Date: May 08 2021 1:37 AM Title: Chapter 2
I am looking forward to reading more about this and awesome work

Date: March 31 2021 7:34 PM Title: Chapter 2
How did I miss this chapter until now?
It's solid, but a little predictable.

Date: March 10 2021 7:48 PM Title: Chapter 1
" "Congratulations on the approval for human trials, Tiffany. We expect big things from you. No pun intended." He said with a rye smile."
Maybe that's on me as english isn't my first language, but as google didn't produce anything useful either I will just ask: What is a "rye smile" supposed to mean?
As far as the story goes: I wonder how fast Dave will shrink and whether Sarah or Tiffany will be the first person to humiliate him. (Albeit it would probably be unintentional in case of his girlfriend.)
I like it so far though. He being in a mad scramble to make it to the promotion before Tiffany makes it believable that he would do such a reckless thing.
Going by the tags Tiffany will also use her own concoction I wonder where that will lead... Maybe more than the just breasts expands in size?
Author's Response:
"rye" is kind of an old term for like "smug" or like the kind of smile you make after you tell a dad joke.
and im still putting together an outline for the rest of the story, so any suggestions will be considered to be added.

Date: March 10 2021 3:04 AM Title: Chapter 1
Love this so far. Assuming we'll see a variety of sizes as it's slow.

Date: March 10 2021 2:55 AM Title: Chapter 1
really liked this so far and the tags hope to see more