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Author's Chapter Notes:

This is PART 1 OF TWO of the story ending. It was so large I decided to divide it into two parts. This chapter will tie up the loose ends and reveal the fates of the minor characters. 

Contains the usual sexual content (ass, pussy, breasts, mouth play), and some normal-size lesbian content

The score was 22-21, the series was tied 1-1, best out of three as usual.


We normally played up to 21, but we also played win by two. We were up one, but a three would win us the game.


Brady took up the ball, since he seemed to be the next best dribbler. I sat at the corner three, waiting.


Brady lobs a pass to Veronica in the middle, who is slightly taller than the girl guarding her, probably only by half a foot or so.


Because the rim is so low, it would be too to dunk on someone at her size. She took a dribble or two away from the basket. Julia saw the opening and cut to the basket. Veronica gave her the quick pass. Julia very well could have dunked, but instead she took a inside jump shot, which she made.


Now we were up 23-22. The other team had the ball. There was a ton of cheering going on. I guess either the next game was about to start or everyone had free time.


We always had a clear scheme for defense. The ones who were athletic and seemed to know what they were doing guarded the better players. Meanwhile, the people who didn’t play sports guarded the worse players, mostly boys.


Julia was guarding a boy, who was sporting a full beard. She was at least three feet taller than him. He was up to her boobs, which loosely jiggled through her purple top.


The boy got the ball and Julia bent over to play defense. Her stance was clumsy and the boy tried to drive on her. He quickly took the two of them towards the left side of the basket before stepping back. Julia was really slow to react and the kid got space.



He shot the ball up, trying to shoot over Julia’s massive form. But Julia jumped in the air and tipped it just enough to stop the ball’s motion. It was her first block ever.


Julia looked scared for a second. She almost traveled, but quickly got the ball to me, in which I passed to Brady at mid-court.

Brady planned to toss the ball to Veronica, but surprisingly she was covered. Usually she was open.


We settled into an offense. Brady passed to Liz on the perimeter, where I sat on the corner of the arc ready for a three. Then we swung the ball back the other way. 


Julia got the ball on the other wing. She was looking at someone to pass to, but quickly realized she was wide open. She panicked and took a shot, at least it looked like she did.


The shot was ugly, it wasn’t worthy of a slow-motion or a freeze-frame description like in every basketball movie I’ve ever seen. Or maybe it did? I don’t know.


But what happens next was something nobody expected. Veronica read the pass as a lob. She jumped up into the air, grabbed the ball with both hands, and jammed it down for the win.


The whole beach exploded. We were going to the championship!




All the green shirts were high-fiving each other. Some were even hugging despite the heat. I didn’t do any of the hugging, but I approached Julia. She tried to come in for a hug but I quickly just said “fist bump”, and stuck out my arm.


“I’m sorry I just need some water” I said.


“Oh yeah me too”’ she said, and we walked over to the bench.


“Let’s fucking go!!” Cheered Veronica energetically. Water bottles were quickly guzzled, and people were lining the water tap, which jutted out the ground between the scorer’s table and the stands behind it. Luckily I got a fat 32 oz bottle, which I did drain quickly but was left satisfied.


“Alright where we partying tonight people” asked Jose.


“I don’t know” Said Julia, “but we should have one”


“Isn’t the championship going to be played tomorrow?” I asked.


“Yeah it is” said Liz. “We need to rest up. We can party tomorrow night” 


“Yeah I agree. Everyone get a good night sleep. Liz do you know when the game is tomorrow?”


“Yeah it’s tomorrow at eight” she said. “Underneath the lights”


“Ok. Text that in the chat so nobody forgets” I said.


I wanted to leave in a hurry, but I forgot what it was for.


“Hey Haley” Julia caught you with me. “Tell Brent I said hi for me”


“Oh shit! I need to get all showered up for Brent!” She said. “I’m gonna see him when he wakes up”


As urgent as I sounded, I was pretty tired. My body recognized that I was done with my game, so the post game nap started to set in.


“So.... Julia said, still by my side. “You gonna run or...”


“Nah I’m too tired” I replied. “Brent can wait”. Julia laughed.


“I’m so tired too though” Julia said. “I thought I wasn’t getting any playing time”


“Oh hell no julia” I replied. “We need girls on the floor as long as we can”


“Why? I mean Brady and Jose were both really good”


“It’s good to have at least one of them just so someone can dribble. But the girls are so much taller now that having someone like you on the court is better than having a boy who‘s really good”


“Oh wow” said Julia. “So that’s why I was guarding that little guy”


“Yeah” I said.


“So tell me,” said Julia.  “Who would you rather be played? Me or a five-star recruit?”


“Well I haven’t seen a five star recruit on the island yet” I said, “so the five star recruit would be normal size. You would kick his ass”


“Well yeah on a small court I could lean over him and dunk the ball. But what if he were like twelve feet tall”


I was still trying to remember if there was a really good basketball player on the island. It’s kind of funny knowing that there might not be. I guess Wilson found the height genes another way. There had to be tall people other than Veronica on the island, right?


Then I remembered.


“Actually, I think there’s a fourteen-foot guy on the island” I said. “But I dot remember him being any good”


“Oh yeah I know him” Julia said. “He stuck outside from the crowd. If you never saw him before he took the hormone, he was super skinny”


I know who she was talking about now. Some kid named Rod, who was originally seven feet tall. He was alright in basketball, but he was on orange, a team we played recently, where we were all much taller than the boys already.


“Yeah I know that kid, he filled out so much” I said.


“I know. His muscles are now like, really nice” she said. “He’s so hot now”


I just laughed. What was I supposed to say?


We approached the hotel and we split ways.


“My rooms on this floor, so I gotta go” she said.


“Ok” I replied. “If Brent is healthy enough let me know if you wanna hang out”


“Of course Haley. Byeeee”


I headed upstairs to my room.




Daniella and Jessica sat in the tiny room like jailbirds. They were drowning in guilt and anger, but they have ran out of energy to fight it. Not even a single dent in the strategically padded door. 


The two girls were wearing the same t-shirt and pants. It looked like it was intended to be as modest as an outfit can get, but both girls had tits that were impossible to hide without an XL sweatshirt, and no way were they going to request that. The room was steaming hot with the heat of recently expulsed anger.


Jessica started crying “I’m sorry Daniella. It’s my fault we’re all in this, she said, starting to cry”


“No no no baby” Daniella said, and wrapped an arm around her brunette lesbian. “It’s my fault. I was the horny one. And believe it or not I really just wanted a massage in the beginning” she said.


Jessica’s tears continued, but she asked “really?”


“Yeah, but you know he was so small and all. And usually that would be time to use Mitchell...”


“Mitchell” Jessica repeated before starting to cry again. 


Daniella scooted closer to her and let her head rest on her shoulder. “I know baby... I loved Mitchell too” 


Jessica cried for a tad more, then said “It’s ok Jessica, I’d still much rather lose Mitchell than lose you.


Jessica looked at Daniella with those puppy eyes. “Really?” She said.


“Yes Babe” Daniella said and gave her a kiss. “Of course yes”


Jessica grabbed Daniella tighter. “If only there were no cameras in the room.”


“What does that mean?” Daniella smirked at her.


“I..” Jessica started. “ I want you now”


Daniella looked at her and said. “Me too babe but I don’t know if I wanna make a porn video for the midget police“


“Haha” Jess said. “Midget police”, she repeated, thinking the term was funny.




From just outside, Andrews and Wilson we’re discussing what to do with them.


“Detective Andrews, I’m sorry I have doubted you earlier” he said. “You were right about Mitchell, and you were right about the girls”


“Don’t worry. I’m not here to bring you down. We bounced back and now we’re back on track. That’s all that matters” he said.


“The only thing I’m going to say is that I’m not completely sure if I want to start producing shrink pills” Wilson said. “The process involves in growing is not the same as if someone were to shrink”


“But surely it’s possible” said Andrews. “Look at Mitchell”


“Yes but it’s dangerous” said Wilson. “Especially since they have an omega hormone in them already”


“What other possibilities are there? Said Andrews. “These girls need justice”


“You know, I also don’t know if this is entirely our decision. Perhaps bring it up at our next conference. I’ll arrange for it” Wilson said. Andrews nodded.




I opened the door, to see the TV running and a small pair of under armor shoes on the ground. I walked in and saw a small guy, with his arm in one of those arm casts.


“OMG!” I jumped, my head hitting the ceiling. “BABY!!!!!”


“Ahhh” he said, putting his left hand up in defense “don’t jump on me!!”


After hearing that I calmed down and giggled. “Nah maybe I’ll just sit”




Haley was obviously so excited to see me, but there was no way she wouldn’t want to have her fun.


And then, after announcing it, she got in the way of me watching South Park, and sat her gigantic ass down on my legs.


“Hey, would you mind not breaking another one of my bones?” I asked her.


“Maybe” she said, wiggling her ass on my waist. She was a little heavy, but for the most part the bed was absorbing the weight.


“I missed you in my bed last night” she said.


“Yeah... and last time I checked I still have a broken arm” I said.


“I know” she said, scooting her butt back and forth and side to side. 


“Haley wanna take a shower?” I asked her. “The bed was all clean”


Haley giggled “sorry. I didn’t smell did I hehe”



“Yes you did. You reek” I said coldly.


“Ugh, well that’s not how you treat a girlfriend” Haley pouted. 


“You gotta Wait a lil longer before your pouts become cute. You’re still intimidatingly night to me” I said. 


“Ok we’ll lemme shower” she said before prancing off into the bathroom. The door shut and I continued watching my episode. Good thing I was watching something stupid or else I would have to rewind.


Then the door quickly opened. Haley tossed all her sweaty clothes on the bed.


“I’m still gonna be horny when I’m outta the shower” she said.


“Oh shit, is my cast turning you on?” I said.


“Yeah, it’s so long and hard and...”, Haley was able to say before laughing in the bathroom. I laughed a bit too, but I wanted to watch South Park.


The shower finally turned on. And she entered it. Thank god.


I watched through the end of the episode without an issue. But i got a whiff of Haley’s clothing, laying by my feet.


It reeked of her sweat, but for some reason it turned me on.


I sat up and eyed the smelly clothing. As my nose got closer the smell became more complex, more detailed, and wayyyy stronger. The closest thing to me was her shirt. It smelled horrible and I tossed the dirt green shirt off the bed. It was still most from her game. 


Then the erotic smell grew stronger. Haley’s bra, pants, and panties were still on the bed.


I observed the enormous pair of pants. I reached out with my left hand and picked it up. I wish I could try and stretch it out to see how wide her hips really were.


I got out of my bedsheets and did a little comparing. First I found it more than easy enough to slip both of my feet in her one pant hole. The green shorts were a little moist but I was getting off on how much bigger she still was, so I didn’t mind.


Then I looked at her bra. I don’t know why, but one of the smells were deformed coming from the inside of it. I saw the small imprint of her nipples. Were they recently hard? 


The bra wasn’t massive, but I used the cups to really understand how big her rack was to me.

I could barely stretch my arm across the width of the cup. I also realized that one cup was bigger than my entire torso.


And then, as I reached for the panties, Haley walked out of the bathroom. She looked like she hadn’t even dried, the water reflecting right off her skin.


I was starting at her body in my cast for a while before she goes “ok so it’s clear you got off from my sweaty clothing?”


“Yeah” I said I’m defeat. “Even your sweat is irresistible”


“Oh my god Brent that’s literally the cutest thing you’ve done today!” She said, jumping into the air.


“I haven’t done anything today.” I said, and because I was clever I added “Haley there is nothing to jump about”


“Haha I can get hyper over anything”

She said, neck-deep in her crackhead energy. She started jumping up and down repeatedly. I didn’t move my head, but I watched my girlfriends enormous tits bounce up and down repeatedly.


“Hehe I’m enjoying the show” I said.


“Good. I want to be your little entertainment today, or rather your big entertainment” she said.


“Lay down Brent. Let me pamper you” she said. And I listened, letting my back flop onto the bed, leaving me in the same position as I was for the first hour that I was home for.


Haley tossed her clothing to the foot of the bed and straddled my legs. 


Already I was thinking thoughts like “what did I do to deserve this?”


Wait, I just said that out loud, didn’t I?


“You broke your awm that’s all” she said in the baby voice. “So I decided I should make you feel happy again!” She threw her arms up in the air as she said “again”, and gave me a smile.


“So what do you plan to do with me. Hopefully not crush me?”


“Don’t worry, my pussy can wait. B-but maybe you can do something with your udder hand, but don’t worry about that now. Just relax.” She said in her baby voice.


“You thought of giving me a lap dance instead of just a simple massage?”


“Well last time you went to-to massage Daniella, and y-you bwoke your arm so like I said let’s not do massage this time”


“Aww okay baby” I said. 


“Let me pull down your pants” she said.


I responded by bucking my hips up, so she could pull them down. Of course she slid them down slowly and watched my dick flick up after being freed from the confines of my underwear. She licked her lips.


Her hands dug underneath my shirt and slowly slide them down towards my crotch. Her eyes met mine. I was curious as to what she was gonna do.

She smiled, and looked down at my dick. She spat on the tip, letting a giant wad of spit thinly coat the length of my shaft. 


“I can’t wait for this thing to grow” she said. “Just like the west of you” 


“Aww I can’t wait either baby” I replied.


“I can’t wait to see what you can do with my body at full size” she continued in her baby voice. She gave my dick another lick and started beating me off. “There would be so, so, so much more of you to feel, and I’d be able to gwind my body up against yours. Can you imagine that baby?”


“Mmm that would be nice” I said at a point between my moans.


“And you’d be able to do things to me that you did before I gwew, like bend me over. Do you wanna bend me over bwent?”


“Yes” I replied. And then moaned.


“Imagine. I’d stick out my bootie right at your face. And then you-you would put your beeeeeg dick right inside me. And that would make me feel so good” she said. “I would cum so fast”


i moaned again. She was bringing me to the edge, never before has Haley talked dirty so well. This beats the time she talked dirty to me last time. It’s hard to believe just a month ago she was a Virgin.


She must have felt how close I was, because she stopped. She was teasing now too?


“Just imagine how big your dick would get” Haley said.  Her hand ran up the sides of my torso underneath the shirt and cast. “I hope I’m not hurting anything” she said as she ran her hand up more and more. “ I think the doctor likes tings to be ewevated” 


She then rotated herself so her ass was pointing at me again. If I don’t know better I thought she was gonna sit on my face again.


“See my pussy?” Haley wiggled her ass and pussy in front of my face. “Can you imagine your cock being able to fill allllllll of it up? And feel every single muscle squeezing it from all sides? How hot would that be?”


“That would be so hot babe” I said. “It smells good too”


“Oh you like how it smells? Well what if I said you could eat it?”


“I like the sound of that” I said. 


“Mmm have some. It’ll make me feel good”


And with that she leaned back to being the pussy to me face. My head was still upright from the pillow, but I was able to wiggle it out with my head.


“Hehe I lobe the way your abs flex” she said observing my half-pulled up shirt. “You don’t need a drug to make them show.”


“She didn’t apply full weight, of course, but her pussy was right in my mouth as I started mapping away at her. Meanwhile she kept whacking me off. 


After 30 seconds I was about to cum. Coincidentally (or maybe not) she let out a gigantic moan and started whacking me like a jackhammer. She stroked me faster than I’ve ever stroked it in my life. And I let out a huge orgasm, lasting for what felt like 30 seconds. All while gobbling up her pussy.


She cooed and started shifting. From my angle it shifted my whole world until she got off the bed.


“You don’t want to cum?” I asked her.


“Nah. Be-because your arm is hurt. You don’t have to if you don’t want to” she said.


“You don’t want me to help you? Because I can”


“No. I don’t want to hurt you” she said, still in a baby voice. “I think, I think I might be too much for you” 


“You were never too much for me. Trust me, it’ll be ok” I said.


I was getting a little sus about this whole situation. It almost felt like she was saving herself for another person. But I knew that was nothing but paranoia.


“Look Haley. You’re turned on. I know because you just spilled your juice all over my face. Condone just let me finish you” 


I looked at her massive figure. She started at me. Her pussy was starting to secrete juice down her thighs.


She smiled.




The two girls began to start making out. It didn’t matter whether or not it was on camera. The kissing soon turned into grabbing and rubbing, and then finally, eating. 


Of course. When Andrews himself wasn’t watching them, one of his other guys were. As the whole thing unfolded between the girls, he began to grow a boner. He wanted to interfere but there wasn’t any rule against having sex in the jail cell.

And frankly, he liked it.


In the camera. It almost seemed as if they were normal sized. Just two abnormally pretty girls, around five and a half feet tall, embracing in a sexy lesbian session together.


And so for the guard, it was simply just watching normal lesbian porn, but with better girls.


The girls went at it just for a few minutes, quickly stripping each other of their clothes and going at to raw. And the guard came twice on his own just watching them. 


The girls looked around. Then they looked at the camera. It was almost as if they caught the guard with his pants down. But luckily, they didn’t say anything.


“Enjoy the show up there?” Jessica said. “I bet you did”. Both girls giggled.


“Should we put the clothes back on?” Jess asked turning around to Daniella.


“Well... hmmmm” Daniella said. “If that detective guy was watching, he would say something”


Then Daniella leaned closer to Jessica and whispered “we can put our clothes back on and we would totally get away with it if he’s not here”. Jessica was confused at first but she quickly put two and two together and agreed.


And so the two out their clothes on. They started sweating a bit. The room was really warm.




Haley was on all fours and backed her ass up to me. I was standing straight up. I could barely see over her ass standing up. It was crazy.


The cast got in the way of my dick going in, and Haley felt it. 


“Put your other arm in” she said.


I turned to the side and then inserted the arm. It may be one of the last times my arm would fit inside her.


“Can you believe...” Haley said between moans “that your...Ugh... dick is gonna be as big as your arm is now? Ugh.... in only a couple days?”


“That’s gonna be so nice” I said. “I can only imagine right now... but not for long”


“I can’t wait till your as big as I am” Haley said. “We could the biggest celebrity couple ever! Ugh”


“Oh yeah since we’ll be bigger than everyone on the mainland.” I said.


“Yeah” Haley said and moaned again.


At this point I knew every spot I wanted to touch her in. I did all my tricks. I dug a finger in her g-spot, I’d rub my elbow up against the top of her opening where her clit was. And I’d poke a finger at her cervix, threatening to penetrate her further.


The best part about being able to stick an entire hand into your giant girlfriend, by far, was being able to feel the constant squirting of hot liquid that was her cum, and feel it run down the bottom of her canal just underneath my arm. Not only was it sexy as hell but it let me know whether or not she was trying to fake her orgasm. Not saying that she ever did fake orgasm, because at this size I would know.


After she came, she just laid flat on the bed. I took out my arm before she snapped it off of me with her pussy. 


“Guess you don’t need two arms to handle me” she said.


“This ain’t my first rodeo bitch” I said.


“Clearly” she laughed. I walked around her body, sprawled out on the bed, and I sat down in front of her face. 


“Hey did you miss me?” I said.


“Yeah how was it back there?” She asked me.


“Barely escapes the flood” I said.


And of course, we kissed, and then cuddled.


“This sucks” Haley said after 30 seconds of uninterrupted cuddling.


“Why?” I asked, thinking I did something wrong


“It just sucks that you’re not going to be so cute and little anymore soon” Haley said.


“Haley we talked about this” I laughed.


“I know. Just still...” she said smiling. “I’m gonna be like a mom watching her son grow”


“Ew don’t say that” I said. “We just fucked”


“Ok fine” Haley said. “...stepmom?”


I laughed out loud. “Haley shut the fuck up!”


We both laughed and hugged each other again. There really is nobody like her.



The conference commenced that night at 6:00.


“Alright everyone” said Dr. Wilson. He took a moment to look at everyone in front of him. The leaders of the greatest scientific advancement in the world, in his book at least.


“We have a lot to unpack today. Our first order of business, detective Andrews and I decided we would leave it up to everyone here to decide what exactly should be doing with Daniella and Jessica.  Yesterday was a wild story for them. First, they got imprisoned for supposedly kidnapping one of our workers, Mitchell. And we all know at this point that he was shrunken to about a foot tall. then today, I demanded Mr. Andrews to release the girls due to the extremely harsh conditions of our single jail cell, which is too small to comfortably fit both girls. Then later today, they were put back in jail for assaulting our other shrunken individual on the island, Brent.” Wilson said.


“And after we discussed, Gilbert and I have decided to bring it up to the board to decide what we should do with them. We also want to know what is possible and what isn’t.”


“Ok. Well let me start with something” said the detective. “Doctor Pierce, can you reverse the effects of the omega hormone?”


Up stood Dr. Pierce. “I get it we have a big budget and everything, but we’re trying to put our undivided attention into creating a cure for Mitchell. So in the name of the department of biology it is in our best interest to continue using our undivided focus towards curing Mitchell.”


“Ok” said Wilson. “Any other ideas?”




“I get it, I kinda just gave the question out of nowhere. How about this? For homework everyone tries to think of an idea. The sooner we get this out of the way the sooner we can advance with our plans”


Everyone nodded, and there was a lot of typing for fifteen seconds.


“Alright, our next order of business,” Wilson added. “congratulations to Evan, who was able to turn the interior of the new arcade into a brand new arrangement for our giant teens.”


Everyone briefly applauded. Evan just there and smiled.


“Evan, stop me at any time, but there was a point where he was planning to make the arcade just a replica of the old one. But he knew better than just to settle for the ordinary. He turned in the new interior just a little bit late, but what he lacked in time efficiency was more than made up by how spectacular a landmark the Arthur Wilson Center was. Thank you Evan”


Evan blushed a bit. This was the first time he got this much appreciation for his work, despite designing the layout of the whole island as well as each building. 


“Alright, now. Today a member of project omega would like to announce a new business opportunity for all of us. Our officer of human relations, Harry Peterson, would you like to explain?”


Wilson sat back excitedly. He was excited to hear the details of this new plan.


“Ladies and Gentleman, I’ve been planning a nationwide tour for our teens. Numerous companies have requested to sponsor us and were already expected to make nearly 100 billion as a company just off of our teens showing up and taking pictures, autographs, etc.”


 The room was silent as nobody wanted to be the only person to react, but finally pierce broke the ice. She started clapping, and soon everyone else followed.


“This is amazing, and I’m not just saying that because of the money opportunity” said Wilson. “This is a chance for all of us to show what the new era of humanity can do. We’re not just leaving a mark in the history books... we’re leaving a crater!”




I sat with Haley at the food court. The sun had set and the food court was buzzing with half of the population eating dinner. Haley and I tried something new today: Asian cuisine.


As much was I wanted to avoid using gigantic chopsticks, I was really eft with no choice. Dumplings, noodles, general Tso’s chicken... they all came with it. In the end I got a delicious chopped duck “appetizer”, with vegetables and oyster sauce. And it was really good!


Haley of course, ate a shitload. I hope omega farms isn’t the cause of the extinction of cows or chicken or any animals raised for their meat. She got these enormous pork dumplings, which were obviously roughly twice the size of a regular dumpling, and downed around twenty of them or so. 


“Can’t wait to promote myself from these kiddie meals” I said. 


“Nah they’re cute.” Said Haley, looking at my half eaten plate of noodles. “You know what, stand there and smile for the camera”


I looked at Haley’s iPad and smiled as she took a pic.


“Ok now do you need help?” She asked.


“Umm I don’t know that’s ok” I said, still hungry. “I’m just wasting time talking to you”


Haley poured for a second, but then she saw Liz and Jose getting dinner and called out to them.


“LIZ!” She screamed before giggling. “Haha I’m so loud”


“Yeah only when you’re on your crackhead energy”


“Fuck you” she replied. “Last thing you wanna do is kill it. See what happens then” she said, then giggled again.


Liz came over with Jose. I’ve seen them together a lot of times, but today they were holding hands. Ugh.


“What up y’all” Liz said.


“Nothing we just finished dinner” I said.


“Oh” Liz just said.


“You guys are gonna be up late” Haley said. “You’re just starting dinner and it’s what? Eight?”


“Relax our game isn’t until 6 tomorrow” Liz said.


“Fine Whatever”. Haley said.


“What about me?” Jose said. “You ain’t worried about me?” He said, thinking it was funny.


“I mean... Jose you’re great and all but I mean the girls do happen to do most of the pulling”


Everyone laughed, including Jose. “fuck you” he said. Soon. The laughter died down to silence. Jose broke it before things got awkward.


Then I heard Jose ask Liz “wanna get something to eat?”


“Yeah” Liz replied. “Hey Haley what do you get?”


“I got dumplings” she said. “They’re sooo good”


“Let’s go get some!!” Liz said. “I haven’t had Asian cuisine here yet!”


And the two dashed off, holding hands like they’re in a Disney movie.


“They’re so dating” Haley’s said to me as they headed out of earshot.


“Ugh. I don’t wanna think about it” I said. 

Thinking about my younger sister in a relationship was gross. And on this island, where you can do whatever you want without your parents knowing... I just didn’t wanna think about it.


“Come on” said Haley. “Let’s get a giant cookie and share it back in the hotel room”


“Ok” I said. Haley leaned over and picked me up, and off we went.


We went back to the hotel room and shared the cookie. Of course I only had a quarter of it while Haley had the other three quarters.


“Brent you should eat more. All that cookie fat is gonna get chiseled out by the omega hormone”, she said.


“I would eat it” I explained, “but I’m just so full. And plus I really didn’t do anything active in the last couple of days”


“I mean, you did have to endure that whole thing with Daniella and Jessica” Haley said.


Holy shit. “That was only yesterday?”, I asked in surprise.


“Yeah babe” she said. 


“Wow shit moves fast here”


“You’re a little late to the news” Haley said. “Everything moves fast here. Literally everything. I can’t think of one thing here that’s slow”


“I’m slow” I said. “I can barely keep up with you”


“What do you me— oh” Haley took a minute to realize why I never walk beside her. “Oh don’t worry. You walk at a normal pace. The rest of the island is just fast”


“Ehh” I said. “I’m only four foot eight or something”


“I mean I guess. Maybe now you’re...oh my god!!” Haley said excitedly. “Let’s see if the hormone did anything!”


“I doubt it Haley. I took it only a few hours ago” I said.


“Yeah. Remember when I grew? I sprouted six inches every day! there were points where I grew over a foot every day! Remember how I would always struggle to get my clothes off?” She argued.


“Yeah, but that was a later stage” I said. “I don’t think I grew any more than like two inches.”


“Come over here and let me measure you” 


I took off my shoes and walked over to the wall. The same wall that saw Haley add ten feet to her stature, and the same one that lost mine.


Before I turned around, I looked at Haley’s first mark, her five foot mark. Before you ask, we didn’t put that there until she was already off to the races. When we moved in she was already ten or so feet tall. That mark was just a reference. Hopefully, this wall would also see me rise back to normalcy.


“Turn around” said my girlfriend, on fours and waiting to measure me. “Maybe you were right you do take forever”


I turned around quickly. “Um no I was actually waiting for you” I said jokingly.


“Whatever” said Haley. “Hold still”


She quickly measured me against the wall. It turned out I actually didn’t gain or lose anything.


“Hmm” said Haley. “You’re the same height as you were yesterday. That must mean it’s working!”


“Maybe. Hopefully tomorrow can confirm that by giving me some more inches” she said. 


“Yeah maybe” she said. “I guess  just sleep on it for now”


“Haha” I said sarcastically.


“Now if you mind me I’m just gonna change into my pajamas” she said, carelessly stripping in front of me.


Of course, all I wanted to do was stare. She acted like she didn’t know, but she definitely did.


“Brent don’t tell me you already want more. We did it right before dinner”


“I never said anything”


“Your pants did”


I looked down. I was clothed but it was evident I had a tent pitched up there. “Ummm that wasn’t me”


“It’s your peepee” she said. “Are you saying it’s not your fault?”


“Of course am. It’s your fault!” I said, laughing at how I turned the tables.


“Ugh fine” she said. She was fully naked.

“Let me see this little thing.”


She lifted me way up, so I was above her head, and she placed me so I straddled her mouth. My dock and balls were in her mouth,


“Mmmmm” she cooed, letting her tongue probe it’s way onto my dick, which was also submerged i underneath her upper lip. 


The view from up here was surreal. Even though the objects were scaled double for the giants to not feel super huge, I had gotten used to being short, and I felt like I was standing on top of a mountain.


Then Haley’s tongue started licking. Looks like she wasn’t in for teasing tonight. She got to work on my balls and my dick. For our of nowhere she applied a massive sucking force. I fell from my straddling stance and was now pinned to her mouth, laying down.


Oddly enough, I didn’t even do so much as grunt as my cast hit her upper lip. Despite having her teeth just beneath, her upper lip must have cushioned the blow.


My train of thought was quickly derailed with Haley’s consistent current of sheer sexual pleasure. Her tongue covered everything. My balls, my penis, and even part of my inner thighs. It was like she was sucking my dick, but also my balls.


She rubbed my shaft up and down with her tongue, with the tongue occasionally slapping against my inner thighs. She looked like she wanted me to hurry, as she did it with intensive pacing. 


With every lick, a new, warm, fresh coat of saliva covered the underside of my boner as well as my balls. Licking my balls was a rather new thing that Haley has done. Every time she licked it felt like she was tapping my balls to try and knock the semen out of them. My dick would wobble with every lick she made, pressing my dick against the inside of her upper lip, and then hitting her teeth once her tongue left.


These licks continued for only three minutes until she felt my dick twitch. I came hard inside her mouth, and it was one of the better times I’ve fucked her.


Haley lifted me from her mouth. “Hehe did you like that?”


I nodded. “Maybe I really am gonna miss this”


“Of course you’re gonna miss this” she said. “But I will too”


“Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna grow tho”


“Lets go to bed”


Haley picked me up once again, this time she put her hand on my back. 


“Lean back” she said.


I leaned back onto her hands. She picked me up and cradled me like a baby. Her boob was right in front of me. It was basically asking for me to drink it. But I didn’t.


I was laid down in the bed. She was careful to not harm my broken arm. 


“Thank you” I said kindly.


“I’m not done” she said. “I need to tuck you in”


“Yay” I said like a little baby. Haley reaches for the blankets and gently dragged it over my naked body. Now I was tucked in.


“Now let me put on my pj’s” she said and walked over to the dresser.


“You have pajamas?” I asked.


“Yeah I got them a couple days ago” she said. “I thought they were really cute. You’re right tho I never wore them”


“But I’m all naked” I said. I looked at her, my head propped . “Want to just sleep naked?”


Haley looked back at me “ehhhh.... ok fine” she said. She jumped into the bed with a burst of energy, almost knocking me off the bed. “Jesus Christ” I yelled. She laughed at me and then we exchanged good nights. 


Lights out.




Mitchell was in a dark place. And a dark room.


His pathetic size couldn’t even do so much as dent the wall around him. Was this room going to be his zoo cage? Would the doctors store him away from the world for months? Would they release him back out onto the mainland, forever physically disabled?


He remembered the sentence as clear as daylight. He remembered the tone Dr. Pierce used as she spilled the beans.


“Were not going to be able to cure you for a while”


Despite pinning that sentence in the back of his head forever, he couldn’t remember the rest. “The rest” was Dr. Pierce’s long and scientifically confusing explanation.


Did that mean they were going to cure him? Did it not? Was there hope?


Whatever hope there was, there was very little.


He looked out the window from on top of his bed. The only thing that let him safely look out into the world, which was now too big for him to handle like any other person.


Except he couldn’t look out the window. The glare of his ceiling light was too strong. The window reflected the light off the glass, posing as a mirror to Mitchell.


He looked at himself for the first time in a week. He was much more skinny than he used to be. Before he wasn’t considered fat or muscular, but now he more than qualified for skinny. It was like the hormone drained the muscle from his body.


He was also surprised to see his face still looked somewhat the same. He had a beard, yes, but it wasn’t as long as he thought could grow it out to be. Or maybe he really couldn’t grow it out any further.


He lost everything. His identity, his relationships, his size....


Not even his beard stayed with him.


What next?




The next morning, Daniella and Jessica were awoken by a speaker. At 11 in the morning.


“Good morning” said an all too familiar voice. Detective Andrews didn’t seem particularly delighted to see the girls either. 


“I’m sorry to wake you up an hour before lunch, but I’ve been told to tell you what we’re planning to do to you”


Both girls were silent. They knew their voice was powerless.


“We’ve decided to lighten the load on you. If you stay still, we have two guards coming in with some bracelets.”


On cue, two guards, both large for humans but barely a third of the size of each girl, walked in with what looked like WWE belts. The gigantic girls eyed both of them. The guards didn’t look back, but instead took in the suspicious smell. It could only be described as...feminine.


“The bracelets may look a little scary. But it’s actually something you’re gonna want. All you have to do is let them put it on your arm and we’re gonna let you leave this room during the day”


Jessica and Daniella’s face lit up. They were going to see daylight for the first time in 24 hours!


Instantly they stretched their hand out to the guards in excitement. “Shit Dani” Jess said. “We made it”


The two guards flinched. They thought they were gonna get punched or something. But then they realized they just wanted their bracelet. They clamped on the metal bracelets. They were silver colored, with a big red light in the middle.


“Let me explain how this works. “When we give you permission, the doors open and you can roam free. When we want you back. The bracelet will start flashing. If you don’t come back in ten minutes, then it will electrically shock you. First a little bit, but the current will build up until you’re back here. So I wouldn’t miss curfew”


“Yo” said Daniella. “Can we go now?”


“You have half an hour. Let’s see if you do deserve the bracelets”


And with that, the prison doors slowly began to open, the bright, natural sunlight spilling into the room.



Chapter End Notes:

Last upload next week!

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