Reviews For Small Side-Effect
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Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 10 2020 3:01 PM Title: First Test

Lana is backkkk! How nice!

I thought the little guy wouldn't make it past this chapter, but it seems he actually did. On the other hand, how could I ever doubt Lana's science.

But I must say, Lana does look a bit sloppy. Where is her control group?

Thanks for writing and until next time!

Author's Response:

The supersoldier serum is quite potent!  It may shrink people, but it makes then unable to be crushed.  Might be a worthwhile trade.

I think a control group in this case would lead to murder charges, what with dropping 40 tons on a non-serumed person.

You're welcome, and thanks for reviewing!

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