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Author's Chapter Notes:
Yay! A whole chapter of exposition!

It had been difficult for Manni to avoid Janica for the rest of the day, but she did it and she still had Sean by the time the last bell rang.

            She had her own car. It was an old beat-up station wagon, but it had never broken down once. Once she was inside, she took him out once again and placed him beside her ear.

            "How do I know I can trust you?" was the first thing he asked.

            "Have I eaten you?" she asked.

            "No," he said.

            "Have I stepped on you?"


            "Did I ever sit on you? Cram you up my twat like Janica?"

            "No," he said.

            "If I was gonna do it," Manni said, "I would have already done. It. Anyway, I want to stop the Sisterhood, too."

            "Okay, okay," he said.

            When they got to Manni's house, she told her mom that she had a lot of homework. The first thing she did was turn on her computer and type "Sisterhood of the Dagger" into a search engine. She placed Sean in her cleavage with only his head sticking out so he could see the screen. The first result was their official website. Manni checked around in it. Found nothing of value.

            But the next website was very helpful. "Whoa, this is interesting," she said to Sean, "it says here that the Sisterhood of the Dagger was formed over three thousand years ago in ancient Egypt. They originally claimed to worship Osiris, god of death, but then it became apparent to them that not only was the deity they were worshipping female, but she was pure evil. She told them off a plan to reduce everyone in that wasn't in their order to miniscule size. It says that everyone in the order would not be affected by the spell cast by the dagger. But it also says that an amulet was forged that would protect people within a certain radius so they could be sued as slaves."

            "Where is it?" Sean shouted up at her.

            "Many more were made as the Sisterhood grew," she responded, "but according to this, the original is right here in Boston. It's in a curiosities shop owned by this woman." Manni indicated a picture at the top of the page.

            "It's Angela!" Sean screamed.


            He calmed down a bit and said, "No. it just looks like her. Might be her sister or something."

            ‘I don't have school tomorrow," said Manni, "we could go look for it then."

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