Date: January 10 2022 5:19 AM Title: Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)
Lesbian twin sister, then*
*Speaking of often over-used tropes.
Author's Response: Lesbian twin sisters? Where did that come from? This story doesn't have any characters who are of that sexual orientation.

Date: November 11 2018 3:47 PM Title: Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)
Wow, it's very rare that I find a story of this caliber on this website. Or any sizeplay page for that matter. The level of detail that was put into describing not only the enviroments, but effects that things had on Adam. Made it very easy to put yoursel fin his shoes. And to see things through his eyes. To feel the emotional termoil that he and any other would surely feel, if they were to be suddenly thrust into such a terrible situation.
The way that Riley viewed the whole thing, is what made it all so truly haunting. Because in her mind, she wasn't doing any of it to hurt Adam. Rather than help him. And there's simply no way to talk to someone like that.
Pretty darn amazing story from a literary standpoint. I really hope that there is more in the work. Because this is such a rough cliff hanger. :)
Date: June 17 2015 9:39 AM Title: Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)
Another good story bites the dust.

Date: August 08 2013 5:04 PM Title: Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)
I bet Riley is going to look like the "Lesser of the two evils" after experiencing life with whoever took him away.
Date: August 08 2013 3:06 PM Title: Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)
Now, please, don't get me wrong. I'm indescribably happy that you're posting again! Life's not the same since Littlefan Productions bit the economic dust. But, with all due respect; didn't you already use the fickle giant girlfriend angle for the conclusion of SORENTOPIA?
Author's Response:
It's not a girlfriend or any type of love interest whatsoever.

Date: August 08 2013 2:59 PM Title: Chapter Ten: Reformatory Prison (3)
Let me guess: she's found herself aGoth-punk boyfriend. And, new flame will extinguish old one (literally) underfoot.
Oh, dude! I thought you were _so_ more innovative than that. :-(
Author's Response:
not even close my friend.
Author's Response:
not even close my friend.

Date: October 04 2012 10:06 AM Title: Chapter Seven: Escape Attempt
Hey! Nice to have you--and your TWILIGHT ZONE-worthy storytelling--back.
Author's Response:
Thanks cary, glad your enjoying it. I sitll have a few twists and turns in this story.

Date: October 04 2012 10:04 AM Title: Chapter Nine: Reformatory Prison (2)
OH, come on! Does he really deserve _this_ much karma?

Date: October 04 2012 9:53 AM Title: Chapter Eight: Reformatory Prison
Rather abrupt segue! But, I suppose emotionally ugly arguements can cause one to be reluctant to try and depict them in full detail.

Date: September 18 2012 2:20 PM Title: Chapter Eight: Reformatory Prison
I guess she caught him on the desk by the computer. An damn the scene where she put the cover over the cage an said she was gonna leave him in there for a couple days was kinda intense at least to me.(just the way he's some completely helpless in the cage, an the fact she's so ho-hum about it) an the part when he didnt want to drink the water until necessary that was beautifully written, as well as the way you described the coldness of the bars in the cage an how thankful he was to be walking on the wood chips. I really don't know what to expect from this story an yet I do know what is going to happen... Its kinda weird how that works but it makes me want to read this all the more.
Great job asuka.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review. I'm glad your enjoying it. I have always wanted to write a extended cage scene for years and finally decided this was the story to do it in. I really wanted to capture what it would be like to be trapped in a cage for an extended period of time. Just left to your own devices while someone else lived there life.
Date: September 02 2012 9:35 PM Title: Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home
As in: Riley wakes up; finds Adam dead from lack of oxygen when she rolled over in her sleep, she spends four hundred nintey words lamenting their never-to-be requited love; then, she crushes him beneath her shoe to get rid of the evidence.
Hopefully, I'm wrong. And, there will also (eventually) be a chapter eight.
Author's Response:
theres already over eight chapters. just a matter of posying and editing.so no need to cfear.

Date: September 02 2012 9:30 PM Title: Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home
I was only half-joking. You don't have to be Sherlock Downey, Jr. to deduce from all those descriptors, on the title page, that you're going to have _more_ than seven chapters! But, to half-joke is to also be half-serious. And, I seriously feared you might have suddenly changed your mind. And, instead of Adam being put through all those standard (some might even say "stereotypical") trials, you had opted to do a fast, comparatively dull and quick stomp/crush!

Date: August 30 2012 8:34 PM Title: Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home
Wow haven't read a story that I liked this much since 'summer job' by cayce.
Great job asuka. I can't wait to read more.
Author's Response:
wow thats high praise. many people view that as there top five.

Date: August 30 2012 2:46 PM Title: Chapter Six: Home Sweet Home
I hope the poor guy doesn't suffocate. It'd be an anti-climatic way to end such a promising story as this! :-(
Author's Response:
so you are saying i should change the endijng then?

Date: August 20 2012 9:40 AM Title: Chapter Five: Correcting Mistakes
I really don't see what Adam's barking about. I'd LOVE to be the shrunken man-pet of a (future?) Georgia Gymdog! ;-)
Author's Response:
I hear ya there. I'd be happy with such a fate...although she is a bit crazy.

Date: August 20 2012 9:15 AM Title: Chapter Four: It's a Mad, Mad, World
Nice web-like imagery with the sweater.
" 'Come into my parlor,' said Riley-spider to Adam-fly."

Date: August 20 2012 4:34 AM Title: Chapter Five: Correcting Mistakes
I really like where this story is going, I hope you continue it. I really enjoy your style of writing and seeing two stories by you this week has been a treat. I am curious if he will get into voyeur territory as he tries to escape from riley..

Date: August 15 2012 11:47 PM Title: Chapter One: Innocently Cheating
not bad, there are bits where the talking is kinda funny sounding but ur writing is good and overall its well done, keep going
Author's Response:
Hey thanks for the honesty and critque on the dialogue. I will look closer at it in the future. Your comments are much appreciated.

Date: August 06 2012 9:16 AM Title: Chapter Three: Courage to Love
Hmmmm! The housekeeper must've unwittingly riccocheted him into that purse. Because, she definitely didn't seem to notice him.

Date: August 05 2012 6:19 PM Title: Chapter Two: Unrequited Love
Il Maestro has returned, again!
This is a great new story, AF. I read both opening chapters in one sitting. Which, as you know, is a rarity for me, seeing as I usually prefer to leave chapter-by-chapter reviews. :-)
Author's Response:
I take that as an epic compliment, as i dont ever remember you reading any of my other stories but chapter by chapter. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I hope you enjoy the tale. I have abotu 50 pages so far. Its mostly just a matter of editing and balancing the workload of writing new stuff and editing the old stuff.