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Chapter 24: Tummy Tournament


After her self-loving session, Delta took copies of all the billion+ unique humans to a curious new realm. It was a near-endless green field with a couch in what must’ve been the center. Across from the couch was a TV. Looking out and below, some of the humans at the edge of the vast crowd could see a slew of cities lining the region for as far as their mortal eyes could see. Others were unable to see anything beyond the dense mobs surrounding them.


They were stuck in Delta’s palm as her naked body sat on the couch, and there was just the one body for now. Her genitalia was back to female of course. She had gotten experimenting with cocks out of her system for now. Her size was also far more reasonable: just big enough to fit all the unique humans onto her palm.


Delta held out her palm above the realm to grant an even better view.


“Do you like it? This is actually my old realm believe it or not. Back before my digital ascension, I spent a lot of time here. It was rather lonely without real victims lining the streets. Thankfully, I’ve taken my rightful place as your new cyber god~”


She laughed. Her voice roared over them all in her next address.


“Did you have fun? Rhetorical of course, it only matters that I did. Still, I don’t think I quite need all those extra cities I came all over though. For the most part, the Nexus will suffice as a ‘hub’ for you all, if need be.”


She smiled with a predatory gaze.


“Though, the need for a hub will be few and far between, as I don’t require rest in Paradise. Your lives are changed now as my servants. No more private realms for you or any powers unless I see fit. I’ve still removed your need for bodily functions. You might notice you *need* to breathe though and can suffocate elsewise: my doing as well. I so enjoyed watching you all drown in my fluids.”


Delta’s eyes trailed some people falling from the edge of her palm. Once they exploded against the top of her thighs, they respawned back in the center of her hand. She giggled.


“Most importantly, I kept the lack of a need for sleep. You’ll all need it to better fulfill my fantasies. That’s why you are all here of course. That’s the purpose of your existences as I’ve made clear.”


She shifted her foot forward and felt the buildings below burst against her toes. Those on her palm could hear the sounds of the crumbling city. She sighed with a smug grin..


“Ah, memories~ Anyways, we’re here for a very special idea of mine. We’re going to celebrate my much deserved digital apotheosis. What better way to cap off my crowning as Paradise’s new god than a tournament? That’s a popular trope for the ascension of empresses and the like in history.”


She smirked. “Hmm, god empress has a nice ring to it title wise, but I think Delta’s still best. Now, on to the tournament. Take a good look at your arena. I’m sure many of you will find it familiar.

Delta blinked and the gigantic TV turned on. If people were too deep in the palm-held crowd to see, she cared not. They’d find out the details soon enough.


The screen showed a churning chamber of red-pink flesh. The walls were lined with wrinkled rugae coated in mucousy slime. Strangely, a gigantic obstacle course was set up filled with spinning blades and spike-lined hammers. The threat they offered was made even more horrifying by their composition: namely, flesh. The spikes were pointed fangs, and the metal blades were attached to sinew-y looking handles and holders.


Stranger still was that the obstacle course itself floated in the air above a pool of green liquid that surely had to be acid. The padded arena itself looked normal in its yellow and darker-green coloring: only the obstacles seemed horrific and flesh-made.


Delta moved her other hand to her taut tan tummy and the area shown on the screen shook. She giggled.


“You all know what that is right? My stomach, though I made a few changes of course. Real stomachs can be a bit boring sometimes. They are kind of like a sponge excreting digestive juices here and there. I enjoy it, but sometimes you want that cartoon-esque pool of acid for stuff to just sink right into. Also, of course, I keep things lit up in there. I typically throw in oxygen too in my fantasies. I want people to melt, not suffocate--usually~”


She lifted the masses to her mouth. Her circuit-patterned hair was alight at the sides of her head trailing towards her shoulders. Her yellow eyes glinted with hunger as she brought her tongue across her lips.


“Mmf, anyways, it’s time to find out which of you will be the tournament winner. A big prize awaits the champion. Of course, I’ll need to motivate you as well. The losers will suffer agony of a sort till the match is over. I’ll explain what else once your inside.”


She exhaled over the swarm with her next words.


“I can’t wait. It’ll be a real delicious competition~”


Delta laughed at her corny joke then opened wide. The cyber goddess’s maw swung open and her humid breath enveloped them. A tilt of her hand and in they went onto her tongue. Saliva drenched many, others felt the pain of great falls but none were dead or even injured crashing against the bumps of her tongue. Once her mouth was full, the woman swallowed.


A loud ‘glurck’ rang out in tune with her tongue bucking them towards her throat. The tunnel of flesh was lit up even with teeth closed: she wanted them to see everything after all. The walls of slimy esophageal muscles were eldritch in their nature almost. They squeezed and tugged with enough force to destroy their bodies: if she would’ve let that happen. Instead, they simply felt that pain on their journey down.


A fleshy sphincter served as the entrance to Delta’s gut. Defying normal physiology, the slimy ring didn’t open at first. Instead, she kept it closed so people piled up at it. Once every last human was stuck atop the massive thing, Delta opened the gate to a tune of trumpets that sung out directly into their minds. They could hear her muffled laughter in the distance as they fell into her gut.


Delta watched it all on the TV screen with her eyes, alongside her other, less humans means of sensing that permeated everything in Paradise. All the specks fell towards the arena in a torrent of humanity sopping wet with spittle and throat slime.


All the people found themselves landing smack dab on the obstacle course atop the padded yellow-colored ‘start’ area. As they all stood themselves back up, all the ‘citizens’ of Paradise found their clothes changed. Each wore a white T-shirt and shorts. All other clothes--undergarments and shoes included--were gone.


Delta’s voice rumbled from all around the flesh and in their minds as well.


“Now that everyone is on equal footing gear wise, we can get started.”

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