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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thanks for the kind reviews, I really like reading them! Just out of curiosity, which giantess is your favorite? (Ignoring the fact that they are all vicious sadists) Their characters will be fleshed out more as the story develops, but I just wanted to get an idea of your guys' first impressions.



Annabelle wondered if it was possible to be an arsonist and not remember it. Or maybe a puppy murderer? It had to be something horrible she did. Something horrible she didn't remember doing to have this much misfortune fall upon her. 

She was being carried off somewhere. Nausea like she had never known engulfed her as she rode in her titanic sized classmate's hand. Everything she had experienced since she was shrunken had been an unreal horror, but her first skin to skin contact with a giant was the most uncanny moment of the night. 

The giantess' palm was warm, but damp. Annabelle was spooked at how well she was still able to smell the whipped cream that once coated her hand. 

Annabelle easily fit in her hand, a fact that Annabelle was determined not to think about. Instead she focused on a line across Harper's palm. She was afraid that if she looked anywhere else, she would be forced to empty her stomach. 

"You are just, like, the cutest little thing," She heard Harper coo from above. Even if Annabelle knew what to say to that, she didn't have the mental fortitude to even look at any of the giantesses' faces.  

"Will you hurry up and bring her over here," Naomi complained from the kitchen. 

"Fine!" Harper snapped.

To what was probably to her, a slight increase in pace, was like shifting a car into a different gear for Annabelle. The tiny girl face planted into the soft palm.

The only acknowledgement she received was a light giggle from her captor. Annabelle was once again shifted as Harper carefully slid her from her hand and onto an impossibly huge island kitchen table. 

What should have been a smooth transition was instead a rough landing for Annabelle. Her bones and muscles had pretty much given up, and there was no motivation for her to summon up any energy. She landed on her stomach and noticed that the cherry juice had made her sticky. Her soaked hair obscured her vision, a small blessing so she didn't have to be exposed to the horrific sizes of the giantesses.

"God what is that all over her?" she heard Molly ask.

"Cherry juice," Harper said. Her voice sounded strange, as if her tongue was swollen. It dawned on Annabelle that she was licking the residue juice she had left when she was in her palm. 

"Now what?" Naomi asked.

That was the question Annabelle had been asking since she had failed to die. If she had just imploded along with Carrie, everything would have been easier.

A set of giant foot steps approached. "Now this," Leah said. Annabelle heard something massive be placed next to her. The sudden noise caused her to flinch. Whatever the object was, it gave off a familiar hum. 

After one of the giantesses began typing, Annabelle realized it was a laptop.

"So I have a theory, but I have to test something first,"Leah said. 

Annabelle felt fingers grab hold of her and shift her until she was standing up. Her new position forced her hair out of her eyes and she was forced to view her captors. She saw that it was Leah who had her between her index finger and thumb. The other giantesses closely surrounded Leah and looked on with great interest, like Leah was going to preform a science experiment. 

Naomi's giant features contorted, "Really Harper? You think she looks cute? Fuck, she looks like Carrie."

Annabelle winched at the mention of her dead companion. She had only seen the deep red puddle that was left of her for a second before Harper grabbed her. Part of her was still probably stuck on the bottom of Leah's foot.

"Yeah, it's way more of a pigs' blood look than a cherry juice look," Molly added.

A pang of horror-laced fury struck through Annabelle's chest. Of course they were referencing the movie. They most likely didn't even know half the names of the Shrinkees they'd obliterated. 

"Shh, shut up and pay attention. If I'm right, then this is big...like really big," Leah said. Her voice was calm, but Annabelle could feel her finger tremble as they pinched her sides.

With her other free hand, Leah's fingers approached Annabelle like something from a monster movie. The terrible sight returned some of Annabelle's energy.

She tried to squirm away but the fingers easily subdued any resistance. Leah's giant fingers took hold of Annabelle's left arm. 

Annabelle paled just at the simple act of touching. Leah hadn't moved and inch, but Annabelle could feel the power behind the appendages. 

From the glint in Leah's eyes, Annabelle knew she could feel it too. Leah began to pull Annabelle's left arm behind her body. Instantly, the tiny girl's limb seared in pain. Annabelle screamed and rebelled against the fingers that were holding her. She used her right arm to scratch and pound against the giantess' fingers but if she felt anything, she certainly didn't show it.

Leah continued to pull Annabelle's arm behind her body until the Shrinkee couldn't see it from her peripheral vision any longer. Annabelle dropped her attacks against the finger. The pain was too intense for her body to do anything but succumb to its agony. 

Annabelle's screams turned guttural as Leah bent her arm back even further.

"Shit, where are her bones?" Naomi breathed. 

Annabelle could barely comprehend what they were saying. This was too much.

Annabelle heard it before she felt it—a snap rung through the kitchen.

"There it is," Leah whispered. Everything felt so far away for Annabelle. For a moment, her arm was numb—until it wasn't.

Each individual nerve in her arm felt as though it had imploded. Annabelle released a wail so loud it startled Leah, causing her to release her from her grip.

Annabelle crumpled onto the table and unleashed rattling sobs. Through her tears looked down at her arm broken, limp, and lifeless. 

Annabelle didn't know whether to cradle her arm or leave it alone. An old memory was forced on her. She was eight and she was practicing soccer with her sister in the back yard. Her sister kicked the ball to her and she prepared herself to kick it back as hard as she could, only to miss and collide with a rock. She had broken her foot in two places. But back then she had her sister and her parents to help her—heal her.

Ten years later and she was alone—save for the four giantesses who did this to her. 

"So...what—" Harper began.

"Wait for it," Leah barked. 

Annabelle was too preoccupied with her pain and despair to begin to speculate what Leah had in mind. A dizzying sensation passed over Annabelle. The pain had numbed a bit and she felt herself beginning to blackout. 

Just as she closed her eyes, a fresh new surge of pain shot through her arm. Annabelle screamed as her arm seemingly began to move on its own. Her bones began to snap back together like painful puzzle pieces. Annabelle observed her arm with both amazement and disgust. 

What the hell?

She gently touched it and winced, it was still sore—but unbroken. 

"What.The. Fuck?" Naomi breathed. Annabelle jerked in surprise. For just a blissful second she had forgotten she had an audience.   

Annabelle yelped as Leah's hands slammed onto the table like meteors. She shot up out of her chair and raised her hands in the air in celebration.

The sudden movement was terrifying for Annabelle, not just because it was like watching a building come to life, but because Leah was the giantess moving with such vigor. She had slaughtered dozens of people only minutes before, yet this was the most enthusiastic Annabelle had seen her.

Based on the uneasy expressions on the other giantesses' faces, they felt the same way.

"Do you want to share with the rest of the class, Leah?" Naomi nervously chuckled. Leah broke off her celebration and replied, "Gladly," with a smile.

She approached her laptop and began typing. "Here, look."

The giantesses crowded around the laptop. Annabelle of course couldn't see anything but the light from the computer illuminating their faces. 

"I don't understand," Harper sighed.

Leah rolled her eyes, "Listen. Height Disruption Disorder affects what, 6% of the nation's population, right?"

The giantesses nodded their heads. Annabelle had no idea where she was going with this or why it required her to break her arm.

"But what most people don't know is that they're two types of the disease: Type 1 HDD and Type 0 HDD," Leah explained.

Annabelle's ears perked up. Old middle school memories of conspiracy website surfing flashed through her mind. There was something familiar about what Leah was saying. 

She continued, "Type 1 is the most common type of HDD. People shrink either from a random natural trigger or an artificial stimulant. They shrink, typically down to three inches and are tiny, frail, and pathetic."

She paused and a wide smirk spread across her face, "Then there's Type 0 HDD. Most people don't know about it, and those who do think it's a government conspiracy. But it does exist. It exists in less than 0.09% of people with HDD.

"They're considered the next evolutionary step for Shrinkees; stronger bone density and flexibility, quick to heal, tougher skin, overall extremely durable," Leah said.

Annabelle shuddered at Leah's words. She was almost certain of what Leah was implying, but her description of the disorder made it sound as if she were reading the attributes of a prehistoric animal.

"Are you saying...?" Molly asked looking between Annabelle and Leah. Annabelle quickly turned her back to the giantesses. She didn't want any part of this. 

"Holy shit!" Naomi cheered, "If this is true then she must be worth—"

"Billions!" Molly finished.

Annabelle curled into herself and buried her head between her legs. How did she get here?

"Don't you guys get it? People become billionaires to own Shrinkees like her. We've skipped that first step. We already have her," Leah said.

"...So?" Naomi said.

"So," Leah snapped, "Think about how we wait every year for nights like tonight. Think how long it takes to prepare and how quickly it's over. I always hear you bitch for months about how you wish you could have done this or that to a Shrinkee. Well now, here's a perfect one that you can't kill."

A contemplative silence hushed over the kitchen. "Fuck...y-you're right." Annabelle could practically hear Naomi drooling.

"I haven't even told you about the best part," Leah said. She sounded absolutely giddy. Annabelle tried to tune them out but their voices were frustratingly commanding.

"Read this part," Leah insisted. 

Annabelle only heard the humming of the laptop while the giantesses presumably read the article. 

Naomi was the first to comment, "Imprinting? Like a duck?" she asked. 

"Mhhmm, eventually a Type 0 Shrinkee will have a biological need to attach themselves to a protector. Look at the diagram down the page. It's like a waterfall of hormones and chemicals are released into the brain and the Shrinkee will do anything the protector says—hell it says the Shrinkee will crave the protector's approval," Leah sounded more ecstatic with every word she read.

"Fuck," Molly exhaled. "Someone living just for your pleasure. That's..."

Annabelle covered her ears and shook her head. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. They couldn't be reading an article—it had to be someone's fucked up perverted short story. 

"H-How? H-How do I make her imprint on me?" Harper breathed. Had been a while since she had spoken. Her voice sounded haggard. 

Annabelle began to shake. Her entire body was rejecting this line of conversation. 

"Well," Leah hesitated, "It says regular interaction with the Shrinkee will create those chemicals to gradually release in their brain. But a Shrinkee can only imprint on one person. There aren't enough studies or data available to know how," Leah explained.

"One person?" Molly reiterated. 

"I call her!" Naomi blurted.

"W-What you can't just call dibs! Plus you wanted to sell her!" Molly retorted. 

"That was before I found out about the imprint thing," Naomi replied.

Annabelle felt physically sick. Every passing moment the giantesses turned her more and more into an object. 

"If anyone is taking her it's me, I've wanted her even before I knew she was a Shrinkee," Harper protested.

The conversation descended into a full on argument. Annabelle trembled, not just from the content of their argument but from their volume. They were so damn loud. Each time one of them opened their mouths, it set off something primal in Annabelle. It made her feel like she was in danger. 

As if on cue, Leah slammed her fist on the table. The impact created a gust of wind that brushed against Annabelle. It was such a terrifying and powerful display of dominance that Leah didn't even register. That was the humiliating part—Leah was getting the attention of the other giantesses—she wasn't even trying to intimidate her. 

Annabelle crawled away from the giant fist. The cherry juice was making it difficult to maneuver, but she inched away little by little. She realized that the giantesses hadn't noticed her moving. She slowly continued to back up as they argued. 

"Enough!" Leah suddenly barked. "This is idiotic. It's not like we can control who she imprints on, like I said—it's random. It could also take months or even years before it happens."

"Years?" Naomi said. "And if she hasn't imprinted on anyone by the time we graduate? What then?" 

Leah shrugged, "We'll deal with it when we get to it. For now we share. Can we all agree to that?"

Annabelle's heart raced. They were coming towards the end of their argument. She didn't know how long she had until their attention turned back to her. Her legs were still sore and shaky but she lifted herself up and began to half run/half limp to the edge of the table. 

She had to end this. If what the giantesses were saying was true then she would heal from any injury. But if she landed on her head on the right angle, maybe it would knock her out or put her in some kind of comma. She didn't know, but she had to try. The giantesses were making plans for years to come. She wouldn't—no she couldn't live like that. Like a pet.

Pain continued to flood her body. The edge of the table was so far away and Annabelle was so tired. 

A wall of flesh descended from the sky and stopped Annabelle in her tracks. Annabelle balked at the giant hand. Her body was too exhausted to retreat from the nearing palm. 

The hand easily engulfed Annabelle and she felt a weightless feeling of being lifted.

With a slight movement of the hand, Annabelle was shifted onto her back and forced to look up at Leah and the three giantesses that surrounded her.

"Planning on going somewhere?" Leah said. She held Annabelle in her palm slightly above chest level, but it was still the closest Annabelle had gotten to any of their faces. It frustrated Annabelle with how mesmerizing it was look at their giant faces. Their eyes, noses, mouths were all so big and monstrous. Still, Annabelle would be lying if she said she didn't notice the beauty in their giant features. It was infuriating how much space they took—and how little she occupied.  

For the first time, Annabelle's fury outweighed her terror. 

"Fuck you! Leave me alone!" Annabelle screamed, surprising everyone, especially herself. 

"And she speaks,"Leah smirked, inciting laughter from the other giantesses. Blood rushed to Annabelle's cheeks from anger or embarrassment, she didn't know. 

"Y-You think this is funny? You killed all of those students! They were people! They had lives, they—"

Annabelle was cut off by Leah's giant finger pressing down her chest. Annabelle clawed and scratched at the unmoving finger.

"Listen—" Leah paused before turning to Harper, "What was her name again?" She asked.

"Annabelle," Harper responded.

Leah made a face, "Really? Nonetheless, Annabelle you're lucky you're so tiny and all that self righteousness comes across as adorable," she said.

She removed her finger from Annabelle's stomach, allowing her up to gasp for air. Leah inspected her finger and frowned.

"So sticky...I think little Annabelle here needs a bath," she laughed. Suddenly she stared at tiny Annabelle and frowned. 

Annabelle flinched at the sudden change in expression.

"What's wrong?" Molly asked.

Leah sighed, "Annabelle just doesn't fit."

Naomi leaned forward and peered down at Annabelle. The Shrinkee retreated further up the hand. "I was thinking the same thing—it's too serious."

Harper gasped, "Poppy!" 

Molly scrunched up her nose, "Poppy? Like the flower?"

Harper nodded with enthusiasm. "Look, her hair is red and she's covered in cherry juice."

With speed that Annabelle couldn't comprehend, Harper was suddenly inches away from her. Her gigantic nose rubbed up against her stomach. The air surrounding her rushed past her as Harper deeply inhaled Annabelle's body scent. Annabelle felt betrayed by her body as laughter bubbled up and spilled out as the Harper's nose tickled her. 

"She smells like a flower. If you, like, count cherries as a flower, I mean. And..." Harper said mischievously, she was so close to Annabelle that when she spoke, it caused her to shake along with her words. 

The air rose twenty degrees more as Harper opened her mouth. Annabelle thought she had reached the peak of her terror, but when she looked into Harper's cavernous mouth and saw it was its own ecosystem with saliva strands that stretched from the top of the mouth to the bottom and two rows of perfect white teeth she realized there would be new horrors waiting for her around every corner.

Then there was the pink beast. It gleefully slithered out of the mouth and Annabelle screamed as it flopped on top of her like a hyper animal. It started from the bottom of her legs and slithered up the side of her body right up to her cheek. 

"She tastes like a flower too," Harper smiled. At normal sized Annabelle might have found the smile endearing, but only inches tall, her smile only brought intimidation.  

"All right, Poppy it is," Leah said. 

Annabelle felt like crying but no tears came. In a less than thirty second conversation they had just completely altered her identity. 

"Well Poppy needs a fucking bath," Naomi grimaced, looking down at the shaken tiny girl. 

"Good idea," Leah said. "Molly get a bowl and fill it with warm water. Harper bring some body wash and shampoo from one of the bathrooms."

Molly and Harper went to retrieve the items and Annabelle was left with the remaining giantesses. Once again, Leah's gigantic fingers approached her from above.

Annabelle crawled back further up the hand, trying to escape from the eager digits. Leah simply straightened her fingers upwards on the hand Annabelle laid on, creating a wall in which Annabelle backed into. 

With long nails that Annabelle imagined cutting into her, Leah began to tug at Annabelle's pants. 

"N-No!" Annabelle protested. 

The giantess ignored her and easily pulled it from her legs, despite the stickiness from the cherry juice. 

"God, look at her widdle feet," Naomi cooed, tracing a long finger down to Annabelle's legs to her feet. Leah glanced at the punk-rock giantess with a raised eyebrow. 

"What? I can't like cute things? She's fucking adorable," she said.

Annabelle kicked at Naomi's invasive finger. "G-Get the hell off of me!" She cried.

Her protests only incited more giggling from the giantesses. Leah reached for her top and removed it, again with ease. 

Annabelle yelped. She was exposed to the giantesses, only left in her underwear. She wrapped her arms around her chest and turned to her side.

"Ah ah ah," Leah tsked. Her giant finger easily slide under Annabelle's arms and flicked them away. As an unexpected side effect, she ripped Annabelle's bra from her body.

"Whoops," she laughed. 

Annabelle screamed at the accidental display of power. She closed her eyes, no longer wanting to be a part of this ritual of humiliation. She waited for Leah to remove her underwear, the one remaining piece of clothing she wore. 

But instead of a gigantic finger, Annabelle felt a gust of warm air on her skin. She begrudgingly opened her eyes to see Leah and Naomi staring down at her with their mouths slightly agape. 

"Fuck..." Naomi whispered, lightly blowing air against Annabelle.

"How did I not notice before?" Leah breathed. Her green eyes were wide with confusion. Dread filled Annabelle. There was also a glint of arousal in both her and Naomi's eyes. 

"Because she was wearing that over-sized shirt," Naomi replied.

Leah shook her head, her eyes still on Annabelle. "Was it like that before?" Leah asked.

It took Annabelle a second to register that she was talking to her. Annabelle, who had been confused throughout this entire interaction finally looked down at her body. Like the giantesses, her mouth dropped open when she took in what she saw.

Her breasts had grown several sizes and were rounder and seemed to defy gravity with how perky they were. Her gaze lowered to her stomach. While Annabelle hadn't succumbed to the full Freshman fifteen, she had definitely softened since orientation. Yet as she analyzed her body she saw the layer of fat was gone. Apparently, it had transferred to her ass, which was now fuller than it had ever been when she was normal-sized. 

Annabelle didn't know whether to scream or laugh at the drastic change of her body. This was just another thing she had lost. Little by little, she was finding herself unrecognizable. 

"Wha-Wha—" Annabelle couldn't get a word out.

"I'll take that as a no," Naomi said. She directed her question towards Leah, "What happened?"

Leah swallowed and then cleared her throat, "I-If I had to guess, this is another characteristic of Type 0 HDD. Maybe an evolutionary thing. Like peacock feathers—maybe it's supposed to attract people, so they'll want to protect her, Leah suggested.

"Well yeah, it's fucking working," Naomi breathed. 

Annabelle hated that theory. As if her entire body had completely altered, just to appeal to these horny co-eds. But even more, Annabelle hated the lustful looks in their eyes.

Naomi raised her finger again and stroked Annabelle's leg. This time it was slower with more purpose. Annabelle froze. She was able to feel every individual ridge on her finger. Naomi slid her finger up Annabelle's thigh and the tiny girl shivered. 

"N-No," she said weakly.

Naomi continued to glide her finger higher until she reached Annabelle's tiny mound. She hovered over it for a moment, as if she were considering something. She quickly removed her panties. Annabelle watched in shock as the giant college student deposited the tiny panties in her pocket. 

Annabelle opened her mouth in protest when giant foot steps thundered over. Both Molly and Harper returned, one not too long after the other. Molly placed a white bowl on the table. Harper followed suit with bottles of body wash and shampoo that were the size of small trees to Annabelle. 

"Whoa," Molly said looking at the naked Annabelle. "At least we know the carpet matches the drapes," she laughed commenting on Annabelle's small red bush.

"Her body..." Harper said softly as she neared her face over a startled Annabelle.

"Wha—you're right!" Molly gasped. She poked Annabelle's stomach with a chubby finger. Annabelle squealed and futilely tried to push her finger away.

"Another effect of Type 0," Naomi said, as if she had known it all along.

"God bless this disease," Molly grinned. She moved her finger away and brought the bowl closer to them. Annabelle screamed as Leah's hands neared the bowl.

Her head collided into Leah's thumb when another hand stopped Leah in her tracks. "Why do you get to wash her?" Harper accused.

Leah's eyes narrowed at the blonde giantess. "Are you serious? It was my device that shrunk her in the first place. If it wasn't for me, you'd still be rubbing one off to pictures of her from your camera roll," Leah hissed.

Annabelle was stunned. Did Harper really have pictures of her? How had she not noticed her infatuation before?

"God you bring that damn device up all the time," Naomi rolled her eyes."Sorry my Dad's not the Governor and can't get me illegal Shrinkee devices," Naomi snapped.

The Governor? She had heard that one of the students had a parent that was a politician but...Governor? Annabelle didn't know what to do with all of this sudden information. She was getting a headache.

"You're just trying to get her to imprint on you," Molly added. 

Leah's face was calm, but Annabelle could feel her palm getting warmer. Leah closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I've already told you, the process is random. Now, you can all bitch or you can rub body wash and shampoo on Poppy while I hold her." Leah's tone was even, but there was something threatening behind her words.

The other three giantesses looked at each other before mumbling different noises of agreement. Annabelle's heart dropped. Every moment in which the giantesses bickered with each other was a moment they weren't paying attention to her. 

Now she had four pairs of eyes drinking up her naked body. Leah grinned down at Annabelle, "Now let's get you clean little one." Annabelle opened her mouth to say something, but only a whimper came out.

Leah held her hand over the bowl and turned her it sideways so Annabelle would slide into the water. Annabelle yelped and began to slide down the hand. Before she reached the water, she grabbed onto Leah's pinky finger and held on for life. 

Her sore arms had given up long ago and her previously broken arm immediately gave way to the pain. She screamed but continued to hold onto the finger with just her right arm.

"Oh wow," Harper giggled at Annabelle's tenacity. 

"I love a Shrinkee with fight in them. She's going to be fun," Leah grinned. She lowered her hand at a creeping pace towards the bowl. 

Annabelle screamed as she was submerged in the water little by little. First her feet, then her waist. Suddenly she was dropped completely in the bowl. 

The last thing she heard before her head fell below the water was the hyena-like giggling of the giantesses. 

Annabelle was surprised to find the bowl wasn't as deep as she thought. If she stood on her the tips of her toes and raised her head to the sky, she would be able to breathe. But for now she had no reason to do so.

In the warm water everything was still and quiet. For the first time this horrible evening, Annabelle hadn't heard any screaming, laughing, arguing, or gigantic footsteps. 

Everything was peaceful.

Of course it was over as soon as it began. Like a sea monster, a gigantic hand dove in the water and approached her with wide, open fingers.

Annabelle did her best to fight against it, but like with everything else in this new giant world, she was too weak to stop it.

Annabelle was lifted to the surface and the still quiet transitioned into a cacophony of giantess giggling and cooing. She gasped for air and coughed out the water that had snuck into her lungs. Leah held her at the top of the water's surface. The result was almost like a makeshift kiddie pool, but instead of an inflatable pool, it was a giantess' hand keeping the water in.

Annabelle was beyond exhausted. Her body refused to move another inch. Even as another pair of enormous fingers entered her field of vision, she was too tired to protest against them. A heavy and cold weight landed on her head. 

With surprising control and delicacy the fingers began to rub her head. The smell of shampoo was overwhelming at her size. But much to her irritation, the scrubbing of her hair and head felt amazing. Annabelle inadvertently leaned her body back into Leah's fingers.

Between the warm water and the slender fingers, Annabelle found her eyelids growing heavier. She rubbed her eyes, ignoring the increase in squeals it incited from the giantesses above. She had to stay awake. She was too vulnerable. 

She looked up at her captors. The giantesses eyes were all fixed on her. Having all four sets of eyes on her was a chilling feeling. Their eyes were so big and she was so small. 

Leah turned her head and whispered something into Harper's ear. Leah's head massage muffled any sound that may have reached Annabelle's ears. 

Harper's eyes shone as she placed a dollop of body wash on her finger. Sensing where this was going, Annabelle began to try to wiggle from Leah's hand. Harper's finger landed directly on her chest and held her in place.

"N-No...no," Annabelle whimpered as Harper began to rub the liquid soap across her breasts. She didn't know if it was the shrinking or her soreness, but Annabelle's body had never felt so sensitive. She felt every inch of Harper's finger as it molested her chest.

"Shh," Harper cooed, "Let me take care of you my little Poppy. You're, like, so soft, did you know that?" She whispered. 

"I wanna try," Molly chirped. She took a drop of body soap and began rubbing Annabelle's arms, causing her to giggle when she washed underneath her arms.

"S-Stop," Annabelle said through laughter. She cursed her body for its sudden transformation and betrayal.  

She felt another finger join in and start to wash her legs. "You're right, she IS soft," Naomi breathed. 

Annabelle thought of the last time she had washed herself. It only a few hours ago. She had taken a quick run before the HDD meeting and showered right before she arrived.

It was almost laughable that had been such a short time ago. Annabelle now had four giantess college students molesting her in a bowl they probably ate cereal out of. How had her life changed so drastically?

She gasped. Leah's fingers had trailed down from her head and slowly reached her behind. Annabelle's squirms and protests continued to go ignored by the giantesses. 

Finally she heard Leah announce, "Time to rinse."

Annabelle was dunked under the water without a moment to brace herself. Luckily her, submergence was quick and she was allowed air soon after she was placed in the water. Annabelle gasped for her breath and collapsed into Leah's wet palm. She stared, exhausted, at the kitchen ceiling that was hundreds of feet above her.

"All clean," Harper giggled.

A finger caressed her legs. She was too tired to do anything but close her eyes. "It's insane how smooth and soft her skin is," Molly's voice echoed in the quiet kitchen.

"I have good taste, huh," Annabelle heard Harper boast.

"Harper you have crushes on half of the university's population. One of them was bound to be not hideous," Molly joked.

"Understatement of the century...she's perfect," Harper whispered. Annabelle tried her best to ignore the giantesses' comments but she was realizing that they were simply too huge and loud to disregard. 

Annabelle began to take note that Molly's finger was getting higher, rising up her leg. The conversation continued above her. She heard giggling and snarky remarks thrown at each other, which made the situation worse—Molly didn't even realize what she was doing. 

She was caressing her absentmindedly as if she were a furry pet. Annabelle focused all of her energy into not responding to Molly's inadvertent precocious touching. She kept her eyes closed and bit down on her tongue. 

Still Molly's finger was getting higher—she was at her inner thigh. It was the teasing that was killing Annabelle. The finger would reach her inner thigh, then retreat back down to her foot.

The giantesses were still laughing from above—they had moved on to talking about school. Molly's finger rose again, this time briefly brushing past the edge of Annabelle's nether region. Annabelle couldn't keep it in any longer. She felt it bubbling up. 

Then it happened: A moan escaped Annabelle. With the moan halfway out her mouth, she panicked and desperately slammed her hands over her mouth trying to cover the nose.

The damage was done. The finger retreated from her leg and a the conversation from above instantly died. 

Blood ran to Annabelle's cheeks and a deep shame rose within her. She was frozen, her hands were still glued on her mouth and her eyes were shut closed. 

"Did she just—?" She heard Naomi say.

"She did!" Harper gasped. 

Something began to tickle Annabelle's foot. Annabelle was too embarrassed to open her eyes, but it felt like a finger.

"Come on little Poppy, don't be shy," Leah's teasing voice cooed. "If you want to let it out, then let it out. We can help you." Annabelle shivered as Leah's finger ran up her thigh.

Annabelle shook her head.

Another finger brushed against her head and caressed her cheek, "Aw don't be embarrassed, just look at how your body is built. It's natural," Naomi said softly.

Annabelle wanted to spit. There was nothing natural about this situation.

A third finger began kneading her chest, "That moan was the cutest sound I've ever heard in my entire life. Come on, I wanna hear more," Harper urged.

Finally Molly's finger trailed up and down her outer thigh and brushed the side of her behind. Annabelle clenched her muscles as all four giantesses poked and prodded all over her body. 

Annabelle was at a loss for action. She had closed her eyes to avoid the bubbling sensations of pleasure, but now with the fingers exploring her body, her closed eyes only enhanced her experience. 

The more unresponsive Annabelle forced herself to become, the more strategic the giantesses' rubbing became. 

"Come on," Harper insisted. She squeezed and squished Annabelle's breasts together with her thumb and finger. 

Annabelle opened her eyes, hoping that it would lessen her senses. But all she saw was an erotic scene of four huge fingers squeezing and rubbing against her skin.

"There she is," Leah smirked, noticing Annabelle's open eyes. She made sure she had Annabelle's attention. Then she slowly lifted the finger that had been caressing Annabelle's thigh into her mouth. She sucked on it, humming the entire time. Annabelle was going to burst just from the anticipation. 

Leah dragged the finger from her mouth, with it came a long string of saliva. She wiggled her finger and once again trailed it onto Annabelle's thigh.

Annabelle shook her head desperately.

Without wasting anymore time Leah began to rub Annabelle's cleft. Instantly Annabelle's body reacted. Her back arched and her chest pointed straight up. 

Annabelle had never felt anything like this before. She felt another moan rising in her throat. She bit down on the side of her thumb—hard.

Every jolt of pleasure she received from Naomi rubbing her neck and back, Harper playing with her breasts, Molly squeezing her ass, or Leah using the ridges in her wet finger against her slit, was like spitting on the mangled corpses of her Shrinkee classmates.  

The same giantesses who played with her body, mere hours ago slaughtered dozens of people. Still, her body was her body, and she was inching closer and closer to release. 

Leah rubbed faster, harder, and deeper than before. Annabelle's hips bucked against her finger. She couldn't tell where Leah's saliva began and her juices ended. 

Annabelle arched back, gripping Leah's palm and a whimper escaped.

"That's it," Harper cheered on. 

Annabelle couldn't hold back any longer. She released a scream of pleasure that slowly devolved into breathy moans. Her legs twitched and wave after wave of her juices flooded out of her nether region. The fingers left her body, leaving her to crumple into Leah's hand. Her limbs twitched sporadically as electricity seemed to still pulsate through her.

"Fuck me," Molly breathed. Beads of sweat fell down her face.

"That was amazing," Harper grinned. 

"She really made us work for it," Naomi laughed.

Leah brought her finger up to Annabelle's face. It was still coated in a mixture of their juices. The slime spread across Annabelle's cheek as Leah pet her. "Good girl," she cooed.

A sudden spark of rage surged inside of Annabelle. She pushed at Leah's finger and unleashed a screech that surprised Leah, once again causing her to drop Annabelle. 

Annabelle fell into the bowl. The water had turned cold, but Annabelle was far too angry to care. She swam to the edge of the bowl and started to climb up the rim. But just like the cherry jar, her weight tipped the bowl over and spilled water and herself onto the table.

She heard Naomi hiss, "Shit!" 

The familiar feeling of tipping over brought Carrie to the forefront of her mind. Carrie the Shrinkee who died underneath someone's foot. Carrie whose last words were 'I don't want to die.'

Annabelle seethed. Then she began to sob. What had any of them done to deserve this fate?   

"Aw Poppy, don't cry," Harper cooed.

Annabelle stood up and glared up at the giantesses. They stood as tall as goddesses, but in Annabelle's rage she only saw them as shitty college girls.

"My name is Annabelle," She emphasized each word as she screamed at them. "Fuck you! Fuck all of you! This isn't a game! I'm a person! A damn person a-and those Shrinkees you killed were people! And now they're dead so you could play your sick games. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuc—"

Annabelle lost all sense of spatial awareness. She was snatched so quickly that she didn't see the hand coming. Suddenly she was in the air and Leah's face filled up her entire field of vision. 

There was no anger in Leah's expression, only a coldness in her eyes that extinguished any fiery fury Annabelle had. Although she was tightly secured in Leah's sweltering fist, Annabelle was trembling. 

"L-Leah..." she heard Harper say. She sounded nervous. 

Leah silenced her with just a glance. 

She turned back to Annabelle with a cool expression. "Listen. I'm going to explain this to you in simple terms: You are not people. Those Shrinkees we crushed and ate are not people. They were an unfortunate genetic mutation, masquerading as normal people in normal sized bodies. All I did was expose them for what they truly were—bugs. As far as I'm concerned, what we did tonight wasn't murder—it was an extermination."

Tears burned in Annabelle's eyes and ran down her cheeks. Leah's words were cold—and insane, but they were also devastating. It was soul crushing to hear no remorse from the giantess—only contempt. 

Leah's expression softened. She wiped Annabelle's tears away with a finger that still smelled like her saliva and Annabelle's juices. "Oh Poppy don't cry. You're special. Yes Type 1 Shrinkees are a genetic mistake, but you're different. You're evolution's apology for Shrinkees. Everything in your genetic code is designed for the sole purpose of pleasing normal people—your betters. And at the very foundation of your existence is to find one person to hold above anyone else and worship them. And one day, one of the four of us will be that person. But until then, your role is to be our pet and if we have to break you down to build you into the perfect pet then we will."

Annabelle knew that Leah was wrong. She knew it. But inches away from the giantess' face, in that moment Leah felt like her whole world. Her hand engulfed her entire body. Her face encompassed all she could see. Her voice echoed throughout Annabelle's tiny body. Just by lifting Annabelle and speaking to her, she had seized control of all of her senses. 

Her existence was overwhelming for Annabelle. With an all consuming presence like that, it was difficult for Annabelle not to at least consider her words. Annabelle fell silent, hearing Leah's speech rattle on in her head.

Leah relaxed her fist and let Annabelle lie down in her open palm. Molly's chubby face appeared over Leah's shoulder, "It's okay if you're not ready yet—I mean your body obviously is," she chuckled, squishing an unresponsive Annabelle's breasts together. 

"Eventually your mind will catch up too."




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