Reviews For Camilla
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Reviewer: Coolio Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2022 1:08 AM Title: Chapter 8

Huge fan of your work hope you will return to this one day

Author's Response:

Thank you!  I won't be adding any more to Camilla but I plan to start posting a new story within a couple months.

Reviewer: 280077s Signed [Report This]
Date: August 05 2019 6:17 PM Title: Chapter 8

If I could I would tell any creators of media like this to make a clear disclaimer: "Do not view if you suffer from depression or any other mood disorders. These stories may increase symptoms of such disorders."


I do appreciate the optimistic ending though.


Reviewer: DollSize Signed [Report This]
Date: February 12 2019 10:40 AM Title: Chapter 1

I’m loving it just wish it was updated more hehehe. I love Camilla and want to hear more abt her size n her breasts. Maybe Mark gets reward as well as punish n get some alone time with Camilla. Maybe he gets a good boy reward as she notices he is afraid but excited by her. Great story !

Author's Response:

Thanks!  Yeah, I didn't do a great job of including physical comparisons and interactions throughout the story, to really help with visualizing them.  I bet I'll focus on this more in future stories.  Also, I like the idea of "good boy rewards" in general, but it didn't seem quite right for this story to me, for some reason, so I kept their interactions generally platonic.  Anyway, that could definitely change in future stories :).  Glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: DollSize Signed [Report This]
Date: February 12 2019 10:40 AM Title: Chapter 1

I’m loving it just wish it was updated more hehehe. I love Camilla and want to hear more abt her size n her breasts. Maybe Mark gets reward as well as punish n get some alone time with Camilla. Maybe he gets a good boy reward as she notices he is afraid but excited by her. Great story !

Reviewer: NotSirk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 11 2019 9:48 AM Title: Chapter 8

Good ending if a little bit tragic and sad, but with just a hint of optimism. I'm really sad Mark has PTSD from this treatment. He's been hurt pretty bad in all this. A true victim. 

Didn't suspect such a dramatic heel turn from Chloe, but I'm glad that got nipped before it got really bad for Mark. 

Even a flashback to a spanking was brutal. Good writing. 

A great story overall. I originally felt like the virus changing the brains of the woman might have been a cop out, but re-reading a bit and it works and adds a little more tragedy to the story. Like if that optimism does come to flourish and the virus beaten, the woman realize what they've been doing that makes them victims too in a way. A lot to think on with this story and I want to read more about this world. 

Thanks for writing it. 

Author's Response:

Thanks, I appreciate it!  As for the virus, I wasn't actually planning to add that to the scene originally, but there was enough confusion with regard to what was happening in the story that I felt it was important to put in some description of this explicitly.  I really meant for it to be apparent from as early as a few chapters in that there was some unnatural psychological change happening to women alongside the physical changes, which was warping their view of right and wrong, etc.  Anyway, it wasn't coming across as I intended, hence the inclusion of this plot element explicitly in the last couple chapters.  (I put more discussion on this on Giantess City just now, if you're interested.)

Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: DollSize Signed [Report This]
Date: February 02 2019 10:51 AM Title: Chapter 1

Please keep writing I love this story

Reviewer: DollSize Signed [Report This]
Date: January 31 2019 11:56 AM Title: Chapter 6

This is such a great story plz keep writing it has been so long. I love Camilla n her breasts lol

Reviewer: Barrowman Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: January 31 2019 11:40 AM Title: Chapter 1

Started interesting at first, but than totally unrealistic transitions. There is no effort put in to it. The women are not clever at the humiliation game. They are all the same character and boring.
Probably a lot of unrealistic plot armor in it too.


Author's Response:

I will say, I'd never actually heard the phrase 'plot armor' -- I'll have to remember that, haha.

Thanks for reading, anyway.  Maybe next time!

Reviewer: anonyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 26 2018 7:55 PM Title: Chapter 1

Little Mikey is a legend and Pariah is the best erotic fiction that I have ever read.  Much of this story is a lot of fun and I keep checking back regularly.


Ignore the haters (but on the other hand minimize any role kids in the story, seeing minors mentioned at all tends to make me uncomfortable) 


Thank you for the first 5 chapters.  I've enjoyed them  



Author's Response:

Thanks! (belatedly)

Reviewer: Battlemaster-3d Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: November 21 2018 8:07 PM Title: Chapter 1

Seems like the same old formula, nothing new here just voilance for the sake of it, direct at those who at best rank low on the jerk level (talks back, wants her to respect his property (GOD NO!), looks for a Job (even WORSE!).  Seems like it should be named Krya the Annex (not even a sequel) rather then Camilla (see all the reviews stating how close it is to Krya).  Oh well I can spend time on stories that at least try to do new things.  Though I will never get the time I spent reading this back...

Reviewer: SHRUNK LIFE Signed [Report This]
Date: November 13 2018 3:31 PM Title: Chapter 1

Alright.....again..this is really looking like need to add some different type of humiliation...incest maybe....imprisonment..... like the younger siblings turn wild etc. I'd really like some sexual action between the father and daughter....or hardcore abuse.

Reviewer: twitch99 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 31 2018 3:44 PM Title: Chapter 1

The reviews are pretty mixed on this new Little Mikey story.  Definitely more negatives on the female on male violence on this site then the comments on the other site that I have read this story on.  That site has more readers who like tall, muscular Amazon's brutalizing men for little reason. 

I hope that Camilla resists the nasty Lilly model of beating her husband cause she can with little reason and then lets her daughter have no responsibility for her actions.

 Mark needs to learn his place in this NWO but hopefully it ends more like the family that Camilla met on her travels and not like the beat down world of Lilly.  That family seemed to have a dynamic where the oldest daughter was in charge, but the Dad was happy and still had some self esteem left and was not just a slave for the women in the family like Phil is.  Since Little Mikey' s other stories, Pariah and Kyra did not end well for the men, i fear that Mark is in for a tough time.

Thanks for sharing and I look forward to where you take this story.  


Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: October 29 2018 2:22 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great Domestic abuse for venting, not doing chores and leaving house cause it's dangerous, well it's safer then in the house, rather take my chances on the street at this point.  The story there isn't really one, it's just a bunch of ways to hurt males cause they are males.  If the guys weren't decent enough maybe you could strech it into making sense, but they are all good guys, Mark is mouthy but doesnt hurt a soul.  At this point I feel the need to be medicated since it's just trying for burtality.

As  Ecstacy states it's the same old plot refreshed abit, kind of sad and pathttic cause Camilla might of been a decent character, now she's just a goose-stepper who brutilizes men.

chapter six will be the last I will read, if it's just about beating men, or a half assed appolgie then beat men I have better thing to do with my time.

Reviewer: Ecstacy Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 28 2018 12:03 PM Title: Chapter 1

So here's my big problem with this story, it's rapidly starting to feel like Kyra. I'll refrain my whole judgement until more of the story progresses, but the scenario that's playing out is far too similar.

The social commentary aspect of it is interesting, but something I fear is ultimately going to play out in the same manner as your previous work which boils down to the following.

Loving father is whisked into powerlessness and having to deal with or accept the reversal of roles with his daughter.

Daughter has obtained newfound authority and power, and revels in it.

She may have a couple of passive admissions of guilt for treating her loved one horribly, but will likely dismiss it. 

Father will attempt to resist the shift in power dyanmic, only to be thrawted, punished, and he'll eventually come to relucantly or happily accept it.


I hope I'm wrong with these assessments and I don't have any inherent problems with the tone of the shift of power dynamic between men and women, but not when it's just means for the story to progress in the same manner with Mark being haplessly beaten down by the world without any interesting character work.



Reviewer: anonyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 25 2018 4:22 PM Title: Chapter 1

Little Mikey's stories are always titillating and absorbing.  He remains my favorite author on the site even if some of the themes aren't my cup of tea (incest mostly)   


I'm pretty surprised by the reaction in the reviews   Sure, I could see the general public reacting like that, but we're on a website that half the stories include vore.  I don't get it  

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: October 25 2018 3:49 PM Title: Chapter 1

Coming close to breaking a man's back for him leaving the house for a couple of hours, venting his frustation in DRAFT emails and not doing chores, yeah this story is in decline.  His two younger female children seem to have no issues with the violence against their father (for now).  Wonder how long before they start beating on Ryan, he's a male and he's going to do human things or maybe to play "Camilla fixes daddy", maybe time to break him too?  This isn't social comentary, that could be done with intimatidation and threats, no we go straight to voilance for what the most obinixous ten year wouldn't get gently spanked for.  And she adds another knowing he's in great pain and does it infront of his childern SICK.  From his previous works doubt thier will be improvement from here just more of Mark getting hit for less and less, maybe even Ryan getting smacked around simply because he's has a Y chormsone, no more reason then that.

Reviewer: DollSize Signed [Report This]
Date: October 24 2018 12:11 PM Title: Chapter 1

I really hope those big breasts start to have a powerful effect

Reviewer: Stevie Signed [Report This]
Date: October 24 2018 3:39 AM Title: Chapter 5

This story isn't really doing much for me at this point, but I'm glad you continued to write it.  Please don't change course just because people don't understand what you're doing, or what social commentary you're trying to get across.  It might be that it's just hard to get behind someone who has all the power. (Camilla)  Who knows?  Keep going though, there are still enough characters lying in wait to make this interesting, but it seems like a steep hill to climb.   It feels almost so final that you could end it here, and there wouldn't be any unanswered questions except what happened with lynn.  


All in all, keep going and tell a great story!

Reviewer: WaffleCone Signed [Report This]
Date: October 23 2018 10:36 PM Title: Chapter 1

Maybe I need to re read this but at this point I dont know if this is a growth story or a shrinking story. I do know that this story is starting to feel like a Kyra two.  I understand that this is a feminist world and its gonna get dark. I guess you want to be the Edgar allen Poe for giantess/shrinking stories, but overall your pulling the same methods...just that this time it seems far fetched. Even if Camilla is a foot taller I cant see her father wimping out that easily unless the society is full of superwomans now. I skimmed your story so maybe i miss that part so forgive me. 

Ill wait a bit longer to really judge it. But Im sure its time to reveal the curtain at least to know if camilla is gonna get bigger or the papa is getting smaller...knowing you and the way this story is going its gonna be the latter.

Reviewer: Cloud Signed [Report This]
Date: October 23 2018 10:13 PM Title: Chapter 5

I think this is the part where he attempts suicide, but Camilla just barely stops him

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