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Author's Chapter Notes:

A shorter chapter (I think) with just plot. No action... I'm sorry. 🥺

I cried that night on my bed, the hurricane still howling in my window. 




I literally swore to Brent what I would never let something like that ever happen again. And I let him down again. Looks like I can’t even trust my closest friends with him.




No, no Haley it was not your fault. You cracked under pressure, that’s all.




The first time it was. I voluntarily rented him out to Julia because I felt bad for her. I learned my lesson then. This time, I thought that having Brent massage one of my closest friend with the supervision of another would act out alright. Nobody in the friend group would guess that Daniella and Jessica were fucking lesbians.




My heart was broken, and its not related to Brent. I had a strong relationship with Daniella and Jessica, and they used it to hit me in a very sensitive spot. And now that sensitive spot is lying in the little nurses office next to the lab, on a gigantic bed, with a broken arm.




It’s funny how usually you only remember what you see and hear. But no, I remember everything, even things I usually would let care about.








Outside, it began to darken as the sun set behind the quickly migrating clouds of Hurricane Quincy. I had been sitting until the hotel lobby for a while. Veronica, Brady, Julia and I were just sitting around. We were talking about our sports, volleyball and gymnastics. We argued which sport was harder.




“Volleyball’s fucking tough” Veronica said. “You have to dive for all those spikes. You can say that floor and I have a good relationship going”




“Not if you’re in the front row” Haley said. “You just stand there and spike. In gymnastics we have to perfect our routines”




“And In volleyball we have to perfect our skills” said Veronica.




I started to say something, but then I saw Jose and Liz walk downstairs. I still struggle to believe that Liz is Brent’s sister. I felt like the island lacked siblings.




“Hey cuties” said Julia. “How was it?”




“How was what?” Asked Jose.




“Nothing” Julia responded.




Liz looked at me “Hey where’s Brent?” She said.




“Oh, he’s actually massaging Daniella” I responded.




“Where?” Liz asked.




“Her room” I answered.




“With nobody else?”




“With Jessica”




“Oh ok” Liz said.




Then Veronica piped in “Well didn’t Daniella and Jessica get accused for molesting that other staff member today?”




“Yeah, but...” I started to say.




There’s no way they were molesting my little Brent. They’re my friends.




“What are you saying?” I asked.




“I’m saying just be careful” Veronica said. “I don’t think they would hurt Brent. He’s part of the friend group, and they seem to like him”




“I don’t know” I said. Last time I let Brent go I regretted it, but nothing out of what was expected happened.




But Brent was just giving Daniella a massage though, right? And maybe a pedicure too? I knew I was more scared than I should be. But I shouldn’t be. What are the odds, you know?




“I’m gonna check on them” I said, getting up. I hastily walked up the stairs, to Daniella’s room on the second floor. Instead of knocking on the door, I heard something, like a loud foot stomp, and then I heard screaming. It was a male scream. Brent should be the only male in that room.




I could hear everything from outside. I listened to the voices I heard from inside, confirming fears worse that I imagined it to be.




“You forgot that we’re like, three times the size of your four-foot ass”




“Jess, pick her up”




More movement sounds, and panicked screams from Brent. I looked at the door with my hand over my mouth. I wasn’t in shock.




“Nah-uh” another stomp and scream. More footsteps




“I think I know what you want” said a seductive female voice. Was Daniella and Jessica raping her?




“I want Haley!” Screamed Brent.




I gasped. Tears started running down my face. I couldn’t believe it. Through all of the molestation Brent was trying to stay loyal to me. He was fighting back and he was taking the punishment anyways.




Not knowing what better to do, I ran back downstairs. In tears. 




When the group saw me, they came running. “Oh my god Haley what happened!?”




“Daniella and Jessica” I tried to talk through my tears, they’re...”




“No...no...no” Veronica said. Suddenly she took off and started sprinting towards the stairs. We immediately followed.




Is it just me or did the hormone improve our stamina? Doesn’t matter. But I remember none is us weren’t even breathing heavy when we got there.




They all listened to the moaning and the voices inside. I was about to cry again. How could they do that?




“Put your face on it” I heard.




Jose turned to me “that didn’t mean...”




I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. Not when I was busy trying to swallow the reality.




A moment later, I heard Brent fighting back. “Fuck you and fuck you too Jessica” he said over the moaning, 




then I heard a bone snap. Followed by a grunt by Brent, so loud the door did very little to muffle it.




I gasped. That was it. I hated thinking I would ever be ok with Brent being so small, to a point where he couldn’t stand a chance against a girl, who was simply abusing him to get her off. I started crying again. Everyone else seemed to be shocked too, but I was busy crying.




“Holy shit” said Jose.




“How could be?” Said Liz. “That’s far beyond anything I would do” 




“Jessica I’m about to cum” screamed Daniella form the inside. Everyone outside the hallway was silent. 




Then, I saw Julia walked up to me in tears and hugged me tight. It was the first time someone large gave me such a passionate hug. I felt her tears soak into my shirt.




I used to be a little annoyed at Julia because Brent cheated on me with her, but after watching what Daniella did after trusting Brent to MASSAGE her without my supervision, I could never be mad at the way Julia treated Brent. And Brent ditched her in the middle of the night too, wanting to stay loyal to me.




We started to watch the moans slowly die down to a whimper again. 




“Fuck this shit” said Jose. He took a deep breath and then walked up to the door. 




“HEY! DANIELLA! JESSICA! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!” He yelled, pounding on the door aggressively.




He was piled away by Liz. “Jose let me handle this. He’s my brother and also those two bitches would kick your ass” she said.




“K” Jose said in disappointment. He walked out as Liz wound up and started beating on the door with her hands.




“OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!” She screamed. One of her punches caused a dent in the door. She backed up, amazed at her own strength.




“Shit! I dented the door” she said to us.




“Don’t be worried this door’s coming go off the ducking hinges” Veronica said, declaring it was her turn to come after the door.




We all backed up, like little kids about to watch the birthday boy’s older brother swing at a piñata.




“DANIELLA!!! JESSICA!!! THE DOOR COMES DOEN IN FIVE SECONDS!!!” Veronica screamed. The tight corridor of the hallway caused poor Jose and Brady and even Liz to cover their ears.




“THREE” Veronica said. I was standing next to the door, at an angle where I could see the fire I’m her eyes. The rage already exploding inside her like it did in the Death Star in Star Wars. It was slowly making its way to the outside.




“TWO”. I looked at Julia, who still had an arm around me. We were both in tears at what our little man has become for these two terrorists. She gave me that look in her eyes back. She seemed to have the sand love for him that I have, but that can’t be true. Brent and I have already gone through so much.








Veronica took a power step forward, stick her leg up, and kicked the door right beneath the knob. The door stayed on it’s hinges, but it flung open, where it hit the wall with a bang. it didn’t bounce off the wall. It remained wide open The knob must be buried in the wall now.




We all gathered behind the eighteen footer, looking around her like a bunch of curious kids. 




I was still in tears, but this just made matters ten times worse. It wasn’t anything I didn’t expect though.




First thing I saw was Jessica, with only her panties on. She was giving Veronica a blank look. She didn’t know how to react in a way that would save her. Her brown nipples were out in the open for everyone to see.




Then we saw Daniella, also only with her panties on. Her face was red too.




Then I saw my baby. “BRENT!” I ran past Veronica and kneeled at my devastated little doll on the ground. 




He was grabbing his arm, which was clearly swollen in red black and blue. “He needs to go to the hospital!” I screamed.




“Go Haley” said Veronica. “I’ll deal with these assholes”




“I slowly picked up my little baby and cradled him”




He kept screaming. “Shhh” I tried to soothe him and gently rub his swollen arm. “It’s me, Haley” I said.




He looked up to me. His eyes showed me how defeated his mind was. Daniella must have tormented the shit out of him.








I woke up the next morning alone in my bed. Alone. I hated it. I felt like half of me was missing.




I sluggishly put on my clothes for today. Today was a XL t-shirt that just read “omega island” on it, with athletic shorts. I usually planned my outfits the night before, before Brent and I get into some action, but instead I just didn’t care last night. I didn’t have to show off for anyone.




I grabbed my phone and treaded over to the Clinic. The nurse immediately recognized me.




“Hey Haley” said the nurse. “Let me see if Brent is awake for visitors” she said.




A couple minutes passed by while I sat down on the bench. 




And then, with nothing else to divert my attention away, I was finally forced to look straight into my biggest demons, only an hour after I woke up.




Was it my fault that I trusted Daniella and Jessica? Maybe I should have gone up with them. 




Fuck, it was my fault. 




The wave of guilt started to crash over me, nearly wiping me out mentally. I held back the urge to cry. 




We’re all still human, despite taking a pill that makes us gigantic, right? We still make mistakes.




Plus, I saved his life by rushing him to the hospital. Didn’t that count for something? Maybe not when I was the one who caused the issue in the first place.












I rushed into the nurse’s building, an office only a little ways down from the lab, connecting to it’s side. 




I opened the door. There was a woman there, who looked up at me form her tiny desk.




“Hello, can I help you?” She said.




“This man broke his arm ma’am” I said. “He needs treatment ASAP”




She looked at Brent, who silently sat there, probably still in agony. She jumped at the sight of his arm.




“Oh my! Your arm is huge! Here, lay him down on this bed here” said the nurse. 




She walked over to a tiny bed. It must have been from when the island was normal-sized. I very gently got down onto my knees and placed Brent onto the bed. He looked at me with his eyes the whole time. He seemed silent and worried, like a pet watching his owner leave for a long time.




But Brent wasn’t my pet, he was my boyfriend. So I leaned over him.




“Brent, are you ok?” I said softly.




“Yeah” he muttered.




“Ok. I’ll check on you tomorrow morning”  I said. “Stay strong Brent. I’ll be by your side for the whole recovery”




“Thanks babe” he said. Then he yawned. “I think I need sleep” 




Yeah he did. He must have been exhausted.




“Ok. Good night my little warrior.” I said. Then I kissed him on the lips.




“I’ll be here for you tomorrow”








A text rang through my phone. It was Liz.




L: I still have the captain schedule notifications for anyone who doesn’t have them. We play our semifinal game vs. White at 3 this afternoon.




I looked at the phone. I forgot we still had a basketball game to play. Jeez... with the mental state we’re all in, how are we going to win?




V: With Daniella out, we need someone to step up today. She was our best player.




I couldn’t focus on the game, despite that being the one thing I needed to focus on today. 




Then the nurse walkied in. “He’s still asleep Haley.


I don’t know if I’d walk in right now.” She said.




“It’s ok. I will wait for him to wake up” I replied. 




“Ok, come on in” The nurse said. “Just be wary of your footsteps. I can speak from experience that he can probably feel every impact of your foot against the ground”




I giggled quietly. “Don’t worry nurse I’ll tiptoe in” I replied.




I walked to Brent’s room. Where his arm seemed untouched. The arm was only a little bruised last tome I saw it, now, his forearm is a swollen mesh of livid purple and blue. 




I sat down next to the bed quietly. My butt hit the floor a little hard, scaring me that I may have woke him up, but I didn’t.




The nurse walked over to me and quietly told me what she did last night.




“All I did was take x-rays last night. It’s dangerous to try and perform surgery on him when he’s already asleep” she said.




“How bad is it?” I replied.




“His ulna, which is this bone here,” she pointed to the outside of her forearm.




“Yeah?” I replied.




“Clean snap”




I covered my mouth with my hand, silently expressing my surprise. “Oh my” I said quietly.




“Yeah, and his radius is fractured” she said. “That’s almost broken too”




“Thats horrible” I whispered.




“Yeah” she replied.




“How long has he been out for” I asked her.




“He’s been out for let’s see... 10 hours”




“Can I wake him up?”




“Why would you do that?”




“I don’t know, just because”




“I would advise not to do it” said the nurse.


“But if you really want to, I guess I can’t stop you”




“Ok fine I’ll wait” I whispered in annoyance. I looked at Brent, peacefully sleeping in a bed that I could probably barely support the weight of me sitting down. 




“I’ll leave you two alone” said the nurse. “I’ll check back in a hour to see is he is awake”




I waved at her as she walked out the door.




I looked back at Brent. He was so cute like this, and part of me had always wanted him to stay like this. At this size he could never hurt me. 




But then again, I see the consequences of having that be true. I would never object to something that would make his life better. His happiness is more important to me than anything. If he’s happy, then I’m happy.




I stroked the little guys hair. It was so adorable to watch him sleep. And I just couldn’t resist.




Soon, I felt a soft groan make its way out of Brent’s mouth. Then he started to roll toward his right arm and immediately regretted it. His breathing intensified.




“Nonono Brent let’s not do that” I giggled as I cupped my fingers underneath his chest, preventing him from moving anywhere.




Then he looked at the giant hands surrounding him, and followed them up to my shoulders, where my smiling head was in between.




“Hey Brent” I said as he looked at me.




It took a couple seconds for Brent to say “Am I in heaven?”




I smiled. Even when Brent’s arm is broken he still finds it a task to keep me happy. He was clearly acting, I knew he was never asleep.




“No, you’re just looking at an angel on earth” I responded.




“Ok that clears up a lot” he said. 




I smiled, and he smiled back. Our synergy could never be snapped.








“Hey Megan, let’s walk down to the beach” said Hannah to her the next morning.




“Sure” she said. She seemed a little disappointed, her face told the story that Eric has not been around recently.




“What’s the matter?” Hannah asked, taking a rather direct approach to keeping her mind off of Eric.




“You know, it’s just that I haven’t seen Eric around recently” she said. “I’m just a little sad that he’s not coming back”




“Did you do something? Maybe he’s not buying your promise to fuck him?” Hannah said.




“No, that can’t be it” Megan said. But then she remembered her other promise of Eric. She would beat him to the ground if he continued this negligence.




“Whatever” she said, “I guess I’ll punish him later” she said, staying honest with her friends.




“Ok, so let’s get Gill and Lindsay” said Hannah. “Come on”




Megan still was thinking too hard about Eric. She was slow to respond to Hannah, and her eyes were looking at nothing in particular.




“Megan are you ok?” She said.




“Yeah... I’m fine” she said. “Come on, I thought we were going to the beach”








The nurse walked in half an hour later hearing chatter between me and Brent. “Hey Brent, I have bad news and good news” she said.




“Tell me the bad news first” he said, “what did I break?”




“You broke your ulna and fractured your radius” she said, “so you basically broke three-quarters of your forearm”.




“Shit” he said.




“Good news is I can do the surgery now that you’re awake, and then I was told this morning that your omega hormone pill is ready, so you should be able to heal quickly”




“The omega hormone let’s you heal faster?” Asked Haley.




“Yes” said the nurse. “It does. It was a side effect that was unexpected” 




“Oh damn” said Brent.




“Wow, that was just completely unexpected?” I asked.




“You want to know what else was unexpected,” the doctor said. “The omega hormone was not predicted to cause so much growth”




I almost stood up. “No way!” I said.




“I don’t believe that” Brent said.




“It’s true, the omega hormone was not supposed to make you guys grow to these incredible heights, but it seems there’s no downside, so we decided to go on with it” she said.




“That’s crazy”‘I said. “No side effects”




“Wow” said Brent. “So can I ask: what DID you guys intend to get out of this?”




“Good question” said the nurse. “I remember they said that they wanted to improve metabolism, increase muscular tone and efficiency, and also increase IQ, if you know what those all mean”




“I fell like there’s more than that” I said. “I saw someone kick down a tree as wide as I am”




“Really? When?” Said the nurse.




“Couple weeks back at this point” I started. “It was Julia, you know the girl who was one of the first to take the hormone”




“Yeah I remember her” said the nurse. “Go on”




“She was um.... I think she was just showing off her newfound strength” I lied. No need to turn this convo into a deep talk about how how she really felt.




“Well I’m sure there other stuff I can’t remember. I think it was meant to improve your muscle efficiency, meaning you can do more with the same muscle mass” she said.




“What do you mean?” I asked.




“The muscle fibers in your body are now stronger, so you can lift heavier things” she said. “And I think you can run faster too”




“I don’t know about faster” I said. “But then again I haven’t been really trying to sprint recently. But I will say, there are points where I’ve ran for really long times and I didn’t even have to breathe heavy”




“Yeah, said the nurse “it’s something more along those lines”




“Yeah...” Brent said, and the room went awkwardly silent for a bit. But Brent was quick to break it.




“So I guess it’s time for me to undergo my surgery?” Brent said.




“Yeah” said the nurse. “Let me set everything up”, and left the room, leaving me alone with Brent.




“So... is this the last time I’m going to see you like this?” I asked him.




“With an arm as big as my leg?” He joked.




I started laughing “no silly, the last time I’ll ever get to see you this small”




“Oh yeah... it might be. Or maybe I’ll wake up before she gives me it. It’s an oral drug, right?”




“Yeah, but I don’t know if I’ll be around” I said. “I have a game at 3 today”




“Aww I’m gonna miss one of your games?” He said. 




“Yeah you are. But it’s ok, I’ll visit you once I’m clean”




“Yeah...” he said. 




“I guess this is really gonna be the last time I’ll be this small then” he said, “but I’ll only be slightly taller when I walk out I presume”




“It doesn’t matter Brent.” I said. “This is going to be the end of an era for us”




And then I started crying. My giant tears probably hit his face or something because I was leaving over him.




“As baby don’t cry”




“I wish I could hug you right now” I whined through my tears. “But I don’t want to hurt you arm”




“Go ahead Haley” he said. “You deserve it”




I listened and I carefully wrapped my arm around his fragile body. He would never feel so cute within my grasp ever again.




“Brent I just want to say I’ve never met someone as sweet as you are” I said to him, my sons getting louder and louder. “And the things we did while you were s-sm-small... it’s stuff that nobody else in this world will....wil ever ex-experience” I said. “....And it’s just I loved how cute and adorable you were...”




“Haley don’t cry, I’m still with you it’s ok” he shouted over my tears. 




“I know... b-but now it’s gonna be all over” I said.




Then, Brent put his healthy tiny arm on my shoulder. I sat there next to his bed, suddenly silent. I guess Brent was one of those people with that kind of touch. I looked at him. Tears ran down my cheeks, my chin dropping them onto his chest.




“Haley, shhhhh” he said. “It’s ok. In history, eras come to an end for the next one to begin”




“What does that mean?” I asked.




“Haley, I know I’m not going to be this small anymore, but think of how much better things will be when I become big again. I’ll be able to defend myself from people who try to hurt me, you won’t have to look out for me anymore. And I’ll be able to walk next to you without you having to carry me”




“Yeah that’s true” I said. Despite all the fun I had with him, I’m still wounded from what Daniella and Jessica did to my defenseless baby.




As with Julia, I forgave myself. She was a really nice person, and it was clear that Brent and I, and maybe even Julia regretted doing that. But that’s not important right now.




I remember when I didn’t like Brent being small. It was tough to adjust and I remember how insecure I was about getting judged by other people.




I also thought of Liz. She seemed a little devilish knowing she was three times the size of his older brother.




“And Haley” Brent pulled me back down to earth. “The drug grows girls larger than it does to guys. Odds are you’ll still be bigger than me. I can still be your little plaything when you want me to.”




I smiled through my tears. “Only if you want to” I replied.




“Only if I want to huh? Sounds pretty good to me” he said. I cried more.




“I can’t believe that-that after a-all you’ve b-been through you’re sw-sw-sweet enough to s-say stuff like this to m-me” I said.




“Well you’re the reason I was able to get though this. I would never make it if I was alone” he said.




I was crying my eyes out, but I could see I’m making Brent cry.




“No Brent! Don’t cry I’m so sorry!” I said.




“No Haley it’s not your fault. I chose to cry” he said. How nice of him it was to disguise my guilt like that to me, because it was obviously me who made him cry.




“B-b-baby....you’ve been s-so sweet and I d-don’t e-e-even know if I de-serve you anymore” I said.




“Don’t day that baby, you’ve been my babysitter, my taxi cab, my social network, my ladder to high places, and basically everything I can’t do right now” he said, still crying a bit, I think. I was covering my eyes.




He continued “if anything, it’s you who’s out of my league. I’m so happy you’ve loved me despite me being so small” he said. “Thank you babe for everything and I can’t wait to grow so we can continue life a little bit more normally.”




The nurse walked in with a huge cart, for her standards. I couldn’t see her but I heard the cart wheels against the floor.




“Haley it’s time to go” Brent said. He put his arm on my shoulder once more. “The nurse has my phone. I’ll let you know the second I wake up” 




I removed my hands. “I love you babe” I mustered out to him in clear coherent words.




“I love you too” he said. 




I got up and made my way to the door. I don’t know why I was so emotional. Brent would be by my side at the rest of the day, probably as tall as he was going in. But I feel like something died this morning. That something, whatever it was, was dead, never to be seen again. Brent would be a different person. 




Or maybe he would be the same person, just bigger.




I didn’t know. But I had to keep moving forward. Only because I didn’t want other people to see me. I wanted to lay on my bed all day.








It was lunchtime, and everyone gathered around the spaceship-like building. It was massive. At least forty people were crowding the main entrance. But nobody was being let in. 




Hannah was in the middle of the crown with her groupie. Soon they saw the tiny doctor Arthur Wilson step up onto his pedestal with a microphone.




“Hush everybody” he said. The four had stopped but there was still some continued chatter. 




Wilson whispered into the mic, which produced a high-pitched sound wave that shut up everyone.




“I would like to make a couple announcements before we open the arcade” he said.




“For starters, I would like to thank all of the guys involved with this project. This park scaled to twice the size of a normal one is a landmark with immensity beyond anything I’ve ever seen”




Applause and cheers.




“And I want to thank you guys for waiting so long. Even the beach here can get boring when it’s the only thing to do. So without further ado...” he said. Wilson started walking down the 15-foot pedestal, “and also please enter in an orderly fashion, because there’s enough for everyone, I present the next era of indoor entertainment: the Wilson Center!!”




He cut the rope, and then hurried out the way to avoid getting trampled by the giants. It was chaotic. Hannah kept being pushed and shoved by so many people who were hyped up by the way the center looked on the outside.




When they got inside, they found each other in what was a dark and cosmic room, larger than any other room they’ve ever seen. Hannah didn’t just feel normal sized in here, she felt small.




Her eyes were adjusting to the rather dim lightning. The only sources of light in the building were the various spotlights, disco balls, and laser lights dancing around the center, which consisted of one enormous room.




She looked around and noticed multiple things that are different than the arcade. 




The games were different, for one. Half of the games weren’t even ones where you stood in front of a screen and tried to get a high score. A bunch of games were on tables, with a screen covering the entire top surface of each table. There were pinball games, multiplayer games, and even card games set up like this.




“Holy shit Hannah!” Said Megan. “This place is insane”.




“This must have cost them billions” said Lindsay.




“We gotta try something out before it gets taken” said Gill, trying to see what hasn’t been taken yet.




While most of the crowd seemed to occupy all the games, the four girls walked to the back of the center to see what else there was. Hannah was y’all enough to look over at least all the boys in front of her. The back HALF of the Wilson Center was literally an go-cart track, sufficiently lit by lights dangling above the track seemingly every couple of yards.




“What the fuck we got going on back here?” Asked Gillian.




Hannah turned around “it’s a go-cart track!” She said.




“Ooh I love racing” said Megan. “Let’s go!!”




Because all the other games were occupied, the line was short and all four girls were able to get into a car.




The cars were all the same size, but there were larger cockpits for the girls to fit in, and smaller cockpits for the boys to fit more securely in.




“You know” said Lindsay. “This is the first time I’ve driven since I left for this place”




“I think everyone else here is the same” Hannah said.




“I know but just saying” she said.




It only took a matter of five minutes before the go-cart operator started the countdown




And they were off.








Eric knew the center was opening, he had gotten the text. But the plan was to stay away from Megan. The good part was that he could go get food with zero risk, so he was eating a whole pizza at the completely deserted food court right now.




He was alone. He wasted the time he could have spent making friends by simping for four girls. It was yet another lesson he has learned from all of this.




But it was fine, things could be worse, he could still be normal, looking at other girls on the island and wishing he were them.




He continued away at the pizza, ripping another tiny slice off of it. For now, he would be on the run. Maybe one day he would get caught, if nobody leaves the island he was doomed to get caught. But at this point, there was no turning back. He had to trust Hannah.








I was on FaceTime with my parents back in my room. It was hard to keep my shit together, especially when I still haven’t told my parents I have a boyfriend.




As strict as they are, they would kill me if they knew I had one, let alone one who was five feet tall.




“Well I’m glad to see you so happy as always.” My mom said. “We’re going to go now, your little brother has football in a little bit but please stay safe sweetie we want to call you again next week!”




“Bye mom” I smiles into the camera. “I miss you!”




“Byeee” her mom said, and the call ended.




And once again, I was alone. I hated being alone. I thought too much when I was alone. 




It was two. Was that too early to show up to the courts? Maybe I should just go, just because.




And so, I put on my green shirt and shorts and started making my way to the basketball court. 




As I walked I passed the lab on the way to the court, I wondered if I should check up on Brent. He’s been out since 9. I think the nurse said he would still be in his coma, but it’s been five fucking hours.




I walked in through the door, and looked down at the tiny nurse’s desk. 




“I’m sorry Haley, the surgery is complete but he’s still in the coma?”




“Oh” I said.




“How was your game?”




“Oh it’s not for another hour” I told her.




“Oh I see,” said the nurse. “You just wanted to check in?”




“Yeah, just seeing how he’s doing and all” I said.




“Well for your info, he’s doing great. Check back after your game” the nurse said. “And I’ll let him know you came in”




“Thanks ummm.....” I was going to say her name. “I’m sorry I forgot your name”




“Dr. Joseph” she said.




“Thank you Dr. Joseph” I finished my sentence as I walked out the door.




“No problem” she said.




Of course, the court was empty. I looked like the main character of a basketball movie. And then proceeded to laugh at myself for thinking that.




My phone was on full battery. I guess I would scroll through my feed until someone got here. It would help get my mind off of Brent.




The basketballs were inside of a chest underneath the scorekeeper’s table. Despite being in a sandy chest on a pickup court, all the basketballs were very nice. Of course they had to be nice. On Omega Island, everything is nice.




I glanced at the colorful assortment of balls very quickly before I picked up a tiger-striped street ball. I picked it up and started dribbling it. I never really dribbled in games. If I caught it, it was either shoot or pass. 




I tried to see if I could dribble in between the legs. I wonder how Daniella was able to do it so easily. I ended up chasing my ball several times, and that was half the time I tried. The other half was spent with the ball hitting my crotch.




I guess I don’t have to be so disappointed. The ball was twice the size of a normal one. Not a lot of people can even fit that between their legs. If I struggled this bad at between the legs, I didn’t even want to try behind the back.




Then I started shooting. If someone else were here, they’d laugh. My shot was still like a girl’s, where I kicked up my leg at the end. But Daniella taught me how to shoot properly. But still if anyone saw me like this they would laugh.




And right on cue, I heard laughter. I looked over and saw Julia, walking over to the court.




“Hey babygirl” I said to her. “Why you here so early?”




“Me? Why you here?” She asked me.




“I had nothing better to do I guess” I said.




“Did you check out the new arcade?” She asked me.




“No, I was FaceTiming my parents” I replied, which I guessed served as the half truth.




“That’s all? You had I think three hours at this point?” She asked me.




“Yeah, I don’t know, I guess is didn’t want to miss the game” I replied.




“Hmmm” Julia said. I took another shot. Surprisingly it swished in.




“Nice shot” she said. “You think I could take a few?” 




“Sure” I said as I was grabbing the ball. I threw it over to her.




“Wow, the ball fells so small now” Julia said. Despite the ball being twice it’s original size, Julia, like me, was three times her original size, so it appeared smaller to her.




She took a shot, the way I used to before Daniella gave me lessons about shooting form. She was probably at the foul line, started at her chest, and launched the ball into the air. It was a pretty decent shot, but it bounced off the back of the rim.




“What the fuck?” She said. “It went in then it went out”




“That was just very unlucky” I said. I got the rebound and gave it back to her “Here try again” she said.




Julia shot the ball again and this time it hit the right side of the rim.




“Damn I suck” she said.




“Don’t worry, this is probably the first time you’ve ever picked up a ball” I said, hoping I was right.




“Yeah it is” she said. We both laughed a little.




“Anyways, are you sure you just showed up early just because?” She said. “I mean it’s just the way you’ve been recently” 




“Ok fine Julia” I said. “It’s just Brent, you know”




I seemed to have rang a bell. “Oh yes” she said. “Oh my god is he going to be ok? Where is he??”




“He’s in the clinic. They’re surgery on him right now”




“Oh my god!” She said. “Surgery!?”




“Yeah” I said. “He’s alright, they just need to fix two broken bones”




“That’s not alright though Haley!” Julia said half seriously. “Two broken bones where?”




“His forearm” I said, pointing to my right forearm.




“Ouch” she said. 




“Yeah. I’m planning to see if he’s awake when this game is over” I said.




“Awww that’s so cute” she said. “You two are literally couple goals” 




“Thanks Julia” I said. “Yeah we’re gonna make it through”. She cheered.




“Ummm did you ever want you ball?” I said.




“What do you mean my ball?”




“I meant did you want your change?”




“What?” She laughed.




“Jeez I hang out with too many basketball people” I said laughing too. “Do you want to take another shot?”




“Oh sure” she said.




I picked up the ball and passed it to Julia. I watched her eye the rim, only ten feet above her. “Haley do you think I can dunk?” She said to me.




“Oh honey, you can do more than dunk on this rim” I said. “Here, gimme”




She gave me the ball. As a gymnast, I was confident enough to try the more complicated dunks. I took the ball from the 3-point line, lobbed it up against the backboard, and then slammed it home.




“Oh my god wow!” Julia cheered. “That was incredible!”




“Aww shucks” I said giggling. I handed the ball to her. “Here, you try dunking.”




“No way I can do anything like that” she said.




“Oh no don’t worry. I’m a gymnast so that’s why I can do that” I explained. “Just try jumping and dunking”




“Ok” she obliged. She dribbled the ball clumsily right underneath the basket, squatted down, and then jumped up and threw down the dunk.




“Yayyyy” I cheered.




“Wow I can jump so high” she said. “I feel like there’s less gravity”.




“Oh, they didn’t like measure your vertical jump or something?” I asked her. It made sense. If they took other measurements why not their vertical jump before and after?




“No they didn’t” Julia said. “But it’s super cool knowing I can dunk. Look at me!!” She said, taking the ball and dunking it again.




I looked past the hoop she was dunking and noticed the normal-sized basketball court.




“Hey you wanna know something cooler,” I started. “This is the giant basketball court. I don’t know if they still have the normal balls, but the rims over there are only teen feet high”




Julia looked excited. “Ooh lemme see” she said, and ran over. I watched her bend down and inspect the teen for hoop, which came up to her upper torso. “I feel like I could snap this thing right out the ground!” She said, flicking the rim.




“I’m not sure that’s a good idea” I told her, worried she might break it. 




Julia then proceeded to try and fit the gigantic basketball through the rim. 




“Haha look Haley” she said. The basketball was barely above the rim. I laughed.




“Julia I wanna shoot” I said.




“Ok” she said. She ran over to the larger court, tried to dribble a bit, and took another shot.








A knock on the door. It was lunchtime for little Mitchell. “Come in” he shouted. 




Today was not who he expected it to be. Usually it was a younger doctor who had nothing better to do, like he was. But today, the detective himself walked in with his lunch, which was a single miniature turkey slider and water.




“Thank you” Mitchell said, waiting for Andrews to plop down his food. 




Andrews put down the plate but then said “hold on andrew, I just need a few questions” he said gently, and took out his notepad. 




Mitchell nodded. “Ok. Can I eat?”




“Yeah go for it” he said. He was never one to criticize people for talking with food in their mouth.




“Ok so just talk to me about Daniella and Jessica. How were they treating you?”




Mitchell shook. He wants to know the. embarrassing thing they did to him? He started saying “umm”, but really didn’t know where to start.




“Ok let me ask you this.” He said. “Did they physically hurt you in any way?”




Mitchell looked at his own body. They didn’t really hurt him. The only difficult times were from either going too long without food or when he was fully submerged in a fully aroused vagina, radiating with heat.




“Not really” Mitchell said.




“What does that mean?” Andrews said.




“Well I mean like... I don’t know how much I want to reveal”




“Why?” Andrews asked curiously.




“Well it’s..” Mitchell started. “I-“




“Mitchell don’t worry I can’t judge you. If they did anything to you I’m going to press charges on them”




“I really don’t know if they did anything horrible” said Mitchell. “I guess they kept me in a shoebox” 




“A shoebox, ok that’s a start” said Andrews . “Let’s keep going from there. How long were you kept in this shoebox?”




“A couple hours at a time” said Mitchell.




“Ok. And were there any windows?”








Andrews took notes.




“Ok. Now tell me about the girls themselves. What did you do while outside the shoebox?”




“Oh, I would be ummm... pampering them” he said, trying to choose the right words.




“Oh, so did they abuse you?” He asked.




“Not really” Mitchell said. 




“They kept me in a box most of the time and every few hours I did pamper them, but it wasn’t intense” he said.




“Ok just tell me what you did” Andrews said, seemingly annoyed. Mitch scooted back in his bed. He was intimidated. Daniella and Jessica always teases him but never were they ever, genuinely angry at him. Maybe that’s why he was able to make it out without a broken bone.




Andrews looked at him, seemingly not realizing his  own influence on him. The lack of empathy continued to scare Mitchell.




“I gave her foot massages” he said. “I would just, you know, massage her feet. I guess it was weird that sometimes she made me lick her feet”




“Very interesting” Andrews wrote everything down. “Tell me more. Did you guys do anything more than this?”




Mitchell hesitated, then said “yes”




“Ok. Tell me. Don’t hold back” Andrews said eagerly. “I want these girls facing justice as much as you do”




At this point, it became clear to Mitchell what Andrews’s intentions really were. He just wanted to bust these two girls. Tho only issue is that... he want angry at all. He’s a detective, he should look at the shoebox.. he didn’t even do so much as count the days, let alone shed any blood, sweat, or tears in there. Fine he didn’t LIKE it, but it wasn’t really hell. Mitchell thought about covering up for the girls, the deceive looked like he wanted to give them a lifetime sentence.




Just like I told he shoebox thought, he didn’t get to even use his phone, which is something every millennial needs to avoid boredom.




But no way he was gonna lie to an officer six times his size.




“I did... have sex with them...I guess”




“It’s not sex. That’s rape.” Said Andrews.




“No, they didn’t rape. I gave them consent”




“Doesn’t matter” said Andrews before thinking further.




“Wait it does” said Andrews, thinking it through.




If Mitchell consented to sex, and Daniella and Jessica are only sixteen.




“Mitchell are you don’t want to file a rape allegation?” Said Andrews. “Think about this. If you say you have consent, then by the laws, you were having intercourse with a minor.”




Mitchell was surprised. He was right. “Shit...” he said. “Fuck... can we just pretend that I never said anything?”




“Nope” said Andrews. “I thought you wanted these guys in jail, no? Or maybe shrunken back to normal size at least?”




“Yeah” Mitchell said reluctantly. “Ok I’ll say it’s rape”




“Ok” said Andrews, writing a quick note. “That’s all I need. Thank you” he said and walked out the door.




Mitchell was iffy about the whole thing. But after this interview, it was becoming clear what his game plan was.




If he grew back to normal, he would just want his life to go back to normal, as his social status and class mattered once again, and he would want the girls to get some form of justice.




If he stayed small, he would have to stay here and suffer the stress of trying to put his life back together, which he really didn’t want to do at this height. 




Mitchell looked at the window. It was a long shot, but what if he escaped again?




Surely they would try and chase Daniella and Jessica. But he had a feeling he could out-hide them. He really could think that he could pull it off.




But enough speculation. The odds were, he thought, that the cure for him would come out very soon. He needed to take his head outside of the wild fantasies he had of Daniella and Jessica treating him nice too. That passionate moment he had the morning of the day he was taken doesnt mean anything.




Although he could still remember it... he was in a pair of soft delicate hands, her enormous fingers hugging him like multiple pairs of arms. 




She was laying down on the bed, with her elbows underneath her, holding Mitchell. This gave the little plaything an excellent view of her breasts. 




“Thanks little guy” Daniella was saying. “You were good last night”




Mitchell remembered it wasn’t even the morning after. But he assumed that Daniella had just awoken. It’s crazy to him that only now do these details seem worth thinking about. The heat of the moment had got to him then.




He remembers Daniella kissing him, her beautiful lips smothering his whole face. It was such a turn on.




Then he remembered Jessica. It was evident Daniella dominated her in the relationship, but she should receive as much attention as Daniella. In fact, Mitchell thought she was the hotter one.




He remembered the two giants passionately making out. He could see their tongues intertwined half the time. All while he was in Daniella’s grasp less than a foot away.




It was so erotic he had started jerking off, but then he remembered Daniella saying “oh someone’s seen too much. You only cum when I tell you to”. And his cock shrank back, as if it were in fear.




The last thing he remembered was at one point, Daniella had told him that he could be promoted to a pet. That was good right? Pets are loved like a best friend. So that had to be a sign.




“No!” He said out loud. He wasn’t going to accept his fate as a tiny just yet. He had an opportunity to grow back, and he would grow back. It was all a matter of time.








It was ten or so minutes to game time, and we were all warming up. I took a couple shots, made them, and then walked to grab some water.




As I sat down, I talked to Julia, who happily sat on the bench.




“You ready?” She asked me.




“Yeah I am” I said excitedly. 




“You think you’ll be able to handle this team without Daniella?”




“Yeah I think we’ll be fine” she said. “We have Veronica”




Julia laughed “yeah she’s just so damn big” she said. “I wonder what she looks like next to the smaller basketball court” she said, nodding to the 10-foot basketball hoop way past the larger court’s hoop.




“Haha yeah” I said, just trying to drink my water.




“I bet the rim goes up to her ass” she giggled.




I smiled. I put down my water bottle and looked at our team warming up. We had five people: Me, Liz, Jose, Brady, and Veronica.




“Shit” I said.




“What?” Julia asked.




“It’s gonna be tough today, we only have five people” I said. “Jessica supposedly got “hUrT” so she didn’t play the rest of the games, but with Daniella we had six.




“That’s too bad.” Julia said. I just put my head down. I began to get up and grab another ball when her hand stretched out to me. “Wait!” 




“What?” I said.




“Am I able to play?” She said. “Will they let me?”




“I mean it’s street ball, I don’t see why not. But you’re wearing purple, not even close to green”




“I know but it’s all sports gear” she said. “You like my tank top? It’s from lulu lemon”




“Haha I love it, just let me go talk to the other teams captain” I said.




“Ok” Julia said. “Should I come with?” 




“Ummm sure” I said and walked over to their side of the court.




“Umm hey can I speak to your captain really quick?” I shouted, thinking someone would just turn their head. And he did. A tiny boy who looked barely 12 feet tall, probably smaller. He was eye level with my nipples.




“Hey” he said, walking over. I could tell he was looking slightly lower than she should be from time to time, and he looked at Julia’s boobs as well.




I clearly had a ton of influence on this guy, so I switched up the way I would negotiate with him. 




“You’re ok with my friend here wearing purple right?” I said, looking at him with a smile.




“Oh no problem, I’ll tell the team” he said, giving me a thumbs up. “You got the green light don’t worry”




“Ok thank you” I said and turned around. 




Julia waited a little bit then caught up to me.




“Guess what I’m about to say about him?” She said.




“Ugh he was really checking me out?” I asked her softly. Julia nodded.




I giggled. “Sometimes I think that’s the only thing boys ever think about”




“So what should I be doing?” She said.




“Just grab a ball and start shooting, we only have so much time anyways” I said.




And then the scorekeeper shouted for everyone to  go to their bench. It’s almost game time.




“Oof” Julia said.




“Don’t worry” I said, giving her a light push to direct her towards our bench. “You’ll be fine, none of us picked up a ball for a long time before this tournament”




“Yeah I guess” Julia said.




“Alright everyone huddle up” said Veronica. Everyone gathered by where we were on the bench.




“First things first, fuck Daniella. She’s an bitch and shes irrelevant. If you think about her, your head isn’t in the game.” She said. Everyone nodded.




I added my part “Julia’s part of the team today. She’ll be our 6th. But she also hasn’t touched a ball in a while. No offense to you Julia but someone else has to step up today too” I said.




“Let’s go everyone!” Jose said. We put our hand in the middle.




“Green on three” Liz said. “One, two, three”












Mitchell got another guest visitor only an hour after Detective Andrews came in and interrogated his guys inside out. “Come In!” He yelled.




“Hello Mitchell” said the doctor. “My name is Stephanie Pierce, and Ive been running all of the omega pill operations and labs here at project omega”




“Hey” Mitchell mumbled, making eye contact with her. Dr. Pierce took note of his manners mentally. If this was how he was going to act now, she wondered how he would respond to what news she had in store for him.




“Mitchell, anyways I personally have some news about your treatment”




“Yeah” go ahead. He said. Eager to hear what he thought he would hear”




“After analyzing your data last night and through today, I have come to give you news about your pill!” She said, without a hint of excitement or disappointment. He guessed she was trying to just do her job?




“My pill to grow back to normal?”




“Yes.” She said.  




“Go on, I would love to heat whatever news you got. The sooner I get out of here and get my life back to normal, the better!” He said eagerly.




“Yes, and we understand that”


Said Dr. Pierce down to the poor one-foot tall man. 




She was trying to hide her emotion, but deep down, she really felt bad for what she was going to say next.

Chapter End Notes:

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