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Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


by XanderMartin98

During a rather-deceptively peaceful afternoon in Daten City, the people of said city were driving around in their automobiles, the sun was filling the dark souls of said people with li-(voice crack)-ight, and the buildings of said city were just as big and imposing as they had always been. More importantly, however, the completely security-camera-lacking (and equally-completely security-guard-lacking and security-sound-recorder-lacking) torture chamber that the basement of Daten City’s Hospital incredibly-conveniently and rather-mysteriously contained had a rather demonic new pair of occupants, and the names of said occupants were-

“Scanty and Kneesocks, squirming on a wall! Prob-ab-ly a-bout to die!” Stocking playfully teased said occupants in an obnoxiously condescending and incredibly loud sing-song voice as she and Panty smirkingly observed how tightly they had just locked said completely naked (except for the fact that Kneesocks was still wearing her signature glasses) occupants into the wall-mounted hand cuffs and equally wall-mounted foot cuffs and neck cuffs that the hospital’s aforementioned torture chamber contained (in a way that caused their arms, heads, necks and torsos to point straight up while also causing their legs to point straight down, no less). Despite the fact that Panty and Stocking had quite-recently caused them to fall asleep by pinning them down on the floor of the Daten City Church’s living room and then singing intensely hypnotic lullabies to them while holding them at both swordpoint and gunpoint and repeatedly stomping on their heads, Scanty and Kneesocks immediately woke up and began freaking out after hearing said teasing (which apparently was another one of Stocking’s “spells”).

“HUH?! What sort of utterly depraved trickery is THIS festering nonsense a result of?!” Scanty horrifiedly yelled as she and Kneesocks immobilizedly saw Panty and Stocking grinningly standing right in front of them and then immediately began helplessly squirming in response. Surely enough, watching as said demons suddenly became extremely afraid of them far-too-clearly was one of THE most delightfully cathartic things that said angels (Panty and Stocking) had ever done.

“More importantly, why do my equally pulchritudinous sister and I seem to both be absolutely NAKED?!” Kneesocks disgustedly yelled as she and Scanty defenselessly shivered in their restraints and looked mouth-wateringly juicy and tender as they did so. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking arousedly laughed at said demons (while Brief blushingly “wolf-whistled” at said demons) in response.

“Probably because you and Scanty totally fucking ARE naked right now, you ‘utterly’ pompous fuckwit!” Panty still-laughingly explained to Scanty and Kneesocks, causing Stocking to joyously cover her mouth with her hands and giggle while said demons humiliatedly blushed from their extremely red heads to their equally red toes in response. Meanwhile, Brief had just finished setting up a pair of small but incredibly powerful angel-displaying televisions right behind Panty and Stocking (and, of course, right in front of Scanty and Kneesocks) and then turning said televisions on (by pressing their POWER buttons) so that Scanty and Kneesocks would be able to watch as Panty and Stocking flew into their bodies and then blatantly-sadistically began playing with their internal organs. 

“For those of you nasty little perverts who somehow are still wondering why I have decided to set up this lovely little pair of televisions for two of my worst enemies, here’s the answer to said question: Panty and Stocking have enchanted these televisions with their angelic magic in an extremely specific and convenient way that somehow has caused them to be able to see and therefore sound-recordingly and incredibly-high-resolution-havingly display Panty and Stocking no matter where said angels are! Doesn’t that make SO much freaking sense?!” Brief suddenly began looking directly at Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt’s viewers and then increasingly-nervous-lookingly explained to them. Naturally enough, Stocking annoyedly rolled her eyes and muttered “of COURSE it does” to herself in response.

“Well, at least it beats these fucking sluts NOT having to watch as we fly into their bodies and then sadistically play with the organs that said bodies contain for our amusement, I suppose…” Stocking shrugged her shoulders and begrudgingly admitted, causing Scanty and Kneesocks to horrifiedly shriek “WHAT?!” in both unison and response while Panty and Stocking crossed their arms over their chests and began devilishly cackling due to how many things they were about to become able to do to the bodies of said demons. If you are highly squeamish, then you probably should stop reading this story right here/now before it becomes any more gross and disturbing.



“You SAID it, sister! Let’s show these fucking depraved freaks how completely SICK of their shit we are!” Panty agreeingly-and-laughingly told Stocking before then giving her an adorably big “high five”. Understandably enough, Brief began fearfully shaking and increasingly-uncomfortably asked said angels “uhh...you two aren’t planning to go COMPLETELY too far with this body-entering plan of yours, are you?” in response to said disturbingly intense enthusiasm due to what he had previously experienced in a certain blatantly vore-fetishistic PASWG episode whose title is “Inner Brief”.

“Oh, for crying out loud, PLEASE stop being such a total fucking worrywart; hearts DO grow back, you know!” Stocking exasperatedly yelled at Brief, causing him to horrifiedly cringe and say “UHH” in response. Meanwhile, Scanty and Kneesocks fearfully shook in their restraints and audibly gulped.

“Uhh...no, they fucking DON’T!” Panty angrily whispered into Stocking’s right ear.

“Oh, believe me; I KNOW that they don’t!” Stocking arousedly whispered into Panty’s left ear.

“Um...GIRLS? I don’t think that this is a very good i-” Brief suddenly pointed his right index finger straight up and increasingly-worriedly began explaining to Panty and Stocking before then immediately being cut off by said angels and very-annoyedly crossing his arms over his chest and saying “HMPH” to himself in response. Predictably enough, Panty and Stocking wanted to use another one of their angelic powers to shrink themselves, and they wanted to do so IMMEDIATELY.

“I sincerely fucking hope that you two are ready to experience some SERIOUSLY fucking fatal indigestion! BON APPETIT!” Panty valiantly laughed as she and Stocking suddenly began transforming themselves into their angelic “super forms”. Meanwhile, “Fly Away (Now)” equally-suddenly began playing as background music for said transformation sequence.

“Oh, pitiful shadows lost in the darkness...oh, evil demons with equally evil spirits born of those drifting between Heaven and Earth...may the thunderous power of the garments of these holy and delicate maidens STRIKE down upon you with GREAT vengeance and FURIOUS anger, causing you to KNOW that our names are Panty and Stocking ANARCHY as we lay our VENGEANCE upon you!” Panty and Stocking told Scanty and Kneesocks in a hilariously over-the-top and fanservice-loaded way as Panty removed her Backlace panties and then transformed them into her Backlace pistol while Stocking removed the right one of her Stripes socks from her right leg and then transformed it into one of her Stripes swords. Meanwhile, Scanty and Kneesocks confusedly wondered why and how the outfits that said angels were wearing had suddenly transformed themselves into stereotypical “angelic goddess” outfits.

“REPENT, SISTER FUCKERS!” Panty and Stocking angrily yelled as they used their angelic powers to shrink themselves to basically microscopic sizes and then fly directly toward the mouths of Scanty (whose internal organs were about to become Panty’s new toys) and Kneesocks (whose internal organs were about to become Stocking’s new toys) while said demons were busy utterly-horrified-lookingly keeping said mouths every bit as tightly closed as they were capable of making them in order to prevent said angels from entering them. Surely enough, however, what said angels actually were flying into was the noses of said demons.

“HEY! What in the freaking Hell are you two DOING?! Do you have ANY sodding idea where these noses of ours have been as of late?” Scanty aggravatedly yelled as Brief’s enchanted televisions showed Panty and Stocking respectively flying straight into the mouths of her and Kneesocks through her remarkably hairy and slimy right nostril and the equally hairy and slimy left nostril of Kneesocks. Meanwhile, Kneesocks rather-amusedly thought about how much time Scanty had been devoting to sniffing and licking “the absolutely beautiful feet of Kneesocks” while Stocking and Panty flew straight down onto the remarkably moist and fleshy tongues of her and Scanty and then far-too-eagerly readied themselves to deal some SERIOUSLY painful and severe damage to the teeth of said demons.

“GYAAAHHH!” Scanty weepingly screamed in agony as Panty blew absolutely massive jagged holes right through her precious little tooth rows by shooting them with her Backlace pistol. “YEEEOWWW!” Kneesocks cryingly shrieked in at-least-equally intense pain as Stocking used her Stripes sword to cut quite a few of HER precious little teeth into bloody and useless little pieces.

“Get us out of your bodies if you CAN, sisters!” Panty and Stocking (whose outfits had suddenly gone straight back to being their normal versions) playfully teased the utterly mortified and helpless demon sisters that they were inside the bodies of as they immediately flew straight down the throats of said demon sisters and then ended up in their extremely soft and fragile stomachs as a result. Meanwhile, Scanty and Kneesocks quite-literally said “GULP” in response while intensely shaking and sweating with fear and having quite-nearly microscopic black dots in their eyes.

“Let us tell the two of you something that we have been waiting to tell you for WEEKS, Scanty and Kneesocks; this is going to hurt the two of you MUCH more than it is going to hurt the two of us!” Panty and Stocking flew directly above the boiling pools of digestive acid that the aforementioned stomachs of Scanty and Kneesocks contained and wordlessly told said demons with their faces while said demons helplessly and utterly-terrifiedly watched as said angels did so. Surely enough, Panty and Stocking respectively blew numerous holes right through Scanty’s stomach wall and carved equally numerous holes right through the stomach wall of Kneesocks a few seconds later, causing said demons to blood-vomitingly cry and scream in both response and absolutely unbearable pain and terror while Brief suddenly began feeling quite sorry for them.

“Oh, my freaking GOD…I think that I’m about to become sick myself…” Brief horrifiedly covered his mouth using both of his hands and nauseatedly groaned and retched as Scanty and Kneesocks whimperingly and intensely-blushingly began peeing out quite a bit of their own blood as a result of Panty and Stocking absolutely-brutally attacking their kidneys. Meanwhile, said angels already were heading directly into the livers of said demons as Brief spoke.

“Wow...this woman’s liver really is such an INCREDIBLY big and beautiful hot tub…” Panty and Stocking fascinatedly feasted their eyes on the rather-arousingly fleshy and throbbing interiors of Scanty’s and Kneesocks’ livers and thought to themselves before then surprisingly-gently dropping their clothes and weapons onto the remarkably beach-resembling floors of said livers in order to then gleefully jump straight into the massive (to them) and delightfully warm (but unfortunately not quite hot enough to be able to properly defend themselves against unwelcome germs) swimming pools that said livers contained. Indeed, Panty and Stocking had decided to quite-literally bathe in the blood of their evil twins.

“Oh, dear LORD...I think that I quite-LITERALLY am about to become sick…” Kneesocks nauseatedly groaned as she saw Stocking nakedly, blood-soakedly and extremely chest-and-legs-exposingly floating atop the surface of her liver pool while crossing her arms behind her head and teasingly singing “LA LA LA LA LA” in an obnoxiously cutesy voice. As Stocking did said thing, she equally-teasingly began waving her mouth-wateringly sexy but rather stinky bare feet up and down in order to shamelessly show off how much she was contaminating Kneesocks’ demonic blood with her angelic germs by washing herself with it.

“I equally-literally have NEVER agreed with you more completely, Kneesocks...” Scanty green-facedly admitted as she saw Panty nakedly, blood-soakedly and extremely-chest-and-legs-exposingly floating atop the surface of her liver pool and swishing a rather large mouthful of the blood that said pool contained around in her mouth (before then spitting said blood back into said pool) as she did so. Needless to say, Scanty clearly knew that Panty was a QUITE literal penis sucker whose mouth was one of THE dirtiest ones on Earth.

A thankfully small but still rather large-feeling number of seconds of Panty and Stocking nakedly bathing in the blood that the livers of Scanty and Kneesocks contained while also gleefully washing their hair with said blood later, Panty began scrubbing her highly unclean and probably EXTREMELY sexually-transmitted-germ-loaded vagina with her bare and bloody hands and began orgasmically moaning as a result while Stocking erotically licked, rubbed, kissed and sucked her own blood-covered bare feet and equally-orgasmically moaned as she did so. Understandably enough, said utterly nauseating sight caused Scanty and Kneesocks to rather-bloodily and completely-disgustedly vomit onto the floor of the torture chamber that Panty and Stocking had trapped them inside in response. 

“Do...do you two THINK that God stays in Heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he has created?” Brief head-shakingly and suicide-cravingly asked Scanty and Kneesocks due to the fact that he had VERY-reluctantly joined said demons in the act of watching “The Panty & Stocking Show” on the televisions that he had placed right in front of them. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking THANKFULLY had already started getting back out of the liver pools of their own evil twins, putting their clothes back on and picking their weapons back up as Brief spoke.

“YES.” Scanty and Kneesocks rather-loudly said in unison as Panty and Stocking re-clothedly and re-armedly flew straight up into their rib cages and then immediately entered their lungs, in which said angels immediately began extremely-sadistically relishing how quickly and irregularly their antics were causing said demons to breathe. Needless to say, the air that Scanty and Kneesocks tasted and breathed far-too-clearly was about to take a QUITE massive turn.

“AHH...the body of my evil twin really is SUCH a lovely and cozy place…” Panty and Stocking conjured gas masks onto their faces in order to protect their own lungs from the angel-killingly demonic gas that the lungs of Scanty and Kneesocks contained and then merrily thought to themselves as they surprisingly-gently dropped their weapons onto the floors of the lungs that they were in before then respectively flying onto one of the numerous extremely literal branches that Scanty’s left lung contained and one of the equally numerous ones that Kneesocks’ right lung contained. After doing said thing, Panty and Stocking also-respectively conjured a quite large spray can that was completely loaded with Panty’s favorite extremely literal “angel dust” perfume and an equally large spray can that was utterly loaded with Stocking’s favorite demon-killingly literal “angel dust” perfume into their hand pairs while smugly sitting atop said branches and winkingly smirking at the increasingly disgusted and horrified viewers of their show.

“WOW...despite how much I hate having to admit it, Scanty and I probably no longer actually are the most utterly despicable and narcissistic monsters that Daten City has been inhabited by so far! I swear to CHRIST that if Stocking EVER gives me another chance to get my hands on her, then I absolutely WILL NOT hesitate to fucking STRANGLE the insufferably pompous little DEMON until she- (cough, gasp, wheeze)” Kneesocks began increasingly-furiously ranting and then suddenly began blue-facedly choking as Stocking began flying all over the interiors of her lungs while gleefully spraying a ludicrously massive amount of angelic gas all over said interiors and causing the aforementioned branches that they contained to intensely wither as a result. Meanwhile, inside Scanty’s lungs, Panty basically was doing the exact same utterly agonizing thing to her.

“Just when I had started to think that Panty no longer was able to stoop any lower after entering my body and then ravaging my stomach and kidneys for her own ASTONISHINGLY twisted amusement, the trashy little SLUT deliberately rubbed my liver blood all over her FILTHY FUCKING MINGE just to make me even MORE fucking sick! WHO DOES SHE THINK THAT SHE FUCKING- (wheeze, cough, gasp)" Scanty began increasingly-disgustedly ranting and then suddenly began blue-facedly choking as Panty began flying all over the interiors of her lungs while joyously spraying an absurdly massive amount of angelic gas all over said interiors and causing the aforementioned branches that they contained to cripplingly wither as a result. Scanty and Kneesocks thankfully still were able to breathe after they finally finished coughing Panty’s and Stocking’s angelic perfume out of their lungs, but their lung branches became so pitifully fragile that said angels could have VERY-easily broken them with their bare hands if they had wanted to do so.

“Panty and Stocking, for CRYING out loud; do you two really NEED to be THIS freaking sadistic? Just LOOK at what you’re putting Scanty and Kneesocks through right now! The poor things have ‘we want to die SO badly right now’ written absolutely ALL over themselves!” Brief exasperatedly and intensely-blushingly yelled into the extremely succulent-looking breasts of Scanty and Kneesocks while Panty and Stocking picked their weapons back up and smirkingly said “HMPH” in response. Sadly enough, said angels STILL had not finished torturing their evil twins yet.

“OH! Well, in THAT case, I suppose that Scanty and Kneesocks probably wouldn’t mind if Panty and I suddenly decided to SHOOT, CUT AND STAB THE UTTERLY FUCKING REPULSIVE LITTLE BALLS OF EVIL THAT THEIR HEARTS FAR-TOO-CLEARLY ARE UNTIL THEY ACTUALLY DO FUCKING DIE!” Stocking extremely-sarcastically began telling Brief while VERY-smug-lookingly having her eyes closed...before then suddenly extremely-widely opening said eyes and maniacally yelling/screaming at the top of her own lungs. Understandably enough, Brief made a quite-highly visible “back off” gesture with his hands and rather-frightenedly thought “WOW; what in the actual Hell is wrong with HER?” to himself while Scanty and Kneesocks VERY-loudly shrieked “PLEASE DON’T DO THAT; ANYTHING BUT THAT” and quite-nearly had actual heart attacks in response.

“WOW; Stocking and I really are scaring these fucking demonic bitches SO much right now!” Panty triumphantly laughed as she and Stocking respectively flew straight back up Scanty’s throat and Kneesocks’ throat while magically removing their gas masks from existence with their super-powered angelic minds/brains and increasingly-arousedly listening to the suddenly QUITE-extremely rapid, loud and intense heartbeats of said demons as they did so. Meanwhile, Stocking far-too-proudly smiled with delight while increasingly-excitedly thinking “playing with Kneesocks’ brain is going to be SO fucking fun” to herself as she and Panty respectively landed atop Kneesocks’ arousingly moist and fleshy tongue and Scanty’s equally moist and fleshy tongue.

“HMM...now that I actually AM thinking about it, is entering the brain of my evil twin and then forcing her to watch as I play with it for my blatantly sadistic amusement REALLY something that a so-called ‘angel’ such as myself should be doing in front of THOUSANDS of television watchers?” Panty and Stocking increasingly-worriedly began thinking to themselves as their inner angels and their inner demons respectively teleported themselves into their left and right ear canals while they were busy respectively standing atop Scanty’s tongue and Kneesocks’ tongue. Understandably enough, Panty and Stocking were scaring Scanty and Kneesocks too much for said “100% evil” demon sisters to even be able to move at all (if they had moved, then Panty and Stocking almost-certainly would have killed them and/or made them completely toothless).

“Come ON, Panty; don’t you know that anime protagonists aren’t supposed to be ALLOWED to do these types of things?” Panty’s inner angel nervously whispered into Panty’s left ear drum. For rather obvious reasons, Panty frustratedly rolled her eyes and thought “oh, brother; here we go again” to herself in response.

“Come ON, Panty; you and Stocking will have all of the time in the WORLD to jerk off to the bodies of Scanty and Kneesocks and use said bodies as sex puppets when said demons are DEAD!” Panty’s inner demon lecherously whispered into Panty’s right ear drum. Thankfully, Panty green-facedly stuck her own tongue out and rather-loudly said “UGH; BARF” to herself in response.

“Stocking, what kind of ‘sweet and innocent little girl’ tortures her enemies in the type of utterly-disgustingly sadistic way that you far-too-clearly are readying yourself to demonstrate as I speak? Seriously, how much of a freaking psychopath ARE you?!” Stocking’s inner angel indignantly ranted into Stocking’s left ear drum. Naturally enough, Stocking arrogantly smirked and said “HMPH” in response.

“Stocking, what are you fucking WAITING for? Despite how much literal sweet stuff you have eaten so far, you and I both KNOW that there is absolutely NOTHING that is sweeter than revenge!” Stocking’s inner demon impatiently whispered into Stocking’s right ear drum. Unfortunately for Scanty and Kneesocks, Panty and Stocking extremely-quickly realized how completely true the things that their inner demons had just said to them were and therefore were downright-devilishly grinning from ear to ear as their inner angels and said inner demons respectively teleported themselves back into their left brains and teleported themselves back into their right brains.

“You know WHAT? After how much of an absolutely fucking ENORMOUS pair of vapid nuisances they have been to us, Scanty and Kneesocks can die TOGETHER!” Panty and Stocking joyously thought to themselves as they respectively flew back into Scanty’s nose through her nasopharynx and flew back into Kneesocks’ nose through HER nasopharynx. A few seconds later, Panty and Stocking respectively flew straight out of Scanty’s nose through her right nostril and flew straight out of Kneesocks’ nose through her left nostril. Understandably enough, said demons horrifiedly-and-tremblingly thought “oh, dear GOD; those two seriously are about to enter our freaking central nervous systems, aren’t they?” in response as the aforementioned televisions that sadly were right in front of both them and the equally horrified Brief showed Panty and Stocking respectively flying straight into Scanty’s left ear and flying directly into Kneesocks’ right ear for some good old-fashioned playing with the brains of said demons.

“WOW, Scanty and Kneesocks; you two really do have SUCH surprisingly clean ears!” Brief fascinatedly cupped his chin in his left hand and blushingly admitted, causing Scanty and Kneesocks to even-more-blushingly give him rather-amusingly weird looks in response. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking each weapon-holdingly and extremely-rapidly flew straight through one of the remarkably smooth and shiny and almost-completely dirt-and-earwax-free ear canals of said demons while far-too-eagerly readying both themselves and their weapons for some of the most incredibly satisfying and completely deserved ear drum breaking of their entire lives.

“Scanty, if you can hear me without the assistance of the television that I am being displayed on right now, then please allow me to tell you how much Stocking and I have come to absolutely fucking HATE you and Kneesocks since we began to live.” Panty rather-loudly hissed into Scanty’s left ear drum (despite the fact that the televisions that Panty and Stocking were being shown on as she did so allowed Scanty, Kneesocks and Brief to hear exactly what said angels were saying no matter where said angels were anyway), causing the exact same thing that she had just said to ground-shakingly echo through both Scanty’s ear canals and Kneesocks’ ear canals as a result. Needless to say, Panty and Stocking both looked rather-amusingly startled (but not quite startled enough to make Scanty, Kneesocks and Brief look more-than-slightly less scared) as Stocking grinningly closed her eyes and shockingly-serious-and-sadistic-soundingly added another part to what Panty was saying.

“Each one of our central nervous systems probably is the home of at least 86 BILLION brain cells, all of which have been EXTREMELY-neatly packed into our brain stems, our brain tissue and our brain wires, as we speak.” Stocking VERY-coldly sneered into Kneesocks’ right ear drum. Meanwhile, Scanty and Kneesocks rather-loudly gulped in both fear and response while Brief completely-agreeingly followed suit.

“If the word ‘HATE’ was engraved onto every single one of those HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of brain cells, said display STILL would not even equate to one fucking BILLIONTH of how much Panty and I actually do utterly HATE demons right now...how much we hate Scanty and YOU! Hate...HATE!” Stocking increasingly insane-soundingly hissed and spat into Kneesocks’ aforementioned right ear drum before then immediately and extremely-arousedly cutting a horrifyingly large and bloody hole right through said ear drum with her Stripes sword while Panty blew an equally large and bloody hole right through Scanty’s left ear drum with her Backlace pistol. As Panty and Stocking dealt said damage to their auditory systems, Scanty and Kneesocks helplessly whimpered in both agony and response while Brief tightly covered his mouth using both of his hands and quite-nearly puked in both utter disgust and complete agreement with said demons.

“I really do want to die SO freaking badly right now…” Scanty, Kneesocks and Brief all regretfully thought to themselves as Panty and Stocking turned their weapons back into the clothing items that they were supposed to be (Panty’s panties and Stocking’s right sock) and then immediately placed said clothing items back onto their bodies. Predictably enough, Panty and Stocking also-immediately jumped straight through the aforementioned disgustingly large holes that they had just respectively added to Scanty’s left ear drum and Kneesocks’ right ear drum after they had finished doing so.


“COWABUNGA!” Panty joyously yelled as she ran straight through Scanty’s left middle ear and then triumphantly jumped straight into the giant air slide (water slide but with air instead of water) that Scanty’s left inner ear was. Meanwhile, said demon suddenly became rather dizzy.

“WHEE!” Stocking gleefully sang as she dashed straight through Kneesocks’ right middle ear and then sadistically-smilingly leaped straight into the giant air slide that Kneesocks’ right inner ear was. Meanwhile, said demon suddenly became QUITE dizzy while Brief amusedly giggled at her in response.

“D’OH!” Panty yelled in pain as she face-firstly landed on the delectably wrinkly and squishy inner floor of Scanty’s rather-amusingly hollow brain after being sent straight into it by Scanty’s aforementioned left inner ear. Just as Panty had expected, the interior of Scanty’s brain was an absolutely massive control room whose fleshy and pulsating walls and equally fleshy and pulsating ceiling were covered with highly active electrical wires that presumably were keeping the absolutely huge Central Nervous Super-Computer that was attached to the middle of the bottom of the inner wall of Scanty’s frontal lobe running. What Panty had NOT completely expected, however, was the fact that Scanty actually DID, in fact, have her OWN inner demon, with said demon being both an extremely literal clone of her and the main operator (if not the ONLY operator) of the aforementioned Central Nervous Super-Computer that her brain contained.

“OUCH!” Stocking yelled in pain as she face-firstly landed on the similarly wrinkly and squishy internal floor of Kneesocks’ rather-comically hollow brain after being sucked straight into it by Kneesocks’ aforementioned right inner ear. Just as Stocking had expected, Kneesocks’ brain basically was identical to Scanty’s and even was being operated by another inner demon that was an equally literal clone of Kneesocks. Meanwhile, Scanty and Kneesocks horrifiedly and intensely-sweatingly began whispering “please get out of our heads; PLEASE get out of our freaking heads” to themselves as their inner demons suddenly got out of their brain-controlling seats and turned themselves around in order to face (and therefore greet) Panty and Stocking.

“Greetings, my beloved good twin! Would you like to try being my new Scanty’s-brain-operating assistant, you utterly beautiful little sweetheart?” Inner Scanty unexpectedly-politely bowed to Panty and then surprisingly-lovingly told said angel as said angel rather-reluctantly began approaching the rather-disturbingly empty other one of Scanty’s CNSC-operating seats. Naturally enough, Panty rather-intensely blushed and said “HUH?” to Inner Scanty while becoming rather-weirdly aroused and amused in response.

“Sure, but...UHH...what exactly has happened to Scanty’s inner ANGEL?” Panty raised one of her eyebrows at Inner Scanty and very-curiously asked her as the two of them immediately took their seats and began playing with Scanty’s CNSC together. Meanwhile, Brief exasperatedly shrugged his shoulders and whispered “oh, dear; this definitely is NOT a good sign” to himself in response while Scanty and Kneesocks continued to look (and be) utterly helpless and terrified.

“Scanty forced me to kill her because she looked too much like you!” Inner Scanty reluctantly and very-sad-lookingly admitted, causing Panty to raise both of her eyebrows and surprisedly-yet-nonchalantly say “HMM...interesting” in response as she and Panty immediately began digging into Scanty’s memory bank(s). Naturally enough, Inner Kneesocks had greeted Stocking at the exact same time at which Inner Scanty had greeted Panty, which is exactly what the next few paragraphs of this story are going to be about.

“Hello, my absolutely adorable good twin! Would you MIND becoming Kneesocks’ new inner angel for me, you sickeningly sugar-loaded sweetie pie?” Inner Kneesocks eyelash-flutteringly and EXTREMELY-lovingly asked Stocking while coyly crossing her arms behind her back and intensely blushing as she did so. After loudly gagging, Stocking joyously yelled “OF COURSE” and then immediately ran directly to where Inner Kneesocks was standing and tightly hugged the poor little demon with both of her arms until the poor little face of said demon turned blue in response.

“However, would YOU mind telling me what happened to Kneesocks’ previous inner angel?” Stocking raised one of her eyebrows at Inner Kneesocks and curiously asked her as the two of them immediately took their seats and began playing with Kneesocks’ CNSC together. After Inner Kneesocks had finally finished regaining her breath and therefore stopped clutching her rib cage with her hands, she reluctantly-yet-bravely gave Stocking the answer to said question.

“Due to the fact that said angel looked and basically WAS completely identical to you, Kneesocks forced me to erase said angel from her mind by killing her.” Inner Kneesocks regretfully explained to Stocking while embarrassedly hanging her head in shame as she did so. Heartwarmingly enough, Stocking briefly placed her hands onto her cheeks and rather-loudly said “AWW” while doing so in response as she and Inner Kneesocks somewhat-reluctantly began digging into Kneesocks’ memory bank(s).

“Oh, MY...Kneesocks really is SUCH a naughty little girl, isn’t she?” Stocking extremely-teasingly said (before then briefly turning her head away from the screen of Kneesocks’ CNSC in order to equally-teasingly wink at the intensely blushing Kneesocks using the television that she was being displayed on) as Inner Kneesocks showed her the absolutely massive Scanty X Kneesocks (Sister X Sister incest) porn stash that Kneesocks had been hiding in her mind. Understandably enough, Brief disgustedly crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes in response.

“Oh, sweet JESUS...Scanty really is SUCH a nasty little whore, isn’t she?” Panty incredibly-teasingly said (before then briefly turning her own head away from the screen of Scanty’s CNSC in order to just-as-teasingly wink at the immensely humiliated Scanty) as Inner Scanty showed her the utterly gigantic Scanty X Kneesocks (Sister X Sister incest) porn stash that Scanty had been hiding in HER mind. Naturally enough, Brief angrily face-palmed himself with his left hand and muttered “WOW; just LOOK at who is saying that right now” to himself in response. 

“Alright, Scanty and Kneesocks; here’s our current fucking plan! The two of you WILL give us spoken permission to upload blatant evidence of your absolutely fucking disgusting incest fetish onto all of your favorite social media websites using an utterly unholy combination of your memory banks, the fact that your brains somehow are able to access the fucking Internet, and all of your favorite social media accounts, or else you will fucking DIE!” Panty sadistically-smilingly explained to Scanty and Kneesocks. Of course, said demons intensely trembled in fear and repeatedly whimpered “please don’t kill us” in both absolutely complete terror and response.

“Heh heh heh...I sincerely hope that you do not MIND me asking you this question, but exactly WHAT are you and Panty going to DO to Scanty and Kneesocks if they do not obey this new order of yours? Are you going to literally SHOCK them to death or something?” Inner Kneesocks crossed her arms over her chest, grinningly closed her eyes and incredibly-smugly asked Stocking in response to what Panty had just said. Meanwhile, Stocking suddenly noticed the remarkably big and shiny ELECTROCUTION buttons that the keyboards that she and Inner Kneesocks were sitting in front of featured and extremely-arousedly smiled from ear to ear and blushed with pure sadistic joy as a result.

“MAYBE!” Stocking crossed her own arms over her own chest, smirkingly winked at Inner Kneesocks and even-more-smugly told her while the two of them were intensely-smilingly looking directly at each other’s faces, causing said demon to place her left hand onto her mouth and very-girlishly giggle in response. Roughly five seconds later, Panty and Inner Scanty already were saying “5...4...3...2...1…” and increasingly-eagerly readying themselves to push the aforementioned ELECTROCUTION buttons that the brain whose owner they were inside the body of contained while Stocking and Inner Kneesocks also did so.

“ZERO!” Panty and Inner Scanty and Stocking and Inner Kneesocks yelled as they respectively slammed their left middle fingers onto Scanty’s ELECTROCUTION buttons and slammed their right index fingers onto Kneesocks’ ELECTROCUTION buttons, causing Scanty and Kneesocks to screamingly and skeleton-revealingly get shocked by an absolutely massive sudden increase in the amount of electricity that their nervous systems contained. Amusingly enough, Panty, Stocking, Inner Scanty and Inner Kneesocks also got skeleton-revealingly electrocuted as a result.

“UGH...dear GOD, that hurts SO fucking much!” Panty lightheadedly, messy-hairedly and somewhat-burntly groaned in pain as Scanty’s nervous system finally went back to containing its normal amount of electricity. Meanwhile, Scanty and Inner Scanty both thought basically the exact same thing to themselves while also feeling rather tired and dizzy and having messed-up hair and somewhat burnt skin.

“OHHH...that feels SO fucking good…” Stocking disturbingly-intensely creamed herself and pantingly-and-droolingly whispered to herself while equally-intensely blushing and sweating and having yet another case of messy hair and slightly burnt skin in the process as Kneesocks’ nervous system finally went back to containing its normal amount of electricity. Meanwhile, Kneesocks and Inner Kneesocks both quite-disgustedly glared at Stocking and thought “what in the actual freaking HELL is wrong with you?” to themselves in response while also-intensely blushing in second-hand embarrassment and also having messy hair and slightly burnt skin. 

“Now TELL us, Scanty; do you and Kneesocks want to finally stop trying to fucking hide how much you love each other, or are we going to have to pull our favorite WEAPONS back out and then use them to deal absolutely fucking UNTOLD damage to these precious and delicate little BRAINS of yours until said brains belong to nothing but a pair of mouth-wateringly fuckable CORPSES?” Panty increasingly-arousedly asked Scanty while devilishly grinning from ear to ear and quite-nearly causing Scanty and Kneesocks to think that she was an actual demon as she did so. Meanwhile, Inner Scanty, Inner Kneesocks, Stocking and Brief made “back off” gestures with their hands and extremely-frightened-lookingly thought “holy fucking shit, woman; PLEASE chill out” to themselves in response while the things that being electrocuted had just done to Scanty, Kneesocks, Inner Scanty, Inner Kneesocks, Panty and Stocking completely vanished over the course of exactly ten seconds due to the fact that said characters were cartoon characters.

“OKAY, OKAY! WE FUCKING SURRENDER! JESUS CHRI-HI-HI-HISSST!” Scanty and Kneesocks cryingly screamed in an absolutely manic fit of terror and QUITE-intensely shook around in their wall-mounted restraints (causing the breasts of their completely naked bodies to also-intensely bounce and wiggle around and therefore cause Brief’s nose to bleed as a result of him feasting his eyes on said breasts as they did so) as they finally realized HOW undeniably screwed they were. Predictably enough, Panty, Stocking, Inner Scanty and Inner Kneesocks then immediately began uploading a rather large number of the aforementioned incestuous sex tapes/photos that the memory bank(s) of Scanty and Kneesocks contained directly onto every single one of Scanty’s and Kneesocks’ favorite social media websites using a quite-literally unholy combination of all of Scanty’s and Kneesocks’ favorite social media accounts and the fact that Scanty’s and Kneesocks’ CNSCs inexplicably were able to access the Internet using their version of Google Chrome. 

“Poor, POOR things…” Brief depressedly looked at Scanty and Kneesocks and thought to himself. Meanwhile, said demons helplessly watched as Panty, Stocking, Inner Scanty and Inner Kneesocks began publicly humiliating them while sadistically laughing at them all the while.  


“Panty and Stocking, for the love of God, we SINCERELY promise that we absolutely will NEVER try to hurt or bother the two of you again! Just PLEASE get out of our fucking heads and leave the brains that they contain alone! PLEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEASE!” Scanty cryingly begged as she and Kneesocks radiantly blushed from their heads to their toes and quite-nearly died from how much their inner demons and angels had just utterly embarrassed them in order to get their rocks off. “THIS IS UTTERLY DEMEE-HEE-HEANINNNG!” Kneesocks also-cryingly screamed in agreement while Panty, Stocking, Inner Scanty and Inner Kneesocks “played the world’s smallest violins for them” using their fingers and insufferably-smugly grinned from ear to ear in response.

“HMM...you know WHAT? Speaking of incest and the like, Inner Scanty really does manage her affairs with SUCH poise!” Panty increasingly-horny-soundingly said as she suddenly began lecherously staring at Inner Scanty while said inner demon just-as-suddenly began equally-lecherously staring right back at her. Meanwhile, Scanty’s face very-quickly and VERY-understandably began turning green due to how utterly disgusted she was becoming in response.

“Naturally! As do YOU!” Inner Scanty eyelash-flutteringly and nervously-blushingly flirted back at Panty, causing said angel to grinningly and intensely-aroused-lookingly say “AHHHHHH…” to her while Scanty, Kneesocks and Brief speechlessly mouthed out the words “what the fuck” in response. Despite how utterly gross said flirting was, Stocking and Inner Kneesocks sadly decided to mimic it just to make Scanty and Kneesocks feel even more unbearably sick.

“Speaking of POISE, Inner Kneesocks really can torture and tease the owner of the brain that she is inside right now with SO much of it!” Stocking extremely-arousedly said as she suddenly began joyously staring at Inner Kneesocks while said inner demon began equally-joyously staring straight back at her. Meanwhile, Kneesocks’ face began turning every bit as green as Scanty’s in response.

“Of COURSE I can! After all, so can YOU, darling!” Inner Kneesocks told Stocking in a downright-nauseatingly cutesy and flirtatious way, causing Stocking to winkingly make a “kissy” face at her in response. Rather-understandably, Brief very-tightly covered his mouth using both of his hands and quite-nearly puked in response to said utterly shameless debauchery; unfortunately, however, Scanty and Kneesocks were still being pretty-much-completely immobilized by their wall-mounted restraints (hand cuffs, foot cuffs and neck cuffs) and therefore were unable to properly cover their mouths.

“MMM…” Panty and Inner Scanty suddenly got out of their CNSC-operating seats and then lovingly moaned as they stood RIGHT in front of each other and droolingly French-kissed each other. “OH, YEAH…” said brain operators continued moaning as they barely-still-standingly caressed and fondled each other and rather-tightly squeezed each other’s butts with their hands while doing so.

“GRRR!” Stocking swung her left hand straight down as if it was a cat paw and playfully growled at Inner Kneesocks. “HM HM HM HM HM…” said inner demon bit down on her lower lip and erotically giggled in response.

“OHUOH...UGGGH!” Brief nauseatedly, green-facedly and intensely-cringingly stuck his tongue out and retched due to the utterly revolting display of COMPLETELY shameless narcissism that he had just witnessed. Rather-understandably, the equally green-faced and gagging Scanty and Kneesocks respectively said “I have NEVER agreed with you more” and “please kill me” to Brief in response.

“Go ahead and LICK my vagina, you fucking SLUT…” Panty and Inner Scanty wordlessly told each other with their faces as each one of said alternate versions of the same character slowly and very-gently removed her panties before then equally-seductively removing all of the other articles of clothing that she was wearing and shamelessly spreading her legs apart for the other version’s blatantly pornographic amusement. Naturally enough, Scanty rather-loudly vomited onto the floor of the torture chamber that she and Kneesocks were trapped in after witnessing said atrocity.

“Go ahead and LICK my fucking feet, you utterly pathetic little INSECT…” Stocking and Inner Kneesocks wordlessly told each other with their own faces as each one of said alternate versions of the same character slowly and very-gently removed her shoes and socks before then equally-seductively removing all of the other articles of clothing that she was wearing and shamelessly showing off her bare toes and soles for the other version’s blatantly fetishistic amusement. Understandably enough, Kneesocks rather-loudly vomited onto the floor of the torture chamber that she and Scanty were trapped in after witnessing said atrocity.

“MMM...OHH...AHHH...Stocking, let me tell you something right here and right now; your feet are THE most absolutely scrumptious ones that I have EVER tasted!” Inner Kneesocks moaningly, droolingly and increasingly-arousedly told Stocking as she ravenously shoved the dirty, sweaty and brain-germ-covered bare feet of said angel directly into her mouth and then began fervently licking and sucking them until they became so shiny and clean that she almost was able to use their soles as mirrors. Despite how desperately he had been trying to not do so, Brief himself immediately got down onto his hands and knees and then QUITE-loudly vomited onto the floor of the torture chamber in which he was being forced to supervise Scanty and Kneesocks after witnessing said debauchery.

“WOW...YUM...OHH...Well, in MY opinion, yours somehow are even MORE delicious!” Stocking lovingly teased Inner Kneesocks as she hungrily shoved the stinky, sweaty and brain-germ-covered bare feet of said inner demon directly into HER mouth and then began passionately licking and sucking THEM until they became so beautifully shiny and clean that they easily were fit for insertion into the vagina of a queen. Meanwhile, Kneesocks became absolutely unable to believe what her curiosity was forcing her to watch.

“OOOH...UGGGH...AHHH...OHHH, YEAAAH!” Stocking and Inner Kneesocks orgasmically moaned as they incredibly-gracefully rubbed each other’s vaginas with their feet until said vaginas rather-intensely squirted their “pussy juice” all over the place and caused them to ecstatically throw their heads back and quite-nearly pass out from overexcitement as a result. Meanwhile, Kneesocks violently shook in her restraints and maniacally screamed “MAKE IT STOP” with surprisingly perfect timing in response. Naturally enough, Panty and Inner Scanty had started fucking each other at the exact same time at which Stocking and Inner Kneesocks had done so, which is exactly what the next few paragraphs of this story are going to be about.

“OHHH...URRRGH...AGGGH...Panty, has anyone else ever told you about the fact that you are absolutely fucking CRAZY?” Inner Scanty rather-worriedly asked Panty as said angel absurdly-forcefully scissored her while she almost-as-forcefully scissored said angel back. Meanwhile, Scanty became completely unable to believe what her own narcissism was forcing her to watch.

“AHHH...OOOGH...GAHHH...has anyone else ever told YOU about the fact that what you are doing with me right now absolutely is some of THE hottest scissoring that I have experienced so far?” Panty increasingly-arousedly asked Inner Scanty as said alternate versions of the same character slamming their vaginas into each other’s vaginas while spreading their legs apart as if said legs were scissor blades suddenly began increasingly-rapidly intensifying. Meanwhile, Brief (who still was on his hands and knees due to how recently Inner Kneesocks had caused him to vomit) intensely blushed and smiled and experienced a rather humiliating nosebleed due to how much he “secretly” loved seeing Panty’s naked body (not to mention seeing Scanty’s naked body).

“HYUHHH...OHHHGH...GYAAAH...SCISSOR ME TIMBERS!” Panty orgasmically moaned and yelled, rather-understandably causing Inner Scanty to quite-loudly laugh in response as she and said inner demon had an incredibly massive pair of orgasms that was immediately followed by the two of them contorting themselves into needlessly numerous weird “yoga” poses and relentlessly licking and sucking each other’s vaginas while doing so until said vaginas were almost-completely dry. Meanwhile, Scanty violently shook in her restraints and maniacally screamed “MAKE IT STOP” with surprisingly perfect timing in response as the sex that Panty and Inner Scanty (not to mention Stocking and Inner Kneesocks) had been having with each other FINALLY ended.

“PHEW...let me tell you something right here and right now, Panty; the sex that you and I just had with each other quite-possibly was THE most satisfying thing that I have experienced so far!” Inner Scanty exhaustedly, blushingly and sweatingly told Panty as she and said angel somewhat-reluctantly began picking their clothes back up off of the internal floor of Scanty’s brain and putting them back on. Unfortunately, however, Inner Scanty failed to notice how incredibly fishy and downright creepy the fact that Panty finished re-clothing herself by transforming her panties into her Backlace pistol while devilishly grinning from ear to ear as she did so actually was.

“Wait; HUH? PANTY! What is the meaning of this?!” Inner Scanty made a “back off” gesture with her hands and bewilderedly stammered as Panty suddenly began aiming her Backlace pistol directly at the forehead of said inner demon after the two of them finished re-clothing themselves. “You know what my favorite thing to do to demons is, and so do I; now say goodbye!” Panty incredibly-coldly told Inner Scanty before then immediately shooting her right in her own brain and causing her to completely-deadly collapse onto the internal floor of Scanty’s brain as a result. Naturally enough, Stocking and Inner Kneesocks had started re-clothing themselves at the exact same time at which Panty and Inner Scanty had done so, which is exactly what the next few paragraphs of this story are going to be about.

“Sweet JESUS, that foot sex that you and I just had with each other was such an utterly mouth-watering experience! It made me feel as if I literally had gone to HEAVEN!” Inner Kneesocks exhaustedly, blushingly and sweatingly told Stocking as she and said “angel” somewhat-embarrassedly began picking their clothes back up off of the internal floor of Kneesocks’ brain and putting them back on. Unfortunately, however, Inner Kneesocks failed to notice how extremely fishy and downright creepy the fact that Stocking finished re-clothing herself by transforming her socks into her Stripes swords while devilishly grinning from ear to ear as she did so actually was.

“Wait a minute; WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! Stocking, for the love of God, PLEASE don’t tell that you actually are-” Inner Kneesocks made yet another “back off” gesture with her hands and confusedly began stammering as she suddenly saw Stocking dual-wielding her Stripes swords while also crossing them together into an X shape that she was aiming directly at the heart of said inner demon after the two of them finished re-clothing themselves. Unfortunately, however, Inner Kneesocks was not quite able to finish saying what she was trying to say before Stocking terrifyingly-emotionlessly interrupted her.

“A demon? Of COURSE not; YOU are the demon that the brain that we are inside contains right now, you fucking perverted little bitch.” Stocking extremely-coldly told Inner Kneesocks before then immediately X-slashing the heart of said inner demon into pieces with her Stripes swords and then mercilessly chopping the entire already-dead body of said inner demon into rather similar pieces with those exact same swords. Needless to say, Scanty, Kneesocks and Brief were immensely shocked due to what they had just seen (not just the selfcest, but also the self killing).

“WHAT...HOW...WHY...what kind of woman disposes of one of her lovers that quickly and THAT literally after having sex with said lover? Panty really is making me SO fucking sick right now…I want to DIE...” Scanty exasperatedly groaned after horrifiedly watching as Panty killed Inner Scanty inside her brain. Meanwhile, Panty triumphantly-smilingly looked at all of the brain tissue and brain circuitry that she was surrounded by and far-too-eagerly readied herself to do some good old-fashioned brain blasting with her Backlace pistol.

“Well, in that case, I certainly do fucking hope that you are going to enjoy getting your fucking BRAINS blown out!” Panty sadistically-smilingly told Scanty using the television that said demon was being forced to watch her incredibly disgusting antics through. Needless to say, Scanty became utterly frozen with fear in response.  

“Despite how utterly sadistic and vile the things that Stocking has just done to me far-too-clearly are, I absolutely will NEVER be able to truly believe that Stocking is a demon without even having access to ANY proper evidence of her actually being one! In fact, I wouldn’t even mind DYING just to not have to find out that Stocking actually has been lying about what she is in such an extremely literal and completely unforgivable way!” Scanty angrily ranted after watching as Stocking killed Inner Kneesocks inside her brain. Meanwhile, Stocking completely-emotionlessly looked at all of the brain tissue and brain circuitry that she was surrounded by and incredibly-frighteningly readied herself to do some good old-fashioned brain cutting with her Stripes swords.

“Well, in THAT case, I sincerely hope that you don’t mind dying in a HORRIFICALLY painful and humiliating way.” Stocking robotic-soundingly told Kneesocks using the television that said (fellow) demon was being forced to watch her increasingly disturbing antics through. Needless to say, Kneesocks became totally frozen with fear in response.

“Oh, my GOD...those poor, POOR things…” Brief green-facedly covered his mouth using both of his hands and almost-speechlessly whispered in quite-nearly immeasurable shock as he barely-still-standingly watched while Panty and Stocking used their weapons to gratuitously-bloodily deal a downright-horrifyingly massive amount of internal damage to the brains of Scanty and Kneesocks until Scanty and Kneesocks themselves basically had both the intelligence levels and the basically complete harmlessness of their three-year-old selves. “I literally cannot even tolerate watching this crap anymore…” Brief utterly-revoltedly whispered to himself and completely stopped trying to reason with the absolutely despicable maniacs that Panty and Stocking far-too-clearly had become as he immediately turned the televisions that the two of them were being displayed on off by rather-forcefully pressing their POWER buttons with his middle fingers.

“Well, at least the two of them TECHNICALLY are still alive, I suppose…” Brief regretfully thought to himself as he somewhat-reluctantly released the completely useless and pathetic literal “woman babies” that the brain damage that Panty and Stocking had given to Scanty and Kneesocks had caused said demons to become from their restraints due to how much he was starting to pity the two of them due to the utterly horrific things that Panty and Stocking had been doing to them. Predictably enough, Scanty and Kneesocks (who, just in case you somehow have already forgotten about said detail, were completely naked) immediately curled themselves up into sideways fetus-shaped balls on the floor of the torture chamber that they didn’t even know that they no longer were properly trapped in and began respectively (and helplessly) sucking their right and left thumbs after Brief finished releasing them from their restraints.

“WHEE!” Stocking exuberantly and blood-coveredly sang as she flew straight back out of Kneesocks’ head through the left nostril of said (fellow) demon and then FAR-too-proudly flew straight into the entrance hole of said (fellow) demon’s big, red, juicy and completely exposed butt while very-tightly holding her equally blood-covered Stripes swords as she did so. Meanwhile, Brief already was so afraid of what him trying to prevent Panty and Stocking from “completing their mission” (properly killing Scanty and Kneesocks) probably was going to cause them to do to him that he merely curled himself up into yet another utterly pathetic sideways fetus-shaped ball on the floor of the torture chamber that he basically was trapped in.

“WOW; what a total fucking LOSER!” Panty blood-soakedly, violence-cravingly and rather-amusedly thought to herself in response to seeing the aforementioned ball that Brief had just curled himself up into as she flew straight back out of Scanty’s head through the right nostril of said demon and then valiantly flew directly into the entrance hole of said demon’s big, red, shiny and totally exposed butt while very-tightly holding her equally violence-craving Backlace pistol as she did so. Meanwhile, Scanty and Kneesocks continued sucking their thumbs and absent-mindedly began falling asleep before then suddenly waking right back up in utterly terrified-looking ways as Panty and Stocking entered their intestines and then immediately began completely destroying said intestines with their weapons as they made their way back into the similarly ruined stomachs of their evil twins by flying through said intestines as if they were roller coasters.

“This really is SO freaking fun! TEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!” Stocking merrily laughed as she left numerous frightfully large, bloody and painful cuts in Kneesocks’ intestines with her Stripes swords (causing Kneesocks’ poop germs to start leaking into Kneesocks’ bloodstream as a result) and even decided to literally cut the crap that said intestines contained using said swords. Meanwhile, Kneesocks tightly clutched her unbearably-intensely aching belly using both of her hands and cryingly-and-writhingly screamed “DADDY, PLEASE HELP ME; MY TUMMY HURTS SO MUCH” at Brief (who merely ignored her and muttered “I hate my life” to himself while continuing to be a sideways and motionless fetus-shaped ball of depression) in response.

“The hearts of our evil twins, here we fucking COME!” Panty arousedly laughed as she left numerous horrifiyingly large, bloody and painful holes in Scanty’s intestines by shooting them with her Backlace pistol (causing Scanty’s poop germs to start leaking into Scanty’s bloodstream as a result) and even decided to literally shoot the crap out of some of the poop chunks that said intestines contained using said gun. Meanwhile, Scanty tightly clutched her unbelievably-intensely aching belly using both of her hands and cryingly-and-squirmingly screamed “I WANNA DIE” at Brief (who merely ignored her and thought “naturally...as do I” to himself while continuing to be a sideways and motionless fetus-shaped ball of depression) in response.

“LA LALA LALA LALA LAAA!” Stocking happily sang in a downright-painfully cute sing-song voice as she flew straight back into Kneesocks’ lungs and then chopped the aforementioned barely-even-still-able-to-hold-themselves-together branches that said lungs contained into astonishingly numerous pieces using her Stripes swords. Meanwhile, Kneesocks tightly clutched her neck using both of her hands and began blue-facedly choking to death in response. 

“OOHOOAHHHEHEHEHEEH! CORONA-CHONG ISH VICTORYISH!” Panty dementedly laughed in a hilariously-extremely thick and fake Chinese/Asian accent as she flew straight back into Scanty’s lungs and then blew the aforementioned barely-even-still-able-to-hold-themselves-together branches that said lungs contained into absurdly numerous pieces using her Backlace pistol. Meanwhile, Scanty tightly clutched her neck using both of her hands and began blue-facedly choking to death in response.

“I really have been wanting to do this for SUCH a painfully large amount of time…” Panty and Stocking extremely-arousedly thought to themselves as they respectively shot Scanty’s very-rapidly beating heart until it stopped beating and slashed Kneesocks’ equally-rapidly beating heart until IT stopped beating. Naturally enough, Scanty and Kneesocks FINALLY died as a result.

“Oh my GOD...NO...PLEASE, God, no…WHY...just why...” Brief got down onto his knees, gaspingly covered his mouth using both of his hands and horrifiedly began stammering in shock as Scanty and Kneesocks completely died right in front of him as a result of the quite literal heart attacks that Panty and Stocking had just given to them. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking already were flying back out of the bodies of said demons through their noses as Brief spoke.

“Brief’s brain, HERE WE COME!” Panty and Stocking far-too-excitedly thought to themselves as they respectively flew back out of Scanty’s body through her right nostril and flew back out of Kneesocks’ body through her left nostril while Brief was busy freaking out about the fact that Scanty and Kneesocks were dead. Needless to say, Brief’s memory bank(s) had just gotten some VERY unwelcome new contents that Panty and Stocking DESPERATELY needed to remove from his head before he told anyone else about what the two of them had just done to Scanty and Kneesocks (or had nightmares about the things that he had just seen, for that matter).

“I absolutely will NEVER forgive Panty and Stocking for what they have just done to the two of you, no matter HOW many times they try to change my mind…” Brief regretfully closed his tear-filled eyes, tightly clutched his forehead using both of his hands and obliviously sobbed after gently-and-blushingly placing his bare hands onto the equally bare breasts of Scanty and Kneesocks and therefore realizing that the hearts of said demons really had permanently stopped beating. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking already were respectively flying straight into Brief’s head through his right nostril and flying directly into his head through his left nostril as he spoke (since Stocking’s Stripes swords and Panty’s Backlace pistol both were basically unable to hurt humans, said angels still were holding said weapons as they entered Brief’s head).

“HMM...speaking of CHANGING BRIEF’S MIND…” Panty and Stocking smirkingly-and-snickeringly thought to themselves as their surprisingly un-noticed journey through Brief’s hairy and slimy nose incredibly-cartoonishly took them directly into his somewhat-surprisingly large brain, which had a rather-amusingly hollow interior that basically was identical of those of the brains of Scanty and Kneesocks...except for the fact that his inner angel and his inner demon were clones of HIM, of course. Needless to say, Brief’s Inner Briefs definitely were NOT happy about the fact that the brain of the person that they lived inside had just been entered by a pair of utterly depraved sadists who had just completely ruined the bodies of Scanty and Kneesocks.

“Get out of both the head of our owner and our OWN fucking sight RIGHT now, you utterly depraved little FREAKS!” Brief’s Inner Briefs disgustedly sneered as they suddenly got out of their CNSC-operating seats and stopped using the Emotion Management program that Brief’s Central Nervous Super-Computer rather-conveniently featured in order to then immediately turn around and intensely-hatefully glare at Panty and Stocking while crossing their arms over their chests. Predictably enough, Panty and Stocking countered said warning with a FAR more aggressive one.

“Why don’t YOU two shut your adorable little mouths before Stocking and I respectively cut and blow YOUR fucking brains out, you utterly pathetic little DORKS?” Panty smirkingly asked/commanded Brief’s Inner Briefs as she pointed her Backlace pistol directly at Angel Brief’s forehead while Stocking also-smirkingly pointed her Stripes swords equally-directly at Demon Brief’s neck. “YES, MA’AM!” Angel Brief frightenedly stammered as he and Demon Brief made “back off” gestures with their hands and intensely-sweatingly trembled in both fear and response.

“Um...I sincerely hope that you and Panty don’t mind me asking you this question, but exactly WHAT is the main thing that the two of you are trying to force us to do right now? It isn’t SELFCEST, is it?” Demon Brief nervously-and-blushingly asked Stocking as she and Panty forced him and the equally uncomfortable-looking Angel Brief to immediately get back into their aforementioned CNSC-operating seats. Thankfully, Panty and Stocking answered said question by merrily shaking their heads and saying “NOPE”.

“Well, actually, I kind of do WISH that it was…” Panty blushingly and shifty-eyedly whispered into Stocking’s left ear, causing Stocking to disgustedly roll her eyes and say “UGH” in response. Meanwhile, Angel Brief and Demon Brief confusedly and shoulder-shruggingly looked at each other and wondered exactly how and why the world that they lived in was SUCH a weird one.

“ANYWAY,” Stocking angrily glared at Panty and began saying to Brief’s Inner Briefs, “what WE want the two of YOU to do for US luckily is a pretty easy and simple thing; we want the two of you to IMMEDIATELY delete Brief’s memories of what Panty and I have just done to Scanty and Kneesocks from his mind before he finally stops crying and starts telling other people about what we have done to said demons!” 

“But-” Brief’s Inner Briefs tried to say before then immediately being very-rudely interrupted.

“NOW!” Panty and Stocking furiously yelled at Brief’s Inner Briefs in unison as Panty pointed her Backlace pistol directly at Angel Brief’s head while Stocking crossed her Stripes swords together into an “X” shape and pretended that she was about to chop Demon Brief’s head off with them. “OKAY, OKAY; JESUS CHRIST!” Brief’s Inner Briefs exasperatedly yelled back at Panty and Stocking as they (said Inner Briefs) immediately returned to their CNSC-operating work in order to then equally-immediately begin hacking their way into Brief’s memory bank(s).

“Alright, now LET’S see here…AH-HA! HERE they are!” Brief’s Inner Briefs whispered to themselves as they impressively-quickly found Brief’s memories of the utterly horrific things that Panty and Stocking had just done to Scanty and Kneesocks. “Now, we just need to replace them with new ones!” Brief’s Inner Briefs rather-nervously explained to Panty and Stocking while said angels rather-smugly cleared their throats and continued holding said inner selves at both swordpoint and gunpoint by pointing their aforementioned weapons directly at the backs of the heads of said inner selves.

“HUH? What happened to THESE two?” Brief suddenly stopped pressing his knees against the floor of the torture chamber that Scanty and Kneesocks had just died in and weepingly burying his face in his hands in order to get back up onto his feet, bewilderedly scratch his head with his left index finger and ask himself about Scanty and Kneesocks. Meanwhile, inside Brief’s brain, Brief’s Inner Briefs already had deleted his memories of what Panty and Stocking had just done to said demons and were about to replace them with new, false and extremely different ones.

“HOW SCANTY AND KNEESOCKS DIED TODAY: Satan threw and locked them into a very-conveniently existent torture chamber and gave them an extremely deadly disease that utterly destroyed many of their internal organs as a punishment for the fact that they had suddenly decided to become heroes due to the fact that they were tired of being villains who always got beaten by Panty and Stocking and hardly ever actually did accomplish anything that didn’t blow up in their faces and/or get done FAR more competently by said angels.” Brief’s Inner Briefs rather-frantically wrote/typed into Brief’s memory bank(s) using the keyboards of his CNSC. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking thankfully nodded their OWN heads and lowered their weapons.

“Oh, sweet HEAVENS, this is so AWFUL...I literally cannot BELIEVE how much these two actually deserve a funeral after what Satan has done to them…” Brief gaspingly covered his mouth using both of his hands and cryingly whispered to himself as he saw how extremely dead Scanty and Kneesocks were. Meanwhile, inside Brief’s brain, Panty and Stocking already were slowly-and-quietly lifting their weapons straight back up in order to aim said weapons directly at the backs of the heads of Brief’s Inner Briefs and winkingly-and-smilingly looking and nodding at each other as they did so while said inner selves were busy very-carefully and VERY-obliviously looking at what they had just typed in order to make sure that they had correctly typed it.

“Hey, WHAT’S the big IDEA he-” Brief’s Inner Briefs suddenly turned around and then immediately began frustratedly yelling at Panty and Stocking before then equally-immediately being interrupted (and killed) by said angels respectively shooting Angel Brief right in the forehead and slicing Demon Brief’s entire head right off in an extremely pair-of-scissors-resembling way. Surprisingly enough, Brief actually was able to hear Panty’s Backlace pistol being fired (and feel his inner selves dying) inside his head and therefore EXTREMELY-startledly yelled “OH!” while rather-tightly clutching said head using both of his hands as he suddenly realized where said angel and Stocking were.

“Panty Fucking Anarchy and Stocking Sugary-Sweet Anarchy, PLEASE get out of my fucking head RIGHT now!” Brief exasperatedly yelled at Panty and Stocking while continuing to tightly clutch his head using both of his hands as he did so. Thankfully, said angels responded to said command by immediately transforming their weapons back into the clothes that they were supposed to be and putting said clothes back onto themselves before then also-immediately flying straight back out of Brief’s head through the exact same nose that they had entered it through (with Panty flying through Brief’s left nostril while Stocking flew through his right nostril).

“Seriously, what in the actual HELL were the two of you doing in here, other than QUITE-literally causing me to die inside? And WHY did you have to kill my inner selves in a way that caused SO much freaking blood to get onto yourselves?” Brief indignantly and utterly-bewilderedly asked Panty and Stocking while pointing directly at his cranium using both of his index fingers as he did so. Meanwhile, said angels (who thankfully had just FINALLY grown themselves back to their normal sizes and were NOT armed) boredly and blood-soakedly stood in front of Brief and blatantly pretended to properly care about his well-being or what he was saying in response.

“DON’T worry about meaningless little details such as those ones, you silly little GOOSE!” Panty swung her left hand straight down as if it was a cat paw and teasingly-yet-lovingly told Brief before then immediately giving a very intense hug to him and kissing him right on his lips as if he was her son. Understandably enough, Stocking and Brief disgustedly thought “did Panty REALLY have to do that while being in SUCH visibly desperate need of a shower?” to themselves in response, with Stocking crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes as she did so while Brief very-uncomfortably trembled and rather-humiliatedly blushed as he did so.

“After all, we clearly ARE totally innocent and adorable little ANGELS!” Stocking blushingly told Brief while painfully-intensely trying to not laugh at herself and/or cry about what she and Panty had just done to Scanty and Kneesocks and having a rather-cartoonishly huge smile on her face. For rather-extremely obvious reasons, Brief crossed his arms over his chest and very-sarcastically said “of COURSE you are” in response while Panty and Stocking gigglingly began holding hands with each other and then immediately (and, of course, singingly) began walking out of the torture chamber in which they had just horrifyingly-brutally murdered Scanty and Kneesocks.

“We really do manage our affairs with SUCH poise…” Panty and Stocking arousedly thought to themselves as they completely-nakedly cuddled and French-kissed each other while equally-nakedly showering together in the nearest one of the hospital’s shower-containing bathrooms. Naturally enough, Brief walked into said bathroom while Panty and Stocking were having said incestuous shower sex with each other, and he almost didn’t know whether masturbating or vomiting was something that he had a more intense desire to do after seeing said sex.

“I really do want to die SO freaking badly right now…” Brief shrugged his shoulders and very-depressedly groaned as Panty and Stocking began fingering each other. Unfortunately, however, Brief still had a rather-surprisingly important and demon-honoring funeral to arrange and attend for Scanty and Kneesocks, and he wanted said funeral to make the devil himself cry.

“AHH...that really was SO much fun…” Panty and Stocking joyously thought to themselves while teasingly winking at each other as they finally finished taking their majorly incestuous shower and then immediately began drying themselves off with a pair of the hospital’s surprisingly-highly white and fluffy towels while gratuitously showing their naked bodies to the unbearably-extremely aroused and barely-even-still-standing Brief as they did so. Needless to say, Brief blushingly-and-sweatingly whispered “YUM” to himself and experienced a rather intense nosebleed in response while the pleasure center of his brain began going absolutely wild due to his inner selves being dead and therefore no longer being able to calm it down.

“Go ahead and fucking DO it, you utterly pathetic little DWEEB!” Panty and Stocking threw the towels that they had just finished drying themselves off with onto the floor of the bathroom and then teasingly encouraged Brief as Panty shamelessly began showing off her breasts and vagina for him while Stocking equally-shamelessly began showing off her soles and butt for him. Needless to say, Brief immediately whipped his penis out and fervently began stroking it with his right hand in response.

“WOW, Brief; you really HAVE just made SUCH a MESS!” Stocking covered her mouth using both of her hands and playfully-and-gigglingly teased Brief after watching as his penis became completely overloaded with excitement and forcefully squirted a quite large amount of semen onto the bathroom’s floor due to the rather-hilariously massive amount of fan service that she and Panty had just given to him. Meanwhile, Panty blushingly-and-droolingly stared at said remarkably soft-and-juicy-looking penis and began wishing that she had sucked it instead.

“PLEASE never change, you two…” Brief moaningly-and-droolingly shook his head back and forth and light-headedly and swirly-eyedly said to Panty and Stocking as the two of them gigglingly-and-smilingly re-clothed themselves into their still-blood-stained signature outfits and then incredibly-nonchalantly began walking back out of the bathroom that they had just taken their shower in. “I really do love both of you SO freaking much…” Brief pulled his underwear and pants back up and hypnotizedly thought to himself as he extremely-happily and barely-even-awakely began following Panty and Stocking, who both were hilariously unconcerned about how many weird looks the amount of blood that was on their clothes was causing their fellow Daten City Hospital occupants to give to them as they “innocently” led Brief back to his car.



“Panty and Stocking, are you two really SURE that Garterbelt actually is going to believe that I am being completely honest if I tell him that the blood stains that are on the clothes that the two of you are wearing right now are a result of the two of you killing my literal inner selves?” Brief rather-worriedly asked Panty and Stocking as he quite-reluctantly drove the two of them straight back to Daten City’s Church (their “house”) using his car. Meanwhile, the bodies of Scanty and Kneesocks had respectively been thrown into the back trunk of Brief’s car by Panty and gently placed into said trunk by Stocking and were completely-lifelessly bouncing around in said trunk while Panty and Stocking respectively sat in the right and left back seats of said car as Brief spoke.

“Brief, do you have ANY fucking idea how much time Garterbelt has spent living with us at this point? He basically will believe ANYTHING at this point!” Panty shrugged her shoulders and somewhat-embarrassedly admitted to Brief, causing Brief to exasperatedly roll his eyes and say “fair enough” in response. Meanwhile, Stocking crossed her arms over her chest and quite-annoyedly glared at Panty due to how painfully bad Panty clearly was at properly keeping secrets.


“Holy fucking SHIT, Brief; what on Earth got so much fucking blood onto THOSE two?” Garterbelt very-surprisedly asked Brief about Panty and Stocking as said girls frantically ran into the Daten City Church’s laundry room in order to then immediately throw the clothes that they were wearing into the washing machine that said room contained before anyone else (not counting Chuck) saw how much (of Scanty’s and Kneesocks’) blood had gotten onto said clothes. Despite how utterly cartoonish and blatantly made-up-sounding the excuse that Panty and Stocking had told Brief to use as an answer to said question was, Brief decided to use it anyway.

“They flew into my brain and then killed my inner selves while said selves were busy operating its manual controls!” Brief crossed his arms behind his back and somewhat-reluctantly and very-nervously told Garterbelt as Panty and Stocking threw their clothes into their washing machine while desperately praying to God in hopes that them doing so would somehow cause Garterbelt to believe that Brief actually WAS telling the truth about what they had done. Thankfully, Garterbelt boredly-and-tiredly shrugged his shoulders and said “well, they certainly HAVE done other things that somehow are even more hilariously bizarre than that one” in response.

“MY EXCUSE WORKED!” Brief immediately ran into the Daten City Church’s laundry room and then triumphantly told Panty and Stocking while ecstatically raising his fists into the air and jumping up and down as he did so. Needless to say, said girls far-too-clearly had gotten EXTREMELY lucky.  

“PHEW!” Panty and Stocking relievedly said before then immediately running straight into their bedrooms in order to re-clothe themselves into exactly two of their numerous equally powerful copies of their signature outfits. Meanwhile, Brief changed his own clothes so that they would be more appropriate for an extremely serious event such as the funeral that he was about to arrange and attend in order to pay tribute to the heroes that he thought that Scanty and Kneesocks had tried to become due to the fact that his inner selves had SO-literally changed his mind.


“Panty and Stocking constantly risk their LIVES in order to protect Daten City and make its people happy, and now you two have attempted to also start doing so, with THIS being what has happened to you as a result of said attempt.” Brief (who suddenly was in his Bishonen form and was wearing a rather fancy suit) got down onto his knees and began weepingly saying while using the wireless microphone that he was holding in his right hand to amplify his voice as he regretfully looked down at both the Scanty-containing coffin that was in front of him and the Kneesocks-containing coffin that also was in front of him. Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking crossed their arms behind their backs and shifty-eyedly and “innocently” began whistling while nearly all of the surprisingly numerous other members of Brief’s new audience (including Garterbelt) far-too-quickly began crying like pathetic little girls due to how painfully sad the thing that he was talking about was.

“I should have SAVED the two of you.” Brief closed his tear-filled eyes and apologetically whispered into his microphone as tears suddenly began rolling down his face. Meanwhile, Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt rather-tightly closed their own eyes and increasingly-nervously began thinking “please don’t fuck this up; please don’t fuck this up; PLEASE don’t fuck this up” to themselves while nearly all of the other members of Brief’s new audience similarly-worriedly began audibly trembling and highly-visibly sweating. Unfortunately, said fear was EXTREMELY justified.

“I should have been the one to FILL YOUR DARK SOULS with LI-(ludicrously massive voice crack)-EEEGHT!” Brief looked straight down at the coffins that the bodies of Scanty and Kneesocks were resting in and then began incredibly-cheesy-soundingly saying before then throwing his head back and hilariously-overdramatically and even-more-hilariously stupid-soundingly yelling at the top of his lungs. Rather-understandably, both the devil (Satan) and nearly all of the other members of Brief’s new audience hysterically screamed and cried as a result of how intensely they were laughing at him in response, with Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt extremely-humiliatedly burying their faces in their hands and wanting to die as they laughed their own asses off in extremely complete agreement with their fellow audience members.

“WHAT...the fuck...was THAT?!” Panty briefly un-buried her face in order to flabbergastedly stammer while still intensely laughing as she did so. “GOD-awful! THAT’S what it was!” Stocking briefly un-buried her own face in order to extremely-amusedly and intensely-laughingly say in response.

“UHH...you two aren’t actually the ones who killed Scanty and Kneesocks, are you?” Garterbelt briefly un-buried HIS face in order to rather-worriedly ask Panty and Stocking while still intensely laughing as he did so. Meanwhile, Brief curled himself up into a sideways fetal position and cried like a baby while absolutely all of the members of his new audience laughed at him in response.

“Of COURSE not! Just LOOK at Panty and I; we really are SUCH utterly adorable little angels!” Stocking VERY-shifty-eyedly and intensely-sweatingly-and-shakingly shrugged her shoulders and began explaining to Garterbelt. Naturally enough, Garterbelt rather-sternly glared at Stocking while cupping his chin in his right hand and extremely-distrustingly saying “HMMMMMM” in response while Panty “innocently” crossed her arms behind her back and smilingly nodded her head at Garterbelt in a way that made her look every bit as nervous as Stocking far-too-clearly was.

“While our main favorite things are sex and sugar, our OTHER favorite things are ponies, rainbows, flowers, sunshine and every single one of the colors that are related to PINK!” Panty hilariously-extremely nervous-lookingly smiled from ear to ear and explained to Garterbelt in an increasingly cutesy voice while Stocking lovingly wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. Rather-understandably, Garterbelt exasperatedly rolled his eyes and said “UGH” to said angels in response.

“Scanty and Kneesocks, please allow me to say one last thing to the two of you.” Brief suddenly got back up onto his knees and then surprisingly-loudly but VERY-dignifiedly began saying while Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt rather-startledly began intensely and rather-worried-lookingly staring at him in response. Meanwhile, the way in which all of the other members of Brief’s new audience (including Satan) reacted to Brief’s incredibly sudden regaining of his composure basically was almost-completely identical to the way in which Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt reacted to it.

“This life of mine originally belonged to Panty and Stocking, but I now have decided to give it to the two of you. Rest in peace.” Brief sobbingly-but-bravely said before then suddenly dropping his microphone onto the ground and then pulling a shotgun out of one of the vastly “bigger on the inside” pockets of his pants. Rather-understandably, Panty utterly-horrified-lookingly thrusted the palm of her left hand directly toward the poor little guy and screamed “WAIT” at him in response.

“KA-BOOM!” Brief’s head excessively-bloodily went as he aimed his shotgun directly at his forehead and then immediately blasted his brain into pieces by pulling the trigger of said gun. Naturally enough, Panty became completely slack-jawed and paralyzed after watching as Brief did said thing, to the point where Stocking nudging her with her right elbow after she did so rather-amusingly caused her to fall over as if she was a bowling pin. “Poor, POOR Brief…” Panty weepingly thought to herself as she suddenly recovered from her paralysis and then began face-downly lying on the ground as if SHE was dead while all of the other members of Brief’s new audience collectively said “what the fuck” in response to his completely un-necessary suicide.


“SO, uhh...since there obviously is practically NOTHING but good news about me being in Heaven right now, would you mind telling me what the BAD news about me being in Heaven right now is?” (Bishonen) Brief, who naturally was standing atop an extremely large cloud and was looking straight up at God as he did so, made a “praying to God” gesture with his hands and increasingly-worriedly asked God as said god boredly-and-tiredly sat atop the throne that was right in front of Brief and waited for him to finish asking said question. Unfortunately, however, God’s answer to said question rather-predictably was exactly what Brief had been desperately praying for it to NOT be.

“Scanty and Kneesocks currently are trapped in Hell while you are stuck here.” God smirkingly told Brief, causing the poor little guy to very-tightly cover his mouth using both of his hands and VERY-loudly gasp in response. “GYAAA-(voice crack)-AAA-(voice crack)-AAA-(voice crack)-AAH!” Brief got down onto his knees, rather-tightly clutched his head using both of his hands, looked straight up into the sky that he basically was in and then horrifiedly-and-resoundingly screamed at the top of his lungs as the screen that this episode was being displayed on finally faded to black in order to make room for Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt’s credits.





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