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Journal Entry Number One

Ok. So, I just got this journal and have decided to write in it. It is the first thing I have bought with my own money in who-knows-how-long. I have never actually written in a journal before, but my mom said, long ago, that everyone’s story should be remembered. And, seeing as I am starting my new job tomorrow, my story is about to start (or, at least I hope it is).

Lets see... where should I begin? I guess my name is a good place to start.

My name is Clare Omn Rahnrado. I know it is a really funny sounding name, but then again everyone’s name is like that: a plain and normal first name with a really weird last name from the Ancient Language. In the Ancient Language my last name means “Height Shifter”, but it is only my “outer name”. It tells others who I am on the outside. My “inner name” even I don’t know (well, not yet, anyway). The “inner name” tells one’s fate on this world of ours. Everyone has an “inner” and an “outer” name.

Anyway, back to my name. Height Shifter. You must be thinking “what the hell does that mean?”. Well, I was born with the ability to change my size, up or down. Proportionally my body remains the same, but I can differ in overall size. If I put enough energy into it I can become 100 feet tall or 1 inch tall.

Ironically, I am short to begin with. I am 18 years old (so no more growing) and 5 feet tall (I am not really even that, I just call myself 5 feet tall).

I am a blonde shorty with pale-white skin and ugly grey eyes. Some people say they like my eyes, but I am convinced they are all brain-dead from over drinking. I am totally flat (UGH!) and have almost no curve to my body. And I am told I have the chin and shoulders of a man (DOUBLE UGH!!).

Alright. Enough of what I am and on to who.

I consider myself an orphan. My mother died when I was eight. (That is a really awful time for a parent to die. The child is old enough to understand the loss and feel the pain, but not old enough to take care of themselves and move on.) My father hated me because of my ability. I swear his name should have been the Ancient words for “difference hater”.

So he left me to fend for myself, at the age of eight. I could barely control my ability and had no knowledge of the real world.

With nowhere else to go, I joined the army. No, not the standing army. I joined the inner city army. “What is that?” you might ask. It is an orginazation of trained bodyguards and escorts. They, we, serve those of high importance within the country.

I trained with them for 10 years, and starting tomorrow I will be a full time body guard. I can’t wait.


That’s it for my first entry.

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