Reviews For Small Side-Effect
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Reviewer: Dawger2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2020 9:42 PM Title: The Voyage Home

I never knew someone could write something about simply walking home and turrned it to something hot and sexy. 

I really love that she was totally aware that guy is falling through her stockings but she just doesn't care. I feel like she won't be treating him as a human anymore. She didn't even asked him if he was ok after the trip. Cold and I love it.

Hnnng! Why can't you also like foot odor or just add it as an element to the story? I'm not forcing you though I'm just begging because it really adds more "oomph" on the humiliation and sexiness. But I hope someday you can see its appeal.


Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this chapter. I'm going to start reading the next chapter now. Thanks


Author's Response:

Walking can absolutely be hot from a size story perspective!  See also pacing back and forth, coming almost close enough to step on someone but just missing.

What would she do, dig into her stockings on the street?  Best to just let him keep sliding down and not make a scene.

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: January 03 2020 4:48 AM Title: The Voyage Home

That was cool. I really enjoyed his desent down Lana's leg. How massive she is to him. The natural power that she has. Her booming footsteps. Now she holds him between her thumb and and forefinger. Weighing him. He is just a subject to her. She's so cold and analytical as she begins her tests. Will he plead and beg to her? Will she even acknowledge him?
Loved it,

Author's Response:

Funny thing about him begging - he already agreed to the tests, so any resistance now is just him getting cold feet, not only breach of an admittedly unenforceable verbal contract.  Humoring him would just be a distraction from her very important work.

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2020 8:36 AM Title: The Voyage Home

That tiny is a bit smaller and heavier than I remember. Do you maybe mean 23.8mm?

Seems like Lana is taking these tests quite seriously. Does she also have an official scientific logbook next to her tape recorder? It would be a pity if all this important research data from the tests would get lost, then she would need an entire new volunteer.

Could you technically create an invincible Fulda by letting her get the serum and then use magicbto grow her back?

Thank you for writing and until next time!

Author's Response:

Thanks for pointing that out!  I was thinking cm, but wrote mm for some reason.

Of course she's taking them seriously, it's her livelihood at stake!  Though her tiny test subject will never see it.

Fulda hardly needs the serum, she's quite invincible as she is, don't you think?

And thank you for reviewing!

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