifting me. Higher and higher. I'm so glad I finally found you. Yes that one in a million girl. And now within my loving arms around you. Honey I can stand up and face the world!"


Selah felt a rush of power like wind filling a boats sail. Her blows stronger. Her speed even higher. Lilith just grinned as she fortified herself even more. "Fool! This body is naturally four times stronger than yours! Even if you fortify yourself by 10 the same amount is 40 for me!" Lilith yelled parrying a blow so hard Selah was swept off her feet. Lilith lunged down with her sword to stab her in the heart and at the last second Selah used wind magics to over her body. But Lilith's sword Sint miss her completely stabbing her painfully in the thigh. "I won't miss this time" Lilith growled slamming her bare foot into her wound pinning her. Selah cried out in paints gallons of her blood washed into the sea. Then a large icicle slammed into her shoulder making Lilith stagger back. "Who dares?!" Lilith yelled knowing it wasn't Selah. The giantess' eyes locked onto the beachhead. Angrily, she began to charge at it until she found her feet and legs frozen solid. "You shall not pass!" Selah yelled as her sword radiated ice magics snap freezing the surface of the ocean in a 600 ft. diameter. Suddenly, dozens of small things zipped right by them like bullets. "About goddamn time" Lilith growled pulling at her legs.


"ALICIA!" Selah yelled. Her voice traveled with the speed of lightning warning her something was coming. Alicia snapped her focus on defense. "INTERCEPT!" she yelled. Skylar and everyone else could see dozens of contrails heading their way. "Aim for the contrails! Light magics!" Alicia yelled. The mages began to fire off light spells as quick as they could damn near blinding one another. Cannon shells bearing right down on them were hit with light speed magics destroying them but not all. Valkyries opened up but barely hit any of them left. The surrounding beached was utterly cratered. Alicia and Skylar had once again survived but it was clear her barrier has shattered mid volley. What got through had decimated their ranks. The mages had taken the front line and suffered the worst. The survivors looked in horror at bodies blown apart surrounded them. And worse was watching them shrink back to human size now they were dead. Only 3 mages survived. The Valkyries had lost another four. "Alicia that was artillery fire form the ships! We have to take the fight to them!" Skylar yelled.  "AGREED!" Alicia yelled. "VALKYRIES! TO THE AIR!" Skylar yelled. The Valkyries took to the air and few as fast as they could with their wind magics and swords.


Another volley speed right at them and they swiped away. Some shells were cut and exploded behind them. Another two Valkyries were blown out of the air and their blood and guts came down like rain. They came screaming down right in the middle of the fleet at Mach two, and the sailors and officers saw fresh hell. Enraged by the loss of friends and loved ones, the Valkyries tore the fleet to shreds. Not a single ship could bear their cannons of a target that moved that fast. A Valkyrie stabbing her sword through a destroyer. Another tearing a cruiser apart with her bare hands. Skylar focused on the carrier USS Ronald Reagan knowing it was the flag ship. She jumped on the desk. Her 50 ft. body buckling the deck ever so slightly. She looked dead at the bridge. The admiral and his command crew saw the giant bluish green eyes looking right at them and then narrowed. Their last sight was a 50 ft. giantess dressed in a pristine white uniform swinging her sword. The bridge was cut clean off as if she decapitated the carrier. And with a coldness in her heart slammed her sword down into the wreckage and fired off a blast of lightning stronger than she had ever done. For a half second, every sailor, every member of her crew had their hairs stand on end as 100 million volts of electric yet coursed through every, plate, grate, and goddamned bulkhead of the ship. What came next was violent death. They burned to a crisp just before every missile, bomb, fuel tank, and ammo crate detonated. Skylar leaped high into the air watching the carrier explode.


She gazed at the others and saw they had sunk every ship. "NO SURVIVORS! LET EVERYONE KNOW THERE WILL BE NO QUARTER FOR THOSE THAT STAND WITH THAT EVIL CREATURE!" Skylar yelled at them. She detached herself watching as the Valkyries proceeded to eliminate survivors in lifeboats and life jackets. Some crushed in hands, drowned, electrocuted in the water. And others eaten alive having their clothing torn off and devoured. Those that ate survivors were most likely ones that grieved for their friends the hardest. A squad of giantesses had destroyed some of the most heavily armed warships on earth. The crew that sailed them we're wither floating to the bottom of the sea or digesting in their bellies. Either way a watery grave. Selah was not having the same luck.


She was getting weaker. Her healing magics were taking too long and she was still bleeding out. Lilith had nicked her femoral artery and as powerful as the Nordic giantess was, she still needed blood to live. Her vision blurred as she lashed out with a powerful strike and cut Lilith across the stomach. Lilith paused to heal. "That's it!" Selah thought as she slammed her hand on the driver. "LIGHTNING BREAKER MAXIMUM BURST!" it said as Selah threw all she had into her attack. Lightning supercharged her sword as she swung down but as her vision blurred and her legs grew weak, she missed as Lilith easily sidestepped. Her balance off, Selah couldn't defend herself as Lilith slashed diagonally. Her blade cut and seared her flesh going from her right to left and struck her hero driver viciously causing to spark and blow off a shard of it right into Lilith's left eye. Lilith staggered back...


"Oh my god..." Alicia muttered seeing Selah fall as a fountain of blood spurted into the air. "ADET!" she yelled summoning her trump card, the Eye of the World. Alicia immediately felt the strain of summoning two artifacts, but she didn't care as Selah lay lifeless in the water. Alicia poured an ungodly amount of magic into the Eye activating it. A portal opened between Lilith and Selah and Alicia put her hand through the Eye. Instantly, a hand with 400 ft. long fingers appeared before her and flicked her away. In her desperation, she moved the portal above where Lilith landed and formed a fist. From Alicia's perspective, it felt like she was punching a puddle of water, from anyone else's, it was like God had it in for the South Pacific Ocean. Over and over, she punched Lilith right into the ocean floor. Punching her so hard, seismographs in Okinawa recorded it. The island shook and cracked from each hit. Lucy and Elliot huddled around the tiny people taking shelter as floorboards creaked and plaster fell.


That that same moment...


"I swear getting Jay Leno to do the Tonight Show was like getting Shemp for the Three Stooges. Just wasn't the same" Joseph muttered watching old episodes on demand. He took his swig of beer and watched until he sensed something. "The Eye! That's impossible! It was hidden away so...goddammit!" he hissed shattering his beer on the floor and translocating to where he sensed its activation. He appeared right beside Alicia who was pounding away at Lilith with all her might. "Of course it was you!" Joseph yelled. Alicia barely gave him notice. "She came with a goddamn fleet. Not like I wanted to use this thing!" she yelled. The portal fluctuated. "Take you fucking hand out before it cuts it off" he growled. Alicia pulled back just in time before it collapsed. "She's..."


"Only pissed" Joseph said looking at Lilith rising from the ocean fixing every shattered bone in seconds. "My daughter Selah..." Alicia mumbled before collapsing from exhaustion. Joseph did a quick short-range translocation right in front of Lilith. Selah groaned half-conscious as the driver still sparked. "Leave Lilith unless you want to fight an enemy fresh in battle with an eon more experience than they do" he warned. "That voice. Joseph?" she asked. Joseph grew to her 300 ft. height and planted his feet in the depths of the sea. "It is you. You think you can make a difference here? I am vastly more powerful than last time we met" she said. "Your strength isn't what you think it is. Case in point your eye" he said. It was true. Lilith's eye injured by the shrapnel from the driver had not healed. Painfully, she yanked the shrapnel out. "You honestly think I would let these...blasphemers live? Maybe you haven't noticed but this is my world now! My believers! My acolytes! I am their rightful goddess and not even you shall stand against me!" she screamed as she used her right hand to attack him with her sword.


With unnatural speed, Joseph moved to the right and grabbed her wrist. He crushed it easily making her drop her sword. With his left hand, he placed it on her stomach and blasted her with magical force so mighty the shockwave made a sea splitting cone. The Valkyries watching the entire surreal events were scattered like gnats. Lilith fell to her knees vomiting blood. "You'd kill this vessel?" she asked. "Without a hesitation" he replied coldly. Lilith retreated in a strike of dark magics. Joseph turned his attention to Selah. "Hero driver...powering down" it muttered before Selah reverted to her normal three-inch self. Joseph scooped her up. Her body to tiny in his hands even he could barely see it. Seeing Selah disappear, Skylar rallied the Valkyries to assist not knowing who this grey-haired man was. "Give her over immediately!" Skylar said as the Valkyries surrounded him. "If you wish to see her live, you won't interfere" he said softly as he began healing her. The colossal giant began walking to the beachhead.


Later that night...


Alicia woke up as a clap of thunder shook her windows. She was in her bed. The clock read 9:44 pm. Frantic, she bolted out of bed and checked Selah's room. Nothing. "Selah! SELAH!" Alicia yelled racing down the stairs. There she saw Joseph tending to a shrunken naked Selah on the coffee table. "She's stable for now. A few minutes later and she'd be a corpse" he said to her. Alicia walked over to them and sat down. Wounds from a divine weapon aren't as easily healed" he explained as his glowing fingers lingered over her wounds. "She will recover right?" she asked. "In a few days. It could've been much worse if it wasn't for this" he said pointing to the hero driver. "How did you remove it?" she asked. "It's based on the artifact of Cancer. A Lemurian artifact. I know how it was made. I was there. But this hero driver as you call it is some chimera of magic" he said. There was a pause. "Speaking of artifacts. What in the hells were you thinking?! The Eye of the World?!" he yelled. "It was a last-ditch plan made by Faith. She destroyed the original one" she replied. "And rightfully so! This artifact is...wait. You said original one?" he asked.


Alicia explained what they had done. "Of all the irresponsible..." he hissed. "I didn't exactly have time to think it over Joseph!  You yourself said not to call on you until the final moment! That it was too risky to bring such powers together in one place! And you were right, I have an unexploded nuclear weapon off my coast" she sighed. "Oh god the others..." she muttered. "Are doing their own things. The one called Skylar is helping the others bury their dead. Lucy is moving the people back to their homes. Mary is...another matter for later" he said. Alicia looked at the driver. "Damn. Is it broken? Selah looked like she kinda fell out of her transformation" she asked. "It's damaged obviously. I'll look at it closer later. I bought you time but not much. Lilith isn't the kind of woman that sits on her ass for long. I should know" he muttered. "You said once before you knew her, but you didn't say anything else on it" Alicia said. "She was the one that started the Lemurian war that brought an end to its civilization. "Wait. I thought Lilith was like 6,000 years old. That's she's an ancient concept around the time of the Israelites. "No. She's far older" he muttered.


Meanwhile in New York...


Lilith stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eye was bloodshot and healing slower than normal. "Accursed artifact. I though them all lost to time" she hissed. Her eyes went to her stomach remembering the blow she took. It took all her magical might to withstand it. She shuddered to her toes knowing Joseph meant it to be a killing blow. If she hadn't boosted her defenses the way she had at the last second, her body would be tons of shark chum right then. Of all the people in the world, she feared that man the most. No gods or goddesses, or angels or demons gave her such dread. She pondered his words about her not being as strong as she thought she was. It was truth. In the beginning, she was vastly powerful. Powerful enough to flatten Vatican City under her feet within minutes but it was clear as day that level of power was gone. Alicia's song torrent had done more damage than she had thought. She walked over to her coffee table and picked up the shrapnel in her hand. "Clearly she got that level of power from that artifact. Can it do the same for me?" she pondered. She mused on it for hours until she thought of something. "She needed a source, a powerful divine source to channel. Hmm. I think I know where I can find one of my own" she thought smiling. Lilith vanished in flames.



She appeared in a dark chamber. Her bare feet slapping the brimstone floor as she walked. A lone figure was chained to a wall. He rose his head hearing her footsteps. "Hello Lilith" the man said. "Hello Lucifer. I need to borrow something of yours..." she said with an eerie grin...

Chapter End Notes:


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