Date: March 29 2022 12:37 AM Title: Chapter 1
I loved this story!. It was fun seeing both brothers on fun situations with the different athletes as they where played with and kissed by them XD.
Do you plan to write a sequel or have another story similar to this one?.
Date: October 28 2016 3:33 PM Title: Chapter 1
Had a blast reading this. Wish there was a sequel to this with the 2016 games and the final five team finds him.
Date: December 23 2015 3:30 AM Title: Chapter 1
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Date: March 20 2015 12:09 PM Title: Chapter 1
I admit I thought the story would go on a bit farther,
But hey, U'm satisfied, and so is the author
so who cares!~
Thanks for the story ;)
Author's Response: You are most welcome. :-D
Date: June 25 2014 4:19 PM Title: Chapter 21
I see you decided to wrap up this story. Looks like they spent the rest of their lives as property of women. Sad for them, great for us.
Thanks for sharing this story with us.
Author's Response: You're welcome. And, thank _you_ for having the patience to stick around for the conclusion! :-)

Date: June 24 2014 8:12 PM Title: Chapter 21
So, If... Gabe speaks Portuguese, and has become 'the', little 'good-luck' charm, for the Brazilian-waxed-indoor, Volley Ball Team, then... he'll also get to be the official bikini inspector for the all girl swim team too?
God, how could he get so lucky! So what, if he never gets to see any of his co-workers again. I'm sure that he's really 'put out', about it... ;`)
Author's Response: It's more like Gabe will have to _learn_ Portuguese out of necessity. LOL!

Date: June 24 2014 5:51 PM Title: Chapter 21
And would you believe, in the time since you sent your email (which I have no idea how much by Aust time has passed), this story is still at the very top of most recent.
Btw I once wrote a poem called "Chuck Roberts in the 21st Century", sending up Buck Rogers, except that it starts in the 1940s, and he awakens in 2004 to the massive culture shock of modern society.
Author's Response: Well, as of this moment (seven before three, American EDT), it's been demoted about half a dozen spaces or so. LOL! As for Buck Rogers? You're not too far off. The original Alex Raymond comic strip (and Buster Crabbe film serial adapation) had him going into suspended animation in the 1930's. It's only the first season of the 1970's tele-version that updated him to a space shuttle astronaut!

Date: February 24 2014 7:41 PM Title: Chapter 20
Sounds also like an homage to Fred's experience in "The Man called Flintstone."
Anyway, I'm glad I got to this before the dates doth expire.
Author's Response: You're still into those Bat-couplets, I see. ;-D
Date: February 24 2014 9:48 AM Title: Chapter 20
And the race contiunes. Wonder who will win?
Author's Response: That, to coin a phrase, is in the hands of the Fates. ;-)
Date: February 23 2014 9:27 PM Title: Chapter 20
* "Tea-time Movie" was a skit that spoofed mid-afternoon television programs that showed vintage movies. Only for the TV commercials, advertising local businesses, to get more air time than the movies, themselves. Sort of a precursor to the modern "info-mercial." Anyway, one of the running gags featured Johnny (as "Art Fern") stating:
"How do you get to Non-existent Company, you ask? Well, you take the L.A. Freeway to the Santa Monica Freeway to the Slosson Cut-off. Get out of your car; cut off your slosson; get back in your car; then keep on driving till you come to..."
Here, the audience would join in as Johnny lifted up a folded-over piece of cardboard on the silly road map, and shouted...
Painted-on kitchen fork included.
Date: January 07 2014 4:46 PM Title: Chapter 19
All right! This story went in a totally unexpected direction. Wonder what else is going to happen.
Author's Response: Where my warped imagination is concerned? Almost anything. ;-)
Date: January 06 2014 6:27 PM Title: Chapter 19
The Demented Zone? Actually I don't think I ever left it. LOL. And now we're into Wacky Races spin-off humour. That's always delightfully demented.
I trust it wasn't DC Vertigo. LOL.
Author's Response: Nope! It's more like if you (or I) were Scotch-taped to a ruler while some high school girl was shaking it, to laugh at the blurry after-images.

Date: October 05 2013 5:42 PM Title: Chapter 18
If you can't speak Klingon, you can always read a Carycomic yarn and become fluent in: Keechie-ah-keechie-ah-keechie-KOO!"
Author's Response: Strange you should mention STAR TREK. Vanessa Ferrari was supposed to be doing a pidgin-Italian version of Dr. McCoy's "Woochie-koochie-koochie-koo" (from the episode where Julie Newmar played the pregnant widow of a pro-Federation warlord on the planet Capella)!
Date: October 05 2013 5:42 PM Title: Chapter 17
Sounds like it's worth taking the Ferrari for a test drive.
(Do they have Ferrari cars in the US?)
Author's Response: Yes. But, only the super-rich can afford them. :-(

Date: October 05 2013 5:41 PM Title: Chapter 16
Order a BLT with your BST,
And in Australia, pay GST (Goods and Services Tax. A real hot potato ten years ago here).
Author's Response: I thought I was using the proper initials for Beijing Standard Time. If I erred, I humbly apologize.

Date: October 05 2013 5:40 PM Title: Chapter 15
You have been active. At least 3 stories updated this week.
Author's Response: Well, I actually took a couple weeks off from this site, after all that hyper-active typing this past summer.
Date: October 04 2013 2:46 AM Title: Chapter 18
It has been a while for this story. I see Bob's luck hasen't changed. Wonder if she really will take Bob home to Italy.
Author's Response: That remains to be seen. ;-)
Date: August 06 2013 11:09 AM Title: Chapter 17
I see your muse had been busy. That romanian girl didn't have him long. Not sure the Italian is an improvement.
Wonder what going to happen when the games end?
Author's Response: Uno momento, signor. Uno momento! ;-)
Date: August 03 2013 3:52 PM Title: Chapter 16
So close and yet so far. He landed on the wrong woman.
Author's Response: That, sir, remains to be seen. ;-)
Date: July 31 2013 3:54 PM Title: Chapter 15
Your muse is in overdrive this summer. Even when they can make themselves understood the shrunken men are still treated the same way. Wonder what will happen to them next.
Author's Response: " 'Tis in the hands of the Fates." ;-D