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"Just stay there on while I grab something to punish you with." Emily said. "Actually, I don't trust you, so let me just do this:" she said, after which she put her finger in her nose, dug for a bit, and lowered her finger, containing a massive booger, onto me, completely trapping my under its warm, slimy embrace. "That should do the trick, cya later!". I felt the snot slowly lowering on me, as if it was shaping around me, it became harder and scarier to breathe, in fear of inhaling a mouthfull of snot. It wasn't completely liquid, but it wasn't solid either. I guess it was the closest to being entirely covered in used bubble gum, slimy and wet. It also made squelching noises when I tried to move, making it even grosser. It sure took her a while to come back. Then, when I least expected it, the booger suddenly got pressed into me really hard, causing me to swallow some of it. Then it rose up and I stuck to it for a few seconds, only to be released from it with a wet plop. Emily flicked the booger away and started explaining her punishment.

"Okay bro, time for a challenge! Here are 3 plates with various liquids on them, your job is to correctly guess where it came from! I also brought this toothpick, for easy transfer between the plates, and towards my ear, because I obviously can't hear your answers otherwise. Time for plate 1!" She said as she brought the toothpick towards me. I was so not looking forward to this. I knew she would do something far worse with me if I didn't play this disgusting game with her, so I just grabbed onto the toothpick.

Emily brought me towards the first plate. It had a stale, rotten smell to it, and I instantly knew it was sweat. I was disgustingly used to that smell by now. I grabbed on the toothpick and that was Emily's que to bring me towards her ear. Her ear looked really dirty, not being cleaned for probably months and being shiny from the grease and sweat, not to mention the emount of earwax I could see build up inside. "Okay, what was it?!" She asked. "Uhh sweat, I think?" I replied hesistantly, still being instimidated by the enormous amount of earwax."Yeah obviously it was sweat, but from where? I'm not gonna make this easy on you of course!" Emily said, with an amused tone in her voice, "wait, don't tell me you didn't taste test it, back you go!". I didn't even have a chance to protest before she lowered the toothpick in the puddle again. She brought her head close to the plate this time, carefully watching me. "I'm not gonna take you out until you at least take a sip!" she said, smirking with amusement. I guess I had to. I got down on my knees, and took a small sip of the disgusting liquid.

This was obviously her armpit sweat, no doubting that. Don't ask me how I know, I just got way too familiar with it, it just has that special spicy aftertaste that's not in most types of sweat. And yes, after I told her my guess, she said "Wow, you're right! I didn't expect you to guess that, but I guess my armpit has a very distinct smell, so the taste should be easy to guess as well. The second plate won't be so easy though!". She lowered me into the second plate. The liquid had a higher density and felt more slimy. It clearly smelled like spit. I wonder why she thought this wouls be hard to guess. Oh well, after taking the manditory sip and almost throwing up, I told her my guess. "Yes yes, it is spit, but you gotta think out of the box bro! Whose spit is it?!" she said with a faked annoyed tone. She was clearly enjoying this. "Ehh, Sarah's spit?" I guessed, since Sarah is probably the one she'd go to for something like this. "ALMOST right bro, but no, actually it was Sarah's spit and my spit mixed together! I will let you pass this one, but not before punishing you!" As if this wasn't already a punishment.

Before I could even imagine what a punishment to a punishment would be like, her ear started getting closer, going around me, and I feared what was to come. "I'm just going to put you there for a while, so you can clean my ear, while I go and think of the most disgusting liquid I can get for you to taste test! The third plate was gonna be just my foot sweat, but you're in for it now!" She said as she pushed me in the massive glob of earwax. Thankfully her earwax isn't as solid as her snot, so I could dig myself out. Not so thankfully, it smelled really bad and I had to clean it, or risk getting punished again. I started digging with both of my hands, getting pretty big chunks out, well at least big for me. when I dug for a while, I could just push the resulting pile of earwax out, and it would slide along her greasy skin, away into the massive world inside. I did this for a while, before getting tired and having a headache from the intoxicating smell. I decided to just lie down for a while. I eventually fell asleep...


My head was probably really fuzzy from the smell, because I clearly didn't think about my position. I slowly woke up by the feeling of wet skin moving under me, realizing too late that I was the one moving and that I was about to slide out of Emily's ear! In a last effort for safety, I screamed, but that only made things worse, as Emily got startled and turned her head quickly, practically launching me out of her ear, into another room. After landing, I saw toys, dolls, dirty clothes and candy wrappers around me. Oh shit, this is Laura's room.    

Chapter End Notes:

Yet again, sorry for the long wait. I hate it when my favourite writers stop writing for a long time, so I myself try to write at least once a month. Please leave a review and let me know what you think, what I should do in the future, what I should improve on, etc.

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