Gabriel felt the cool embrace of night around her, sleeping bag and cozy sweater warming her in the cool spring air. She slept calmly, pushing thoughts of grumpy engineers and her drama-king co-worker Bruce out of her mind. Why do people always have to be so unreasonable? They tire me out. At least here, I can just be by myself, no one to bother me for kilometers around. You can’t even see the city lights from out here, it makes the stars so beautiful. I wish other people would agree to turn off their lights so we could all look at the stars together, rather than plot in the darkness against one another. Drifting off to sleep, Gabriel saw a great light in her dreams, the light calling her forward, bathing her in its glow.
Gabriel knew something was wrong before her eyes had fully opened, feeling her bare nipples biting the cold air. She sat up, fists clenched, teeth gritted. Around her, she saw nothing but a dark green carpet for miles around, a few puddles of dark water reflecting the morning sun, rising even as she saw the navy blue of the sky. A patchwork of wheat beige and bright green ran along small veins of water that flowed across the dirt, cutting dark lines through the green. Where’s my tent? She thought, and where’s my clothes!? She couldn’t see anything of hers. Looking down over the side of her bosom, she lifted herself off her hands to check beneath her. Nothing but the same carpet of green greeting her gaze, only compressed a bit by her wide rear, an uncompressed line running between where her butt cheeks had touched the ground.
She brought her ass down again, stroking the green carpet with her fingers, feeling thousands of bristles tickling her fingertips, brown lines following the path traced by her finger, as if it was a coloured pencil stroking against green paper. I’ve never seen anything like this. Leaning over, her heavy breasts touched the ground, her red, plump nipples skimming the ground, tracing their own shaking path through the green as she went down on her hands and knees. Bringing her chin as close to the ground as possible, her large breasts pressed into the ground. Squinting, she could just make out tiny cone shaped bristles no longer than half a millimeter at most. Weird. Her breasts jiggled as she sat up, two craters in the ground where they had just been. The ground’s really soft, and this green layer is really thin, with tiny little bristles. It’s like my nipples were gliding over felt.
She noticed a grey spot between her legs about the size of a dinner plate, next to where her right calf had landed. Spots on it sparkled, little lines poking up from the surface, the largest ones like gleaming dark grains of rice. Those are some interesting rocks. She used her hands to pick herself up. Straddling the strange formation between her wide thighs, she sat down, careful that she didn’t cover the spot. Leaning forward, she felt the urge to stretch, raising her arms up and lacing her fingers together. Pulling, she heard a pop in her shoulder, and sighed, a wave of relief cresting across her bosom. Bending over, she looked at the spot in front of her crotch, resting her arms on her thighs, one of her hands feeling in between her legs, scratching an itch on her smooth red pussy lips. Her finger brushed lightly against her clit, the upward strokes sending sweet shivers up her spine, a warmth to her blushing cheeks and a weight to her eyelids.
“I mean if nobody’s around…” She said to herself. “Might as well.”
Pulsing her index and middle fingers against her clit, she cooed with carnal delight. Her thighs pulsed, smooth curves hiding their raw, crushing might as they rolled over the teeny tiny green bristles, crushing them into nothing. She could feel the same on her ass too. Her colossal smooth buns rolled over the green bristles, which made her smile as they tickled her smooth flesh. The nerves on her pussy sang in ecstasy to the drumbeat of her heart and the grinding strum of her fingers. The dark tunnel leading deeper into her genitals dilated, allowing her to slip her fingers deep inside. The slick wet walls of her vagina pulsed around her fingers. She scratched wildly on the upper, soft, spongey region of her love canal.
Immediately, she began to breathe harder and deeper, her enormous bosom rising with each inhale and falling with every exhale. Her large breasts jiggled as each wave of pleasure washed over her. She lowered her other hand currently massaging her left thigh down into her crotch, stroking her clit while her right scratched at her insides. Gabriel’s lips were wide open, a deep, “OHHH!” thundering out from the back of her throat. She imagined a beach, a muscular man with a large, stiff shaft, and no clothes. She imagined wrapping her legs around his crotch, feeling his dick throbbing deep inside her, rewarding his effort by pressing her tender breasts against his chest. That was the man she would stop being shy for. Something strange glimmered on the spot below, causing her to stop just as she felt a pressure beginning to build in between her legs, letting out a long sigh. I’ll finish off later. Right now, I should see what this spot is.
She looked again at the shining spot on the ground, her womanly urges taking a back seat to her curiosity with the strange glimmer. Bending further forward, she looked down at the spot, dark lines running between the tiny crystals sparkling in the morning light. Even the ones in her shadow seemed to sparkle, tiny lights like mica grains glittering with white light. The dark lines between them had little red lights on them.
Squinting, she gasped. The lights moved. A little flying dot was taking off from one of the taller crystals, who’s red and gold tip she recognized immediately. It was the office building that she worked at. I just fingered my pussy in front of millions of tiny people. Oh my god, I’m naked in front of all of them. Bringing her hands down, she covered her pussy with its inner folds still glistening from arousal. Hands cupped over her thigh gap, her arms squeezed her breasts together, forming a line of cleavage longer than the downtown area of city that lay in the shadow of her enormous thighs, red swollen nipples rising from her enormous bust. Her cheeks became enormous fields of hot pink as she blushed.
I can’t be this huge, I remember what that engineer Verne said about square-cube law and movies with giant bugs. He said they’d explode. Taking one hand away, she pinched herself. No, not dreaming. Looking down, she saw clouds at ankle height. One drifted up to her big toe, which she raised, crushing the cloud into the ground. Feeling the cool moisture, she watched the green bristles she now recognised as trees on the ground shake from the impact. Should I even speak? She thought. My voice alone might cause buildings to topple. I can’t stay like this forever. What should I say? Whatever I say, I should say it standing up. But to stand up, I might need to…
She looked at her hands covering her crotch, I won’t be able to do that forever. She thought of all the people between her legs. Surely, some of them must’ve done the right thing and averted their eyes. But I’m sure some perverts are down there, touching themselves at the sigh of me, taking photos of me, saying terrible things about me. Surely, when I open my computer, I’ll… I won’t be able to open my computer. Not like this. I’m bigger than any mountain. I might be the size of a small island. How tall am I?
She looked at her feet, Each foot is about, say, 20 cm. From the office to the other end of the city it’s about 10 km, if my foot is about that length, that’s about a kilometer for what to me is about 2 cm. Then, if I was 178 cm tall, then…I’m around 89 km tall. Well, at least it’s a safe distance for me to speak to them from. They’re microscopic from up here. Damn, I must be quite the sight. I’m so big, the clouds are at my ankles. She noticed how her bosom loomed over the city. Forget the rest of me, my breasts are bigger than the tallest mountains. My thighs too, they shake the ground when I move. My ass flattened a forest. Around the city, she noticed that new mountain ranges had risen into place where her thighs had pressed into the land. The mere indulgence of pleasure for a goddess had led to a dramatic geographic shift for those living in the shadow of her thighs. Gabriel’s legs were powerful and plump, stretching far above the clouds at her ankles. Her thighs widened out into broad hips, accented by the slimness of her waist and toned abs. I’m like a giant goddess! A goddess! An enormous, powerful… and sexy goddess.
Gabriel’s heart fluttered, warmth building between her legs. My goddess pussy is like a hot, sticky valley. It’s so big, bigger than some cities. Those men down there, thinking things about me, they couldn’t hurt me. Not when I’m this big, this powerful. Gabriel cooed softly to the growl of sexual appetite from her shivering pussy. She looked down at the city, far below, thin wispy clouds around her ankles. The whole thing was framed between her plump breasts and her mighty thighs, and in between her thighs, things were getting lively. Gabriel absent-mindedly brushed her swollen clit with a press of her hands, and she moaned longingly. She imagined the men without the control avert their eyes, the power she had over their feeble minds.
What if I gave them what they desired? I bet I could fit them all inside my pussy. Thousands of them, no, millions of them, all squirming around inside me. I wonder, how good would they feel? My love muscles would cause earthquakes for them, forcing them to kneel before the might of my womanhood. Lost in the vast depths of my goddess pussy, they’d never see the sun again, the perfect punishment. Gabriel thought about how small they would be compared to the undulating valleys of flesh. She closed her eyes, imagining them running to high ground inside her, as floods of her cum would roar through her pussy, carrying the unlucky ones deeper inside her. Those on her clit would follow her commands to worship her, labouring upon the enormous temple of flesh dedicated to her pleasure. They would please her, or else she would bring her mighty fingers down upon them to satisfy herself. The immense feminine power of her love muscles could trap millions of men in her dark, sweet-smelling depths. She imagined the mess she could make of a city. She could crush an entire city between her enormous thighs, grind it into dust under her ass, or smother it under her breasts in a flood of milky flesh. She imagined her hard nipples ploughing through rows of shattering skyscrapers. If she were to grind against it, a single brush of her clit would destroy city blocks, lathering them in a flood of her fluids. With her right hand, she began to reach toward the city below.
Gabriel opened her eyes, guilty. Before she could reach the city or start touching herself again, she brought her hands to rest on her thighs, which jiggled under the weight of her hands. She looked down at the distant mountains. What are you thinking Gabriel? That would kill them. Why did you think it was sexy? I have to talk to these people, tell them it’s alright, and… maybe apologise for exposing myself. She placed her hands down on empty patches of land, raising herself up. Her massive legs stretched up into the heavens, straddling the city. Her shadow covered the land, She leaned over, just able to see the city over the slopes of her bosom. She carefully took a step back, the lights in the city flickering with the movement of her feet. She cleared her throat, which must have sounded like the sky ripping open to the people down below, “Please, don’t panic. I’m Gabriel. I don’t know how I got like this, but I don’t want to hurt you. Sorry for… touching myself in front of you. I thought I was alone. I’m not used to being this big, could you please forgive me?”
Sitting down, she held back her bosom to prevent it from spilling onto the city, restraining her glistening blonde hair with the other, and listened with her ear the size of a nature reserve. She heard the noise of automobile engines and some cries from below very faintly. She listened for something more, and she heard a voice calling to her, with static loudspeaker distortion. “Gabriel, can you hear us?”
“Yes,” she said as softly as a woman her size could, “Who are you?”
“Chief of Police. We have a message for you. Do not move closer to the city. Try to limit… unnecessary movement. The city is currently being evacuated to the Northeast, please avoid that road. Military forces are on their way here, we’re going to tell them you contacted us peacefully.”
“Thanks, and sorry.” She said. “I’ll keep my distance.”
Gabriel stepped away into the middle of an empty-looking forest. Looking around, the military was nowhere in sight. She wanted something to amuse herself, starting to run out of parts of her body to guess the size of and worried about what would happen if she started fantasying again. Over the forest loomed some clouds. She remembered the one she hit with her toe. I wonder, how do they taste? Leaning over, she brought her lips to the clouds, opening a kilometer-wide hole in her plump pursed lips, she began filling her lungs, supersonic winds pulling the clouds into her mouth. She puffed her cheeks with air, feeling a stream of water condensing on her tongue, which she swallowed. The water was cool, reminding her of the stream that ran by her tent where she would camp. Without thinking, she sucked in another. Sucking in a larger cloud, she worked her lungs more, her powerful vortex ripping trees from the ground. Feeling thousands of little pines hit her lips, she licked them, her enormous tongue trapping the trees on its sticky, bumpy surface.
The absent clouds revealed a lake below, and wanting something cool, Gabriel brought her lips to the water’s surface, straddling a river. Feeling her lips meet the cool water, she slurped it up, the lake disappearing into her stomach. On the lake’s shore, some friends were about to go fishing. They watched in disbelief as their boat was sucked out into the middle of the lake, and into Gabriel’s mouth, the wind of her suction pulling them off their feet and into the muddy lakebed. Gabriel gulped, a mountainous lump sliding down her throat, finally disappearing beneath her collarbone, breasts subtly heaving as she emitted a refreshed sigh. The subtlest shift of her bosom flattened hills, rolling over treelines in an unstoppable wave of milky flesh. The fishermen watched as yet another cloud was sucked in between her lips, her enormous bosom and diaphragm heaving, creating the great vortex pulling everything unlucky enough to find itself in front of her into her mouth with its gurgling, flash-floods of saliva.
This is fun, she thought, inhaling another cloud, it’s like catching raindrops for goddesses. I wonder if I could stop a hurricane by eating it? Imagine how many people I could help if I could hold rainclouds in my mouth and spit them out where people need them. She was sucking in another cloud, when she saw a thin, grey shape headed for her lips. Focusing, she saw little wings sticking out of it. Oh my god a jetliner! She ceased sucking, but it was too late and the airplane followed the cloud into her mouth. She opened wide and she dared not breathe. No, no, no. I didn’t eat you, I can’t eat you!
The plane appeared again, slowly flying out of her open mouth, “Sorry.” Said Gabriel reflexively, causing the plane to dip a bit before flying away from the other clouds. Memo to self, she thought, tell people to enforce a no-fly zone around me. I’m a hazard to planes. Not one to test her luck, Gabriel stopped, sitting up. She shadowed even the mountain below her, which she looked at closely. It’s tiny. I think my nipple is bigger. She brought her bosom around, her red nipple dwarfing the mountain. Mother nature, you need a boob job. She lowered her breast, flattening the mountain under her stiff nipple. The cold summit tickled her knocker, and she smiled, blushing as she stroked her nipple, enjoying the arousing sensation of her smooth tit flesh. She fondled her large breasts, admiring them.
I love the softness of my big boobs, she thought, and now I don’t even have to by overpriced bras anymore. I don’t even care that people are staring at me. I’m admiring myself, let them admire me too. No, let them WORSHIP me. All my life, I’ve hated people staring at me, fearing what they thought of doing to me in the back of their mind. But now I’m not just sexy, I’m powerful. I’m a Goddess... She spied another, slightly larger mountaintop. And Goddesses must be pleased. There’s not a man alive with a cock big enough to please me, so I’ll have to get creative…
In a stroke of carnal inspiration, Gabriel grinned with a wide, seductive smirk. She checked the ground, and when she was certain she would not tread on the roadways, she laid down, her nipples ripping through the hills under the tree canopy. Looking closely at the mountain, she squinted, not seeing anything. The snow-capped mountain was the size of her thumb.
“Anyone home?” she said, “If so, send a flare up, light a fire, do something to let me know you’re there. I have plans for this glorious rise and I wouldn’t want you getting caught up in… what I’m going to do.”
No response. Gabriel’s thighs quaked, shaking the forest below. She turned herself around, her pussy hovering over the mountain. Her labia quivered, and she reached down, pulling back a fold of silky flesh to show her stiff, shining clit. Her heavy thighs loomed on either side, and they flexed as she slowly moved backward, her clit stroking against the mountain. She leaned forward and inhaled a cloud, before pressing back again, her clit pulsing against the slopes, a low throaty moan thundering out of her plush red lips, splitting the clouds and shaking the trees below. Her thighs trembled, her pussy pulsed and she felt something sticky dripping on her hand. She brought it up, seeing three tiny drops of milky white, semi-translucent, sweet smelling goddess nectar rolling down her finger. My pussy is drooling. Damn it’s hungry today.
She spun around, pulling back the tight, silky veil of flesh again, love nectar coating her pussy lips and stiff clit. Shadowed by her enormous thighs, Gabriel ripped the mountain off its base with her sleek womanly fingers, holding it above the dark cavern that led deeper into her sex organ while the other hand pried open her tense pussy lips and stroked her clit. With a single push, the mountain was engulfed by her love tunnel. Gabriel tightened her crotch muscles, the mountain crumbling inside her, breaking up like rock in a crushing device. She grunted longingly and pressed again, her vaginal juices mingling with the rock, turning it into a fragrant grey slurry that flowed out of her as her powerful crotch muscles sent waves of flesh rippling down her love tunnel. With a single clench of her muscular pussy, the rock and vaginal fluid slurry was forced out of her, casting a shadow over the trees as it fell, squelching across the land on impact, smothering a few square kilometers of trees. The new mud mountain was not long for this world, as everything between her legs was instantly flattened as her thighs pressed together, smearing hills and forests into a muddy pulp. She sighed deeply, a wave of pleasure cresting across her bosom. Clouds at her feet swirled in the warm rush of wind.
She saw a swarm of tiny black dots moving toward her. Military jets? She stood up, looking to avoid a close call like the one with the jetliner. She laced her hands together, letting them fall between her legs, pushing her breasts together. Her thigh gap was nearly as wide as her laced fingers. Alongside, thighs shaped like an exotic vase, tapered down to her knees. Her muscular calves widened out again, slimming out halfway down her long lower legs, above her ankles and long yet slender feet. Legs to die for. Why didn’t I try to get a boyfriend in university? I would have had men lining up to have sex with me. I was too worried I would mess up asking them out. Now I wouldn’t even be able to feel the press of a man’s thighs against mine. My goddess size pussy would swallow him up and I wouldn’t feel a thing. It ate a mountain and its still hungry. What else can I feed it? The idea was making her warm, and she blushed, massaging her broad thighs.
Gabriel removed one hand and waved at the jets, realizing her knees were over 20 km above the surface. The jets max altitude must be beneath that, she thought. She made a shooing gesture, fanning away from the swell of her bosom. “It’s dangerous for you to fly this close, I had a close call with a jetliner already today. Please, back off.” The jets continued flying closer, she could feel little tail fires stroking across her calves. Wait, I can feel them. She thought, her arms squeezing her bosom closer together, her hand groping her lush genitals.
“Oh yes…” she huffed, “My name’s Gabriel, I’m a big sexy goddess. Just let me kneel down so we can both get a better look at each other.”
Slowly, she knelt, watching the jets that were flying around her legs fly a bit further away. Spreading her legs, she squeezed her breasts and rubbed her hand over her crotch. She was excited and her pussy was aroused, her six-kilometer-long sex lips quivering and getting wet. “I can feel the tail fires of your jets,” she said, “I want to…feel them a little closer. Between my legs would be nice, if you feel like an adventure.” She spread her pussy lips, stroking her wet clitoris in between the inner folds of her labia, “see if you can make me feel you. I’ll try to be gentle, but my pussy is hungry. I’m a virgin you see, I’ve never felt like this before. Uhhh, I’m so hot. I know you want me. You can tell your higher-ups I forced you to do it if you’re worried about disobeying orders. But I doubt anybody explicitly ordered you not to do this. What do you say?”
Somehow, they must have been relaying her voice to the jet’s radios, as they started to fly toward her crotch, which began pulsating with pleasure, a drop of cum dripping out of it between her legs, forming a white lake on the ground below in a crash and splash of female cum that flattened trees and hills. “Yes, I know you couldn’t resist. Please your Goddess Gabriel, the most powerful woman to ever walk the Earth.” The planes flew between her legs, “Oh yes.” She said, feeling the hot creep of jet wash on her clit. “Oh yes, that’s a great start, more please. Oh…” Her knees weakened, as if to hump an invisible lover. She tightened her thighs, which flexed as she stopped herself from thrusting into the jet formations, supplementing her desires by fondling her breasts, stroking her nipples and kneading her smooth, soft jugs, her boob flesh bulging out from between her hands. “Yes,” she said, “I can feel you! OH, I can FEEL you on my Goddess clit. Please, more, harder! Oh yes!”
The jets came back around though her legs, their jet wash not warming her up as much, her thick fluids absorbing the heat and blocking the pressure. She wanted more, “Is that the best you’ve got? What other tricks do you have up your sleeve? Make me sweat, make me scream, make my knees weak.” Flying toward her, the jets let lose trails of flame. Missiles, Oh yes! “You clever boys, that’s great, pound my clit with your biggest bombs, your longest missiles. You can’t hurt me, but I’ll feel this.” Gabriel, watching with glee as the missiles streaked toward her, rubbed her thighs with excitement. The first volley flew into her crotch, disappearing under her large outer pussy lips.
“AH!” she exclaimed, feeling the first impacts, “MMMMNNNNN! Oh, that’s good. AH! Just as your goddess – UNGH! – ordered.” Each impact was like a hot little copper hair stroking her clit, impacting the area between her trembling, swelling pussy lips and flying deep into her vaginal canal which gushed a flood of sweet smelling semi-translucent liquid. “AH! OH! More please. Yes! Your goddess is very happy with you. AH! That feels so good, like you’re stroking me with a soft, warm brush on my clit. AH! Please don’t stop, I feel so good, you just started pounding inside of me.” But the waves stopped, the volleys of little flaming kisses from her worshippers dying away. They must have run out. Pity, that can’t have lasted more than a minute. I want to be pounded for HOURS. “I guess you can’t go any more. That’s okay, I’ll pleasure myself.”
She lowered her hand into her crotch, rubbing her clit with her thumb and plunging her middle finger kilometers deep into her vagina, labia folding to grip her finger. Her thighs shaking, her other hand madly groped her ten-kilometer-tall breasts, pushing in her stiff nipples to watch them pop out violently, her bosom swelling in waves as she breathed hot steam and oozed warm cum. But it’s not the same, she thought, I want the thrill of imagining what someone is going to do with me, like those jets strafing and pounding my thick pussy lips.
Suddenly, a flare shot up from the city. She crawled over on her hands and knees, leaning in so close, her cute plushy nose almost grazed the buildings. The blue lakes of her irises pulled the black voids of her pupils open, focusing to make out tiny green lines and green boxes filling the street. Tanks and artillery. She could faintly hear rock and roll music blasting from a hidden speaker, rolling waves of guitar distortion and crashing drumbeats filling her heart with fire. Listening in closely, she could make out the lyrics.
“My heart is black, and my lips are cold
Cities on flame with rock and roll
Three thousand guitars they seem to cry
My ears will melt, and then my eyes…”
Gabriel smiled, “I never thought I’d hear that sound again in my life. Do you want to rock with me? My pussy wants your fire, your love. Don’t worry about hurting me, those fighter pilots and their missiles couldn’t scratch me. Unfortunately, they also couldn’t stay too long, no endurance I tell you. But you have more endurance than they do, right?”
She sat down, bringing her ass up to a mountain that lay before the city. That should stop my juices from flooding it. Oh God, I could drown a city with my cum! Spreading her labia, Gabriel licked her lips slowly, her tongue sliding greedily across the plump, red valley, straight white teeth grinning down at the city below. Her hair fell on her shoulders, tracing the glorious contours of her breasts. Her silky locks were up to twenty kilometers long, each hair wider than a railway car. Her blue eyes gleaming with fire, she cooed, “Do you want me? Can you feel me shaking the ground, excited, getting hot thinking about what you’ll do to me? I want you to feel the fire of your weapons inside me. Your power is an oasis in a sea of sexual boredom. Please, give this goddess the love she thirsts for…”
Rubbing her thighs in anticipation, she saw the shells fly into the air, smoke rising from the city as orange tracers arced through the sky. “AHHH! OHHH! AHH! That’s what I was hoping for. UUNNNNNGGGGHHH!” The shells hit her pussy in waves, impacting the clenching folds of her shaking labia, “OHHH! OHHH! YES! My goddess pussy likes that! MMMMMNNNNN!” Slipping her hands away from her pussy, she opened her legs wide, pulsing thighs looming over each side of the city, tidal waves of flesh roaring down from 25 km wide hips. Gabriel leaned back, using her arms to keep her back off the ground. That should let the shells arc into my love canal.
“OH YES!” she yelled, her breasts jiggling as her bosom heaved, and fell, each breath blowing rings of steam out from her into the upper atmosphere from her three-kilometer wide mouth. Her one-and -a-half-kilometer-wide vaginal tunnel gushed warm liquid, flowing out over the bottom of her pussy lips in a quartz-white waterfall, forming a lake in her thigh gap, growing with each orgasmic gush of Gabriel’s feminine power. This is better than I ever imagined, she thought, this feeling, my pussy has never been this lively before. Oh, it’s clenching and opening, it’s so alien yet so alluring, like a blooming orchid. The flower of my sexuality, finally being admired properly. “MMMMNNNNN!”
Panting, she spoke to her army of little love makers. “I love you, you brave soldiers. AH!” she felt a volley plunging into her vagina, shellfire tickling her sensitive love canal walls, “Thank you for fulfilling my wish. AH! I - AH! Never thought I would feel like this. MMMNNNN! I’ve never had sex before, and then I – OH! – Got like this. UNGH! Even if I had a lover already, I wouldn’t feel him. I’d probably lose him in my pussy. OHHH! Crush him with the folds of my labia! AHHH! Or drown him with my fluids! UNNNNGGGGHHH! I’m so hot, I’m breathing steam. AHH! OHH! My pussy is – MMMMNNNNN! – pouring a lake of hot cum. YES! Keep pounding my aircraft carrier sized clit!”
More shells pounded her pussy, raking over the folds of her Labia, over her clitoris and down into her vaginal canal. Her nipples were stiff and hard, like two-kilometer tall red stone pyramids in a land of milky flesh. Her cum waterfall was so strong, it was dragging nearby clouds into it, sucked in by the flowing white slime. The lake of cum between her legs was overflowing, the storm surge flattening forests, ripping trees from their roots, drowning the land and any animals unfortunate enough to be on it. Gabriel Couldn’t get enough, stretching out her voluptuous goddess body above the clouds, getting pounded by the guns of an army, shaking with the waves of pleasure each volley of fire sent up her spine. Smiling, she moaned and breathed, her huge bosom heaving up and down.
“I’m the BIGGEST, SEXIEST, and most POWERFUL woman in history! AAAHHHHNUUGHHHH!” Shouted Gabriel, “I roll like thunder, I’m pounding like an earthquake! You love looking at me. MMMNNNN! Hearing my colossal goddess voice. MMMNNN! Feeling my monstrous ass rumbling, my titanic thighs grinding forests to splinters! I know you love watching as my nipples harden, swelling larger than mountains! And seeing my beautiful breasts fill the sky. A soft, jiggling, warm sky! Oh, my pussy swallowed a mountain, doesn’t the thought of it make you hot? UUUNNNNNGGGGGHHH!” she felt a pressure between her hips, “AAHHH! I feel a big one! UUUUNNNNNNHHHHHH!”
Gabriel sat up, hands covering her open pussy as her earth-shaking orgasm began. Floods of cum pouring from her vaginal canal, streams 200 meters wide gushed between her fingers, landing just short of the city, sticky gobs the size of battleships crashing onto the countryside. Her pussy lips clenched, suddenly opening again, gushing another flood of cum. A white pool was forming between her powerful legs, the mountain next to her thigh ceasing to exist, washing away in the flood like an anthill at the end of a garden hose. The sticky flood rushed over mountains and forests that were ripped from the earth instantly by the flow, which gushed toward the city between her legs. She dug a trench into the bedrock with her fingers, the torrent of liquid flowing into the chasm, saving the populace from a sticky, drowning death. Her hands flew back to her pussy, blocking the next wave of cum. Chunks of rock the size of houses and buildings littered the shoreline of the lake of white slime, others sinking deeper into its murky depths, getting buried as more poured fourth from deep within. “AAHHH! AAHHH! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Gabriel cried, waves of cum spraying out of her love tunnel, a seemingly endless torrent built up over years of sexual inactivity and multiplied to the size of an 89 km tall goddess.
Finally, the flow stopped. Shifting onto her knees, Gabriel felt her wet, sticky ass, looking down to see her cum running into the craters her grinding muscular rear had generated. She leaned over the city, shadowing it with her bosom, looking down at the city with a guilty look. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten carried away like that. I almost killed you people, all you lovely people, who made me feel so good. Will you forgive me?”
She knelt down to the city, putting her ear up to it. A strong Tennessee accent blared through the army sound system. “Lady, that was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. The boys and girls down here love you. You said it yourself, you’ve never had sex before, you didn’t know it was coming. Great save though, I admire your quick thinking. You’re resourceful, sexy in a clever way, lots of men like that in a woman. Ain’t that right boys!?”
Cheers rose from the city, and Gabriel smiled, stepping back and taking a bow, turning around and giving her ass a good slap, waves of smooth flesh rippling down her thick thigh, her red pussy lips finally moist and still. “Thank you all, I couldn’t have had a better time losing my virginity.” She yawned, “Geez, I’m tired now. I think I’ll take a nap, then we can figure out how this is all going to work. But one thing is for sure, we have to do that again some time, now that I have some experience. Good night, my lovelies, dream sweet and sexy dreams about me.” Gabriel lay down on her side, her bosom towering over the city, and fell asleep with a smile. Her mighty hips and shapely legs were relaxed, the flame of her desires between them quenched for the time.