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Hercules and Perseus made their way to the edge of the town where the markets ended and the farmlands began.

As they approached the first farm, they saw a man feeding his cows. Perseus got the man's attention, and when he came over to them was asked , "Excuse us, sir, we seemed to be lost and unfamiliar with the land. Can you please tell us the name of this land?" "This is the town of Cypriot on the planet Herania." 


"Herania?!?!?" Both Hercules and Perseus were incredulous.

"Yes, Herania. It is guarded over by the Goddess Hera. She is the all powerful Goddess of the land." Hercules asked,"What about Zeus? The ruler of Athens and of all the Gods on Mt Olympus?" "Who is Zeus?" Replied the man. Hercules and Perseus looked at the man then each other before Perseus asked, "Where are the women?" The man gave Perseus a funny look and replied, "The women are at the homes taking care of the families. This work is beneath them. Now if you will excuse me, I must get my work done before the lady of the house comes to inspect." And with that, the man returned to work.


Hercules and Perseus were still shocked by the man's answer regarding where they were, but deep down, it made sense. The length of the day was something neither of them had ever encountered, and the land was as unfamiliar to them as any they visited. They spotted a house off in the distance, and decided to visit the owner for more information.


As they made their way towards the building, they discussed the situation. It was becoming clear that Hera had planned this. She was the source of much strife among the Gods with her pettiness and jealousy. They hoped to get enough answers to help them get back to Athens.


As they made their way through the path from the road, both men stopped. The house was the biggest they had ever seen. The richest men in Athens didn't have houses this size. The front door was taller than any barn door they had come across, and was fairly wide. They approached with some caution.


When they reached the door, Hercules knocked. After a wait of around five seconds, the door opened and a young girl answered. Perseus thought that she couldn't have been more than six, but what struck him was her height. He put it around 5ft. 


Hercules apologized for the intrusion but ask the girl if her mom was home. The girl eyed the two men standing at the door, and said yes as she went to get her. 


The next sight froze both Hercules and Perseus in place as this extraordinarly beautiful woman came to the door. Except Hercules only came up to her waist, and Perseus fell just below it. They were speechless at first, then Perseus explained that he and his companion were lost, and asked the lady if she knew of a way for them to get back to Athens.


The lady looked down at the two men with a look of confusion in her eyes. "Athens? What is Athens? " "It is the land we have come from, it is the home to Zeus, Mt Olympus, and all of the Gods", replied Hercules.


The lady asked the two men in, introduced herself as Apollonia, and said that the only God she knew was the Goddess Hera. She never heard of Zeus, Mt Olympus, or anything else. She invited both men in, and they introduced themselves to her. She smiled and asked them to take a seat at the table. But the table was built to her size, which Perseus guessed to be 11ft in height. Both Hercules and Perseus had some trouble climbing onto the bench seat.


Apollonia sat down on the other side. She looked down at them, and they looked up at her. They still couldn't get over her size. She asked them if they wanted something to eat or drink, and both men said no. Just then the little girl came back into the kitchen. Apollonia introduced her as Nia, and said she was six. Perseus was correct. But he was also getting a very uneasy feeling in his stomach. Something wasn't quite right.

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