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He woke up once again to his whole world shifting, as Chloe got out of bed. He wasn't sure if he should start moving around to get her attention, or try to stay hidden. He stayed still in the process of thinking about it. Unfortunately for him, she went back to scratch again and felt his tiny body under her fingertips and got another devilish grin. 

"You know what, this is still clean, I'll just throw some pants on." She said as she which her thong up more, and pushing him further down into her crack, about halfway from the start to her butthole, so he was completely trapped between her cheeks where all the sweat collected. She grabbed her worn black sweatpants and wiggled them over her plump rear and wide hips, as she went into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Jacob was not only amazed that she wasn't taking a shower, but horrified at the fact that he was now blocked tightly into her ass crack, with no idea of how long she planned on keeping him there. 'What if she forgets about me and throws me in the hamper? What if I end up through the washing machine?' he thought to himself. All he knew is this is all he was in going to know for quite some time. The sweat started to build up around him, and the smell from below warmed the air and rised up towards him.

She made herself a bowl of cereal and sat back down on the couch, turning on the tv. Jacob squealed as he was pushed into the crack of her ass face first, with her couch pushing the back of him into it. She spent most of the day sitting there, occasionally wiggling her butt to make it look like she was adjusting her seating position, but really what she was doing is pushing him in deeper into her ass crack, enjoying having a sense of power over him, but also taking note that she was quickly getting bored with him.

After a while, she got up to go to the bathroom. Jacob heard the familiar door open and shut, and took his good arm and wrapped it around the thong and held on for dear life, not wanting to be flushed. She didn't bother to look to see if he was there or not when she sat down, but after she did look down at her underwear and saw him clinging on to there and looked back up into space with a smirk. 

"You know, that would be another good way to get rid of you too," she said without eye contact, "either I could use you to wipe, or I could eat you and shit out your remains a day or two later. Part of me would want to look for a skeleton or something, but I'd probably forget to be honest."

Jacob laid there in horror, as he began crying again. He was getting close to the point where he didn't care if he lived or died, but he didn't want to live like this. He didn't understand what he did to deserve this. He always treated her with full respect and give her all of his attention. He couldn't wrap his head around why she was enjoying this so much.

She finished her business, cleaned up, and pulled her underwear and him back up on to her along with her sweatpants. She washed her hands, and went back into the living room and plopped down. She opened her phone up and messaged an old friend of hers, becoming flirty with him. She always thought he was cute, and now that she was single she wanted to get her needs out.

They talked for a bit until it got dark. After the bathroom trip things that already warmed up underneath her, so Jacob was in absolute hell. He was completely drenched in her sweat from her sitting in the hot living room on a hot leather couch for hours on end. He was almost thankful as he saw her two fingers pluck him out of her ass and giving him some kind of attention.

She brought him up to her face, and looked at him with a much more pleasant smile, almost innocent. "I know EXACTLY what I'm gonna do with you!" She said as she brought him into the bedroom, "but first, I have to make sure you won't escape. Now where should I put you?" She scanned the room and remembered what she did last time to make sure he wouldn't go anywhere. "Don't fix what ain't broken" she said with a chuckle as she balled him up in her sock again, and stuffed it back into her boot all the way at the toe. Jacob had no spirit left in him to fight back. He knew his end was near, and he was just wishing for it all to be over already. He cried himself to sleep once again, sticking to the sock as it dried in a mixture of ass and foot sweat.



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