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Story Notes:

Inspired by Uru's game size matters, but with a few twists.

Will woke up with a start. The world around him seemed to be shaking, as if the ground itself was about to break apart. He took a deep breath and rolled over, trying to fall back asleep. You see, this was a commonplace occurrence in his life. Inside of a now defunct chain of ATMs on an unassuming street corner lived a village of humans. How can a village of people fit inside of an ATM you ask? Well, the ATMs are colossally large of course. This city they lived in, known as Light City, was the capital of the dominant species in this world; some called them titans, some called them demons, but whatever name you choose they were a race of spell casting giant women.

This particular district was usually pretty quiet early in the morning, though it was hard to keep track of time from the inside of a plastic box. Just outside, a pair of giantesses were walking and causing the reverberations that had woken Will up. He gave up on going back to sleep and instead got up, coming out of his tent. He looked around at the rest of the village, which was mostly asleep. The digital clock they'd managed to refurbish told him it was 5:30 AM, way too early for people to be awake. The reason for hiding in an ATM was that the giants hunted humans for anything from a snack to deranged pleasure. Unfortunately, human villages that tried to live out in nature would be discovered by giantess hunting parties and destroyed nigh instantly, so hiding like vermin became the only logical option. Will looked at himself in the mirror, a piece of broken glass that someone had salvaged from a giant shattered smartphone. He was wearing a casual pair of sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt. His blonde hair and blue eyes looked good enough for today's hunting party which usually went out scavenging for food scraps around 7 AM.

Everyone else had slept through the earthquake, their bodies were used to it. The giant footsteps receded into the distance, and Will went to get some water from the communal trough, silently so as to not wake anyone. Before he could, another pair of giant footsteps approached. He heard muffled conversation between the two women that became clearer as they approached.

"You know this is illegal right?" said a nervous voice.

"Relax, nobody's around, we'll be fine. Besides, we're just high school seniors I'm sure if we get caught we can just cry until they feel bad and let us go," responded a more confident woman.

"These ATMs have been abandoned for years, there's no way there's any money left in them."

"Then they can't arrest us for stealing! A win-win!"

Will's blood went cold as he heard this. He froze for a minute, and before he could try to warn anyone, the entire machine was flipped on its side, causing him to crash roughly into the wall. The residential quarters were in a different machine in the row, but he heard screaming over there as people were woken up so harshly. He looked up as the door on the back of the machine opened. Peering in were two faces; a preppy looking shy face with black hair and a girl with blue hair and a beanie that looked like a wannabe biker.

"Oh... my... god" said the blue haired giantess, her mouth open in shock. "Tinies!" Without hesitation, she reached in, plucking Will from the ground. He tried to back up, but it was no use as the hundreds of feet tall woman closed the gap in seconds. It was a bizarre sensation to be lifted hundreds of feet in the air in seconds. It felt like gravity was increasing enough to crush his bones, and then suddenly it stopped. He was on his back, cupped in the hands of the blue haired girl.

"No way! This is way better than money," exclaimed the girl that had seemed shy until now. The shy ones often had a way of losing their inhibitions when tinies were involved.

"Hmm... you're pretty cute. I think I'll hold onto you. Dormi!" the giantess said, the final word being a magical incantation that put Will to sleep instantly. He had no idea what would happen when he woke up. The blue haired giantess put him in her back pocket, before she bent down, eager to torment her new victims.

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