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Author's Chapter Notes:

Another day another new chapter. We find out a bit more about the conspiracy behind the Shrinkee Massacre in this one, also some foot stuff, let me know what you think!


Annabelle sat on the green rug that seemed to go on for miles. She was only slightly warmer than before. Turns out Naomi did have lace panties for Shrinkees and they were doing an awful job of keeping her ass from itching against Leah's scratchy rug. The red and white cheerleader outfit she wore wasn't helping her either. There was hardly any fabric and it was obvious it was modeled after the "slutty cheerleader" costumes from party stores.

She had also been forced to style her long wavy hair that usually kept her back warm, into pig tails. Annabelle curled into herself and buried her head under her arms. If she kept her head down and closed her eyes, she almost felt normal. Too bad she couldn't close her ears. 

"I'm just saying, why not put it to a vote?" She heard Molly say.

Naomi's cool voice responded, "Because then everyone will just vote for themselves."

Annabelle was still trying to come to terms with the fact that no matter how hard she tried to block them out, the giantesses' voices always managed to break through to her. She wrapped her arms around herself tighter.

"There has to be a way to do this so it's, like, fair—plus Poppy needs structure," Harper added. Annabelle couldn't help it—she laughed.

She didn't find their conversation particularly funny, but the insanity of it all had gotten to the Shrinkee. The thought of four college students sitting around, discussing and debating who got to posses their shrunken fellow classmate was so ludicrous to Annabelle.

Annabelle noticed her short fit of laughter had killed the conversation. She held her withdrawn position and did her best to ignore the silence. Of course it didn't last.

"Is there something you'd like to add, Poppy?" Leah asked. Like every time she had spoken to Annabelle, her voice was even, if not cloying. But there was always a threat behind her words. 

Annabelle hated that she was terrified of these gigantic co-eds. The only reason they had power was because they had taken all of hers. Still, Annabelle knew better than to antagonize them.

She lifted her head up slightly, not enough to look any of them in the eye, but enough to see the green rug that she sat on. 

Annabelle shook her head, not wanting to participate further. She should've known she wasn't getting off that easy.

"No, Poppy if you have something to say, we're giving you permission to say it," Leah said. Annabelle gripped her hands tighter as Leah uttered the word 'permission'. 

Annabelle shook her head again and muttered, "Nevermind."

She heard Naomi sigh, "Poppy, you have to look up and speak louder, we can't hear you when talk to your feet." Annabelle unsuccessfully fought back the irritation that shot through her. 

Her head shot up and she glared at all of the giantesses. They had once again, boxed her in. Leah looked over her from above as she laid on her bed, the side of her body pressed onto the mattress. She propped her head up with her arm as she stared down at Annabelle on the floor, her lips pulled in a slight condescending curl. Naomi sat to the left of Leah at her desk, she straddled the chair backwards and leaned her chin on the chair's back. Molly had plopped herself into a purple bean bag chair across from Naomi. Annabelle kept her eye on her socks covered feet that were fidgeting in distance. Harper rounded—or rather squared—off the border with her body. She laid on the floor, with her head turned and eyes glued onto  Annabelle. 

Intentional or not, even their seating choices were intimidating to Annabelle. 

"You don't actually care about what I have to say," she snapped. As soon as the words left her mouth, she cringed. She was supposed to be lowering their guards, not making them defensive.

Harper pouted from her spot on the floor, "That's not true, Poppy." 

Annabelle bit her tongue. There was no way they actually believed that. They so obviously only viewed her as some kind of a puppy-sex-toy hybrid like pet. 

"All right Poppy, what do you want us to do?" Leah asked.

Annabelle turned to the giant girl. The giantess stared down at her with a deadpan expression. Annabelle had no idea what to make of that question. She felt as though she was being tested.

Leah clarified, "The Shrinking process is irreversible. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't return you to the height you were before. So what would you have happen little Poppy?" Her cooing tone returned with the last words she asked. 

Annabelle fiddled with her hands. She knew she was stuck like this. She didn't need a reminder. Her parents had explained it to her and Beth over and over again when they were younger. She always knew there was a possibility that the world would one day turn gigantic and scary, but she and her sister had made a pact that one would take care of the other if either of them shrunk.

But her sister was dead and she was trapped by four evil co-eds. Still, she had people who cared about her.

"My Dad," Annabelle finally said. "I want you to take me to my Dad."

Naomi leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling, movements that startled Annabelle. "That seems like a waste," the giant girl stated.

"I know right?" Molly inserted. She turned to Annabelle, "You want to imprint on your Dad? That'd be gross." 

Blood rushed to Annabelle's cheeks. "I didn't say that," she mumbled. She wasn't even sure if she believed in imprinting. She had been with the giantesses for hours and the only thing she had felt towards them had been fear and rage.

"So you'd want to be with your Dad," Leah stated, as if she was taking a mental note.

Annabelle considered her other options. If she went with her dad, then that technically meant she would be under the care of her step-mother, Zelda too. It wouldn't be...horrible exactly. She would probably bring her along on all of her new-age wellness retreats. Still, how many sessions of hot yoga could a person go through before they went crazy? 

The only other relative she had was Zoey, and that was a non-starter. She'd rather stay with these giantesses for the rest of her life, than stay with Zoey for an hour. 

That just left Oliver and Chloe. Either one of them would be great. She trusted them completely. 

"I have friends too!" Annabelle declared. 

Leah shook her head, like Annabelle was a child asking to go to the moon. "Poppy, how would you get to these people? None of us would take you, not at the risk of being caught with an illegal Shrinkee. You couldn't even make it down the street on your own."

Annabelle tried to respond, but no words came out. She was right. But that didn't mean she couldn't try.

Harper crossed her arms and huffed, "Why are we even talking about this? Poppy is mine."

"Ours—we're sharing, remember?" Leah corrected, "For now anyway. I'm just trying to make Poppy understand that we're her best option."

"Who cares?" Molly groaned. "We shrunk her, she belongs to us now. Let's get back to planning her schedule. Why all these hypothetical choices and situations?"

Annabelle didn't know why she felt so disappointed. She knew they only saw her as property, but hearing them say they cared about her opinion and then immediately talking about her like she wasn't there was...disheartening.

Naomi let out a sharp gasp that made everyone turn to her. Naomi narrowed her eyes at Leah, "You're fucking trying to get her to imprint on you again."

Leah sat up on her bed, stammering, "Again?—What are you talking about?"

"First the bath, now this shit! You left your laptop on after you went to sleep. I saw the study you were looking at—the one about how Shrinkees who feel helpless are more likely to imprint," Naomi accused. 

Annabelle was surprised to see the usually calm Leah turn red and flustered. She felt sick. That's what those questions were about? She shouldn't have been surprised that the same person who had broken multiple bones in her body and slaughtered dozens of people, wouldn't be above emotional manipulation. 

"Are you kidding me, Leah?" Harper cried. "You said it would be random!" 

"It is random," Leah insisted. "Like I said, there haven't been a lot of studies on this yet. That's just one theory."

"A theory you didn't think to tell us about," Molly retorted.  

Annabelle groaned and covered her ears. They were so fucking loud

"If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have even known about imprinting!" Leah defended herself. 

Annabelle lowered her head between her legs and desperately attempted to focus on anything other than the yelling giantesses.

In what seemed like a different life time ago, her parents had shown her and Beth a series of educational videos for people with HDD and their caretakers. Unfortunately, there had been no video on what to do if you're kidnapped by four psychotic co-eds.

But there had been a section on stress or something like that. Annabelle remembered a clip of a Shrinkee boy crying because he couldn't ride his bike anymore or something similarly stupid. There was something he said...'Breathe in, breathe out, don't freak out'? That sounded wrong to Annabelle, but it was better than nothing.

Annabelle repeated it softly to herself, "Breathe in, breathe out, don't freak out." The giantesses continued to shout around her, but surprisingly the mantra was helping. That is, until a meteoric force landed inches away from her. 

She screamed and clambered away from the source of the noise, which turned out to be Leah's car-sized foot slamming onto the floor.

"You're scaring Poppy," Harper's voice rang out. In an instant, Annabelle was scooped up by Harper's massive hands. The giantess stood up. Annabelle yelped from being taken to great heights so suddenly.

Harper's giant finger stroked her side. "It's okay Poppy, I've got you," Harper assured, washing warm breath over Annabelle. 

There may have been a time when that would have effectively comforted Annabelle, but whatever comfort Harper intended was lost under the deep lust that filled her eyes. 

Thankfully, Leah called for everyone's attention. She closed her eyes and released a heavy breath, "Okay this is getting ridiculous. We need to calm down. Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the study. I was just testing out the theory to see how effective it was. Taking care of Poppy would be much easier if she started the imprinting process," Leah explained.

"But with her imprinting on you, right?" Naomi snapped.

Leah bristled, "I didn't—"

Molly interrupted the two bickering giantesses, "That's why we need a schedule for her. We shouldn't have to rely on her imprinting on one of us," Molly said.

"We can't even agree on who gets her first," Naomi groaned.

A silence filled the room as the giantesses considered their options. Eventually it was the giantess who carried Annabelle who broke through the quiet.

"Why don't we let Poppy decide?" Harper suggested. 

Annabelle swallowed a bitter laugh that threatened to escape. Her decision would be quick and simple: No one.

"Yeah, I don't think she'll be as cooperative as you think," Naomi scoffed. 

Harper smiled, "I have a plan. But first—" she looked down at Annabelle and giggled. A sound that sent a shiver down the tiny girl's spine. Harper swiftly picked up Annabelle with her other hand, dangling her in the air.

Annabelle screamed and wildly kicked the empty air around her, the threat of plummeting to the floor overtook all of her other mental capacities. Harper brought her closer to her billboard-sized face. 

"No peaking," she winked, not grasping the terror Annabelle felt. Harper lowered Annabelle to her massive bosom and pushed her into the gigantic melons. 

Annabelle squirmed as her world transformed into Harper's breasts. Each movement only constricted her more between the two hills of gelatin. 

In the distance, Annabelle could hear the giant girl's heartbeat pounding away. To her immense displeasure, she noticed the heartbeat increased with every movement she made.

"Okay, everyone take off your socks," she heard the muffled voice of Harper say. Annabelle vibrated along with the mountainous girl's chest with every word she uttered.

"Let me out!" Annabelle cried. Powerful fumes of vanilla and sweat were choking her. She felt light headed as Harper's body moved.

"Now roll them up like this and put them on the ground," Harper ordered, still shaking Annabelle with each word. 

Annabelle was beginning to get drenched in sweat. Whether it was her own or the giantess' she couldn't tell. Desperate, Annabelle opened her mouth as wide as she could and bit down on Harper's squishy flesh. 

Harper gasped and Annabelle felt the giantess' body stand upright. "Poppy!" Harper cried, "Stop, that itches!"

Annabelle let go, crestfallen. Itches? She had used all her strength in that bite. Light and fresh air returned and Annabelle was released from her fleshy prison. She was transferred back onto Harper's palm.  

A disappointed looking Harper frowned down at Annabelle. "Poppy that wasn't very nice," Harper scolded. 

"Neither was shoving me into your boobs," Annabelle panted.

Naomi laughed, "We finally found someone who isn't a fan of your knockers, Harp."

Molly joined in, teasing, "Yeah, those things can take a normal person's eye out. I can't imagine what they're like to someone that small."

Harper pursed her lips, "She'll have plenty of time to get used to my chest. Before you know it, they'll be like a second home for her."

Annabelle shuddered at that thought. She was in there for barely a minute and it felt like an hour. 

"Can we get on with it," Leah complained.

Harper rolled her eyes, "Fine." She peered down at the tiny girl in her hand, "Poppy, this should be easy for you. All you have to do is pick a sock," she said.

Before Annabelle could ask any follow up questions, her stomach somersaulted as she was lowered onto the rug. The first thing she noticed was the smell. A thick musty and sour odor assaulted her nose. Four socks were rolled up in four separate boulder-sized balls. They were placed in a square around her.

"Pick the socks in any order," Harper explained, "That's the order we'll get you." 

Annabelle looked up at the giantesses with disbelief. They couldn't be serious. She was expected to create her own itinerary for this hellish nightmare she was stuck in? She knew she should've been placating them with this game, but there was only so much of her dignity she would surrender.

Annabelle sat down, criss cross, arms folded, in the center of the socks' square. 

"Poppy?" Harper questioned.

Annabelle remained silent, refusing to look at any of the giantesses. 

She heard Molly groan, "Of all the Shrinkees in the world, we had to get the most impossible one. For fuck's sake, we haven't even done anything to her yet."

The tiny girl held her tongue, but bristled at Molly's claim. How quickly had she forgotten about the massacre of the other Shrinkees, all four of them molesting her, or the cereal incident? 

Leah laid back on her bed and examined her manicure. "Well I did have a plan to train her, but apparently I'm just trying to steal her all for myself. I might as well watch while you three deal with her," Leah smirked.

Naomi glared at Leah, but kept quiet. 

Harper suddenly bent down near Annabelle. It took everything in Annabelle's body not to react to the mountain-sized girl moving so close to her so quickly.

"Poppy," Harper said, her light voice had a stern tone, "Pick a sock," she commanded. 

Although she was still freezing, Annabelle began to sweat in her cheerleader costume. She did her best not to show her terror, but she still found herself trembling from the giantess' presence. Though it was so slight, she didn't think Harper could see.

Annabelle did flinch at the sound of Naomi getting up from her chair. She stood at her full height, arms akimbo. "Poppy, pick a sock," she said.

The self-preservation part of Annabelle's mind was screeching at her to comply. Annabelle held her fear at bay and continued sitting.

Naomi sighed, "Fine, have it your way." She raised her barefoot, casting a shadow over the terrified girl. Annabelle didn't have time to react as the massive foot came down and covered every inch of her. The majority of her body was pressed against the rubbery flesh of Naomi's sole, but the side of her head was compressed against the college student's big toe. 

Annabelle couldn't even scream. When she opened her mouth only a groan teetered out. Carrie's bloody remains flashed in her mind. By all accounts she should be dead, but because of some random DNA mutation, she still survived. None of her bones had even broken.

Naomi's voice reached her from the heavens, "Poppy, I'm going to ask you again," with every word she said, she tapped her toe against Annabelle's tiny head, "Pick a sock. Can you do that?"

With Naomi moving her toe from her head—even if it was for a literal second—Annabelle was able to gather air. Unfortunately, it was tainted with the musky scent of Naomi's foot. Annabelle gagged at the power of the stench. 

"Um, Naomi? I don't think she can speak," Harper said. Her face was still near Annabelle. The tiny girl wondered how she could stand the odor. 

"Right, I forgot how widdle you are Poppy. Is my foot too much for you?" Naomi chuckled. 

If her arms hadn't been pinned down underneath her foot, Annabelle would have flipped the giantess off. It wouldn't have been smart, but it would have felt good.

"How about this? You can kiss my toe to let me know that you're ready to do what you're told," Naomi suggested. 

Annabelle released a grunt of disgust and tried to squirm away, to no success. Naomi rubbed her toe up and down the side of Annabelle's head.

"Come on Poppy, just a quick little peck for your mistress," Naomi sang.

Annabelle's frustration remained unverbalized. She tried to scream, but there wasn't enough air. Her body began to grow hotter. It wasn't just from her struggling, rage, or humiliation, but also from a hovering Harper. Her mouth was slightly open and her hot breath washed over Annabelle as she drank up the scene. She was practically drooling watching Annabelle struggle underneath Naomi's foot. 

"Just give her a kiss," Harper breathed, arousal coating her voice. 

Annabelle looked over the toe that was assaulting her. She could feel its individual ridges as it rubbed along her head. There was no way she bring herself to kiss her foot. Not even caring about the fact that it would topple her own self-respect, but to kiss her foot after everything the giantesses did to her fellow Shrinkees would be a betrayal. She couldn't do that to their memories. 

A knock cut through the room's tension. The suited man's deep voice was muffled behind the door.

"We have concluded the cleaning process," the gruff voice declared.

Naomi let out an irritated grunt, "Give us five more minu—"

"Coming," Leah interrupted her. She rose from her bed and headed to her door. She didn't even glance at Naomi as she walked past her.

"H-Hey! Leah what the hell?" Naomi barked. 

"You're doing it wrong anyway," Leah sighed, as she explained, "That punishment is too short-term," she said, opening the bedroom door.

"Like you're an expert," Naomi muttered, her foot still imposing itself on Annabelle's body.

The suited man from downstairs stood in the doorway. Although Naomi's toe was forcing Annabelle's head in a position that made it difficult to see, she could still see that the man was as imposing as ever. Though Leah seemed unfazed by him. 

"All electronics have been destroyed or deactivated. Clothing and other personal items have also been disposed of. Also, any bodily fluids or remains originating from the HDD guests have been taken care of," The suited man said. He delivered his report like he was reading off a list of groceries. 

"Thanks John," Leah said. 

Annabelle wondered if that was even his real name. Her world had turned upside down, she didn't what was even real anymore. Her current predicament was a good indication of how fucked up everything was.

"One more item I would like to address—your father has told me of your new...addition to this household. Annabelle Cooper."

Annabelle's ears perked up at the mention of her name. She had only shrunken the night before, but it had felt like years since she heard someone else speak her name.

"Yes, Poppy," Leah instantly corrected him.

"Of course Miss. Well I have secured her personal belongings that she had brought with her to last night's meeting," John reported.

Annabelle watched, stunned as John handed Leah her bag. It was a simple action, but Annabelle didn't just see a man giving her bag to a college student--she saw a hired suit giving away her privacy and agency. 

A surge of energy flowed through Annabelle. She squirmed underneath Naomi until she was red in the face. "...N-No!" She managed to cough out.

Naomi smirked at the Shrinkee. "Are you ready to give my toe the kisses it deserves?" She asked. If Annabelle hadn't discovered how weak her bite was, her teeth would've been sunken into Naomi's flesh. Instead, all she could do was glower at the giantess.

John's deep voice grabbed her attention again, "Her cellphone is in the bag. I've already decommissioned the GPS and tracking tool. It should be safe to use."

"Thank you again John. I'll be sure to let my father know you've out done yourself this year," Leah said.

"Me too!" Harper suddenly called out. "My Dad says your team brings the best results out of everyone else. Don't tell anyone, but I heard him say that he was going to give you a bonus soon," Harper chirped.  

Something Annabelle might have considered a small smile, spread across John's lips. 

"My pleasure, Miss," John responded. "Ensure that you contact me if there are any future issues." 

"Will do. Be sure to lock up after you leave," Leah said, closing the door. 

Annabelle watched as Leah casually returned to her bed and laid down, but not before tossing Annabelle's bag onto her bed.

"Well?" Annabelle heard Molly prompt.

"Well what?" Leah replied, obviously faking her ignorance.

"Are you gonna open it?" Harper asked. She had finally tore her eyes away from Annabelle, something the tiny girl was grateful for.

"I'm going to wait for Naomi to get her kiss," Leah responded. "After all, it IS the best way to train a Shrinkee."

Naomi huffed, "You don't think I can make her do it?" Suddenly the pressure on top of Annabelle began to increase. She felt her bones begin to creak. She winced in pain, but no sound came out.

Leah replied, "Oh I think you can do it, but it won't do anything. She'll kiss you for survival but that's it. It won't make her accept her place." 

Annabelle would have been more angry with this conversation if she hadn't been struggling to remain conscious. While the giantesses argued over which way to torture her, she was slowly losing the last of her air. 

She no longer had the luxury of holding onto her dignity and morals. Annabelle pushed back the tears and revulsion. She puckered her lips and pressed them against the rough flesh of Naomi's giant toe.

She waited for the release, but it didn't come. Annabelle looked up to see all the giantesses were preoccupied by their inane argument. Even Harper had turned her attention to the other giantesses. Naomi hadn't even realized she had done what she asked.

Annabelle panicked. She didn't have enough air to even speak, let alone yell loudly enough to be heard over their bickering. 

Annabelle puckered her lips again, this time holding her lips against the toe for longer. She looked up at the giantesses, pleading that one of them would notice. They continued on with their bickering, not realizing at Annabelle was dwindling underneath one of them.

Since she had shrunken, Annabelle had never felt so low. They weren't even deliberately trying to torture her, but there she was, like an unnoticed bug.

Her vision was starting to get blurry. An idea popped into her head, but just the thought of it made her sick. Still, she had no other choice.

Annabelle opened her mouth and dragged her tongue across the massive toe. The saltiest taste and roughest texture Annabelle had ever experienced, corrupted her entire mouth. Annabelle gagged, but powered through the pathetic and disgusting action. 

Her head was suddenly jerked back by the giantess' toe as it twitched. 

"Hmm?" Naomi said. She peered down at Annabelle. A  bright smile spread across her face and she turned towards Leah, "Well I guess someone was fucking wrong."

She finally lifted her foot from Annabelle. The tiny girl was disgusted when she was lifted a couple of inches off the ground. Her sweaty body was stuck to Naomi's foot. It only lasted for a few seconds and soon gravity found her again. She landed onto the rug with a thud. 

Annabelle greedily gobbled up the fresh oxygen. Her stomach expanded and deflated rapidly. She had never experienced suffocation like that before. Her mouth still tasted like salt and dust.

"Aw man! Did I miss it?" Harper whined. 

Annabelle was too exhausted to feel the rage that comment should have induced. 

She heard Leah's haughty voice say, "Like I said, this proves nothing. Look at her, she's almost passed out. She only did it so she could breathe," Leah explained. 

"But she still did it," Naomi retorted. 

Molly groaned, "Okay, whatever, can we just see who gets her first?"

Naomi rolled her eyes and bent down next to Annabelle. She was too tired to do anything but watch the huge girl get near her. 

"Poppy," Naomi said slowly, "Can you choose the socks now?"

Annabelle looked into Naomi's deep brown eyes. They were the size of a small pond to Annabelle. She didn't have the strength to fight against them.

She nodded.

Naomi broke into a grin. She patted her damp hair with a giant finger, "Thank you so much my little cheerleader."

Annabelle continued to breathe heavily, but listened to Naomi's words. She had forgotten she was dressed in the ridiculous costume. It was just another added layer to her humiliation.

Harper frowned and gave Annabelle a once over. "Guys, I think Poppy needs a minute," she suggested. Annabelle was surprised, in the since she had shrunken, not once had the giantesses let up on their constant abuse. She figured she must have looked as awful as she felt.

"That's fine, I want to look through the bag anyway," she heard Molly say.

Annabelle shifted her neck to see Naomi return to straddling the desk chair. Harper and Molly followed suit and plopped themselves onto Leah's bed. They sat on either side of her while Leah unzipped Annabelle's messenger bag.

Through heavy breaths, Annabelle called out, "S-Stop...D-Don't touch my stuff..." They had already humiliated and taken so much from her. She couldn't let them literally steal her privacy too.

Molly peered down at her from the bed. She placed a chubby finger over her lips and said, "Shh, focus on catching your breath, Poppy."

Annabelle struggled to sit up, but discovered she didn't have any strength left. She may not have broken any bones while underneath Naomi's foot, but the experience had taken all of her energy. All she could do was watch the giantesses rummage through her personal belongings.

Leah pulled out her red cardigan that her Dad had brought her when she started the semester. Annabelle couldn't believe how huge it was. Just last night she had worn it on the way to the meeting. Now it was large enough to get lost in.

Harper grabbed it from Leah and buried her face in it. She inhaled deeply. When she finally lifted her face from the cardigan she had an almost drunken smile on her face. "Wow, it smells like her," Harper breathed.

Annabelle cringed at the display. 

Naomi rolled her eyes, "You know you have the real deal, literally a foot away from you," she said, gesturing to a still panting Annabelle.

"I know that," Harper spat. Her face softened, "This is from before though."

Molly pulled out her blue lanyard that contained her various keys and university ID card. Leah looked it over and said, "That could be useful."

Annabelle shuddered, not knowing what she was referring to when she looked at the lanyard. Still, whether it was her keys or ID, the fact that Leah wanted it didn't bode well for Annabelle. Molly tossed it on the bed's corner.  

Leah pulled out her wallet. Annabelle watched helplessly as they perused through the wallet, taking out her debit and library card. Then they emptied the cash she had. 

"No! That's for the rest of the month," Annabelle protested. She knew it was of no real use to her now, but that didn't mean she wanted the giantesses to steal yet another thing from her. 

"The rest of the month?" Naomi said incredulously. She counted the money. "There's only thirty dollars here," she said, flabbergasted. 

Molly looked at Annabelle in shock, "Who can survive on thirty dollars?" 

"I spend that much on coffee every day," Harper added. 

"Oh Poppy, you poor thing...literally," Leah broke into giggles and the rest of the giantesses joined in.

Annabelle seethed. Rich assholes. She had been with them for less than twenty-four hours and could already tell none of them had ever worked a day in their lives.

Still giggling, Leah pulled out a leather notebook. Fear surged through Annabelle, giving her energy to bring herself to her knees.

"Please! Seriously don't," Annabelle pleaded. She had carried the book with her out of fear that her roommate would've found it. 

The giantesses looked over her with curiosity and delight. Without another moment's hesitation, Leah opened the book. The other giantesses leaned forward to read it.

Annabelle wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her face. She could count the amount of people who had read out of that book on one hand. 

"Is this...poetry?" She heard Molly ask. 

Annabelle's cheeks burned with embarrassment. Hadn't they done enough to her?

"No," Leah said, realization washing over her face, "These are lyrics—songs."

"Oh wow," Harper gasped, "Poppy you write music?"

Annabelle kept her head down. This was just another aspect to this hell that she hadn't considered—her private life being on full display.

"Poppy, one of your mistresses is talking to you. Or would you like another session with my foot?" Naomi asked. Her voice was light, but Annabelle could tell her threat was serious. 

Annabelle raised her head and nodded, "Yes, I write music," she said just loud enough for them to hear her, but still not able to look any of them in the eye. 

"Poppy that's nothing to be embarrassed of! These are really good too," Harper insisted. 

Leah closed the book, "Maybe one day you'll sing for us," she smiled.

Annabelle's head shot up. Leah laughed softly, "Don't look so panicked Poppy. We'll wait until you're more situated with your new life."

Annabelle didn't respond. They had drastically different views on what the future looked like, but Annabelle was just happy she wasn't being forced to sing.

"Is that all?" Molly sighed, leaning over and searching through the bag. 

Leah unzipped another compartment of the bag. She pulled something out that Annabelle couldn't see. She held it against her lap and the bag blocked it from Annabelle's view. Though based on the grins on the giantesses' faces, Annabelle knew she wouldn't like it. 

"Fucking jackpot," Naomi chuckled as she looked at the object. 

Harper tossed the bag out of the way and leaned in even closer. Annabelle's heart dropped as she finally saw what the giantesses were hunched over. 

Her phone, which was now large enough to crush her, was being fiddled with by her captors. Annabelle scrambled to her feet. She still wasn't at 100 percent yet, but she was desperate. 

"Please," She begged, "Don't go through my phone...it's private."

The giantesses did not respond in the way Annabelle had hoped. Harper gave Annabelle a condescending smile that was full of pity. Naomi snickered, while Molly exhaled irritably. 

Leah smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Privacy is for people, Poppy," she said simply.

Tears prickled in Annabelle's eyes. She tightened her hands into a fist and tried to keep the tears from leaking out. 

"Wow, that's a lot of messages," Molly noted. She turned towards Harper, "The accident report hasn't been released yet, has it?" She asked.

"No, it comes out tomorrow night I think," Harper answered. "My mom said this year it will be a bus crash."

Annabelle didn't understand what they were talking about, but like the majority of their conversations, it sounded sinister. 

"So what's the deal with all of these messages?" Naomi asked. "As far as everyone knows, Poppy is fine."

Leah turned to Annabelle. "Poppy?" Leah inquired. 

Annabelle's eyes fell to her feet. "I was supposed to meet my friends for breakfast at the dinning hall," she finally said. Talking about her missed meeting was rough. She had actually forgotten about it until they had mentioned the missed messages. It was like admitting that the world was still going on out there while she was trapped in a never ending nightmare.

Molly made a face of disgust, "The dinning hall? You won't eat my cereal but you'll eat at the dinning h—"

Leah interrupted her, "Yes we get it, Poppy was impoverished. But, here, look at her camera roll," Leah said, changing the subject.

The giantesses were quiet while they scrolled through Annabelle's photos. Molly was the first to speak up, "Poppy, you should've taken more pictures of yourself," she commented. "Almost all of these are of other people and like, nature." 

Annabelle balked at the giantess' usage of the past tense. Even when she did escape them, she wouldn't ever be able to hold a cellphone again. Annabelle thought of the stupid Shrinkee instructional video. There had been another section on "Mourning your Normal-Sized Life." Annabelle had been just trying to survive, she hadn't had a chance to really reflect on her new permanent stature.   

As if on cue, one of the giantesses interrupted her thoughts. Harper grabbed the phone from Leah and shoved the TV sized screen in the tiny girl's face. 

"Poppy, who are these two, and why are they in so many of your pictures?" There was a not-so-subtle hint of irritation in Harper's tone.

Naomi rolled her eyes, "Here we go."

Annabelle flinched at Harper's sudden intensity. She stared at the photo. It was of her friends' first pizza-party-all-nighter. Oliver was throwing a mushroom into Annabelle's mouth while a beaming Chloe took the selfie that captured the scene. 

"T-They're my friends," Annabelle responded.

Harper pursed her lips. "You only have like seven pictures of yourself in here and these people are in every single one. Are they your friends from when you were growing up?"

Annabelle, still confused by the conversation, answered, "N-No, we met at Summer orientation." 

"You seem awfully close," Harper said. Annabelle began to sweat. It felt as though she was being interrogated.

"We play music together sometimes," Annabelle said. She didn't know what Harper was getting at, but for some reason she felt like she was in trouble. Annabelle inwardly groaned. It was ridiculous. She was allowed to have friends...wasn't she?

Harper's face fell, "You were in a band together?"

Naomi sighed and shook her head. "Harp, again, you do realize that you at least partially own Poppy now, right?"

"That's right," Molly inserted, "You don't need to be so jealous."

Annabelle cringed. jealous? Is that what was happening? Harper exhaled and leaned back onto the bed with a somber expression. She dropped the phone into Leah's lap.

Leah rolled her eyes at Harper's dramatics. "They've known each other for a couple of months, Harper. After the report is released on tomorrow, they'll be sad for what, maybe a few weeks? Then they'll go back to their pathetic lives." 

"Fuck you," the words were out of her mouth before Annabelle knew she was saying them. Still, as her anger surged inside her, she didn't regret it. 

The giantesses looked taken aback and Annabelle took advantage of their momentary silence. "You don't know them. You don't know me. You can't just manipul—"

Molly cut her off and turned to the other giantesses. "You know I still think it's cute when she freaks out like this, but I think she's getting a little disrespectful," she noted.

Annabelle's rage grew at their continued inhumane treatment. She was right there. She had been speaking.

Naomi nodded, "I know she shrunk yesterday, but a part of me is just like come on, get over it already." 

Annabelle was truly at a loss for words. We're these girls even human? Who could treat someone like this?

"I tried to feed her this morning and she just lost it at me," Molly added, "She definitely needs an attitude adjustment."

Annabelle exploded, no longer able to quell her anger she spat, "I-I am the one who needs an attitude adjustment? I'm not the one who murders people for fun!"

Leah sighed, as if she was tired of explaining her reasoning to Annabelle. "We don't murder people. We exterminate Shrinkees who only exist to drain resources that could be used for our loved ones."

Annabelle scoffed harshly, "Loved ones? You haven't loved a damned thing in your life." Annabelle was seething. She wouldn't be lectured by these monsters.

She opened her mouth to spit more fury at them, when she was snatched from her place on the floor. Leah held Annabelle in her palm and scratched her underneath her chin like she was a puppy.

Annabelle's anger quickly transformed into confusion and apprehension. Leah didn't seem the tiniest bit bothered by Annabelle's outburst. In fact, none of the giantesses reacted that much to her tirade. Did they really think that little of her?

Leah cooed down at the tiny girl, "Oh Poppy no. Of course I can love." She leaned in closer and Annabelle could still smell the avocado on her breath. "I love you—or rather I love the potential you have inside of yourself."

Annabelle shivered. Her words were so disturbing. 

"I know you love too, Poppy. You love your friends...and your father. I can tell he loves you too. He's called you five times since last night," Leah said. She was smiling, but Annabelle sensed something ominous behind her words. The other giantesses were silent as they looked on with intrigue. 

Leah stopped scratching Annabelle's chin. "Does he always call you so much?" She asked.

Annabelle shook her head. She didn't know why she was answering the giantess, but something about her eyes spurred her to be cooperative, "I-I told him I was going somewhere and that it ended late. He didn't like me walking back to the dorm at night, so he told me to call him while I walk back."

Naomi pipped up, "Did you tell him about the meeting? What it was? Where it was?" Her voice was even, but Annabelle heard the tension underneath it.

As much as the tiny girl liked causing any of the giantesses discomfort, she was honest and shook her head. "No, he doesn't like talking about my sister. I didn't tell him this was a Shrinkee thing," Annabelle admitted. 

"Don't worry about that," Leah told Naomi, "John has dealt with all of the loose ends."

Naomi visibly relaxed. Leah returned her attention back to Poppy, "Right now I want to talk about Poppy's father. He must be so worried. You told him you would call him and now it's the next day...I can't begin to imagine what's going on in his mind right this second." 

Annabelle said nothing. She shoved down her feelings into a small ball in her stomach. Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't Freak out.

Leah passed the phone to Molly. "Can you read the messages from her father?" Leah asked sweetly.

Molly nodded with a slight grin. "Have fun, Annie. Try to leave early if you can, and remember to call me...Are you finished yet? It's getting late...Have you made it back to the dorm?...Call me back Annabelle..." Molly gave the phone back to Leah. "Sounds like he's really worried," Molly said. 

Leah lifted Annabelle until she was eye-level. Annabelle's resolve faltered under the piercing green eyes.

"What do you think?" Leah asked, her voice booming around Annabelle. "Should we call him back and let him know where you are?"

Annabelle's heart skipped a beat. She knew this was a trick—an evil one at that.

She continued, "Your Shrinkee disorder is genetic, right? During the meeting, I seem to recall you saying that both your parents were Shrinkees, right? Though I doubt your dad is as durable as you are. Should we test it out?"

"You are a monster," Annabelle seethed. Her heart was pounding out of anger, but also out of fear for her dad. 

Leah laughed, causing Annabelle to flinch at the sound. "I'm the monster? I just want to have a chat with your father. How is that wrong? You had a chat with MY father."

Harper quickly leaned forward and Annabelle jumped back. "Poppy spoke with Governor Windsor?" She gasped. 

Leah cooed at Annabelle, "She sure did, didn't you? You answered my phone when I wasn't there right?" She turned to Harper with a sterner expression. "He found it amusing, thank god. But if he hadn't..." Leah trailed off with a frown on her face.

Annabelle was surprised to see Leah unsettled. It was hard for her to imagine there was a person out there worse than the four giantesses that currently stared down at her.

"Hey Poppy," Leah said, forcing Annabelle's attention to her, "I really don't want you to think I'm a monster. So how about this: I'll give you the phone."

Annabelle stared into Leah's eyes, not moving an inch. She waited for the sucker punch, and Leah did not disappoint. 

She grinned and continued, "—If you can take it from me." She rose from the bed and Annabelle fell face forward into her palm. The giant girl set Annabelle on the rug and laid down in front of her. She placed the phone in the middle. The other giantess hovered around them like it was a sports match. 

Leah stared at Annabelle, not making a move. Annabelle's mouth went dry. She looked at her phone, then back at Leah. 

"Well go on," Leah insisted. "You've been talking about how you're a 'person'—a person wouldn't have any trouble picking up their own phone."

Annabelle glared at Leah before taking a wobbly step towards the phone. The second her fingers touched the thing, Leah's pointer finger slammed on top of the screen. It was with such speed and force, that Annabelle didn't see it coming until it was already on the phone. Annabelle yelped and fell on her behind. 

"What's wrong Poppy?" Naomi laughed from above, "Just take the phone."

Annabelle felt tears threatening against her eyes again. She closed her eyes. Breathe in, Breathe out, Don't freak out. Annabelle reopened her eyes to see Leah staring at her with an amused expression on her face.

The Shrinkee grabbed the end of the cell phone and pulled. It didn't move an inch. She tried again, grunting as she pulled with all of her strength. Her hand slipped and the world spun as she did a full tumble backwards. She landed on her back with a dull thud.

The giantesses burst into laughter. Their symphony of giggles echoed and boomed in Annabelle's head. She closed her eyes to stop the tears from coming, but they still freely spilled down her cheeks. She gritted her teeth so she wouldn't start sobbing.  

"Oh Poppy," Harper tried to sound sympathetic, but her giggling undermined that sentiment. 

Annabelle gathered herself to her feet. She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her arm. Leah still had her finger on the phone. Her chin rested squarely in her hand, her ever present smirk was spread on her lips.

"Poppy this can stop anytime you want it to. All you have to do is say 'I am not a perso—'"

Annabelle didn't bother listening to Leah's bullshit. Instead she let out a guttural scream and charged ahead. This time she didn't bother with the phone--she ran straight to the giantess' finger. With as much power as she could muster she kicked the massive appendage. She let out a full on assault on the finger, punching, kicking and biting it. 

She didn't know how long she attacked her, but soon Annabelle began to get dizzy. At some point her scrunchies had fallen out and her hair flowed down wildly. Annabelle slumped to her knees, panting. Still, she continued pounding against the finger, but it had turned into slow, light taps. 

Annabelle gave one last punch before falling onto her back. Leah's massive face filled her sky. Her chin still rested in her hand. 

"Are you finished?" She asked simply.

That pushed Annabelle over the edge. Her face contorted and she began to openly sob. She had put all of her energy into her attack, and still—nothing. She hadn't even bruised her, let alone drawn blood. How could she be so weak? So insignificant?  

She felt the gentle touch of Leah's other finger on her cheek. "Hey now," Leah said softly. "It's okay. This is what I meant. You're small Poppy. Whether you like it or not, you need someone to take care of you."

Annabelle didn't know which was scarier, that she felt comforted by the monstrous giant, or the words the evil girl was saying were convincing. 

Leah's breath washed over her as she spoke. "I won't call your father, but you have to accept your position as my—"

"Our," Molly corrected automatically. 

"Our pet," Leah said. She paused before she took a breath, causing Annabelle to shiver. "Now say it, say 'I am not a person.'"

Annabelle let the words hit her like individual raindrops. It wasn't true. It couldn't be. She was still a person. She still liked music and hated anchovies. She loved her friends and her dog. 

But she was three inches tall.  

She could be swallowed whole in a cereal bowl.

She couldn't beat a college girl's finger. 

Oliver and Chloe's faces flashed in her mind. Then her father's. She had just started college. She had dreams and people who loved her. 

"I-I am not a person," Annabelle said meekly.

As the giantesses cooed over her and praised her, she kept her true feelings to herself. She was still a person. She had to be.

Just not the same person.



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