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In history it was always a marvel what men could do when they combined their efforts. The same could not quite be said of this group of twenty-five men and their four inch stature. Even with the assistance of two women, who both stood at eight inches each and the young girl who stood at five inches, they were limited in what they could do. All of them might spend spend the entire day accomplishing a task that for a normal person would take but a minute or more to do.

It was, quite simply, a horrible feeling to feel so inept. But the advantage to such a large group of men was that becoming absent from the group was not a terribly difficult accomplishment. It was one, however, that was neccessary for things to continue. Having successfully avoided the gazes of his fellow men and especially the eyes of the much larger ladies, he headed for the window. He was fortunate that the owner of the window was the type to prefer long curtains that draped across the floor. The climbing was not difficult. Indeed it was a lot easier than climbing the stockings of a giant woman.

When he finally made it to the window sill, he took a glance outside. It was a sobering sight. The world inside the house was enormous to him. But the real world, the one to which he had belonged to, was beyond imagination. He imagined all the tiny creatures, insects and the like, and wondered how they could deal with being so small. He wondered what the perspective of the world was like to a tiny ant. He looked back at the men and wondered what they would think of the outside world. He knew what they would do. They would panic and flee to the feet of their goddess, eager for her protection and guidance. There was too much world out there for them to handle.

He twisted one of his fingers. Doing so revealed a gold ring that had seemingly not been there before. He pressed his finger on the indention which projected a holographic control panel. He selected that what he wished to do was communicate. He made on final look to see if anyone was looking and ducked out of view behind the curtain.

"This is Jeff reporting. Do you read me?"

There was silence for a disturbing amount of time. Finally a female voice answered. He regonized it, she was one of the agents who handled communications. He wondered what she would look like to him now.

"We read you, Jeff, Your signal is weak, but we have you. What can I do for you?"

"I need to speak to Mr. Watson."

"I'll have the com taped into his office."

Agonizing seconds passed.

"Jeff! I'll be damned, you're alive," spoke the familiar voice of his boss.

"I need information, Watson," Jeff said, ignoring him. "I need you to do a person search."

"On who?"

"A man named Jim Everson."

"Everson? That's not a lot to go off of..."

"I know, I know. Search for contacts of Monica. Employees, co-workers, anything. He should be listed as a missing person."

"Sure, but it might take some time. Anything else?"

"I need some information on her business. Stock quotes, profit margins, anything you can get."

"I can have that right now," Watson answered.

"Upload it to my ring, I'll check on it when I have time and privacy."

"How are you holding up, Jeff?" Watson asked concerned.

"It's not easy..." Jeff said. He did not feel up to explaining what had happened. It was humiliating. "I have to get off here before I'm found. Get me that info."

He shut the ring off before Watson could respond. He then twisted it, returning it to its invisible state. He then quickly started climbing the curtains, hoping nobody had noticed his absence. He reached the ground and sighed in relief, having accomplished it. So when he bumped into the chest of a larger being, he was rather shocked. It was the girl, Mina's daughter. She looked down at him coldly, as one would regard an animal that they loathed. Not only was she was taller than he was by a full head, her childlike stature was also bulkier.

"What were you doing?" she asked.

He swallowed as he thought. She would think nothing of revealing that he had been gone. So he said the first thing that came to mind. "I wanted to see what was beyond the invisible wall."

She looked up at the window herself, herself looking curious. "What did you see?"

"A bigger world," he answered.

She looked down at him. "You're not supposed to leave your place."

"I'm sorry, forgive me."

She smiled, but not one of forgiveness. "Only if you do as I say."

Unsure of what that meant, he meekly nodded. She then took him to join the rest of the men. Monica did not join them for dinner that night, but instead set a plate of food on the floor for them, took Mugluk with her, and dissapeared for the night. Jeff was on his way upstairs when a large hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up in shock to see Lena looking down at him.

"I want you to stay with me," she commanded of him. He only nodded as he watched the other men go up. He watched as Mina took one of the other men, neglecting her husband, the Chief, for the night. Depsite being married, it was readily obvious that she was not obligated to remain faithful - only he was. For this strange culture, marrying a woman meant becoming her exclusive prize - one of many, if she felt like it. Jeff nervously followed Lena to her own room.

"You're different from the others," she said as she sat down on the bed, but still towering over him.

"It is not intentional," he replied.

She surprised him by picking him up and setting him on her lap. She turned him around so he could face her. His legs wrapped around her waist and she eased him down, so that he was laying on her lap. It was an odd feeling, but he liked it. She looked at him and gave a sincere smile as she stroked his hair.

"Do you believe the Elder's stories?" she asked. "I mean, about the 'outside world'. That women and men are the same size?"

"It seems impossible," he replied. He almost meant it, imagining the world as such was difficult after his experiences so far.

"Before I came here, I had never seen a goddess. I did not know that one could be so big," she said. "But the Elder says all women are big there and so are men. Isn't that strange, a world full of godesses and giant men?"

"I cannot imagine," he replied.

She pulled him up to his feet, so that he was looking up into her eyes. "I think it is better this way, don't you?"

"Of course. Much better," he said. Something inside him meant it too.

She surprised him by pulling off his shirt. Her eyes widened as she saw a scar on his side. "How did that happen?"

In truth it had been caused when he was going after a gang that had stolen a cargo of military laser weapons. They used one of weapons on him, cutting clean through him. Although the heat of the laser instantly cauterized the wound, it nearly killed him. He spent quite a while in the hosptital recovering after it. He could not think of a plausible story, based on his knowledge of the world he was supposed to come from. "It happened when I was a child before I could remember, I was never told how."

"You poor thing," she said soothingly as she stroked the scarred area. "To go through such pain when you were so small. That does not seem fair."

"It doesn't hurt, not anymore," he replied.

She set him down on the bed. Then she crouched above him so that her face was over his, just inches away. "I'm glad."

He looked up at her nervously, not really sure what to do. Although it was not a fact he shared with anyone, the truth was he had never been with a woman before. His life had been so full of danger and excitement that stopping to think about pleasure had only been a passing thought as he went to sleep. But there she was above him now, only it was different than how he imagined it would be. For one, she was twice as tall as he was. He looked past her face and saw her breasts dangling above his stomach. Due to both of their positions he was able to get an eyefull and they were larger than he thought. Not comparable to Monica's by any means, but each one her boobs was larger than his head.

"I haven't felt like this for a long time," she said, her breathing becoming heavier. "All the other men seem so meek... but not you. You're bolder than the others..."

"I... try not to be," he said as he looked into her large eyes.

"I like you like that," she said soothingly. She tugged slightly at the two strands that connected her bra at the front. She loosened them enough that her breasts were allowed to separate, but not enough that the bra would come undone. "I think it's your turn."

Jeff leaned up close enough and looked up at her. She directed her eyes to her bra again, smiling mischeveiously. After a short internal conflict (where duty quickly lost out to everything else), he grabbed the knot where the strands met and undid it. No sooner than he had than the breasts fell free of their prison and actually ran into him. She finished the job and pulled the bra off her back and discarded it to her side. Lena then leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips. He had been kissed before and enjoyed it, but there was something far more exhilirating about kissing lips twice the size of his own. As she kissed she ceased holding herself over him and let herself relax.

He found his arms and chest tucked between both her breasts. With the weight of her body on top of him, he found himself pinned and unable to move his arms. But he hardly felt like complaining as he tried to lean up to kiss more passionately. When at last their lips separated, she lifted herself up a bit allowing him room to move. Before he could say anything, she scooped him up close to her and he held him close to her chest. His head was directly below her chin and he was unable to really get a perspective to see anything. She quickly rolled over onto her back and released him.

Now that he was on top of her, he quickly sat up. He was positioned on top of her stomach, which slowly rose and fell from her breathing. Her breasts were between him and her head and it was an interesting perspective for him. She leaned up just a bit so that she could raise her head and look at him. The result made him slide down her stomach a bit. She then sat up completely and he fell backwards into her lap. Although she tried, she was unable to prevent herself from giggling at his behavior as he tried to quickly sit up again.

"I came down there to give you a kiss," she teased. "Now come up and give me one."

"Gladly," was all he could think to say. He managed to stand up and keep his balance with one foot on each of her thighs. But due to the placement of her arms, she had her breasts squeezed together. They effectively provided a barrier from letting him reach her lips. But never a man to complain, he started wedging his way into them. Impressed by his dedication and not wanting to stop him, she eased her arms out a little making it easier for him to squeeze through. He was soon close enough and had to get on his toes and stretch to reach her lips. He was too short to kiss her standing at his full height, even with her legs providing some elevation. But she leaned her head down just enough to meet his lips. She embraced him with her arms, catching him from his bottom and pulling him up further. They continued their kiss as she leaned back on the bed with him in her arms.

Their lips parted again and he rested his head below her chin. She sighed contendedly as she released her hold on him. She began stroking his hair and humming a song to herself. He soon drifted off to sleep, captivated by the rhythm of her breathing, heartbeat, and the strange melody that was completely foreign to him. Soon she too fell asleep as she carefully set him beside her, his head resting on her shoulder and her arm as a cradle around him. Then he too drifted off into a contended sleep.
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