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 James laid on Morgan’s bed as she played with his curly hair. Both were enjoying a day alone as Morgan’s parents and little sister were out of the house. Granted, James wasn’t suppose to be here when her parents were gone, but that didn’t stop him from sneaking over. Looking up at his girlfriend he asked the only question on his mind, “So, why wont you let me do you in the butt?”

Morgan groaned and stopped messing with his hair immediate. “Oh my god, this again?”

“What,” James asked defensively. He couldn’t help but glance down at the underwear clad back side of his girlfriend. Those plump cheeks just dying to be played with. “You know I have a thing for your butt,” James said trying to make it sound sexy. Of course, Morgan wasn’t feeling it. She rolled out of reach as she got up from the bed.

“Yeah, well, I told you once and I’ll tell you again, there’s no way I’m having you shove you’re THING, back there. You’re too big,” Morgan said defensively.

James quickly tried to correct her, “I told you we would start out small, there are toys and-”

Morgan let out another disgusted sound, “What is so interesting about my butt?” Morgan tried to look behind herself to see what appeal that James had in it. Sadly she couldn’t, it was just her ass.

“I don’t know babe, it’s just a thing I have.” James confessed.

Morgan thought about it for a moment, “Kind of like my thing with-”

Now it was James’ turn to look appalled, “Okay now that’s different!”

Morgan gasped, “What? How?!”

James sat up in the bed as he explained it, “Cause I just want to have anal sex with you, not turn you into … I don’t even know, whatever it is that you find kinky about it. Like how is transforming me into-”

“An ear ring or a necklace hot?” Morgan finished the question as she revealed her fetish to him. “Because,” Morgan went on as she sat back down on the bed to get closer to James. “It’s like, I don’t know, like I’m kind of owning you… literally. I’ll be able to put you on my body and wear you. Like it totally is the most romantic and like the biggest turn on for me, to have my adorable boyfriend sitting on my neck as a piece of jewelry.”

“Mhm,” James muttered not into the idea. “Yeah, that just sounds weird.”

Morgan pouted and crossed her arms over her bare chest, “Oh but shoving your dick in my ass isn’t?”

James opened his mouth to protest but sadly he saw her point of view on it, “I just don’t know… being an object I heard is freaky. There’s some stories that you can be stuck that way-”

Morgan blew a raspberry in response to the silly rumor, “That’s just a stupid story.” Morgan got up and headed over to her phone and brought it over to James, “Look,” Morgan showed him the transformation feature on her phone, “They’ve updated the app with plenty of fail-safes. Its completely safe, and there hasn’t been any reported incidents about people being stuck as an object.”

James still wasn’t so sure…

James sighed, “I don’t know I think my thing is a lot more simpler than using an app to turn me into a ring or whatever.”

Morgan again looked pissed, “Maybe for you! Do you have any idea about all the prep work I would need to do just to…” Morgan’s rant slowed down as she started to think of something.

“What,” James asked seeing a brief look on her face. Was she actually considering this? Could this be his chance?

“Let’s make a deal,” Morgan said grinning.

James frowned at Morgan’s reaction. “A deal? What do you mean?”

“I’ll let you have anal sex with me, under a few conditions,” Morgan purposed.

James felt himself starting to twitch at the idea of sliding up that backside and into that squishy pillow of a butt. The indescribable feeling of Morgan’s insides gripping his cock as he filled her up. He nearly had an accident just thinking about it. James sat up as Morgan held two fingers up showing the conditions. “Go on…”

“First of all, I obviously need something to practice on, right? So I’m thinking,” she flipped through her phone and found an image of what James saw was a butt plug on her transformation app. “A butt plug would help, yeah?”

James slowly nodded, “Yeah, makes sense.”

Morgan went on, “The second is a win-win for us, since you’ll be getting you little butt fetish out of the way, I want mine too. Since I don’t own a butt plug, I make you into one, and wear you around. By the time I’m comfortable with your new size, you should be able to put it in me.”

“Uhhh,” James was hesitant at the idea.

“Oh come on, I’m like being more than generous with the offer,” Morgan complained. “It’s not like your the one having to put someone up their ass,” Morgan protested.

James hated to admit it, but she was right. Besides, this was the first time she even remotely considered letting him put it inside her butt. Hell, last time she nearly kicked him out of bed for even saying it. Would he ever get another chance like this again?

“You’re being awfully quite,” Morgan observed. “Is it really that hard to think it through?”

Letting out a groan, James rolled his eyes, “What if I’m stuck like that?”

It was Morgan’s turn to get pissy, “You wont, and if, god forbid, you are… than you can be my little butt boy for the rest of your life,” She joked.

“Hey I’m being serious,” James remarked at her teasing.

“Look,” Morgan showed the features of the app to him, “The emergency button, as long as your not being confined or stuck in a small spot, you’ll be returned to normal. There’s even a mic connection so we can talk. You just tell me you don’t want to, and I turn you back in a second. Come on,” Morgan pleaded sounding more excited now that they were considering this.

James was still on the fence but finally, after some more nudging from Morgan he caved, “Fine.”

Morgan seemed more ecstatic about his acceptance than he was. She jumped off the bed and smiled, “Trust me this is gonna be more fun for you than me.” James doubted it, but he didn’t say anything. Instead Morgan got up and started to fan through her phone looking for the right type of item she wanted James to become. “Hmmm, something simple? Nah, I think we should go with something fancy… maybe cute? Yeah this one should do...”

James didn’t comment as Morgan was in her own world right now. She usually got like this when she shopped or was ordering things online. If James tried to input his opinion it usually got over shadowed or ignored. All James could do was wait till Morgan was done with her planing and hope this wouldn’t be as bad as he thought. James let out a sigh as he watched Morgan pace around slowly in the room, still half naked and using her phone like he wasn’t there.

“Okay, I think,” Morgan said standing still, “I got it all…”

“This isn’t going to hurt, is it,” James asked still hesitant about this.

Morgan shook her head, “No. It should be completely fine.”

Should be? James sat up still not sure about this. “It’s not going to be for too long, right? This should be like an hour or whatever, right?”

“Shouldn’t even be that long, we wont even need a timer or anything,” Morgan told him.

James sighed mentally preparing himself for whatever this would be like. “Alright, than we should hurry up and do this.”

Morgan was more excited than James was feeling right now as she tapped her phone and held it up like she was going to take a picture. “Don’t move…” James did as he was told as Morgan took what looked like a picture but the light from the flash was stronger and brighter. It blinded James for a moment.

One second James was sitting on the bed, the next he was laying down. Everything felt blurry and out of it, as James was trying to understand why he felt so exhausted. His sense of direction and spacing was all over the place as he tried to get up and off the bed. James found that his body was immobile. It felt stuck or unresponsive to his commands. “Wha-” was all James could think to say only not to hear a sound come out. The feeling of hopelessness increased as James found he couldn’t really look around much to see what was going on. It wasn’t till he noticed the size of what looked to be a familiar pillow near him and the folds of a large blanket, that he knew where he was, Morgan’s room. He was still in her bedroom.

The large sound of Morgan’s words cut through the air, “JAMES?” There was the sound of thumping, like a forest of trees falling down, that filled the room until James saw his still half naked girlfriend walk into view. When she looked at him, her eyes grew wide, as did the smile on her face, “JUST ADORABLE!” James watched her enormous fingers dip down toward him and pick him up. He could feel her fingers wrap around his body as she lifted him off the bed and brought him closer to her face. Judging by his size compared to Morgan, he knew that the transformation worked, he was now a butt plug.

It was an odd feeling for James as he was held and inspected by Morgan. It seemed his whole body was the sex toy itself. He didn’t really have a head or limbs, but he could feel everything that was connected with his new form. As Morgan gazed at James, he couldn’t help but look back at her from her fingers. Each gentle twist or touch with her fingers connected with James, showed how careful and delicate she was treating him. Something that helped ease his sense of dread or fear.

“Now… my cute little butt toy, are you ready for some fun,” Morgan asked with a sultry tone in her voice. James would have gulped or responded but so far Morgan didn’t seem to hear his questions or the startled sounds he made when she touched him. Instead she continued to hold him close to her face. Slowly she started to bring James a little closer to her skin. His body was starting to descend down past her chin, and slowly pressed into the surface of her warm body. James felt his new form, which was apparently pretty cold, warm up at the soft touch of Morgan’s flesh. “Ooo, chilly,” She purred as she gently took James and dragged him across herself. James was amazed at how soft and warm, but also how smooth her skin was. Soon he was being pulled across her bare chest as Morgan played with herself. Rubbing him around and into her exposed nipple. He could feel the skin starting to stiffen and poke back at him as he was twirled around it a few times. “You like that? I know I do…”

If James knew being an object could be so arousing for Morgan, and it was as arousing for him, than he would have caved in a long time ago. Morgan kept playing with James around her breast for a few moments until she finally started to slide him down the big busty balloons and down her stomach toward her waste line. The sight of her black frills panties covering her crotch and hips filled Jame’s view. Morgan’s fingers stayed attached to James as she slowly dragged him over her skin and into the hem of her underwear. He could feel the tip of his new body pressing into the fabric as she poked it with himself. The fabric rubbing over James’ smooth shape.

“Are you as excited as I am,” Morgan again asked James. He would have screamed out his answer with joy as he could feel himself already imagining what it’s gonna be like. Still the ever teasing one, Morgan held James against her waistline as she walked over to a mirror. James could see through the mirror and for the first time saw exactly what he looked like. A black tipped butt plug no larger than two or three fingers wide. A little nub of plastic, but the handle was covered in what looked like a large sparkling pink jewel. James felt a little embarrassed that Morgan turned him into what he would have thought to be a girly toy. However what did it matter, it was just him and Morgan.

Morgan’s voice pulled him away from the mirror as she continued on with her little playful mood. “I bet you can’t wait to be put in…” James watched as Morgan trailed off and felt his body slowly drag across the felt like panties. He was grazing across the dark field of underwear when he was dragged over Morgan’s lush hips and toward that looming backside. Her delicious looking booty was now looking massive and god like, as James was so insignificant compared to it. It was like looking onto a mountain range, as he was held just off to the side. Morgan only paused for a few moments, in her teasing speech, but it was enough for James to feel an electric thrill surge through his body.

Morgan’s free hand reached across from the other side of her back, as she posed in the mirror. James watched as Morgan pulled slightly on the far side of her butt, and made a little opening between the two mountains. James gulped as she let go and finished her dramatically long taunt, “Here.”

James was beyond aroused. Forget anal sex… this was totally his new thing!

If Morgan could hear James, she would have heard him whimpering and begging for her to put him inside. However she had yet to react to him, so he could only wait for his girlfriend to insert him into-

“SHIT!” Morgan cursed breaking the mood with a sudden alarming shout.

James was confused and shocked out of his horny world as Morgan pulled James away from her back side and put him on her dresser as she started to rummage around. “… Damn it…” she cursed again as she was looking for something. There was some commotion before she let out a huff.

James couldn’t help but ask, “What?”

Morgan sighed before answering a question James knew she didn’t hear him ask, “I don’t have any lube… uh…” Morgan looked around and quickly grabbed some of her discarded clothes from earlier. “I’ll be back in like ten or twenty minutes babe.” James watched and protested as Morgan got dressed. Once her shirt was on and she slipped some flip flops on she paused at the door and turned her head toward James’ small plastic body still laying on her dresser, “Don’t go anywhere,” She giggled before blowing a kiss to him and leaving the room.

James couldn’t help himself as he snorted at the remark, “Very freaking funny…”

James wasn’t sure if he was starting to get stiff, or if it was all in his mind. He couldn’t move, and it wasn’t like he had limbs, so for them to be sore or tired was impossible. That didn’t stop him from having phantom pains of laying still for what felt like an hour. Although reasonably, it probably had only been ten minute or so. Still, it was just enough time for any erotic or lustful desire he had to slowly die with this transformation fetish. Now he just felt stuck or trapped, and he was slowly growing very tired of his situation. Why didn’t Morgan just turn him back till she returned, what if he had to use the bathroom? Would he have to use the bathroom? What would that be like-

The sound of a door further in the house opening and than shutting echoed into Morgan’s room.

James rolled his eyes, “Finally,” he told himself as he waited for Morgan to come back in with the lube she required.

As James waited for Morgan to come back into her room, he heard something off. Instead of one set of footsteps he heard multiple. Why were there more than one set of feet walking in the home? To answer this question, a familiar and startling voice called out. One of the last people James was expecting to hear was Morgan’s sister, Mimi. “Just got to grab some underwear and my tooth brush. You guys can grab like a snack or something.”

James let out a startled sound as he watched Mimi walking past Morgan’s open room. The door was wide open, and she could see inside. James quickly tried to cover his very naked and nude body from Mimi’s sight. That was till he remembered he couldn’t move and he technically wasn’t naked, he was just a butt plug. James relaxed a little as he watched for the brief moment, Morgan’s sister walk past the open door. Morgan’s sister looked like a younger version of herself, but her hair was dyed blue for some weird reason. It might have been the young adult’s late teen years making her lash out for attention or something, James didn’t know. It was just a brief glimpse of the young girl before she was gone, leaving James by himself.

Than came the other two, Mimi’s friends who were following after her. James wasn’t familiar with the two girls. One he vaguely recalled, Katie? She was the slightly thicker of the three. The last one James thought her name was Alannah. The dark skinned girl’s name stood out compared to the other two, along with her braids. James watched Katie pass Morgan’s room without so much as a glance. However, Alannah’s head tilted toward the open room.

Her head looked around for a few seconds before turning toward where two friends went. Alannah gave a shrug, and walked into Morgan’s room. James was shocked by the nonchalant behavior of the girl, as she walked into the room like it was her own bedroom. Alannah didn’t even hesitate as she took a seat on Morgan’s bed and gazed around the room. Her lack of regard for being in another person’s room stunned James to a level that he was speechless, or that would be if he could use words.

The teen looked across the walls and other things on display of the bedroom as she glanced around to entertain herself for however long. James watched the girl’s head slowly spin and finally reached the dresser he was laying on. Her eyes slowly moved around and stopped. He eyesight locked onto something. James felt those brown eyes peering in his direction. Slowly she got up off the bed, the soft creaking filling the room as the girl stood up and headed toward the dresser. There was no hesitation or shame on her face as Alannah curiously came toward the slightly messy dresser. James watched with growing dread as Alannah was slowly narrowing down what her eyesight was locked on. It took her less than a few moments to reach out and her large hand reached out toward James.

“HEY?! WHOA, HEY!” James protested as he felt Alannah’s palm scoop him up and she curiously examined James’ new body in her hand. James couldn’t help but noticed how different her skin felt compared to Morgan’s. It wasn’t a big difference, just subtle things like warmth and texture. Morgan had callouses on different parts of her palm or fingers compared to Alannah’s hand. Something James probably wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t smaller than their palms. Still, James couldn’t help but protest silently as Alannah rolled him around in her hand examined his naked body. Even being just a butt plug, James felt violated and ashamed that this teenage girl was inspecting him like this. Alannah’s eyes gleamed over his entire body till she seemed satisfied with whatever she was looking for.

James felt himself being held between Alannah’s fingers when she brought him up to her face. He wasn’t ready when she carried him toward her nose. A sudden sharp and quick sniff filled the air as James felt a gust of air being sucked past him. A few more soft snorts of air seemed to satisfy Alannah’s sniffing. James’ only question was why? What was the reason to sniffing him? The only response he got was a soft shrug from Alannah and a decent look of content on her face. It seemed whatever she was thinking she made up her mind.

Any hope for Alannah to set James back down on the dresser was dashed when she turned around and carried him out of Morgan’s room. James let out his unheard pleads. All of his confused remarks and disapproval of her actions fell on deaf ears. Alannah didn’t even so much as flinch or hesitate as she walked through the doorway and out of Morgan’s room. The only area that James felt safe in the home. Now he was in the clutches of Mimi’s friend. James felt his body swaying with Alannah’s hand as she walked along the hallway and toward another room.

“Gonna use the bathroom,” Alannah’s voice called out as she entered a restroom. Not waiting for a response from Mimi or Katie, Alannah closed the door and brought James back up in the mirror where she inspected him. “Just in case…”

James would have frowned at her response, “Wh-w-!”

Suddenly James was dunked under water and felt the cold soon to be warm water surge over his body, wetting him and soaking his form. It was crazy being washed under the powerful waterfall, but the hands holding him soon spun him around and rubbed his body from all directions. When the fingers stop scrubbing, Alannah harshly grabbed a bathroom towel and rubbed him all over. The small amount of water that clung to him was gone and soon he was dry, feeling fresh and clean.

James would have been fine with just that, however he knew that it was just the start. Alannah looked more satisfied with James now that he was cleaned up. She gently held Jame’s base in her hand, her fingers gripping the part as she turned around. Her butt was now pointed back at the sink in the bathroom. Alannah’s head was looking over her shoulder as her gaze was looking through the mirror and down at her back. James could see Alannah biting her lower lip as she used her free hand to pull down her booty shorts. James watched the black wall of skin tight clothing fall away past her butt cheeks and slowly revealed her mocha skin color. The smooth and ever slightly toned ass overshadowed James and Alannah’s hand as he was held close to the wall of butt skin. Her back side loomed over him like a whale about to swallow some plankton. It wasn’t till Alannah’s free hand started to pry apart the gates to hell that James recovered from the sight.

Letting out a scream of protest and disapproval, James found that although he had an ass fetish, he wasn’t feeling it right now. Maybe it was because it wasn’t Morgan’s, maybe it was because he didn’t know this teen Alannah all too well, or maybe it was the fact he was a butt plug right now being forced to a strangers ass. Whatever the reason it was, he found that any sexual desire he had was evaporated. He was reacting the same way anyone in this situation would have, he was freaking out.

Alannah didn’t waste much time looking in the mirror, her hand was already plowing forward toward her puckering brown hole. James watched as the walls around the lighter shaded area twitched. It was like it was breathing air. There was a deep inhale from Alannah, and James watched with shock and absolute horror as the closed portal flinched and soon relaxed open. The once tiny speck size center of her anus soon opened wide like it was yawning. It flexed for a moment, which is all that Alannah was waiting for. James was inches away, staring down the dark insides of this girl when she thrust her hand forward. Caught off guard James let out a yelp as he felt his entire body surge forward and past the flesh ring. In that split second, James was held just inside the dark abyss, past the line of no return. The warm air could be felt all around him as he hovered just by the stem of his new body. Than he felt a crushing pressure bite down on him as he screamed from the feeling of Alannah’s anus pushing into him. The feeling of the ring of flesh gripping down on the front of him. It was like his head got stuck in a hole in the wall. James struggled to pull back, but Alannah had other plans. James felt the firm warm flesh wall slowly pry over his face or head as he was pushed ever so slowly forward. It had to be painful for Alannah cause the noises she was making could be heard over the sounds of her butt ring being pried open by James’s body.

James felt the ring slowly creep over him, widening to accept more of his girth as it was swallowing him slowly. His body moved centimeter by centimeter as the teen shoved more and more of his body inside her. James felt the force that she was applying to his backside, the struggle that she was doing accepting his widening body. His plastic form being slurped up from Alannah’s backside was all that James heard as he was being pushed deeper and deeper. The sound of skin sliding over his form, making an air tight seal, sealing part of him away with ever millimeter he advanced.

The next thing that James heard was like a pop or slurp as he suddenly was jerked forward and was gulped all the way to the hilt. James felt the warm tight grip of Alannah’s anus snatching him up. Her anal ring squeezed around what he could only assume was his throat as it held him tightly and greedily.

It wasn’t till now, that after he was shoved inside, that he realized how nasty and disgusting this all was. He was in a horribly hot and moist chamber in utter darkness. The world inside Alannah was drastically different from outside. The darkness was the most unbearable thing for him. James couldn't see an inch in front of himself. Without his sight, he wasn’t able to see the movement around him. That made the next reaction from Alannah’s body all that more surprising. The feeling of Alannah flexing her ass into James, cause all the walls around him to pinch and smush into his already cramped space. The damp or slick colon walls touched James for a moment before pulling back, leaving a damp feeling film behind. The break neck squeezing around his throat eased off, now it was more of a strangling sensation.

James heard the rumbling sounds of Alannah speaking to herself, “Ooo, this feels… interesting.”

Unable to stop himself he shouted, “MAYBE FOR YOU!!” It didn’t help his situation but screaming his disapproval to the situation helped a little for his emotional state. However the sound of snapping of clothing told James that Alannah had just added another layer to to his prison. Sure enough once that skinny set of shorts came clamping back down, he felt a slight extra amount of pressure on him. From behind it felt like someone was trying to shove him in deeper. However his bulgy body kept him from sinking deeper, which wasn’t so much a blessing as a curse as it felt like the choking sensation tighten ever more slightly on him.

There was a sudden knock that startled both James and Alannah. The startling caused her to flinch and her anus complied again. A crushing pinch chocked James for a split second before Alannah relaxed after hearing Mimi on the other side.

“Hurry up, I want to get to Katie’s before it’s freaking dark out.”

“Yeah yeah!” Alannah barked back at Mimi. “I’m done anyway.”

James heard the door unlock and open before Alannah walked out of it. The first step told James that he was in for a very long day. The first step rubbed Alannah’s inner butt along the part of James’ body that was sticking out. The butt wall rubbed the top of his handle and in turned pushed him slightly forward. Once Alannah stepped forward and went for another step, her butt relaxed a degree, letting James slide out in brief moment. This only put him back at the starting point as Alannah’s booty pushed him a smidgen deeper into her ass, only to slide out.

“STOOOOP!” James shouted in protest as he felt Alannah’s ass effectively sucking on him. It was like he was a pacifier for her ass, as he was pulled and pushed with each step she walked. The yanking and sliding sensation didn’t help James’ situation as he constantly felt the jerking sensation as he was being to feel motion sickness. All that was going through Jame’s mind was, could this get any worse?

By the time Alannah made it to Katie’s house, James was in a living hell. He didn’t know how long they walked, but it seemed like Alannah had walked a little too much. The feeling of warm liquid touching James’ body on the outside, told him that Alannah was sweating. The beads of hot liquid sweat dripping and falling on him from inside her butt-crack, disgusted him. However the sweat wasn’t the worse part. No the absolute worse part of being shoved up Alannah’s ass, was that she enjoyed it. James figured this out somewhere midway through the walk to Katie’s house. Ever once in a while, he would feel Alannah purposely squeeze her ass together. Letting her insides tug and pull on James as he was stuck fast. What felt like someone trying to pop his head off, was now a torture session of someone trying to yank his head right off his shoulders. His neck was like a play thing for the teen as she occasional flexed and tugged her anal muscles around James’ plastic body.

James’ body was soaked, sore, and tired. He didn’t know how much more he could handle as Katie opened the door and let everyone inside what he assumed was her place. Her muffled words penetrated Alannah’s tight ass shorts and butt fat.

“I’m gonna order pizza,” She told everyone. No one disagreed, and James continued to feel Alannah walking around as she must have been pacing whatever room she was in. The anal walls continued to rub and push into James’ body with a gripping force. He was surprised they hadn’t rubbed off a layer of plastic from himself by now.

James felt so sticky and slippery that he didn’t know what covering him was what. He figured some, if not most had to be boot sweat, but he also felt a grimy layer of slick slime over the front part of himself. The part of him buried into Alannah’s ass felt greasy from whatever inner fluids that attached to him. However no matter how slick and wet he felt right now, he was still stuck fast. Unbudging under the squeezing pressure of the teen’s tight asshole.

Out of nowhere there was a loud chirping noise. James didn’t recognize it, but it sounded like a phone going off. Suddenly there was a grumble from Mimi, “It’s my fucking sister, give me a minute.” The mere mention of Morgan brought some hope to James’ plight. Mimi’s peeved voice could be heard between Alannah’s arse. “What,” She snapped. It was all one sided as James couldn't hear what was being said over the phone, just what Mimi was saying. “No… why? I just said no, God! Why would I? So? And…” there was a longer pause, “Again,” Mimi said with a lot of sass in her voice, “Why the hell would I go in you’re stupid room? You always do this, blame me when you lose something. I didn’t fucking go in your room, so you can go fuck off!”

The fleshy tomb that James was in vibrated slightly, “What was that about?”

“My bitch of a sister is blaming me for something, AGAIN, that I didn’t do. She thinks I took something from her.”

Alannah body slightly tensed up, pinning James between her puckering butt hole, “Like?” James felt hope building up in him. Maybe Alannah will return him if she knew Morgan was looking for him.

Mimi let out a scoff, “Like I fucking know, or fucking care.” The attitude that Mimi was putting off could be felt from where James was. Even while being shoved inside a teen’s ass. “Something about something missing, I don’t know. I swear she was drunk or on drugs, kept saying HIM, instead of it...”

James called out, “YES ME! I’M A HE!”

Alannah was silent for a second, “Got to use the bathroom.”

Mimi laughed, “Again? Didn’t you just go like ten minutes ago?”

Alannah laughed back at Mimi, “Are you keeping track? That’s creepy, you want to watch me take a shit to be sure this time?”

“Eww, no, just hurry up.”

The enclosing walls around James started to rub against him, as Alannah started to move again. Each step grinned more and more of her hot fleshy skin over him before the sound of a door closing was heard. It was now that James was expecting Alannah to pull him out for her to do the nasty. However nothing happened. She didn’t even remove her shorts. Than a sick though came to James’ mind… she wasn’t going to poop him out with her-

“Hey, you’re a person aren’t you?” The question penetrated James’ thoughts. Wanting to answer he found that Alannah couldn’t hear him as she went on. “NO WAY… so your one of those THINGS? No, freaking, way…” Alannah’s joy could be heard as she seemed way more excited at the new news. “Wait, wait, wait,” She blurted out as James could feel her body shift as she moved around in the bathroom. Finally he heard something, “Just got to connect….”

Connect to what?

“THERE!” Alannah squealed with delight as she did what she needed. It took just a couple of seconds as she continued to mess around with what James figured was her phone. “Can you hear me,” Alannah asked.

James rolled his nonexistent eyes, “Not like you can hear me…”

“Actually,” Alannah let out a giggle, “I can now,” Alannah spoke excitedly.

James had to keep from swearing, “Se-seriously? You can hear me?!”

“Yup,” Alannah chuckled. “I connected you with my phone. Wasn’t sure if I could override the other user, but looks like I can if they aren’t near.”

“That’s great! You can change me back,” James cried with joy.

There was a long pause that made James feel uncomfortable. Finally Alannah spoke, “Yeaaaaah, I could… but, I mean you’re kind of mine now..”

James’ joy died at those words, “No, I mean, this was a mistake. You can’t keep me like this,” James argued.

All he got was Alannah laughing lightly again, “You mean, I CAN. Looks like you don’t know where you are.”

“I know exactly where I am!” James shouted. “GET ME OUT OF YOUR ASS!”

Alannah’s only response was a delighted laugh, “Oh my god, you sound so funny! Telling me what to do? Oh, but I don’t think so. Let’s see… OH?! Look at this,” Alannah said sounding delighted. “Looks like someone didn’t turn your sense of smell on…”

James’ words died in his throat. “What? My smell?”

“And taste too?! Oooo, well we can’t have that now can we?”

James felt a dreaded feeling wash over him, “No… wait, let’s talk about this-”

“Annnnd on,” Alannah announced with a thrill that horrifed James.

James was protesting mid-sentence when all of a sudden his sense of smell came rolling back to him. The smell of Alannah’s asshole and colon slammed into him harder than a race car. The smell was all around him as the scent of Alannah’s rotten insides seeped into his nose. The smell burned and tore away at his sanity as he screamed out his disgust. The overwhelming scent of foul odors were seeping through his very being as he was held in place to smell it.

Alannah let out a harsh giggle, “You like that? Oh shit, I bet it’s just a living hell for you.”

James couldn’t response as he screamed and gurgled on the toxic fumes. What was worse was the horrendous nasty texture and taste that filled his mouth like he just stuck his tongue up someone’s ass. The flavor filled his mouth, as he was assaulted by the ass grime that was leaking and dripping around him. The gnarly sludge clung to his body as like the smell, it too tried to worm it’s way through himself.

No amount of struggling that James did even seemed to help as he was pinned in the dark hole of stink and goo. Now with his sense of smell and taste active, he truly learned the hard way why his girlfriend was appalled by his anal fetish. The small shred of his interest in Morgan’s booty left him the moment he was assaulted by the retched rancid experiences he was dealing with.

Alannah’s voice bite into James as she continued to torment him, “You have to be some kind of degenerate to want to be a butt plug. I wonder what kind of disgusting creep you are…”

James cried out his name to her, “YOU KNOW ME! It’s James!”

“… James…” Alannah was silent. Suddenly James felt the compressing walls push around him and vibrate as laughter echoed from outside. “Oh my God! Morgan’s boyfriend? I always knew you were a weirdo, but now it’s clear. You are a freak!”

Any shred of hope that Alannah would treat him better was dashed away as her high pitched giggled shook around him. The tremors only help solidify his fate as the walls around him rubbed harder into him with each burst of laughter. With not just his body being crushed, but his spirits too, James knew he was completely at the mercy of a teen that he really didn’t know all too well. Especially after what’s happened so far, she was nothing like what James thought she was.

“Ohh, man,” Alannah sobered up from her laughing. James felt Alannah’s anal ring wrapped around him give a tight pulsating squeeze, “anyway, I should probably give you a new name, James just wont do… how about, butt buddy?” The delight in Alannah’s voice was evident, “I like it… anyway, butt buddy, stay cozy in there, gonna be a long night.”

A sudden thunderclap of noise hit James as a mighty pressure threaten to shove James even deeper into the asshole. The butt slap that Alannah gave herself sent enough force and pressure to push James a little deeper up to his neck. As tightly gripping her butt was on James’ neck, the impact was much stronger.

“Ops, don’t go too deep. Wouldn’t want to lose you,” Alannah laughed her response to James’ nearly being slurped up. However James felt that Alannah couldn’t care less or maybe even would have enjoyed him being lost up her colon.

Hours had passed. No matter how long James was stuck in Alannah he swore it only got worse. The stagnant stench, the noisy colon, the constant squeezing, and the taste of dirty ass was all that James knew. The outside world was dead to him as he could barely even hear Alannah talking. He tried to reason with her, begged, and even offered her whatever she wanted. The only response he got was a tightening of her anus, chocking around his exposed throat, and causing a mental gag and gasp. It was clear she didn’t care what he had to offer.

As long and tiring as it was, oddly James’ body didn’t feel any fatigue or need for sleep. As a plastic butt toy, it seemed he was immune to that requirement. Lucky for him... However just because he didn’t feel sleepy, didn’t mean he wasn’t exhausted. The constant tight encasing of warm slick flesh on his rubbery body felt horrible, never mind the taste/smell. The constant feeling of warm toxic gasses building around him made it feel like he was stuck in a straw as someone was trying to blow him out like a spit ball. He was too lodged to actually move, but the butt pressure continued to stir around him.

James wish he knew what was going on outside of Alannah but with her sitting, or maybe she was laying down, James was silenced from the world. It wasn’t till Alannah started to move that James figured something was happening.

He caught only one word from Katie, “...bed.”

Figuring it was the girls calling it a night, James felt Alannah shifting around. Her body moving and letting some pressure off of his back allowing him to slide just a smidge out of the scorching booty hole that he was pushed into. Alannah went to lay down on her side, allowing even more pressure to ease off of James. This was the first time James felt some form of relief from the torment that he mentally sighed from his hellish torture.

However his relief was short lived when he felt a strong pressure building up in his face. A warmer and sweltering gust of air pushed into him. It was like someone turned on a fan to max and set it in his face. The walls around him relaxed a degree and a hot gushing stink pushed him back. James felt his face being shoved backwards as the burning blast of booty funk ripped over his body. The nasty ass gas rolled over his slime covered body and let it’s rotten sulfuric smell tickle his body and nose. James gagged and cursed as Alannah farted. It was just enough to push most of the tip of his body out of Alannah’s anus. Maybe he would fall out…

No such luck was on James’ side when there was some shift from his tormentor.

“Get back in there,” Alannah whispered. Her fingers found James’ body and pushed in from behind shoving his mouth and nose back into the still slightly ajar hole. The little hope of escape was dashed away as James’ body was shoved back in. The sound of Alannah letting out a sound shocked James. “oh… actually…” James felt Alannah’s fingers around his plug as she gave him a slow tug, popping him out. Than he was pushed back in. Slower this time, as Alannah rubbed James’ face around in a little circle before pushing him all the way in. “Out…” Alannah muttered pulling on James. “In…” James was once again gulped up to the hilt. It was clear Alannah was enjoying the act of removing and inserting James into her ass. “Why does this feel so good,” Alannah asked.

James grunted and growled out for her to stop, but was basically ignored. A popping sound was heard as James felt his face being extracted from the plugged butt, only for a slurping sound to replace it as James returned to the hole. Alannah was busy getting her anal fix out of James, her muffled sounds were soft and quite but resounding through her body. James could feel her anal walls and flesh pump more blood around in pace to her activity. A throbbing pulsating sensation was felt around him as he could tell she was picking up the pace. Spluttering and splattering noises filled his ears as he felt himself being stabbed in and out like the fuck toy he was. Things becoming a blur as Alannah vigorously pushed James around.

“ooo, here… it comes…” Alannah groaned as James felt Alannah trying to deepen her pushing. The hilt of his body being inserted deeper and deeper on each push. He could feel the skin wrapping and gulping more of him as Alannah used her fingers to insert him just a millimeter further than before. He could feel it, he was on the verge of being fully inserted inside the gaping asshole. It was pitch black still, but James swore he could see the insides of Alannah and the new groves marking her inner lining that were further inside. In the throes of her pleasure, Alannah bumped James with the tip of her fingers to inch him forward just enough to find that craving she wanted. Even in his disgusted and abused state, he could feel something was off. He no longer felt the touch of Alannah on his back, however he was still moving forward. Like being stuck on the event horizon of a black hole, there was no turning back for James.

Alannah’s body reacted to the insertion of the foreign object that was James. The anal ring that used to hold onto the hilt of James was now wrapping over the back side of it, pulling and tugging him deeper. James felt his face moving slowly forward as the walls around him squeezed and grappled around his shape, like they were swallowing him up. James let out a panicked scream for Alannah, but her noises were drowning out his pleads. Her body was reacting to the pleasure she was chasing and now James was soon lost in the depths of the deprived teenager.

“HEY HELP! I’M GETTING PULLED IN!!!” James tried to do what he could to stop his advance into the never ending colon of Alannah. However each passing second it was clear he was just a lost sex toy as Alannah didn’t even seem to notice or care about him.

“mmm, just what I needed,” Alannah muttered.

James let out another screech, “HELP ME!!!”

Alannah shifted around, but there seemed to be no attempt to extract him. “In the morning,” Alannah told James, before in a softer almost unheard tone, “If I remember...” Words flew out of James’ mouth in anger and disbelief at how the freaking girl was just ignoring him. Suddenly there was the sound of a beeping and Alannah let out a sigh, “There we go, silence.”

It seemed she shut off the communication between them. He was now in his own world, lost up inside Alannah’s butt. Her inner intestinal walls slowly working around him, pulling him as far as they could. The growing disgust increased with each fraction of an inch James made. The sounds of her body doing it’s job filled the long tunnel. James felt his wide body stretching out the clinging walls before being pushed and pulled along a path he didn’t want to traverse. How Alannah could stand having James creeping along her insides like this was beyond him. However she wasn’t going to rescue him, which meant he would have to wait here till she let him out.

James felt his mind slowly putting things together. How was she going to extract him if he was so deep inside her? There was no way her fingers could slide up her bum this far, right? That meant she would have to push him out. Kind of like…

James stop thinking about what else is pushed out from the backside of someone. It was bad enough enduring the empty confines of Alannah’s rectum. He couldn’t imagine being in here with-

The sound of something in the depths of the dark slowly creeping along killed all thoughts in James’ mind. There was something further ahead of him. It didn’t take a genius to know what it was, and just in case James might have been mistaken, the smell started to hit him of the filthy fudge.

James let out a scream for mercy as he tried to escape backwards away from the mysterious object. Knowing exactly what would be inside someone's anus, he didn't want to have any part of it. However he was stuck. Unable to move backwards, James was forced to hold his position as he could heard and almost felt the presence of the shadowed monster trudging slowly toward him. It was clear that Alannah hadn’t used the bathroom before bed, and now James would be forced to endure the cruel fate of being lost up her asshole with a pile of waste. Both waiting to be let loose when she woke up. He just prayed that she recalled him being up here when she used the bathroom. Otherwise, James was seriously gonna have a very shitty morning…

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