Choose your own Dish by oishi1, girlfood

Ever wanted to visit Forbidden Dish yourself? Now you can! Fully stocked with all of the classic characters and over 100 choices!


Categories: Adventure, Butt, Body Exploration, Crush, Feet, Entrapment, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking out of clothes, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 121 Completed: Yes Word count: 93822 Read: 835899 Published: November 29 2013 Updated: December 03 2013
You Would Cry too if it Happened to You by oishi1

“Please don’t eat me,” You whimper softly.


“Shh,” She says, “I’m not going to eat you. I’m here to get you out, but you have to be quiet,” You immediately comply, “My name’s Rebecca, and I’m part of an underground movement that is trying to save as many people that change their minds as we can,” She quickly brings you to her mouth, but palms you just as you touch her lips. She sits and pretends to enjoy your struggles for a while, as she quietly slips you into one of her pockets.


Rebecca makes her way to the back of the restaurant. Why isn’t she going to the door? You don’t dare ask her for fear that someone else will notice you. She makes her way to the shrink booths and deftly slides you from her pocket to the operator’s without speaking, then makes her way to the bathroom.


You remain in the operator’s pocket until closing time. You are not alone. After the restaurant is closed, she makes her way out the employee exit and gets into her car. She takes the substantial crowd of tinies out of her pockets and places them on a table. There are three other women there. They evenly divide up the tiny men (you end up going home with Rebecca) and disperse to their own homes. Eventually she will find a place for you. You will never return to your original size, but at least you are safe.



--- Special note---


This chapter contains a character created by the great writer French Snack. If you haven’t read his stuff before I strongly encourage you to check it out…after you finish here of course. He has excellent command of atmosphere and character creation, in two languages no less!


He has a portfolio on Deviant Art here


and another on eeka’s portal


He wrote two great stories for Forbidden Dish


The story above contains the character I borrowed with permission.


and here is his take on girlfood’s character, Lindsay. If you've never read his work go check it out. You won't be sorry.

If you’re here for one of the crush related deaths (or are trying to avoid them because you don’t like that sort of thing) they are located in the following ending choices


  1. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,78,83,86 END foot crush
  2. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,78,83,84 END foot crush
  3. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,77,82 END  foot crush
  4. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,77,81,90,91 END butt crush
  5. 1,2,3,4,5,105,104,121,9,20,24,75,77,81,89,92,91 END butt crush

The story so far, (obvious ripoff Star Wars music plays) The silhouette of the orchestra can be seen in the distance. Just imagine the text is scrolling through space as you read it and try to keep up. I hope your imagination doesn’t make it move to fast.


You’ve wanted to go to Forbidden Dish for a long time. Your friends decided to come with you. You aren’t sure they know what the deal is, but you let them come anyway. If you aren’t familiar with Forbidden Dish, most things will be explained throughout the story, but it still wouldn’t hurt my feelings any if you read the other stories. If you like this story you will undoubtedly want to read the others. They are available on girlfood and oishi1’s individual portfolios. Feel free to explore. Let us know what characters you liked and what could use more or less detail. I’m adding this to the story notes on short chapters because the dealio will only accept chapters of five hundred words or more and I don’t want to make it hard to poke around.





This story archived at