Reviews For The Littleguy
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Reviewer: gentle bbw Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16 2023 2:14 PM Title: Chapter 2

This chapter was fantastic. And once Arron shrinks, I'd love to read him being lovingly attacked by Michelle's or Maliyah's feet. But what I would also like to read is Arron shrinking down on her sofa, waiting for Maliyah's or Michelle's butt to settle on top of his little lap. And he gets an erection under her butt.

Author's Response:

I love the ideas. I plan on doing the next chapter in three parts 1, Kevin’s deathpov( the time man from chapter 2) 2, Arron using the watch right after he witness Maliyah kill Kevin. 3. either Aaron goes over to Michelle‘s apartment to babysit Malia while she’s in school or Michelle sends Maliyah to Arron's apartment so she can do her online classes. Additionally, I don't know if I am going to do a four-year time skip yet. Arron fetishs will corrupt himto be sexually attached to the unaware giantesses and jerk off while being stomped on

Reviewer: D W Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 16 2023 2:20 AM Title: Chapter 2

Nice story; but who will make the first association between Kevin with the shrinking tech and Michelle or Arron?

Does Maliyah know about the shrinking tech, and that Kevin is the bug sized man she just chewed and swallowed?

Arron has yet to utilize his shrinking watch, could Maliyah already know he has it?  Could she have tracked the size watch's' recipient while studying at home for a year?

Author's Response:

I see where your coming from. I had keveins part included but i accidently delete this chapter a few days ago. Kevin’s pov will be the start of the next chapter and then it will transition to Aaron sing the watch for the first time. But to answer some of your questions 1, Maliyah does not know about the shrinking tech. 2, Kevin was the big sized man she chewed. 3, Only Michelle is some what aware of Arrons watch. But ahea not 100% sure

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