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It came from all around him. He tried to steady his breathing. Despite every fibre of his being telling him otherwise, he could not afford to panic right now. He needed a clear head if he hoped for any chance of survival. Closing his eyes, he tried to forget the time constraint for a moment and remember some advice he had received in a former life, ‘one deep breath won’t help you, but ten will’. He hoped it would.


He slowly opened his eyes and took in the landscape before him. His time as her possession had seemed to be an endless exercise in humility, but this was different. The forest he was trying to navigate, the redwoods that stretched into the sky above him were simply her pubic hair. The ground that rhythmically rose and fell beneath him in waves, her breathing. The scent that hung heavily in the air no matter where he went, her sex. She was there. All around him. He felt that he finally understood what she had told him, how she saw herself. He still saw himself as a man of course. A man that was removed from his life, taken by her and kept as a possession, but a man no less. So what was she to him? It could only mean one thing, that she – the being that ruled him, that had ultimate power over his life and death – truly was a Goddess.


He started running. If nothing else, he would very much like to gaze at her one last time.


He shook his head with a slight smile. A ‘safe spot’? Surely she was toying with him. She knew as well as he did that that in her presence, there was nowhere he could go that could ever be considered ‘safe’. Even if he somehow managed to avoid being turned into paste by the time she reached down, he would still be on borrowed time. Putting off the inevitable for another day. Another day of watching as she goes about her day. Another day of sitting alone. Waiting, fearing, begging for her attention to turn to him. Safe spots didn’t exist here. Here, there was only her.


His breathing became more laboured, his legs begged for a rest but he couldn’t stop. He had to keep going. He could rest when it was over, if she allowed it. The forest seemed to be getting thicker around him, but he could see light just ahead. He must be close he thought, he might actually make it. Ignoring his body’s pleas for repose, he sprinted ahead. Not much longer until he sees her face, her enigmatic grin bearing down upon him, thinking of new ways to make him please her. 


With a final burst, he triumphantly made it into the clearing and stopped to catch his breath, looking out at the sight before him.


Oh no.


‘Time’s up little one’


The omnipresent voice heralded his fate. He stood not looking up at her face, but at the cliff of her enormous sex, stretching down to the sea of bedsheets below. He cursed himself for poor his sense of direction, he yearned for more time as her toy. 


The rustling behind him became louder and louder as her fingers flattened the trees of the forest he had so proudly escaped. It was coming, slowly but surely, she was about to have her way.


This was it. The least safe spot. He kept his eyes open so he could take her in one last time. Another deep breath. At least he would die happy. 


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