Penname: AmyBrooke [Contact] Real name:
Member Since: June 02 2011
Membership status: Member

Giantess Amy

Hello. My name is Giantess Amy. I enjoy writing short stories based on requests or ideas that I get. Many of my stories in the past were removed by my own choice. I may re-upload them all with revisions at some point. I mainly spend my time on my discord size server Giantess Amy's Room at with over 11,000 Members. You are allowed to DM me, and I am always trying to improve. We have over 20+ Staff Members to help you too ^_^

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Reviews by AmyBrooke

Sarah Bridges is a loving, hard-working single mother to her 18-year-old son. After an incident, though, she realizes that she has been neglecting him in favor of her demanding but exciting job at a research lab. Fearing that she may lose him forever, she decides to take drastic action. Drastic action that involves the lab's latest invention.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Adult 30-39, Gentle, Instant Size Change, Maternal, Mouth Play, Sci-Fi
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 15834 Read Count: 29860
[Report This] Published: June 11 2021 Updated: September 20 2021
Reviewer: AmyBrooke Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: October 25 2021 Title: Chapter 1: It's Fine, Mom

Chapter 1 – Great character development with good dialogue that sets up the rest of the story and builds suspense. I enjoyed the gentle interactions, work dialogue, talking about the shrinking method, the actual shrinking scene itself, and the cliff-hanger ending that makes us want to keep reading.

Chapter 2 – We learn more about their relationship. Good, detailed conversations that establish their rapport. We know shrinking is coming and we have an idea of how, so it is building. She is feeling desperate and wants to keep him, so her personality is starting to shift.

Chapter 3 – It seems that she is ready, willing, and able to justify her shrinking of him if that is the goal without a plot twist. I have a feeling that his response will not be as loving as she believes. The idea for the mother-son weekend is presented and accepted. It makes sense that she would want to know the risks involved and all information on shrinking that she can get while looking for another person to give her advice in her hurt emotional state. I enjoyed her imagining how tiny he would be in her hand.

Pluto, you have talent and please feel encouraged to continue writing if it is not distracting from your real life because that always takes priority, and a writer needs to feel inspired to create. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations and characters with us.
- AmyBrooke

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the very kind review! I'm really glad that you're enjoying the story so far, and I truly appreciate your kind words and detailed thoughts for each chapter. Your observations are completely right, and I hope you enjoy how everything progresses from here.

I really, really enjoy writing, so I have every intention to continue. Getting my ideas out there is very fun, and I absolutely love seeing what people think. Reviews like yours are by far my favorite part of the process, so thank you again. Although life stuff happens, and certainly has to take priority, my genuine love for writing will always keep me going. You're very welcome for sharing my ideas, and thank you so much for reading them. I hope you enjoy where the story goes from here!!
