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Ranma was sitting out on the roof of the Tendo home. She brushed some of her fire engine red hair from her forehead, and sighed.


“I wish I was more in control of my life.  Ukyo, Akane, Shampoo never really listen to me, they’re just focused on what they want.  I wish I could really get through to them. Why can’t my life be easier?”


As a tear slipped down her cheek, a meteor shot across the sky.


“Well, better turn in. Need to be well rested, to beat up Pop, tomorrow.”


She flipped through the window into her room, and lay down. Despite her inner turmoil, she fell asleep quickly.




She woke up to hot water splashing over her.  As she sputtered and stood up, she realized something.


One: She was still a girl.


Two: The room was really small.


The third thing she realized was currently popping out of the hole in her boxer shorts. A very large, erect penis.


Panicking, she covered her crotch.  Rising to a standing position, she hit her head on the ceiling.




Genma, who had looked back out of the room after throwing the water, said “Come on, lazy boy!”


Even as unobservant as he was, the fact things were different, somehow, entered his brain.


He turned around, to find  a very different Ranma, than he had seen yesterday.


She was still a she, even after the hot water.  She had a huge dick, even in proportion to her size.  Also, her size, that being almost 15 feet tall.


“Pop”, the giant redhead glowered.


“...Um”, sweat formed on the man’s forehead.


Suddenly, Ranma felt shock and fear. But, it seemed to come from outside of her.


A very loud THUMP, followed by Akane’s voice.




Her voice sounded a lot louder than usual.


Ranma shoved her father aside, and crawled slowly through the much smaller house to Akane’s room.


She tapped on her door, but, due to her being bigger, the second tap smashed it off the hinges.


Ranma’s eyes widened.  There stood, or rather crouched, Akane. Just as big as she was, in both places.




“Akane!”, she said, in a stern, but, calm tone.  “Please don’t lash out like you usually do.  You could cause a lot of damage.” Ranma’s face had the same look of shock as Akane’s, upon hearing those words.


The bluenette took a few very deep breaths. “OK, but, what the hell happened?”


"I dunno! I just thought, last night, that I wished I was in control of things more. And that you, Ukyo, and Shampoo and I could understand each other better.” Again, their eyes widened at how  better she spoke than usual.  “And, I think, this might be part of it.”


The redhead projected thoughts of calmness, interspersing some feelings of love without her knowing it.


Akane felt the emotions wash over her. She knew, somehow, it was Ranma. She slumped to the floor, and tears ran down her face.


Ranma crawled into the room as carefully as she could, and gathered the bluenette in her arms.


“I know this is really weird, Akane, but, I’m here for you, ‘k?”


Subconsciously, she put out more feelings of love, and gently brushed her lips across the other girl's forehead.  Akane sighed happily, nuzzling Ranma’s cheek.


The room began to shrink around them. “We’d better move, my Tomboy.”


The two giant women slowly crawled out of the house.  Just in time to, as they shot up into the air. The house’s roof was now up to their shoulders.


“What’ll we do, Ranma!?”


A feeling of panic spiked through both of their heads!  Nodding at each other, they quickly, yet carefully, made their way to the source.


They soon came upon Ucchan’s, but, something was different.


That being that the owner of the restaurant was bursting out of the building.


“Ran-chan! W..what’s going on? W..why did this happen?”, she let out a sob.


Both Ranma and Akane walked over, surrounding the chef with a hug.  They both began to concentrate on the love they had for each other.  Soon, the cute long haired brunette was calm.


“I can feel both of you!  Your emotions, what…?”


“Eh.. that’s kinda my fault, Ucchan.  There was a shooting star last night, and I wished that I could be more in control of my life. And that you, Akane, and Shampoo and I could understand each other better.”


Ukyo let out a snort. “Well, being a giant does give you a lot more control over things, Ranchan.  And I guess nothing makes people understand each other more, than being in a similar situation. Hence”, she motioned to herself and to them.


Akane smiled. “It’s weird.  I thought I’d hate you, Ranma, for this happening. But, I  feel that you are an amazing person, who I love.” She chuckled “Just yesterday, I’d be angry about those feelings. Must be because of this empathy.”



“I feel the same way, Akane”, Ukyo said. “Maybe it’s because I can feel the love from both of you, that makes it OK.”


The three felt another spike of fear and anguish. Exchanging glances, they moved to the source of this feeling.


Given what Ranma had said, it surprised no one that they stopped in front of the Nekohanten.  A very familiar, purple haired Amazon towered above the building. Shampoo was just as tall as they were, with the same....extra.


“What happen?”. Being a warrior, she tried to mask her fear with a brave front. The other three could feel her terror, though.



Ranma explained what she had done. As what had happened began to dawn on Shampoo, she began to shake.


Ukyo, Akane and Ranma surrounded her, firmly yet gently hugging the distraught, purple haired giant.


“There’s no shame in feeling like this. This is beyond crazy”, the okonomyaki chef whispered.


Shampoo calmed soon enough.  A very familiar voice, much softer than usual, was heard.


“Well, well, well. I see that shooting star last night made some big changes.”


The redhead growled. “Cologne, this is serious.”


“I agree, son-in.. well, it would be daughter-in-law, now.”


“Yeah, I didn’t change back when my old man dumped hot water on me. What gives?”


The wizened elder motioned, and the four titans slowly knelt down.


“There is an ancient legend, so hidden that only those of us on the Council know of it.  Thousands of years ago, four women were called to fight an evil that was ancient, even then. They wished for the strength to save their homes and loved ones. They became giants, and defeated the evil one. They also gained the ability to feel each others’ hearts. That this has happened, means that a similar evil may be close to appearing”


“Well, what about me staying a girl?”


“And what about this?”, Akane said, pointing at her now erect penis.



The elder laughed, “Those are probably due to the curse that Ranma carries. It interpreted strength as a matter of sexual potency, as well”


The four colossi growled at the matriarch, and rose to their feet.


Another shock went through the four, and they grew. The Nekohanten was now only up to their ankles!


“I feel...feel strange.”, Akane moaned.


“I..I think I know what this is..” Ranma said, biting her bottom lip.


With a loud shout in unison, three of the four ejaculated in that manner for the first time.


Their pink cum soared through the air, off in the far distance.


The quartet let out gasping breaths.


“Holy...holy shit!”, Akane said. “Is.. is that what’s it’s always like, Ranma?”


“Well.. it’s never been a strong as this, when I am a guy. But, yeah.”


“No wonder men tired after sex.”, Shampoo said.


Suddenly, a gigantic shadow spread across the land. The four turned towards where it seemed to be coming from.


Looming above them, so big that the surrounding buildings didn’t even come as high as her toes, stood a gargantuan platinum haired woman. Her body was muscled, yet, curvaceous.


“I see there are some insects that wish to challenge me”, she said, in a voice that echoed across the city and beyond.  “No matter, I’ll crush you, and rule this tiny mud ball.”


“How are we gonna fight her?”, Akane asked.


“Like..like this.”, Ukyo moaned. Sure enough, their latest growth spurt shot them up into the air. 



When their senses came back, the so called evil was half their size.


Wasting no time, Ranma grabbed the smaller woman. She hurled the other into the air behind her. The woman landed with a terrific CRASH.


“..I hope no one was around there.”, Akane said.


“Nothing to do about it, sugar.”, Ukyo replied. “A little damage here is better than that bitch winning.”


Shampoo stomped over to the platinum haired woman, accidentally crushing a few houses underfoot. As she picked her up, she felt a weird energy, that seemed to be inside the other woman.  Acting on instinct, Shampoo laid her hand on the woman’s chest.


Energy flowed into the purple haired giantess.  The other giant smacked her hand off of her chest. “Don’t do that!” But, Shampoo could tell, somehow, that the energy she had felt was taken from the other woman.


The other three walked over as well. “I felt...something like electricity go from her to you, Shampoo.”, Ranma said.  The other two nodded in agreement.


“Well, then..”, Akane grabbed a hold of the platinum haired giant’s arm, while Ranma grabbed the left arm, and Ukyo grabbed her head.


“NOO!  You can’t defeat me! Not now, not when I’m so close!”, the evil giant screamed.  Soon, however, as her energy was drained, she grew weaker. She stopped fighting, too drained to continue.


The four concentrated on drawing more energy out. With a scream that echoed across Japan, it seemed, the evil giant faded away.


Ukyo, Shampoo, Ranma and Akane let out a loud cry of pleasure.  Once again, they swelled upward.  After they stopped, they let out another simultaneous yell, and came again.  This time, it shot all the way across Tokyo, into the sea.


“That..that was amazing!”, Akane said.


“I know.. but..still so much..energy, inside.”, Ranma gasped.


“I know what you mean, Ranchan.”, Ukyo said.  She reached over to the gorgeous redhead, and pressed her lips to Ranma's.  Their erect dicks rubbed together, causing them to moan as they kissed.


“Akane not too bad looking.  Short hair is pretty.”, Shampoo said.


“Well, purple’s a pretty color, too.” So saying, she drew the Amazon close. They, too, kissed.


More growth trembled through them. When they opened their eyes, they could see all the way to the sea.


Ranma felt a small poke on her foot.  Looking down, she saw the tiny Cologne motioning  to her.  The redhead slowly crouched down and gently picked the small old woman up.


When she got back to her feet, the four giantesses leaned close, to hear the crone speak.


“Well, that was an experience!  I didn’t expect you to win, even though there was four of you.”


“Whatta mean?”, Ranma said, nearly blasting the small woman off of her hand.


“Ranma”, Akane whispered. “We need to speak quieter. We’re a lot bigger than we used to be.”



Sorry, Elder.” the redhead said, softly.


“So, what now?”, Shampoo whispered.


“From what I remember reading in the scrolls, the last women to do this…. Remained giants permanently.”



A look of surprise, then outrage filled the four faces.


“You mean, we’re gonna be giants forever?”, Ukyo said, softly.


“Yes.  And interesting that you said ‘forever’. Because I’ve not told the whole truth.  The legends are in the scrolls, true. However, my knowledge was supplemented by the four themselves.”


“..You mean, after thousands of years, they’re still alive?”, Ranma said.


“Yes, and they haven’t shown signs of aging in those thousands of years. So, you all might live forever.”


It hit them all, hard. They’d probably live to see all of their loved ones buried.  A deep sadness fell over them.  Ranma set Cologne on top of a building, and the four wrapped themselves in a hug.


“At..at least we have each other. Forever.”, Ranma said, sniffling.


“Too too true”, Shampoo said. 



“And we have those other ladies. We’ll learn so much from them, I know it”, Akane said, a bit of her old fire back in her voice.


As the four huge young women watched the sun set, they realized that the years ahead would be hard. But, they were together at least.



A Few Weeks Later:


Loud thunderous voices echoed across the land.  Ranma and Shampoo lay on the ground, sweating and exhausted.  A pair of feet stepped in front of Ranma’s face.


“I swear, love, you two go at it so much.  Nerima’s going to need earthquake insurance.”


"Sorry, my beautiful, amazing Tomboy", Ranma smiled, love in her eyes.


"One of these days, that silver tongue isn't going to work", the enormous bluenette huffed.


A pair of slender, yet, muscled, arms slid around Akane’s waist. “More like lovequake insurance”, the gigantic former chef giggled. “And it’s not like we don’t do the same thing ourselves with each other, or them.”  Ukyo gently bit the shorter haired bluenette’s left ear, garnering a low, throaty moan in response.


As the other two gently sank to the ground, Cologne smiled at their actions. “I suppose the citizens of Nerima can’t wait until we leave for China”, she smirked.

Chapter End Notes:

Was reading some Ranma 1/2 fic, and this idea came up.


Hope you liked this!

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