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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry if you think that six chapters is a lot to start with the lewd content but I like to prepare things to happen and be detailed with character’s feelings and personality, not just like “Hey, wanna have sex?” “Yeah, why not?”

Chapter type: -Plot>Ero-

Friday is a great day, we can all go to our houses and relax for a weekend waiting for the next one to start, maybe leave school with your circle of friends to some entertaining place, a shopping center, a store, an arcade or even go on a date with your girlfriend. In my case this Friday would translate into “spending the rest of the day with my girlfriend”

Since I live alone, running away from home is not something that is in my dictionary lately (although it never was in the first place) since I can go where I want when I want and for as long as I want, it all depends on my own assessment of the situation. It is part of my new “adult” high school life, if I don't buy ingredients for cooking or something to eat I don't have dinner although this life isn’t completely like an adult one since my parents send the money necessary to continue paying for services and not have to complicate myself looking for a part-time job which in fact I was thinking for a while; I would like to have more money for myself and my things, buy a video game or a manga without having to ask my parents for money.

While I ramble in my own thoughts, the girl who expels the soft scent of a perfume noticeable enough but without being intoxicating tugged on my arm while I thought among other things, how could someone like her have fun “being with me” instead of just “with me”.

Taking the shortest route home we both reached her uninhabited house, then I went out of my thoughts and refocused my mind on the present.

—I’m in home...

Behind her I took a few shy and reserved steps closing the door behind me and removing my shoes as I climbed the step to the perfectly polished dark wood floor creating a modern structural contrast alongside the grayish walls and the simplicity with lack of designs or patterns.

Calming her previously hurried pace, Monica went to the living room encouraging me to enter too. Taking a couple of steps and gazing into the minimalist furnished room, her bag landed with a soft sound on a black sofa next to a low glass table 50 centimeters high with a flooded jug and pink flowers inside.

—Are you thirsty? —She said rummaging through a tall cabinet.

Her voice came from behind a wall about a meter high that separates the living room from the kitchen.

—With some water I'm fine, thank you —I replied casually as I examined the place with my eyes.

It’s somehow shameful that I came to her home before and I don’t knew the living room until now, how much people visit the home of a person and go directly to a room without even seeing the living room? It sounds as if the only ones who did it were those whose main reason is doing lewd things which I prefer to highlight, it was not like that in my case.

After pouring water into a glass she walked over to me and placed it on the table.

—Thank you —I took the glass and drank the content that vitalized my tired throat.

—So... what would you like to do today?

—Mm —after finishing drinking I put the glass on the table—. You were the one with the idea of r03;r03;me coming, I thought you had a plan or something.

—Certainly, the thing is that I have so many plans that I would like to know which ones you want to start with —she smiled.

—And how do you want me to know what plans you have in mind to choose any?

—It's not that, I just imagined there was something you might want to do too so I asked your opinion before since this will actually be me playing with you for the rest of the day, hehe~.

—I want to clarify something, do you mean “play with me”? Or literally use me to play your games?

—I think the second one... yeah, to use you.

—Hey... don't be too rude with me, that's all I want.

—I can probably fulfill that request.

—Are you sure?

—Not quite but I'll try.

After hearing that I can’t help but to leave me fall on the couch and cover my face with both hands sunk in both the horror and despair that means to have your almighty girlfriend using you as a toy.

When I pulled my hands away I could see Monica put her hands together and interlock her fingers, playing with them repetitively as if she was anxious about something. I couldn't help but notice this.

—Is something wrong? —I questioned.

—Ah i-it's nothing —she spread her hands quickly

—No, something happens to you, I've known you for a couple years and I can tell when you're anxious or nervous about something.

—Tsch —she clicked her tongue.

—Monica, you can talk to me if there’s anything bothering you —after saying that, I rejoined my seat correctly and leaned forward to be closer to her—. You know that at this point nothing coming from you can impress me, right?

She seemed to be lost in thought for a moment until she looked at me and responded in a somewhat embarrassed way.

—Are you sure about that? I... no matter what I say to you, it can’t…? You know... amaze? Or... disgust?

I have to admit that when she said it that way a little chill went up my spine but being her I don't think it's anything that I can't handle, not after what I experienced this morning in a reality that now never happened.

—Yes, I’m sure, you can tell me whatever it is and I will not bother or judge, I just want you not to feel anxious about something that may involve me. Let's talk and we will surely come to a conclusion.

I tried to sound as sure of myself and encouraging as possible but the truth is that when it comes to anything related to Monica’s powers I can’t keep righteousness to a hundred percent so I ended up getting lost in my thoughts a bit. Scaring or impressing I promise whatever it is I’ll do my best to support and comfort her.

—Thank you... Danny —with her eyes down her cheeks reddened slightly—. I know that you have done a lot for me between yesterday and today, I know that you’re still somewhat nervous about my powers and that you still cannot fully digest it but I promise you that with time you will get used to it, I will also do everything possible to accelerate that process denying any pinch of fear from your heart.

—So I can't hide it huh? —With some embarrassment I scratched the back of my head.

—Of course not, I am aware of all your feelings regarding my powers; just as a security measure I established a connection between your fear of me and me, well, there’s no better way to know that you aren’t afraid of me actually and that... your fear is totally rational given the place of your brain it is.

—What do you mean?

—Ah, let's put it like this, if you were really scared of me and my powers as a whole thing distrusting and believing that I would use my powers to hurt you, for example, that fear would not be irrational if not preventive. Therefore it would be represented in a certain way and it would be in a specific place in your brain, however, being a fear that you cannot help having even if you trust me fully, being more of a primitive instinct of yours as a human being it is housed in another part of your brain. That fear you unconsciously feel is there and there is nothing you can do about it.

—So that's how I feel... well, I didn't know you had that kind of knowledge.

—It's nothing, really, it was a book I read back when I was younger, nothing to be impressed about.

—Well then… what is that you have to tell me?

With a deep sigh Monica sat up as straight as possible and looked at me with a serious look.

—Danny, this is about the reason why I focus my powers on changing things in size mainly while I’m able to do everything, have you ever wondered why I use them almost exclusively to alter the size of either myself or my environment?

Now that I think about it it's pretty curious and quite true, she actually has the ability to do anything and everything except to revive the death people completely so she should be able to do whatever she wants with her powers. The point is that she doesn’t usually leave the area of shrinking things or changing her own size. Until now I didn’t realized that but I suppose that now that she mention it I didn’t paid much attention to it and I just figured it would be the fastest and most efficient way to demonstrate her capabilities but apparently it isn't the case.

—I didn't really paid much attention to it, I just thought it would be the most effective way to show me the magnitude of your powers, right?

—Well... actually it is not —she started playing with her fingers again—. In fact, it's kinda… well… gross.


—I'm sorry, hehe… um… then let's say it's kinda funny.

I am starting to get worried that she considers something that she does at will as “gross” so repeatedly.

—Ahem —clearing her throat, she continued—. Well, actually, the truth is that I...


—I have a fetish with… feeling superior and… um… being large or… interacting with very small people.

Of all the things she could have said at that moment the truth is that it was not the worst thing I could imagine she would say but the truth is also that something like that did not even crossed my mind at any time.

—A… fetish?

—Have you ever heard of the “Macrophilia”?

I try to search in my mind because I feel that I had heard that word before, in fact, I feel like I once read something about it...

Ah, I remember, I remember perfectly.

—So… you’re macrophilic?

With her face very red and her head looking between her legs, she shook her head in confirmation.

I have something complicated in my hands.

Monica got up from her seat and took a step towards the exit of the room, at that moment I took her by the arm exerting some force.

—Let me go —she said curtly.


—You’re disgusted... aren’t you? You must be thinking something like… “How disgusting, does she really want me to fulfill her strange fetishes? Why better not go somewhere and die there in silenc-”

—Wowowowowowow —I stopped her before she continued spitting poison—. I haven’t thought that! Couldn't you read my mind? You should know it's a lie! Why would I think something so horrible?

—Ah...? — Her gaze focused in me.

—Come on, you can read my mind, you will see that I don’t think anything like that, you can read everything you want so you will know if I am just trying to comfort you or if I am telling the truth —I dropped her wrist.

—... —After a few moments of silence, her expression was greatly impressed and tears began to obstruct her vision—. “Not what I expected but no problem”? “There are a thousand worse things but this certainly wasn't something I expected”? “I have something very complicated in my hands”? —Reciting those words I recognized as my own thoughts, she intoned in disbelief—. W-where are the thoughts of disgust and revulsion, aren’t you...?

—Monica! —Speaking in a forceful tone that made her shut up I got up violently from my seat and wrapping my arms around her I squeezed her tightly giving her a protective hug —. I don’t feel like that, I don’t think that’s something disgusting, it may be something weird for me but hey, we all have fetishes and that makes them what they are, weird things that we enjoy doing and that we are too ashamed of in some cases, I mean, you still had the courage to tell me, do you think I'd be someone horrible enough to think those things when it took you so much courage to tell me? Come on, no way... Monica?

At some point while I was speaking I hadn't noticed that water started to flow down my shoulder and little sobs appeared, a weak cry, Monica is crying on my shoulder.

Somewhat happy to have convinced her while I hugged her, I sat down and let her sit on my lap. I caressed her back and gave her light pats of consolation.

—Okay… it was tough, wasn't it?

Her crying continued for a few more minutes.


—Are you feeling better?

Monica got off from my legs and sat next to me.

—Yes... I feel better now.

—Did you check everywhere? Are you sure I don't feel disgusted or anything like that?

—Mhm, as much as I looked everywhere... I did not find even the slightest hint of a negative feeling about it... you are incredible.

—Come on, you are my girlfriend, I could not feel disgusted by you even with all your quirks, I MEAN, after I found out that you are practically God there is nothing that can surprise me.

—Even so… you are somewhat nervous —she smiled mischievously.

The great thing about Monica is that she recovers from her falls in no time although for me that is a terribly bad thing at the moment.

—Why should it be? I mean... it's probably because I have to start studying for university, you know, many young people my age already know what they will do but I'm still not quite sure hahahahahahahaha —clearly I failed to hide the true reasons for my nerves.

—“Will I be enough?” “W-what will she do to me?” “What kind of things will she do with me to satisfy herself based on her macrophilia?”

—DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD!! —Screaming, I felt very ashamed—. Weren't you terribly embarrassed about that just now!?

—The first thing is —she raised the index finger of her left hand—. Don't worry, you'll be more than enough for me, I have so many plans Danny.

There was a lump in my throat, I could only swallow a large amount of saliva.

—The second —using her middle finger, she represented the number two and also the peace symbol—. I have many things to do to you, Danny, I really enjoy just thinking about it… imagine when I do… hehe~. Finally... third —her ring finger was the last to rise—. Expect some kind of very… dirty stuff, heh.

Okay, now my nerves are fired, I can feel my pulse rising dangerously and my face heating up. What kind of pathetic expression should I have right now?

Unfortunately for me, part of my research about it from a couple of years ago came back to my head, terms like “gore”, “vore” or “torture” came to my mind making my imagination fly even more.

—Hahahahahahahahaha! You're really terrified hahahahahaha! —Monica suddenly broke her previous malevolent and seductive character and burst out laughing—. Being so sure of yourself just now and now scared to death, that’s so funny!

—Hey, I fear for my integrity!

—Aaahh... —She wiped her tears intermingled with laughter—. There is nothing to worry about Danny, I know what you are thinking and I don’t enjoy the gore branch, you should know that you are totally safe, whatever I do I will do it with your consent and it will be 101% safe so don’t be alarmed.

Those words made me feel deeply relieved.

—Um... anyway, why were you so scared when you told me?

—Well… that's because… —She began to explain.

From what I could understand Monica had this fetish from an early age. For years she has been looking for related content on the internet secretly from her parents and acquaintances keeping her online history and identity hidden from everyone. She had found any amount of content on this topic, however, this factor was in part what contributed to her trauma. Over time she has seen not only the online rejection that other internet users of +18 sites have by fetishists of her kind but also she had experienced it in real life, things like small talk with classmates or acquaintances that end in “Hey, did you know that macrophilia thing? It’s actually disgusting and unpleasant, who could find pleasure in that?” And as time went by, nodding to those statements in occasional conversation made her convince herself that she was actually doing something wrong and it was terrible. A truly sad story… but now that I'm here for her I'll make sure she clears those thoughts out of her head and she can start over again enjoying what she does, as long as she doesn't really hurt other people there’s nothing wrong with it.

After a brief conversation we agreed that I would stay the night and we both went up to her room, I have to admit that I felt very anxious about going back in there and knowing what I now know, I felt it bolder. Walking with that heavy feeling of guilt in my steps I took a seat in the chair, teeing that although her bed looked much more comfortable I wanted to keep a safe distance knowing that my girlfriend brought me for sexual reasons (even if they are one-sided, they’re sexual for her in the end) makes me terrifyingly nervous, will I be enough? She said I would be, what if she just said it to comfort me? I probably won't be, I've never done something like this before so I won't have a clue about what to do, what comes out in the videos or doujin is never enough or so I've heard from friends who have done it.

My legs started to shake full of insecurity and anxiety as I sat there thinking about all this. Then I feel a soft caress on my scalp, such a gentle touch that it made all these negative feelings dissipate quickly, when I looked up I saw Monica stroking my head.

—Everything will be fine... if you don't feel ready tell me and I promise I'll stop, if you don't feel comfortable I won't force you either.

Losing a bit of my dignity as a man with those words, it was impossible for me to go back at this point.

—N-no n-need t-to w-worry about me… I-I'll be good...

—God, you're all shaky and you even stutter, do you really think you can like this? Don't try to act brave with me dummy. As soon as I make the first move you will scream like a girl.

—T-that's n-n-not tru- KYYAAA

I felt a light and exciting contact that slid down my chest in a downward direction undoing the buttons of my shirt, I couldn't help but let out a rather embarrassing scream for a boy.

—Your voice is sometimes more feminine than mine.

—C-come on... laugh... I-I'm a coward and...

—I will not laugh this time because this is different. I don’t have fun humiliating you in this way, only scaring you and making you look like a fool but I would never make fun of you for something like this —she said with a serious and protective voice tone.

This feeling... this aura that she emits is what drove all of us in the school crazy... this is Monica Riedel putting her skills into use, I feel absorbed by her words...

—B-but... How is it that you’re so calm...? I mean, we're the same age and you never had sex before… right?

—I want to tell you three things Danny. To be honest I am quite nervous only that I am able to cope it better than you, the second is that I have been living a good part of my life abroad, the Japanese are always much more shy with these kind of things, westerners are more... skilled when it comes to issues like this, the other thing is that I'm actually 22 years old and let's say I have a much higher degree of maturity than yours with this.

—22 years old!?

—Yes, I lost some years attending to affairs in Germany. In the end I had to manipulate a couple of things so that everyone believed that I was 17 years old but the truth is that I am already 22 years old, I am an old woman don't you think?

—Of course not!

—I can see that you don't think like that... Danny, I don't really know if you can hide your thoughts but I'm too surprised that you're not able to think bad things about me, when I revealed my powers, my fetish or my age, you've always been so understanding...

—W-whatever... I just...

—Ooooooh, what do I see? Did I just discovered something about my boyfriend that will be very useful to me?

—W-what are you talking about!?

—You like girls older than you... huh? Do you want me to make you tell me “Onee-“?

—STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!!! —Shaking my hands strongly with my eyes closed, I did my best to not let her finish that sentence.


—NOOOOOOOOOO!! —Taking my head with both hands I slipped down the chair completely defeated.

—So… you like girls taller than you, older than you, smarter than you and… higher than you in general.

I didn't said anything, I shouldn't be able to answer that. I know it would be kind of selfish after she told me how she feels but I just wasn't ready to say something like that.

—Please... stop for now, I promise I'll tell you everything later but... now I'm not ready...

Returning from an apparent trance, Monica stopped speaking.

—I-I'm sorry! I got carried away for a moment...

—Okay, I promise I'll tell you later...

—But hey, knowing that you like girls older than you will help me a lot, if I knew the rest I could also do a couple of interesting things, I will be waiting for you to gather the necessary courage, I know that it is difficult. In fact, now that I think about it what I could see of your fetish mixes a lot with mine you know?


—Because I’m a veteran on this I know a lot of things, as I've read, people with tastes like yours are likely to go into the branch of macrophilia if you are prompted either because finding content on the internet or by someone else.


—Think about it, what better demonstration of superiority than your girlfriend older than you totally surpasses you physically by being a giant?

—I actually... I think you're right...

So I... do I also have an attraction to this thing? While I was thinking, Monica jumped into me giving me a big hug.

—I'm so happy... if we both share this... we could both be happy and not just me... it was the last thing I wanted, to force you to do something you didn't want to.

—I mean, I would do it for you without problems but I guess you're right, if we both enjoy it it's even better… I think.

I think that at this moment I begin to fully understand this feeling that so many people describe as “butterflies in the stomach” when referring to some event related to intimacy with a girl or things like that but in my case I feel more like having a cat energetically playing with my internal organs. My feelings are so mixed with my nerves that I feel like I could pass out at any moment, I have to calm myself, it would be terrible if Monica could not enjoy something that she has been waiting for so long with her boyfriend because he “fainted out of nerves”. That would be sad for her and pathetic and humiliating for me.

—Do you feel ready?

Despite being so obvious that I’m not, I nodded so as not to continue causing problems to her.

—You're not... —She sighed—. It seems that you will faint at some point so I will go little by little very slowly and more importantly, you already know, if you feel even in the least that you do not want to continue with this, tell me and I promise you that I will stop.

I nodded silently again, words can't come out due to the tremendous lump in my throat.

—Here I go.

Just before I could nod my head a third time, I felt the world around me change, turning black for a moment.

When I regained my sense of sight I found myself in a different environment than the one I was in a few moments ago for reasons I already know so I took a look. Despite being something that I should be used to by now, I can't just ignore a feeling as strong as the one I feel when this happens.

—Are you okay? Do you want to stop?

Her words resounded and although its magnitude was impossibly high it didn't hurt my ears in the least, they even felt like they normally do.

—I-I'm fine... don't worry...

Just seeing her open her gigantic mouth to utter a few words was enough to make me stutter and shake again. That would be a simple route to transform one of these sessions with the term “vore” which I hope I never have to do.

—Perfect, first of all we have to get used to each other on this scale so we will start practicing, nothing dangerous for now, it will simply be spending the night while you measure a centimeter.

—I’m a centimeter tall?!

—Yes, is something wrong?

—No wonder you look so huge from my perspective...

For me, while I'm standing on her hand that measures enough for me to run on it, her face is at a considerably distance and is equally huge although it is a few centimeters away from her perspective.

—Then we can go with more extreme things, half a centimeter, a few millimeters, and even nanometers!


—Oh sorry, I got carried away, for now don't worry about that.

How am I supposed not to worry about that when she wants to reduce me to the size of a micro-organism?

—Now, comparing measurements, do you know how much I measure?

—The truth is that I had never asked myself... but since I measure 1.79 and you are only a little bit below me, I calculate that you must be around 1.76 more or less.

—Nuhuh, narrowly, 1.77

—Wow, you're almost the same size as me.

—Probably that’s because the Japanese are not very tall generally. I come from a place where we are also taller than the Japanese.

—Do you think you will grow more? Since you are 22 years old I see it unlikely...

—Who knows, really I'm not too tall taking into consideration my age although in the average Japanese I sure do.

—So... basically your 177 centimeters are 176 times my body... that's a lot...

—Awesome huh?

Saying that she moved her hand a little, for me that simple action altered my whole world making me lose my balance and fall on my butt, luckily her skin felt like falling on a sofa or a cushion.

—Are you okay?

—Yes, don't worry, I suppose I have to get used to this size and... you at that size, it's not easy to be in this position.

—You look like you’re calmer now Danny. Where did that terror you had a while ago went?

She did it on purpose! Recalling why we had surely came to this room in the first place my nerves had multiplied 177 times. Now the girl I was going to do “that” with is a giant that can do what she wants with me and there's nothing I can do... realistically there was never anything I could do about it but now it's a more remarkable power difference. Due to the impression of the change in size I forgot it for a moment but now my feelings of unease are much more intense than before.

—W-why s-sh-shouldn’t I b-be calm?

—Hey... —With her free hand she impacted her open palm against her forehead gently—. Don't behave like I'm going to eat you silly, I already told you that I was going to be soft with you. For now you just have to wait to spend a normal night with me, the only thing different is that you will be a centimeter tall.

—And that's a little difference?

—Not exactly —she laughed as she responded.

—Do you... promise?

—Yes Danny, I promise, besides, I would not want to force you to do anything like that if I can accidentally hurt your feelings. Everything is going to be ok~.

—So... I believe you —I left out a big sigh.

It is actually very relaxing to hear those words coming from her, Monica may be a somewhat impulsive person at times as well as a joker but she is a person of integrity and completely trustworthy, you can have your hopes in her if she says something and it is that the world has to end so she cannot fulfill the things she assures you, as in this case I trust her. As my friend and as my partner now more than ever.

—What do you want to do for now?

When I saw through the window of the room I could see that we lost a good amount of time, talking downstairs, comforting her and being up here. Outside the remaining signs of sunlight are almost null, hunger was the internal clock that made me realize this.

—Now I'm a little hungry, can we eat something?

—Sounds good, I also feel my stomach starting to resent not having eaten since school, therefore, I think seeing you is making me want to eat you, you look very tasty...

The problem was not that she said that, the reason that a tremendous chill ran down my spine was the twisted intonation she gave to those words accompanied by a roar of her stomach that was heard like a monster roaring inside a cave.

—Don't joke about that...

—Hahahahaha~ you are very sensitive little one; anyway, let's go downstairs, I'll order a pizza.

—That sounds good.

Certainly, as she mentioned it on more than one occasion, although if she’s able to cook well is not her thing, “As much as possible while I can order something without representing me a problem I will, but if it is necessary for me to cook I will do it without any kind of complaint”. Actually I am the opposite, I prefer to cook unless there is an adverse situation that prevents me to, in which case I am not averse to buying ready-made food.

—I'll start walking, hold on tight.

Silently I nodded assuming that despite my ridiculously short stature she could see my statement, I bent down and filled my hands with her skin, holding tightly to the flesh of her palms, pleasant to the touch, intoxicating and with a pleasant smell and any other amount of positive qualifiers that would be impossible to highlight in a situation other than that of an insect maintaining its vitality on its soft hand.

As she took a step everything around me moved a great distance, however, not strong enough to hit me hard. The motion of her hand was fleeting surely because she is taking me into consideration and moving it in a specific way for my comfort. The next step came without delay and so did the next, turning into a smooth sustained motion of continuous movement. Despite that it was incredible to see such a casual environment for me enlarged to absurd proportions, only her room was proportional to a huge castle with a ceiling close to the sky that does not know conventional walls, not only because of its height but also because of the separation between them, magnified appliances and furniture that totally lost the sense of practicality when it is impossible in any way that I can use them.

When the door of the room was opened I could feel the change of ambient as I passed through the doorway, with a horizon totally different from that of a few moments ago the entire stage turned 180 degrees, the colors of the walls, the decoration or the proportions of the separation between walls, since it is a corridor they were much smaller but still they were still stupidly wide.

As she took the first two steps downstairs I felt a terrible change in pressure that made my stomach do one, two, three and even four turns. Each step down was one more turn for my stomach which I could feel told me that in the next one I would violently spill its contents on the beautiful hand of my girlfriend. Bitching my guts and almost fighting my own body to keep this girl’s hand clean I managed to get my gastric juices to stay where they belong as well as my lunch.

The time it took me to walk from the living room to Monica's room was doubled on the return trip in a turbulent motion of movements, changes of scenery and physiological warnings. Finally we both arrived to the kitchen.

—How do you feel?

It took me some time to respond while still drowning out my previous nausea, concentrating each neuron into trading my scrambled thoughts for happier ones.

—Mmmhmmm... I think fine… the only bad thing was… going down the stairs, that... made me nauseous.

—You have a sensitive stomach, I can solve that.

Suddenly all the nausea that I felt until a moment ago and that disturbed my mood disappeared without a trace.

—Thank you, I feel much better —the color returned to my face and my expression improved noticeably.

—Yeah, it's better that way, seeing your all-complicated face gave me some remorse, well, we're going to eat so you couldn't have your stomach in that state… don't worry, you won't feel nauseous anymore.

Showcasing her (technically) infinite range of powers she solved a trivial problem that turned my senses on its head as easily as one who blows the dust that has long accumulated on the table in any corner.

Taking her cell phone in the hand she wasn't holding me on, she dialed some numbers on the touch screen and moved the phone to her ear at a terrifying speed, even something as normal as that becomes capable of stealing my breath, actions that don’t require any kind of effort as those are the ones that define how different the world around me is when I am a sad centimeter tall.

—Good night, mmhhm~ yes, I want a pizza with...

Her attention drifted away from me leaving only a distracted phone conversation with some part-time employee to order a pizza.

After finishing ordering, Monica hung up the call and put the phone back where she found it when she got here.

—He will be here soon, do you want to see how I try to make the delivery man be late?

—That's horrible!

—Hahahaha, I know, it's a joke, I wouldn't use my powers for something so mean.

Sometimes I have no idea what goes through that twisted head of hers but what is true is that there are many thoughts and perspectives that I am not able to fully understand... Or maybe I am just overestimating a clown? It is perfectly doable.

—Do you want to do something while we wait? —Taking a few steps without interrupting her words she took a seat on the closest sofa.

Considering that we were both sitting side by side on this now absurdly extensive sofa a moments ago, it is something that is still impressive although I can see how each and every one of the everyday and unimportant aspects turns absolutely when I am a defenseless body from a single centimeter in height, from the size of a fly reaching levels never before imagined by me to furniture and structures that lose every one of their utilities starting with the fact that I cannot even reach them without help.

—Something? —I scratched my cheek having a slight suspicion of where she was going with that “innocent” question—. I'm not sure, there's not much I can think of what we can do with this huge difference in size.

—Then I'll choose for you.

Something told me that I would regret not choosing a simple route when I had the chance.

—Let's see, things to do with your centimeter tall boyfriend when both of you are alone in your house and there is no one to whom he can yell for help...

—Don't say it like that...

—Anyway, I can see that your nerves calmed down compared to earlier, right?

—Ah... —I saw the palm of my hand realizing a strange serenity that compared to my hypersensitivity before, seemed apathy—. Apparently I got used to the feeling, didn't you do anything to me?

—No, it was all your thing.

It is good to know that I have sufficient command of my senses and over all my nervous states, I had even begun to think that a panic attack a few moments before having a quality intimate time with my girlfriend was a matter that I would have to deal with seriously later but apparently it was nothing more than a shock at the unconventionality of the situation, especially for someone virgin and with zero love experience like me.

—Although... somehow I like it, you look very cute when you're scared... hehe~.

—Was that a compliment?

—I guess you can say it was, I like that tender side of you.

My cheeks reddened which would hardly, no, impossibly be noticeable at this scale from her perspective if only she wasn't potentially omniscient.

—Aww, how cute you are when you're embarrassed...

—W-whatever, what will we do?



—Can I be honest with you?

—Eh? I guess so…

The way it sounded worried me a little, possibly it was nothing to worry about but only to preserve one (useless) level of caution I wanted to keep that feeling of alertness. A slightly abrupt movement removed me from my repeated and banal musings, with the wind hitting my body and my position changed, now being exactly in front of her seductive lips painted with a bright pink lip gloss.

The sudden overwhelming presence of those two shiny, saliva-wet pillows on their surface made me take a couple of steps back without thinking twice, realizing the situation I found myself in I stopped my foot that kept going backwards and I stood tall examining both her lips and her intentions.

—A little more and I'll have to force you... Do you want to?

—Kissing… we've only been going out for a day… Besides… where is the fact that you wouldn't force me to do anything?

It’s true that previously I was daring enough to plant a kiss on her cheek but it was inevitable for me, I just felt that it was something that would make her happy, in fact it was but I think it is selfish of me to act reserved now although a kiss on the lips was a level far beyond for me.

Scarlet brilliance hovered on both of Monica's cheeks making me see that she is clearly nervous suggesting a kiss as well as making me realize that I am an idiot without any kind of tact.

—Yes, you're right... um... it's just that in the west things usually go faster, n-not necessarily in all cases but... I'm sorry if I’m giving you a hard time for being so hasty...

—No! Of course not! —Shaking my hands and head vigorously from side to side I tried to undo the stupid atmosphere that I created myself

—So... —Shifting her eyes shyly from side to side without focusing her gaze, she probably made accidentally if not the most beautiful face that a living being can make, a pretty approximated one—. What does that mean?

—I want... of course I want... Monica —swallowing my desire to shout that, I said it in the most calm humanly possible way.

A smile was projected on her face blinking a few times and making her long thin black eyelashes stand out, for someone in my current state small details like these and many others became more than improbably objectionable, just noticeable in any way.

—Thank you Danny!

Dazzling smile, sweet breath, there is no natural imperfection that I can find in her physically. I suppose that is what people call the magic of the first days of relationship… I am in a state of total limerence… assured.

—But... will our first kiss be like this?

—To tell the truth I am dying to put you against my lips for a long time, I think that normal kisses are not bad but...

—I understand...

—Anyway, it's not like I've kissed before!

—Don't worry, I understood what you mean.

—So... it will not be a real kiss, at least not for me, I would say that it will be the closest thing to the hug of a whale or something like that.


—I say it because of the size! You are not fat!


—Sorry ...

My floor began to rise on one side, clearly the opposite of the direction in which her lips are, causing me to slide until I collided with two pink giant pillows.

A feeling almost magical ran through my body like a chill at the moment I made contact; with my head buried into her inferior lip I could feel the warmth and a sense of viscosity and humidity coming from the mix of the lipstick and her saliva impregnating completely in me. For a moment I was tensed by the fact that my comment might have offended her but experiencing this, that slight suspicion faded.

With a “chhhhuuuuuuu” her lips sucked not only my face but my body as well, trying to kiss me although the clear difference in size made the action difficult. Doing what I could I put my whole mouth against her lips but still I doubt that she could perceive a kiss of mine no matter how hard I tried and tried, bringing my lips together I pressed them as hard as I could against hers but that did not change the fact that by itself the sound that theirs emitted when coming together and sucking drowned any hope of repaying her feelings in the smallest way, now, thanks to the sticky substance and the force of her kiss it was impossible for me to get away, even to separate my head from her lower lip (which, in any way I would not force or do if I had the opportunity). For a few more moments my ability to move was disabled and trying to give at least the minimum perceptible show of affection possible, sucking on her gigantic lip and licking it roughly, in the process much of her saliva entered my mouth and like I couldn’t walk away I had to swallow it and although it felt quite strange it was not specifically unpleasant rather arousing.

About a minute later Monica stopped sucking on me and so I fell back onto her hand again this time wrapped in a highly thick, viscous liquid with a strange and curiously stimulating odor all over my clothes and the skin which my clothing did not reached to cover.

—Sorry if I went overboard... and well... Did you like it?

—Are you kidding me!? You don't have to apologize, that was very… umm … I don't know how to express it…



—Stimulant? —Almost like missing a target, she only said one shameful word after another.

—It's closer but still not precise... I think... “wonderful” is what I'm looking for.

Outlining a smile Monica pressed me against her lower lip and sucking me once more, she gave me another kiss, this time a quick one.

—I'm glad you liked it —with a pure smile she closed her eyes for a moment.

Although “pure” is not what best combines with this moment, it was what I felt inside of me.

—Done that… I think we can go a little further...


Making my world change again by moving me, Monica lowered her hand, spreading her legs a little and leaving some space on the sofa between her two fleshy pillars that extended from her waist to very low on the floor. She carefully released me onto the comfortable soft surface of the sofa.

Taking a look at my nearness (or distance) on both sides I could see two huge tubes of meat with several times the diameter of what a freight truck would be.

Understanding her intentions little by little I slowly turned around to meet them.

Monica still did not change her uniform which consists of a dark blue blazer and a white shirt with gold buttons. These accompanied by a short black pleated skirt with a similar dark blue square design.

Therefore, when I turned around I found myself with a space covered by cloth, half sunk in darkness which overlooked a huge, almost glowing wall; white with a pink bow on top. The white as snow Monica’s panties.

My face took a reddish color instantly at the same time that I used my hands to cover it, I could not help but spread my fingers to see between them the indeed, glorious and shameless snowy panorama submerged in the shadow of the forbidden and the lustful.

—Uhm... you can move forward…

Pulling myself out of my childish and perverted imaginations, the girl to whom the piece of lingerie that I am seeing belongs to allowed me to advance, of course I would have been unable to do anything if she had not given me her authorization first.

Emboldening myself I mustered all the courage my own mental capacity allowed me and took one step, followed by another, and this by yet another. Walking at a slow but steady pace I found myself thirty steps ahead in a moment, a while more became another thirty steps. Before I knew it I positioned myself one meter (on my scale) of the mystical white panties of my girlfriend. Being this close it is easy to notice things like the sewing of the fabric and the threads that even for me are small but that with a little more reduction could climb like large ropes. One very striking thing while being able to appreciate so many details was that I could not find a trace of dirt, those whitish pantyhose are in total neatness.

When I stopped I could feel Monica's breath shake a little, even here it’s something perceptible not only by the sound but due to the movement of her whole body, even here it is noticeable.

—Danny… touch them.

And there it is, another time when I don’t know if she is making a good faith suggestion or wants to impose an ordinance of shameless actions on me to satisfy her own lust but while the second option sounds pretty unlikely when I know her so well, it still doesn't seem like it's just a suggestion.

—Are you... sure?

The confidence that I have built up to now has an abysmal level of difference to that which I possessed when I decided to come to this house together with my girlfriend, however it is still not strong enough by itself to achieve that without any remorse or secondary feeling I could touch the piece of fabric that is constantly in contact with the most private part of the girl I love. There is no doubt that once that prominent mental border is crossed, my ethics will be seriously affected by my libido and my own desire, so I don’t know if I will be able to think with my higher head and keep my sexual thirst in check.

In any case, Monica is there, she can easily stop me and I fully trust her judgment.

I slowly organize my ideas and come to a conclusion: This is something that I want to do and that I am going to do since I am not the only one, Monica also wants it that way, who am I to deny it when I am also eager for this?

By agreeing with my own ideals and convictions, I finally came to an ethically correct conclusion. I decided to let my body take control of my actions and... enjoy every moment.

As I got closer, I began to raise my arm towards the soft and fluffy looking fabric, with a little more effort, the minimum distance between both my hand and my girlfriend's panties would be reduced to zero.

My breathing became heavier, I could feel my saliva becoming thick and I had the urge to swallow so as not to choke on the content itself generated in my mouth. I don't know what Monica's perspective is on this but something tells me that although she is most likely not half as anxious as I am, she is still somewhat nervous given that the boy she loves is about to touch her panties. Anyway, this is not a bad nervousness or a negative anxiety, it is a strange feeling, a little fearful mixed with happiness; two lovers who are about to conceive their physical connection after having joined their souls in the promise of a secret which involves not the world, but also the entire universe, the omnipotence of one of the two parties.

Without further ado, I took one last heavy breath and extended out my arm.


A trio of dry blows interrupted my swift progress on the spot, causing me not only to stop but to completely immobilize me within centimeters of making contact, what the hell was that scary and shrill anticlimactic sound?!

—Here's your pizza!

Ah, nothing more and nothing less than the pizza man, I totally forgot.

Chapter End Notes:

Before finishing I want to say something. Certainly macrophilia and microphilia are two different things being Monica’s fetish the “Microphilia” (the love for tiny persons, feeling superior, etc) but I used the term macrophilia all the time trying to not confuse anybody, in this case, Danny is the one susceptible to develop macrophilia.

You can contact me via discord, my tag is Exosaur#7911; you can also follow me on twitter like @ExosaurX where I’ll publish stories updates. If you like my work don‘t forget to leave a review!

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