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"Why are you crying? Does it still hurt?" a voice asked behind her. Faith turned to see a giant eye looking at her. It pulled away as she approached. "AHMED!" she yelled. "Good to see you up and about. You really scared us" he said. Faith walked closer out onto a jutting balcony to find the giant Ahmed sitting down outside. "Where am I?" she asked. "Welcome to the city of Iram" he said scooting out of the way. He placed his hand down for her to climb onto it. Gingerly she did tucking back the silk dress as it flapped in the wind. Ahmed stood up and curled his hand to protect her. "It's magnificent!" she yelled looking onwards. To the west was the fishing district and a small sea. To the east farms and mountains. North was businesses and shops. And to the south were homes, thousands of small homes. "You said this was enclosed in a realm but it's huge!" she said. "I guess it would be for you as you're Three inches tall like everyone else. In reality, it spans two miles in each direction" he said. Faith took note of two people his size where she could see. An older woman to the east and a strange man sitting far south. "Who are they?" she asked. "That there is my mother. The one there is the man who saved your life, my grandfather" he replied.


"I thought I died" she said. "Technically you did. Your heart stopped but thankfully grandfather was able to heal you before you completely slipped away. He did nothing something odd. There was a strange...tug on your soul" he said. Faith grew quiet as she knew what that was. "Cassandra" she thought. "So that room..." she said. "My harem. Your arrival brought about some raised eyebrows. They deemed it appropriate you recover there and only there" he replied. Faith looked back at her room. "They were staring a hole in me. Like they never seen a white girl before" she said. "Apart from pictures they haven't. You are the first westerner ever to come here" he said. He placed her back down onto the balcony. "Aly will bring you some clothing" he said before walking off and disappearing from her sight.


Faith could hear them whispering as she washed her face. They stared intently as she relieved herself of excess breastmilk. Getting annoyed, she cast a spell in order for her to speak and understand her language. "I wonder if her milk tastes sweeter" one asked. "Slightly so" Faith replied. The girls were shocked. They watched as she left the bathroom and took a drink of juice. "She spoke Arabic!" one said. "Nonsense. Western girls are uncultured ignorant fools that are too self-centered to learn another language" one said. She approached her. "So vain she shaves her pussy. You think you're better than us, don't you?" the woman asked with the sweetest smile. "Aisha leave her alone. She's a guest" one said. Faith remembered her as the one that caressed her cheek when she was crying. "I think she's very pretty. When is it wrong to groom one’s body?" she asked. "She does have exceptionally smooth feet. She must come from a very pampered family" another said. "Are you not disturbed hoe she's granted favor by the prince? First the Kurdish whore and now this" Aisha said. "The person you speak of puts her life on the line to protect you and this city every night. If she is a whore than what's does that make you?" Faith asked her. The woman eyes went wide with shock and rage. "Told you she spoke Arabic" one said.


Aisha went to slap Faith and Faith caught her hand. "I'm your guest but I will not be spoken down on nor assaulted. Now if you want to push the matter..."


"You'll tell the prince?" she smirked. "No" Faith said conjuring a quick shrinking spell. "I'll introduce you to a western fetish called macrophilia" she said coldly as she held the tiny woman between her fingers. All the girls backed away in fear. "Making friends I see" Aly said entering the room. Faith tossed Aisha towards the sofa and unshrank in midair falling back to her normal Three-inch size. Faith ran to Aly who was carrying clothing and hugged her tight. "Yes, it's good to see you too" she said. Aly placed the clothing on her bed. Faith went to the bedroom and was followed by her. "You can smell the jealousy" Faith said. "You're an oddity Faith. Half are curious and the other half want you gone" Aly said. "I got that" Faith said changing. Aly sneered at the other girls as they spied on them. "Is it allowed for me to leave the room?" Faith asked as she slipped her sandals on. "I'm sure Ahmed would accompany you" she replied. It wasn't exactly what she asked. "Is it true you devoured a goddess?" Aly asked. "Yeah it's true. I was that angry. Even now I feel...different" Faith replied flexing her hand as light magic poured from it. She glanced at Aly who she could sense feared her slightly. Faith frowned at sat down.


"What troubles you?" Aly asked. "Have I changed so much in the last day that you fear me now?" Faith asked. "I... I don't fear you" Aly said. "You're lying. Heart rate and blood pressure up. Pheromones increasing. Pupils narrowing. I'm still the same me Aly. The same girl rooting for your love" Faith said softly. Aly felt ashamed for lying to her. She opened the dresser and began changing. Faith looked at her. "You're in my room" she replied. Faith nodded. She changed into something freer and sat next to her. " I apologize again" she said. Faith leaned over and kissed her. "This is who I am underneath all this power. All magic tricks aside, I am a loving caring girl" Faith said softly. "Then show me a magic trick to set my heart at ease" Aly grinned. Faith nodded and with a glowing hand pinched her nose. She brought her hand back. "Got your nose" she said showing her thumb tucked under her fingers. Aly jumped and touched her nose. "It's is still...very funny Faith. That joke is old even here" Aly said. Faith chuckled and then both burst out laughing. The girls listening in wondered about the foreign girl who could make the sullen Aly laugh so hard. "I shall see to the arrangements with the prince. Please wait here" Aly said leaving the room. Aly paused however standing before Aisha.


"I almost forgot. What did she do to merit being shrunk and tossed?" Aly asked Faith. "Nothing of importance" Faith said. Aly looked at Aisha's slightly bruised wrist. She knew full well what kind of girl Aisha was. "Did she attack you?" Aly asked. Faith didn't answer as she saw Aisha began to tremble. "Did you attack the guest of the prince? You know the punishment for that?" Aly said to her. The girl was visibly shaking now. "We had a disagreement in which she has learned from. Nothing to bother Ahmed about" Faith said. "Is that all? A disagreement? I'm curious as to what was said and about whom" Aly said narrowing her eyes. "Something in passing about etiquette. That’s all" Faith said. Aisha looked astonished at Faith. "If that's all then it can be forgiven" Aly said before leaving the room. Faith walked to the center of the room. "Why did you lie to save me?" Aisha asked. "I don't believe rudeness should be punished with death. I'm a firm believer in second chances" she replied. Aisha bowed before her kissing her toes. "Don't bow. I don't believe in that stuff. I'm different, strange, foreign to you but I mean no harm. As to the magic you've seen me use, I don't use it as a form of intimidation or threat unless they mean to do me harm. After all, it is better to be respected than feared" Faith said pulling the girl back to her feet.


They all had a look of solemn respect and shame on their faces. "I'm more this happy to answer questions if you want to get to know me" she said. Faith chuckled as they over talked one another barraging her with questions. "Do you drink and smoke?" one asked. "Drink yes. Smoke no" she replied. "Do you have a lot of sex like in the movie pictures?" another asked. "Yes, but not because I'm a westerner. My species has a high sex drive" she replied. "Species?" one asked. "I'm not human" she replied. The girls were enraptured as Faith explained the various races of tiny people scattered Throughout the world. "None of you have ever left Iram?" Faith asked. They shook their heads. "All of us prepared most of our lives to serve the prince. Outside travel is forbidden to us. It is better this way anyway. We would not survive being this small in a world of giants" she said. "Not necessarily. The world has made great strides in living with people your size. Jobs, marriages, adoptions, families of mixed species" Faith said. They grew more curious.


"But isn't it true that westerns frown on Muslims?" one asked.  "It's true that there have been...bigotry in the west concerning Muslims but I ask you not to judge a majority by looking at a close-minded minority. So much has changed in the last 10 years alone. Even same sex relationships are open and accepted now" she said. "Between women also?" Aisha asked. "I'm not here to flip your society upside down. I'm just saying there's more to the west than what you see in movies and magazines" Faith said. "Good point" Ahmed said entering the room. All the girls bowed before him. "Shall we see the sights?" he asked extending his hand. "Please your majesty" Faith said politely. 


Faith was led Through the palace as attendants bowed as he passed. They stepped outside where a grand Arabian horse stood in waiting. He helped her on before getting on himself. Ahmed had her wrap her around his waist before slapping the reins and taking off. Ahmed laughed hearing her voice raise and lower as the horse galloped and jumped over carts and boxes. The people waved as he passed. Faith took note of the city as they rode Through. It was a strange mix of old and modern. Modern plumbing and electricity but no cars or heavy machinery. Curious of course, she asked how they got electricity. Water powered substations. Designs for plumbing from those fleeing Saddam. Apparently, it wasn't just his mother that migrated here at the time. Ahmed slowed the horse down as they entered the agriculture area so she could see the expanse. She looked back to see towers in the city. "Minarets" he replied. Towers built to shout prayers at certain times of day. Ahmed enjoyed hearing her questions about his culture and answering them. "I didn't know the western world owes so much to Arabic culture*" she said. "All cultures borrow from one another. I just wish they borrowed the concept of tolerance as well" he said.


(Authors note: This is absolutely true. After the crusades, Western Europe experienced a cultural explosion due to the importation of Arabic cultural concepts and practices. Modern medicine, regular bathing, words such as syrup, sugar, alchemy, alcohol, and the number system we all use today comes from Arabic culture)


"Whoa. Who is that?!" Faith said as they crested a hill revealing a middle-aged giantess crouching down. "That's my mother" he said getting the horse to gallop. They arrived from behind her. "Mother! I wish for you to meet someone!" Ahmed shouted up. The woman trotted around, her giant bare feet pushing into the ground slightly. "Afternoon son. Is this the guest you brought with you?" she asked. "Indeed" he replied. The giantess extended her hand. "Whoops. A moment" she said dusting her hands off. "The field had been cleared but not tilled. It's faster if I do it with my fingers. I am Fatima, wife of King Abdullah and mother of prince Ahmed" she said extending her finger. Faith shook her finger with her left hand which caught them by surprise*. "I'm not entirely ignorant" she whispered.


(Authors note: It's taboo to shake someone's hand with your right hand in the Middle East. Simplest explanation for this is not everyone has access to toilet paper and since about 66% of people in the world are right-handed...)


"Forgive me. I was expecting someone more...queen like" Faith said. Ahmed looked at her nervously. "I may be a queen, but I was born a farmer’s daughter. I don't feel right if I don't get my hands and bare feet dirty" she said raising her foot and wriggling her giant toes. Faith giggled at her. She could see where Ahmed got his straightforwardness from as well as his gentle eyes. He had told her the other day his mother was 42 years old, but she looked no older than 35. Thin and even muscular in places, she didn't appear to be typical royal stock. Her long black hair was tied in the back and even though she was barefoot, her nails and skin were quite smooth. "So, I hear you defeated Ishtar" she said. "I had help" Faith said. "But still you used exceptional power. Godlike power" she said narrowing her eyes. "I was gifted with power but like those of moral standing I use it to safeguard those I love and care for. Is it not true of your own exceptional arcane?" Faith asked. Fatima burst out laughing. "I like her son. No guile and very observant. Yes, I do have talent with magics. Shall you be staying long?" she asked. "Only until the power within me settles" she replied.  "Pity. You would be a good addition to the harem. He likes girls that do not cower before him" she whispered. Ahmed blushed. "Faith. Can you give us a moment" he asked. Faith nodded and walked off to look at the produce grown in a nearby field. 


 "You wish to speak privately?" Fatima asked sitting down. She placed her son in her hands. "It is about the harem. More importantly about Aly" he said. Fatima nodded and sighed. "You have chosen her? I knew you favored her for sexual favor but as your wife?" she asked. The way she spoke to him made him feel like a child again playing with her giant fingers. "Yes" he replied. "You know why this is a touchy subject and you still choose?" she asked. "She reminds me so much of you and father. Did he not go against the council because he found you most desirable? You treat him like a man and not a king the same as Aly does. She shares Kurdish blood like you" he said. "But I was given exception because I descend from Campioné. My blood bridged a centuries old gap. Aly has no such claim son" she said. "Mother, you didn't hear her sobs and cries wanting a future with me. Not as a fuck slave or soldier but as wife and mother to the man she's loves most in Allah's world. Listening to her moved my soul" he said. "Be as it may, you are still a prince..."


"Yes. A prince! Is it not my right to decide who is to be my wife and not some old men conspiring in hookah halls?!" he yelled. Fatima lowered her head. Her giant finger petted him. "You sound so much like your father. I still remember his voice echoing Through the palace as I lay recovering from a poison gas attack in his bedchamber. Only one week prior I was tending goats and preparing for a wedding to the neighbor’s boy. Then the tanks and troops came. The air yellow with poison gas and then a hand grabbed me and pulled me Through a hole in the world. Shrunken and struggling to breathe, this young man healed me every night and held my hand telling me everything was going to okay. And as I heard his voice telling them he would marry me, I thought I really had died in my village that day. That this, all of this was heaven. Ahmed? I will support your decision" she said. "Thank you mother" he said. "As for your friend, you sure you're not interested?" she asked. "I would be a blind fool not to but as magnificent as Faith is, she is no Aly" he replied. "You have your father's sliver tongue. It severs well in other matters" she winked. "As much as I would like to hear of your nights with father, I should check on Faith. Seems as if she's being noticed" he said looking in her direction.


Fatima put him down and watched him run to her side. "Curious" Fatima said taking note of something interesting. "What are you doing?" Ahmed asked looking at the vast amounts of healthy produce in the field. Farmers stood around gawking at the sight. "Just paying back some of your kindness" Faith chuckled. "These crops were planted just two weeks ago! You used that plant goddess powers?" he asked. "Well yeah" she shrugged. Ahmed gestured her to get on his horse. He rode off very quickly. Some minutes passed before she spoke. "Are you angry with me?" Faith asked. "Not...not angry. What you did was truly kind Faith, but these people are simple folk. And simple folk can be scared easily. A foreign girl using real unassisted magic? Word shall spread like wildfire" he said. "I guess I didn't think that out" she said. He stopped the horse. "You are a trusting girl which is a good thing but even the biggest smile can hide the sharpest dagger" he said kissing her forehead. "Yes, I know" she muttered.


Ahmed led her to his grandfather who towered above them even more so than his mother. At first, she thought him a statute as his skin was as gray as stone and he sat unmoving. Barefoot and just a ragged tunic on his body, he would not seem so mighty. "Afternoon grandfather. Our guest wanted to meet you" Ahmed said. The ancient djinn opened his eyes revealing pupils lit in flames. "It's an honor to meet with you sir" Faith chocked out anxious. "Be calm child" he said softly. "So, child of Etherion. What do you think of my realm?" he asked. "Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking" she replied. "Thank you. I rarely get to walk about it, so I was curious of your opinion" he said. "Wha?" Faith asked. "Maintaining this realm takes a great toll on him. Right down to the smallest grain of sand requires his attention" Ahmed said. "True. I spend most of my days in meditation" the djinn said. "I can't imagine how painstaking that would be. Even if I had Etherion again I doubt I could do this" Faith said. "So, you miss that power?" he asked. "Sometimes" she replied. "Yet you fear it deep down, the power growing within you" he said. Faith was shocked. "You can see that?" she said. "As a high order being of magic it would be queer of me not to" he replied. "Then what's going on with me? I've never heard of a Campioné absorbing the powers of defeated gods or goddesses" she said. "Neither have I" Ahmed said.


"Because never has someone like you been a Campioné before. I sense you are a mother. How did it feel days after giving birth, I mean physically inside" he asked. "Empty, I guess. I got used to feeling them grow inside me" she replied. "And have you thought of having more to feel full once more?" he asked. "...yes" she replied softly. "Grandfather this is private for her" Ahmed said seeing her embarrassed. Faith held her hand out. "Reasonable. Every mother has thought of it at least once. It's bred into the bone. Just as your womb housed infants, your body housed high tier magics" he said. "So, you're saying I'm absorbing their powers because I want to be all powerful again?" she asked. "What I am saying is your body was born to contain vast amounts of magic and now there is a vacuum. And nature abhors a vacuum. Either it be psychological, or sympathetic magic, it is the why and how you're absorbing their power" he said. Faith flexed her hand and it glowed with bright light. "The power of Ishtar" he muttered. "And if I keep defeating them?" she asked. "You will keep adorning their power. However, their power was never meant for you. No telling what could happen if you keep after it" he warned. Faith quietly nodded.


"Ahmed. Do what you feel is right for you" he said suddenly to him. Ahmed nodded. Ahmed was quiet as they returned to the palace. "What did he mean by you should do what you feel is right?" she asked. "He meant about Aly. Grandfather has known for some time my feelings on the matter" he replied. "I'll try to stay out of it. Got my hands full with Marco and Cordelia" she said. "Oh? You seemed different earlier" he said. "It's clear I don't understand everything that goes on here" she said. He stopped the horse before rather palace steps. "You know enough of the situation. What would you do?" he asked. "My dad, mom, and momma Claire fought the US congress for borrower rights, especially the right to love and marry whomever they want...and won. They fought again to keep me away from an a insane witch hellbent on decimating humanity...and won. My dad fought and died to save the world and me from myself. True love means moving heaven and earth to be with the ones you love, and God forgive anyone who dares stand in your way" Faith said with glowing eyes. "...Aly will lead you back to your room to rest and refreshen. This evening there will be a banquet announcing my decision" he told her. "I understand" she said getting off the horse. Faith walked over to Aly who watched Ahmed walk his horse to the stables. 


"He seems troubled. Did something happen?" Aly asked. "He has a lot on his mind" she replied. Aly was not one to pry into personal business but was highly curious as to what occurred during their tour. 


"I shall be back this evening. I must attend to my duties" she said excusing herself. Of course, the girls wanted to know how her tour went. Faith gave them straight answers and then some vague ones. By talking about what she had seen, the girls happily added their own observations. "Where is the bath?" Faith asked. "This way" Aisha asked. There was a magnificent bath connecting to the main room to the right as one entered the hallway and Through the doors. Faith was surprised they wanted to bathe with her, but truth be told was probably curious as to seeing her nude body. Not being a prude, Faith didn't care which surprised them slightly. They watched as she took off her clothing "Umm, it looks like it might be cramped for 12 people" Faith said. In their curiosity, they had not accounted for their numbers. "We usually take turns" one said. Nobody actually wanted to leave. "Well in that case" Faith shrugged extending her glowing hand at them. In a flash she had shrunken them to about four inches in height. "There. Now everybody can enjoy the bath!" she giggled. The girls looked at one another in bewilderment as they knew she could shrink a person but all of them at once? What was the limit to her power? "Don't let me enjoy this big bath all on my own" Faith said pouting. The most curious girl ran, and cannon balled into the water making a small splash. Seeing their friend and harem mate having all jumped in. "See? Isn't this fun?!" Faith laughed.


The shrunken girls rested against the marble jetties that kept elegant soaps for their use. The fair skinned giantess soaping herself kept their attention. "You say you're not human, but I don't see anything different about you at all" one girl said swimming up close to her. Faith recognized her as the most curious of all and the one that comforted her when she awoke. She was embarrassed she hadn't asked her name yet. "What's your name?" Faith asked. "Sabah" she replied. "Well Sabah, my race directly descended from humans and my mom is human. It's what you can't see that makes me different" Faith said. "How so?" Aisha asked. "I can see, hear, and smell better than you.  My heart is five chambered instead of four  and my muscles are denser so I'm a lot stronger than you" Faith said. "That's incredible!" Sabah said. "A necessary thing for my species to survive. With a world having things big enough to squash or eat you, my species had to rapidly evolve" she said. "Anything else about you?" Aisha asked. Faith noticed the girls swimming towards her to listen. Faith got out of the water and sat in the edge of the bath. "Well, we procreate a lot so we have as many offspring as we can. That itself leads to other things. We emotionally attach ourselves to people easier and emit powerful pheromones that can...entice feelings" Faith said. "Really?" Sabah asked. Faith plucked her out of the water.


"Yes really. Kindness and compassion can sexually arouse a borrower. The same kindness and compassion you showed me earlier" Faith said running her finger along the side of the girl. "But wouldn't that cause confusion if anyone was nice to you?" Aisha asked her. "It's not the only thing. Parts of our bodies are sensitive and when touched..." Faith said crossing her legs. "We are familiar with oral sex" Aisha said crawling out of the bath and standing before her. "It's not just that. There are parts of the body that are sensitive when stimulated. Even humans have this" Faith said. "Show us?" one said. Faith nodded and picked Aisha up. Extremely curious, the 9 other girls climbed out of the bath and stood before the giantess as she held their shrunken friend. "As you know, the clit, nipples, and asshole are very sensitive but there are other places. Aisha are you ready?" Faith asked. "Go right ahead" she replied voice cracking. "It's alright. You don't have to be afraid. It will get intense, but no harm will come to you" Faith whispered to her. Her giant finger ran across her tiny breast and the girl twitched. Faith could feel her heartbeat elevated.


"Eye contact is particularly important. It conveys trust and can tell you if it's uncomfortable" Faith said looking deep into her teeny little eyes. Her finger went lower almost tickling Aisha and then the tip of her finger caressed the back of her left knee. "Ahh..." Aisha said. "There's a pressure point here that can stimulate blood flow. You feel a little warmer Aisha?" Faith asked. The girl nodded. "Good and now lower. Now, I'm sure you've had a foot rub in your time but what about worship?" Faith asked. "Worship? Such a thing is frowned upon" Sabah said. Faith shook and head and sighed. "Such an odd thing to say" Faith said as her fingers rubbed Aisha's tiny soles. The girl sighed contently. Faith picked up Sabah. "Now here's the thing, in our bodies, our hands and feet have the most nerve receptors and on our feet there's a few sensitive spots there are more sensitive than others. Sabah, slip your fingers between her toes" Faith said. Sabah nervously did and Aisha jumped. "Feels good right? Now Sabah, suck her toes" she said. Sabah looked at the giantess with anxiety. She slowly crawled in her palm to Aisha and took ahold of her foot. Sabah stuck her big toe in her mouth. "It tickles!" Aisha said grinning. Sabah smiled and licked between her toes making the girl squirm. Sabah grinned seeing the usual haughty girl, the oldest in the group at age 19, blushing and wriggling around. 


Aisha panted slightly. "Now for borrowers like me, it's even worse" Faith said chuckling. Curious as to how worse, two girls approached her giant feet. They marveled at how smooth they were at this scale and awestruck by the red paint on her toes. "You paint the nails?" one asked. "It's a cultural thing but yes" Faith replied. With her feet sideways, they had easy access to between her toes. "Ahh. That tingles" Faith moaned. The girls grinned at seeing their giantess friend shiver. Faith still held the two and very slowly spread her legs. "She flows like a fountain!" one below yelled. "...yeah. We get wetter easier than you" Faith blushed. Of course, they had seen each other's pussies before but to see one so massive and shockingly sweet smelling was new to them. A hint of musk but being wet smelled sweet like the spiced punch they drunk. One bold one crept right up to it and tasted her. "That is forbidden!" one shouted. "By a man? What harm comes from giving pleasure freely to another?" Faith said. They hadn't looked at it that way before. Faith was captivating to her not just as a physical curiosity but a philosophical one as well. Faith looked intensely at Aisha and Sabah. "What is wrong?" Sabah asked. "Trying to decide which one to continue with. It may frighten you very much" Faith said. "Me! I do not frighten!" Aisha yelled up at her. An obvious lie as she was earlier, but her outburst did decide for her. 


Faith placed Sabah down and glanced at the disappointed girl. "You won't be forgotten" Faith said winking. She turned her attention back to Aisha and kissed the soles of her feet and moved up slowly. Aisha held her breath as the warm mouth moved past her crotch. Giant lips kissing her bare belly and breasts until Faith sucked them into her mouth like candies. Aisha groaned slightly from the new experience and took a breath as Faith let them go. Aisha closed her eyes as those lips kissed her face over and over. And as Faith pulled back a bit, Aisha held her breath as she could see her reflection in those giant eyes. Sensing her wonder, Faith brought her within inches of her right eye. Aisha had never really taken measure of a person's eyes other than color which didn't vary much at all in her land, but she did now. Her reflection near perfect. Pupils as black as blackest night widening slowly. Her iris was the color of almonds and slightly lighter in places. The strands of the iris like fine woven silk. "So beautiful" she muttered. Faith brought her back down near her mouth and was caught off guard as Aisha leaped forward to give her a kiss on her lower lip. Faith nuzzled her for a moment before opening her mouth.


Aisha was taken by surprise as her legs were slipped into her mouth. Deeper they went until the tips of her toes touched the back of her Throat. Then, they bent down slipping deeper until Aisha's lower body was completely in her mouth. Faith pressed her lips closed right over her little tits. Aisha almost panicked as the thought of being swallowed alive entered her mind. It would be difficult at her size but not impossible if the giantess had her legs that deep in her Throat without gagging. Sensing her fear, Faith petted her head. The girls below looked in either awe of fear seeing someone they knew seemingly close to being devoured. However, their fears oddly ebbed as Faith tickled each one. And after being touched, arousal took completely over. Two girls went to lick Faith's giant feet. Sabah began to earnestly lick her giant pussy. And after Faith laid on her back, two more girls crawled onto her belly moving towards her breasts. Faith giggled as their tiny feet tickled her skin. Then those giggles turned to moans as they pleasure the giantess. Aisha nearly came from her moaning as it vibrated her body. Not wanting to be left out, the rest of the girls turned to each other for release. 


Faith gently held Aisha by her shoulders as she sucked and slobbered on the girl as if she was a Popsicle. Sabah was grabbed and inserted into her feet first right to her breasts before being turned into a living sex toy.  None were afraid of her. If anything, they craved being used as toys. Being locked in their rooms and not being fucked for weeks on end made them horny to say the least. Then this giantess shows them the joys of same sex and their institutional beliefs of it being abominations, and affronts melted away. The two girls squeezing her nipples were literally bathing in her breastmilk. Rubbing it on their tiny bodies and drinking it greedily. Sabah was in a daze as the warm wet vice like pussy milked her body. The girls licking her feet had now gone to humping her toes and moaning. And Aisha...Aisha had never felt such bliss before. For all her life she was praised for her beauty. She used her looks for simple favors and domination in school. And when told she would be part of the Royal harem and therefore in the running for queen, lorded over any girl in her way. But such a thing left her lonely. Not even getting her virginity taken by Ahmed gave her satisfaction. And as she saw Aly getting fucked with passion, she turned her ire to the other girls pushing the hatred she had been taught by her father to ostracize the girl. The leader of the harem and nothing to show for it. 


And then this foreign girl comes along who doesn't take any shit from her shrinks her and traps her between her fingers. Being crushed between them. Being eaten. Even sat in crossed her mind and while she felt fear, she felt alive even more. As if the doldrums of life stopped. She was pissed she was humiliated and then when Aly asked if she had attacked the girl, Aisha grew terrified. She knew attacking a royal guest was tantamount to attacking the king. She would be beheaded by sundown. But in astonishment the girl lied and then explained she felt no lasting ire from her futile attack. For a moment, she thought it was some ruse to have her in her debt but quickly found that the girl harbored no such feelings. She simply wanted to be nice to her. It had been years since someone was nice to her for nothing in return. And as a giant tongue coaxed the juices from her cunt, Aisha let out a squeal of joy for finding a friend that saw her as a woman and not a political rival. Faith held her steady as she twitched and leaked on her tongue. Faith pulled her from her mouth and winced as she came herself. Holding each one in her hands, she gave them a loving smile that literally dazzled them with light. Every fiber of their being wanted to please her even more and were disappointed when she put them down. 


All of them were recovering from their own orgasms as Faith looked around. Even she was shocked how far this orgy had went. One by one she placed them back into the bath to clean off but made sure none slipped under the water. "Is it always like that?" Sabah asked. "No. It's always different. You can do the same thing over and over but the little things like looking into their eyes, how they moan and move..." she replied. "Does shrinking make it better?" Aisha asked. "It depends on your mood. Sometimes you just want to be held in her arms. Other times in their hands. And then of course there are things not said" she replied. "Like what?" Sabah asked. "Sabah, you have the cutest butt. And they way you kick your feet in me made me cum hard as fuck. And Aisha?" she said. Aisha looked to her. "Your little pussy tastes as sweet as honey but really got to me was when you just opened your heart in the end" Faith said. Aisha looked at her floored. "You...you noticed that?" she asked. "I saw everything. Even those two getting drunk off my milk" she chuckled. The two girls in question blushed. "The prince had good taste when he picked all of you" Faith said.


"He didn't pick us. It was a compromise by our fathers and the King" Sabah said. "What now?" Faith asked. "We thought you knew. All of us are the daughters of the elder council" Aisha said. "Now it makes sense. It couldn't be just a racial thing. Your fathers want one of you to be queen and Aly messes that up. That's the real reason you hate her" Faith said quietly. "We didn't want to. Aly was truly kind to us when we came. It was only when we were cruel to her, she pulled away" one of them said. "I heard that if she's chosen there will be an uprising" Faith said. They all grew quiet. "When the king married queen Fatima, there was talk. The only reason nothing happened then was because of this arrangement with us. However, in recent years as those from outside returned, more and more talk of spreading magic within certain groups to fight back western oppression has surfaced. The Kurds are really just an excuse to gain favor with Shiites" one said softly. They looked at her as if she said something forbidden. "And what are your thoughts on this?" Faith asked them. "It would mean civil war. The end to our peaceful city" Aisha replied. Faith solemnly nodded.


An hour had passed and most of the girls were napping exhausted after their rounds of sex. Faith laid on a long sofa gently petting a girl she learned was named Jamila. She was the youngest of all of them barely 15 years of age and the most timid and quiet of them all. But like the others had a bit of fun that afternoon. Jamila lazily nibbled on a strawberry as she lay in Faith’s tummy. Unlike the others who grew back to their regular size after their bath, she asked to stay shrunk for a bit longer. Probably because being the youngest, the other girls saw her as a kid and paid little heed to her. Faith stroked her hair between her fingers and thought deeply on what the others said. "Civil war. Even though he didn't come out and say it, I'm sure he'll pick Aly anyway" she thought. Faith thought about what Ahmed had said earlier about one gifted enough to grow human size let alone use magic. 10% of the population but that still meant 2,500 people easily. And saying maybe half were loyal to the prince that left 1,250 possible mages to fight. More than enough to reduce the city to rubble. Faith glanced at Jamila who had dozed off and placed her on the sofa. With a snap of her fingers she grew back. "There might be a way..." she muttered standing up.


Faith opened a translocation portal and stepped Through. She emerged at the feet of the djinn that was Ahmed's grandfather. "Portaling as well? You are full of surprises" he said. "Is there nothing you can do to prevent what may come?" Faith asked. "You mean the looming conflict? If not now, then later. It has been coming for over a decade. No child. All my power is used to conserve this realm and maintain the balance of an evil wish made long ago" he replied looking down at her with glowing fiery eyes. "And if you could?" she asked. "I am older than recoded time. And in that time, I have learned that love is greater than any spell. It is the only repast for an immortal however fleeting it may be" he replied. "Then I ask you for one thing that may halt what is coming. I ask for a few drops of your blood" she said. "For spellwork? No spell in existence requires the blood of a djinn" he said. "This particular one will. It may be the only thing that prevents total destruction to this place" she said. "...very well. Everything gained and little lost" he said. Faith summoned an artifact she had been hiding for some time as the djinn scratched his ashen skin on his ankle. This blood reeked of elemental magics as she collected it. Once done, she returned to the harem room. 


Three hours later...


"You look very pretty" Faith said admiring Aly in her evening dress. "I only wear it during certain occasions" she said straightening the top. "A pity. You're so pretty you're making me wet" Faith chuckled. Aly playfully slapped her shoulder. "Usually I'm not asked to formal dinners so not to upset the elders. But as this is a dinner in your honor..." Aly said. Faith cocked an eyebrow as she knew it wasn't for her sake. After checking her sandals, Aly assumed the lead position as she was guard of the harem as well as a member of it. Her sabre hooked at the waist, she proceeded with the line of girls to the dining hall. Just to be one the safe side, Faith needed one last thing and she saw it as she passed the kitchen door. "Just be a minute. Keep going" Faith said. "But I can't just show up without...*sigh*...fine but do not keep them waiting" Aly said thinking she needed the toilet.


"Can I borrow this?" Faith asked a cook pointing to a cut open box. "If you want" she replied. Faith nodded and took it leaving her. "Westerners are strange" she muttered. Everyone had already entered the hall and very carefully, Faith placed the box down in a dark corner for it not to be disturbed. She opened the large wooden doors and a brilliant flash of light went off activating a particular complicated spell. "What was...never mind. Ahmed. This is your last chance to change your mind" the King said hastily. "My mind is set father" he said. "Husband. We have argued this for the last four hours. He has made his choice as did you those years ago" Fatima said. "Indeed" he said stepping from the throne to the long table where the girls and elders sat. Aly who had been waiting for her, pulled out her chair to be seated. Now everyone sitting down, the night began.


"Lovely ladies, grand viziers, I bid you good evening" the King said. "As we so you your majesty. Is this the wonderful woman we have heard about?" one of the men asked looking at Faith. "Good evening sir. My name is Faith McCormick. The newest Campioné of Italy and House Alighieri. Pleasure to meet you all" she said standing and bowing. Everyone clapped for her. Faith sat down as the food was brought out. Over the course of the dinner, they politely asked her questions and Faith politely responded. She faltered slightly for good reason as the evening went on however. "Honored viziers. Our guest hasn't fully recovered so shall we curtail some questions?" Ahmed asked. "Forgiveness my prince" one said. It was quiet as they entered dessert and once done, the prince stood up and talked his spoon on his crystal goblet. "I have an announcement to make. I have decided on whom I shall marry" he said. He walked over to the side of the table where the girls sat. Each girl held their breath as he approached, and disappointment followed as he passed. And then he had Aly stand. "By tradition, I chose you Aaliyah bin Amad as my wife" he said as he slipped an elegant ruby ring onto her finger. Aly nearly fainted on the spot. Ahmed held her. "Take a breath" he chuckled. The girls clapped but suddenly stopped as a vizier leaped out of his seat. 


"This is outrageous! She has no noble bloodline, no house, and is a Kurd! This goes against the agreement my King!" he yelled. "Our agreement was to have your daughters in line for choosing. However, nothing was said that one of them was guaranteed to be chosen. My son was left the right to choose himself" he said. "And yet she was made a harem girl without approval!" another yelled standing. "When Katya left for the outside, her father offered her place to Aly. This was well known" the King said. The men looked at one in particular. "I apologize for nothing" the one man said softly. All the men stood up. "We carefully warn you your highness. The people will not stand for a commoner with weak blood becoming our future queen" one said. "And we take it your voices will not abate their ire?" Ahmed asked. "We have a responsibility to preserve tradition and not let it be broken by...outside forces" one replied glancing at Faith. "You overstep your bounds!" Ahmed yelled with a glowing fist. "Enough of this prattle!" a vizier shouted throwing a dagger with expert precision. Everyone gasped as Ahmed had no time to react and then stood wide eyed as it harmlessly passed Through him to hit the wall behind him with an odd hollow thunk. "Guess I was right. Good thing I took precautions" Faith said. 


Faith calmly walked to the corner of the room where the box sat. She picked it up and carried it to Ahmed. "By Allah!" he yelled. The King and queen looked inside with shock. With a snap of her fingers, the viziers and harem disappeared from the table. "Where did they go?!" Sabah asked. "In the box. They were never at this table. When I walked in, I took note of everything in the room very quickly. Borrower photographic memory. Anyway, once I saw everything, I crafted an illusion spell and then shrunk and placed these men and the harem inside. They've been talking to our illusions in there while we've been talking to theirs here. "How much power do you have?!" Fatima asked. "...it wasn't easy keeping it going" Faith replied dodging the question. "More important. What do we do with them?" The King asked. Faith reached in and scooped out the terrified squeaking girls who were no bigger than a few millimeters tall. "If I may, the harem has done nothing to you. They're as much victims here as you are being put in such a position" Faith said. "I agree. They have done no harm" Ahmed said. "So be it" the King ordered. Faith restored their size. "I'm very sorry to have frightened you so" Faith said bowing. The girls got on their knees and bowed.


"But what of the viziers?" Fatima asked. "Do what you will! Our cause will go forward and all you will do is make martyrs of us!" The boldest one who Threw the dagger earlier yelled up. "He has a point my husband" Fatima said. "Only because he thinks they have an actual chance. Ahmed, catch" she said tossing him a necklace. "What is this?" he asked. "The locket of Capricorn. Consider it an early wedding day gift. Put it on" she said. Curious he did. "Now turn it slowly clockwise until it clicks" she said. Trusting her he did. An ethereal light traveled from his feet to the top of his head. "BY ALLAH! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Aly shouted as everyone gasped. Ahmed felt vastly different. He could feel magical power coursing Through his body like never before. He looked at his hands to find his skin ashen...like a djinn. "It's okay. The locket has the power to transform the user into a magical race as long as it has a sample of its blood. In this case your grandfather's Ahmed" Faith explained. Ahmed picked up a silver plate and stared at his reflection. Virtually nothing human looking remained. Not his eyes, hair, skin tone, not even his teeth. 


He looked solemnly at Aly. "Could you love this?" he asked. "Oh, stop that. It's not permanent. Just turn it opposite" Faith huffed. Ahmed did and returned to normal. "Is that to scare us?" one vizier laughed. "Ahmed. It wasn't just your looks that changed was it?" Faith asked. "No. I could feel raw ancient magics in me like a wellspring. Indescribable power!" he yelled with glowing eyes. "More than enough power to obliterate anyone in a fiery instant that would threaten the peace of this city assuming you don't shrink them to the size of bugs first. Your grandfather may be powerless to help but you're not. Still laughing old man...I thought not" Faith replied. 


The 12 viziers, like all the others, grew up seeing the giant that overlooked the land and heard the stories of how mighty his power was.  When they saw Ahmed transform, they halfheartedly thought it nothing but an illusion but being adept to arcanic magic like some lucky few, they could sense true magics and moments after transforming, it was like staring at the sun. Ahmed confirmed what they felt. This was no illusion and any mob gathered to overthrow the royal family could be shrunk and squashed on the street in seconds by Ahmed. A very clean and safe way to deal with them. No need to worry about collateral damage. Their coup had ended before it had begun. But now remained the question of what to do with them.


"It could still be trouble if we execute them" the King said quietly. "Father. I do have an idea concerning that. What if we made any offspring from the ladies of my harem legitimate heirs? Of course, Aly's would be first in line of course" Ahmed said. "That could be even worse down the line" his father said. "They have a similar system in Saudi Arabia do they not?" Ahmed asked. "This is different son. Saudi princes don't have arcanic talent" Fatima said. "Unless you decree if your first child dies by their hand, they all are executed" Faith said softly. They looked at her in shock. "Look. There's no absolute clean way to do this. Either that or shrink them and keep them that way all their lives. At least my way that have a chance at a normal life" she said. "What say you to all this?" Ahmed asked the girls. "Our lives are in your hands my prince. If we are allowed to raise them, they will never raise a hand against you" Aisha replied. "Aly?" Ahmed asked. "Faith said it herself. No clean way about this but it does beat the alternative of killing hundreds if not thousands of my people" she said. "My people? Spoken like a true queen already. And what say you old fools?" Ahmed asked the quivering shrunken men in their boxes. "Agreed! Agreed wholeheartedly!" one screamed.


"Then let it be done. And for now, girls, take your fathers between your fingers" the King ordered. One by one they plucked their shrunken fathers from the box. Such powerful strong men pinned between their fingers seemed bizarre to them to say the least. "Until my son's future wife becomes pregnant, you are to keep your fathers in your care. They will remain their size until then to protect Aly as it is against Allah to harm an expectant mother. Not even they are foolish enough to disobey that. You are dismissed.... except Aisha" he said. The girls left leaving the extremely nervous girl and even more nervous father in her hand. The King calmly walked up to her. He plucked the man from her hand. "Ibrahim...we've known each other since we were children. Is that not true?" he asked him. "...Yes sire! We were playmates! We swam, ate dinner with one another, you personally led my wedding ceremony!" he yelled shaking. "Then why did you try to kill my son with that dagger of yours? If anyone on the council of viziers would show loyalty, I swore it would've been you" the King said. "Abdullah please..." he whimpered. "Shhh...I did decree that none of you were to die did I not? Aisha, I want you to hold very still" he commanded.


The King got down on the floor as he held Ibrahim between his fingers. "Oh god..." he muttered as he saw where he was going. Carefully, the King pushed the half inch tall man between Aisha's toes. With it being warm even at night, (and the cold sweat of stark terror from earlier) her feet were already sweating. The man grimaced as his fine linens were being soaked with the foot sweat of his giantess daughter. Only the top of his head was exposed. "Aisha. He is to clean your feet every hour upon the hour. He will not be permitted the luxury of bedding. He shall sleep in your pussy or anus. His food will be scraps, his job as foot cleaner, his sleeping arrangements an orifice of your choosing. If he dies before his punishment is allotted, then that is the will of Allah" the King commanded. He gestured her to leave. "Abdullah please! FORGIVE ME! FORGIVE MEEEEEE!  he screeched as his daughter gingerly walked out of the hall. 


Shortly after, the King summoned the court officer to make arrangements to announce the engagement in time for nightly prayers. Faith stood on the balcony of her borrowed room looking at the celebratory fireworks exploding in the air. People danced in the street, but it was clear there could've been more. She had learned so much from being here but there was one thing that hadn't been answered but she suspected old grandfather djinn had the answer. Still in her nightgown, she translocated to him. "You're the reason so many can’t use arcane, aren't you?" she asked him. The djinn opened his fiery eyes and looked down at her. "Yes, I am" he replied. "Why?" she asked. "An interesting question seeing what your father does. Does he not police the world to suppress magic? To keep it out of unscrupulous hands?" he asked. "You know far more than you ever let on" she replied. The giant djinn laughed. "I am aware of all that happens in this realm. To the north is a young man reading the writings of Osama bin Laden and learning fire magics. Talented but cannot use size magic. To the east is a young girl finding out tonight she can shrink. She’s thinking of stealing a cookie with this new talent. "To the south is a young father that will tonight figure out how to grow to human size. He wants to leave the city with his family and see the real world."


"And to the west is a young woman who is quite skilled in wind magic but could never master size magics. It hardened her to the harshness of life on the outside but placed absolute trust in her prince" he said. "Aly" Faith muttered. "Those that are of good hearts I allow size magics. Those of capable blood I allow to a point other magics" he said. "But doesn't that make a lot of risk for some of them? The viziers weren't very nice guys" she asked. "And yet it kept balance. The state of good and evil inside a person is like the ocean tides. Ever changing. If you cut off their progress, you'll never know what good may come out of it. As you say it's a risk, but life is full of them. Just as it was risky to use your power to bewitch the harem into having sex" he said smiling. "Eep. You noticed" she said. The djinn laughed heartedly. "That I did but your gamble paid off. It opened their hearts to new ways of thinking. Of acceptance. Good job. Was there anything else?" he asked. "No. Goodnight old genie" she said smiling. "Goodnight borrower from another time" he replied cryptically.


Faith translocated onto the shore of the ocean to the far west. Using her magic, she grew to human size and sat down. Once she did, she was startled by a squeaking sound. In the moonlight, she could see a girl to her right. Her eyes focused. "Jamila?" Faith asked. Jamila politely bowed. "Didn't see you there. I came here to stretch my muscles magic wise. Why aren't you celebrating with all the others?" Faith asked as the warm waters flowed over her bare feet. "What if I don't want to be in his harem anymore?" she asked softly.  "You seemed open to it earlier" Faith said. "I want what Aly has. I want to be with someone I really love" she said to her. "Have you told anyone this?" Faith asked. "My parents just a short time ago. With my father shrunk, I thought he would be more open to my wants" she said. "He said no didn't he?" Faith asked. "Both did. If I do not stay in the harem I will be disowned" she said. "Jamila, I can't...what is this?" Faith said picking her up only to find two rocks tied to string tied around her waist. She didn't understand until she realized the purpose for them as she looked at the ocean. Faith angrily tore them off her. "THIS IS YOUR SOLUTION?! DROWNING YOURSELF?!" Faith yelled.


Jamila didn't know what to say as she saw far more pain in those giant eyes than anger. "All your power! You don't know what it's like to be denied giving yourself to the one you love!" Jamila yelled trapped in her first. "Yes, I do. The father of one of my children told me flat out he will only love me as a friend and nothing else...ever. He lives with me and every day I'm reminded of that. Magic is not a cure all. Never has been and never will be" Faith said to her. "But in the bath! Your magic! That light!" she yelled. Faith rubbed her eyes. "I tapped into the power of Ishtar to stimulate the feelings already inside you. Love, infatuation, curiosity, and compassion. I didn't make you love me or one another. I just nudged them is all. What I didn't know was how fucking horny you all were" Faith sighed. She opened her fist and let the girl sit in her hand. "As hard as it is at home, one day it won't be like this" Faith said petting her. Jamila gripped her finger. "You'll be gone by then!" she yelled. Faith looked at her confused. "You, I want to be with you" she muttered sniffling. "O... oh" Faith stammered.


"I'm flattered but I'm just a westerner that came Through. A simple crush" Faith said. The girl flung her tiny sandals at her and then the rest of her clothing leaving her naked in the ocean breeze. "Lick me. Suck on me. Eat my unworthy pussy. Eat me alive for all I care. Please...please don't leave me all alone!" she sobbed. Faith's breath was caught in her Throat. She could sense how hysterical she was and was terrified of what to say next. What's to say she wouldn't try to kill herself after she left? Faith licked her lips and brought the girl to her mouth. Jamila closed her eyes bracing herself for...something she didn't know. Two giant lips pressed on her face and then moved away. A gentle kiss and when Jamila opened her eyes, she found the giantess crying softly.


"It's, it's rare for anyone to love me that much. Jamila, know this when I say I am sorely tempted to take you up on your offer. But if I did, I'd be wrong for it. You're just now thinking about what you want. Not the prince, not your father, not your mother. You. To snatch you away as you find yourself would be really bad" she said. "I know what I want! You!" Jamila yelled. "And if I told you I killed millions of people once? Devoured and raped people to death because it was fun?" Faith asked. "You'd...you'd never..."


"YOU DON'T KNOW ME! Jesus Christ I barely know myself" Faith said with a shaking hand. "When I woke up here my first thought was god screwed up. That I should be burning in hell. I'm 13 months old Jamila. You heard right. 13 fucking months old. You do not know me" Faith hissed. Jamila leaped off her hand. Faith scrambled and caught her before she could hit the ground. "Knew enough you'd do that" she said. They say in silence for over an hour listening to the waves and off and on pops of fireworks. "Will you let me learn about you?" Jamila asked. "Will you promise not to kill yourself when I leave?" Faith replied. She nodded. "I'll be back to visit from time to time...or you could visit me. See the city I run" she said. "You have your own city?!" Jamila asked. "Not as regal or historic as yours but yeah" Faith shrugged. "Then it's a promise" Jamila said clapping. Faith weakly smiled. Exhausted, she bid the girl goodnight and returned to her room.


Faith flopped on her bed and sighed. "Long day huh?" Aly said entering the room. "Thought you'd still be partying" Faith said. "I'm emotionally exhausted. You knew he was going to do this didn't you?" she asked. "Sneaking suspicion but it was necessary to keep it quiet until the last moment" Faith said. Aly nodded and took off her nightgown. Faith was startled as she pulled on hers, but Aly hushed her. Aly climbed onto the bed and gently sat on her. "By Allah, your muscles are tight" she said rubbing her shoulders. "Borrowers have dense muscles but I am... tense" Faith said. "It seemed to work out" Aly said rubbing her upper back. "For now. I know full well it isn't easy changing a society's way of thinking. Damn sure not in one day. Not to mention Jamila has a dangerous crush on me" Faith said. "Dangerous how?" Aly asked. "I rather not dwell on it" Faith muttered. Aly pushed her hands hard cracking the borrowers back. "Ahh...Christ" Faith said. Aly turned around to get to her lower back. Faith let out a breath of air as she felt the girl squeezing her ass.


"It took you just two days. What does that say about me?" Aly asked. "Not a damn thing. Ahmed made it clear this was long in the making. I just happened to be around is all" she said. "It is far more than that. I'm well aware that Ishtar had dominion over love and lust and that her power rests in you now" Aly said now rubbing her feet. "What are you saying?" Faith asked wary. "Did you influence his decision?" she whispered. "Not in the way you're thinking. He asked me if I loved someone very deeply and society wouldn't allow us to be together, what would I do" Faith said slipping from underneath her. "I told him if that was true, I'd burn that society to the fucking ground" Faith said sternly. Aly broke into sobs. "It doesn't seem real. It all feels like a dream and I'm so scared I'll wake up and none of this will have happened!" she cried. Faith held her from behind. "It's not a dream" Faith said.


Faith turned her head and kissed her. "You will make a fine queen Aly. I gave Ahmed a gift. Now it is your turn" she said to her. Faith opened a portal and took Aly with her. "The eastern plains?" Aly asked. "We needed some space. Now hold still" Faith said. She looked towards the djinn and sensing her intentions even that far away, nodded his approval. Faith used her magic to peer into Aly's soul. She placed her palm between Aly's bare breasts and with a pulse of goddess like magic, unlocked Aly's hidden talents. Her heart racing, Aly fell to her knees. "What did you..."


"Draw a growth arcane" Faith said. "But I can't. I'm not strong enough to" she said. "Yes...you are" Faith told her. Nervous, Aly did and the magic array pulsed to life. Aly moaned as the power grew her to human size. "How?" Aly said looking at the smaller looking city in the distance. "I unlocked the power within you. Deep down you always could do this. It's just your desire to stay and serve Ahmed kept it from blossoming. Now you can protect the city as husband and wife" Faith said smiling. Aly grabbed her and roughly kissed her face. "You still say this is no dream?" she asked. Faith chuckled at her. Aly looked around. Her face blushed as she looked at the young woman in her hand. "...just be gentle" Faith said grinning. Aly jammed her little breasts into her mouth and sucked. "Gentle I said!" Faith said squirming as Aly milked her. Aly pulled her back licking her lips. "So sweet" Aly mumbled as she lowered her to her cunt. "Gentle remember!" Faith yelled up as Aly pushed her in. She was more in control of herself as she pushed and pulled the girl in and out of her.


Her juices soaked the ground so much they ran into the nearby field. Faith found it odd that a human girl could get that wet. Aly laid back on the ground staring at the stars as she used Faith as a sex toy. Her bare feet sinking into the soft soil. Her moans stifled by her own hand. Her salty tears soaking the dirt near her head. And with a whimper she came. Worried, Faith ran to her head checking on her. "It's not a dream is it?" Aly asked. With a simple wind spell, Faith erased her arcane. She took her hand after shrinking back down and helped her to her feet. "What does your soul say?" Faith asked. "...it's real. It's real. IT'S REAL!" Aly squealed hugging her. "Oh...oh my" Aly said feeling her sticky pussy juice on her. "It was just I was so happy and..."


"Shhh. It was wonderful. If I had any real stamina left, I'd be my turn" Faith winked whispering in her ear. Faith returned them to their room. Very exhausted now, Aly bathed Faith herself as she cleaned herself up. Faith was nodding off as she was dried and was carried to bed. Aly got into bed beside her and stroked her hair. Aly fell asleep moments later.


The next morning, Faith made it clear it was time to go home. Ahmed Threw a large breakfast in her honor and the entire harem attended. Even the shrunken viziers attended. However, Aisha's father was not allowed to dine on the table. To continue his punishment, his giantess daughter had him still trapped between her toes and bent her hand down now and then to feed him scraps of honey bread and juice from her fingers. Not a cross word was spoken among them. 




Morrigan sat down at the outdoor cafe table alongside the goddess who called herself Penny. The goddess who called New York City home was visibly distressed shaking her sandaled foot rapidly. She jumped as Morrigan sat down. "You sounded urgent. If this is about Ishtar I already know. It's best to call this off as you said before" Morrigan said. "You'll do no such thing" a female voice said behind her. Morrigan's blood ran cold seeing the young woman sit down at the table. "You...I didn't know you knew about this" Morrigan stammered. "Of course, I knew. Your overzealous attitude has put us all in a precarious position. An elder goddess fails to the hand of a Campioné? Such a thing has not happened in a 1000 years. Not to mention her power rests in her slayer" the woman said coldly. "Which is why I decided it was best to leave her alone. If we acknowledge her power..."


The strange woman's eyes went pitch black. "Silence you Celtic fool. I will now decide on how to deal with her" she said. "H... how?" Penny squeaked. "Instead of fighting her head on, we use tactics. Cut her off from any real support and at the same time attack her from within. I have someone who can do the latter, as for the former I need you to summon a particular shade Penny" the woman said scribbling down a name. "HIM?! He's a monster! He's locked away in the deepest part of my underworld for good reason! Unleashing him on Earth is reckless at best" Penny said. "I'm well aware of what kind of creature he is but he has certain talents that can be used" she said. A young waiter around 18 years old came by to their table. "Your order miss?" he asked her. "Espresso. Two shots please Ryan" she replied. "Okay...how do you know my name?" he asked curious. Her eyes flowed with black flame. "I know your name the same way I know the names of all young men" she said oddly waving her hand slightly. The teenager grew an erection and astonishingly came in his pants with a span of 10 seconds. "Get me my drink boy" she said to him. The young man nearly ran back into the cafe. "You still here?" she asked Penny. Penny jumped up and shimmered away. "What about me?" Morrigan asked. "Kill an Irishman or something. Just don't get in my way" the woman growled waving her off. Morrigan shimmered away moments later.


"Don't be a stranger" Aly said hugging her tightly. "I'll try not to be. After all I have to come back for the wedding" Faith smiled. "That you do" Ahmed said as he opened a portal to Italy. "I can't get closer" he muttered. "A barrier protects the house. Just pop me onto the road" she said. Ahmed nodded and adjusted the portal. Faith looked back at everyone and waved before entering.


She appeared in the road in front of the house and grew to human size after using her go work to restore her borrowed image. "Home sweet...home?" she asked feeling something slightly off about herself. She shook her thinking it was just her emotions and walked to the front door. She knocked and Alicia damn near tore the door of the hinges. "I'm...whoa!" Faith said as she was tackled by her. Marco and Cordelia ran to the door. "By the saints" he said crossing himself. "Guess you guys missed me" Faith said standing up. "Welcome home mistress" Cordelia said bowing. Faith touched her shoulder. Cordelia whimpered hugging her torso. They led her into the home where she was tackled for the third and fourth time by Lucy and Theo.


Faith recounted her experiences over the last two days. Meeting Ahmed, slaying Ishtar, staying in the lost city of Iram, and much more. The part where she killed an elder goddess definitely raised eyebrows. And when she told them she absorbed her power similar to how she absorbed Cordelia's, it left the room quiet. Nonetheless, they were overjoyed to have her home and cooked a lavish dinner in her honor. By the evening, Faith was totally exhausted from rounds of sex with Lucy and Alicia and fell asleep.


The next morning...


"Is anyone else concerned about her having that level of power?" Theo asked them. "She handled Cordelia's power pretty well" Lucy sighed as she had her feet rubbed by her husband. "That isn't the same. No offense to Cordelia but we're not talking about making roses bloom here. She lit up like a Roman candle when you were spelunking in her pussy last night. Fucking Stevie Wonder could’ve seen it" he said. "And what of it?" Alicia asked looming over them. "Easy Alicia. Theo's worries are valid. She could hurt us by accident" Cordelia said. "So what lock her up?" Alicia growled. "No. She has done us no harm since her return. Her biggest crime is hugging us too much. We start suspecting everyone with a high degree of power then we are no better than mob. Theo and Alicia made their points. Until something happens, we keep going on as usual" Marco said. They silently nodded in agreement. "Speaking of Faith, she isn't up yet?" Lucy asked seeing the time was close to noon. "We did kinda Rock the Casbah" Alicia grinned. "No kidding. You two sounded like angry ferrets" Dru said sitting on the coffee table watching tv.  "Can I get you anything mom?" Marco asked walking over and petting her little head. "...no. I'm not hungry. Never am" she replied softly. Marco forgot she was but a shade, a soul and had no true needs of food, water, or sleep. "But Faith might. Why don't you wake her up just to see if she wants something to eat" she said. "I'll get her" Alicia said leaving the room.


A few minutes passed and everyone could hear Alicia screaming Faith's name. Marco and Cordelia stood up as Alicia ran back into the living room. "She...SHE WON'T WAKE UP!" she yelled. They all rushed to her bedroom. Alicia shook her violently, pinched her cheek, even held her nose until Faith went pale. "YOU SEE?!" Alicia screamed. "Her eyes. Is she...dreaming?" Marco asked looking closely... 


At that moment....


"Faith! We're going to be late for the party if we don't leave now!" Alicia yelled. "Give me a minute!" Faith yelled down. Moments later she came walking down the stairs behind her two teenage children Matthew and Grace. "There's the birthday twins. Now remember to watch were you step when we get to grandpa's until we can shrink you" Faith said. "Yes mom" they said together. "If you need anything, please call Juli" Alicia said to the maid standing in the living room. "Don't worry miss. I'm sure everything will be...perfect" she said smiling with ominous glowing eyes.



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