Date: November 10 2021 2:33 AM Title: Cindy's Asshole Forever
For a first time I have to say well done. Sure there are a few grammatical errors; but for a first time and even a seasoned writer they are negligible (e.g. "excavation" instead of evacuation of her bowels ).
I have a few "man turned into woman's asshole" stories myself, though have yet to finish and post them. You have given me inspiration to do so. Though in most of mine the man is facing the other way around as her anal sphincter.
I really liked the idea that no one knows that Tim was trying to protest being Cindy's asshole. That was a nice touch.
Keep writing. You're doing terrific.
Author's Response:
Thank you for saying that! I'll have to do another proof read of these just to catch all grammar issues, so I appreciate you pointing that out.
Your stories definitely sound interesting, I've never actually read a TF story like that but it sounds pretty exciting. I hope to see it someday since it's always nice to encounter new writing.
If you can, I do recommend checking out the rest of the path for that interactive on It's nice and long but super well paced and written.