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Author's Chapter Notes:

Finally! With this chapter I reached the spanish version so… the wait for chapters will be equaled, shake out of fear english readers!

Chapter type: -Ero-


The morning light is a pleasant alarm clock, it hits your eyes despite being closed, the luminosity makes you to press them with force... but then you realize that the day had already started and you must leave your personal world. It's a great way to wake up, without loud noises or intense stimulation.

So... why am I suffocating? What is this lack of oxygen that made me force myself to open my eyes?

Ah, it is as obvious a reason as the reason why I slept so comfortably, the pillow that accompanied me for an exquisite night of rest and comfort to forget about all my problems. My head is tightly pressed against a pair of bare breasts, feeling the flesh choke my face.

—Mphffff!! —My mouth emitted a choking sound, obviously, there was no way a word would come out in those conditions.

—Good morning darling... How did you sleep?

I felt her arms entwining behind my head and pressing it against her voluptuous breasts and taking my breath even more than before, did they grow or is it just me?

—Can't you breathe? Hmm… I'll let you do it if you can get out of my grip… fufu~

Hearing her words I pushed my head back to get rid of her but it was useless, the force with which this woman held me was inhuman because even I, not someone specifically physically weak could not move her a millimeter. Decided to get out of this situation I pressed my hands against her stomach and pushed away from her...

... My efforts were futile, there weren’t any kind of response, at this time the law of action and reaction is nothing but a mere memory of a distant physics class, it’s almost like pushing the wall of a building, even putting all of your strength on it is useless.

—What a problem... if my boyfriend is so weak… who will protect me from the evil of the world?

When the oxygen started to run low and I felt like I was going to pass out, Monica lightened her grip letting me move my head a little but not completely pulling it off her breasts.


Taking a deep breath, the only thing I could see was her face with a tender expression looking at me between her breasts. If it weren't for the fact that I was about to suffocate this would have been the best morning of my life.


—Uh... I have to admit that you are a great pillow… your body is incredibly soft, hugging you and taking different postures I could sleep like a baby.

—I was somewhat worried because I had never slept with someone and I did not know if I would do something strange... but apparently my fears were unfounded, luckily.

Now that I think about it… did I made something strange in my sleep? Right off the bat I hadn't thought much about it but when Monica mentioned it I started to worry, as long as she doesn't mention it I guess my sleeping body didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

—Anyway... —Releasing me, Monica left me comfortably in my position and got up from the bed, positioning herself in front of it—. Do you know what day it’s today?

—Day...? It's mond...

Then the realization that today is a normal school day hit my head like a bomb, the fact that the morning was different does not mean that the rest does not have to be as it always is.

—I have to get u-


I forced my muscles to move but not a fiber of my body was disturbed, the only movement in my entire body was my blinks and my breathing, lying down and seeing the naked body of my partner, I was totally paralyzed.


—Let me explain it, today our classes will be a bit different from the usua- oh, fufufu~ Danny... getting that excited so early...

My face went red, even though we already had more than one encounter in bed, I can't help but continue to be ashamed of things like this.

—I-It’is early in the morning! It's normal for it to be like that!

—Do you mean that this wonderful body doesn’t contribute to that "size"?

She has a point, at the time I did not realize it but I was able to speak so apart from my breathing and my eyelids, my mouth is also capable of moving.

—Shut up... —As much as I wanted to look away, my head didn't give a bit so I had to resign myself to seeing Monica's statuesque body with my red face.

—Uhum, as I was saying... today will be a departure from the usual routine. I’ll show you what we'll do —with a snap, the school uniform appeared on her body.

How much hours could save me getting dressed that way... but she did not even need to snap her fingers, that's more like an effect that tells me she will do something, in the end the snap makes it pretty cool hehe.

However, that snap not only dressed her, I'm sure she did something to my body since I had a slight tingling sensation all over me, did she shrink me? My perspective changed a bit but in some ways this is different from just downsizing me.

—Well... —Approaching a couple of steps to the bed, Monica raised her skirt showing me what was below.

To my surprise there were no panties below but an interesting glimpse of her bare crotch.

—Now I'm not wearing panties, but... that will be your job.

My job?

Making a mirror appear in her hands, she suspended it in front of me. What I saw was difficult for me to process. At first I thought it was a simple joke but... it all made sense when I saw my reflection in that hand mirror.

—You'll be my panties today, Danny~

In the mirror I saw black panties, I don’t appear in the reflection... no… of course I do appear! What I don’t glimpse is my physical body but I am definitely not reduced on those panties, I am the piece of lingerie itself, I realized this when I tried to move my lips to speak but they did not respond, rather I do not have them.

—I gave you a manipulated perspective so that you can see your surroundings, like your sight I will be controlling your senses since panties cannot hear or see, they have no sense of smell, sense of touch or… taste.

The last word she said made my blood run cold since I understood perfectly what she meant by that.

One of the things that impresses me the most about Monica is that she is able to know when she would have my consent to do something and when she would not. Why? One of her maxims is not to do things against my will, for example, if I hated this situation she would definitely have discarded it before putting it into practice but somehow she’s completely sure that I can enjoy this... in a twisted way.

—Be sure to enjoy because we have a looooong day of classes closer together than ever, fufufu~ —Finishing with her characteristic laugh resulting from the mixture of mischievous and playful laugher, she closed her eyes for a moment and breathed deeply before reopening them—. Oooh, here you are... bad thing that this one makes me sweat a little more than the others... anyway, there’s nothing I can do except for using it...

Monica made a clear change of character to give me a sense of immersion to all this, she enjoys playing different roles depending on the situation in which I find myself but that is not what worries me, what worries me is that HOW THE HELL DOES PANTIES MAKE YOU SWEAT MORE THAN OTHERS!? I'm sure she just said it to annoy me… sure it is.

I felt her fingers touch me, although my senses were a bit distorted by the whole thing about losing my body, I could feel that contact in a very definite way, it is difficult to explain but I think it would be the equivalent of saying that she is holding me by the arms. As I felt the descent that created an emptiness in the stomach that I don't have, I saw the world above me; two pillars leading to a magnificent crotch.

One of the legs rose and went through one of my holes and then the other followed, the sensation in this case could be equivalent to a contact with my own legs as if I was doing a strange yoga position. The flesh-fabric contact inevitably aroused me a bit although this whole situation is quite strange, it is Monica who I’m talking about, it is impossible to deny her measurements, her softness, her smells… her perfection.

Ascending and ascending, I eventually submerged myself in the darkness of her skirt and touching her vulva, the emotion I felt with the contact from just now was minimal, apparently the point where her lips collide with me… it is exactly my crotch.

Can pantyhose get an erection? If the answer was "Yes" I would have been very grateful but unfortunately that’s not the case, I don’t even have a virile member, much less can I call myself a man now, I am just a conscience embedded in a vulgar piece of lingerie being used by my girlfriend, that's all I am now; unable to move, speak or protest, this is all I can do...

… Although I'm pretty sure that if I panic and cry out for help in my mind Monica will give me a break, she's not that cruel… right?

Below me I can see her legs moving from side to side, the floor and different things from a fairly limited angle although it is not that I can see much upwards since it’s all dark, in that direction I can only trust my sense of touch, in the constant friction of our crotches.

—I have to go... it's getting late.

From the sound I could deduce that she took her bag, hurrying, Monica went down the stairs and put on her shoes to leave the house.

The sensation when walking is quite particular; monotonous but still not annoying, it is like a pleasant touch that stands out with each step she takes, making me progressively addicted.

How the hell this happened to me? Why am I not upset? Frustrated? Nervous? Scared? Those are all feelings that I lack in a moment as surreal as this, in hindsight; I lost my ability to communicate, I was paralyzed and turned into my girlfriend's “special” sweaty underwear... I couldn't even say that I'm alive as I'm just an intimate garment, the fabric is not alive itself so in theory neither I am... yet here I am, thinking and reasoning my situation so I am definitely alive, could I call myself “Schrödinger's panties”?

It was not difficult for me to deduce the places that Monica walked over based on the floor I was observing, it’s such a routine path in my daily life that occasionally I saw the ground while walking, in fact, I realized that she was already arriving at school at this point. Additionally, I was able to hear the voices of other boys and girls my age, which confirmed my suspicions.

—Let's see...

Entering the structure, Monica removed her outdoor shoes for the indoor ones and then continued walking towards our classroom.

—Kahikooo~ —With her usual greeting tone, she opened the sliding door of the classroom.


It is not that I had much relevance in this conversation that is developing, in any case my existence as a human in everyone's memories was surely displaced by Monica’s powers and no one will even know that I exist, all this to save annoying explanations and unnecessary suspicions. Like this I will be able to experience a school day and see Monica herself from the point of view of a particular spectator.

—Did you study for today's exam?

—I did everything I could, I'm not as smart as you but I think I can manage hehe.

… With all the fuss I've been through lately… I forgot today’s exam…

Tomoe's legs came into my field of vision, surely they must have made a contact salute or something like that.

I know it is immoral to feel like this but it has always been difficult for me to take my eyes off Tomoe's absolute zone, her own body mass is a lethal weapon that she’s unconsciously brandishing at all times, of course, it is not I don't feel bad for seeing her like this from time to time...

The sliding door opened once more behind us to which I could hear our sensei’s voice.

—Good morning... please, take seat.

Ah... how does it feel to live an exam from the outside? It is a totally refreshing experience, even in this situation it is almost like exempting yourself from all responsibility and watching over others while they work even if they have no choice but to trust the material they previously studied... and their luck.

Taking a few steps, Monica positioned herself in front of her seat, remaining still for a moment; I can deduce that she gave me some time to prepare for what was to come. Delicately holding the back of her skirt, she tucked it under me as she positioned herself, finally all the weight of the girl that was wearing me fell on my body, leaving me in the shadows.

Thanks to my new position I am now able to look straight ahead, the feeling is also different of course, pleasant, exciting... I'm sure that if I had a body, right now I would have a difficult time trying to hide something specific in my pants.

I didn't realize it at the time but previously I wasn't able to smell anything, not Monica's perfume or her body odor but suddenly a wave of smell hit me directly in the nose… wherever it is.

Sweat and perfume, those two scents mixed to give rise to a particularly intoxicating fragrance that bathed my entire body, almost as if my surface was covered with nostrils I felt the whole smell flood me from top to bottom and inside outside. So… this is what she was referring to when she mentioned “hearing , seeing, touching, smelling or tasting”, after all my suspicions that she had ulterior motives for saying that were true, this is one of them, apparently.


Even if I tried to call her my physical voice would never reach her, I don't think she will answer me for nonsense like this, as long as I'm not in danger or really scared I doubt that she will pay attention to me.

Having listened to the preparation for the written test, the characteristic sound of the exam sheets passing between the students reached me, and then...

—Get started!

The exam begun.


About five minutes later the movement in my position was minimal, probably due to the fact that Monica always stays very still at times like these, she is playful and daring but she has always taken the academic part of our school very seriously... although she don’t need it at all.

—I'm done!

Hanazawa's voice echoed through the classroom.

As expected, ahead of us and carrying the baton of the academic performance in our classroom, Hanazawa was the first to complete her test.

Huh? What is…?


Excessive amounts of sweat began to flow in me, in other circumstances the correct thing would have been to say “around me” but at this moment the secretions of the girl who is using me have flowed in me, soaking and impregnating my being.

What the hell is wrong with this girl!? Until a second ago she was like normal! But suddenly… her sweat glands shot up as if she had started exercising.

—Ah, I'm done!

The voice that came out of Monica was hurried, a voice that reached out trying to touch something far away intoning in the skies.

However, it is not that it matters, in fact, it is what matters the least to me. The only thing that really matters right now is...

MY BODY ABSORBED ALL OF HER SWEAT! MY BODY IS A LOT OF WATER WITH SALT AND FABRIC! If somebody squeezed me right now I would surely leak a lot of liquid!

The smell... the taste... it's as if all the liquid had fallen into my mouth, if I had a tongue I think my taste buds would have been numbed by the intensity and the salt but they don't because I don’t have a tongue, I don't have taste buds, my way of tasting is through Monica's powers, because that's how she wants it. If I had to exemplify it I would say that I am completely tied to a table with iron bars and someone opens my eyes with hooks that prevent me from closing them, even if I want to stop seeing something it would be impossible for me to do so; although of course, that example is somewhat exaggerated since this is not something like torture, yes, it may feel a bit disgusting but to think that it is Monica who impregnates me with her secretions...

Tsch, when did I became this kind of pervert? How deep did she have to touch me to change me like this?

But it’s a fact, it is a fact that this special time I spend with her can be twisted, it can be unusual and strange, a particular time and an unorthodox way to go on a date, an unprecedented way of spending time as a couple...

But even though it was, it's my time with her and I think this is the feeling she wants to convey to me...

—I see that my feelings have reached you...

Ah… don't tell me that… Was she planning this the whole time? Did she know that I would come to that reasoning myself? Does she hear everything I think?

—I'm sorry if it's something bizarre but… I only bring out your true nature, what you want from me.


—That's right, ah, no no, I don't mean you want to absorb my sweat or that kind of things, that's on my part hahahaha.

Cut, cut with that, idiot.

—What I mean is the deep thoughts of your heart, the things that you would never be able to say to me with your mouth.

—With my mouth...

—Words that no one can say, sentences that are buried not in the logical part of our being but something totally different, the words that we want to reach others but that many times we cannot say.

—Do those words exist?

—Of course they do! And I can hear them clearly darling.


Words from the heart… it seemed like a pretty abstract concept to me but I can't deny that deep down inside I admitted that she’s absolutely right.

For some reason that I feel I am unaware of, this felt comforting, despite my flaccid consistency having no limbs, tasting things a bit unpleasant in terms of taste and origin, there is something, something much beyond that tells me to enjoy what I feel that makes my heart pound strongly.




—Mmhhmm, I'll listen to your opinion at home! Remember that for today you must be my panties and people don't talk with their underwear, you know that, right?

—… Do what you want.

—So you've accepted your fate.

—I think I'm just happy like that.

—Very well then...

—Thank you.

—… Uh… y-yes, you're welcome.

Both legs squeezed me; it wasn’t a rigid force, I didn’t feel pain, no... this is something different. It felt like a hug, a warm hug of giant arms coming out of me, passing through my body and extending beyond, a very special hug… of course, one from her.


—And then like this you reach X... any doubts?

Class after class, teachers came and went until we reached the last class today. I must say that it was a really difficult day although I wasn’t doing anything relevant, no, in fact I haven’t done anything at all; it was a very tiring day.

Thanks to this experience, somehow I have become a little more synchronized with my partner, I can feel her body movements, her intervals of movement... I can feel a lot of things in general but then something different emerged: her legs began to shake.

Doubt gnawed my soul, what is happening with her? Did she got nervous about something? Could it be... could it be that she wants to go to the bathroom? Staying with a sealed mouth, or better said, without a mouth for a whole day is a complicated task, that's when you realize the importance of communication; if you have a doubt you can clear it up by asking. In this state there is no such opportunity for me, of course, the lingerie pieces don’t speak at all.

However, my doubt was short lived, it was only a couple of minutes of existence, the reason why my curiosity dissipated was that...

Something sprouted from inside Monica.

A thick and smelly liquid with a familiar taste and smell washed over me from the inside pouring out directly from her. That, clearly was not having resisted the urge to go to the bathroom, luckily... no, not at all. This was entirely something else.

Monica had just impregnated me with her “love juices” and although it may sound childish to say it that way, in my current situation that name itself is already quite serious.

Really? Did she just came on me?

No… that was too slight to have been the case, this was something much more sinister.

—Aah... Sorry about that but I can't take it anymore... I feel like I'm going to explode...

After all that was the reason why her legs were shaking, why some liquid ventured out of her; she is so turned on that she can barely contain her urge to cum on me. I could tell from the way she spoke telepathically to me. I heard sighs, pauses, moans, (I did not know that it was possible to moan in the middle of a mental communication) and a heavy breathing, she can barely stand much less speak clearly.

—Having you down there, the sensation of my panties making constant contact with my skin... knowing that you are in that touch, that it is not only fabric that touches me, imagine... imagine that the underwear that you wear one day begin to masturbate you... a-ah... I think... I think I’m feeling something like that… I almost feel like I could go to heaven if I died right now...

—D-don't say that! And… really?

—I cannot... I can’t wait for this class to finish...


I will take those words as a cold threat, devoid of hatred or malice. That warning was full of happiness and that is why it is too dangerous, because she will love to do that, she is going to give me a rough moment.

Still I think I'm kind of excited to know what will happen.


The class ended and with it, Monica's patience.


She didn't even bother to separate her words, she just grabbed her bag and jumping out of her seat, practically ran home.


A floor that I know well.

The sound of a gate opening and closing, the sound of keys entering a lock and opening it, a door opening and being thrown moments later against its frame producing a crash.

—Finally... finally...

Shoes that were left in the doorway, feet wrapped in stockings walking on polished wood, the soft sound of a purse crashing against a soft surface.

Somehow my ability to perceive sound became much sharper, I don't know if this was due to Monica's manipulation or because I got used to specifying sounds to locate me in specific places, however it was it is something quite useful when you lack a field of vision that goes beyond the legs and the floor under the feet of a girl.

Ah, light, the skirt that covered my view fell over her feet, buttons being undone, uh, a blazer fell over the skirt.

An earthquake?! Monica threw herself on the couch.

—Finally... some time alone... I will enjoy this~

For a moment, the amount of liquid that flowed from inside her only intensified but at this point it was ridiculous, the smell, the taste… they were absurdly intoxicating, my nostrils… my lungs would have burned if I had them. At this point the amount became nonsensical, her vagina could be equated to a waterfall right now, now I am nothing more than a rag soaked in sweat and indecent liquids.

As my dilemma unfolded in my mind and there was nothing I could do, a sudden sensation pulled me out of my cloud bringing me back to reality.

I was pierced through, as if a kick had hit me straight in the stomach and was seen from my back. A finger pierced what would be my stomach, pulling me inside.

—Aaaaaaahh, this feels great, GREAT!

The emotion in her voice, the way her crotch trembled, she really held that excitement, what could I do? Letting her enjoy this opportunity enjoying my body is the best thing I can do and the only option I have.

Press, release, press, release, press, release, press...

That same procedure was repeated over and over again, luckily my skin is quite elastic so I doubt that it will break, in the other hand there is no pain, the first time it took me by surprise as it was such an extreme stimulus but after becoming a repetitive motion, my mind began to cloud with lust.

The point of impact of her finger lowered a bit and accompanied by another one, the iterations reached the place where my crotch should be. Yeah... that feels great.

How long can I take this? There is no way I can get rid of this, I think if this goes on for too long I will lose my mind, but… I can't deny it, this is mesmerizing…


My thoughts were simplified...

I can't take it anymore...

Probably just a couple of minutes passed but this felt like an eternity, the stimulus, this wonderful feeling...

It was then that the surprise of something different came to me.

Holding me from four different places her fingers slid down her legs and wrapping her hand around me, she placed me close to her face.

—Ah... you are expelling a pretty intense smell right now... you could say it's my essence, you smell like Monica... fufufu~

Her red face, her charming smile and the sweat running down her face, even in a moment like this she doesn’t lose that glamor that characterizes her but these thoughts were lost in a sea of r03;r03;lust, a poor soul that only wanted to be consumed for the girl in front of me.

—Let me enjoy a little more, then... I'll compensate you, I promise...

With her heavy breathing cutting off her words, stuttering and with a noticeably flushed face, the incentive for my brain to get motivated more and more was effective, perfectly effective.

Squeezing me in the palm of her hand my existence was reduced to a ball of wrinkled cloth being squeezed and stripped of excess liquid, but why? I would find out soon.

Lowering, lowering, and positioning me where I was just a moment before, she used her free hand to spread her labia with her index and middle fingers.

It’s this?

And then I was driven hard into that hole.

Light, darkness, humidity, dryness, air, water.

I went in and out in various occasions, I did not stop turning around, being inserted and extracted from it until in a certain more violent and deep insertion than the others… I stayed inside.


Will I become part of Monica now?

Is this your dream? And mine too?

Is this love? The feeling is so strong that links me to Monica, this connection is so strong that it is impossible to describe in words.

I feel like I am lost in a deep sea, a sea with walls, ceiling and floor that press against me surrounded by flesh and walls, walls that replace the ceiling and floor. The inside… of Monica's vagina, my home, my place of comfort, this is where I am right now, where I feel so comfortable.

Sometimes... I wish I could stay here...

I lost my head? Probably, my brain must be short-circuiting, I have been needing a discharge for a while and I think my head is being affected by that, then...


A tremendous contraction.

A groan echoes in the distance.

I sink in torrential amounts of liquids.



My head rests on a soft surface, I don't realize until a moment after my lips moved, I heard my own words, my arms moved a little as well as my legs too; I got my body back

—What's up? Radical huh?

That familiar voice came from above, when I opened my eyes I saw her head above me.

Resting my own head on her lap, I smiled after realizing it. Monica wearing home clothes smiled at me.

—Welcome back “Mr.Panties”

—I’m back...

—What a waste... I lost my best pair, hell, next time I will turn you into a vibrator for a whole day and I will insert you into me so abruptly that you will reach my uter-


I tried to lift my head off her legs due to such insanity being announced but she held me tight and made me stay in position.

—It's a joke, joke, hehe... well, maybe for now, I can't guarantee that it won't happen. But come on... I can hear your boyish heart, don't tell me you're not a little excited to spend a day inside me.

—About that... —My face turned red, looking away my face was a joke—. T-thanks for today...

—You enjoyed it after all... —Closing her eyes, she smiled at me tenderly.

—Although it would have been nice to be able to... you know.

—Cum wildly, so strongly that you would tear off my insides and fill my-



I felt ridiculous for various reasons, one of which was that although my flushed face and my hazy words said one thing, my lower head responded in another way.

—Even though you know… I'm still… I can't… contain myself.

—Uhm? Oh-

In one swift movement I leapt up to her face and hugged her, placing my lips against hers and kissing her, giving her my all.

—You gave me a tough day... t-take responsibility!

—Then the mouse begins to show its teeth to the fearsome cat with worn claws... So be it then!

The sun fell in the middle of an afternoon like any other, the afternoon of a special day, as special as any day in my daily life with Monica; the goddess of this world.

Chapter End Notes:

Schrödinger panties: Danny is referencing the famous proposition named “Schrödinger’s cat”. It’s about a cat inside a box along a vial of venom with a 50-50% chance of breaking or not breaking. For short, the proposition is about the superposition states (related to the electron behavior) because when existing exactly the same chances for the two results to happen, the cat is theoretically alive and death at the same time given that nobody outside the box can know if the vial broke and killed the cat or if the vial didn’t broke and the cat survived. The proposition is not exactly like that but I explained it to have the same purpose, if you want to know more… you can ask Google-chan.

You can contact me via discord, my tag is Exosaur#7911; you can also follow me on twitter like @ExosaurX where I’ll publish stories updates. If you like my work don‘t forget to leave a review!

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