Reviews For Micro Cities, inc.
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Reviewer: hugo3397 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 12 2024 7:34 AM Title: A Night With My Giant Girlfriend

As I would have liked this chapter to last longer, all the interaction with Brooke since the previous chapter has been handled excellently and finally I know that it would have been dangerous but I think several of us were left wanting a vaginal insertion, but still It's an excellent chapter.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 18 2023 8:39 PM Title: A Night With My Giant Girlfriend

These little blurbs between Jazmin and Claire the last few chapters have been pretty enlightening.

It was intriguing to see Jazmin try to convince Claire to shrink down voluntarily. Between her words and the way she delivers them, I think this is the most honest we've seen Jazmin in the story so far. Again, it comes back to her lonely nature. Yeah, Claire's right that Jazmin now definitely wants her as a tiny pet now, regardless of if she can be trusted, but this exchange between them shows that Jazmin wants her to WANT that as well.

Deep down, probably subconsciously, she wants Claire to choose her, in a way, to want to be around her despite everything that's happened between them in the last few chapters. I think that same yearning shines through when Jazmin is excited that Claire offers, unprovoked, to hang out with her that night. Maybe I'm misreading and Jazmin is really just happy to get some extra sleep, but I really think her reaction has more to do with the prospect of Claire choosing to be her friend even after seeing her true nature.

Of course, as Claire seems to have figured out, this probably won't save her from being shrunk if she doesn't do something quick. Her plan with the camera is a good one, and it'll probably work, provided Jazmin doesn't decide to tear Micropolis apart looking for Justin that night.

And yeah, I figured it would be just Justin's luck that Jazmin would make sure to handle the restocking that night. I'm curious to see how long it takes her to figure out what happened, whether she correctly figures out why Brooke took him, and what happens to the city along the way.

And, of course, I'm still impressed by how Claire is able to maintain her composure despite understanding exactly how much danger she's in here. Her internal reactions show how frightened she is at the prospect of becoming Jazmin's toy, which makes her being able to maintain her natural attitude toward Jazmin outwardly that much more admirable. I know I keep saying this, but I feel like it keeps being worthy of a mention each time we see her with Jazmin.

As for Brooke and Justin, their "interaction" in this chapter was everything it needed to be, both from a descriptive standpoint and from a character-oriented one.

I love the irony of Justin making Brooke feel a lust and sexual pleasure that no one else can based almost entirely on the fact that he can't actually make her feel much of anything in a physical sense. Beyond Justin's helplessness doing it for her, it seems as though Brooke is turned on by the fact that Justin, despite being too small to pleasure her physically, is giving it his all just to try and make her feel something. Again, going back to that comparison between Brooke and Jazmin, where the latter would be disappointed by this, Brooke loves the effort he's putting in precisely because of its futility, as well as the fact that Justin is eager to try despite said futility.

Also, that line about Brooke wondering about Justin's cock was a noteworthy one. Instead of being desperate for the all-mighty penis like Jazmin seems to be, this bit shows that while Brooke isn't simply disappointed that Justin's equipment is too small for her. Rather, it's Justin's penis in particular that she's wondering about, meaning her thoughts are more about wanting Justin at full size rather than being disappointed with how he is now. This is an important distinction, as Brooke simply thinking that she wanted a dick inside her during sex with Justin would imply that she's unfulfilled, which I don't think is the case here. Instead, that thought shows a logical want on her part, without making her seem less invested in the relationship, if all that babbling makes any sense.

And Justin, for his part, is written really well here, I think. While he should absolutely have a sense of fear during all of this, no matter how careful and caring Brooke is toward him, this chapter is all about him embracing his lust and newfound kink. There's just enough reference to his concern here that it's clear that he's aware of the dangers of what they're doing together, but most of his thoughts and dialog revolve around him wanting to pleasure Brooke and try things on her body at his tiny size. This also shows an incredible amount of trust in Brooke, which helps advance the relationship between the two while also letting us all indulge in some good old-fashioned smut at the same time!

And, as I mentioned last chapter, Brooke's mix of concern, lust, and teasing continue to make her one of my favorite gentle giantesses I've read. She clearly loves and respects Justin as an equal, yet gets turned on by her physical superiority to him (it's not even just dominance; just holding him in her hand was enough to get her wet in this chapter). And how she teased him at the end there by offering to carry him in her tits, pussy, or ass when he couldn't express his obvious concerns was perfect! In short, she'll do everything she can to keep him safe, but she won't just treat him like he's made of glass, either, which is nice.

And the descriptions of how Brooke's simple actions have such a profound impact on Justin are really well done! Also, I'm not sure if we'll get the chance because it looks like the plot is about to take a serious step forward here soon, but I'm hoping we get to revisit that idea about Justin wearing a camera and exploring Brooke's body again, especially if a live feed is involved.

I figured Dr. Perkins would make her way into the story officially before too long, and there are certainly some implications behind her voice seeming faint and faraway. I'm curious to see if our three protagonists get a chance to unite and piece together what's happening before one of them ends up in Jazmin's dollhouse.

Oh, and I had a quick question I've been meaning to ask: What's the revenue stream for Micro Cities Inc.? Are the residents paying rent to live there, and if so, are they making actual money through their jobs in the micro cities? And also if so, what happens if a resident doesn't make rent?

Author's Response:

I'm sorry to get back to you after such a long time!

I'm glad you're still enjoying the story and I'm glad you like the characters as much as I do! :)

I really appreciate your reviews and level of detail you put into them!

It's funny you ask about Micro Cities, Inc.'s revenue streams. I had written a few blurbs about it when brainstorming for this story. It basically comes down to three points:
1. As you guessed, rent payments from residents.

2. Government subsidies for 'low cost' housing. This gets paid out based on the number of units that are occupied every month.

3. Government grants for 'high density' housing. Basically a one-time payment to subsidies the building of the apartments.

Points #2 and #3 were based on funding and laws from before shrinking tech was invented. Needless to say some people aren't happy about how much Micro Cities has managed to abuse these funds. #3 specifically is why Hank (Dr. Perkin's business partner) is so gun-ho about developing a 1:2000 scale city. He wants to cash in before the laws and policies catch up to them.

As far as what happens to those that don't pay rent... I wrote a few drafts of a scene that illustrated this--but ultimately scrapped it. Perhaps I'll explore this more in a spin-off story. In short: a certain unnamed character from accounting could be very convincing when it came time to collect. If all else failed Jazmin would typically handle the eviction--occasionally re-homing them to her dollhouse (if they were cute).

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