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Story Notes:

This is my first story ever. I apologize for any grammatical errors, English is not my native language and the internet translator doesn't know much about context. Still, I've been a huge GTS fan for years, so I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.

Author's Chapter Notes:

Presentation of the characters and a bit of context.

Bob is a tough man. Small brown eyes, black hair and white skin, 5’11 tall in his scale, broad and muscular shoulders, just like his arms barely contained by the tight shirt he wears. He has an intimidating figure that anyone with any common sense would choose to treat with respect, and anyone stupid enough to ignore it and seek trouble would quickly face the skills of a veteran soldier. Three years of service during the war against Levante, the warlike country of the east, gives him the confidence to know that he is ahead in almost any fight, and the confidence to have an explosive temperament and a sharp tongue. He suffered few defeats throughout the first few years after the war, as he drowned the guilt on the minis pub circuit across the state. One of those few defeats, and the one that amuses him the most every time he remembers it, was when he accidentally take another guy's beer, a wall of muscle that was at least four inches and sixty pounds bigger, the biggest mini that he has ever seen, a whole Heavyweight. The guy didn't look happy at all, but still respectfully explained that it was his beer, and he wanted it back. Bob, however, was starting his fourth or fifth pitcher of beer at that point, and he didn't feel that returning the beer to Heavyweight was the right thing to do. No matter how drunk he was, alcohol has never affected his memory, a gift that allows him to remember to this day that he managed to hit Heavyweighy’s steel abdomen with two pretty decent punches before taking half a dozen wrecking balls, enough to leave him in the alley behind the bar until the next morning.

The dark and smelly alley that his life had transformed into changed forever nine years ago, when Bob met the most important person in his life, the beautiful woman who now walks beside him with her eyes fixed on her cell phone, keeping him company while walk Hunter, his dog. It was the third day he had been sober, an ordeal that he imposed on himself every month and that never lasted more than a week. That third day, however, the doorbell to his apartment rang. He never thought to hear the voice coming from the intercom again. It was Erin, a woman he spent countless nights with during the war. Back then he was a foreign soldier in a strange land and she was a survivor who had lost her family in the war and was selling contraband to foreign soldiers. By then, they were both nineteen years old and had the same enemies: a ruthless dictator, and very lonely nights. They saw each other for four months, until the town where she lived, near the military base, was devastated by the bombings. The base was moved to a safer location and the survivors of the town, Erin included, were sent to refugee camps in the west, on the border. That particular defeat was the last time he saw Erin and the beginning of a slow but inexorable retreat that over the course of a year brought the conflict closer to the eastern border of his country, Altaland. It was then that his government requested the support of the apex.

When Bob came to Levante as a soldier, he longed to serve his nation and defend the values r03;r03;of his people, like any foolish child. After a year of service he already understood that there are no ideals in battle, only pain and fear that must be passed through to survive and return home, all for a group in Altaland to become richer than it already was. He had understood that war was hell, but what he saw as a guard in the prison camps after the arrival of the apexes, the tremor that shook the earth with each of their steps, showed him that hell could always be worse.

When Erin reached his door, Bob felt an immense need to hug her. The nostalgia of two broken souls who had shared brief moments of light on the darkest nights. But he was stopped by the small silhouette of a girl next to her. Black short hair, quiet, with long eyes like her mother's. The floor began to shake under their feet in a more and more noticeable way, the rumbling of the colossal footsteps that came down the corridor took him out of his astonishment and he made them pass, getting an idea of r03;r03;what was happening.

The girl´s name was Andra, and she was his daughter.

They waited for the tremors to stop. Erin was a refugee and at that time of great turbulence, she had to return to Levante to arrange certain legal procedures. The girl could stay in Altaland, and Bob was the only person to whom Erin felt she could entrust the care of her daughter. Erin left him some money that she had saved and a week later she left the country. By then Bob hadn't drunk for ten days.

Bob got a job as a guard in an office building and had enough to pay for a babysitter. He had to take care of a girl he didn’t know, he had to keep food on the table and a roof over her head. Someone else depended on him in a world without bombing. He couldn't fail the girl, but deep inside, in a corner of his mind that never shut up, he knew he was going to fail her. It was a matter of time, he just needed a bad day and that would be it. He had to convince himself every day to resist.

A fight of each day that he successfully led, despite himself. Even when Erin returned, almost a year later, which meant he had to get used to seeing his daughter only on weekends. Those were difficult moments, but by then Andra was already HIS daughter, Bob was a father and he would do anything for her. Although he sometimes still had to fight the idea that he would fail her at any moment.

At seventeen, she is a woman who makes him deeply proud. It’s her summer vacation and she has been at her father's house for a week. Every day they walk Hunter together, even though the young woman can't get the dog to love her, and Bob knows it's not her fault. Hunter is another war veteran. Bob adopted it five years ago and although the dog is militarily obedient, it’s quite sullen with anyone other than Bob. It’s a large dog, with long black fur, it’s almost sixteen years old and the vet told him that it has no more than six months left, so daily walks are essential to keep it healthy. And is good for Bob too. Hunter, like Bob, doesn't know when to shut up, and the first few weeks were the hardest of their relationship. The dog wouldn't stop barking at the slightest noise, and noises weren't unusual in an apartment building like Bob's, where each floor has several hundred apartments for minis like him and for tainys, who are twice the height of a mini, but it also has several dozen apartments for humans, measuring between two hundred and two hundred and thirty feet compared to a mini, and even a few apexes, which are usually twice the size of a human, inhabit the building. Every time humans or apex walked down the hall, talked or had sex in one of the nearby apartments, Hunter would start a barking concert that never ended. To control it, Bob had to impose a daily training routine, which meant a lot of exercise for both of them.

With exercise, Hunter became a quiet, obedient dog and Bob a proud, healthier owner.

Bob watches his daughter closely as they wait for the doors of the colossal elevator to open. She is absorbed in her cell phone, and doesn’t notice the proud look of her father. The noise of the pneumatic circuits precedes the door opening, a one hundred and fifty foot wide entrance to a suitably empty elevator, something Bob is grateful for in his mind. They cross the small bridge adapted for the passage of minis and tainys, and stop on the right side of the elevator, in the white line of ten feet wide that marks the safe place for the little ones, Andra towards the wall, Bob in the middle and Hunter to the right of him. It's ten o'clock in the morning, most residents should be at their jobs, colleges, or whatever, so Bob hopes it will be an uninterrupted ride with no more people to the first floor. A hope that ends when they have barely gone down a floor and the elevator stops again. The little man feels his pulse quicken slightly when the door opens, but he calms down when he sees a tainy woman enter. An exceptionally tall one, apparently. Bob barely reaches the crotch height of the huge woman, who appears to be heading to the gym. She wears sneakers, black leggings tight to her long, muscular legs and a bright yellow shirt that is equally tight to her flat abdomen and her large, round breasts.

Bob sees her full length in one fleeting glance, he doesn't want to be caught drooling over a woman while he goes with her daughter.

-         Good morning - greets the newcomer, standing to the right of Bob, with Hunter in the middle of them.

-         Good morning - father and daughter respond in unison.

Bob notices, however, something strange in Andra’s voice, and when he looks at her, sees that she is the one who is drooling. Andra notices Bob's gaze and turns her attention back to the phone in her slightly trembling hands. Since she was fourteen years old, Andra told her parents that she was bisexual, but this is the first time Bob has caught her staring at a woman with such a lustful gaze. It's a little uncomfortable for him to think of his little daughter as a sexual being, with the same needs as him, or Erin, but he remembers what it feels like to be under the constant influence of teenage hormones. He is thinking about that when feels the gaze of the tainy woman, turns around and sees that she is looking at Hunter, who is growling. He doesn't understand why the woman stopped so close, but it doesn't matter. Bob goes to try and calm the animal when the woman places one knee on the ground and begins to speak to Hunter, who, for some reason, decides to obey the woman's calm tone and stop growling. Bob can't believe it.

-         It's all about confidence - the woman says, extending her hand - My name is Ann.

-         Bob - he answers, shaking Ann's huge hand.

Bob can feel the latent force in that hand, and the restraint that the woman exerts not to hurt him. He normally hates interacting with tainys, but this woman, with her sheer size and calm, reassures him. And doesn't hurt the huge cleavage that shows her huge breasts pressing against each other, each of those tits much bigger than his head, traces of sweat can be seen in the middle of them. Bob looks up and sees that she is looking at him, patiently, while she waits for him to stop looking at her boobs. Bob blushes, and goes to apologize, but she cuts him off.

-         What a firm grip - she says, smiling -. And what is your name, little one - she addresses Andra, taking control of the situation.

-         A ... A ... Andra ... Nice to meet you, Ann.

-         The pleasure is mine, little one. Do you accompany your dad to walk this cute little dog?

-         Uh, yeah, that’s it - Andra replies, thinking that it would never have occurred to her to think of Hunter as a "cute little dog", but rather as a "terrifying wild beast", but she supposes that for a woman of eleven or twelve feet tall, any dog r03;r03;will look like a "cute little dog", as well as any hyena, or any bear.

-         How nice of you, little one. It’s always more pleasant to endure this elevator in good company - she says as the doors begin to close, after an incredibly long period of time.

-         We hope to be good company, then -, Bob intervenes, nervous, but also eager to talk to Ann.

Ann refers to the bad state of the elevator. Any resident, Bob included, can attest that the elevator seems to be running slower every day. And just over a month ago it began to stop during the operation, which has left many people trapped, some times for more than an hour. This is particularly dangerous if an apex is inside because, although it’s capable of moving that kind of weight, few structures in the world are prepared to contain the panic attack of such powerful beings.

-         What do you work on, Bob - asks the tainy woman while they wait for the door to finish closing and the cubicle to continue its descent.

-         I have a small company of security guards - proud.

-         Wow, how convenient - you can see something growing in Ann's eyes - I work for a legal consulting firm that is looking for security for its new offices. It might interest you.

-         How nice, but with all due respect, I don't think we have security for people of your size, Ann. We have five guards and they are all minis.

-         Well, we can fix something - she thinks for a moment - One of the ideas is to separate the attention of public according to size, and if so, we will need specialized guards in each size, including minis ...

Bob's eyes grow wide. When he started his guard company a year ago, he was thinking about security for local businesses like supermarkets and things like that. I never imagine a law firm.

-         Wow, Ann - he stares into her eyes, who even on her knees is a couple of feet taller than him - That would be amazing.

Ann's face lights up with a big smile and it looks like she's going to say something, but the door opening interrupts them. Bob sees that they are just on the fourth floor. They've barely gone down a floor since Ann went up and more people are already coming up. It would be a lousy day, if not because Bob seems to have found a great deal in the hands of the sexiest tainy he has ever seen. He can’t help but be distracted by her huge breasts, and the powerfull biceps visible next to the them.

But the joy is interrupted when the door opens. All the occupants let out a small gasp of surprise that does not reach the ears of the human male standing at the entrance of the elevator, with his eyes closed as the much larger and wet lips of an apex move away from his moist lips. The larger giantess is crouched in front of him, with one knee on the ground, in a position very similar to Ann's, but with her back more hunched to level her lips with those of the smaller giant whom she apparently just finished kissing. What immediately catches the attention of everyone in the elevator is how they are dressed, especially the human. She wears an unbuttoned jean jacket and a loose white top, and short denim shorts that just barely cover her buttocks, with nothing else covering her long, firm, lightly tanned legs all the way down to her sandaled feet. He, meanwhile, wears sneakers and a baggy black T-shirt, but he wears nothing but tight boxer shorts that barely contain his gigantic masculinity. Ten seconds pass before the woman opens her eyes and notices that the elevator is waiting for them. She brings her right hand to the man's face and presses her thumb against his lips, causing him to open his eyes as well.

Chapter End Notes:

I hope you are enjoying it so far.

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