Reviews For The Best
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Reviewer: Jimbob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29 2024 3:05 AM Title: Chapter 1

Tiny dom overpowers big dom. She wasn’t as powerful as she thought she was.

Reviewer: Gdubs3 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 14 2024 2:32 AM Title: Chapter 1

HI, I just wanted to follow up, will there be any updates on Gods and Monsters? Thank you!

Reviewer: Gdubs3 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2023 5:20 PM Title: Chapter 1

You have no idea how excited I am for these chapters! I’ve been waiting two years for them! Absolutely you’re welcome, of course I’ll continue supporting your work! Looking forward to everything to come. You made my day! 

Reviewer: Gdubs3 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 09 2023 7:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

You have no idea how happy that makes me! Do you have a timeline? Also, do you mean you're going to reduce the current 14 chapters to 6 total chapters? Or are you writing an additional 6 chapters to G&M?

Also, will there be a second chapter of "The Best" I reread it and really enjoyed it! I am just glad to see you're back writing again! 

Author's Response:

I'll add another 6 chapters to the existing 14.

My goal is to go through chapter by chapter and tidy it up, reuploading to my new profile. Then I'll add the latest chapter followed by another five.

Timeline is tough due to other commitments *but* I promise you that I will upload two chapters by the end of the year as a minimum.

The Best is just a one shot. I quite like it as a short story that flips the usual script for my stories.

Thanks again for your review and for continuing to support my work.


Reviewer: Gdubs3 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2023 5:04 PM Title: Chapter 1

I was just thinking about that! Do you think you’ll ever continue Gods and Monsters on your new account? It’s my favorite story of the genre! Also, this is very good thus far! I would like to see if vore can be added, but I can’t wait for more to come!

Author's Response:

Thanks for your review, its greatly appreciated. You'll be happy to know that I have another chapter of G&M written and ready to go.

I had hoped to be back in my old account by now but I've had no response to multiple messages sent to admins.

When I reupload G&M, I want to try and reduce spelling and grammar errors plus amend a small inconsistency from an earlier chapter.

I think I can finish the story in six chapters so I'm keen to get it uploaded again. I feel like I have been writing it forever and it's the only story I am continuing from before my current 'Shrinking Virus' world.

Reviewer: sticktoyourguns256 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 03 2023 11:55 PM Title: Chapter 1

This was so creative. You almost never see this dynamic, and you did it so well. Both characters really work, and you never know where it’s going. Great job, and great to see new stuff from you! 

Also sorry about the old account, that’s super frustrating. 

Author's Response:

Thank you for the kind words and review. This one was a bit of a roller coaster to write, I wasn't sure where it was going to end up myself.

I got about two thirds of the way through before I realised that, for once, I really wanted the shrunken person to get a win soglad you enjoyed it too.


Reviewer: el_rooto Signed [Report This]
Date: September 01 2023 10:18 PM Title: Chapter 1

That was unexpected... and really good, congratulations!

Author's Response:

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.


Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 01 2023 7:30 AM Title: Chapter 1

The Best one-shot. The only fault I could find to this story is that it has only one chapter. But then, again, it’s The Best one-shot I’ve read so far. 10 out of 10.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review, thats very kind of you. I am glad you enjoyed it. 


Reviewer: New College Writer Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 01 2023 3:18 AM Title: Chapter 1

Sorry you haven't been able to get into your old account, I hope that gets sorted out! As for the story really like Ellie as a character and its a very interesting concept for a dynamic like it a lot!

Author's Response:

Thanks for your kind words and the review. It seems like I'm locked out of my old account for good so I'll be reuploading old work and adding new stories to this account going forwards.


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