Date: July 25 2021 9:44 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Arise Fair Goddess
This is a great story! I love when Giga giantesses can still find ways to be gentle and intimate with people. Would love to see her discover new powers that enable more omnipotent interactions!
Author's Response:
Thank you very much! Chapter 6 was the last one I have planned, but I may write some side-stories at some point.

Date: June 29 2021 8:19 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Arise Fair Goddess
I've been lurking for years, but I was so happy to see this story again that I created an account, so I could leave a review and thank you for bringing it back. So thank you for bringing it back!
I like giga/tera-scale stuff a lot, and I like how you communicated Gabriel's size and power. I also like gentle stuff, which I don't often see in tera-scale stories, so getting both of those in one story was really nice.
Author's Response:
Hi peach,
Thank you very much!
I had a bit of a lapse in my confidence, and there were things I wanted to change about the old version that led me to remove it from this site. However, I re-uploaded the story on DeviantArt, and after seeing how happy everyone there was to see it, I re-uploaded the new version here as well.
Seeing other GTS writers really helped me gain that confidence, specifically VivettaVenray, whose boundry-pushing works inspire me. She writes very well and uploads a lot more than me. Of course, the lovely words of you and others inspire me to write more as well.
Date: June 29 2021 7:32 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Arise Fair Goddess
Wow I love it! Can‘t wait for the upcoming Chapter/s!
Author's Response:
Date: June 29 2021 2:51 PM Title: Chapter 2 - Temptations of the Flesh
The description of the semen lake is very vivid and I am amazed at your wonderful writing
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: June 29 2021 12:19 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Arise Fair Goddess
Is this your first story ? This is well written and very cool to read ! I hope to see more in the future. I kind want to live in a world completly dedicated to the worshipping of Goddess Gabriel...
Author's Response:
Hi Ess-rets,
I'm sure Gabriel would love living in that world too. Thank you for your kind words regarding my story. I've been writing stories for a while now, but the old version of this was my first GTS story. The older version wasn't as good, so I made some changes that I think made it a lot better.
All of the other chapters are already on my DeviantArt, except for the last one which I am still working on. They will be uploaded here shortly. I hope you and others will enjoy them.
Date: June 29 2021 10:24 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Arise Fair Goddess
The story is surprisingly well written
Author's Response:
Thank you!
When I wrote this story, I followed the simple erotica formula of I shouldn't, but I really want to. Stories like this aren't as complex as some other forms of fiction, but they needs to have some form of conflict. In this case it is Gabriel needing to mentally bonk herself to horny jail from time to time. Her struggle is one between repression and the danger of what would happen if she acted with complete inhibition.