Chun-Li found herself in a rather unusual situation: She had been given a couple of days off. And not without reason, they had just completed a successful but difficult raid on the latest Shadaloo base they could find. A well-fortified, hi-tech fortress hidden in the jungle, guarded by powerful cyborgs and people that had been abducted and experimented upon, which proved to be a fair challenge even to the mighty Chun-Li, though she wasn’t alone, as Cammy had been assigned to assist her in the mission, as well as some other highly qualified Interpol agents, as this was a fairly large operation.
‘These things were easier when Charlie was around’ She sighed, lamenting her good friend’s demise, having bravely sacrificed his own life to allow her to escape. Both were passionate paragons of justice that had suffered terrible injustices and wanted to make sure nobody ever suffered such things ever again. He entrusted her with their shared mission, knowing that he wasn’t going to make it, but he’d hold Bison off and hoped that the two would be taken out by the base’s self-destruction.
The grueling fighting that ensued as they forced their way through saw only Chun-Li, Cammy and few other agents make it out alive, though they managed to seize almost all of their research and technology before the base inevitably self-destructed. Thus, after such a hard and stressful fight, the higher ups ordered for everyone to take a good, long rest so they all would be in prime condition to keep fighting the evil organization.
Chun-Li had been working for so long, focusing solely on destroying Shadaloo for good, that she kind of forgot what to do with her own life on a free day. Sure, there were books to read or even shows and movies to watch, but she couldn’t shake off the guilty feeling from slacking off if she decided to do any of these, so she did the one thing she deemed productive enough… training. She went to a nearby gym that had a partnership with Interpol to provide high quality training equipment for their agents, although with what she earned she could easily afford to go to any such gym on her own, though such a membership would most likely end up wasted as Chun-Li’s missions had her constantly moving around the globe.
She noticed that even though the gym was large, there were very few people in, but she felt relieved by that. She just wanted to have a quiet day to herself and further hone her fighting skills in peace, as well as keep her body in its best possible shape. Especially her powerful legs, as her kicks had even become “legendary”, at least among those who knew of either the Street Fighter tournaments or about the people involved in the fight against Shadaloo. She kicked a large sandbag with extreme speed and great strength in very rapid succession until she felt satisfied, then repeated the process using her other leg.
She also punched the same sandbag until she felt she needed a break, which, given her amazing shape, took a fairly long while. She sat down at a nearby bench and drank some water, as her body was hot both on the outside and inside and it demanded hydration. She took a few nice, deep breaths that also helped cool her off, and sat there, thinking about what else she could do with her day.
Pushing herself too much at the gym would be no good, and besides, she was going to have a few days off before she’d go back to active duty so she could exercise as much as she pleased tomorrow, and the days after.
Still unsure on what she’d do next, Chun-Li went and took a shower to further cool herself off as well as to clean her body after building up a fair layer of sweat as a result of her intense workout. One could argue her training was on the same level as Olympic athletes if not even higher, but anyone that understood her line of work would know why, at Shadaloo, not only they fielded people armed with high-powered weapons, but also had cyborgs and people who were experimented upon to make them far stronger than the average person. It was because of these things that the Interpol required special, talented fighters that could face these threats, where conventional agents would surely fail.
After a somewhat long, but very relaxing shower, Chun-Li stepped out, dried herself off and put on a new change of clothes, and right as she walked back into the gym she found her partner, Cammy White, who had seemingly just arrived. She was just as surprised to have run into her.
“Fancy meeting you here” Cammy greeted her with a smile.
“Hello.” Chun-Li smiled back. “I suppose I’m not the only one who needed to do something useful on a day off” she said with a faint hint of a smile.
“Yeah. I’m not used to not have anything to do…” Cammy replied.
“I know the feeling…” Chun-Li said as she patted her friend’s shoulder. Though she knew it wasn’t on the same level as Cammy, whose previous amnesia during the time she served Bison robbed her of a good portion of her life’s memories, and she sort of had to re-learn how to be a person; however, after a few years, she made impressive progress, although she still retained some quirks such as not quite understanding the concept of family.
“Hey… Since you’re already here, how about we have a sparring match? That’d be much more fun than just doing the same workout as always” Cammy said, showing some more enthusiasm than she normally let on.
“But exercise and training are equally as important…” Chun-Li said with a somewhat stern tone, which made her giggle internally, as she felt like an older sister or a mother figure to the British blonde.
“Oh? Is the mighty Chun-Li backing down from a challenge? I thought you were the strongest woman in the world!” Cammy said with a playful chuckle, which made Chun-Li laugh a little herself.
“I never said I was backing down” She said “Alright, it’s on. I’ll show you why that claim is still undisputed to this day” Chun-Li cracked her knuckles. She wasn’t quite at full strength, after all, she had pretty much let out most of her pent-up frustration and grief at the gym mere moments ago, but she was more than well aware that on the battlefield, sometimes one would have to go on without sleep or rest. Besides, this was a friendly spar, not a fight to the death.
“Nice! But, how about we raise the stakes a little?” Cammy said, seeing that Chun-Li had set her bag down.
“As in…?” Chun-Li replied with an inquisitive look.
“A bet. I’ve seen that it’s a thing that friends do sometimes…”
“Huh… Did they let you browse the Internet unsupervised again?” Chun-Li asked with a slight chuckle.
“I’m not a little girl!” Cammy pouted, and that only made the older, more mature lady laugh more heartily.
“I’m just kidding. Hmm… well, I guess a little bet doesn’t hurt… so, what’s the prize for winning?”
“The winner can have the loser do whatever they ask during the day” Cammy replied so quickly that Chun-Li’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise.
“Wow… if I didn’t know you better, I would’ve thought you had that already planned out”
“So, deal?”
Chun-Li tapped her chin in thought. This was the kind of bet that lent itself to being used for embarrassing purposes, or to basically make someone another person’s servant, but Cammy was far too innocent on such regards, despite being a hardened fighter, for that to be much of a risk. Chun-Li figured she saw some silly things on the Internet that she wanted to try without having to take a ‘no’ for an answer. Thus, with a little initial reluctance, she nodded and held her hand out, which Cammy shook.
The gym had a fighting ring, similar to the ones used in boxing, but slightly modified as Interpol agents often practiced their close-quarter-combat skills there, and the other gym members also often attended some kind of martial arts course or self-defense. Both Chun-Li and Cammy got on after the latter changed into her usual attire, that being her Delta Red outfit. She did a British military salute while Chun-Li briefly bowed to her before both women got into their respective fighting stances.
Cammy charged at her, being full of energy, and her fighting style always being more on the aggressive side, while Chun-Li tried to keep a balanced approach, plus, she didn’t exactly want to overexert herself, so she dodged her initial assault, which had been a flying kick, followed by a rapid series of punches that the veteran kung-fu master dodged and blocked, waiting for an opportunity, which didn’t take long to arrive. During a split second in between punches, Chun-Li found that Cammy was wide open and seized the chance, throwing a powerful kick that made her blonde friend panic and barely dodged it.
Cammy’s heart skipped a couple of beats, as she could feel that kick’s sheer power from the air it displaced. That was the kind of kick that could break somebody’s bones. But she didn’t hold it against Chun-Li, she knew holding back was hard, and her kicks were insanely powerful to begin with. She wouldn’t like to imagine what that would’ve been like had she meant it for real.
Chun-Li capitalized on that momentum she just gained and went on the offensive, using her famous rapid-fire Kyakuretsukyaku, giving Cammy trouble as her kicks were almost faster than the eye could see, and the only reason she could even dodge them in the first place was because she’s trained in the past with her.
Crouching, Cammy tried a sweeping kick but Chun-Li easily dodged it, though Cammy’s intent worked, since it got her to stop her ultra-fast kicks. Both women threw powerful punches at each other, but they dodged and blocked them with skill that could only be acquired through years of insanely intense training and constant practice.
Cammy constantly moved around the ring, taking advantage of her incredible speed and slightly lighter physique, although Chun-Li was no slouch on that regard, and easily kept up with her constant attacks, even when they came from different directions and angles. Chun-Li even managed to connect her signature Spinning Bird Kick while catching Cammy off-guard, and while she managed to absorb the hits pretty well with minimal damage, her clothes weren’t as lucky, and the portion of her leotard that covered her abdomen got several large tears in it.
“Whoah… Sorry, Cammy…” Chun-Li said, dropping her fighting stance after noticing what happened.
“It’s alright. It was an old outfit and this was going to happen sooner or later. They finally made better ones for actual missions and let me keep the others, so I wear them to work out” Cammy nonchalantly shrugged.
“So… what do you want to do?” Chun-Li asked, still wondering if it’d be alright to go on with the sparring match or to call it off.
“We still haven’t finished our match…” Cammy smiled “Remember the bet we made?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know…” Chun-Li sighed. Cammy was an odd mixture of a hardened soldier and a child, in the strangest ways, though admittedly, it was often amusing.
The 2 ladies resumed their combat and exchanged hundreds of punches and kicks that flew at unbelievable speeds to the untrained eye, and most of those were either skillfully dodged or blocked. Cammy was a bit surprised Chun-Li could fight this well after having done a full workout, but she then began to notice a few subtle signs that her friend was already growing tired.
After about 30 minutes of this sustained high-level fighting, Chun-Li was definitely looking more tired, sweating a little and taking deeper breaths, but she wasn’t going to give Cammy a free win, regardless of the bet, she still had her personal pride on the line, however, there was no denying that Cammy boasted more energy than her, and her rapid attacks were wearing her defenses down pretty fast, and was gradually forced back into the defensive, hoping Cammy would tire herself out before she did. Cammy realized of this strategy, however, and decided to call her bluff, repeatedly using her signature move, the Cannon Drill from nearly all directions, bouncing off the ring’s ropes after every use, forcing Chun-Li to dodge them, having her arms go temporarily numb after blocking it once.
After several of these, Chun-Li, who was feeling too tired to keep dodging these attacks by dashing around, decided to crouch, and that was the chance the blonde British was waiting for, instead of bouncing back, she leapt over Chun-Li’s back and when she landed, she was effectively sitting on the back of her neck, quickly crossing her thighs to begin squeezing it. Her Chinese friend was completely caught off-guard by this and desperately tried to throw her off herself, but Cammy wouldn’t allow her to do that, and squeezed more and more with her thighs until Chun-Li was finally forced to tap out, forfeiting the match. Cammy couldn’t help but laugh a little when she saw Chun-Li desperately catch her breath, but it also made her glance down at her own thighs, it looked like they had grown bigger since last time she checked.
“Are you alright?” She asked, to which Chun-Li nodded in response, still unable to speak by the look in her face.
“God, those thighs are dangerous” she said after having caught her breath.
“The kettle calling the pot black” Cammy chuckled, glancing at Chun-Li’s own large and powerful, but also delightfully thick and toned thighs, which had garnered the attention of many people for many different reasons.
“Uh, I think you got it backwards, it’s ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ “ Chun-Li replied with a raised eyebrow.
“Eh, I like kettles better” Cammy shrugged, making her friend badly suppress a laugh of her own as she facepalmed.
“Alright… well, you won fair and square… so, what now?” Chun-Li asked, feeling genuinely curious as to what Cammy’s mind was up to.
“For starters, let’s go back to my place!” Cammy happily suggested, apparently, no longer caring about getting her daily workout, but Chun-Li already knew that if she had set her mind to something, she wouldn’t accept any kind of detours or distractions that weren’t strictly mandatory.
“I think we both could use a shower” Chun-Li said.
“We can do that there, besides, I don’t mind walking” Cammy said while giving her a teasing look.
‘So, she still wants to do some exercise… ok, fair enough’ Chun-Li thought, albeit with a bit of annoyance as her own legs were already beginning to hurt. Still, she wasn’t going to let her pride be wounded twice and followed Cammy to her home, the two catching up and having a rather enjoyable small-talk as they walked.
The walk to Cammy’s home took roughly 40 minutes, but then again, they were walking at a calmer pace, rather than jogging as they’d normally do for training purposes, but it was still a fair amount of exercise, as Chun-Li’s aching legs could attest. It was a house, rather than an apartment, which surprised the Interpol officer, as last time she had checked, Cammy used to live in an apartment. She chuckled internally, wondering if Delta Red paid that much better than Interpol.
“Home, sweet home” Cammy said, feeling proud of herself, as it was a pretty significant life accomplishment to get a home of her own.
Though, it was very simplistic, maybe too simplistic. She had the absolute bare minimum of things required to make a functioning home, but then again, this was someone who hadn’t fully gotten the hang of “being an adult in a society” as of yet, and also someone who lived by herself and didn’t spend that much time at home. But Chun-Li still felt a few things could be done to make it more comforting.
“So, what do you want to do?” Chun-Li asked, breaking the ice, but also feeling genuinely curious as to what Cammy was up to with that bet.
She knew the young elite fighter gave it her all in the sparring match, while she herself was already somewhat worn down and tired… and that was without mentioning that she refrained from using her more powerful ki techniques, as those would’ve probably caused severe damage to the gym, and that would be a nightmare in terms of lawsuits, money and PR.
“There’s something interesting I want to try. Hold on for a second” Cammy said, sounding rather enthusiastic about it. Chun-Li chuckled, in some ways, she was indeed like a little girl, so she figured it’d likely something silly she saw on the Internet.
The twin-braided blonde went to her bedroom and seemed to rummage around her stuff for a couple of minutes before she came back, while Chun-Li decided to make herself at come, sitting on the couch to get some rest, the workout, the sparring match and the walk were about enough activity for the day, as far as her legs were concerned. Cammy then came back, wearing what looked like a silver and gold hi-tech gauntlet, with many circuitry lines, and quite a few chips visible on the gauntlet itself. Chun-Li couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.
“Don’t tell me C. Viper sold you one of her gadgets” she said in a less-than-amused voice.
“Looks like it, doesn’t it?” Cammy chuckled, which was quite a rarity, further confusing the Chinese lady.
“Y-Yeah… so, what’s the deal with that thing?” she asked.
“This is like a prototype thing they had back in that Shadaloo base we raided” Cammy calmly explained.
“What?! Cammy! We were supposed to turn all of the evidence in! What if it’s another Psycho Power-based weapon? You shouldn’t even be touching that!” Chun-Li sternly scolded her friend, going full-on motherly or big sister mode.
“Relax. This has nothing to do with Psycho Power. This isn’t even a weapon, actually” Cammy said with a somewhat mischievous smile, which unnerved Chun-Li.
“Looks like a prototype of C. Viper’s combat gloves” She noted “Also what do you mean it’s not a weapon?”
“It’s better if I show you” Cammy said, pressing a button on the gauntlet. Its circuitry lines began glowing with neon green and blue lights while it looked like the bizarre artifact came to life, making a faint whirring noise as it presumably charged up.
“Are you really sure it’s not a weapon?” Chun-Li asked, with a more noticeably nervousness in her voice.
“Trust me. It’s not” Cammy said as she opened and closed the hand in the gauntlet a couple of times. She then pushed another button and Chun-Li saw it glow with purplish light that was eerily reminiscent of Psycho Power energy.
“Well, what does it d-“ Chun-Li tried asking when Cammy suddenly aimed the gauntlet at her, and from its palm, a pink-purplish surge of lightning-like energy zapped her, which felt indeed like electricity, though fortunately it didn’t fry her.
Unknown to her, this gauntlet’s energy thoroughly altered her bodily and molecular structures, while reducing her size at the same time, as more of this unknown energy coursed through her she shrank more and more while her body turned pink and translucent. In about a minute, the zapping stopped, and Chun-Li stood at 3 inches tall at most while looking like some bizarre gummy doll, although a few of her organs were somewhat visible inside her, though they too looked like they were now made out of an opaquer darker pink or purplish gum-like material.
“What… the hell…?” Chun-Li muttered in shock, seeing her translucent hands.
“Pretty cool, isn’t it?” Cammy asked, but now her voice had a certain booming to it, and it sounded like it came from quite a distance above.
“T-This isn’t cool at all, Cammy! Change me back!” The now diminutive Chinese fighter yelled, but the blonde Brit simply giggled as she crouched to get a better look at her.
“But you agreed to do whatever I said for a day. What I want you to do is help me test this thing” she said with a cheeky smile, while Chun-Li growled in annoyance and facepalmed hard.
“You’re not returning me back to normal until you’re satisfied, are you?” Chun-Li asked and Cammy nodded in response, eliciting another annoyed groan from the now tiny fighter.
“Fine…” She sighed and touched her arms, they felt cool and gum-like. She shuddered, not liking that whatever Cammy used changed her body so much. She wasn’t an expert on molecular biology, but even she recognized she couldn’t act all that skeptical when she clearly knew about the existence of supernatural stuff such as ki and Psycho Power.
Cammy then crouched and carefully picked her up, marveling at how her now little chest moved along with her breathing despite looking like a kind of gel or slime toy, and in addition to that she was the size of a small doll, only her head and down to the neck and her feet stuck out of her closed gloved hand, the rest of her body was covered by it. She lifted Chun-Li to her face and stared at her in utter fascination, much to the latter’s discomfort.
“This is incredible!” Cammy giggled and opened her hand a little, poking one of Chun-Li’s legendary thighs. She knew from previous experiences that they were made of finely toned muscle, with just the right amount of a fatty layer on top to make them supple, hiding somewhat the true power that they possessed… but that consistency was now gone, instead, it felt as if she were poking gelatin.
“Ooh! Looks like someone has been slacking at the gym” She teased, making her tiny friend blush in embarrassment as the giant finger sank more into her now squishy thigh. She then used two fingers to pinch it, feeling it flatten between her fingertips. To Chun-Li, this was an odd feeling, it wasn’t downright painful, but it was uncomfortable and it bothered her. However, she understood Cammy would feel curious about her current condition, though she wished she were more delicate about it, yet, due to the bet they made, she couldn’t exactly complain.
Cammy did the same thing with her other thigh, marveled at seeing how they returned to their original shape after having been pinched flat.
“It’s like you’re made of some kind of gum” she said with an intrigued look.
“You don’t say…” Chun-Li said with the least amount of enthusiasm she had expressed so far. She then noticed that her blonde friend used a finger to poke her own thigh, comparing its texture to hers.
“At least you can’t make fun of my softer thighs anymore, huh?” She said, but her teasing smile let her know she was just having a pretty fun time, which Chun-Li reluctantly allowed.
She remembered being told several times that she needed to cut back sometimes and relax, and while this was far from the best situation to try that, it wasn’t the worst either, so, the least she could do is try and help her friend have some fun, and maybe have some herself in the process. The thing about her thighs had made self-conscious at first but then she understood that this was all a silly transformation that wouldn’t last forever, and before she knew it, she’d be back to her usual self, sporting the muscles she worked so hard for.
“So, if you can get squished and return to normal, you might actually be sort of indestructible now” Cammy said after a few moments of seemingly being in deep thought.
“That’d be useful if I weren’t this small though” Chun-Li pointed out “I mean, at this size I don’t think I’d be able to do much, I can’t even attack or defend myself”
“Hmm… true… well, this thing looked like it was an early experiment, maybe it can be tweaked to give some special kind of powers, like in those comic books! Or like Dhalsim!” Cammy said, and she sounded quite excited about the idea. Chun-Li however was usually more stoic, but even she found the prospect interesting, although she’d rather not be the test subject for the improved version.
Without warning, Cammy grabbed Chun-Li’s foot and lightly pinched it between her fingertips before she pulled it outwards, even though she expected it, she was still surprised to see that it stretched quite a bit.
“Ugh! Please warn me before doing that” Chun-Li winced.
“Oh. Sorry. Did it hurt?” Cammy asked, letting go of her foot, which snapped back into its former shape.
“Well… it doesn’t exactly hurt, but it’s uncomfortable”
“Alright, I’ll try to be gentler” Cammy said, but right after that she poked Chun-Li’s stomach with a finger, tickling her and squishing it a little. The formerly mighty Chinese fighter found herself laughing even though she wasn’t supposed to be that ticklish. She chalked that up to the gauntlet too, apparently, it made her more sensitive in some ways.
“H-Hey!” Chun-Li tried to protest, but she was laughing too much to sound serious, and Cammy was laughing as well, perhaps feeling like the little girl she didn’t get to be thanks to M. Bison. After a while, Cammy finally let her friend catch her breath and watched in fascination how her stomach too returned to its shape.
“I think even your bones got squishy” she said, pressing her fingertip against Chun-Li’s chest and squishing it flat. Due to her being semi-translucent, Cammy could see that her tiny ribcage and the organs within also got flattened, but quickly returned to their former shape. Chun-Li gasped loudly, as that little stunt had almost literally knocked the wind out of her.
“Yep. Squishy bones… Squishbones… that sounds like a cute nickname” She giggled again, but Chun-Li was nowhere near as amused as her friend.
“Maybe… for a dog or a cat” Chun-Li said, trying to avoid getting such an embarrassing nickname herself.
“Hmm… I guess it can sort of work for a cat. Cats are kinda squishy too” She smiled, fondly reminiscing of the times she got a chance to pet or hold a cat. A few moments later, she snapped out of it and decided to continue with her impromptu testing. The look she gave to her friend made her worry; she could tell the young Brit was getting some funny ideas.
“What?” Chun-Li asked, almost not wanting to know the answer.
“You’re soft… and my thighs are soft…” She said, first poking Chun-Li’s gummy-like thighs before poking her own thigh with a finger.
“I don’t like where this is going” Chun-Li said, but either Cammy didn’t hear her or ignored her, as she continued.
“I wonder which one’s are softer…”
“W-w-wait Cammy DON’T-!” Chun-Li tried to stop her friend, but was ultimately powerless to do so as Cammy walked to her couch, sat down and put her right between her thighs.
“Oof, you scared me for a minute, almost had a heart att…ACK!” Chun-Li was once more cut off as Cammy nonchalantly pushed her from above so that she sank between her admittedly soft and juicy thighs. They were warm and pleasantly soft, they had a little bit of “give”, and their flesh was firm and springy, but to her, those were giant walls that engulfed her whole body.
Cammy then began squeezing, shuddering a little as she felt the cool gel-like stuff Chun-Li was seemingly made of, and on a pretty sensitive spot of hers too, the inner side of her thighs. The proud Chinese woman was near effortlessly flattened when she began applying the tiniest bit of pressure, an indirect testament to what they were capable of, as Cammy knew from having watched some footage that during her time as a brainwashed agent of Shadaloo, she had ended many people’s lives using them, but she wasn’t thinking about that right now, she was simply having fun, using her thighs not as deadly weapons but as the soft, somewhat sensitive body parts that they were too, though they still contained a considerable might.
Feeling the cool gummy material, almost liquefied by the sheer pressure her legs exerted, she enjoyed a pleasurable tingly feeling that she wished would go on forever… however, like all good things, she knew it had to ultimately come to an end, and gradually stopped squeezing her thighs together, allowing her friend to reform, a process that was surprisingly fast actually.
To Chun-Li, this experience alone surpassed by far anything she considered weird or crazy before. Her whole body, her whole existence had been flattened and almost turned to a liquid, but she retained all of her senses. She wasn’t in pain, but she still felt the immense pressure from Cammy’s now building-sized thighs.
Their softness and warmth sent chills up her spine, or what she felt was her spine, as the sense of where were the things in her body had become muddled and warped by her currently squishy condition. Fortunately for her, it didn’t seem to last for that long, and Cammy stopped squeezing her thighs together, allowing her to reform, though that was a process Chun-Li herself had no control over.
“Well, what do you think?” Cammy asked. Chun-Li, however, was a bit confused, since she thought this was one of her improvised ‘tests’.
“Uh, I think we’ve proved I seem to be impervious to crushing…” She hesitantly replied.
“No, silly! What do you think about these?” Cammy giggled, patting her thighs, which jiggled more than Chun-Li expected, or perhaps due to her smaller size she noticed these things more, she wasn’t entirely sure.
“They’re fine… I suppose, they’re firm and toned” Chun-Li felt awkward complimenting her like that after what just had happened.
“Hmm… but they’re not tock-hard like yours… or like yours were before” Cammy said, poking her left thigh with her index finger and pushing it into the soft, yielding surface. Her muscles were powerful, but they weren’t as tightly compacted as her friend’s, and unless they were actively flexed, they were actually pretty tender, a factor that was only improved by the slight layer of fatty ‘padding’ on top of them.
“They’re good as they are” Chun-Li said, making an effort in hiding the nervousness in her laughter. Cammy’s thighs had already been quite overbearing as they were right now, imagining that she got them any more similar to her own downright terrified her.
“Alright!” Cammy happily took that as a compliment and seemingly dropped the topic. She picked Chun-Li up again and sat her on her palm, then brought her close to her face, she was still fascinated to see something that looked artificial, yet was clearly a living thing, but this was an entirely different thing than those weird cyborgs/genetic experiments she fought in the past. She wasn’t entirely sure on letting her friend know, but to her, she almost looked like living jello.
“Is something wrong?” Chun-Li asked, feeling a little nervous by how intensely Cammy was staring at her. She said nothing in response, but used a finger to poke her chest, pushing against her now small but proportionately large, perky and round breasts, though in their current form they had been reduced to small blobs of gummy material.
“They’re big even for your size” Cammy said with a more subtle smile, to which Chun-Li raised an eyebrow, unable to determine what she exactly meant by that. Was that a compliment? Envy? She couldn’t tell for sure.
“It’s not like yours are small” Chun-Li tried easing the mood, still trying to get an accurate read on her reactions, which was always rather hard despite Chun-Li’s extensive training as an Interpol agent.
“They were smaller than yours before” Cammy said in a slightly teasing tone and brought her hand closer to her chest. Now her boobs were easily house-sized to the poor shrunken woman, who couldn’t help but feel intimidated, their sheer size, weight and volume all seemed to indicate they’d weigh at least a couple of tons in her relative scale.
Feeling a bit bolder, and significantly more curious, Cammy pushed Chun-Li against her left breast but without enough force to squish her, only enough to pin her against her soft fleshy mound. Chun-Li could attest now that it was even softer than her thighs, the bouncy flesh here felt closer to dough than to a springy mattress, but it was just as embarrassing, feeling so small against a single part of her friend’s body.
Before her tiny friend could protest, she picked her up by the torso and brought her to her cleavage, using her free hand to spread her breasts a little, neatly fitting her in the newly opened space before she let go and her boobs bounced back into place.
To Chun-Li, it was as if two wrecking balls made of marshmallow struck her from both sides, she was instantly engulfed between the massive fleshy twins, and her gummy body didn’t stand a chance, flattening and molding to both of these enormous meaty globes’ round surfaces. At least she was still wearing her green leotard, so she didn’t get to feel her bare skin as she did when her thighs squashed her. Cammy’s heart powerfully resonated behind her, beating like a war drum, albeit a rather slow and relaxed one, though it was gradually picking up the pace, as her excitement grew.
Even though there was a layer of clothing between Chun-Li and her skin, she could still feel her squishy texture in her cleavage, a new, wild feeling that sent waves of pleasurable tingling all over her spine and to her limbs. She used her arms to squeeze her chest and apply even more pressure, flattening her even more than before, to an almost paper-thin state. Quietly giggling to herself, she jiggled her chest, vaguely feeling Chun-Li’s tiny and flattened form bounce together with her bountiful flesh. Cammy tried to imagine what that was like from her friend’s position, finding the idea not just amusing, but also slightly arousing.
Right now, she felt like she was much bigger than she really was, and her sensual feminine features, many of which she took pride in, were now overwhelming to someone like Chun-Li. She wondered if there’d be a way to get Guile to agree to this treatment, blushing quite intensely when that thought crossed her mind. She silently decided that this might serve as a practice run for when that were to happen, although that’d require some more planning.
After about 15 minutes, she stopped squeezing her chest and spread it with one hand to let Chun-Li reform just like she had before. So far, nothing indicated there was any sort of limit to how many times she could get flattened, as long as she were given a chance to reform. Now that she was thinking about the things she wanted to do to Guile, Cammy’s mind shifted to the highest gears and her imagination began running truly wild.
“Ugh…” Chun-Li groaned as she reformed with a ‘pop!’, still in the canyon that was Cammy’s cleavage. She felt like she had been run over by a truck several times over, and in a way, that was a pretty accurate way to describe what she had just endured.
“H-Hey, do you think we could go a bit easier with these ‘tests’?” She weakly asked, still reeling from having had her entire self turned into almost paper-thin stuff. Cammy responded by picking her up and bringing her to her face.
“I wonder what you taste like” she said, either she didn’t hear her before or completely ignored it, instead, she sniffed her, bringing her as close as she could to her nose. She could smell a delicate sweet scent, and with a little focusing she realized it was a strawberry kind of smell, which reminded her of the strawberries on cakes, which she loved.
“Eh?!” Chun-Li alarmedly exclaimed as Cammy brought her closer to her mouth and opened it, licking her. Her tongue was like a moist, wide snake that was a bit longer than she was tall, and the warm breath coming out of her mouth felt as if she had just opened a sauna’s door.
Cammy thoroughly licked her, enjoying the strawberry taste that she had first smelled on her. It was like she were some kind of candy, and it made her think of gummy bears, though she was considerably squishier than them, but oddly enough, she tasted sweet just like them. Chun-Li couldn’t even protest as the enormous tongue pressed against the front side of her body and passing over it several times, and without further consideration, she was pushed right into it.
Chun-Li could hardly believe it, now she was in a warm, moist and cramped ‘cave’ that was her friend’s mouth, and her tongue seemingly got even more playful now that she was in its home turf, pushing her around and grinding her a little into the walls that were the inside of Cammy’s cheeks, though she avoided her teeth at least. She got startled again when she heard her blonde friend’s rumbling giggling, she was definitely having a lot of fun at her expense.
Even in her mouth, Chun-Li at first felt rather cool, not quite like an ice cube, and more along the lines of cool water, but quickly got infused with Cammy’s warmth. She enjoyed her sweet taste, which felt even better now that she was in her mouth, and had to constantly remind herself not to chew or swallow, though she was sure the former wouldn’t be as much trouble, but it might be a slippery slope for her, and after a few more minutes of this ‘fun’, she opened her mouth and pulled what looked like chewing gum, as her tongue alone had managed to squash her into a puddle that even absorbed some of her warm saliva like a sponge.
Chun-Li shuddered, that was by far the most extreme ‘test’ she had ever been subjected to yet, and was greatly relieved to be out of Cammy’s mouth, though her happy look after putting her through that didn’t make her feel any better. However, this also served to bring forth a new fear: What if she got eaten? She could survive getting crushed, yes, but eaten? That’d be horrifying, to be devoured alive, with no way of knowing how her new body would react to the harsh acids of a stomach, but she definitely didn’t want to find out, though now with her current size, that possibility became real.
She then saw Cammy’s eyes briefly flash with purple light, but it happened so fast she wasn’t even sure if that ever happened or her mind was just playing tricks on her after the shock of being the closest she ever got to getting eaten. She was so shocked she didn’t even notice her body had regained its shape and shuddered. She really wished she didn’t see anything because that almost looked like a surge of Psycho Power, which was already bad news, but it’d be even worse on someone like Cammy herself.
“Are you ok?” Chun-Li worriedly asked.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t I be?” Cammy raised an eyebrow, staring at her for a moment. “I should be asking you the same thing” she giggled, reminding her of her latest ‘experience’.
“Uh, I suppose it was okay, could’ve been worse” Chun-Li nervously replied.
“Good” Cammy smiled, and the still wildly curious, inquisitive look she gave her only made the poor Chinese fighter shudder more, these ‘tests’ were rapidly getting unfriendly to her, and it didn’t seem like she was gonna stop anytime soon.
“What now?” Chun-Li asked with a defeated sigh, but Cammy’s look only seemed to get more predatory in nature while giving her a much more mischievous smile than usual. Saying nothing, she simply began lowering her down, which made the now gummy woman wonder if she was going to try again using her thighs. Soon, she got her answer when Cammy held her right in the middle of said thighs.
‘I know Cammy’s clothing choices ever since the 2nd Street Fighter World Tournament are quite peculiar, but this is ridiculous!’ she thought, seeing something she never had before, at least that she could recall: Cammy sporting a cameltoe.
‘Is… is she not wearing any underwear?! At all?!’ Her eyes widened in shock. Worse still, Cammy’s other pair of lips looked engorged from their usual size, which could only mean she was getting turned on. Chun-Li began reconsidering her entire life’s choices, wondering where it all went downhill, leading to this very moment. Much to her horror, she used her free hand to push that part of her leotard to the side and brought her closer and closer to it. This time, she tried resisting, though it ended up being a futile effort, and soon she was right before it.
Cammy then used that same hand to spread her lips open, revealing a very moist looking pussy, much to Chun-Li’s chagrin. She squirmed the hardest she could in her grasp, trying to slip out of it, but it was simply no use. It was roughly as tall as she was, or close to it. Somehow, she perceived its lustful hunger.
‘What the hell, I thought she was into Guile!’ Chun-Li thought with a confused gulp. Something in Cammy’s eyes told her that even if she tried arguing she would still go through with what her mind had already set out to do.
Almost as if on cue, Cammy’s hand turned, positioning her to be inserted, right into her 'baby-maker', but oddly enough, she was inserting her feet-first rather than head-first, and Chun-Li couldn’t decide whether that was a display of mercy or of sadism, as it only prolonged her suffering as she was pushed into the tight, pulsating fleshy canal. Feeling even Cammy’s pulse through it, which sent shivers up and down her spine. The blonde took her sweet time, pushing her in little by little until only her head stuck out. The heat that radiated off that area was unreal, it was even warmer than her mouth, and seemingly just as moist, but there was something else, something that made Chun-Li feel as if she’d get goosebumps, if her skin were capable of that.
Chun-Li could only guess that it was her friend’s pheromones, as she could definitely sense something invade her every breath, and while she wasn’t into girls herself either, she couldn’t help but feel their powerful influence, pervading into her respiratory tract, into her brain, and into her thoughts. She was so focused on the latter that she failed to notice Cammy was still pushing her deeper, and before she knew it, she was completely swallowed, sealed within a tight fleshy cave. Cammy’s heartbeat resonated more powerfully in there, and all notions of the outside world were nullified or heavily distorted, there was no light, no fresh air, and the noises were overridden by those of Cammy’s inner workings.
‘And I thought her mouth had been the scariest’ She gulped, and felt that the moist, warm fleshy walls surrounding her began pulsating faster and more intensely.
‘She’s definitely enjoying this… but how much, I don’t know… and I think I’d rather not’ Chun-Li shuddered, though such a tiny motion was lost to the much more powerful contractions around her, as the living walls that encased her demonstrated that they were very much alive.
As her friend had thought, Cammy was indeed having the time of her life, inserting her squishy friend into her most intimate spot surpassed anything else she had done before by miles. Chun-Li’s innate coolness initially helped soothe the increasing heat in her nether regions, but it was soon completely overwhelmed by said heat, though the squishy feeling, like some kind of gel, was giving her way more pleasure than it had a right to, and her powerful muscles quickly got to work on their impromptu snack, those had been indirectly enhanced by her extensive training, most of which was focused on her lower body, using great bursts of speed and powerful leg-based techniques, but were now used for an entirely different purpose.
Adding more fuel to the proverbial fire, Cammy couldn’t help but start stroking those other lips, adding a spark of excitement to the mad shocks traveling all over her every nerve. Her excited contractions only intensified, and sort of chewed on the unfortunate tiny woman trapped within, while the intense steamy heat they emitted only served to soften her already soft body even more, and she was even worried she could melt, but she began to get squashed flat before that actually happened.
Cammy then began stroking her clit, sending even more intense pleasurable tingles all over her nerves, making her feel hotter, though she was already used to that, given her constant training, always pushing her to her very limits. The pleasure was increasing exponentially, and without realizing, she couldn’t help but softly moan while pleasuring herself faster and faster. Inside, the definition of Hell fell short to describe Chun-Li’s torment, as she was utterly squashed into the quivering walls, which kept clenching on her, and into each other, pulsating with seemingly never-ending vigor, imbuing her near liquefied body with untold amounts of bodily heat. She wished for death at this point, despite having so stubbornly clung onto life before, but Death itself either didn’t listen or refused to grant her such mercy.
Time flew for Cammy, but had slowed down to an agonizing crawl for Chun-Li, who was starting to think she’d stay there forever, but after hearing a particularly long and loud moan, followed by a long, satisfied sigh, she saw light for the first time. If she had a mouth, she’d be coughing and sputtering right now, as she was utterly drenched in clear slime, the nature of which she knew very well, but didn’t want to think about anyway.
Cammy lazily reached into her ‘honeypot’ and felt around for her shrunken and squished friend, having a rather tough time telling her apart from her own fluids, which made her giggle quietly, but she eventually managed to find her and pinching a part of her, she peeled off the rest, as she had become stuck to her twitching walls. She set her on her thigh and closed her eyes, still basking in the afterglow of her impromptu self-pleasuring session.
Having been squished more thoroughly, Chun-Li took longer to reform, about 15 minutes, and only now she noticed that reforming seemed to take a lot out of her, in a way, it reminded her of the feeling she got when she overused ki techniques, it was a direct hit to her energy reserves, and that worried her, but at the same time, she was too exhausted to think straight or to move, and she simply laid on her back, in a small puddle of Cammy’s ‘love juice’ on her soft, plush thigh. She didn’t even register the moment her consciousness simply faded to black as her brain shut down, too tired to keep going without any rest.
A few minutes later, she was woken up by a low rumbling groan that came from nearby. She groggily opened her eyes and the first thing she saw Cammy’s toned abs, still wearing the damaged leotard she had been wearing since they met at the gym. She wondered if Cammy was hungry, and she seriously hoped she wouldn’t be on the menu.
She couldn’t even explain what possibly could have overcome her when she decided to insert her into her most intimate bits, but the brief flash of purple energy came to mind. She suspected the gauntlet had at least a tinge of Psycho Power in it and that it may have subtly corrupted her mind, but she could neither prove it nor was she in any position to make her do anything she didn’t want. She figured she’d probably best hope it was only temporary and ‘ride it out’ until it wore off. She heard more groaning and grumbling coming from her stomach and she couldn’t help but tremble.
“What’s that?” Chun-Li fearfully asked, feeling worse by the second, something inside her warned her that she was in a very dangerous situation, her suspicion that Cammy might not be quite herself anymore only kept growing.
Cammy, however, didn’t even seem to acknowledge that she asked a question and simply picked her up, just like before, though this time she didn’t raise her high into the air, instead, she brought her closer towards her.
‘Oh god what is it this time?!’ She couldn’t help but wonder, and much to her horror and surprise, that question was quickly answered when she saw Cammy raise above her seat on the couch and placing her right where she had been sitting. When she looked up, she was presented with a terrifying view, though one that many of the male Street Fighters would’ve probably enjoyed, that being Cammy’s butt, larger than ever seen before, menacingly hovering several feet above.
“N-!” Chun-Li’s terrified scream was mercilessly muffled as Cammy’s massive ass descended upon her, almost instantly flattening beneath its overwhelming weight, which in Chun-Li’s scale was equivalent to several tons. But like her thighs, or even more so, despite said weight, it was fairly supple. In fact, the Interpol agent found herself between two soft places, though one of them bore down upon her with an unbelievable force, squishing her thinly across her skin, whose warmth was greedily absorbed by her gel-like body.
Cammy smiled and slowly allowed herself to sink into her seat, enjoying its plush softness way more than she usually did, and having Chun-Li’s tiny squishy body plastered under one of her cheeks, cooling it, that sent several pleasurable tingles across her nerves. Unlike with her thighs and her bust, it took her a bit longer to warm her up to her own bodily temperature, so she enjoyed the cool feeling for a couple of minutes longer than with the things she tried before.
Chuckling quietly to herself, she ground her hips on the couch to peel Chun-Li off her skin, then raised her hips a few inches above her, just so that she could reform, and once she did, she slowly brought her hips down again, taking her time, enjoying how Chun-Li’s tiny body slowly but surely got engulfed beneath the abundant mass of just one of her cheeks, as her weight pressed down upon her, flattening little by little, her horrified screams giving her a buzzing feeling she found all the more pleasurable as she did.
The squelching noise her poor squished body did as it got steamrolled by Cammy’s enormous backside was also largely muffled by its generous fleshy padding, though Cammy barely heard it anyway, further enjoying this ‘game’ of hers, if one could even call it that.
Cammy kept on slowly grinding her hips on the couch and rubbing Chun-Li’s flattened form under her butt for several minutes, and by the time she got up, Chun-Li had even become an impromptu tattoo on her, or more like a simplistic pink sticker, which she took delight in slowly peeling off her skin, finding herself surprised at just how hard she had been pressed against her skin, it was as if even her pores were refusing to let go of her, but as she applied more strength to her pulling motion, she sort of ripped her off, like a band-aid, albeit nowhere near as painfully.
Poor Chun-Li was squashed paper-thin, and she felt like this was the flattest Cammy had managed to get her so far. While she didn’t look like it, she was thoroughly battered and beaten, her mind fuzzy as it had been long overwhelmed by all of the intense stimuli she got, making her feel exhausted and unable to think straight, or anything for that matter, but Cammy’s stomach noises were quick to rudely snap her out of her beaten stupor.
She didn’t even have the energy to ask, and by the look in Cammy’s eyes, which even looked kind of sadistic, she knew she was going to let her know what it was anyway. Chun-Li felt close to getting knocked out from sheer exhaustion as her body reformed, but somehow, she managed to remain conscious, perhaps it was also the gauntlet’s doing, but rather than it being a merciful thing, it simply meant her torture would go on.
“You know …” Cammy spoke “The food from that restaurant we went to last night… it isn’t quite agreeing with me” she said with an odd smile as she lightly patted her grumbling stomach.
‘Now what…?’ Chun-Li quietly wondered with a sigh of resignation. Once again, Cammy provided the answer not with words but with her actions, picking her up and bringing her back to where she was sitting, raising her hips a few inches above the couch cushion. This time, however, she placed her not under her cheeks, but right in the middle, and with a giggle, she slowly descended towards her. She didn’t even have the energy to scream, though she did so internally as she was overcome by an unfathomable weight pressing down upon her diminutive body, albeit less so than the previous time when she was under her cheek, the twin enormous soft walls engulfed her and plunged her into pitch-black darkness, feeling the rapidly increasing temperature once fresh air had been cut off, just as all sounds from the outside were muffled to less than white noise.
The only sound that didn’t get muffled was that ominous rumbling that came from above, and it had gotten louder now that Cammy’s butt trapped her. The vibrations it made were enough for her to feel them going through her body, which was getting flattened under her weight, but at a snail’s pace, compared to how quickly she had done before with her thighs, chest and by directly sitting on her. But now, after hearing what she said, and as the noises from above were louder and clearer, she realized what Cammy actually meant, and her eyes widened in horror, somehow being one of the few parts of the body to remain functional, even though there was nothing to see.
‘Please don’t tell me she’s really going to…!’ Chun-Li thought in despair, the ‘beast’ above her growled more and more, like an angry predator, just trying to break out of its cage, knowing there’s prey to pounce upon outside. Just as before, her thoughts were rudely cut off, this time by a massive rumbling explosion accompanied by a thunderous roar while a powerful torrent of hot wind pushed down upon her with the force of a titan’s fist, squishing her flatter than Cammy’s weight alone had managed to so far.
Cammy was surprised, she knew she had quite some pressure building up in her gut, but her release was much louder than she expected. She giggled, knowing that breaking wind was one of those ‘unladylike’ things Chun-Li called her out on, especially on her first days after recovering from Bison’s brainwashing.
But then again, with near total amnesia, she didn’t even really know of social conventions and concepts, thus, she had no idea why a natural bodily function was so frowned upon, though she was a quick learner and soon understood and picked up on the cues she was taught. But deep down, it was still an extremely silly matter to her, and right now, her friend and sometimes mentor was completely at her body’s mercy, and what it wanted was to let off the pressure…
Chun-Li tried to focus in an attempt to speed up her body reforming, there was no way she was going to just stay and be blasted by Cammy’s foul winds, though that was precisely what happened before she had any chance, another bomb-like explosion went off above, and the force of the hurricane winds pressed down harder upon her body.
‘This is ridiculous! She’s squashing me even without touching me?!’ She thought.
Cammy’s previous words now made sense. It seemed Chinese food in particular never agreed too well with the young Brit’s stomach, though back then, Chun-Li simply believed it was a matter of getting accustomed to it, unaware of the extent to which it didn’t agree with her friend, and yes, it was her who had treated her to dinner the previous night so, out of all the punishments she’s endured so far, this was the one that she legitimately brought upon herself, in a way at least.
The blonde mischievously chuckled and leaned to the side, then reached under and picked up a now very warm and quite beaten Chun-Li, though she hadn’t been completely flattened like before, which mildly surprised her for a moment, but then she realized that however squashed she got right now, it had been from just letting loose, which impressed her a little. Wanting to take things even further, this time she gave her no time to rest and reform, and simply reached for the thong part of her leotard and pulled it to the side.
Chun-Li slightly vibrated, her attempts at screaming in abject horror at what Cammy was clearly planning to do, but her mouth had been squished shut a while ago, and even if she did scream, it wasn’t likely Cammy would stop. She could only watch helplessly as her hand brought her closer to the crevice between her cheeks, it had more than enough to fit her in at her current size, and the warmth it gave off got rather overbearing as she got closer.
Cammy used her hand not just to pull the thong part of the leotard to the side, but also to spread her cheeks a little, creating more than enough of an opening to slip her diminutive “friend” into. And she did so, slowly and with all the pleasure in the world. When she let go of her cheeks they bounced back into place, smashing her into a living puddle, plastered to both of her cheeks’ inner sides.
Then, the leotard snapped back into place, ramming into Chun-Li’s squished form and pushing her deeper into what now had become a chasm of doom to her. Content, she happily sat back down, shivering from pleasurable tingles as now she could feel Chun-Li’s cool mass in one of the warmer parts of her body, in a way, it was like a small ice cube, but not being anywhere near cold enough to hurt. In addition, she could feel that the sweat that had gathered there was slowly drying up, getting absorbed into Chun-Li’s pink gum-like mass, as if greedily trying to quench her thirst.
To the now incapacitated Interpol agent, this was even more of a nightmare than what she faced before, she could feel the large salty drops sliding down and coming her way, her body helplessly remaining still and absorbing them like a sponge. It was as if she were gulping down seawater, or perhaps even worse, as these had a fouler, more acidic or sour hint to their flavor than ordinary seawater did. And as she’d expect, this only made her thirsty for real, each painful “gulp” worsening it, to the point that her throat, wherever it was, given her currently amorphous state, felt nearly completely dry, as the most ironic twist so far.
Cammy’s stomach loudly gurgled again, reminding her why she was even doing this in the first place, and she smirked. She hadn’t really expected this silly bet she made not so long ago to go like this, but she didn’t mind it. There was something that was turning her on in all the right ways. Was it the power she held over her formerly mighty friend? Was it the sheer difference between their sizes, and how she easily could literally bend her to her body’s whims?
Now that she thought about it, if asked, she would’ve answered ‘Yes’ to both, and there was probably even more, as the gears in her head were already turning, and had long gone shifted into overdrive. There was also this sudden rush she couldn’t explain, like electricity flowing across her body, traveling around her every nerve, the tingles propagating like ripples, countless ones, such as those rain would make as the drops fell upon a lake.
Without any more restraint, Cammy let the larger gas bubble in her gut go, quickly rushing its way down until it burst with a loud, deafening to Chun-Li, rumbling roar while the huge gust of wind blew into and past her, making the Chinese fighter’s sticker-like body helplessly vibrate as it did, and this time, as it also made her soft surroundings jiggle, Chun-Li was further beaten up by what felt like a warm rippling fleshy sea, though not quite as soft and squishy as herself. She was even more flattened between the pair of gigantic meaty globes that she had been before. And as if to add insult to that injury, Cammy giggled and lightly clenched her butt, squashing her into near paper-thinness while plastered betwixt her prized assets.
She then reached into her crack and pushed Chun-Li’s squished form deeper into her crack, indirectly peeling her off her cheeks’ inner side, but only for a brief instant, with her even deeper in, her large cheeks squashed her again.
Her stomach rumbled and quickly withdrew her finger, almost on the nick of time as she unleashed yet another loud, rumbling burst of methane that struck her gummy friend’s battered form like a raging typhoon. Worse still, the noxious smell permeated all around her, the gel-like material her body was made of seemingly being just as adept at absorbing smells just as it absorbed sweat, and to Chun-Li, it was as if she was breathing it all in with her whole body, which also all seemed to have a notion of a sense of smell to it, much to her misfortune.
After that, feeling naughtier, Cammy pushed her deeper still, quietly enjoying the feeling against some of her more sensitive spots until she hit the ‘jackpot’, Chun-Li was pressed right against her asshole, which twitched as if it had just been awakened from a nap, in apparent excitement as the gum-like stuff got pressed and molded to its shape, filling every gap made by its wrinkles, including the central one, as it clenched shut and all of the other wrinkles converged into that one single point.
Chun-Li herself could no longer describe her state of mind, she was far beyond horrified, the only thing she could’ve used to explain what she felt was the unspeakable horror such as the one Lovecraft constantly described across his works. Not even a minute later, Cammy felt the pressure rapidly building up in her gut, even making her feel a little bloated, which was easily noticeable given her slim physique, but just like before, she was happy to let go of it without restraint, being in the comfort of her home.
Chun-Li could only tremble, which went unnoticed as her surroundings also shook as an increasingly loud ominous gurgling overtook her senses. She wondered how seriously bad that food had to be to give Cammy such a terrible reaction to it. Just then, with plenty of warning given, another raging hurricane exploded right in her face, or at least what felt like it, but since her entire form had been pressed tightly against Cammy’s ‘backdoor’, this time she inflated into a bubble, like actual bubble gum, though containing a much less innocent kind of ‘air’ within.
The typhoon-esque torrent of hot winds kept blowing into her, making her now bubble form grow larger, stretching her thinner, and making her panic, since she had no idea what’d happen if she were to pop. Soon, the ‘bubble’ grew too large and predictably, it popped, and that massive (in her scale) amount of gas rapidly rushed its way out from the deep confines of Cammy’s crack, roaring loudly as it made the humongous walls that were her cheeks wildly reverberate with it, making for a far more deafening noise than before. Chun-Li felt as if her eardrums should’ve burst, even though she probably didn’t even have proper eardrums, but her whole body felt as if it was one single eardrum in itself.
What she failed to account for was that just as that pressure rapidly exited, the insides of Cammy’s body needed to compensate for it, and without even knowing what was happening anymore, she was partially sucked in, before the rubbery muscly ring clenched shut just like before.
“Ohhhh!” Cammy moaned, that wasn’t her doing per se, caught off-guard herself in a pleasant way. Her sensitive asshole was now ‘chewing’ on its newly acquired (but impromptu) ‘toy’.
Another thing Chun-Li had never contemplated was that a band made of what was basically all muscle could exert a surprising amount of force, a force that was used to continuously mash her as the sphincter seemingly enjoyed its ‘meal’, continuously clenching on it while its surroundings shivered in pleasure. Those clenching motions slowly but steadily dragged her further in, effectively ‘slurping’ her in, which sent a much wilder wave of mad tingles all over Cammy’s body, it was a newly discovered pleasure, one she had never known about, up until right now.
Cammy definitely relished the feeling, but as her bowels were still fairly stirred up, she didn’t get a chance to enjoy them for too long, as more gas bubbles rushed down and merged into a larger one. To Chun-Li, it was utterly terrifying, somehow surpassing the horror she felt just before, as she could hear every noise Cammy’s insides made, and they all sounded ominous beyond all belief. Then, it was as if the entire world was trembling, feeling the slimy walls she was squashed into shake and ripple in response to the coming ‘beast’, which sounded even larger and meaner than what she had endured before. She then heard Cammy’s muffled giggling, she definitely knew what was up, and wasn’t going to spare her from it.
Chun-Li never thought she’d be able to ever to tell what it felt like to have a nuclear bomb go off right in her face, but there was nothing else what she was feeling right now could be compared to, the loud explosion was much louder than any of the previous ones, and she felt it with every fiber of her body, or whatever currently made it up. The massive windy torrent struck her harder than a train at full speed, and every single gigantic vibration rushed past her, shaking her to her very core. That raging wind harshly peeled her off and blasted her right out of her fleshy, slimy and cramped prison with a thunderous roar, though just as she got blasted out of there, Cammy’s boulder-sized cheeks squashed her in place, securely held between them while the gigantic fart kept on blasting for what felt like an eternity, though in reality it was ‘merely’ a 30-second-long release.
Cammy sighed in relief, the pressure in her stomach now gone, and her guts finally back at ease. Though she felt like she would’ve wanted to play more like this, she decided to move on and do something else.
‘I could always go back to that restaurant anyway’ She thought with a quiet mischievous giggle. There was at least one more thing she wanted to try before she forgot. Nonchalantly, she reached into her crack and peeled Chun-Li off, put her on her palm and brought her around her waist, though not at her face’s level, as she was aware she wasn’t precisely smelling too good at the moment.
She looked into her eyes, which, along with at least some of her organs, remained visible in her semi translucent body. She looked like a hollow shell, as if her soul had long been ripped out from her body, leaving a hopeless husk behind. The blonde Delta Red fighter rolled her eyes, believing it to be mere overreaction and without any warning, decided to go on with what she had planned next.
“Enjoy the show” Cammy winked at her as she used one hand to slowly remove her damaged leotard, showing off curves that, while somewhat modest amongst some of the other famous female Street Fighters, were pretty sizable in their own right, the envy of many other women even. She effortlessly slid off the garment, the light sheen of sweat on most of her skin making the transition near completely frictionless.
‘Great… Now what…?’ Chun-Li quietly wondered, unable to help but try and guess what her next torture would be. She was far too exhausted to speak, and it seemed her consciousness by hanging on by a single thread that somehow refused to break.
As Cammy took her sweet time with her impromptu striptease, Chun-Li’s flattened body was given enough time to reform yet again, reattaining its original shape even after all the overwhelming crushing force she had already withstood.
“You know, these things aren’t exactly the most unique piece of clothing in the world, but they’re pretty comfortable, especially for combat” Cammy said, throwing a sidewards glance at her discarded green leotard. She giggled when she saw the look of confusion in Chun-Li’s eyes.
“I like them even if they’re standard issued stuff. But you had to go and damage it in our little sparring session” She playfully pouted, Chun-Li saw the look in her eyes and didn’t like it one bit.
“Have you thought about it? Maybe you could punch people’s clothes off them, or kick someone out of their clothes” She giggled, imagining the silly scenarios that’d entail.
“Now you must be wondering what I’m up to…” She chuckled “The truth is, I actually don’t have any clean leotards to wear… Got lazy with the laundry so I haven’t gotten around to doing that yet…”
Chun-Li’s silent but tired glare somehow still managed to convey her non-verbal sisterly scolding to her for being neglectful like that.
“So, I need you to do me a real big favor” Cammy said.
“Let’s see if you could stand in for my leotard, at least this once” she added, and if it weren’t for the fact that she was beyond drained, Chun-Li would’ve leapt off her hand, knowing that even if she painfully landed on the floor and got squished, she would survive, but alas, her muscles, or whatever she had instead, were completely and utterly unresponsive, even though her panicked brain kept sending emergency signals to all of them. Her heartbeat tried to accelerate, but the continuously beating muscle was also tired beyond belief, unable to obey the orders it was given from sheer lack of energy.
Cammy pinched her arms and easily flattened them between her fingertips, noting that they were indeed quite stretchy. Next, she poked Chun-Li’s round and perky breasts, taking particular delight in squishing them flat, as well as her upper torso. It reminded her of popping bubble wrap in a way. Then, she did the same with her thighs, taking her sweet time, kneading them a little even, as she slowly squished them flat, more or less making Chun-Li a humanoid sticker, though her stomach hadn’t been flattened yet.
Feeling a new twinge of curiosity, her finger reached for the region between her friend’s thighs. She tickled it, or at least tried to as she teased it with a single finger, feeling that, in addition to her cool, gel-like texture, this part of Chun-Li’s body had a moistness of its own, which only made her blush a little and keep playing with what definitely was a set of tiny lips.
She pushed and prodded, slowly sliding her finger in, the more solid mass of her flesh and bone forcing the squishy stuff to make way for it, and she absolutely loved the feeling while Chun-Li didn’t even know how to react. In a way, it felt good, but also it felt wrong, and she was completely powerless to stop it. She wanted to, she desperately wanted to, but her body simply wouldn’t respond, yet, it sent mad electrical surges all over her nervous system at Cammy’s touch.
Her gummy gel-like body was helpless to resist as Cammy’s finger reached deeper into her vagina, widening it to fit said finger as it went deeper and deeper, reaching all the way to what had to be her womb. With a knowing chuckle, Cammy wiggled her finger, widening the ‘hole’ she had just poked on the inside of her ‘friend’, she was flattening Chun-Li from the inside out and making her form wider and thinner. Without fully realizing, Cammy’s finger reached all the way to just below her neck, bulldozing her insides and squishing them flat as it passed, and kept turning her into a small blanket of sorts, thin and wide, and quite stretchy.
“Ooh, looks like you can really become anything” She laughed and retrieved her finger, now using both hands to shape her like putty, stretching her arms and legs, as well as her widened torso. She stretched her quite a bit before reaching inside again, and with a hand, later with both, she stretched her open, like an umbrella of sorts.
Taking her sweet time, the stretched Chun Li’s body longer and wider before pressing it right against her chest, letting it mold to its shape, and shivering a little as she now felt that signature cool on her breasts. Then she pressed it up towards her neck and tied her legs around her neck. With that done, she slowly flattened the rest of Chun-Li’s body against her torso, as if she were ironing it with her hands, going a bit further down every time.
Eventually, her head was right at the same level as Cammy’s nethers, but instead of pushing her in, and she was tempted to, she stretched her torso longer so that she went under it and ended up right into her crack. She playfully pushed her in, essentially giving herself a wedgie, with Chun-Li’s head pressed right against her asshole. She then stretched the upper portion of her chest while clenching her cheeks to keep Chun-Li’s head in place, tickling herself.
After that, without really looking, using her sense of touch alone, she stretched the rest of her body upwards, pressing it against her back to mold it to its shape just like she did with her front, kneading it even, and when it finally almost reached her neck, she used Chun-Li’s arms to tie them to the loop she had formed with her legs prior, and with that, a new leotard had just been created. A pink one, and it was so thin it felt more like a second skin, yet, despite it being somewhat translucent, it was opaque enough to actually cover her chest and crotch, but it left very little to the imagination, and it was almost impossibly tighter than any other clothes ever made.
“Wow, you’re way better than the Delta Red combat suits” She said, feeling pretty satisfied with her ‘handiwork’, patting her stomach, tracing a finger along her abs, which were actually visible, as Chun-Li’s form molded perfectly to them, and even her belly button was somewhat visible as well. To fully ‘break her in’ as clothes, she decided to have a light workout session with lots of stretches, which also let her confirm that as she had previously thought, she seemed to be able to endlessly absorb all of her sweat, making her feel like she hadn’t even exercised at all.
Two hours later, she took her off and waited, to her delight, Chun-Li’s body wasn’t reforming after a couple of minutes, so she went and took a relaxing shower, and once she got out, she put her back on and decided to keep wearing her for the rest of the day, teasing her throughout, though she wasn’t quite sure if Chun-Li could even hear her from the depths of her crack. She certainly heard what she later unleashed upon her, sparing Cammy of having to smell it herself.
After watching a few nice movies while she rested in her bedroom, slightly chilled by the AC, she decided to go to sleep, turning off her tv and just laying on her bed. Chun-Li’s squishy body apparently being just as adept as absorbing the cold as it was with absorbing warmth, soothing her tired muscles, especially the back ones.
With a content sigh, Cammy removed her ‘leotard’ and untied Chun-Li’s limbs, then she gently set her on her bed and waited for her body to reform, guessing it’d probably take quite a bit longer than before, since she had been stretched so thoroughly. Whereas most of the time she recovered her shape in the 5 to 15 minutes range, this time, it took her a grand total of 4 hours to fully regain her shape, leaving her dazed as she laid on the middle of the bed.
“Alright, Chun. You held to your end of the bet, so it’s only fair I get you back to normal. This was a really fun experiment, you know? I wouldn’t mind if we tried this again…” She giggled, saying the last bit in a rather suggestive tone, but Chun-Li was so beaten, physically and mentally, that she simply nodded with a tired groan in response, though she had at least recovered some more energy.
She had long determined that this would be one of those things that hopefully would never ever be discussed again, and she’d try her hardest to forget about it, or, failing that, bury it deep into her subconscious so hard she wouldn’t have to think about it as long as she had something, anything else, to be concerned with.
She was ironically happy to see the gauntlet, the cause of all of her recent suffering, yet, it was also ultimately the solution to it. She watched Cammy put it on and activate it, whirring back to life just like the first time, lighting up in the same way as then.
“Bet you’re wondering how this thing can get you back to normal, right?” She asked, and judging her tone, it didn’t sound like a rhetorical question.
“Y-Yeah… It looked like an irreversible change to be honest… it was quite scary…” Chun-Li said.
“I tried this thing on other things before you, you know? You were right in that it could’ve been dangerous if we had no idea what it does” Cammy replied.
“Wait… you tested this thing before?! On what? Or who?” Chun-Li nervously asked “Y-You know what? I think I’d rather not know…” She sighed.
“I tested it on clothes… and a dog… but they were all fine once I turned them back” Cammy said, and pointed to a large chip that was located on the back of the gauntlet, corresponding to the center of the back of one’s hand.
“This thing here apparently stores all of the data or whatever it is about how the object or living being is originally made up of. I tried analyzing it using some lab tools I could procure, but I’m not that good of a scientist to make sense of it, but definitely, this thing is what keeps that info” She explained, lightly tapping said chip with her other hand’s index finger.
“Uh… isn’t that chip rather exposed in there? I feel like that should be in a safer location, or not even on the gauntlet at all” Chun-Li raised an eyebrow and sat up.
“I guess that was going to get corrected with later versions. This seems to be the first prototype, according to what little data I could understand from what I extracted from its info files” Cammy shrugged. She then pressed a button on the gauntlet, Chun-Li noting it wasn’t the same she pressed the first time.
The gauntlet’s circuitry lines began glowing, but with purple and pinkish light, rather than the neon green and blue from before, which again, Chun-Li found odd, but then she remembered that after it charged up, it zapped her with purple and pinkish lightning, so, if this was the reversed process, maybe it’d zap her with neon green and blue energy, but that was a very wild guess, since she knew virtually nothing about it.
Surges of energy with that same color coiled around the gauntlet as it presumably charged up. It seemed to be gathering a lot more energy than it needed for what it did the first time. Cammy took a deep breath and aimed her hand at Chun-Li, who was getting increasingly nervous, getting an ominous bad feeling, as an empty pit in her stomach while she heard the machine’s noises, whirring and buzzing as it gathered what definitely looked like a large amount of energy…
The energy flowing around the gauntlet increased more and more, and just when it seemed like it was about to fire, more energy flowed around, and it looked like the gauntlet had effectively shorted out by the strange noises it made, then, as if to confirm this, the large chip, the one that Cammy had just mentioned, actually blew up into a small but fiery explosion, startling both women as they watched in disbelief.
Smoke began seeping out as the circuitry lines slowly lost their glow and returned to their dull, inert previous state. Several of the chips looked like they also exploded or got burned, covered in a layer of what seemed to be ash or coal. Both women remained frozen as statues, completely baffled as to what had just happened.
“…What… what happened this time…?” Chun-Li worriedly asked, being the first one to snap out of her stunned stupor.
“I… don’t actually know…” Cammy blinked twice “This had never happened before… I mean…” She then examined the gauntlet, cringing as she found that many of the chips on it looked severely damaged, and the large one was completely gone, with only a thin layer of ash where it once had been.
“Cammy… what happens now…?” Chun-Li asked, her voice now getting shaky, as she knew the answer already, but feared it all the same and wanted to hear otherwise.
“Uhh… well, it’s not like we can call Technical Support…” She awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of her head.
“I’d get in seriously hot water if we tell HQ what happened…” Cammy said.
“Cammy…” Chun-Li repeated.
“Maybe I could try to get some interrogation off the records… After all, I do know who were the guys that we arrested in that raid, and they’re still being held in…” Cammy said in a more thoughtful tone.
“ *sigh* Fine… please, we need to get help…” Chun-Li quietly said, and Cammy then dialed a number on her phone. She called the Delta Red HQ, as the operations against Shadaloo were a joint effort between it and Interpol, but as the base that was raided was on British soil, it was Delta Red who primarily took care of all procedures, and reporting back to Interpol.
“Hmm… I see. Thanks. Please, do let me know when I can go there… No, I can’t really tell you at the moment, but it’s important, that’s what I can say for now…” Cammy said shortly before she hung up, much to Chun-Li’s unsatisfaction.
“Those guys are still being held up for official interrogation. They’re tough nuts to crack, but they are obviously behind quite a lot of shady stuff, and HQ wants to hear all about it… so, it’ll be a little while before I can slip in and do my own thing” Cammy replied.
“Now what?” Chun-Li said, sighing in defeat.
“I could try to make some calls, I think I may know just the right people to fix this kind of thing” Cammy replied, but there was something in her tone that Chun-Li definitely didn’t like.
“Cammy… please don’t tell me you’re calling who I think you’re calling…” She said, but Cammy seemingly ignored her as she dialed another number on her phone and put it against her ear, waiting as it rang.
“Cammy…” Chun-Li insisted, sounding a little more desperate. Even she could faintly hear the phone ringing on the other side, about 3 or 4 times before the person on the other end picked up.
“Hello? C.Viper?” Cammy said.
“Cammy?!” Chun-Li was definitely becoming alarmed.
“Uh, remember that you owed me a big favor for not arresting you or reporting your presence in that one Shadaloo base in Thailand?” Cammy quietly said “…Yeah, I’m going to need to cash that one in right now…” She said as she turned around and walked out of the room while an increasingly upset Chun-Li kept calling out to her.
“CAMMY! DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE…!” She shouted as she slid down the bedsheets and ran after her much larger friend…