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“Do you want to live, no matter what form you end up taking?”


Transfixed in awe, Emiya Shirou briefly recalled a certain small girl’s words in the back of his mind…He had never been given a spare moment to think on their true meaning at the time, on the verge of death and in a dreamlike haze, but now he felt he perhaps understood.

Standing atop a wooden desk in what was nominally still his own home, at a mere several inches tall, those words seemed more relevant than they had ever been.




Craning his neck upwards, his kouhai, who was normally about a head shorter than him, a blossom flowering below his own height, now seemed much more like a gargantuan, impossibly tall Cherry tree blooming far above his head. Her hair cascading down towards her shoulders like a curtain of falling petals from the heavens, or perhaps a waterfall. Although most actual trees didn’t stretch up quite so far into the sky…She was more like a skyscraper in that regard. Also, trees didn’t have a chest that puffed out far enough to block his view of her face at the top, and which seemed large enough to demolish buildings, but he kept that embarrassing thought to himself.


She was truly immense...Every movement her feet made shook his world with a thundering boom, as if a great goddess walked upon the earth once again. If it was anyone else, he might have started praying, but despite his shock he knew that Sakura would always be Sakura. She would remain as she always was, no matter how big she might be.


“Um, senpai...Are you alright? Did it work?”


Her voice too seemed almost like a divine proclamation. It was filled with concern and mixed with worry, along with fascination and awe. Thankfully, if she was a goddess, she was a benevolent one. 

Although in reality, the boy was just standing at a far smaller scale...His materialised soul having been transferred into a smaller, miniaturised container..


It had been several years since the conclusion of the Fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki city. Despite the weight of her past guilt, trauma, and responsibility, Sakura had flowered further into a confident young woman, with her senpai by her side to grant her the love and support she needed.


Since he had saved her, and elected to stand by her no matter what, she didn’t allow herself to slack off. She wanted to live up to his belief in her, so that they could both look back on the present proudly without regret. After eleven years of what felt like frozen time, the clock had begun moving again with the coming of spring.


Shirou had lost and gained various things, too. And so they had continued to support each other, along with the help of her servant/house resident Rider and the occasional drop in, drop out presence of her sister, Tohsaka Rin.


It had been just a routine check of his artificial body’s functions. As the purple haired magus connected to her senpai’s magical circuits, nothing had seemed wrong at first glance as she closed her eyes and delved into his inner workings...And, well, according to senpai there had been no issues. But…


“How is it, Sakura?”


As she opened her eyes and broke the connection, she was asked a question.


Sakura sighed. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fully upkeep Shirou’s artificial body without help...No, now wasn’t the time for self pity. She was probably going to need nee-san’s help with this…


“Well, your body is technically fine. All the functions seem to be working, but...Um, the magical energy is leaking. Most of what enters your body is being ejected…”


“...It should be fine, right? I’m not going to run dry. Although I understand that it’s wasteful from the perspective of a magus, but still…”


She shook her head in response. “You won’t run out, at least not in the short term...But in the long term….Well...”


No. She wouldn’t accept even the slight possibility of losing him. And he wouldn’t accept the possibility of leaving her behind either, unless there was no other choice for her sake.


The red haired boy smiled faintly, gently brushing a misaligned strand of his girlfriend’s hair out of the way of her face in an affectionate gesture to break the tension.


“Sakura...I promise. I’m not going to go anywhere if I can help it. I told you I’d protect you from everything...That’s not going to change.”


The gentle reassurance was enough to keep her mind calm and on the right track...Nodding decisively after a deep breath to build up her confidence, she would squeeze his hand before heading over to the house phone.


“...I’m going to call nee-san. She should know how to help.”


Tohsaka Rin was as imperturbable as ever across the phone. 


“Hmm...It’s not exactly my forte, but I should be able to fix it. The problem is, you’ll have to put him somewhere else in the meantime while I have a look at it.”


“Somewhere...Else? Nee-san, I’m not sure I have anything that would serve as a suitable soul container...”


“Don’t worry. That part won’t be a problem. I have one I can lend you, Sakura. There are a few conditions, though.”


...Knowing her big sister, it was some kind of monetary reward she wanted in exchange. But since she wouldn’t be able to repay whatever absurd sum she decided on, it would just become another debt. And truthfully Rin never actually intended to have those debts repaid. It was lip service, really. She was bad at being honest.


“Um, what kind of conditions…?”


Her sister chuckled mischievously over the phone.


“Don’t worry, they aren’t much. Just let me handle it, and make sure to have some fun with your senpai in the meantime~”


“After all, he’ll be relying on you to look after him in that state…”



...That was how they had arrived at the current state of affairs, with a senpai that could easily fit in the palm of her hand several times over. He didn’t even come up to the height of one of her toes.


From Emiya Shirou’s perspective, however, she was a giant. Making a quick calculation in his head, at his scale she stood at roughly somewhere around 45-50 metres tall. Almost as tall as the biggest high-rises in the modern Shinto district of Fuyuki…


Thankfully, despite his smaller body, Sakura had also managed to find some basic clothing for him. He didn’t have to worry about exposure to the elements, and more pressingly, his naked body wouldn’t be put on show.


As she knelt down in order to reach eye level with him, the ground rumbled from even her slightest movements.


Her eyes were like immense lavender pools that he could almost drown in. Part of him couldn’t help but think that he wouldn’t even mind if he did…


Shaking his mind out of silly thoughts like that, Shirou nervously waved up at his giant sized kouhai.

“Hey, Sakura! My body feels fine. But...Honestly, this is just a lot to take in. You look huge…”


The girl couldn’t help but blush. Partially out of nervous embarrassment, but also at her imagination painting a picture of her senpai’s viewpoint...She really must have looked gigantic, maybe even scarily so, from down there, but in reality Shirou was just small. It was a surreal thought…She didn’t say it out loud, but her toy sized senpai was looking extremely cute.


“H-huge? I...Um, I suppose? But please don’t be scared. I’ll be careful not to hurt you by accident, senpai...”


Distracted as she was, Sakura failed to take her chest into account as she lowered herself towards the desk her senpai was currently stood atop…


“W-wait, Sakura…! Your-”


From Shirou’s perspective, he had very little time to react before he was shadowed by Sakura’s prodigious chest, preparing to make impact with the desk like a pair of soft, plush meteorites. Thankfully, he had already been informed that his body would be more durable at this size...Strengthening magecraft having already been placed upon it by his truly prior to the soul transfer. That didn’t prevent the shock of being buried beneath what felt like literal tons of his kouhai’s breasts, though.




He could barely see anything, darkness surrounding him as he was compressed and squeezed from above by her breasts. For the sake of not having his head pressed into the floor, he had no choice but to reach out his hand and grab onto a squishy handful of flesh like his life depended on it. It was warm, and soft...Well, he knew that already, but at this scale it was magnified. They were like great orbs that jiggled slightly to the touch. What would normally be tiny drops of built up sweat seeped through the fabric before falling onto him like rain...Thankfully, it wasn’t too much. Sakura hadn’t been too physically active today.


What surprisingly stood out to him, though, was the scent. The natural, feminine smell of her body combined with the overpowering smell of her perfume was having a...Calming effect on him. He hated to admit it, but it was almost pleasant.


Thankfully this experience didn’t last as long in reality as it felt. Soon enough, the weight of the heavens was lifted away from Emiya Shirou, the blurry face of an apologetic, guilty Sakura becoming visible above him as he struggled dizzily to get his bearings.


“Senpai! I’m so sorry…! It’s my fault...Are you safe?”


At the moment, he was unable to muster his voice to answer...But with a large degree of effort, he was able to force his head to nod. He would be fine, but...He felt exhausted, like has was about to pass out. This would be the first time a pair of breasts had forced him unconscious, and probably the last. Still, he knew he was in no true danger. He would be fine...He just hoped Sakura would realise that too before going into a panic.


Emiya Shirou drifted off into a calm unconsciousness…As his mind faded away into sleep, for some reason he could only recall the familiar voice of a certain Tiger/adoptive older sister/teacher.


They’re E-cups, you know?




Panicking, Sakura Matou picked up her sleeping senpai, holding him in the palm of her hand as if he was the most precious treasure in the world. Because to her, he was...She couldn’t believe she had put him danger mere minutes after the procedure, purely out of her own carelessness! Still berating herself mentally, she placed a gentle finger to his chest to feel his tiny heartbeat...Thank goodness. He didn’t even seem to have any broken bones either, surprisingly. It seemed that he had been right to insist on applying his strengthening magecraft to it. Of course he was~


With the certainty that he was safe, Sakura allowed herself a sigh of relief...A gale coming forth from behind her lips that blew Shirou’s hair like a wind current. Followed by the sound of a short giggle.


“Fufu~ What am I going to do with myself…?”



Emiya Shirou awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling. Which was strange, because as far as he was aware this was his own home. There shouldn’t have been such a thing, even at such a reduced size. Wherever he was, it was warm and comfortable. Wait...The last thing that he remembered before falling unconscious.




It felt as if he was in a moving vehicle. But rather than bumpy or uncomfortable, It was gentle, rhythmic, and soft. He was beginning to have an idea of where he was. The familiar smell of perfume from before his unconsciousness suffused the atmosphere, and above him most of the view was taken up by fabric. Could this be…


“Good morning, senpai. Did you rest okay?”


The material above him shifted, seemingly being lifted up, revealing Sakura’s billboard sized face peeking through what he now realised to be the valley of her cleavage. To be more accurate, he was nestled inside her lingerie...A heavy blush coming to his face at the realisation. They were obviously very...familiar with each other’s bodies by this point, but this was something entirely different.


“G-good morning, Sakura. Um, did you put me in here to rest?”


There was a beaming smile on his kouhai’s face as she answered in the affirmative.


“Yes! I know it might be a little bit lewd, but...Um, it seemed like the best place to keep an eye on you while going about my day...And, well… Hopefully the comfiest for you….?”


Her mention of “going about her day” brought questions to his mind. How long had he been out for? It seemed as if it had been a significant while if she had put him there in the meantime...Not that he could complain about this plush personal chamber even if he wanted to.


“I-it’s fine. Thank you, Sakura. It was comfortable. How long was I out, though? I’d feel bad if I worried you.”


Placing a finger to her lip, she pondered…


“Maybe about 5 or 6 hours…? I’ve mostly been busy with the house during that time. I was worried at first, but after I realised you were just unconscious, I decided to put you in a safe place in the meantime. I’m glad you’re awake now~”


...It was around time for dinner, then? He hadn’t considered that he wouldn’t be able to make it together with Sakura, like usual. Rider wasn’t exactly much of a cook, either. And besides, she was busy with her part time job at the moment. She must have been doing all the household chores herself, in addition to dinner. Damn it...He couldn’t help but feel useless at that moment.


“A-ah...You don’t have to do all the work yourself, okay?”


“Somebody has to cook dinner, senpai. And, well...You can’t at the moment, right? So it’s up to me to fill in for the both of us~ Don’t worry, it isn’t a problem. On days when Rider isn’t at work, I’ll have her help out as well.”


She was fairly blunt in stating that he couldn’t cook dinner or do ordinary household chores in his current state...It was clear she wanted him to relax and leave the hard work to her for the moment, but it was antithetical to him to laze around and allow others to put in effort. It honestly made him feel a bit useless...No. He didn’t expect her to work when she was ill, did he? He was rather insistent about getting her to stay in her bed and take her medicine. Wasn’t this the same situation?


Almost as if she could sense his thoughts, Sakura shook her head.


“Please don’t insult yourself over it...This is something we both agreed to, right? When one of isn’t able to do something...That’s when we have to rely on each other, right?”

Taking in a deep inhale of breath, Shirou looked up at her with an awkward smile.


“You’re right, as always. Damn, I really didn’t consider the obvious logistics.”


“Besides, I’m the one who needs to apologise. S-since I’m the one who squished you unconscious…I’m sorry.”


She sighed with a regretful face, sending a gale of wind that slightly ruffled the fabric of her bra. Not that she could have noticed something so minor on her scale. But to Shirou, it emphasised the sheer power behind even her basic actions.


“It’s fine. I’m okay, right? And besides...Um, it wasn’t so bad under there. I was surrounded by you, after all…”


He blushed, digging himself into a deeper hole the longer he spoke. But it was too late to go back on his statement now.


“You...didn’t mind it? That’s a bit strange, senpai…”


Sakura replied, before adding.


“...But I’m glad.”


After she had fished her diminutive boyfriend out of her vast cleavage, it was almost time for dinner. Sakura placed him securely on the dinner table before returning to the kitchen to finish tonight’s final preparations… 


“I’m home.”


Shirou heard a calm, cool voice echo throughout the house. The front door opened without fanfare, Rider making her entrance elegantly without fuss. Her shift at the antique store had finally finished, and she had been eager to return to her master’s side. Particularly, she had been a bit anxious...The ritual to transfer Shirou’s soul was something she had been made aware of, but Sakura had assured her that she should go about her day as usual, and that she would handle it...Although concerned for both of their sakes, she was unwilling to question what she had been told, and trusted her master above all else.


As the already statuesque woman thudded into the dining room with long strides, he looked up yet again in awe. Sometimes had to consciously remind himself that she was the Medusa of classical Greek mythology, but at this scale he could understand on a physical level...The primal awe of witnessing a titan, or god, or monster, far beyond one’s own station. He had to remind himself that bringing up her height, let alone saying that she looked huge was an absolute taboo. Her complex wouldn’t exactly lessen with a person so small around.


She spotted Shirou very quickly. As a servant, her enhanced vision came in very useful in a lot of everyday situations. Although this was obviously not an everyday situation.


“I see. You’re every bit as small now as I imagined, Shirou.”


Resisting with all his might the urge to retort with “You look just as huge as usual”, he waved up to her above him.

“Hey, Rider. And I suppose so. As you can see, the process worked out.”


“Yes. I am glad...Sakura will be very happy.”


Emiya tilted his head. Sakura would be happy about this turn of events? I mean, she did seem nervous upon first witnessing his minituare form, but she had adjusted to it incredibly quickly...Even letting him sleep in her cleavage without much hesitation.


“...What do you mean?”


Rider chuckled, partly at his own obliviousness and partly at herself for having blurted that out so flagrantly.


“Happy that it safely worked out, of course. Or maybe something more? Who can say?~”


He grumbled. It was irritating when Sakura’s servant teased him like this. There was no need to be so vague, and it was obvious how much she enjoyed doing so.


“R-right...Anyway, I’m not of much use at the moment, so could you help Sakura finish off tonight’s dinner?”


“Of course. Although...I wouldn’t say you’re not of use. There is something you could do to ease Sakura’s burden…”


She whispered to him, needlessly considering the immense size difference between the two, but even so...He pondered, making a bemused expression in exchange to her whispered remark.


“...If you say that will help, I’ll do it.”


“Wonderful. Please do your utmost to give Sakura a good time, Shirou.”


And with that...The bewitching black serpent strode off to the kitchen, her footfalls creating small tremors for the shrunken boy.


Dinner was a fairly uneventful affair. It was surreal for Shirou however, seeing mountain sized portions of what would normally be nothing more than regular food items...He was placed atop the table, on a small plate near where Sakura was seated. On it was a miniature serving of tonight’s dinner, a Bamboo shoot Gratin that she had grown fond of making.


 Rider of course was sat at the table as well, eating quietly as ever before breaking the silence with a “Thank you, Sakura. It was delicious as usual” along with an accompanying warm smile. She was looking forward to hearing of how Emiya would follow her advice from earlier. But largely she would keep watch over the two as she always did. In particular, she found the change in dynamic brought about by their current size difference quite fascinating.


Eating dinner together as a household was a welcome slice of familiarity to Shirou in his strange situation, but...


In particular, seeing Sakura swallow down bites of food larger than his entire body caused his mind to swim in unpredictable directions.


If he was in the wrong place...He could be swallowed down ever so easily. He did his best not to think about that, but he couldn’t help but gulp nervously. Thankfully, she was an attentive person, and he trusted her to keep him safe and to keep track of his location. Even so, the idea wouldn’t leave his head, and he shuddered a little.


Even with such a gulf in size, Sakura could sense her boyfriend’s unease. She couldn’t see his face in much detail, but evidently his portion was taking longer to eat than expected of him.




Her vast, plump lips opened as she spoke. He really wouldn’t be even a morsel to her if he happened to slip through them. Sakura’s body wouldn’t even need to consciously take note of him; her reflexes would be more than enough to consign him to her belly.


...So why did that almost sound pleasant? He didn’t know what was wrong with this body to give him such thoughts. But he would blame his new container for the moment to avoid confronting such bizarre thoughts.


“Senpai..? Is something wrong?””


He was snapped out of his trance as his kouhai’s finger, that was around the same size as he was hovered over him, before gently descending to tap him on the head. He was delicate, so she put utmost care into getting his attention without hurting him. Returning to reality, he smiled sheepishly towards her.


“O-oh. I’m fine, Sakura. I think maybe I’m just not used to this new body yet…?”


While she was a bit concerned, she accepted this explanation without any convincing. It was an entirely new body, not to mention perspective. It must be difficult for senpai right now, she thought. She would certainly cut him some slack.


“Ah...Well, um, please tell me if anything feels wrong, okay? This body is only temporary, so you’ll only need to put up with it until the original is fixed.”


She smiled reassuringly.


 On the other hand...Although she would never do anything to hurt him, she couldn’t help but compare her senpai’s size with the food. And to imagine herself picking him up between her thumb and finger, placing his tiny body on her tongue, and swallowing. N-not that she would, but if she wanted to, she could gulp him down whole with very little effort. He would become a part of her after dissolving in her stomach. The thought caused her to shiver, and she felt guilty even for imagining it. Quite frankly, devouring another person was something she never wanted to do ever again, but there was a dark curiosity somewhere at the back of her subconscious. One that she wouldn’t ever indulge. She loved her senpai too dearly for that...


Shaking her head, she dispelled the thought and finished her dinner. She was just about to start on cleaning the sink, when...Rider darted in front of her with an unusually eager demeanour.


“I will wash the dishes. Why don’t you and Shirou return to your room for now, Sakura? You must be tired.”


“Rider...What’s this about?”

Sakura gazed curiously at Rider. She wasn’t naive, and it was obvious that there was some kind of ulterior motive for her to take on the work...But Rider had only ever acted in her best interest. She was more than willing to trust her with...Whatever she was planning. The girl nodded.


“Okay, then. I’ll spend some time with senpai~ Thank you, Rider.”


She placed her palm onto the table, beckoning Shirou to climb on. He was happy to go with her, although he couldn’t help but acknowledge that he didn’t really have a choice. In order to keep him safe, he needed to stay near Sakura at all times rather than being left unattended.


Nodding with a faint smile towards her, he clambered onto her hand before sitting in the centre of her palm...It was frustrating that he couldn’t hold her hand at this scale like usual, but he settled for giving a small squeeze to the ground beneath his feet with his hands. If she could even feel it, anyway.


“Let’s go, Sakura.”


Closing the screen door with the hand that wasn’t currently holding her senpai, Sakura entered the room that belonged to the two of them...Formerly Shirou’s room, but after she had officially moved in, it had become the domain of the both of them. In particular, the futon had been replaced with a double sized model to accommodate them both. But besides that, the room retained the same minimalistic charm it had always had. Changing the house too much would distort the memories associated with it, after all.


Sitting down elegantly atop the bed covers, Sakura lifted her hand closer to her face...To her it was intended to be a gentle ascent, but even so it was quite a ride for her senpai. The G-force wasn’t too extreme, but it was certainly notable. He wouldn’t bring it up, worrying that it would make her feel insecure in the process. He wasn’t the kind of person who couldn’t handle a roller-coaster, after all.


Once again, being in such close proximity emphasised her gargantuan size even further. The soft, squidgy ground beneath his feet, the sheer drop from to what was in his perspective a ridiculous altitude, the blush to her cheeks that seemed even more charming at this level of magnitude…


“So, um...Sakura. This will definitely sound strange, but I’m going to say it anyway.”


“Go ahead~”


“Even though I’m small and useless at the moment-”


“Y-you’re not useless, senpai! The reason you have that form in the first place...Is proof of that.”


“Okay, but I’m not much use right now, right? The important thing is, I know there’s something I can do to help you out, at least a little.”


His giant kouhai tilted her head to the side quizically. What exactly did he mean? I mean, she didn’t resent him at all for the things he was currently incapable of doing...But she understood very well how difficult he found it to sit idle no matter the situation, and so she would listen intently.


“What exactly...Would you be doing?”


She blushed, her mind understandably going towards lewd possibilities. But she didn’t think that would be a good idea in his current sta-


“You know how you’re really good at giving people back massages? Well, um...I was thinking I could...Do the same, but for your feet.”


 For some reason, he couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward. 


“E-eh? My feet...Are you sure that’s okay? I mean...You don’t have to. I really don’t mind.”


His tone of voice changed as he spoke. Into the affectionate but stern kind of voice that would usually say things like “Come on, Sakura. We said that I would cook breakfast today. That’s my job, you know? Don’t overexert yourself too much.” Even with the vast difference in size, it still gave off a feeling of responsibility, trust, and authority fitting of a senpai.


“Sakura...I want to make you feel nice if I can. And I can’t exactly reach your back. Besides, it’s a normal thing to do, right?”


He said that, but it was somewhat ineffective when he was still blushing in the process.


“Dammit...Rider, was this really the best idea?”


She was the one that had whispered this suggestion to him before dinner, after all.


“I-I suppose you’re right. But to be honest, I’m not sure how well I’d be able to feel it? But um...I don’t mind you trying.”


That hurt his pride a little as a man...But he still gave a determined nod in response.


“Okay. If you’re ready, then let’s start. Put your feet on that table and lie down, okay?”


With an awkward look on her face, blush still included, Sakura would comfortably lie back on the bed, placing her mighty feet upon the bedside table in preparation for them receiving some much deserved attention.


“Oh, and Sakura? Take your socks off.”


...Perhaps he was biting off more than he could chew? Standing before them atop the bedrest, Sakura’s smooth, bare soles completely dwarfed Shirou in size. Even just her toes alone were large enough for him to fit between...In general, it was like gazing upon a small mountain, one that happened to be made of flesh that belonged to his loved one. Every single tiny wrinkle was a crevasse he could almost fall into, and every toenail a ridge crowning a giant toe.


A pleasant smell drifted from her soles once her socks had been removed...Her feet were well taken care of, being pedicured on a regular basis. The scent of her sweat...Of her mingled together with the smell of foot cream and whatever other beauty products women used was strangely comforting...If not downright intoxicating to his smaller frame. Stimuli in general seemed to have a much more noticeable effect on him in this state...Perhaps it was pheromones or something like that?


On the horizon, beyond the god-like peds, was Sakura’s blushing face. Somehow, placing her bare feet in front of a tiny senpai like this was embarassing...Hopefully it didn’t smell bad…?


“Um, senpai. I don’t mean to demean you, but...I don’t really know how you can massage them at that size? You’d have to...to climb them, or something…”


“That was basically my plan, Sakura. That’s fine with you, right?”


“E-eh? Yes...”


She nodded quickly, remaining quiet otherwise. To have senpai crawling around on her bare feet as if it was a landscape of it’s own...She shivered again. Developing an interest in this kind of thing would be bad. Bad, bad, bad. But it was senpai’s idea, and if he claimed it would make her feel good...She’d believe him. What if he did something weird, though? She...wouldn’t mind if he did.


Emiya Shirou shook his head. He was doing this to help her. There was no ulterior motive or personal reason for him to be massaging her feet like this. It was Rider’s suggestion, anyway. 


...Was this some elaborate way of teasing him? He had assumed that Rider, as not only her servant but as another woman, would know what Sakura would appreciate, and so he had trusted her without compunction. Had that been a mistake?


No, if it was he wouldn’t feel so determined to do this in the first place. At the very least, he did have basic knowledge of how massages were supposed to work.


“Here I go, Sakura…”


Beginning at her bottom heel, Shirou ran his hands along the smooth flesh. He began rubbing, gradually moving along the bottom of the “wall” to give attention to the areas that were easily reachable from ground level. Meanwhile, Sakura’s toes wiggled in anticipation above him. Although that too was an unconscious motion that she most likely didn’t even realise. His body being strengthened beyond comparative strength were he at normal size, it was feasible for her to be able to feel the result of his actions despite their size disparity. Which would be proven true just a few seconds later.


Sakura herself was not able to see him from her position, laid down on her bed. But she could feel him, and although it was a bit embarassing to have her feet tended to in this way, she couldn’t deny that she found the idea appealing, too. Although...There was one thing.


Oh...I can feel him. Although...It’s a bit ticklish down there..?!


She involuntarily let out a cute squeak as the ticklish feeling reached fever pitch.. And more importantly for her senpai down below, her foot reflexively jerked in response...Senpai must have heard that. That was really embarassing…!


Shirou Emiya was less concerned about the cute sound she made, however, as he was suddenly kicked upwards with a heavy force exerted upon his miniscule body. 




He grunted in pain as he was thrown up into the air. It was almost like when he had been sent flying by Berserker before, but thankfully far less life threatening...And done completely by accident on Sakura’s part, if she was even aware of it. It was only a minor movement for her, after all. He on the other hand had barely enough time to panic as he descended back towards the ground.


 Freefalling, he soon realised he was on course to make contact with her mountainous sole, face first.




He tried to call out to the girl above him, but his cries were interrupted as his face was mashed into the soft, pliable surface in the impact...The smell invaded his nostrils first, even more than before as he became temporarily adhered to his kouhai’s sole. It wouldn’t last forever, though. Soon he would slide off and plummet back towards the ground.




 It was an odd misalignment of priorities, but pressed up against her foot, he was beginning to have strange thoughts again...Like a desire to kiss the soft wall in front of him while he was interred there, or maybe even to l- No way. Absolutely not.


 Trying to fight the blush on his face, the struggle was short lived before the boy slid off the skin and plummeted back down towards the base of her heel...


In a desperate attempt to avoid hitting the wooden platform on which he had been standing, the former hero of justice stretched out his arms, just barely succeeding in clinging on to a handful of flesh just above her heel in order to break his fall. It seemed he had inadvertently worked out one of her knots, though, as he heard a quiet sigh echo from above. She was entirely unaware that the lowest part of her body had just flung her senpai around like a ragdoll, but it had produced results in terms of massage...He would call that a win, if only for the sake of his pride.


"Sakura doesn’t need to know that I lost a fight to her feet."


He would keep this hidden out of embarrassment. He had never been in serious danger, at least. Making this body so durable had paid off multiple times already. But for now, he needed to continue what he had started. Finishing off the bottom heel area, and locating knots to work on, he would set his sights upward. Making sure to give himself up a run up first, he jumped to begin climbing the sole.


Leaping upwards with his practised physical fitness, he managed to gain a literal foothold on the creamy skin of her left sole. It was strangely squishy and pliable, easily accepting his small body. The smell was even stronger here, though. And the surface was somewhat slick from her sweat, which made it worryingly slippery at times. Still, though, it was workable.


From his perch, he began to rub and knead in circular motions, putting all of his strength- and magical energy-  into his hands, arms, and even legs. For her to be able to enjoy this to the fullest, it would have to be a full body massage on his part. As he climbed along the expanse of her sole, repeating the process, he gradually discovered more creases to be worked out, and he was rewarded with quiet, content moans of acknowledgment in response to his efforts.


“Ah, senpai...That’s...quite nice~”


“Um...please continue like that.”


Sakura was very much enjoying being pampered like this. Although nervous at first, she had quickly fallen into the flow of things.


Shirou nodded his head at the booming divine announcements of the goddess, although he didn’t need to be told to continue.


He repeated the process, covering as much surface area as he could. His forehead was damp with sweat as a result of the rigorous physical exercise, but his muscles weren’t aching yet. He wasn’t going to back down from something like a girl’s foot. After a while, he would eventually reach the toes at the top of the “mountain” that was her sole. It was true- he really did fit between them with room to spare. Doing so, he found the atmosphere to be hot and humid with the toes looming above him like pillars, isolating and trapping her body heat. Although there was no real reason to, he decided on giving them some well deserved attention, too. Thankfully, not too much gunk had accumulated in between them, Sakura once again having taken good care of them.


Hearing more satisfied moans, Shirou would repeat the process for the other sole. While he couldn’t claim to have covered every square inch, he had gotten the important parts of his lover’s foot out of the way. For a moment, he imagined this must be what a window cleaner felt like doing their job.


Meanwhile, Sakura pondered to herself, her heart beating faster than usual. Imagine if she could have her senpai at such a tiny size whenever she wanted...At any hour of the day, pampering her like this, or maybe even doing something more naughty together?! Having Shirou literally within the palm of her hands stoked her possessive side somewhat; while she would never want to treat him like an object, being able to keep him safe and away from harm within her bosom appealed to her greatly. And, well...She wouldn’t mind teasing or toying with him a little, maybe. I-in moderation!


As she thought on this subject, and without even thinking about it, there was a sudden movement from her other, unoccupied, foot. Her body had acted before her mind could protest any further.


From his position between her toes, he looked upward and witnessed a cataclysmic event; the looming shadow of the five giant toes resembled a Hydra of Greek Myth, acting on her unconscious desires as she prepared to sandwich him between two gargantuan soles; not to mention the toes pressing together even more tightly, preparing to plunge him into a steamy prison.


“Eh!? Sakura? What are you doi-”


Boom. Boom.


With an impact comparable to Medusa’s noble phantasm, the pair of feet made impact with each other, faster than he could blink, almost as if they were drawn together like magnets of opposing polarity.


And so he was squished in a crevice between the hot, moist confines of both of Sakura’s feet…




His face was once again pushed into the squishy, soft, peds which were quickly moistening with heat. He was left unable to manuever the rest of his body, besides his head.


The sweltering temperature here reminded him of a sauna, drops of sweat larger than his whole body beginning to form in the valley created by her toes. He managed to avoid his face being directly hit as he twisted his head from side to side, but was unavoidably affected by the radius of their splashes. This much wasn’t even intentional...The intent had only been to tease him a little, but the girl underestimated her own size and power in comparison to her senpai. Even the very air itself was contaminated with her scent. It was beginning to make him feel dizzy, but once again he somehow didn’t feel the urge to complain, either.




Suddenly, the pressure lifted, the heat dispersing as the feet were once again separated from one another. Tasking a gasp of breath, Emiya Shirou beheld Sakura’s panicking, flushed face as she lifted him out from within the crevice of her toes.


“I’m sorry...I, um...Don’t have any excuse.”


...Noticing that Shirou was drenched in sweat, Sakura had shortly afterwards remorsefully taken him to the sink to allow him to wash himself.  


Afterwards, she had bowed guiltily in front of him...Lowering herself on the floor below his eye level in a display of sincerity. Although Shirou thought she was over exaggerating by quite a bit, he still felt like he should scold her a little. Wagging his finger from his place on the desk…His prestige as a senpai had not diminished one bit along with his size.


“Hey, Sakura. If you wanted to do that, you could have just asked, you know?”




His kouhai gazed down at the floor, nodding, before she eventually stood back up to her full, monumental height.


“I don’t mind if you want to play around with me a bit. I suppose it’s only natural when a person is so much smaller, right?”


Maybe? He didn’t really understand his own logic. Were her pheromones damaging his brain function as well? No, probably not. Either way, it had been a unique experience in it’s own way. He couldn’t complain too much. And now he just wanted to pat her on the head...Damn it, that expression of hers was too powerful.


“Mm…I’m sorry. It was just a whim of mine, but my body acted before my inhibitions could...”


He knew that Sakura could be unexpectedly playful sometimes. Although she didn’t usually seem like it on the outside, she could be a mischievous girl as well.


He smiled, shaking his head to reaffirm that it wasn’t such a big problem.


“You really surprised me, but...It’s fine, right? It’s not as if I’m hurt at all. And besides, you enjoyed the massage. So I’d call that a success.”


Sakura blushed faintly, idly shuffling a few steps to the left and right...Once again failing to notice that such minor movements felt like seismic activity from Shirou’s point of view as her feet trampled across the floor with heavy thuds.


“Yes! It was a very unconventional massage, but...As someone proficient in massaging, I’d give it a good rating~”


It had been an exhausting job, but worth it in the end to make Sakura happy. Maybe Rider was giving legitimate advice after all…?


“Haha. Glad to hear it.”


Sakura was very pleased. She did feel a bit bad for all the effort her senpai had put himself through, but...He was the one who had asked to do it, and...It made her feel happy. She was able to surmise that the idea had probably come from Rider.


“Geez, you don’t need to interfere that much...But thank you, Rider.”


But having Shirou in contact with her body for such a prolonged period of time had only served to intensify her desires. She was beginning to wonder...What if they tried something more...Intimate? Was it safe with him in this state? Would it be okay for her to ask? And... would he...Want to? Her face flushed crimson, much more noticeably than it had so far throughout the day.


Which was something the boy was able to notice himself.


“What’s wrong, Sakura? Are you coming down with something?”


While he could be fairly dense sometimes, he was attentive enough to wonder if that was the actual reason behind her appearance. Although he didn’t want to make any assumptions. Honestly, he didn’t want to admit it, but he himself was feeling a little hot and bothered. Breathing in so much of the natural scent of her body had made his own desires flare up as well, although he had been doing a good job at resisting the urge to plant a kiss on her foo-


“S-senpai. I wanted to ask you something…”


Shaking her head, his giga-sized kouhai denied having come down with an illness. Although she was a little embarrassed given the circumstances, and what had happened minutes before, she had to ask.


“Even if your body is like this at the moment... Would you like to...Um, try something...Intimate? I didn’t want to admit it, but I’ve been curious...About what kind of things we could do, and...And!”


The boy sighed with relief. Thankfully, it seemed they were on the same page. It was a very strange situation in which to become sexually aroused, but...He couldn’t deny that this smaller body and new way of viewing the world had absolutely given him a strange new interest. Somehow, Sakura was even more beautiful at this size…


“D-don’t worry, Sakura. I was too nervous to mention it, but I’ve been...Um, feeling similarly. I’d be happy to go along with whatever you have in mind, so…”


The notion that Shirou was also experiencing such strange desires was a weight off of her shoulders, as well. It wasn’t just her being odd, so there was less need to be embarrassed on her part. She nodded to herself with a determined expression, ready to attend to both of their desires as she looked down at the tiny senpai by her bedside…


Before unbuttoning her blouse, followed by her skirt, and letting them fall to the floor in a heap.


“Really? Then...I’m glad. I’ll be gentle with you, senpai. I promise…”


With another look to him to ensure he was prepared, and a nod in response, Shirou was gently plucked from the tabletop and placed atop the futon as Sakura prepared to lie down atop it...


As she did so, his thoughts were fully occupied by the awe inspring sight of Sakura’s near uncovered, vastly magnified physique. What seemed to be miles and miles of exposed skin stretched on into the sky. Her curves were on full display, looking like dips and ebbs in a living landscape that was her body. Her breasts stuck out as tall, mountainous hills with a literal valley that spanned between them. Her legs were soft but firm tree trunks that led up to her thighs and the enormous musty “cavern” of her panties, tantalisingly hiding away the entrance beneath.


“I’m the one who should be saying that, Sakura. But thank you.”



Sakura’s face flushed brightly as Shirou soon after removed his clothes, too. They were slightly damp and sticky from sweat, anyway...But now he was left fully exposed before her. His body’s proportions were the same as ever, besides being reduced in scale, as that information was engraved into the shape of his soul.


 His chiselled abs, his strong muscles that always held her when she was distraught, his manhood that appeared to already have been erect for some time...Twitching slightly as it was exposed to the cold.


It was nothing she hadn’t seen before, but once again it was certainly a new sight to behold at such a scale.


Where could they start...Where should they start? Maybe they could start out with some foreplay…? She’d never had sexual intercourse with senpai at such a dimunitive size after all. She wouldn’t risk endangering him, so...What would be a safe way to ease them both into it?




An idea soon came into her head, prompting her to make an exclamative sound as she considered the prospect….Of course, why hadn’t she thought of that sooner? Her face blushed red as she nodded to herself.


“Sakura, did you have an idea?”


Shirou questioned his giant girlfriend with interest. He had also worried about...Exactly how they would do it, but he was currently a bit too dizzied by the sights and scents in front of him to be able to think all too clearly on the topic. It was probably for the best if she made the decision.


“We...Could start off with oral, maybe? Um, you’d be the one receiving, of course!”


“After all, I’m not sure if it’s safe to put you inside there...”


In other words, a full body blowjob…She didn’t trust herself yet to be able to keep him safe if he ventured into her “cavern.” That was if he would even able to breathe in there.


He gulped. He wouldn’t deny the obvious appeal of the idea, although if he was to come into contact with her mouth, there was also an obvious danger to avoid. But...He did trust her to treat him carefully. She wasn’t going to swallow him...Just the contents of his testicles. Thinking on it, he was more worried about something that was comparatively trivial.


“O-obviously, I don’t mind, but...Will that still be enjoyable for you, as well?”


Sakura nodded again cutely, as if to affirm that she truly meant what she said. It was an adorable character tic whatever size she appeared to be, but he still couldn’t help but feel a bit bad.


“Of course~ I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise, right?”


Shirou rubbed the back of his head nervously. Was this really okay for her? He’d be the one being stimulated, while he wasn’t able to provide that for her. Well, he could try, but as Sakura had implied, having her receive oral from him could be...difficult.


Besides, would it really be so bad to let her spoil him for once? He had no reason to doubt her when she claimed that she would enjoy it, too…


“Alright. Then you’ll have to hold me, right? Then...Give me your hand, Sakura.”


On cue, his kouhai lowered her hand onto the bedsheet, allowing him passage to climb onto her awaiting palm. His manhood jerked erect as he looked up at her looming face with a determined nod.


“Y-yes, senpai.”


With that announcement, Sakura wasted no time in lifting her hand upwards into the air, bringing him close up towards her face. Once again, Shirou did her best to endure the requisite G-forces pulling at his small body as he rode up into the sky.


As she did so, he was treated to a scenic tour of her body. He ascended past the expanse of her thighs, the slopes of her legs, the soft curves of her hips, her slim stomach, the globes of her chest...But most noticeably her honey pot loomed on the horizon, between the outstretched legs. A looming maw, or perhaps a cave of wonders filled with temptation...Even from the distance and height he was at, he could clearly see a moistness spreading inside the colossal wall of her panties. She was already wet. A sweet smell began to waft from it’s confines, like a flower attracting honeybees…


A part of him wanted to just dive inside of it, but his own sense of self preservation and concern for Sakura’s worries prevented him from doing something like that. He shook his head, hoping Sakura wouldn’t notice.


 But sooner rather than later, he was brought before her planetary face and pink, pillowy lips, both filling his entire field of vision beyond the hand that he stood upon.


As she opened her mouth, her breath washed out over him, once again rustling his hair...Although now that he was naked, it had the unintended effect of slightly stimulating his member. Just the force of her breathing was strong enough to arouse him now, although he doubted she was aware of this. It was a bit embarrassing to admit that his cock stiffened just from a girl breathing on his lower body...But nobody else needed to know.


“Um, senpai. Am I exciting you already? Fufu~”


“Geez...You don’t have to tease me like that.”


He pouted a little bit at her attention to detail, before Sakura gently plucked him up with a single one of her mighty fingers, dangling him over her lips…Before pushing him against the soft, glossy surface.


“Senpai...I love you~”


 He heard a sucking sound as she delivered a loving kiss, one that covered his entire body from head to toe.


A strong pressure buckled down on Shirou, causing him to instinctively struggle for just a moment until he realised what this was... A kiss given by the person he loved most in the world. He couldn’t help but blush, feeling the sheer scale of her love on a physical level as well as just an emotional one.


As she sucked, his body was covered in her saliva, seeping through his hair and across his skin. His loins continued to ache as the lips teasingly squeezed his body, including the lower half.


For what it was worth, he did his best to return the kiss as he pushed against the force of Sakura’s lips...His own mouth covering only a fraction of the space that her lips occupied, he wasn’t sure if she would even notice it. Still, it was the principle of the thing. He wouldn’t allow himself to not reciprocate her affection in such a way.


 Soon after, her tongue would emerge from the chasm of her throat, beginning to lubricate her senpai.




As her mammoth tongue began to caress his lower body, Shirou couldn’t help but grunt in satisfaction...Precum beginning to leak from just the slighest touch. It didn’t seem like it would take very long at all to bring him to orgasm…


The massive tongue licked up the tiny spills with very little effort, before continuing to massage his shaft and balls. It was able to wrap around the tip of his penis, softly applying pressure.


Sakura was taking it slowly. It wouldn’t be as fun for senpai or herself if he came too quickly, right?  Besides...Running her tongue along his body felt good. The taste of his body, his semen...This could get rather addictive if she wasn’t careful. If she had wished to, she could have used a single finger to bring him to climax, but that wouldn’t have been very satisfying.


She tasted every single part of his body; every single nook, cranny, and crevice, as she savoured the flavour of Emiya Shirou. But there were limits to how far she could extend the time before climax. Inevitably, the stimulation was soon something Shirou could no longer hold back. White fluid spurted out from his cock as he moaned harder, the pressure applied around his genitals by her lips causing it to erupt in a concentrated stream like that of a miniature volcano, splattering over her lips and hand...


“I...love you...too! Ahh….”


 It would have been an exceptionally large load if he had been at normal size, but at his scale, Sakura could easily swallow it in less than a single gulp. Greedily licking up his love, she swirled it around her taste buds before swallowing it down...The lump in her throat visible as it traveled en-route to her stomach.


Shirou panted breathlessly as he was lowered back down to the soft surface of her hand...Composing himself the best he could after the onslaught of pleasure he had just been subjected to. He could hear Sakura’s breathing become heavier, too, but clearly not due to exhaustion. She obviously was not satisfied just yet, to say the least. In between laboured breaths, she spoke, the warm wind of her breath enveloping him.


“Senpai...I’m going to put you somewhere else...Please make me feel good…”


He nodded, as Sakura protectively raised her fingers around him...All the while her other hand reaching for her bra strap, removing it before it dropped to the floor along with all of her other clothing. She now wore nothing but her panties, still covering her quivering womanhood…Her breasts finally being laid bare, Shirou staring down towards them from his position on her hand.


From her own position lying back on the futon, she quickly lowered her little senpai onto the landscape of her lush, fertile body. Specifically, just beyond her stomach and at the very bottom of the valley of her chest. The twin mountains jiggling above him like towering monoliths, or objects of worship.


He stood within the shadow cast by her bare breasts..The mounds of flesh crowned by soft pink, erect nipples at the peak. The ground beneath his feet was spongy and soft, leaving small imprints of his footsteps that took a few moments before disappearing. Looking behind him, he beheld the gentle plains of her stomach area, along with a circular crater within the center that he could easily fit inside if he so wished.


“Sakura...What do you want me to d-”

Shirou had almost finished the question before he realised what she was implying by placing him here. She wanted him to give her breasts some attention…?


“Oh. I get it. Don’t worry, I’ll get right to it.”


Although he said that, it would still be easier said than done...Each boob was a hill in it’s own right, and it would take a struggle from him to climb them...But then again, that might be a pleasurable sensation for her. Considering she had just serviced him so well, he was more than happy to do whatever she wanted.




Sakura’s voice echoed across her body as small vibrations began to be felt throughout the ground. In reality, these small movements were a result of her fingers needily playing with her crotch, not willing to go all the way yet, but unable to resist the urge to pleasure herself.


That was a sign he needed to hurry up. Mustering up all of the strength he could, he would use his much practised high jump to latch onto her left breast...Pulling himself up the slope bit by bit, his naked lower body being dragged across the tit as he climbed.


Another quiet moan let him know that his efforts were being noticed.


Taking a fistful of her flesh into his hand, he continued to claw his way upward until he eventually reached the peak of Mt Sakura. Well, one of the peaks, anyway. From here, he could see the lay of the landscape...And in the centre of the mound was a nipple larger than himself. Now that he was here, what was the best way to go about this? He could use his hands, or his mouth to stimulate her, or...He could use his entire body to hump the nipple.


The second option sounded the most enjoyable for the both of them.


With a triumphant battle cry, he leaped atop and mounted the nipple...It swayed along with the swing of her breasts and the movements of her body, so he clung to it like a rodeo on a horse...Thrusting at it with his lower body, still oozing cum, giving it little licks and nibbles with his teeth...He lost himself in the pleasures of her body, his muscles moving according to his desires as he did his best to stay atop the teetering structure.


“Ahhn,,,Senpai is...On my nipple...That feels good….Nngh~”


It was absolutely having the intended effect, to the point of Sakura’s hands diverting their attention from her crotch towards her chest area. Grasping her breasts and squeezing it within her hand had the unintentional effect of squeezing her breasts closer together as they wobbled. Shirou having no choice but to cling on even tighter to the nipple to prevent himself from falling off…


 But eventually, it would prove too much to hang on for any longer...Her tiny senpai taking a tumble from the surface of the nipple, and landing squarely in=between the gap within her breasts. Compressed once again on all sides by her chest, Shirou felt the squeeze of her breasts against his naked body. Surrounding him, he was held tightly within the confines of the unbearably soft flesh as Sakura continued to squeeze her breasts together...Unaware in the fog of her lust that he had fallen in the first place, there was nothing he could do besides wait until she eventually noticed.




He was going to come again. The squeeze of her breasts was slightly painful, but it was overpowered by pleasure as the masses of breast flesh rubbed and squeezed against his manhood. What had earlier been a full body blowjob was now a full body paizuri, his penis being practically milked as precum spilled onto Sakura’s breasts. Sooner rather than later, he would be brought to climax again, the sensation of his seed on her skin snapping her out of her daze…


“Ah...Senpai...I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you there! Um...I didn’t mean to be so clumsy...”


With the booming proclamation of her voice from the heavens beyond the canyon in which he was trapped, her finger gently picked him up and brought him up to her face…The worry evident on her face, although as Shirou gave her a confident thumbs up it dimmed into relief.


“I-it’s okay. I enjoyed it, but I feel a bit bad. I’ve already come twice, and you haven’t once yet…”


Sakura frowned slightly. Was that really what he was most worried about, besides his own safety?


“I mean...I was about to, but your safety is more important to me, senpai. Please don’t disregard your life...Okay?”


“I know...And I’m glad that you’re so worried about me. But...I wasn’t in any serious danger. Your body is too soft for that, after all.”


That statement didn’t do anything to calm the blush on her face. But it certainly did appease her sensibilities.


“O-okay, then. Thank you for helping m-”


Shirou shook his head, wagging his finger slightly in contradiction.


“Nope. We’re not done yet, right? I didn’t get to finish pleasuring you. I want you to know that...You deserve to feel good, Sakura. So..”


Sakura quivered in anticipation and longing. Her eyes widening as she prepared to tell her senpai what she most wanted right now...The blush on her face intensifying once more at the prospect.


“Then...Senpai, if you’re sure...Do you mind going, um...there?”


He didn’t need to be told where she was referring to. Although he was still unsure of exactly how he could do such a thing safely…He pondered with his hand beneath his chin before Sakura interjected.


“Your body is strengthened, right? So, um...I could...Thrust you in, like…Well...Um...”


She motioned with her fingers, moving one in between a gap of two others. She felt too embarrassed to say it out loud. Although what she intended was rather obvious. But before she could dwell any further on that line of thought, Shirou nodded decisively once more, laying those doubts to rest. There was no hesitation whatsoever. His mind was as unbending as steel...


“Oh.. That might work, actually. I’d have to brace myself a little bit, though...But again, I trust you, Sakura. So um, go ahead…”


And so Sakura removed her panties, finally uncovering the entrance to her secret garden as a musty, sweet smell began wafting out in full force. The foreplay was over, and now it was time for the climax.


From between Sakura’s thumb and forefinger, he could see the vista of her body down sprawling out far below on the ground. If he looked too much, he might start to feel dizzy from vertigo. But that was dulled by the scent that already seemed to be attracting him with it’s pheromones. It was omnipresent, impossible to avoid, and filled him with lust. More importantly, he was still readying himself to be inserted inside. Heights were the least of his priorities right now.


“Are you ready, senpai?”


Sakura asked in a gentle voice, but one that was still absolutely dripping with desire. She hadn’t gotten her turn to climax yet, but Shirou was absolutely dead-set on ensuring that she did. More than once, if possible.


He steeled his nerves. He could definitely handle this much, after all. He’d already gone through several crazy situations within this single day. How different could being thrust head first into a vagina be?


“...Yeah. I know you’ll be gentle with me, Sakura. Go ahead.”


She nodded as he smiled towards her gently...Right. There was no need to feel awkward or hold back, then, was there? He was her hero, after all.


“Yes~ I will...”


Holding him tighter, her fingers would begin to descend towards her wet vagina...Spreading open her folds with her other hand, the door was left wide open for Shirou to enter.


He could see a glimpse of his destination before entering; the damp, pink wall of her clitoral lips directly below him as if to swallow him whole.


Bracing himself, he could feel the moistness of her nethers as condensation within the very air itself, dampening him with droplets of sticky love juice. It was as if she was a living planet that possessed her own atmosphere, but in reality it was simply a manifestation of the desire she held for him. Soon enough, he felt his legs being accepted by the slimy cavern below him, the rest of his body following bit by bit as he was slowly lowered into the depths of Sakura’s body.




She moaned as Shirou’s body rubbed against the sensitive nerve endings of her clitoris, the cavern being further flooded as a result. He held his breath, not wanting to breathe in her fluids through his nose. Thankfully, it wasn’t too tight of a fit due to his current size...He didn’t feel claustrophobic at all, and had plenty of room to move his head.


Sakura began to thrust him in and out, starting out gently and gradually increasing her speed with each thrust.




The more she did this, the more of her inner chamber became visible to Shirou. A fleshy, pinkish tunnel lined with nerves along the wall. This was the deepest and most intimate part of her, a place she wasn’t comfortable sharing with anybody else besides him. That trust meant a lot to the both of them, and seeing it up close at such a scale was certainly novel.


With each thrust, his body reached further into the inner sanctum, rubbing up against her insides and provoking earthshaking moans from the goddess that was Sakura.


“Ahhhh!~ Senpai…”


But she could only penetrate herself so far. And so, as her efforts in reaching further ran into diminishing returns, she loosened her grip on Shirou. Signalling for him to make the rest of the journey on his own..


As he was dropped onto the floor of the slimy tunnel, Shirou would first brush away some of the sticky nectar that had had covered him...He understood what she was asking him to do without any need for more words, but he would give his own anyway. It was unlikely she would be able to hear, anyway, but…


“Alright, Sakura. I’ll be gentle.”


She began to overflow as she held herself back from the oncoming climax, Shirou’s body inching closer to the most sensitive spots within her...Calling out for him, her other hand played with her nethers from the outside, leading to more quaking for her senpai. He did his best to remain steady on his feet despite this…Although he was unable to prevent himself from losing his balance, his face making contact with the lubricated walls and floor of the cave, causing him to become even more soaked with cum than before...And sending further tingles of arousal through her nethers.


And of course, this stimulated him as well. Although it was hardly his primary focus. Right now, he only wanted to pleasure her. Although he felt pleasant tingles as his lower body continually made contact with her insides.


It was somewhat of a struggle as he pushed further and further inside, before finally reaching a dead end...The very deepest part of her vaginal entrance.


Finally, once he had reached the furthest point within her, he began to hump the fleshy surface much like how he had done with her nipple...Although in this case, it was far more pleasurable for him. His penis adhered pleasurably to the squishy, firm vaginal walls...Them keeping it in place as he would pump his groin into the core of her being. Damn...He was going to come for a third time at this rate. It was unavoidable.




Cum spurted out from his cock once again, painting her inner reaches a stark white as she continued to milk him for more...The frequent rumbling making it difficult for him to remove his dick from within her without inadvertedly continuing to thrust.


However, the apocalyptic thunder would soon reach a fever pitch as her climax became unavoidable. If he didn’t detach himself...He was going to be caught in the tsunami.


“Hngh..S-senpai!..I’m going to come!”


A great waterfall was unleashed as she reached climax. The volume of liquid reached a level where Shirou could feasibly have swam beneath the waves..Although he didn’t plan to do that. Keeping his head above the water, he would himself tightly against any part of her he could reach as he was pulled along by the current of love juice towards the exit.


With a crash like the waves hitting the shore, he would finally be dumped outside in front of the entrance, taken along for the ride in a torrent of her cum.


Sakura’s heaving, panting body loomed above him, her having not quite noticed his departure yet. As she thrusted up and down against the bedsheets, he did his best to roll away in case she accidentally pinned him down beneath her nethers, or her shapely behind.


Now that he was in the clear, he took a moment to rest...Taking in deep breaths, although they were laced with pheromones and tasted like her. He’d succeeded in getting her off. Mission successful!


Soon enough, his lover would notice her heavily lubricated senpai upon the futon as she came down from her climax...Around half of the futon’s surface was wet now due to her explosive finish, which would necessitate a thorough wash later...But she didn’t mind. In actuality, that was one of her most intense orgasms, despite Shirou’s smaller size…


Looking down at him with a beaming smile, she would gently offer her hand. He would soon accept, returning with a wry smile of his own.


Placing him down within her palm, the couple both took a few more moments to collect themselves, breathing heavily from their exertion and lust. Particularly, Shirou was rather exhausted physically. Although it was nothing he wouldn’t regain after a short time to recover. 


Sakura laid down against her pillow, keeping her hand close to her as they both bathed in the afterglow of their lovemaking.


Sakura looked down at his sitting form within her palm. The sight of her cum-soaked, heavily breathing senpai caused her to suppress a giggle before he spoke up first, breaking the silence. There was a somewhat nervous blush on his face, something she found adorable.


“Um...was it good for you, Sakura?”


His Kouhai smiled happily, beginning their pillow talk as she dreamily glazed her eyes over his tiny body. Tracing her finger gently over his abs...


“Yes! Thank you, senpai. Although...You do look a bit exhausted. Do you need a break before we continue?”


Of course, they weren’t done yet. And about that Shirou had a confession to make. Sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his head...


“I think a small break would be good for me ,yeah...Especially because, um... Sakura. I have to admit something…I actually came a third time inside of you.”

Sakura reacted with a lack of surprise, her eyelashes fluttering as she smiled mischeviously… A slight teasing tone to her voice as she brought her finger to her lips...Licking off the remaining fluid adhered to it and swallowing with an exaggerated gulp.


 “Don’t worry, senpai. We have all the time that we need. There’s no rush… After all, you still have to make me come a second and third time in return. It’s only fair, isn’t it? Fufu~


And so the evening would continue on in such a manner…Several more lewd activities taking place within the bedroom while Rider took care of any remaining household chores. It seemed like her expectations of what would happen in this situation had been proven true, to her approval.


Later that evening...Having cleaned up, the couple sat out on the veranda of the house, gazing up at the starry sky. Many momentous events in both of their lives had happened beneath this sky. As they felt the night air and the rays of the moon wash over them, Shirou would address her from his seat atop her lap.


“Hey, Sakura. I think this...Isn’t so bad.”


She tilted her head quizically. Not quite able to confirm what he meant, at least not until he answered that for her.


“Um...I’m pretty certain you don’t mean this view, but I don’t want to assume I know what you’re talking about.”


“This situation, of course. Being like this has it’s advantages. I don’t mind being...Taken care of, just a little. Not if it’s you, Sakura…”


His kouhai reached a finger down, affectionately rubbing his head.


“I thought so. That makes me happy, senpai. You spend so much time hard at work...Trying to help me and others, so...I’m glad I get to pamper you for a while.”


“Hey, you work just as hard as I do…”


“Mm~ But you pamper me regularly. I don’t often get the chance to pamper you, you know?”


He blushed, knowing that she was absolutely right. Emiya Shirou was still not good at letting others worry about him. That was one of his deficits...But he was improving, clearly. Letting people do nice things for him...Was pleasant, he realised. There was no reason to fight it. He did the same for others all the time, so why shouldn’t he take the time to appreciate it?


“...You’re right. I admit that. But maybe...From now on, I’ll try and let you do it more often.”


Sakura giggled girlishly as she gently scooped up Shirou’s tiny form...Raising him up into the moonlight, she would plant a kiss on his upper body.


“We still have another week with you like this, senpai. So...If there’s anything you want me to do for you...Please let me know, okay?”


As her lips once again engulfed him, he would softly embrace the sensation, falling into the soft contours like a pillow before they separated from his form, him being placed upon her palm. He felt sleepy, all of a sudden. All of this excitement had taken a lot of energy, after all. But it had been enjoyable…


“Mm...I’m looking forward to it. But for now...Do you mind if I sleep there again?”


She could tell that he was clearly already nodding off, and so with a gentle smile...She would pick him up once more, sliding him in between the soft expanse of her cleavage, where he would come to rest for the night.


“Of course~ Good night, senpai. I love you…”

“I love you too...Sakura...Thank you…”


Falling into slumber, Sakura tucked him into her bra before retiring to her room...Taking one last look at the starry sky above.


In time, Shirou would be back to his normal size. But for now...She would make sure they both enjoyed the situation to it’s fullest. He deserved it...And as her sister had said, she had enjoyed herself.


“...Was this your plan all along, nee-san?”


She quietly whispered into the night sky, before returning to her bed...


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